V Bosses

Fighting V Bosses is vital to your progression through the game. V Bosses will unlock items for your castle to allow you to build and craft better gear. V Bosses will also grant you Spell Points, which you can use to unlock spells in your spell book.

Finding V Blood Bosses

To find V Bosses, you can track them from your V Blood book.
Most of the bosses have a static location, setting up their homes in caves, churches, vineyards, and castles!
Some V Bosses like to walk around, they will stick to the main paths around an area. Go to the area and then use the blood tracking to fine tune their location.
If the V Boss has only just been killed then you will need to wait a few minutes for it to respawn. If you put them on track while they are in a cooldown state, then you will be able to see a ghostly image of them when you arrive at their location, this ghostly V will continue to path if the V is a pather, so be sure to follow it until the V respawns. You will be able to see a timer on the tracking text that tells you when the V will respawn.

V Blood Boss levels

You will want to be fighting V Bosses that are roughly the same level as your characters gear level.
The difference between your gear level and the V Boss level will effect the difficulty of combat.
Deadly: 10+ Levels higher
Challenging: 6+ Levels higher
Formidable: 3+ Levels higher
Matched: Close to your level
Weaker: 5+ Levels lower
You will deal less damage to foes of a higher level and they will deal higher damage to you in return.

Many of the bosses will unlock the ‘next tier’ of your weapons, Jewellery, or gear. When you kill these bosses, be sure to go back to base and spend time crafting your next level items, to make you strong enough for the next levels of V Bloods.

Tactics for the kill

V Boss fights are difficult! You will need to learn the mechanics and try to avoid being hit by the bosses abilities.
The bosses health and abilities will vary depending on the amount of players nearby. For most bosses, bringing a friend is a great idea, but bringing 3 or 4 friends might get you into a hot mess of bad on the floor and far too many adds to deal with! You will need to learn the balance that is best for your group.

When you get a V Boss down to half health, it will drop some health orbs so you can heal up!

Multiple players can suck the blood of a boss. If other players have helped with the kill, ensure everyone is ready to suck before you start! The dead V will stick around long enough for you to resurrect players that died during the fight.

V Boss Full Map

16a Alpha the White Wolf
20a Keely the Frost Archer
20b Errol the Stonebreaker
20c Rufus the Foreman
27a Grayson the Armourer
27b Goreswine the Ravager
30a Lidia the Chaos Archer
30b Clive the Firestarter
30c Nibbles the Putrid Rat
32a Finn the Fisherman
35a Polora the Feywalker
35b Kodia the Ferocious Bear
35c Nicholaus the Fallen
37a Quincey the Bandit King

40a Beatrice the Tailor
44a Vincent the Frostbringer
44b Christina the Sun Priestess
44c Tristan the Vampire Hunter
47a Kriig the Undead General
47b Leandra the Shadow Priestess
47c Maja the Dark Savant
50a Bane the Shadowblade
50b Grethel the Glassblower
50c Meredith the Bright Archer
53a Terah the Geomancer
53b Frostmaw the Mountain Terror
53c General Elena the Hollow
57a General Cassius the Betrayer
57b Jade the Vampire Hunter
57c Raziel the Shepherd
58a Octavian the Militia Captain

60a Ziva the Engineer
60b Domina the Blade Dancer
61a Angram the Purifier
63a Ungora the Spider Queen
63b Ben the Old Wanderer
63c Foulrot the Soultaker
64a Albert the Duke of Balaton
64b Willfred the Village Elder
65a Cyril the Cursed Smith

66a Sir Magnus the Overseer
70a Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier
70b Morian the Stormwing Matriarch
70c Mairwyn the Elementalist
74a Henry Blackbrew the Doctor
74b Matka the Curse Weaver
77a Terrorclaw the Ogre
77b Azariel the Sunbringer
77c Voltatia the Power Master
80a Simon Belmont the Vampire Hunter
83a Lord Styx the Night Champion
83b Gorecrusher the Behemoth
83c General Valencia the Depraved
86a Solarus the Immaculate
86b Talzur the Winged Horror
88a Adam the Firstborn
90a Dracula the Immortal King

Act One

Alpha the White Wolf

Level 16

  • Vampire Powers: Wolf Form

Pathing Location: Spawns in one of the Farbane Woods Wolf Dens and then patrols around the paths, mostly in the central south of Farbane Woods.
Note: There are 3 Wolf Dens in Farbane Woods, be sure to use the blood trail to help lead you towards the right one!

