Mathosia Rares

Meta Cheevo found on the main page of H > Zones > Rift
The small individual rare cheevos can be found in each zone page.

Ultimate Hunter

The meta cheevo for the Mathosian Rares contains 105 of the 106 rares that can be found in Mathosia (I don’t know why Nightfang isn’t on the list!).
Killing all these rares will grant you ‘The Exterminator’ title.

You will also get..

The Pack of Squirrels ability which summons 5 squirrels to follow you around for 20 seconds, they will attack bad guys too, but do very little damage.

This cheevo also counts towards the ‘patience is a virtue’ cheevo.

Zone Pages

I have split the cheevo up into the zones where you find each rare mob.
Each of the zones has a small cheevo for killing rares in that zone, however you do not have to kill every rare in the zone to get that small cheevo, you will have to kill every rare to get the meta cheevo.

Each of the zone pages has a screenshot of every rare, one or more waypoints of the exact rare locations and a map to show you where they are found.

Moonshade Echos: Moonshade Highlands has some extra level 65 rares called ‘Echos of Madness. You can find a guide to the Echos of Madness here.

Ember Isle: There is a separate cheevo for killing the rares in Ember Isle, you can find a guide to the Ember Isle rares here.

Planetouched Wilds: Although this is a level 65 zone, in the cheevos screen it is listed under Mathosia.
You can find a guide to the Planetouched Wilds rares here.

Quick List

Below is a quick list of all the rares with a single waypoint to show you an area to look in.
You will find more waypoints on the individual zone pages.
At the bottom of this page you will find all the target macros to help you hunt!

1. Gizzit – /setwaypoint 7123 5842
2. Augustor – /setwaypoint 6186 5007
3. Tormented Wisp – /setwaypoint 6047 5696
4. Crepit Pokeit – /setwaypoint 7324 5054
5. Sea Scuttler – /setwaypoint 7213 4986
6. Gogrol – /setwaypoint 6893 5636
7. Azagamara – /setwaypoint 7169 5787

8. Vengeful Spirit – /setwaypoint 6350 2648
9. Brod – /setwaypoint 6438 2893
10. Marlrog – /setwaypoint 6802 3144
11. Mok – /setwaypoint 7113 322
12. Pandora – /setwaypoint 7128 3481
13. Pentheus – /setwaypoint 6635 2568
14. (Silverwood) Werewolf – /setwaypoint 5812 2726

15. Baheserk – /setwaypoint 4478 5148
16. Boneseeker – /setwaypoint 4750 5289
17. Gnarvul – /setwaypoint 5441 4883
18. Gorehorn the Mighty – /setwaypoint 5903 4464
19. Gormungun – /setwaypoint 4768 5106
20. Lothuu the Sad – /setwaypoint 5752 4588
21. Nela Valcuthren – /setwaypoint 5821 4908
22. Questing Overseer – /setwaypoint 5674 4960
23. Rendfang – /setwaypoint 5735 4772
24. Sentient Cruor – /setwaypoint 4512 5505
25. Stone Rend – /setwaypoint 4780 5139
26. Stridal – /setwaypoint 5223 4906
27. Xoxtillus – /setwaypoint 5849 4509
28. XT-300 – /setwaypoint 5294 5029

29. Browncap Cutter – /setwaypoint 5254 2583
30. Dozer – /setwaypoint 4379 2552
31. Gnarl Nighthunter – /setwaypoint 5399 2765
32. Lunar Shadestalker – /setwaypoint 4633 2457
33. Millrush Moonstalker – /setwaypoint 4418 2911
34. Scald – /setwaypoint 5002 2293
35. Scarbite – /setwaypoint 4216 2613
36. Stalker of Tears – begins at /setwaypoint 4930 2520
37. Stalker of the Grove – /setwaypoint 5367 2633
38. Xaksha – /setwaypoint 4733 2557
39. Zatzak Browncap – /setwaypoint 5340 2573

40. Rockjaw – /setwaypoint 4129 3226
41. Korgek the Breaker – /setwaypoint 4428 4535
42. Ghorgull the Bringer of Libations – /setwaypoint 4439 3312
43. Nightfang – /setwaypoint 4428 4535
44. Quogor – /setwaypoint 3841 2949

45. Gurock – /setwaypoint 2934 3989
46. Lashtail – /setwaypoint 2974 3970
47. Rotwhip – /setwaypoint 4003 4699
48. Shadow Harvester – /setwaypoint 4032 4723
49. Bloodwhisker – /setwaypoint 3853 4169
50. Gravelfist – /setwaypoint 3909 4338
51. Nuhtu – /setwaypoint 2828 4264
52. Granite Crawler – /setwaypoint 3540 3965
53. Ironfang – /setwaypoint 3411 4293
54. Blister – /setwaypoint 3392 4115
55. Rivetskull – /setwaypoint 3248 4140
56. Errant Wrecker – /setwaypoint 3971 4170
57. Razorback Terror – /setwaypoint 3807 4039
58. Barbwing – /setwaypoint 3451 3718
59. Venomspitter – /setwaypoint 3445 3745
60. Corpsegrinder – /setwaypoint 2721 3714
61. Scarbeak – /setwaypoint 3097 3783
62. Ahasa – /setwaypoint 2775 3696
63. Vasyu – /setwaypoint 2606 3826
64. Blackclaw – /setwaypoint 3452 4399
65. Vilehide – /setwaypoint 3448 4442

