Planetouched Wilds Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Planetouched Wilds

Planetouched Wilds Rares

There are A LOT of rare mobs in Planetouched Wilds! With two meta cheevos and 20 smaller cheevos.
A total of 450 points to be earned just from killing rares!
There are two main types of rares…
Planar Twisted rares, which are all the different flavors of the rare mobs, 6 planar twisted rares per mob, one for each plane. Then each type also has a leader rare and a teth rare. These are the rares you will need to farm over a number of days/weeks to kill them all, see The Wild Hunt cheevo for locations.
Teth rares are boss mobs, there is one for each rare type, but also individual teths that you will find during the questline, in rifts, bosses of zone events, in the zones dungeon, and just wandering aimlessly around the zone.

The numbering system I have used, numbers the normal rares first and then the individual teth, this means the numbers are all out of order on the list, so be careful to look for the correct numbers on the map.
Due to the amount of rare creatures, this page is very long! Be sure to use CTRL+F to find information quickly.

Keep What You Kill

This cheevo asks you to kill 55 Teth mobs.
In the list below, each Teth mob has been numbered up.
You will then find a detailed guide for where to find each of the Teth mobs.

The reward for this cheevo is the Teth Roger companion pet.

Companion Pet - Pic - Teth Roger


  • Part of the rare creatures list
  • Zone Event Bosses
  • End Bosses in Rifts
  • Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
  • Planetouched Wilds Questline
  • Waypoint

17. Teth Aluurchin – Part of the rare creatures list
25. Teth Basinag Conai – End Boss of Death Rift
35. Teth Bukh – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
26. Teth Caelum – End Boss of Air Rift
27. Teth Cre’Adaimh – End Boss of Earth Rift
12. Teth Dalain Ezen – Part of the rare creatures list
36. Teth Dalchid – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
31. Teth Dervish – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
21. Teth Eri’asiah – Zone Event Boss – Water
14. Teth Eriashis – Part of the rare creatures list
3. Teth Eu’ialo – Part of the rare creatures list
32. Teth Farseer – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
28. Teth Fasd’aois – End Boss of Life Rift
48. Teth Fharulon – /setwaypoint 10589 6754
24. Teth Polias – Zone Event Boss – Air
22. Teth Geonis – Zone Event Boss – Earth
6. Teth Ghani Kanh – Part of the rare creatures list
49. Teth Gorron – /setwaypoint 11816 6327
37. Teth Grogo – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
38. Teth Hummama – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
23. Teth Herios – Zone Event Boss – Fire
7. Teth Iash – Part of the rare creatures list
4. Teth Ic’a’ioas – Part of the rare creatures list
10. Teth Jelitha – Part of the rare creatures list
50. Teth Khun – /setwaypoint 11242 7820
5. Teth Kordias – Part of the rare creatures list
39. Teth Koreth – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
51. Teth Kosduhm – /setwaypoint 9606 5119

33. Teth Mornta – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
40. Teth Oni – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
8. Teth Oria – Part of the rare creatures list
18. Teth Eliaso – Part of the rare creatures list
52. Teth Primondo – /setwaypoint 11242 7820
29. Teth Ragefire – End Boss of Fire Rift
41. Teth Red Ape – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
30. Teth Rian-Aigein – End Boss of Water Rift
20. Teth Rria – Part of the rare creatures list
16. Teth Ruoa – Part of the rare creatures list
19. Teth Salkhiny – Part of the rare creatures list
42. Teth Shidten – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
43. Teth Shigiin – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
9. Teth Si’iszi’ithias – Part of the rare creatures list
2. Teth Telioas – Part of the rare creatures list
15. Teth Ezen – Part of the rare creatures list
34. Teth Titan – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
44. Teth Torok – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
13. Teth Uu’illan – Part of the rare creatures list
45. Teth Varadeshi – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
53. Teth Vauram – /setwaypoint 10682 5485
46. Teth Wallont – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline
11. Teth Wefiashu – Part of the rare creatures list
54. Teth Xixuhr – /setwaypoint 9528 6077
1. Teth Yelishan – Part of the rare creatures list
55. Teth Zaeradach – /setwaypoint 10342 5133
47. Teth Zayaa – Part of the Planetouched Wilds Questline

Teth 1-20 are all part of the rare creatures
you can find waypoints for these at the bottom of the page in the explanation for The Wild Hunt cheevo.