Keely the Frost Archer

Level 20

  • Awards a Tier 1 Frost Spell Point 
  • Structures: Tannery
  • Recipes: Leather
  • Recipes: Traveller’s Wrap (Cape with 12 Health and 15 Sun)
  • Recipes: Empty Waterskin

Static Location: Keely is in the Bandit Trapper Camp to the east of Farbane Woods.

Errol the Stonebreaker

Level 20

  • Awards a Tier 1 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: Material and Gem Storage (Large Chest, Small Material Storage, and Small Gem Storage)
  • Structures: Copper Torch and Brazier

Static Location: Errol is in the Bandit Copper Mine in Farbane Woods.

Rufus the Foreman

Level 20

  • Awards a Tier 1 Blood Spell Point
  • Structures: Woodworking Bench
  • Recipes: Simple Furniture
  • Recipes: Crossbow

Static Location: You will find Rufus in the Bandit Logging Camp near the middle of Farbane Woods.

Grayson the Armourer

Level 27

  • Awards a Tier 1 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Workshop Floors
  • Structures: Assortment of Storage Shelves (Small Herb Storage, Small Consumables Storage, Small Knowledge Storage, Small Tailoring Storage, and Small Alchemy Storage)
  • Structures: Target Dummies
  • Recipes: Whetstone

Static Location: You will find Grayson the Armourer in the Bandit Armory, just west of the middle of Farbane Woods.

Goreswine the Ravager

Level 27

  • Awards a Tier 1 Unholy Spell Point
  • Structures: Tomb
  • Structures: Graveyard decor
  • Recipes: Gravedigger Ring – Lvl 9
  • Recipes: Grave Dust
  • Recipes: Raise Skeletons & Ghouls

Pathing Location: Goreswine paths along most of the southern half of Farebane Woods. He tends to go between the 2 Graveyards.

Lidia the Chaos Archer

Level 30

  • Awards a Tier 1 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: The Devourer
  • Structures: Leatherworking Station
  • Recipes: Leather Bag (+7 Slots)
  • Recipes: Longbow

Pathing Location: Lidia walks all along the paths in most of Farbane Woods. You will definitely need your blood tracking to find her!

Clive the Firestarter

Level 30

  • Awards a Tier 1 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: Alchemy Table
  • Recipes: Minor Explosive Box

Static Location: Clive is in the Bandit Sulphur Quarry in the South West of Farbane Woods.

Nibbles the Putrid Rat

Level 30

  • Vampire Powers: Rat Form

Location: Nibbles the Putrid Rat is summoned on the Vermin Nest structure in your castle. Place 1 Unsullied Heart, and 4 Grave Dust on the Vermin Nest input and it will spawn the Putrid Rat for you.

Finn the Fisherman

Level 32

  • Awards a Tier 1 Frost Spell Point
  • Recipes: Fishing Pole

Static Location: Finn can be found walking around the Fishing Lake to the north east of Farbane Woods.

Polora the Feywalker

Level 35

  • Awards a Tier 1 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Garden Foundation (Grass/Stones/Tiles)
  • Structures: Garden Hedges
  • Structures: Large Growing Plots
  • Structures: Growing Plot Collection
  • Recipes: Minor garlic Resistance Brew

Static Location: Polora is in the Gleaming Meadows, to the West of Farbane Woods.

Kodia the Ferocious Bear

Level 35

  • Vampire Powers: Bear Form
  • Structures: Hunting Trophy
  • Structures: Fur Rugs

Static Location: You will find Kodia the Ferocious Bear in the Bear Cave in the middle east of Farbane Woods.

