Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Stonefield
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The Map The Macro Pictures and Waypoints
Fields of Shattered Foes

The Map
15. Baheserk – /setwaypoint 4478 5148
16. Boneseeker – /setwaypoint 4750 5289
17. Gnarvul – /setwaypoint 5441 4883
18. Gorehorn the Mighty – /setwaypoint 5903 4464
19. Gormungun – /setwaypoint 4768 5106
20. Lothuu the Sad – /setwaypoint 5752 4588
21. Nela Valcuthren – /setwaypoint 5821 4908
22. Questing Overseer – /setwaypoint 5674 4960
23. Rendfang – /setwaypoint 5735 4772
24. Sentient Cruor – /setwaypoint 4512 5505
25. Stone Rend – /setwaypoint 4780 5139
26. Stridal – /setwaypoint 5223 4906
27. Xoxtillus – /setwaypoint 5849 4509
28. XT-300 – /setwaypoint 5294 5029
Find more Waypoints and information below
The Macro
There are a lot of rares in Stonefield so the macro is just for Stonefield.
tar Bahezerk
tar Boneseeker
tar Gnarvul
tar Gorehorn the Mighty
tar Gormungun
tar Lothuu the Sad
tar Nela Valcuthren
tar Questing Overseer
tar Rendfang
tar Sentient Cruor
tar Stone Rend
tar Stridal
tar Xoxtillus
tar XT-300