Xarth Mire Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Xarth Mire

Foci on the Big Picture

The Map

17. First Seed Hothx’otli – /setwaypoint 5382 3833
18. Romdrane the Soul Killer – /setwaypoint 4585 4436
19. Satlal – /setwaypoint 4973 3241

20. Thassealla the Huntress – /setwaypoint 5253 4546
21. Thaysthtla – /setwaypoint 3978 3845
22. Viuswen – /setwaypoint 4182 4312

The Macro

The Xarth Mire and Ashenfell macros are combined into one.

The macro UI doesn’t like copy and pasted apostrophes! (it may not like the dashes [-] too, depending on your fonts)
If the rare name has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) then copy and paste the macro into the UI, but delete and retype the apostrophe.

targetexact First Seed Hothx’otli
targetexact Romdrane the Soul Killer
targetexact Satlal
targetexact Thassaella the Huntress
targetexact Thaysthtla
targetexact Viuswen
targetexact Aorra
targetexact Ashwing
targetexact Gan-ar
targetexact Gangava
targetexact Halcercell
targetexact Hellmaw
targetexact Hurinfy
targetexact Ik’stanres
targetexact Radera
targetexact Rokkhorvenyah
targetexact Sias’cell
targetexact Ugei’le

Pictures and Waypoints

17. First Seed Hothx'otli

/setwaypoint 5382 3833
/setwaypoint 5533 4343

18. Romdrane the Soul Killer

/setwaypoint 4585 4436
/setwaypoint 4511 4377
/setwaypoint 4611 4593

19. Satlal

/setwaypoint 4973 3241
/setwaypoint 5021 3730

20. Thassealla the Huntress

This rare is spelt wrong in the cheevo, the real name is Thassaella the Huntress (a and e are swapped).
/setwaypoint 5253 4546
/setwaypoint 5335 4659
/setwaypoint 4761 4739

21. Thaysthtla

/setwaypoint 4267 3811
/setwaypoint 3978 3845

22. Viuswen

/setwaypoint 4182 4312
/setwaypoint 4238 4253