Cheevo found in H > Zones > Rift > Droughtlands
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The Map The Macro Pictures and Waypoints
Seldom Seen

The Map
Find more Waypoints and information below
74. Freddik the Broken – /setwaypoint 7246 5910
75. Enraged Scarab – /setwaypoint 7576 6643
76. Mordant Queen/Widow – /setwaypoint 8139 7237
77. Kragnix the Annihilator – /setwaypoint 8122 6788
78. Glogg the Ravenous – /setwaypoint 8384 7053
79. Forgotten Sacrifice – /setwaypoint 7955 6726
80. Hurnok – /setwaypoint 8175 7056
81. Koglok – /setwaypoint 8363 7009
82. Bone-Fed-Ripper – /setwaypoint 8892 6731
83. Jhomm the Cruel – /setwaypoint 7968 6438
Extra rare for Battle Pass
You can find an ‘extra’ rare mob in the arena at /setwaypoint 8519 7359 here you may find a mob called ‘Stigori’ that counts as a rare, right click him to have a chat and he will fight you! This works like any other rare in the zone and is not always up.
The Macro
Moonshade, Shimmersand and Droughtlands can be combined into one macro.
tar Raging Summoner
tar Razorfang
tar Deranged Pyromancer
tar Fezziled the Curious
tar Nytami
tar Lugog the Destroyer
tar Arumal
tar Aelfwar Emissary
tar The Predator
tar Mangled Exile
tar Grand Councilman
tar Lord Scaldwater
tar Freddik the Broken
tar Enraged Scarab
tar strange mound
tar Mordant Widow
tar Kragnix the Annihilator
tar Forgotten Sacrifice
tar Glogg the Ravenous
tar Hurknok
tar Koglok
tar Bone-Fed Ripper
tar Jhomm The Cruel