Nicholaus the Fallen

Level 35

  • Awards a Tier 3 Unholy Spell Point
  • Structures: Paper Press
  • Structures: Assortment of Simple Candle Stands
  • Structures: Frayed Rugs, Banners & Curtains

Static Location: You will find Nicholaus the Fallen in the Forgotten Cemetery in the middle of Farbane Woods.

Quincey the Bandit King

Level 37

  • Awards a Tier 3 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: Smithy
  • Structures: Tailoring Bench
  • Structures: Ebonite Stairs & Doors
  • Recipes: Iron Ingot
  • Recipes: Hollowfang Battlegear (Full set)

Static Location: You will find Quincey  in the bandit Stronghold in the north of Farbane Woods. If you have already killed Kodia the Ferocious Bear, then you will have unlocked Bear Form. Use the Q ability ‘Crush’ while in bear form to get through the gates. Otherwise you can use explosives crafted at the Alchemy Table.

Act Two

Beatrice the Tailor

Level 40

  • Structures: Loom
  • Structures: Assortment of Curtains
  • Recipes: Hunter’s Cloak (Cape with 18 Health, 15 Sun, 15 garlic, and 15 Silver)
  • Recipes: Cloth
  • Recipes: Cotton Yarn

Static Location: You will find Beatrice in Dawnbreak Village to the east of Dunley Farmlands.

Vincent the Frostbringer

Level 44

  • Awards a Tier 2 Frost Spell Point
  • Structures: Prison Cell
  • Structures: Prison Framework (Metal Gates)
  • Recipes: Reinforced Plank

Pathing Location: Vincent is often to be found in the Militia Encampment just north of the Iron Mine in Dunley Farmlands, sometimes he wanders the paths of Dunley, so if he isn’t home then you will need to track him.

Christina the Sun Priestess

Level 44

  • Awards a Tier 2 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Candles
  • Recipes: Wool Thread
  • Recipes: Silver Thread Bag (+10 Slots & +200 Silver Coin Carry)

Static Location:  Christina walks to and from the church on the hill of Mosswick Village to the west of Dunley Farmlands and the church in Dawnbreak Village to the east of Dunley Farmlands. If she isn’t in the churches then she will be pathing between them.

Tristan the Vampire Hunter

Level 44

  • Awards a Tier 3 Blood Spell Point
  • Vampire Powers: Blood hunger
  • Recipes: Greater Blood Essence
  • Recipes: Greatsword

Pathing Location: Tristan walks all along the paths in most of Farbane Woods. You will definitely need your blood tracking to find him!

Kriig the Undead General

Level 47

  • Awards a Tier 2 Unholy Spell Point
  • Structures: ‘Nocturne’ Door Bell
  • Recipes: Reaper
  • Recipes: Skeleton Priest

Static Location: Kriig spawns in the back of the Haunted Iron Mine in Dunley Farmlands, and then wanders around inside. 

Leandra the Shadow Priestess

Level 47

  • Awards a Tier 1 Unholy Spell Point
  • Structures: Artisan Table
  • Recipes: Scourgestone Pendant (Lvl 15)
  • Recipes: Scourgestone
  • Recipes: Dusk Caller

Static Location: You will find Leandra in the Church of the Damned, north east of Dunley Farmlands.

Maja the Dark Savant

Level 47

  • Awards a Tier 1 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Study
  • Structures: ‘Verdant’ Garden Fencing
  • Structures: Wall Hanging Shelves
  • Recipes: Scroll
  • Recipes: Midnight Ball Gown & Nobleman Suit/Pants

Static Location: Maja is in the Forbidden Tower, on the eastern side of Dunley Farmlands.

Bane the Shadowblade

Level 50

  • Awards a Tier 1 Unholy Spell Point
  • Vampire Powers: Human Form
  • Recipes: Slashers

Pathing Location: Bane paths all around the paths of Dunley Farmlands. You will need your tracker to find him.

