Some hints and tips to help your blood sucking adventures.
Vampire GPS! Reset Magic Spell Points Charging Batteries Soul Shard Necklaces Eye of Mortium Rift Incursions Bags Dominating a Horse Wagons Doorbell Curse of the Forest Jewels Shattered Weapons Damaged Gear Building Stairs Deleting Stairs Relocate your Castle How to get into the Silver Mine Changing game settings after creation
Vampire GPS!
Right click any point on the map to create a waypoint. The map will now automatically draw you a path to take to get to that waypoint!
The path will attempt to avoid settlements or other castles.
If you take a wrong turning, then just give the map a second to recalculate a new route for you!
The route will show up on your main map and on your mini-map, so you can just get there without having to keep checking the map every few turns.
Charging Batteries
Depleted Batteries can be charged using lightning!
In Stormdrain Hills, Gloomrot North, you will find Lightning Harvesters. The harvesters charge Batteries in groups of 10, so you will need at least 10 batteries in your bags to work the Harvester.
Stand in front of the Harvester and interact to open its menu. Click the ‘Charged Battery’ button.
After you have charged the set of 10 batteries, remove the charged items from the Harvester. The Harvester will then become overloaded and you won’t be able to use it again for a short time (a few minutes).
Soul Shard Necklaces
Soul Shards used to be an item that was placed in your castle grounds. Interacting with the item would give you a buff.
In 1.0 this has been changed.
Soul Shards are now Necklaces that drop from the V Boss.
Soul Shard of Solarus – Rewarded from killing Solarus the Immaculate – Level 86
Soul Shard of the Winged Horror – Rewarded from killing Talzur the Winged Horror – Level 86
Soul Shard of the Monster – Rewarded from killing Adam the Firstborn – Level 88
Soul Shard of Dracula – Rewarded from killing Dracula the Immortal King – Level 90
To store the Soul Shard necklaces in your castle you will need to build a Soul Shard Pedestal to place it on. Each Soul Shard will need its own Pedestal. You cannot put Soul Shards in normal chests. Find the Pedestals in the storage section of the build menu.
You cannot use the Bat Form Vampire Power while holding a soul shard, even if it is just in your bags and you are not wearing it.
Eye of Mortium
The Eye of Mortium is a new item available with the 1.0 update.
You will be able to build it after you upgrade your castle heart to level 3, completing the quest ‘Reign Supreme’.
The Eye of Mortium will allow you to see the timer for Rift Incursions, these are a new type of World Event, suitable for players of mid to high level, depending on the Rifts difficulty level.
Rift Incursions
Rift Incursions are regular events the happen in the Ruin of Mortium area.
You can start participating in these at level 55-60.
The Rifts are invasion forces focused on a small settlement. There will be a few waves of monsters to defeat with a final boss in the middle at the end.
When you arrive at a Rift, follow the black wispy line to the area where the mini-event is. Kill all the baddies then go back to the middle of the Rift to follow the next black line and kill the baddies there too. Repeat until the boss shows up in the middle, then kill the boss!
Rift Incursions reward Stygian Shards. These will drop on the floor to be collected after each mini-event and after the end boss.
The Stygian Shards can be used to unlock passive buffs at the Altar of Stygian Awakening. Stygian Shards can also be used at vendors to buy sweet loots.
There are many types of bags available, some which will be looted from mobs out in the world.
The best bags are crafted, you will unlock these by killing various V Bosses.
Use a Leatherworking Station to craft your bags, this is unlocked when you kill the V ‘Lidia the Chaos Archer’ (Level 30).