Zone Event Bosses

21. Teth Eri’asiah – Zone Event Boss – Water Event – Tide of Destruction
22. Teth Geonis – Zone Event Boss – Earth Event – Earthen Assault
23. Teth Herios – Zone Event Boss – Fire Event – Firestorm
24. Teth Polias – Zone Event Boss – Air Event – Rebirth of the Legion

You can use YARET to track zone events.
The final boss (colossi) of the event will be the Teth. You will need to hit the boss to tick it off the list, completing the event without hitting the boss will not be enough.

Rift Bosses

25. Teth Basinag Conai – End Boss of Death Rift
26. Teth Caelum – End Boss of Air Rift
27. Teth Cre’Adaimh – End Boss of Earth Rift
28. Teth Fasd’aois – End Boss of Life Rift
29. Teth Ragefire – End Boss of Fire Rift
30. Teth Rian-Aigein – End Boss of Water Rift

Go to (or open) the correct flavor rift, some of these will be teth rifts, with the same name as the teth mob.
Get the rift to stage 6 and kill the teth.

Teth Basinag Conai
Teth Caelum
Teth Cre'Adaimh
Teth Fasd'aois
Teth Ragefire
Teth Rian-Aigein

Rhaza'de Canyons Dungeon

31. Teth Dervish – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
32. Teth Farseer – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
33. Teth Mornta – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon
34. Teth Titan – Found in the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon

The Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon is 5 man level 65 Dungeon Tier content.
The entrance is located under Shal Korva. It is in an underground cavern, the entrance to the cavern is at /setwaypoint 10320 5743 go down into the cavern to find the dungeon entrance at /setwaypoint 10287 5928
There is no ‘normal mode’ version of this dungeon, you will have to run it in expert. A level 70 with a decent spec and some decent gear can run it solo, but its always easier with friends!
There are opportunities to kill Titan, Dervish and Farseer all through the dungeon, so don’t worry if you don’t manage to tag the first packs.

You can find a full guide to the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon here.

Teth Titan

Found in the tunnel towards the third boss Mithe Tethson.

Teth Dervish and Teth Farseer

The second pack of mobs in the tunnel
towards the third boss Mithe Tethson.

Teth Mornta

The last boss of the Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon.

Planetouched Wilds Questline

You can find the Planetouched Wilds quest guide here.

35. Teth Bukh – Quest: Deadly Proposal – Middle of Third Act – Mob at the end of an onslaught.
36. Teth Dalchid – Quest: Khadluu Ukher – Middle of Second Act – Singular Mob in an instanced quest.
37. Teth Grogo – Quest: Trial by Wombat – Middle of Second Act – Singular ‘wombat’ that you need to kill.
38. Teth Hummama – Quest: Great, KIng Khar – Beginning of Second Act – Large mob that you kill and loot – /setwaypoint 11800 6813
39. Teth Koreth – Quest: Baacchanalia – End of First Act – This is a boss in an instanced quest.
40. Teth Oni – Quest: Blood Call – During Act One – You dont actually kill these guys, you use a quest item to destroy them.
41. Teth Red Ape – Quest: Monkey Madness – Middle of Second Act – Singular mob that you need to kill and loot.
44. Teth Torok – Quest: The Siege of Shal Korva – End of Third Act – Boss Mob at the end of an instanced quest.
45. Teth Varadeshi – Quest: Woe is Me – Middle of Third Act – Single Mob.
46. Teth Wallont – Quest: Pain in the Ancestors – Middle of Second Act – Large mob at the end of an onslaught.

42. Teth Shidten -- 43. Teth Shigiin -- 47. Teth Zayaa

The Teth from the Tigress’s Funeral Onslaught Quest are all supposed to be available in the open world at the three special locations..