Grethel the Glassblower

Level 50

  • Awards a Tier 1 Storm Spell Point 
  • Recipes: Wall Hanging Mirrors
  • Recipes: Glass
  • Recipes: Blood rose Potion

Static Location: Grethel can be found in the Quartz Quarry, in the north west of Dunley Farmlands.

Meredith the Bright Archer

Level 50

  • Awards a Tier 1 Storm Spell Point 
  • Recipes: Holy Resistance Potion

Pathing Location: Meredith can be found inside the Haunted Iron Mine in Dunley Farmlands. She wanders a small distance outside as well.

Terah the Geomancer

Level 53

  • Awards a Tier 3 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Gem Cutting Table
  • Recipes: Siege Golem Stone
  • Recipes: Regular Gems
  • Recipes: Obsidian

Static Location: Find Terah in Bedrock Pass, north west of Dunley Farmlands.

Frostmaw the Mountain Terror

Level 53

  • Awards a Tier 3 Frost Spell Point
  • Recipes: Thick Leather
  • Recipes: Mountain Peak Bag (+13 Slots & +300 Silver Coin Carry)

Pathing Location: Frostmaw walks along the paths in the Hallowed Mountains area.

General Elena the Hollow

Level 53

  • Awards a Tier 2 Frost Spell Point
  • Structures: Altar of Stygian Awakening
  • Structures: ‘Stately’ Carpets

Pathing Location: Elena can be found walking along the paths in the Ruins of Mortium area.

General Cassius the Betrayer

Level 57

  • Awards a Tier 2 Unholy Spell Point
  • Structures: Stygian Summoning Circle
  • Recipes: Vampiric Brew

Pathing Location: General Cassius can be found walking along the paths in the Ruins of Mortium area.

Jade the Vampire Hunter

Level 57

  • Awards a Tier 2 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: Advanced Blood Press
  • Recipes: Primal Blood Essence
  • Recipes: Pistols

Pathing Location: Jade walks along the paths in most of Dunley Farmlands, use the tracker to help find her!

Raziel the Shepherd

Level 57

  • Awards a Tier 2 Blood Spell Point
  • Structures: Jewelcrafting Table
  • Structures: Cordial Stairs & Doors (Wood Clad Stone Stairs)

Static Location: Raziel is in the church in the Dunley Monastery, west of Dunley Farmlands.
You will need a Holy Resistance Potion to enter, you can craft this after you have killed Meredith the Bright Archer.

Octavian the Militia Captain

Level 58

  • Awards a Tier 3 Storm Spell Point 
  • Structures: Ancestral Forge
  • Structures: Wide Castle Entrance
  • Structures: Equipment Storage (Weapon, Armor, and Jewel Storage)

Static Location: Find Octavian in the Bastion of Dunley, in the middle north of Dunley Farmlands.

Act Three

Ziva the Engineer

Level 60

  • Awards a Tier 1 Storm Spell Point 
  • Structures: Fabricator
  • Recipes: Sludge-filled Canister
  • Recipes: Radium Alloy

Static Location: Ziva awaits you at the Trancendum Machine Factory in Gloomrot South.

Domina the Blade Dancer

Level 60

  • Awards a Tier 2 Storm Spell Point 
  • Structures: Advanced Grinder
  • Structures: Castle Teleporter (Red, Yellow, and Blue)
  • Recipes: Whip

Static Location: Domina walks around Rustlock Village in Gloomrot South.

Angram the Purifier

Level 61

  • Awards a Tier 3 Chaos Spell Point 
  • Recipes: Dawnthorn Regalia (Full Set)
  • Recipes: Mutated Rat
  • Recipes: Major Explosive Box
  • Recipes: Irradiant gruel

Static Location: You will find Angram in the Pools of Rebirth area of Gloomrot South.

