Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Iron Pine Peak
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The Map The Macro Pictures and Waypoints
Peaks Assassin

The Map
84. Netherworld Wanderer – /setwaypoint 3071 2231
85. Emissary Kavenik – /setwaypoint 2829 1990
86. Frosthide – /setwaypoint 4609 1366
87. Arctic Peakstalker – /setwaypoint 4853 1448
88. Mad Hogger – /setwaypoint 3758 1572 + others
89. Dagda Skullthumper – /setwaypoint 4323 2057
90. Razormane – /setwaypoint 3136 2359
91. Swirling Tempest – /setwaypoint 3972 1771
92. Blackblood Drake – /setwaypoint 3899 1785
93. Frostpaw Mauler – /setwaypoint 4278 1997
Find more Waypoints and information below
The Macro
The Gloamwood and Iron Pine Peak rares share the same macro.
tar Browncap Cutter
tar Dozer
tar Gnarl Nighthunter
tar Lunar Shadestalker
tar Millrush Moonstalker
tar Scald
tar Scarbite
tar Stalker of Tears
tar Lelana Redhood
tar Stalker of the Grove
tar Xaksha
tar Zatzak Browncap
tar Netherworld Wanderer
tar Emissary Kavenik
tar Frosthide
tar Arctic Peakstalker
tar Mad Hogger
tar Dagda Skullthumper
tar Razormane
tar Fenwyn Wolftongue
tar Swirling Tempest
tar Blackblood Drake
tar Frostpaw Mauler
Pictures and Waypoints
/setwaypoint 3758 1572
/setwaypoint 3840 1469
Mad Hogger spawns in many different locations.
He is found either inside the howling caves, entrance at /setwaypoint 3596 1437
Or on the many paths and hills to the south of the cave entrance
He runs quite fast! Its best to search the entire area.
/setwaypoint 3136 2359
Razormane starts off as an NPC called Fenwyn Wolftongue at
/setwaypoint 3136 2359
You need to right click to talk to Fenwyn and then he will turn into the werewolf Razormane.
When he turns he will begin running very fast down Kestrels Cry Ravine, so be ready to kill him!