/setwaypoint 10172 5020 (In the broken building up the ramp towards the weekly questgivers)
/setwaypoint 11252 7800
/setwaypoint 10610 5044 (up on the circular platform)

They were added to these locations because the onslaught quest spawns a variety of different Teth mobs and you may not tag all of them before completing the quest.

Teth Biye: Used to be part of the cheevo but was removed from the list.

Teth Shidten: This one pops up at the end of the onslaught and you have to kill it to complete the quest, so hopefully you managed to tag this one! It can also be found at the 3 location listed above.

Teth Zayaa and Teth Shigiin: These are the problem Teths. They will often not spawn during the onslaught. These Teths were supposed to be added to the 3 special locations, but never were. Thus the only way to tag them is to be at the onslaught location when someone else is doing the quest and hope that they spawn. You can force this, using a second account or just an alt on your main account and some quick switching. Or of course a friend who is still doing the questline can help too. If the correct Teths dont spawn, you can log off before completion and then try again after it resets, or just abandon the quest and retake it.

I have an alt on both NA and EU shards that is keeping this quest open, so you can contact me and I will come spawn Zayaa or Shigiin for you!

Waypoints on the map

Most of these Teth mobs are always up somewhere in the area that they spawn, unless they have just been killed and are waiting for respawn. Go to the area and do a nice big circle while spamming your target macro!
The exceptions are Khun and Primondo, these guys dont path around and share the same spawn points, but they are still up pretty regularly.

48. Teth Fharulon – /setwaypoint 10589 6754
49. Teth Gorron – /setwaypoint 11728 6337
50. Teth Khun – /setwaypoint 11252 7800
51. Teth Kosduhm – /setwaypoint 9631 5082
52. Teth Primondo – /setwaypoint 10610 5044
53. Teth Vauram – /setwaypoint 10682 5485
54. Teth Xixuhr – /setwaypoint 9285 5698
55. Teth Zaeradach – /setwaypoint 9853 5262

48. Teth Fharulon

/setwaypoint 10589 6754
/setwaypoint 10748 6856
Paths all along the Windswept Buttes area.

49. Teth Gorron

/setwaypoint 11728 6337
/setwaypoint 11761 6449
/setwaypoint 12006 6196
Walks the paths in Muu Forest.

51. Teth Kosduhm

/setwaypoint 9631 5082
/setwaypoint 9353 5173
Walks along Statue Fields south of the path.

50. Teth Khun

/setwaypoint 11252 7800
/setwaypoint 10610 5044 (up on the circular platform)
/setwaypoint 10172 5020 (up the ramp)
Rotates between different Teth mobs.

52. Teth Primondo

/setwaypoint 11252 7800
/setwaypoint 10610 5044 (up on the circular platform)
/setwaypoint 10172 5020 (up the ramp)
Rotates between different Teth mobs.

53. Teth Vauram

/setwaypoint 10682 5485
/setwaypoint 10405 5013
Walks between the two points in the Rhaza’de Canyons area.

54. Teth Xixuhr

/setwaypoint 9528 6077
/setwaypoint 9285 5698
Walks all around the Pilgrim Planes area.

55. Teth Zaeradach

/setwaypoint 9853 5262
/setwaypoint 10123 5052
/setwaypoint 10463 5285
All around the Plain of the Ancestors.

The Wild Hunt

The reward for this cheevo is the ‘Crystaline Scale’ reusable transmorg item. This item turns you into a dino from the wilds. There are 5 different dinos which you turn into at random.

Each of the rare mob types has 8 variations; A Packleader, A Teth and 6 Planar Twisted.
Most of the rares have multiple spawn points, the different variations spawn randomly at every spawn point.
Meaning for instance, in the locations listed for Baac Bane, you can find all the different Planar types of Twisted Baac as well as Teth Yelishan and Warleader Gesh at ANY of the waypoints listed.
Most of these rares will wander around a bit, this is why you will find so many very similar waypoints on different guides. Most rares will only wander an area about the size of a rift, so standing in that area and using your target macro will catch them if they are up.
The waypoints listed below are in the middle of these small areas.

