Gedlo Badlands Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Prophecy of Ahnket > Gedlo Badlands

Take Only Lives, Leave Only Corpses

The Map

10. Cinderblaze – /setwaypoint 2261 6238
11. High Chief Tonk – /setwaypoint 3486 7051
12. Khaless – /setwaypoint 2752 5927
13. Magic Missle – /setwaypoint 3901 6430

14. Skkittt-ikit-is – /setwaypoint 1885 6617
15. Steamvent – /setwaypoint 2823 6157
16. Tenebrious – /setwaypoint 3175 6297

The Macro

The Scatherran Forest and Gedlo Badlands macros are combined into one.

The macro UI doesn’t like copy and pasted apostrophes! (it may not like the dashes [-] too, depending on your fonts)
If the rare name has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) then copy and paste the macro into the UI, but delete and retype the apostrophe.

targetexact Asthi
targetexact Azariki
targetexact Chi’tik
targetexact Chire
targetexact Deki
targetexact Hiskrass
targetexact Ikitcha
targetexact Racda
targetexact Tuneth
targetexact Cinderblaze
targetexact High Chief Tonk
targetexact Khaless
targetexact Magic Missle
targetexact Skkittt-ikit-is
targetexact Steamvent
targetexact Tenebrious

Pictures and Waypoints

10. Cinderblaze

/setwaypoint 2261 6238
/setwaypoint 2189 6024
/setwaypoint 2196 5865

11. High Chief Tonk

/setwaypoint 3733 6896
/setwaypoint 3486 7051
/setwaypoint 3481 6810

12. Khaless

/setwaypoint 2825 5911
/setwaypoint 2752 5927
/setwaypoint 2568 6076

13. Magic Missle

/setwaypoint 3901 6430
/setwaypoint 3823 6215

14. Skkittt-ikit-is

/setwaypoint 1885 6617
/setwaypoint 2146 6543
/setwaypoint 2208 6772

15. Steamvent

/setwaypoint 2823 6157
/setwaypoint 2708 6215
/setwaypoint 2711 6475

16. Tenebrious

/setwaypoint 3175 6297
/setwaypoint 3415 6052
/setwaypoint 3107 5996