Nightmare Tide Rares

Meta Cheevo found on the main page of H > Zones > Nightmare Tide
The small individual rare cheevos can be found in each zone page.

Brine Buster

The meta cheevo for the Nightmare Tide Rares contains 58 rares that can be found in the Nightmare Tide zones.
Killing all these rares will grant you the ‘Huntress of the Deep’ or ‘Hunter of the Deep’ title.

This cheevo also counts towards the ‘Monster Hunter Extraordinaire’ cheevo. (Found on the main page of zones)

I have split the cheevo up into the zones where you find each rare mob.
Each of the zones has a small cheevo for killing rares in that zone, however you do not have to kill every rare in the zone to get that small cheevo, you will have to kill every rare to get the meta cheevo.

Zone Pages

Each of the zone pages has a screenshot of every rare, one or more waypoints of the exact rare locations and a map to show you where they are found.

Although Planetouched Wilds is part of the Nightmare Tide Expansion (Level 65) the zone is listed with the Mathosian zones, you can find the Planetouched Wilds rare guide here.

Quick List

Below is a quick list of all the rares with a single waypoint to show you an area to look in.
You will find more waypoints on the individual zone pages.
At the bottom of this page you will find all the target macros to help you hunt!

1. Lyrissa – /setwaypoint 1921 6379
2. Vrodrak – /setwaypoint 2791 7427
3. Krilck – /setwaypoint 2418 6266
4. Razormouth – /setwaypoint 3158 7109
5. Gnasher – /setwaypoint 2488 6923
6. Pyrestorm – /setwaypoint 4128 7523
7. Captain Gerrick – /setwaypoint 2493 6533
8. Darkfin – /setwaypoint 3475 7197
9. Yhcnip – /setwaypoint 2764 7690
10. Moldervi – /setwaypoint 3390 7841

11. Syraxx – /setwaypoint 4310 8294
12. Rogarsh – /setwaypoint 3774 7980
13. Kieran – /setwaypoint 4619 7907
14. Sleenth – /setwaypoint 4244 7148
15. Wrathburn – /setwaypoint 4091 7151
16. Pyrus – /setwaypoint 3767 6516
17. Granesh – /setwaypoint 3740 6382
18. Xiril – /setwaypoint 3893 5763
19. Ultana – /setwaypoint 3386 6233
20. Hresh – /setwaypoint 4301 6571

21. Poprik – /setwaypoint 4543 5478
22. Thwarna – /setwaypoint 4526 5208
23. Laicheon – /setwaypoint 4967 4565
24. Grauka – /setwaypoint 5168 4575
25. Sir Krytan – /setwaypoint 5016 5001
26. Zrashpa – /setwaypoint 5601 5149
27. Hrylla – /setwaypoint 5384 5826
28. Bonkers – /setwaypoint 6009 5231
29. Agralax – /setwaypoint 4986 5885
30. Impotent Flame – /setwaypoint 5142 6551

31. Lord Twyl – /setwaypoint 5270 6466
32. Zareph Mathos – /setwaypoint 6322 6882
33. Cyril Kalmar – /setwaypoint 6475 7096
34. General Batua – /setwaypoint 5865 7028
35. Queen Miela Aurentis – /setwaypoint 5727 7182
36. Asha Catari – /setwaypoint 6615 6119
37. Tidelord Lyrr – /setwaypoint 5852 6075
38. Faceless Man – /setwaypoint 6139 5945
39. Executor Khazik – /setwaypoint 6756 6584
40. Saerloth the Avenger – /setwaypoint 6717 6662

41. Gruej – /setwaypoint 5443 4204
42. Klik Clak – /setwaypoint 6137 4153
43. Jolyn – /setwaypoint 6686 3642
44. Wurtesh – /setwaypoint 6164 3730
45. Raging Frost – /setwaypoint 5002 3374
46. Rirnef – /setwaypoint 5864 3288
47. Numera – /setwaypoint 4835 4141
48. Yaghi – /setwaypoint 4194 3783
49. Sheelof – /setwaypoint 3641 4694

50. Quoron – /setwaypoint 3587 3770
51. Yrtul – /setwaypoint 3241 3768
52. Brogir – /setwaypoint 4838 3287
53. Ithmyr – /setwaypoint 3863 3297
54. Aznar – /setwaypoint 5302 2700
55. Laryk – /setwaypoint 3894 2812
56. Tanri – /setwaypoint 4133 2177
57. Ulooloo – /setwaypoint 5292 2152
58. Hrundir – /setwaypoint 5601 2249


The macro UI doesn’t like copy and pasted apostrophes!
If the rare name has an apostrophe ( ‘ ) then copy and paste the macro into the UI, but delete and retype the apostrophe.

Goboro Reef

target Lyrissa
target Vrodrak
target Krilck
target Razormouth
target Gnasher
target Pyrestorm
target Captain Gerrick
target Darkfin
target Yhcnip
target Moldervi
target Syraxx
target Rogarsh
target Kieran
target Sleenth
target Wrathburn
target Pyrus
target Granesh
target Xiril
target Ultana
targetexact Hresh


target Poprik
target Thwarna
target Laicheon
target Grauka
target Sir Krytan
target Bonkers
target Zrashpa
target Hrylla
target Uluru
target Agralax
target Impotent Flame
target Lord Twyl
target Zareph Mathos
target Cyril Kalmar
target General Batua
target Queen Miela Aurentis
target Asha Catari
target Tidelord Lyrr
target Faceless Man
target Executor Khazik
target Saerloth the Avenger

Tarken Glacier

targetexact Gruej
targetexact Jolyn
targetexact Raging Frost
targetexact Numera
targetexact Sheelof
targetexact Yrtul
targetexact Ithmyr
targetexact Laryk
targetexact Ulooloo
targetexact Klik Clak
targetexact Wurtesh
targetexact Rirnef
targetexact Yaghi
targetexact Quoron
targetexact Brogir
targetexact Aznar
targetexact Tanri
targetexact Hrundir