
Little bits of Data and info.

Castle Heart Levels and Upgrades

All numbers for default settings.
Heart Level 1 – Servant Coffin = 4 — Floors = 50At level 1, max blood gives 2d 18h 40mUpgrade with 12 Coper ingot, and 12 Leather.
Heart Level 2 – Servant Coffin = 5 — Floors = 140At level 2, max blood gives 5d 13h 25mUpgrade with 24 Glass, 8 Reinforced Plank, and 1 Greater Blood Essence
Heart Level 3 – Servant Coffin = 6 — Floors = 240At level 3, max blood gives 8d 8h 5mUpgrade with 12 Radium Alloy, and 1 Primal Blood Essence
Heart Level 4 – Servant Coffin = 7 — Floors = 360At level 4, max blood gives 11d 2h 44mUpgrade with 12 Dark Silver Ingot, 4 Power Cores, and 1 Primal Blood Essence
Heart Level 5 – Servant Coffin = 8 — Floors = 550At level 5, max blood gives 13d 21h 23m 



Vermin Nest

The Vermin Nest can be built after you have completed the first few quests of the questline.
The Vermin Nest is used to summon 6 types of creatures, these will unlock as you progress further through the game.
Place the materials required on the Vermin Nest and then wait for the creature to spawn. Kill the creature to loot the materials specified. Then wait again for the next batch of creatures to spawn.

As a low level player, it is a great source of Rats, which you can use to create Vermin Salve to heal you until you progress to the Blood Rose heals.
In mid to late game, the Vermin Nest is primarily used to spawn Spiderlings, these drop Silk Worms which are used to create Silk for higher level gear.

When you place the required materials into the Vermin Nests Input, the Vermin Nest will create the Creatures until the output is full. The Nest will only ‘release’ the first batch of creatures onto the floor. The other crafted creatures will wait in the output until the current batch is killed and then they will be released.

The creatures that spawn will run around in a small area waiting to be killed. You may want to place your Vermin Nests in a small enclosed room/area so that you can AoE the creatures down quickly. Even if you leave the Nest in an open area, the creatures will only wander a small distance and they will not despawn until you kill them.

Summon Rat

Available from completing the quest ‘Shelter’.
Summoning Rats costs Bones and Plant Fibre. These materials can be found all over Farbane Woods and beyond.
The rats that spawn can be picked up live! You do not need to kill them.

Summon Giant Rat

Available from completing the quest ‘Shelter’.
Summoning Giant Rats costs Fish bones and Plant Fibre.
Loot table from Giant Rats includes:
Rugged Hide
Blood Essence
Mourning Lily seeds
Fire Blossom seeds
Hell’s Clarion spores
Blood Rose seeds
Snow Flower seeds
Tainted heart
Unsullied Heart (Rare)

Summon Nibbles

Available from completing the quest ‘Shelter’.
Summoning Nibbles costs 1 Unsullied Heart, and 4 Grave Dust.
Nibbles the Putrid Rat is a V Blood Boss!
Killing him will unlock the Vampire Power: Rat Form.
You will only need to kill Nibbles once, farming him does not give anything extra.

Summon Mutated Rat

Available after you kill Angram the Purifier (Level 61).
Summoning Mutated Rats (Rat Horrors) costs Grave Dust and Sludge Filled Canisters.
The Mutated Rats will spawn 6 at a time!
Their loot table includes:
Mutant Grease
Blood Essence

Summon Spiderling

Available after you kill Ungora the Spider Queen (Level 63).
Summoning Spiderlings costs Fish Bones and Mutant Grease.
The Spiderlings will spawn 6 at a time!
Their loot table includes:
Blood Essence
Thick Hide

Summon Mosquito

Available after you kill Matka the Curse Weaver (Level 74).
Summoning Mosquitos costs Fish Bones and Plague Brier.
The Mosquitos will spawn 3 at a time.
Their loot table includes:
Pristine Hide
Blood Essence


The Tomb can be built after you have killed the V called ‘Goreswine the Ravager’ (Level 27).
The Tomb is used to summon 4 types of creatures, these will unlock as you progress further through the game.
Place the materials required on the Tomb and then wait for the creature to spawn. Kill the creature to loot the materials specified. Then wait again for the next batch of creatures to spawn.

Bones are a heavily used material for all stages of the game. Using the Tomb to farm Skeletons is a great way to get loads of bones, even at lower levels. As you increase your level, you can try your luck with the other creatures, which will give you higher level materials as well as bones.

When you place the required materials into the Tombs  Input, the Tomb will create the Creatures until the output is full. The Tomb will only ‘release’ the first batch of creatures onto the floor. The other crafted creatures will wait in the output until the current batch is killed and then they will be released.

The creatures that spawn will run around in a small area waiting to be killed. You may want to place your Tombs in a small enclosed room/area so that you can AoE the creatures down quickly. Even if you leave the Tomb in an open area, the creatures will only wander a small distance and they will not despawn until you kill them.

Summon Skeleton

Available after you kill Goreswine the Ravager (Level 27).
Summoning Skeletons costs Blood Roses.
The Skeletons only drop Bones. 