Ungora the Spider Queen

Level 63

  • Awards a Tier 3 Unholy Spell Point
  • Vampire Powers: Spider Form
  • Recipes: Silk
  • Recipes: Spiderling

Static Location: The Spider Queen is in the Spider Cave to the west of the Cursed Forest.

Ben the Old Wanderer

Level 63

  • Awards a Tier 1 Frost Spell Point
  • Recipes: Pristine Leather
  • Recipes: Shroud of the Forest (Cape that grants immunity to Curse of the Forest)

Pathing Location: Ben the Old Wanderer walks along the paths in the Cursed Forest. Use your blood tracker to find him.. move slowly as you go to avoid pulling too much trash on the way! He will run when you find him so you will need to be quick!

Foulrot the Soultaker

Level 63

  • Awards a Tier 2 Unholy Spell Point
  • Recipes: Spectral Dust
  • Recipes: Banshee

Static Location: Foulrot is located in the Ancient Village to the east of the Cursed Forest.

Albert the Duke of Balaton

Level 64

  • Vampire Powers: Toad Form
  • Recipes: Chess Table
  • Recipes: Coining (Crafting C/S/G Coins)

Static Location: The Duke is in the Swamp of Greed, in the very north of the Cursed Forest.

Willfred the Village Elder

Level 64

  • Awards a Tier 2 Blood Spell Point
  • Structures: Longcase Clocks
  • Recipes: Silver Resistance Potion
  • Recipes: Pristine Leather Bag (+15 Slots, +400 Silver Coin Carry, & +10% Resource Yield)

Static Location: Willfred is in Gracefall Village, in the north east of Dunley Farmlands. You will need to kill Willfred at night time, as during the day he is not himself!

Cyril the Cursed Smith

Level 65

  • Awards a Tier 3 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Anvil
  • Structures: Advanced Furnace
  • Recipes: Dark Silver Ingot

Static Location: You will find Cyril in the Cursed Village in the north east of the Cursed Forest.

Act Four

Sir Magnus the Overseer

Level 66

  • Awards a Tier 2 Frost Spell Point
  • Structures: Assortment of Wide Storage Shelves (Large Material Storage, Large Gem Storage, Large Herb Storage, Large Consumables Storage, Large Knowledge Storage, Large Tailoring Storage, Large Alchemy Storage, Small Blood Potion Storage, Large Blood Potion Storage, Coin Storage, and Fish Storage)
  • Recipes: Phantom’s Veil (Cape with 24 Health, 15 Sun, 15 Garlic, 15 Silver, 15 Fire, and 15 Holy)

Static Location: You will find Sir Magnus in the bottom part of the Silver mines in Silverlight Hills. To get into the Silver Mine, go up the path on the right side (shown in red on the pic) and then work your way down. To get out, stand up against the big gate and hold down your interact button until it opens.

Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier

Level 70

  • Awards a Tier 2 Blood Spell Point
  • Structures: ‘Rural’ Garden Fencing
  • Recipes: Barrel Disguise
  • Recipes: Blood Merlot
  • Recipes: Blood Merlot Amulet (Lvl 22)

Static Location: Find the Baron in the Brighthaven Vineyards in Silverlight Hills.

Morian the Stormwing Matriarch

Level 70

  • Awards a Tier 2 Chaos Spell Point
  • Recipes: Flawless gems

Static Location: Morian is in the Harpy nest in the south of Silverlight Hills.

Mairwyn the Elementalist

Level 70

  • Awards a Tier 2 Storm Spell Point 
  • Recipes: Holy Resistance Flask
  • Recipes: Greater Jewels (Allows you to craft Tier 3 Jewels)

Static Location: Mairwyn is in the Emberleaf Grove area in the south of Silverlight Hills.

Henry Blackbrew the Doctor

Level 74

  • Awards a Tier 3 Storm Spell Point 
  • Structures: Athenaeum
  • Structures: Luminescent Mushroom Terrarium
  • Recipes: Schematic

Static Location: Find Henry in the Trancendum Laboratories in Gloomrot North.

