
Helping you on your first steps towards your dream castle!

Every castle Builder has their own idea of a dream castle. The V-Rising castle building system allows players great freedom of choice, each castle will be as unique as its owner!
However, for newer players looking to get refining and crafting as efficiently as possible, it can be hard to know how to lay out your castle. This guide will tell you what structures to put in each crafting room, and where to get each item!



Workshop Flooring – Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’

Sawmill Complete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
GrinderComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
Advanced Grinder – Kill the V called ‘Domina the Blade Dancer’
Woodworking Bench – Kill the V called ‘Rufus the Foreman’

Wood – All Wood Products
Stone – All Stone Products 
Clay Bone – Clay, Bones, and Gravedust
Whet Scurge Alloy – Whetstone, Scourgestone, and Radium Alloy
Ghost Spectral – Ghost Crystal, and Spectral Dust

You will also want a chest for Stone Dust and Sawdust. These can go in a corner out of the way.



Forge Flooring – Unlocked at the Research Desk

FurnaceComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
Advanced FurnaceKill the V called ‘Cyril the Cursed Smith’
Simple Workbench Complete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
SmithyKill the V called ‘Quincey the Bandit King’
AnvilKill the V called ‘Cyril the Cursed Smith’
Ancestral ForgeKill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
FabricatorKill the V called ‘Ziva the Engineer’

Copper Sulphur Obsid – Copper Ore, Copper Ingots, Sulphur Ore, Sulphur, and Obsidian.
Iron Quartz Glass – Iron Ore, Iron Ingots, Quartz, and Glass
Silver Gold Onyx – Silver Ore, Dark Silver Ingot, Gold Jewelry, Gold Ingot, and Onyx Tear.
Tech Battery Sludge – Tech Scrap, Sludge-filled Canister, Power Core, Emp, Battery, and Charged Battery.

Towards end game you will want to add a chest to put Shattered Weapons in while you farm the mats to repair them.


Tailor’s Flooring – Unlocked at the Study

Loom – Kill the V called ‘Beatrice the Tailor’
Advanced LoomKill the V called ‘Matka the Curse Weaver’
Tailoring BenchKill the V called ‘Quincey the Bandit King’
TanneryKill the V called ‘Keely the Frost Archer’
Advanced TanneryKill the V called ‘Terrorclaw the Ogre’
Leatherworking StationKill the V called ‘Lidia the Chaos Archer’

Leather Oil Grease – All types of leather and hide, Oil, and Mutant Grease.
Plant Fibre – Just one big box of Plant Fibre!
Cloth Cotton Thread – All types of cloth, all cotton products and all types of thread.

Jewel Chamber

Jewel Chamber Flooring – Complete the quest ‘An Eye into Mortium’

Artisan table – Kill the V called ‘Leandra the Shadow Priestess’
Jewelcrafting TableKill the V called ‘Raziel the Shepherd’
Gem Cutting TableKill the V called ‘Terah the Geomancer’

Gems – All types of Gems, and Gem Dust
Jewels – All types of Jewels.


Library Flooring – Unlocked at the Study

Paper Press – Kill the V called ‘Nicholaus the Fallen’
Research DeskComplete the quest ‘Thirst for Power’ – Kill 3 more V Bloods
Study – Kill the V called ‘Maja the Dark Savant’
Athenaeum – Kill the V called ‘Henry Blackbrew the Doctor’

Paper and Books

Alchemy Lab

Alchemy Lab Flooring – Unlocked at the Research Desk

Alchemy Table – Kill the V called ‘Clive the Firestarter’
Blood PressComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
Advanced Blood PressKill the V called ‘Jade the Vampire Hunter’
Vermin NestComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures

Flowers Pollen – A few of your most used flowers for making potions, as well as a stack or two of pollen.
Fish Rats – Rats, and a few fish to make potions with.
Blood Hearts – All the blood and hearts one desires!
Potions Containers – A spot to put your Waterskins and Bottles, as well as your finished Potions.


Crypt Flooring – Complete the quest ‘Throne of Command’

Castle ThroneComplete the quest ‘Army of Darkness’
Servant Coffins – Complete the quest ‘Lord of the Manor’

Gear for Fresh Servants
Some dump chests for servant inventory cleaning.


Prison FlooringComplete the quest ‘Blood on Tap’ – Build a Prison Cell and bleed a Prisoner

Prison Cells – Kill the V called ‘Vincent the Frostbringer’

You may want to add a chest for extra fish and to store blood vials.


These structures do not need to be on a specific floor. You can place them wherever it pleases you.

Throne of DarknessComplete the quest ‘Lord of the Night’
Music Box
Complete the quest ‘Broaden Horizons’
Castle Heart
Complete the quest ‘Gathering’
Eye of Mortium
Complete the quest ‘Reign Supreme’
Castle Relocation Heart
Complete the quest ‘The first book in the library’
Eye of Twilight
Complete the quest ‘Vampire Empire’
Stygian Summoning Circle
Kill the V called ‘General Cassius the Betrayer’
Altar of Stygian Awakening
Kill the V called ‘General Elena the Hollow’
Altar of Recollection – Complete the quest ‘Shelter’

Target Dummies
Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
The Devourer
Kill the V called ‘Lidia the Chaos Archer’

You can add chests for…
Stygian Shards and Blood Crystals
Seeds and Saplings
Armor, Weapons, Silly Hats.