Respawns: I have seen respawns after around 2 hours for a revisit, though it seems to be best to wait at least 4 hours before checking all locations again.

If you have checked all the rares you need and none are up, then you should go check the rest of the rares, killing whatever you can find, then go check the rares you do need again.
Then let the zone ‘rest’ for respawns for an hour or two and repeat the process.

You can keep the main meta cheevo tracked on your quest stickies so you know which locations you can skip.

Completing this cheevo on my NA character took me 7 days total, with around 5-6 hours dedicated to hunting each day, but spread out over the day to allow for respawns.

The Map

Some of the Teth are in the dungeon, in Rifts, zone events, or part of the questline, these Teth are not on the map. The locations for the Rares not on the map are described above.
The rest of the rares can be found in various locations across the map.

The Macro

A lot of the rares share very similar names, so one word can target many different rares, this is why the macro thankfuly doesnt have to be 120 lines long!

target teth
target twisted
target ancient
target warleader gesh
target huntmaster ulian
target high priest uugsloth
target outcast ancestor spirit
target dominant flying serpent
target ancestor shrine
target corpse moth
target gol chotgor
target agaaryn khankhuu
target sky orca pack leader
target sky whale herdlord
target silverback wolf packleader
target alpha khadgak
target alpha khadluu khan
target alpha khadbukh
target alpha khadsuul
target alpha krillado
target ezen

Pictures and Waypoints

Waypoints with an ‘and’ between them are very close together but not quite close enough for the macro to reach.

1. Baac Bane

/setwaypoint 9919 7520 and /setwaypoint 9956 7607
/setwaypoint 10359 7567 and  /setwaypoint 10435 7509 and /setwaypoint 10365 7433
/setwaypoint 10735 5047 – Yes, on the other side of the map!

Warleader Gesh
Teth Yelishan
Earth Twisted Baac
Fire Twisted Baac
Water Twisted Baac
Air Twisted Baac
Death Twisted Baac
Life Twisted Baac

Earth Twisted Baac
Teth Yelishan
Warleader Gesh
2. Counter Sniper

/setwaypoint 11031 5602
/setwaypoint 11281 5414 – Down in the trench.
/setwaypoint 11608 5135

Huntmaster Ulian
Teth Telioas
Earth Twisted Baac Hunter
Fire Twisted Baac Hunter
Water Twisted Baac Hunter
Air Twisted Baac Hunter
Death Twisted Baac Hunter
Life Twisted Baac Hunter

Death Twisted Baac Hunter
Huntmaster Ulian
Teth Telioas
3. Deicide

/setwaypoint 11237 6836
/setwaypoint 11072 6927
/setwaypoint 10955 6832

High Priest Uugsloth
Teth Eu’ialo
Earth Twisted Baac Worshipper
Fire Twisted Baac Worshipper
Water Twisted Baac Worshipper
Air Twisted Baac Worshipper
Death Twisted Baac Worshipper
Life Twisted Baac Worshipper

Water Twisted Baac Worshipper
Teth Eu'ialo
High Priest Uugsloth
4. Banana Revolution

There are loads of spawn points for these guys all around the lakes and rocks in the Babaroo Kheer area. Waypoints provided are general areas where they spawn, you will want to run around in circles around these areas.
/setwaypoint 9668 6419
/setwaypoint 9565 6393
/setwaypoint 9570 6547 and /setwaypoint 9632 6525
/setwaypoint 9623 6643

Ancient Alpha Babaroo
Teth Ic’a’ioas
Earth Twisted Babaroo
Fire Twisted Babaroo
Water Twisted Babaroo
Air Twisted Babaroo
Death Twisted Babaroo
Life Twisted Babaroo

Earth Twisted Babaroo
Ancient Alpha Babaroo
Teth Ic'a'ioas
5. Extinction Level Event

/setwaypoint 10722 6299
/setwaypoint 11076 5709
/setwaypoint 8844 5284

Alpha Khadgak
Teth Kordias
Earth Twisted Khadgak
Fire Twisted Khadgak
Water Twisted Khadgak
Air Twisted Khadgak
Death Twisted Khadgak
Life Twisted Khadgak