Summon Ghoul

Available after you kill Goreswine the Ravager (Level 27).
Summoning Ghouls costs Mourning Lilies.
The Ghouls drop Bones and Grave Dust.

Summon Skeleton Priest

Available after you kill Kriig the Undead General (Level 47).
Summoning Skeleton Priests costs Sunflowers and Gem Dust.
The Skeleton Priests drop Bones and Scourgestone.

Summon Banshee

Available after you kill Foulrot the Soultaker (Level 63).
Summoning Banshees costs Plague Briers and Gem Dust.
The Banshees drop Grave Dust, Spectral Dust, and Scourgestone.

Stygian Summoning Circle

The Stygian Summoning Circle can be built after you have killed the V called ‘General Cassius the Betrayer’ (Level 57).
The Circle is used to summon 6 types of creatures, all the creatures are available as soon as you have the circle built, there is no need to unlock them by other means.
Place the materials required on the Circle and then wait for the creature to spawn. Kill the creature to loot the materials specified. Then wait again for the next batch of creatures to spawn.

The Circle uses Stygian Shards, which are very much a limited end game resource. It is up to you if you want to use your Shards in this way.

The Circle can only craft and release 1 creature at a time.

The creature that spawns will run around in a small area waiting to be killed. Even if you leave the Circle in an open area, the creatures will only wander a small distance and they will not despawn until you kill them.

Summon Blood Treant

Summoning the Blood Treant costs Plant Fibre and Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Treant that spawns will be a level 60 mob.

The Blood Treant drops these seeds: Bleeding Heart Seeds, Blood Rose Seeds, Cotton Seeds, Fire Blossom Seeds, Ghost Shroom Spores, Hell’s Clarion Spores, Mourning Lily Seeds, Plague Brier Seeds, Sacred Grape Seeds, Snow Flower Seeds, and Sunflower Seeds.
It does not drop Thistle Seeds, or Trippy Spores.

The Blood Treant drops these saplings: Apple Tree Sapling, Aspen Sapling, Autumn Aspen Sapling, Autumn Birch Sapling, Birch Sapling, Cherry Blossom Sapling, Cursed Sapling, Cypress Sapling, Gloomy Sapling, Oak Sapling, and White Cherry Blossom Sapling.
It does not drop Pine Sapling, or Weeping Willow Sapling.

Summon Blood Elemental

Summoning Blood Elemental costs Gem Dust and Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Elemental that spawns will be a level 60 mob.
The loot table includes; All 6 types of Regular Gems, Copper Ore, Quartz, Iron Ore, and Sulphur Ore.

Summon Blood Harpy

Summoning Blood Harpy costs Scrolls and Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Harpy that spawns will be a level 60 mob.
The loot table includes; Paper, Scrolls and any of the books for the Study. Each Blood Harpy will drop at least 2 books.

Summon Blood Corpse Pile

Summoning Blood Corpse Pile costs Bone and Greater Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Corpse Pile that spawns will be a level 80 mob.
The loot table includes; Bones, Grave Dust, Scourgestone, Spectral Dust, and Mutant Grease.

Summon Blood Golem

Summoning Blood Golem costs Gem Dust and Greater Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Golem that spawns will be a level 80 mob.
The loot table includes; All 6 types of Flawless Gems, Blood Crystals, Ghost Crystals, Iron Ore, Sulphur Ore, and Silver Ore.

Summon Blood Witch

Summoning Blood Witch costs Schematic and Greater Stygian Shards. 
The Blood Witch that spawns will be a level 80 mob.
The loot table includes; Scrolls, Schematics and any book for the Athenaeum. Each Blood Witch will drop at least 2 books.


Flower Seeds will randomly drop when you harvest flowers in the open world or in your own garden. The seeds will go straight into your bags while you harvest the flowers, you do not need to pick them up off the floor.
You may also find seeds in chests or loot them from enemies. The Herb and Potion Dealers in each zone also sell a variety of seeds.

You will need to plant your seed inside a Growing Plot, found in the Production menu. Flowers can be planted in all the different types of Growing Plots. Put the seed on your ability bar and use the ability, you can then select where to place the seed. The flowers will take a while to grow, they do not need watering, they also do not need to be outside.
Once fully grown, the flowers can be harvested (attack them with your weapon). The bare plant remains in the plot to grow more flowers.
If you want to remove the plant, go into build menu and hover over the plant, hold space to delete. You can only move/delete Growing Plots when all plants have been removed from it.

Bleeding Heart
Grown from Bleeding Heart Seeds.
You can farm Bleeding Heart flowers in the Ruins of Mortium area.
The seeds cannot be bought from Merchants.

Blood Rose
Grown from Blood Rose Seeds.
Farm Blood Roses in the Gleaming Meadows area of Farbane.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Farbane Woods.

Grown from Cotton Seeds.
You can farm cotton in the cotton farms in the centre of Dunley.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Dunley and Silverlight.

Fire Blossom
Grown from Fire Blossom Seeds.
You can find Fire Blossoms in the Sulphur Quarry of Farbane Woods.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Farbane and Dunley.

Ghost Shroom
Grown from Ghost Shroom Spores.
You will find Ghost Shrooms all around the Cursed Forest area.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Silverlight.

