This page includes a list of Cadrifts most popular guides followed by a full site map.
New and Returning Players
For new players, the character creation guide has a lot of helpful information, this then leads into the Levelling guide that will tell you where to find your quest depending on your level and some other ways to help gain XP and gear your character as you head to level 70.
You will find ‘mini’ guides for most of the in game features and UI in the New Player Guides section, including; Guilds, Chat commands, Planar Charges, Shard Switching, Summons and Bags/Banking.
Rift Gear Guides
For guides regarding your gear, weapons and equipment in Rift you will want to check out the Level 70 gear guide.
The Level 70 Eternal Weapon Questline guide will run you through where to get and upgrade your eternal weapon.
Rift Spec Guides
For raiding you will definitely want to check out the Raid Spec Guides, these show you player crafted specs for PVE end game.
If you are after a speed spec, then have a look at the Speed Spec Guides, specially created to give you a rush!
You can also find solo specs linked from the Levelling guide page.
Rift Event Guides
You will find guides for all 4 of Rifts main seasonal events.
There are also guides for each of the Call To Action events and for Shiny Shenanigans!
Rift Chronicle Guides
You can find complete guides to all the Chronicles here.
Rift Dungeon Guides
Use the complete list of Dungeon Cheevo Guides to help you and your group complete all the cheevos found in dungeons!
You will also find a complete list of Rift Dungeon Entrances.
Rift Raid Guides
For Rift Raids you’ll find a guide for all the Raid Entrances as well as the aforementioned Raid Spec Guides. You can find links to Full raid guides here.
Rift Quest Guides
There is now a guide to every zone quest in Rift!
Mathosian zones, Storm Legion zones, Nightmare Tide zones, and PoA zones!
For max level questing in Rift we have the Level 70 Eternal Weapon Questline and the Vostigar Peaks Questline for getting your Utilla Resistance Reputation.
You can find a guide for every Saga Questline in the game, as well as a few Side Questlines.
Rift Puzzle Guides
We have puzzle guides for every puzzle in Rift.
There is a complete Toks Dungeon Guide, one of the most involved sets of puzzles in Rift, taking place in an entire dungeon of puzzles. For those looking for more challenges, another long puzzle-chain is the Callweddi puzzle. If you are looking for Jumping Puzzles then the Vostigar Peaks Puzzle is your cup of tea!
You will also find a full guide to the Mathosian Contraptions, a great way to earn platinum and planarite!
A full list of every page on Cadrift
- Search
- Puzzles
- Rares
- Cheevos
- Zones
- Planes
- Chronicles
- Dungeons
- Raids
- Events
- Quests
- Play
- Lists
- Resources
- V Rising
- Taris Land
- Endless Eclipse
- Planebreaker Bastion
- The Bastion of Steel