Fire Twisted Khadgak
Alpha Khadgak
Teth Kordias
6. Mortuus est rex, salve rex

/setwaypoint 10737 7459
/setwaypoint 11137 6834
/setwaypoint 11288 7233

Alpha Khadluu Khan
Teth Ghani Kanh
Earth Twisted Khadluu Khan
Fire Twisted Khadluu Khan
Water Twisted Khadluu Khan
Air Twisted Khadluu Khan
Death Twisted Khadluu Khan
Life Twisted Khadluu Khan

Life Twisted Khadluu Khan
Teth Ghani Kanh
Alpha Khadluu Khan
7. Resonance Cascade

/setwaypoint 8853 5604 and /setwaypoint 8942 5574
/setwaypoint 8466 5690 and /setwaypoint 8556 5721
/setwaypoint 10934 7958 and /setwaypoint 10862 7996 and /setwaypoint 10926 8018

Ancient Skyhunter Packleader
Teth Iash
Earth Twisted Skyhunter
Fire Twisted Skyhunter
Water Twisted Skyhunter
Air Twisted Skyhunter
Death Twisted Skyhunter
Life Twisted Skyhunter

Water Twisted Skyhunter
Ancient Skyhunter Packleader
Teth Iash
8. Faces of Death

This one wanders around quite a bit, check the whole Demon Graves area.
/setwaypoint 11521 4941 – a nice big circle around the waypoint
/setwaypoint 11044 5339 – circle the building
/setwaypoint 11113 4831 – search around the hills on both sides of the path

Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Teth Oria
Earth Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Fire Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Water Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Air Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Death Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Life Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit

Air Twisted Outcast Ancestor Spirit
Teth Oria
Outcast Ancestor Spirit
9. Tired of these Snakes on this Plane

/setwaypoint 10109 7385
/setwaypoint 10085 7163
/setwaypoint 9928 7277

Dominant Flying Serpent
Teth Si’iszi’ithias
Earth Twisted Flying Serpent
Fire Twisted Flying Serpent
Water Twisted Flying Serpent
Air Twisted Flying Serpent
Death Twisted Flying Serpent
Life Twisted Flying Serpent

Life Twisted Flying Serpent
Teth Si'iszi'ithias
Dominant Flying Serpent
10. Agitated Ancestors

/setwaypoint 11164 5116
/setwaypoint 11205 5373
/setwaypoint 10838 5463

Ancestor Shrine
Teth Jelitha
Earth Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Fire Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Water Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Air Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Death Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Life Twisted Ancestor Shrine

Earth Twisted Ancestor Shrine
Ancestor Shrine
Teth Jelitha
11. Lepidopterist

/setwaypoint 11332 5823
/setwaypoint 11593 6187
/setwaypoint 11942 6785
/setwaypoint 11727 6938
/setwaypoint 11470 6770

Corpse Moth
Teth Wefiashu
Earth Twisted Corpse Moth
Fire Twisted Corpse Moth
Water Twisted Corpse Moth
Air Twisted Corpse Moth
Death Twisted Corpse Moth
Life Twisted Corpse Moth

This one works differently from the rest of the rares, at each location there will be a chance to find a whale carcass with maggots around it. Killing these maggots has the chance to spawn a Moth. The Moth has a chance of being one you need! With 3 layers of RNG this can take a long time to complete and is often the last set of rares that people need. Check these locations regularly!
The Moths can spawn stealthed, so splash some AoE spells around, or run through the carcass a few times to make sure you don’t miss any!
The maggots will keep respawning until the whale carcass disappears.
(This one took me 5 days, clearing all locations and killing any spawns about 3 times a day (morning, noon, and night)

Whale Skeleton - Maggots not up
Whale is up - Maggots all around!
Moths will spawn randomly from killing the maggots
12. Naga Gumbo

/setwaypoint 9450 5651
/setwaypoint 11492 6159
/setwaypoint 10900 7105

Gol Chotgor
Teth Dalain Ezen
Earth Twisted Naga
Fire Twisted Naga
Water Twisted Naga
Air Twisted Naga
Death Twisted Naga
Life Twisted Naga

