Storm Legion Rares

Meta Cheevo found on the main page of H > Zones > Storm Legion
The small individual rare cheevos can be found in each zone page.

Ultimate Camper

The meta cheevo for the Storm Legion Rares contains 102 rares that can be found in the Storm Legion zones.
Killing all these rares will grant you the ‘Ultimate Tracker’ title

This cheevo also counts towards the ‘patience is a virtue’ cheevo.

I have split the cheevo up into the zones where you find each rare mob.
Each of the zones has a small cheevo for killing rares in that zone, however you do not have to kill every rare in the zone to get that small cheevo, you will have to kill every rare to get the meta cheevo.

Zone Pages

Each of the zone pages has a screenshot of every rare, one or more waypoints of the exact rare locations and a map to show you where they are found.

Quick List

Below is a quick list of all the rares with a single waypoint to show you an area to look in.
You will find more waypoints on the individual zone pages.
At the bottom of this page you will find all the target macros to help you hunt!

1. Dendorath the Ageless – /setwaypoint 6822 11238
2. Son of Auram – /setwaypoint 8089 10586
3. Iron Dragon Mark VII – /setwaypoint 6600 11426
4. Pyronite Monstrosity – /setwaypoint 7829 10447

5. Avatar of Krynathal – /setwaypoint 8214 12592
6. Keelsnapper – /setwaypoint 7416 12850
7. Riktor the Bogfiend – /setwaypoint 7942 11675
8. The Ghost of Malluma – /setwaypoint 7499 11421

9. Thundertusk – /setwaypoint 7185 8708
10. Cragclaw – /setwaypoint 7018 9585
11. Lumbergnarl – /setwaypoint 7175 9115
12. Skytalon – /setwaypoint 6946 9376

13. Bilpalo the Destroyer – /setwaypoint 7363 8416
14. Buzzsting – /setwaypoint 7166 8544
15. Tarmok the vile – /setwaypoint 6722 9230
16. Thantarus – /setwaypoint 6651 9357

17. Prototype Watcher – /setwaypoint 7578 8293
18. Plaguefang – /setwaypoint 7797 7384
19. Poxclaw – /setwaypoint 8219 8671
20. Xerbex the fierce – /setwaypoint 8687 8310
21. Banemaw – /setwaypoint 8634 7579
22. Kilgraw the Stalker – /setwaypoint 8185 7424

23. Kiljurn – /setwaypoint 7547 9061
24. Mutaclaw – /setwaypoint 7346 9232
25. Rotlarg – /setwaypoint 7824 9450
26. Thundrakk – /setwaypoint 9369 8511
27. Tybretta – /setwaypoint 9244 9073
28. Krazda – /setwaypoint 8485 8902

29. Ol’ Barnacle – /setwaypoint 5482 9344
30. Gorehorn – /setwaypoint 5831 9178
31. Hervaz – /setwaypoint 5480 9110
32. Jacenda Cassana – /setwaypoint 4887 9498

33. Murksnap – /setwaypoint 5330 10415
34. Sickleclaw – /setwaypoint 5752 10615
35. Statara – /setwaypoint 6224 9275
36. Warlord Jurgak – /setwaypoint 5334 9669

37. Ruffadillo – /setwaypoint 5537 8671
38. Mari Lodden – /setwaypoint 5062 8736
39. Ironsnout – /setwaypoint 4597 9287
40. Jardlae – /setwaypoint 4420 9393

41. Prophet Leo Jharvais – /setwaypoint 5426 8215
42. Treebreaker – /setwaypoint 5600 8281
43. Venomlash – /setwaypoint 5132 7775
44. Killeth – /setwaypoint 4133 8527

45. Crimsontalon – /setwaypoint 3157 7321
46. Gloomspur – /setwaypoint 2399 8456
47. Harrel Rimesong – /setwaypoint 3030 7685
48. Lupo – /setwaypoint 3739 6568
49. Master Assassin Lokarg – /setwaypoint 2656 6549
50. Overseer Hk’Kttk – /setwaypoint 2722 7200
51. Qarn – /setwaypoint 2683 6025

52. Ranger Fahrand – /setwaypoint 2215 7229
53. Reddik – /setwaypoint 4253 6733
54. Sandblight – /setwaypoint 2122 8139
55. Terminator Sentinel – /setwaypoint 4468 6560
56. Terrorsting – /setwaypoint 1933 6456
57. Yull – /setwaypoint 2034 5959

58. Kasxu – /setwaypoint 2665 4758
59. Scavenger of Ionraic – /setwaypoint 3674 4653
60. Drone Bennkaa – /setwaypoint 3612 3016
61. Phanagos – /setwaypoint 4344 5426
62. Cyrdel – /setwaypoint 3460 5189

63. Overseer Primarch – /setwaypoint 2680 4347
64. Apothecary Sakalo – /setwaypoint 3038 4803
65. Servant of Ezwah – /setwaypoint 3256 4546
66. Terrantulon – /setwaypoint 4434 4571

