Scatherran Forest Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Scatherran Forest

The Hidden Forest

The Map

1. Asthi – /setwaypoint 4203 5908
2. Azariki – /setwaypoint 5478 5286
3. Chi’tik – /setwaypoint 5769 4838
4. Chire – /setwaypoint 4733 6132
5. Deki – /setwaypoint 5322 7019

6. Hiskrass – /setwaypoint 4565 6486
7. Ikitcha – /setwaypoint 5915 5643
8. Racda – /setwaypoint 4634 5194
9. Tuneth – /setwaypoint 5404 6232

The Macro

The Scatherran Forest and Gedlo Badlands macros are combined into one.

The macro UI doesn’t like copy and pasted apostrophes! (it may not like the dashes [-] too, depending on your fonts)
If the rare name has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) then copy and paste the macro into the UI, but delete and retype the apostrophe.

targetexact Asthi
targetexact Azariki
targetexact Chi’tik
targetexact Chire
targetexact Deki
targetexact Hiskrass
targetexact Ikitcha
targetexact Racda
targetexact Tuneth
targetexact Cinderblaze
targetexact High Chief Tonk
targetexact Khaless
targetexact Magic Missle
targetexact Skkittt-ikit-is
targetexact Steamvent
targetexact Tenebrious

Pictures and Waypoints

1. Asthi

/setwaypoint 4203 5908
/setwaypoint 4238 6056

2. Azariki

/setwaypoint 5478 5286
/setwaypoint 5533 5159
/setwaypoint 5306 5429

3. Chi'tik

/setwaypoint 5836 4690
/setwaypoint 5769 4838
/setwaypoint 5866 4868

4. Chire

/setwaypoint 4733 6132
/setwaypoint 4883 5956
/setwaypoint 4856 6220

5. Deki

/setwaypoint 5237 6732
/setwaypoint 5322 7019
/setwaypoint 5134 6990

6. Hiskrass

/setwaypoint 4735 6521 – May be stuck in the rock, just walk close to pull him out.
/setwaypoint 4565 6486

7. Ikitcha

/setwaypoint 5915 5643 – Up at the top.
/setwaypoint 5756 5380

8. Racda

/setwaypoint 4708 5158
/setwaypoint 4634 5194
/setwaypoint 4693 5318

9. Tuneth

/setwaypoint 5657 6392
/setwaypoint 5404 6232
/setwaypoint 5564 6223