Cheevo found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Vostigar Peaks
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The Map Details Pictures and Waypoints
Astronomic Assassin

The Map
5. Walking Death – /setwaypoint 4252 1468
6. Eliminatus Prime – /setwaypoint 3525 1658
7. Blackroot – /setwaypoint 4125 1972
8. Duplicant Prime – /setwaypoint 4214 1769
9. Samova – /setwaypoint 3814 1869
10. Bloodfeather – /setwaypoint 3492 1792
11. Ai-ichakk – /setwaypoint 4615 2135
12. Experiment Alpha-2 – /setwaypoint 4627 2689
13. Sleet Stalker – /setwaypoint 3475 2356
14. Frost Paw – /setwaypoint 4176 2612
15. Frigid Claw – /setwaypoint 2869 2819
16. Orinash Windborne – /setwaypoint 3024 2868
17. Skinwalker – /setwaypoint 3640 2820
18. Copy Cat – /setwaypoint 4120 3191
19. C2A1 Battle Model II Mk1 – /setwaypoint 4364 2715
20. C2A2 Battle Model II Mk1.1 – /setwaypoint 4402 2386
21. Chomper – /setwaypoint 3122 2308
22. C1A3 Battle Model II Mk3.0 – /setwaypoint 3771 2240
23. Bloodseraph Riancha – /setwaypoint 3685 2076
24. Tornadax – /setwaypoint 3583 3044
25. Primus Auxilla – /setwaypoint 3827 1712
26. Primus Cataphractarii lancer – /setwaypoint 4063 2712
27. Primus Veles – /setwaypoint 4329 3050
28. Primus Hastati – /setwaypoint 3711 1524
29. Primus Augur – /setwaypoint 3209 1844
30. Primus Eria – /setwaypoint 3031 2042
31. Primus Evocatus – /setwaypoint 3232 2138
32. Icefang – /setwaypoint 3831 1559
33. Oxidizer – /setwaypoint 4497 2032
34. Aisbeth the Discordant – /setwaypoint 3798 3076
35. Murder bot 9000 – /setwaypoint 3587 2869
36. Teknha – /setwaypoint 3255 2974
VP rares spawn in groups of 4 or 5, there are set patterns within these groups, with certain rares always spawning with other certain rares. This spreadsheet created by Parkhyeyeon shows the groupings clearly. After a week or so of killing the rares every day you will learn the groupings anyway, so don’t worry too much about them for now.
There is no need to use a macro in VP as the rares are marked on the map and only have one spawn location.
While you are actively farming the VP rares for INTEL you may find it useful to keep a list of the rares you have killed already that day so you know when to stop hunting!
You may find the ‘Kill List‘ add on to be useful for keeping track of this for you.
When you first open the VP map on a fresh day you will be able to see these symbols on the map.
You will only see the rares symbol if you havn’t killed it yet that day and thus have a free loot roll available. The symbol will disappear for a minute if someone else just killed the rare and it hasn’t respawned yet, when you are used to the groupings you will be able to tell which rares are missing from the group and head to the location anyway while it respawns.

When you have killed the rare, it will respawn within a minute but you wont see the symbol for it anymore. On subsequent kills during that day you will have to spend an IRC to get loot. There is no need at all to do this, your IRC is better spent elsewhere!
Most peeps will just kill as many individual rares as possible during the day while doing their dailies and tagging zone events. This will bump up your INTEL gain a little and give you some much needed platinum!
The next day, the whole system will reset and you will able to see all the fresh rares that are up again.
Checking every shard every couple of hours and killing all the fresh rares that you see will likely give you all 36 rares within a day.
Pictures and Waypoints
Oxidizer is the only rare found in a cave, the entrance is at /setwaypoint 4478 2104 behind the tree roots.
1. Trenton Zozula
/setwaypoint 3714 2096

2. Experiment Alpha-1
/setwaypoint 4315 1487

3. Ai-Orii-i-iah
/setwaypoint 3632 1924

4. Kanteh
/setwaypoint 3728 1945

5. Walking Death
/setwaypoint 4252 1468

6. Eliminatus Prime
/setwaypoint 3525 1658

7. Blackroot
/setwaypoint 4125 1972

8. Duplicant Prime
/setwaypoint 4214 1769

9. Samova
/setwaypoint 3814 1869

10. Bloodfeather
/setwaypoint 3492 1792

11. Ai-ichakk
/setwaypoint 4615 2135

12. Experiment Alpha-2
/setwaypoint 4627 2689

13. Sleet Stalker
/setwaypoint 3475 2356

14. Frost Paw
/setwaypoint 4176 2612

15. Frigid Claw
/setwaypoint 2869 2819

16. Orinash Windborne
/setwaypoint 3024 2868

17. Skinwalker
/setwaypoint 3640 2820

18. Copy Cat
/setwaypoint 4120 3191

19. C2A1 Battle Model II Mk1
/setwaypoint 4364 2715

20. C2A2 Battle Model II Mk1.1
/setwaypoint 4402 2386

21. Chomper
/setwaypoint 3122 2308

22. C1A3 Battle Model II Mk3.0
/setwaypoint 3771 2240

23. Bloodseraph Riancha
/setwaypoint 3685 2076

24. Tornadax
/setwaypoint 3583 3044

25. Primus Auxilla
/setwaypoint 3827 1712

26. Primus Cataphractarii lancer
/setwaypoint 4063 2712

27. Primus Veles
/setwaypoint 4329 3050

28. Primus Hastati
/setwaypoint 3711 1524

29. Primus Augur
/setwaypoint 3209 1844

30. Primus Eria
/setwaypoint 3031 2042

31. Primus Evocatus
/setwaypoint 3232 2138

32. Icefang
/setwaypoint 3831 1559

33. Oxidizer
/setwaypoint 4497 2032

34. Aisbeth the Discordant
/setwaypoint 3798 3076

35. Murder bot 9000
/setwaypoint 3587 2869

36. Teknha
/setwaypoint 3255 2974