Matka the Curse Weaver

Level 74

  • Awards a Tier 2 Illusion Spell Point
  • Structures: Advanced Loom
  • Recipes: Ghost Yarn
  • Recipes: Mosquito

Static Location: You will find Matka in the Nest of the Curse Weaver in the north east of the Cursed Forest.

Terrorclaw the Ogre

Level 77

  • Awards a Tier 3 Frost Spell Point
  • Structures: Advanced Tannery

Static Location: Terrorclaw is inside the Frozen Cave in the south of the Hallowed Mountains area.

Azariel the Sunbringer

Level 77

  • Awards a Tier 2 Chaos Spell Point
  • Structures: ‘Ostentatious’ Carpets
  • Recipes: Gold Ingot

Static Location: Find Azariel in the Brighthaven Cathedral in Silverlight Hills.
You will need a Holy Resistance Flask to enter, which you can craft after you kill Mairwyn the Elementalist.

Voltatia the Power Master

Level 77

  • Awards a Tier 2 Storm Spell Point 
  • Recipes: Power Core
  • Recipes: EMP

Static Location: Voltatia is in the trancendum Power Plant in Gloomrot North.

Simon Belmont the Vampire Hunter

Level ?? (80)

  • Recipes: Sanguine Whip

Static Location: Find Simon walking along the paths in most of Dunley Farmlands, use the tracker to help find him! He can sometimes pop down into Farbane Woods.

Lord Styx the Night Champion

Level 83

  • Vampire Powers: Bat Form
  • Recipes: Onyx tear
  • Recipes: Blood Key

Pathing Location: Styx is found walking around the large crystal in the Dracula’s Demise area, in the middle of the map.

Gorecrusher the Behemoth

Level 83

  • Awards a Tier 2 Illusion Spell Point
  • Recipes: Bat Leather
  • Recipes: Bat Leather Bag (+18 Slots, +500 Silver Coin Carry, & +10% Resource Yield)

Static Location: His home is the Lair of the Behemoth cave on the south east of the Cursed Forest. He will often walk the paths of the Cursed Forest.

General Valencia the Depraved

Level 83

  • Awards a Tier 3 Blood Spell Point
  • Structures: Coat of Arms (Plaque and Banners)
  • Recipes: Shadow Weave
  • Recipes: Primal Jewels (Craft Tier 4 Jewels)

Static Location: General Valencia can be found in an arena in the North Fortress Ruins, in the Ruins of Mortium area.

Solarus the Immaculate

Level 86

  • Structures: Pedestal of Solarus
  • Soul Shard Necklace: Soul Shard of Solarus
  • Recipes: Dracula’s Boots

Static Location: Solarus is inside the Fortress of light in Silverlight Hills.
You will need a Holy Resistance Flask to enter, which you can craft after you kill Mairwyn the Elementalist.

Talzur the Winged Horror

Level 86

  • Structures: Pedestal of the Winged Horror
  • Soul Shard Necklace: Soul Shard of the Winged Horror
  • Recipes: Dracula’s Gloves

Static Location: Spawns on top of The Dreaded Peak, on the eastern edge of Farbane Woods.
You will need to use your Vampire Power ‘Bat Form’ to get there, which you got from killing Lord Styx the Night Champion.

Adam the Firstborn

Level 88

  • Structures: Pedestal of the Monster
  • Soul Shard Necklace: Soul Shard of the Monster
  • Recipes: Dracula’s Leggings

Static Location: Find Adam in Doctor Blackbrew’s Castle, Gloomrot North. You will need 2 EMPs to get in. Make the EMPs on the Fabricator using Power Cores and Iron. You can also use Bat form to fly over the first gate, but this will make it difficult to respawn when Adam murders you.
Go up the stairs just before the entrance to Adams room and pull the lever to release him.