7 Slots – Leather Bag
Unlock recipe by killing Lidia the Chaos Archer (Level 30)
10 Slots – Silver Thread Bag
Has +200 Silver Coin Carry Immunity
Unlock recipe by killing Christina the Sun Priestess (Level 44)
13 Slots – Mountain Peak Bag
Has +300 Silver Coin Carry Immunity & +26 Max Health
Unlock recipe by killing Frostmaw the Mountain Terror (Level 53)
15 Slots – Pristine Leather Bag
Has +400 Silver Coin Carry Immunity & +34 Max Health & +10% Resource Yield
Unlock recipe by killing Willfred the Village Elder (Level 64)
18 Slots – Bat Leather Bag
Has +500 Silver Coin Carry Immunity & +42 Max Health & +10% Resource Yield & +25 Sun Resistance Rating
Unlock recipe by killing Gorecrusher the Behemoth (Level 83)
Dominating a Horse
Follow the main questline of the game to reach the quest ‘A Castle reaching the Sky’. To complete this quest you will need to upgrade your Castle Heart to level 4. This will unlock the Form: Dominate Mount. You can use Dominate Mount to turn any horse into a Vampiric Steed. This horse will become yours alone, no one else can ride it!
Find the horse you want, then use your vampire Power: Dominate Mount. Use the R button to target the mount and capture it. The mount is now yours! Press CTRL again to exit the Dominate Mount power and continue play as normal.. that horsie is now yours forever!
- Your horse will no longer need feeding.
- You can summon your horse from anywhere on the map by entering the Form: Dominate Mount again and then hitting R to recall them.
- If your horse dies, you can still recall them from death using the same method!
- You can craft a saddle for your horse at the Leatherworking Station, this will increase your horse’s speed and acceleration.
- Max horsie stats (Before Saddle) 11 Speed ~ 7 Acceleration ~ 14 Turn
Curse of the Forest
To get rid of the debuff in Cursed Forest that hides the map in mist, you need to kill the V Boss called ‘Ben the Old Wanderer’ (Level 63). Ben walks around in the forest, you will need to rely on the blood trail to track him.
Move slowly through the forest to avoid pulling too many adds at once! If you run into Gorecrusher.. then it’s best to run away as best you can!
Once Ben is dead you will have the recipe unlocked for the ‘Shroud of the Forest’ cape. You can craft the cape from your character’s crafting screen, no need to hurry back to your castle! It costs 200 Pristine hide, 200 Plant Fibre and 20 Ghost Shroom, all of which can be quickly farmed while in the Cursed Forest area.
With the cape equipped, you will no longer have the Cursed Forest debuff. Make sure to take it with you whenever you want to farm in the Cursed Forest in the future!
Jewels will be looted from random mobs, or found inside chests as you level through the game. To equip them, open up your spell book, select the spell and then click to choose/equip a Jewel.
- If you don’t already have a Jewel equipped to a spell, then you can equip it by just right clicking the Jewel in your inventory.
- If you have a selection of Jewels in your bags then when you click each spell, the Jewels for that spell will show under the spell Jewel slot, so you can easily compare them.
- Kill the V ‘Raziel the Shepherd’ (Level 57) to unlock the Jewelcrafting Table, allowing you to craft Tier 2 Jewels.
- Kill the V ‘Mairwyn the Elementalist’ (Level 70) to unlock the recipe to craft Tier 3 Jewels.
- Kill the V ‘General Valencia the Depraved’ (Level 70) to unlock the recipe to craft Tier 4 Jewels.
Shattered Weapons
Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’. The recommended level for this is 58. You will then be able to create an Ancestral Forge. This can be used to restore shattered weapons that you loot around the world.
Restoring these weapons takes high end crafting mats. The weapons are different quality/levels depending on where you loot them from. They all have extra stats and bonuses compared to normal crafted weapons.
Damaged Gear
You will have a message on screen that will tell you when you gear is damaged.
Hover over your gear to see which item has been damaged and then get the materials needed to fix it into your bags.
You can then hover over the damaged item and press your middle mouse button (default) to repair your gear.
While hovering over the item you will be able to see the item menu at the bottom of your character sheet, here you will see the command for repair.
Building Stairs
Stairs can be placed anywhere within your territory, but you will want to make sure there is space for the first upper floor tile. When you have placed your stairs, walk up them until you are near the top and then you should be able to place the first floor tile of your next level easily.
Placing the second floor tiles when you have rooms below can be a bit more tricky as the roof seems to be in the way. Select your floor tile and hover over the area in front of the stairs. You will notice you cannot see the preview of the floor as it is hidden by the roof, however you can see that the magic emanating from your hand will turn blue instead or red when you have the tile in the right place.
Floor tiles you place on your upper floors will still count towards your heart floor tile limit.
