Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Scarwood Reach
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The Map NPC Help! The Macro Pictures and Waypoints
Big Game Hunter

The Map
Find more Waypoints and information below
45. Gurock – /setwaypoint 2934 3989
46. Lashtail – /setwaypoint 2974 3970
47. Rotwhip – /setwaypoint 4003 4699
48. Shadow Harvester – /setwaypoint 4032 4723
49. Bloodwhisker – /setwaypoint 3853 4169
50. Gravelfist – /setwaypoint 3909 4338
51. Nuhtu – /setwaypoint 2828 4264
52. Granite Crawler – /setwaypoint 3540 3965
53. Ironfang – /setwaypoint 3411 4293
54. Blister – /setwaypoint 3392 4115
55. Rivetskull – /setwaypoint 3248 4140
56. Errant Wrecker – /setwaypoint 3971 4170
57. Razorback Terror – /setwaypoint 3807 4039
58. Barbwing – /setwaypoint 3451 3718
59. Venomspitter – /setwaypoint 3445 3745
60. Corpsegrinder – /setwaypoint 2721 3714
61. Scarbeak – /setwaypoint 3097 3783
62. Ahasa – /setwaypoint 2775 3696
63. Vasyu – /setwaypoint 2606 3826
64. Blackclaw – /setwaypoint 3452 4399
65. Vilehide – /setwaypoint 3448 4442
NPC Help!
Scarwood Reach works a little differently from the other zones as there is an NPC that will tell you which rares are up! There will be different rares up on different shards, so be sure to check them all!
There is a daily quest to kill 5 rare creatures called: Pursuing Prey.
When you kill a rare creature you will receive a quest item which you then right click to open up the quest to hand the item in. When you hand in these items you will receive a hunting token which goes towards the daily quest to collect 5.
The Defiant NPC to pick up the daily quest from is at /setwaypoint 3683 4421
The Defiant NPC to tell you which rares are up is at /setwaypoint 3690 4396
The Guardian NPC to pick up the daily quest from is at /setwaypoint 3134 3887
The Guardian NPC to tell you which rares are up is at /setwaypoint 3148 3873
Click the NPC and underneath his ‘I’d like to buy something’ selection there will be a list of rares that are up, clicking the names of the rares will give you a description of that rare and a hint of where to find them.
The NPC will require you to complete the first hunt quest before you can then pick up the daily, and only once you pick up the first daily will you then be able to ask the other NPC which rares are up!
You will only be able to see which rares are up while you have the daily active in your questlog, so if you plan to spam loads of rares in one day then you will want to keep the daily in your quest log, don’t hand it in!
If the shop opens up straight away when you click the NPC then it means no rares are up at that time.
If the NPC just has ‘What’s next..’ as a chat selection then it means you have handed in the daily hunting quest and he wont tell you which rares are up until the next reset (daily).
It seems to me that there is a max limit of 5 rares up at a time, so if there are 5 rares up and they are not the ones you need then you should go kill them to make room for the ones you do need to spawn!
Don’t forget to check every shard!
The Macro
tar Gurock
tar Lashtail
tar Rotwhip
tar Shadow Harvester
tar Bloodwhisker
tar Gravelfist
tar Nuhtu
tar Granite Crawler
targetexact Ironfang
tar Blister
tar Rivetskull
tar Errant Wrecker
tar Razorback Terror
tar Barbwing
tar Venomspitter
tar Corpsegrinder
tar Scarbeak
tar Ahasa
tar Vasyu
tar Blackclaw
tar Vilehide