Dracula the Immortal King

Level 90

  • Structures: Pedestal of Dracula
  • Soul Shard Necklace: Soul Shard of Dracula
  • Recipes: Dracula’s Chestguard

Static Location: Dracula resides in Dracula’s Castle, on the eastern edge of the Ruins of Mortium area.
You will need a Blood Key to enter the Castle, you will be able to craft this after killing Lord Styx the Night Champion.


Added for 1.0

Finn the Fisherman – Level 32
General Elena the Hollow – Level 53
General Cassius the Betrayer – Level 57
Simon Belmont the Vampire Hunter – Level 80
General Valencia the Depraved – Level 83
Dracula the Immortal King – Level 90

List of Vs added for Gloomrot expansion

Kriig the Undead General – Level 44
Bane the Shadowblade – Level 47
Grethel the Glassblower – Level 47
Maja the Dark Savant – Level 47
Domina the Blade Dancer – Level 60
Angram the Purifier – Level 60
Ziva the Engineer – Level 60
The Old Wanderer – Level 62
Cyril the Cursed Smith – Level 65
Sir Magnus the Overseer – Level 66
Baron du Bouchon the Sommelier – Level 70
Henry Blackbrew the Doctor – Level 74
Voltatia the Power Master – Level 77
Adam the Firstborn – Level 83

List of Vs in original game

Alpha Wolf – Level 16
Keely the Frost Archer – Level 20
Rufus the Foreman – Level 20
Errol the Stonebreaker – Level 20
Lidia the Chaos Archer – Level 26 (Changed to Level 30 for Gloomrot)
Grayson the Armourer – Level 27
Goreswine the Ravager – Level 27
Putrid Rat – Level 30
Clive the Firestarter – Level 30
Polora the Feywalker – Level 34 (Changed to Level 35 for Gloomrot)
Ferocious Bear – Level 36 (Changed to Level 35 for Gloomrot)
Nicholaus the Fallen – Level 37 (Changed to Level 35 for Gloomrot)
Quincey the Bandit King – Level 37
Beatrice the Tailor – Level 38 (Changed to Level 40 for Gloomrot)
Vincent the Frostbringer – Level 40 (Changed to Level 44 for Gloomrot)
Christina the Sun Priestess – Level 44
Leandra the Shadow Priestess – Level 46 (Changed to Level 47 for Gloomrot)
Tristan the Vampire Hunter – Level 46 (Changed to Level 44 for Gloomrot)
Terah the Geomancer – Level 48 (Changed to Level 50 for Gloomrot)
Meredith the Bright Archer – Level 52 (Changed to Level 50 for Gloomrot)
Frostmaw the Mountain Terror – Level 56 (Changed to Level 57 for Gloomrot)
Octavian the Militia Captain – Level 58 (Changed to Level 57 for Gloomrot)
Raziel the Shepherd – Level 60 (Changed to Level 57 for Gloomrot)
Ungora the Spider Queen – Level 60 (Changed to Level 62 for Gloomrot)
The Duke of Balaton – Level 62 (Changed to Level 64 for Gloomrot)
Jade the Vampire Hunter – Level 62 (Changed to Level 57 for Gloomrot)
Foulrot the Soultaker – Level 62 (Changed to Level 64 for Gloomrot)
Willfred the Werewolf Chief – Level 64
Mairwyn the Elementalist – Level 64 (Changed to Level 70 for Gloomrot)
Morian the Stormwing Matriarch – Level 68 (Changed to Level 70 for Gloomrot)
Azariel the Sunbringer – Level 68 (Changed to Level 74 for Gloomrot)
Terrorclaw the Ogre – Level 68 (Changed to Level 74 for Gloomrot)
Matka the Curse Weaver – Level 72 (Changed to Level 77 for Gloomrot)
Nightmarshal Styx the Sunderer – Level 76 (Changed to Level 79 for Gloomrot)
Gorecrusher the Behemoth – Level 78) (Changed to Level 83 for Gloomrot)
The Winged Horror – Level 78 (Changed to Level 83 for Gloomrot)
Solarus the Immaculate – Level 80 (Changed to Level 83 for Gloomrot)