On a private server the you can build stairs to go up to 6 floors high.
If you forgot to change this setting on your private server, you can add it in!
Select your server on the list and click ‘Go to Directory on the right side’, this will open up a folder on your PC with the save game info in it. Open up the file (with notepad) called ‘ServerGameSettings’. In here you will see all the adjustments you made to your server when you created it.
You will want to find the section where it describes what is unlocked for each level of your Castle Heart.
Add the modifier “HeightLimit”: 6 to each level.
If you find this difficult, or the heart levels are not already split out nicely and OMG the brackets! You may find it easier just to create a whole new private server with the settings you want, then go into that servers settings file and copy the whole thing and paste it into the file for the server you want to play on, replacing all the data for the new settings.
Deleting Stairs
The stair deletion system is a lot better than it was when it was first introduced, but you may still run into the odd staircase that just wont delete! Try this checklist..
- You cannot delete a staircase if that is the only way/route to get to the next floor. Either create another staircase to join the next floor to the one below, or delete all floor tiles that are on the next floor.
- The staircase can be fussy about touching walls and pillars. You may need to delete any joining walls or pillars until the staircase has nothing touching it!
- Don’t be stood on your stairs while you are trying to delete them.
Relocate your Castle
Moving your castle to a different plot of land has always been a brutal affair, with many trips required across the map to be able to move all your items.
The new item ‘Castle Relocation Heart’ has been created to make this much easier!
Unlock the ability to build Castle Relocation Heart by completing the quest ‘The first book in the library’.
To start the Relocation process, leave your current castle as it is, head over to a new plot of land with just 100 Blood Essence to build your Castle Relocation Heart.
Interact with the Relocation Heart and you will asked to link it to another heart that you own on the map. Select the castle heart that you want to transfer and the process will begin. You will be able to cancel the process at any time by interacting with the heart again and selecting to cancel.
Note: Once the Relocation Heart is down you wont be able to leave your new plot until you are finished building and have transferred your castle.
You will be given a quest to relocate! It will ask you to place Mandatory Structures and Some Travel Bags.
Open up the build menu and build each item until they are all greyed out, you don’t need to lay out your castle perfectly at this point, you can just chuck stuff down to get it over here!
In the castle foundation menu you will see the travel bags, place these to hold all your items during the move.
As you build, you will notice that the items are not ‘complete’. Only when you click to finish the relocation will your items be properly moved over.
When you have placed every item, go back to the Relocation Heart and finish the Relocating process.
All items that were not part of the Mandatory selection will be broken down into their materials and placed in the travel bags. Your old plot of land will now be completely clear of all items, ready for its next owner!
Hint: Bigger castles will have a lot of Mandatory items, this can make it more difficult to move! it may be best to demolish many of the structures in your original castle, so that the materials get moved over for you rather than the structures themselves. Some players may prefer to completely rebuild their entire castle in the new plot before hitting the button, its up to you!
Note: The Travel Bags will mostly have the materials used to create the walls, floors, windows, and doors that you did not rebuild, as well as seeds from the garden! The Travel Bags will disappear once you have emptied them.
How to get into the Silver Mine
Q: The entrance to the Silver Mine is blocked off by a gate, how do I get in?!
A: To get into the Silver Mine, go up the path on the right side (shown in red on the pic). This path is an entrance only, you need to drop down at the end and you will not be able to get back up.
When you are finished farming your silver, to get out of the Silver mine you need to walk all the way through the mine to the southern part where the gate is. Walk up to the gate and hold down F to open it.
Beware of Sir Magnus the Overseer, wait for him to path away from the gate if you are not ready to kill him yet!
Changing game settings after creation
Open V-Rising, go to the Load Game menu where you can see your list of servers.
Select your server on the list, to the right you will see the ‘Edit Settings’ button in the corner.
This is a new button that allows you to edit most settings within the server without having to faff about with notepad.
If you want to edit the file instead, then click ‘Go to Directory’ on the right side, this will open up a folder on your PC with the save game info in it.
Open up the file (with notepad) called ‘ServerGameSettings’. In here you will see all the adjustments you made to your server when you created it.
Have a play with the numbers to see the results in game!