Ashora Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Storm Legion > Ashora

Ashoradly Dead

The Map

45. Crimsontalon – /setwaypoint 3157 7321
46. Gloomspur – /setwaypoint 2399 8456
47. Harrel Rimesong – /setwaypoint 3030 7685
48. Lupo – /setwaypoint 3739 6568
49. Master Assassin Lokarg – /setwaypoint 2656 6549
50. Overseer Hk’Kttk – /setwaypoint 2722 7200
51. Qarn – /setwaypoint 2683 6025

52. Ranger Fahrand – /setwaypoint 2215 7229
53. Reddik – /setwaypoint 4253 6733
54. Sandblight – /setwaypoint 2122 8139
55. Terminator Sentinel – /setwaypoint 4468 6560
56. Terrorsting – /setwaypoint 1933 6456
57. Yull – /setwaypoint 2034 5959

Find more Waypoints and information below

The Macro

Kingsward and Ashora share the same macro.

target Ruffadillo
target Mari Lodden
target Ironsnout
target Jardlae
target Prophet Leo Jharvais
target Treebreaker
target Venomlash
target Killeth
target Crimsontalon
target Gloomspur
target Harrel Rimesong
target Lupo
target Master Assassin Lokarg
target Overseer Hk’Kttk
target Qarn
target Ranger Fahrand
target Reddik
target Sandblight
target Terminator Sentinel
target Terrorsting
target Yull

When you copy and paste this macro you will need to delete the apostrophe in Overseer Hk’Kttk and then re-write it in.

Pictures and Waypoints

45. Crimsontalon

/setwaypoint 3157 7321
/setwaypoint 2898 7358

46. Gloomspur

/setwaypoint 2399 8456

47. Harrel Rimesong

/setwaypoint 3030 7685
/setwaypoint 3094 7797

48. Lupo

/setwaypoint 3739 6568
He also goes for swims in the small lake nearby.

49. Master Assassin Lokarg

/setwaypoint 2656 6549

50. Overseer Hk'Kttk

/setwaypoint 2722 7200
/setwaypoint 2771 7345

51. Qarn

/setwaypoint 2683 6025

52. Ranger Fahrand

/setwaypoint 2215 7229
/setwaypoint 2094 7165

53. Reddik

/setwaypoint 4253 6733
/setwaypoint 4183 6943

54. Sandblight

/setwaypoint 2122 8139
/setwaypoint 2521 8393

55. Terminator Sentinel

/setwaypoint 4468 6560
/setwaypoint 4481 6262

56. Terrorsting

/setwaypoint 1933 6456

57. Yull

/setwaypoint 2034 5959