Hell’s Clarion
Grown from Hell’s Clarion Spores.
Hell’s Clarion can be found in the Copper Mine of Farbane Woods.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Farbane Woods.

Mourning Lily
Grown from Mourning Lily Seeds.
Find Mounring Lilies in the graveyards of South and Central Farbane.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Farbane and Dunley.

Plague Brier
Grown from Plague Brier Seeds.
You will find Plague Brier in Gloomrot.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Silverlight.

Sacred Grape
Grown from Sacred Grape Seeds.
Head to the Brighthaven Vineyards to farm Sacred Grapes.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Silverlight.

Snow Flower
Grown from Snow Flower Seeds.
You can farm Snow Flower in the Gleaming Meadows area of Farbane.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Farbane and Dunley.

Grown from Sunflower Seeds.
Sunflowers can be found growing in famrs in the middle of Dunley.
The seeds can be bought from the Merchants in Dunley and Silverlight.

Grown from Thistle Seeds.
These Seeds can only be created by using the ‘give’ admin command.
They are not found in the world and can’t be bought from any Merchant.

Trippy Shroom
Grown from Trippy Spores.
You will find Trippy Shrooms all around the Cursed Forest area.
The seeds cannot be bought from Merchants.


Tree Saplings will drop while you are chopping down trees. The sapling loot bag will need to be picked up off the floor, it does not get looted automatically. Tree Saplings cannot be bought from any of the Merchants. You also wont find Saplings in chests or loot them from bad guys.
Saplings need to planted in one of the Large Growing Plots, they do not fit in the small ones. Once planted, they will take a long time to grow to full size. They do not need watering, just time!
There are 13 types of Sapling available.

Apple Tree
Grown from Apple Tree Sapling
There is a good cluster of Apple Trees in the cotton farm that is east of the Militia Encampment, north of the Iron Mine in Dunley. Apple tress do not drop apples! They are just normal tress.

Grown from Aspen Sapling
Find these all over Dunley Farmlands.

Autumn Aspen
Grown from Autumn Aspen Sapling
These are in higher concentrations in Silverlight Hills.

Autumn Birch
Grown from Autumn Birch Sapling
These are in higher concentrations in Silverlight Hills.

Grown from Birch Sapling
Find these all over Dunley Farmlands.

Cherry Blossom
Grown from Cherry Blossom Sapling
These trees can be found in Dunley, mostly in the farm areas. The Saplings drop quite often.

Cursed Tree
Grown from Cursed Sapling
Find these all over the Cursed Forest area. I looted Cursed Saplings
from a small patch between the eastern waygate and the territory just above it.

Cypress Tree
Grown from Cypress Sapling
A great spot to farm these is the Dunley Monastery in Dunley Farmlands. There are Cypress trees outside the walls, so you don’t even need a holy resistance potion. You will also find Cypress trees around the racetrack to the west.

Gloomy Tree
Grown from Gloomy Sapling
Find these all over the Gloomrot North area. I looted Gloomy Saplings between the western waygate and the territory just below it.

Grown from Oak Sapling
Find these all over Dunley Farmlands and Silverlight Hills.

Grown from Pine Sapling
These can be found in Farbane and Gloomrot.

Weeping Willow
Grown from  Weeping Willow Sapling
You will be able to chop these down in Dracula’s Castle Garden. The Saplings drop quite often.

White Cherry Blossom
Grown from White Cherry Blossom Sapling
Find these in the Forbidden Tower, East of Dunley. The Saplings drop quite often.

Merchant Stock

As you make your way through the game you will loot various types of currency..

Copper can be spent in Farbane Woods.
Silver can be spent in Dunley Farmlands,.
Goldsun can be spent in Silverlight Hills, and Gloomrot.
Stygian Shard, and Greater Stygian Shard can be spent in Ruins of Mortium.

In Farbane Woods, Gloomrot, and Ruins of Mortium, the Merchants are a bit shady, so they will happily trade with vampires!
To Buy items in Dunley Farmlands, and Silverlight Hills, you will need to use your Vampire Powers to disguise yourself as a Human. You will get this power after killing Bane the Shadowblade, Level 50.

Ensure you have plenty of coin in your bags when you visit the Merchants! If you are carrying Silver or Goldsun then you will need to use the bags with Silver Resistance, for higher amounts of coin you may also want to pop a Silver Resistance vial.
Each Merchant will have a notice in the top left of the Merchant UI that tells you when New Goods are arriving. The default time for this is every 60 mins. The Merchants in the Ruins of Mortium always have the same stock.

Ancestral Weapons

Your main source of Shattered Weapons will likely be buying them from the Merchants in Ruins of Mortium. You can also loot them from any V Blood Boss that is level 80 or above, but this is super rare!

To buy the Weapons from the Merchants, you will need lots of Stygian Shards. You can farm Stygian Shards in the Ruins of Mortium area. The shards can be looted from the general population mobs, as well as found in chests or from breaking items.
The main farm will be during Rift Incursion events. These will drop many of the Shards, with the level 82 events dropping the Greater Stygian Shards.