Earth Twisted Naga
Teth Dalain Ezen
Gol Chotgor
13. Holoceneian Extinction

/setwaypoint 11895 6433
/setwaypoint 11094 7736
/setwaypoint 10966 7923 and /setwaypoint 11028 7989

Alpha Khadbukh
Teth Uu’illan
Earth Twisted Khadbukh
Fire Twisted Khadbukh
Water Twisted Khadbukh
Air Twisted Khadbukh
Death Twisted Khadbukh
Life Twisted Khadbukh

Death Twisted Khadbukh
Alpha Khadbukh
Teth Uu'illan
14. Salty Salties

/setwaypoint 11733 5089
/setwaypoint 10129 5574
/setwaypoint 11354 7453

Alpha Khadsuul
Teth Eriashis
Earth Twisted Khadsuul
Fire Twisted Khadsuul
Water Twisted Khadsuul
Air Twisted Khadsuul
Death Twisted Khadsuul
Life Twisted Khadsuul

Water Twisted Khadsuul
Teth Eriashis
Alpha Khadsuul
15. The not-so-great Old Ones

/setwaypoint 9740 5140
/setwaypoint 10119 4980 – Up the ramp on the broken buildings
/setwaypoint 10455 5289

Agaaryn Khankhuu
Teth Tenger Ezen
Earth Twisted Shalastiri
Fire Twisted Shalastiri
Water Twisted Shalastiri
Air Twisted Shalastiri
Death Twisted Shalastiri
Life Twisted Shalastiri

Water Twisted Shalastiri
Teth Tenger Ezen
Agaaryn Khankhuu
16. Don't eat the Shellfish

/setwaypoint 11302 6525
/setwaypoint 10936 6573
/setwaypoint 10820 6829

Alpha Krillado
Teth Ruoa
Earth Twisted Krillado
Fire Twisted Krillado
Water Twisted Krillado
Air Twisted Krillado
Death Twisted Krillado
Life Twisted Krillado

Earth Twisted Krillado
Alpha Krillado
Teth Ruoa
17. Apex Predator

/setwaypoint 10639 6602
/setwaypoint 10856 6380
/setwaypoint 11050 6425

Sky Orca Pack Leader
Teth Aluurchin
Earth Twisted Sky Orca
Fire Twisted Sky Orca
Water Twisted Sky Orca
Air Twisted Sky Orca
Death Twisted Sky Orca
Life Twisted Sky Orca

Fire Twisted Sky Orca
Teth Aluurchin
Sky Orca Pack Leader
18. Death from Above

/setwaypoint 10607 7993
/setwaypoint 10721 7941 and /setwaypoint 10760 7910
/setwaypoint 10860 7783

Sky Whale Herdlord
Teth Oris Eliaso
Earth Twisted Sky Whale
Fire Twisted Sky Whale
Water Twisted Sky Whale
Air Twisted Sky Whale
Death Twisted Sky Whale
Life Twisted Sky Whale

Earth Twisted Sky Whale
Teth Oris Eliaso
Sky Whale Herdlord
19. High Winds

/setwaypoint 10120 7448
/setwaypoint 10253 7138
/setwaypoint 10324 7231

Ancient Spirit Kite
Teth Salkhiny
Earth Twisted Spirit Kite
Fire Twisted Spirit Kite
Water Twisted Spirit Kite
Air Twisted Spirit Kite
Death Twisted Spirit Kite
Life Twisted Spirit Kite

Earth Twisted Spirit Kite
Ancient Spirit Kite
Teth Salkhiny
20. Leader of the Pack

/setwaypoint 9575 5698 and /setwaypoint 9662 5736
/setwaypoint 9295 5761
/setwaypoint 9674 6184

Silverback Wolf Packleader
Teth Rria
Earth Twisted Silverback Wolf
Fire Twisted Silverback Wolf
Water Twisted Silverback Wolf
Air Twisted Silverback Wolf
Death Twisted Silverback Wolf
Life Twisted Silverback Wolf

Air Twisted Silverback Wolf
Silverback Wolf Packleader
Teth Rria