67. Captain Kalkuli – /setwaypoint 7312 5013
68. Doctor Freneza – /setwaypoint 7814 4978
69. Baron Teruran – /setwaypoint 7474 4764
70. Diocletian – /setwaypoint 7448 5656

71. Fulmo – /setwaypoint 7760 5196
72. Unuarangecon – /setwaypoint 8316 5187
73. Colonel Lojaleco – /setwaypoint 7991 5123
74. Baron Rugxa – /setwaypoint 8333 5560

Note: Rare #80 Kragog the Soothsayer is in Morban

75. Bone Gnawer – /setwaypoint 9611 4034
76. Twiggle the Arcane Trickster – /setwaypoint 8904 4636
77. Gaze of Regulos – /setwaypoint 9089 4428
78. Drifting Ascended – /setwaypoint 10460 4045

79. Velosaurus – /setwaypoint 9875 4260
81. Kolinkor da Crusha – /setwaypoint 10168 4646
82. Ol’ Scartusk – /setwaypoint 12097 3296
83. Festering Boil – /setwaypoint 11280 6152

80. Kragog the Soothsayer – /setwaypoint 14068 6242
84. Emissary of Kain – /setwaypoint 12275 4919
85. Franklin the Butcher – /setwaypoint 12241 5585
86. Stormba – /setwaypoint 14378 7333
87. Regressor Aiyra – /setwaypoint 14135 7455
88. Cursed Caretaker – /setwaypoint 14244 5908

89. Disciple Ilnageth – /setwaypoint 14938 5930
90. Shaper Zhrale – /setwaypoint 13645 4977
91. The Ancient Custodian – /setwaypoint 15245 5436
92. Blorrt the unclean – /setwaypoint 14058 4926
93. Possessed Ancient Loader – /setwaypoint 13387 7668

94. Stormborn Anima – /setwaypoint 15822 6740
95. The watcher – /setwaypoint 15952 6887
96. Stormcharger Acrylia – /setwaypoint 15281 7250
97. Xil’ahk – /setwaypoint 16580 8198
98. Field Strategist Gough – /setwaypoint 14907 7904
99. The Grand Designer – /setwaypoint 17225 7717
100. Eye of Crucia – /setwaypoint 16853 7211
101. Stratos – /setwaypoint 16657 6372
102. Ancient Sentry – /setwaypoint 16196 8036


The macro UI doesn’t like copy and pasted apostrophes!
If the rare name has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) then copy and paste the macro into the UI, but delete and retype the apostrophe.

Cape Jule + City Core

target Dendorath the Ageless
target Son of Auram
target Iron Dragon Mark VII
target Pyronite Monstrosity
target Avatar of Krynathal
target Keelsnapper
target Riktor the Bogfiend
target The Ghost of Malluma
target Thundertusk
target Cragclaw
target Lumbergnarl
target Skytalon
target Bilpalo the Destroyer
target Buzzsting
target Tarmok the vile
target Thantarus

Eastern Holdings + Ardent Domain

target Prototype Watcher
target Plaguefang
target Poxclaw
target Xerbex the fierce
target Banemaw
target Kilgraw the Stalker
target Kiljurn
target Mutaclaw
target Rotlarg
target Thundrakk
target Tybretta
target Krazda
target ol’ Barnacle
target Gorehorn
target Hervaz
target Jacenda Cassana
target Murksnap
target Sickleclaw
target Statara
target Warlord Jurgak

Kingsward + Ashora

target Ruffadillo
target Mari Lodden
target Ironsnout
target Jardlae
target Prophet Leo Jharvais
target Treebreaker
target Venomlash
target Killeth
target Crimsontalon
target Gloomspur
target Harrel Rimesong
target Lupo
target Master Assassin Lokarg
target Overseer Hk’Kttk
target Qarn
target Ranger Fahrand
target Reddik
target Sandblight
target Terminator Sentinel
target Terrorsting
target Yull


target Kasxu
target Scavenger of Ionraic
target Drone Bennkaa
target Phanagos
target Cyrdel
target Overseer Primarch
target Apothecary Sakalo
target Servant of Ezwah
target Terrantulon

Pelladane + Seratos

target Captain Kalkuli
target Doctor Freneza
target Baron Teruran
target Diocletian
target Fulmo
target Unuarangecon
target Colonel Lojaleco
target Rugxa
target Bone Gnawer
target Twiggle the Arcane Trickster
target Gaze of Regulos
target Drifting Ascended
target Velosaurus
target Kolinkor da Crusha
target Ol’ Scartusk
target Festering Boil

Morban + Steppes

target Emissary of Kain
target Franklin the Butcher
target Stormba
target Regressor Aiyra
target Cursed Caretaker
target Kragog the Soothsayer
target Disciple Ilnageth
target Shaper Zhrale
target The Ancient Custodian
target Blorrt the unclean
target Possessed Ancient Loader
target Stormborn Anima
target The watcher
target Stormcharger Acrylia
target Xil’ahk
target Field Strategist Gough
target The Grand Designer
target Eye of Crucia
target Stratos
target Ancient Sentry