I like to place a ‘For Your Travels‘ chest next to the portal, for restocking vials and potions quickly. Its also great for storing the Shroud of the Forest cape, Blood Keys, and a supply of Dusk Callers.


Outside spaces can be used to plant flowers and create beautiful gardens.
Remember to save a corner for your tombs!
Be sure to build yourself storage for all the seeds and saplings!

Other Spaces

You have the freedom to create whatever rooms you desire!

These may include…

Throne rooms
Dining Rooms
Living Rooms
Entrance Halls
And many more!

Plant Storage

Once you have a large garden, you may want to build an entire room just for storing all those flowers!
There are 11 types of flowers in game, or 12 if you include the Thistle, which is only available using dev tools.

Seeds Saplings

Bleeding Heart
Blood Rose
Fire Blossom
Ghost Shroom
Hells Clarion
Mourning Lily
Plague Brier
Sacred grape
Snow Flower
Trippy Shroom

Storage Containers

There are 12 different kinds of specific Storage Containers.
Each one will auto-deposit set items from your bags.
This is new for the 1.0 release, and most players agree that we would like to be able to fine tune exactly what goes into each container.
For now, here is what each container will auto deposit.. 

Armor Storage

All types of armor
Silly hats

Blood Potion Storage

All Blood Potion Vials

Jewel Storage

All tiers/types of jewels

Fish Storage

All types of Fish

Gem Storage

All tiers/types of Gems
Gem Dust

Coin Storage

Copper Coin
Goldsun Coin
Silver Coin

Knowledge Storage

All Books

Weapon Storage

All types of Weapons
Shattered Weapons

Herb Storage

All tree Saplings
All types of flowers
All types of seeds
Plant Fibre

Consumables Storage

All Brews, Potions, Vials, and Flasks

Empty Glass Bottle
Empty Waterskin
Tainted Heart
Trippy Shroom
Unsullied Heart
Vermin Salve

Alchemy Storage

Blood Essence
Charged Battery
Depleted Battery
Fish Bone
Grave Dust
Greater Blood Essence
Greater Stygian Shard
Mutant Grease
Onyx Tear
Power Core
Primal Blood Essence
Sludge-filled Canister
Stygian Shard

Material Storage

Blood Crystal
Copper Ingot
Copper Ore
Cursed Wood
Dark Silver Ingot
Ghost Crystal
Gloom Wood
Gold Ingot
Gold Jewelry
Iron Ingot
Iron Ore
Radium Alloy
Reinforced Plank
Silver Ore
Spectral Dust
Stone Brick
Stone Dust
Sulphur Ore
Tech Scrap

Tailoring Storage

Bat Hide
Bat Leather
Carpet Roll
Coarse Thread
Cotton Yarn
Ghost Yarn
Pristine Hide
Pristine Leather
Rugged Hide
Thick Hide
Thick Leather
Wool Thread

No Storage yet!

These items currently do not auto-deposit into any of the storage chests (except the generic one)

