Seratos Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Storm Legion > Seratos

No Escape

The Map

75. Bone Gnawer – /setwaypoint 9611 4034
76. Twiggle the Arcane Trickster – /setwaypoint 8904 4636
77. Gaze of Regulos – /setwaypoint 9089 4428
78. Drifting Ascended – /setwaypoint 10460 4045
79. Velosaurus – /setwaypoint 9875 4260
81. Kolinkor da Crusha – /setwaypoint 10168 4646
82. Ol’ Scartusk – /setwaypoint 12097 3296
83. Festering Boil – /setwaypoint 11280 6152

Find more Waypoints and information below

The Macro

The Macro for Pelladane and Seratos is shared.

target Captain Kalkuli
target Doctor Freneza
target Baron Teruran
target Diocletian
target Fulmo
target Unuarangecon
target Colonel Lojaleco
target Rugxa
target Bone Gnawer
target Twiggle the Arcane Trickster
target Gaze of Regulos
target Drifting Ascended
target Velosaurus
target Kolinkor da Crusha
target Ol’ Scartusk
target Festering Boil

You will likely need to delete and retype the Apostrophe in Ol’ Scartusk once you have copied it to the macro UI.

Pictures and Waypoints

75. Bone Gnawer

/setwaypoint 9685 4572
/setwaypoint 9611 4034
/setwaypoint 9566 4530
/setwaypoint 9590 3609

76. Twiggle the Arcane Trickster

/setwaypoint 8904 4636

77. Gaze of Regulos

/setwaypoint 9089 4428
/setwaypoint 9065 4368

78. Drifting Ascended

/setwaypoint 10460 4045
/setwaypoint 10427 3642 (Thank you Geladia)
He circles a wide area around the waypoint.

79. Velosaurus

/setwaypoint 9859 4328
/setwaypoint 9860 4226
/setwaypoint 9862 4183

81. Kolinkor da Crusha

/setwaypoint 10168 4646

Note: Rare #80 Kragog the Soothsayer is in Morban

82. Ol' Scartusk

/setwaypoint 12097 3296
On a ledge on the very edge of the map.

83. Festering Boil

/setwaypoint 11451 5571
/setwaypoint 11280 6152 (and in the lake right next to it at /setwaypoint 11279 6190)
/setwaypoint 11319 6316
/setwaypoint 11540 6105