Ember Isle Rares

Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Ember Isle

Great Beasts Fear My Name

There are 2 cheevos for the ember isle rare creatures.
One for killing 10 of them called ‘It’s Always Hunting Season’, and one for killing all 20 of them called Great Beasts Fear My Name’.
The reward for completing the 20 kills cheevo is the isle hunters crown, shown at the bottom of this page.

The Map

1. Gaian – /setwaypoint 14408 4282
2. Kleon – /setwaypoint 13881 4243
3. Myron – /setwaypoint 14102 3601
4. Phocas – /setwaypoint 13639 4561
5. Hyro – /setwaypoint 13349 4306
6. Nereus – /setwaypoint 12319 3612
7. Naeus – /setwaypoint 12725 3893
8. Lykos – /setwaypoint 12285 3919
9. Tricksy – /setwaypoint 13347 3926
10. Acalan – /setwaypoint 12734 4487
11. Anato – /setwaypoint 13043 3070
12. Ligeia – /setwaypoint 13070 2186
13. Osmas – /setwaypoint 12598 3085
14. Argyros – /setwaypoint 12966 2667
15. Tephra – /setwaypoint 13260 3463
16. Lalia – /setwaypoint 13683 2652
17. Nikon – /setwaypoint 13630 3525
18. Klacus – /setwaypoint 13974 3251
19. Kallos – /setwaypoint 13259 3115
20. Thome – /setwaypoint 13462 2891

The Macro

target Acalan
target Anato
target Argyros
target Gaian
target Hyro
target Kallos
target Klacus
target Kleon
target Lalia
target Ligeia
target Lykos
target Myron
target Naeus
target Nereus
target Nikon
target Osmas
target Phocas
target Tephra
target Tricksy
target Thome

Pictures and Waypoints

1. Gaian

/setwaypoint 14408 4282

2. Kleon

/setwaypoint 13881 4243

3. Myron

/setwaypoint 14102 3601

4. Phocas

/setwaypoint 13639 4561

5. Hyro

/setwaypoint 13349 4306

6. Nereus

/setwaypoint 12319 3612

7. Naeus

/setwaypoint 12725 3893

8. Lykos

/setwaypoint 12285 3919

9. Tricksy

/setwaypoint 13347 3926

10. Acalan

/setwaypoint 12734 4487

11. Anato

/setwaypoint 13043 3070

12. Ligeia

/setwaypoint 13070 2186

13. Osmas

/setwaypoint 12598 3085

14. Argyros

/setwaypoint 12966 2667

15. Tephra

/setwaypoint 13260 3463

16. Lalia

/setwaypoint 13683 2652

17. Nikon

/setwaypoint 13630 3525 – Inside the volcano!
You can get into the volcano from the north at /setwaypoint 13686 3350 or from the south at /setwaypoint 13612 3745

18. Klacus

/setwaypoint 13974 3251

19. Kallos

/setwaypoint 13259 3115

20. Thome

/setwaypoint 13462 2891


When you have killed all 20 rares you will receive the Isle Hunters Crown.