Painting Frame
Sculptured Wood
Stone Body

Where to unlock all the Structures and Floors

RoomItemLevelUnlocked by…
AlchemyAdvanced Blood Press57Kill the V called ‘Jade the Vampire Hunter’
ForgeAdvanced Furnace65Kill the V called ‘Cyril the Cursed Smith’
WorkshopAdvanced Grinder60Kill the V called ‘Domina the Blade Dancer’
TailorAdvanced Loom74Kill the V called ‘Matka the Curse Weaver’
TailorAdvanced Tannery77Kill the V called ‘Terrorclaw the Ogre’
AlchemyAlchemy Lab FlooringLow LevelUnlocked at the Research Desk
AlchemyAlchemy Table30Kill the V called ‘Clive the Firestarter’
MiscAltar of RecollectionLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
MiscAltar of Stygian Awakening53Kill the V called ‘General Elena the Hollow’
ForgeAncestral Forge58Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
ForgeAnvil65Kill the V called ‘Cyril the Cursed Smith’
StorageArmor Storage58Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
JewelersArtisan table47Kill the V called ‘Leandra the Shadow Priestess’
LibraryAthenaeum74Kill the V called ‘Henry Blackbrew the Doctor’
AlchemyBlood PressLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
MiscCastle HeartLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Gathering’ – Collect Wood, Stone & Blood.
MiscCastle Relocation HeartLow LevelComplete the quest ‘The first book in the library’ – Build a Research desk. 
TeleportsCastle Teleporters60Kill the V called ‘Domina the Blade Dancer’
CryptCastle ThroneMid LevelComplete the quest ‘Army of Darkness’ – Dominate a human
GeneralCastle Walls (Stone)Low LevelComplete the quest ‘Expanding my Domain’ – Upgrade your heart to level 2
TeleportsCastle WaygateLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Building a Castle’ – Complete a Castle room to generate a roof.
StorageCoin Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
CryptCrypt FloorsMid LevelComplete the quest ‘Throne of Command’ – Command your servants
MIscEye of MortiumMid LevelComplete the quest ‘Reign Supreme’ – Upgrade heart to level 3
MIscEye of TwilightHigh LevelComplete the quest ‘Vampire Empire’ – Upgrade heart to level 5
ForgeFabricator60Kill the V called ‘Ziva the Engineer’
StorageFish Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
ForgeForge FloorsLow LevelUnlocked at the Research Desk
ForgeFurnaceLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
OutsideGarden Foundation35Kill the V called ‘Polora the Feywalker’
OutsideGarden Hedges35Kill the V called ‘Polora the Feywalker’
JewelersGem Cutting Table53Kill the V called ‘Terah the Geomancer’
StorageGeneral Storage (Small)Low LevelComplete the quest ‘Fortify’ – Place floors and walls
WorkshopGrinderLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
OutsideGrowing Plots (Basic)Low LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
OutsideGrowing Plots (Stone)35Kill the V called ‘Polora the Feywalker’
StorageJewel Storage58Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
JewelersJewelcrafting Table57Kill the V called ‘Raziel the Shepherd’
JewelersJeweller’s Chamber FlooringHigh LevelComplete the quest ‘An Eye into Mortium’ – Build the Eye of Mortium
StorageLarge Alchemy Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Blood Potion Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Chest20Kill the V called ‘Errol the Stonebreaker’
StorageLarge Consumables Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Gem Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Herb Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Knowledge Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Material Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageLarge Tailoring Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
TailorLeatherworking Station30Kill the V called ‘Lidia the Chaos Archer’
LibraryLibrary FloorsMid LevelUnlocked at the Study
TailorLoom40Kill the V called ‘Beatrice the Tailor’
BedroomMirrorsLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Blood Hunt’ – Track and Kill a V Blood
GeneralMist BrazierLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Fortify’ – Place floors and walls
MIscMusic BoxLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Broaden Horizons’ – Unlock Iron Smelting
OutsideNocturne Door Bell47Kill the V called ‘Kriig the Undead General’
LibraryPaper Press35Kill the V called ‘Nicholaus the Fallen’
PrisonPrison Cells44Kill the V called ‘Vincent the Frostbringer’
PrisonPrison FloorHigh LevelComplete the quest ‘Blood on Tap’ – Build a Prison Cell and bleed a Prisoner
LibraryResearch DeskLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Thirst for Power’ – Kill 3 more V Bloods
WorkshopSawmillLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
CryptServant CoffinsLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Lord of the Manor’ – Bind to a stone coffin
ForgeSimple WorkbenchLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
StorageSmall Alchemy Storage27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
StorageSmall Blood Potion Storage66Kill the V called ‘Sir Magnus the Overseer’
StorageSmall ChestLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Fortify’ – Place floors and walls
StorageSmall Consumables Storage27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
StorageSmall Gem Storage20Kill the V called ‘Errol the Stonebreaker’
StorageSmall Herb Storage27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
StorageSmall Knowledge Storage27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
StorageSmall Material Storage20Kill the V called ‘Errol the Stonebreaker’
StorageSmall Tailoring Storage27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
ForgeSmithy37Kill the V called ‘Quincey the Bandit King’
BedroomStone CoffinLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Waygate’ – Construct a Waygate
StorageStorage CabinetsHigh LevelUnlocked at the Athenaeum
StorageStorage LockersMid LevelUnlocked at the Study
LibraryStudy47Kill the V called ‘Maja the Dark Savant’
MiscStygian Summoning Circle57Kill the V called ‘General Cassius the Betrayer’
TailorTailor FloorsMid LevelUnlocked at the Study
TailorTailoring Bench37Kill the V called ‘Quincey the Bandit King’
TailorTannery20Kill the V called ‘Keely the Frost Archer’
MiscTarget Dummies27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’
MiscThe Devourer30Kill the V called ‘Lidia the Chaos Archer’
MiscThrone of DarknessHigh LevelComplete the quest ‘Lord of the Night’ – Drink the blood of Dracula
OutsideTomb27Kill the V called ‘Goreswine the Ravager’
StorageVampire LockboxLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Fortify’ – Place floors and walls
AlchemyVermin NestLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Shelter’ – Build your first basic structures
GardenWater WellLow LevelUnlocked at the Research Desk
StorageWeapon Storage58Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
DoorsWide Castle Entrance58Kill the V called ‘Octavian the Militia Captain’
BedroomWooden CoffinLow LevelComplete the quest ‘Fortify’ – Place floors and walls
WorkshopWoodworking Bench20Kill the V called ‘Rufus the Foreman’
WorkshopWorkshop Floors27Kill the V called ‘Grayson the Armourer’



Blood Altar

Due to changes in the way V bosses are tracked, the Blood Altar was removed from V-Rising for the Gloomrot expansion.

Players are now able to track V blood using the main UI and do not need to come back to their castle anymore!

Due to player requests, the Blood Altar structure was reused as the Altar of Recollection for the 1.0 release,