Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Gloamwood
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The Map The Macro Pictures and Waypoints
A Grizzly Business

The Map
29. Browncap Cutter – /setwaypoint 5254 2583
30. Dozer – /setwaypoint 4379 2552
31. Gnarl Nighthunter – /setwaypoint 5399 2765
32. Lunar Shadestalker – /setwaypoint 4633 2457
33. Millrush Moonstalker – /setwaypoint 4418 2911
34. Scald – /setwaypoint 5002 2293
35. Scarbite – /setwaypoint 4216 2613
36. Stalker of Tears – begins at /setwaypoint 4930 2520
37. Stalker of the Grove – /setwaypoint 5367 2633
38. Xaksha – /setwaypoint 4733 2557
39. Zatzak Browncap – /setwaypoint 5340 2573
Find more Waypoints and information below
The Macro
The Gloamwood and Iron Pine Peak rares share the same macro.
tar Browncap Cutter
tar Dozer
tar Gnarl Nighthunter
tar Lunar Shadestalker
tar Millrush Moonstalker
tar Scald
tar Scarbite
tar Stalker of Tears
tar Lelana Redhood
tar Stalker of the Grove
tar Xaksha
tar Zatzak Browncap
tar Netherworld Wanderer
tar Emissary Kavenik
tar Frosthide
tar Arctic Peakstalker
tar Mad Hogger
tar Dagda Skullthumper
tar Razormane
tar Fenwyn Wolftongue
tar Swirling Tempest
tar Blackblood Drake
tar Frostpaw Mauler
Pictures and Waypoints
It is best to search the whole of the darkening deeps area to find Scald!
/setwaypoint 4930 2520
For this rare, first find Lelana Redhood at /setwaypoint 4930 2520
Right click to talk to her, agree to help her and then enter the Catacombs at /setwaypoint 4775 2553
Inside the catacombs at /setwaypoint 4694 2592 you will find a ‘Victim Pile’ to click on.
When you click the pile Lelana will appear again and then *spoiler alert* she will change into the rare mob ‘Stalker of Tears’.