66. Raging Summoner – /setwaypoint 6314 1710
67. Razorfang – /setwaypoint 5662 2294
68. Deranged Pyromancer – /setwaypoint 5876 1557
69. Fezziled the Curious – /setwaypoint 6442 2042
70. Nytami – /setwaypoint 6616 1325
71. Lugog the Destroyer – /setwaypoint 7138 1544
72. Arumal – /setwaypoint 7111 1846
73. Aelfwar Emissary – /setwaypoint 7083 2140

74. Freddik the Broken – /setwaypoint 7246 5910
75. Enraged Scarab – /setwaypoint 7576 6643
76. Mordant Queen/Widow – /setwaypoint 8139 7237
77. Kragnix the Annihilator – /setwaypoint 8122 6788
78. Glogg the Ravenous – /setwaypoint 8384 7053
79. Forgotten Sacrifice – /setwaypoint 7955 6726
80. Hurnok – /setwaypoint 8175 7056
81. Koglok – /setwaypoint 8363 7009
82. Bone-Fed-Ripper – /setwaypoint 8892 6731
83. Jhomm the Cruel – /setwaypoint 7968 6438

84. Netherworld Wanderer – /setwaypoint 3071 2231
85. Emissary Kavenik – /setwaypoint 2829 1990
86. Frosthide – /setwaypoint 4609 1366
87. Arctic Peakstalker – /setwaypoint 4853 1448
88. Mad Hogger – /setwaypoint 3758 1572 + others
89. Dagda Skullthumper – /setwaypoint 4323 2057
90. Razormane – /setwaypoint 3136 2359
91. Swirling Tempest – /setwaypoint 3972 1771
92. Blackblood Drake – /setwaypoint 3899 1785
93. Frostpaw Mauler – /setwaypoint 4278 1997

94. The Predator – /setwaypoint 6913 6473
95. Mangled Exile – /setwaypoint 6987 7260
96. Grand Councilman Al’hazeed – /setwaypoint 7369 7539
97. Lord Scaldwater – /setwaypoint 6217 7040

98. Blood Bough – /setwaypoint 1566 3299
99. Taziel Kanur – /setwaypoint 2404 2650
100. Thagrux the Unclean – /setwaypoint 1854 3428
101. Khromas the Eternal – /setwaypoint 1329 2621
102. Spineclaw – /setwaypoint 2171 2594
103. Experimental War Golem – /setwaypoint 1157 2696
104. The Endless Broodmother – /setwaypoint 1309 2386
105. Jom Turner – /setwaypoint 2004 2241
106. Azumel the Screecher – /setwaypoint 1728 2310



tar Raging Summoner
tar Razorfang
tar Deranged Pyromancer
tar Fezziled the Curious
tar Nytami
tar Lugog the Destroyer
tar Arumal
tar Aelfwar Emissary
tar The Predator
tar Mangled Exile
tar Grand Councilman
tar Lord Scaldwater
tar Freddik the Broken
tar Enraged Scarab
tar strange mound
tar Mordant Widow
tar Kragnix the Annihilator
tar Forgotten Sacrifice
tar Glogg the Ravenous
tar Hurknok
tar Koglok
tar Bone-Fed Ripper
tar Jhomm The Cruel


tar Browncap Cutter
tar Dozer
tar Gnarl Nighthunter
tar Lunar Shadestalker
tar Millrush Moonstalker
tar Scald
tar Scarbite
tar Stalker of Tears
tar Lelana Redhood
tar Stalker of the Grove
tar Xaksha
tar Zatzak Browncap
tar Netherworld Wanderer
tar Emissary Kavenik
tar Frosthide
tar Arctic Peakstalker
tar Mad Hogger
tar Dagda Skullthumper
tar Razormane
tar Fenwyn Wolftongue
tar Swirling Tempest
tar Blackblood Drake
tar Frostpaw Mauler


tar Blood Bough
tar Taziel Kanur
tar Thagrux the Unclean
tar Khromas the Eternal
tar Spineclaw
tar Experimental War Golem
tar The Endless Broodmother
tar Jom Turner
tar Azumel the Screecher
tar Nightfang
tar Rockjaw
tar Korgek the Breaker
tar Ghorgull
tar Quogor


tar Bahezerk
tar Boneseeker
tar Gnarvul
tar Gorehorn the Mighty
tar Gormungun
tar Lothuu the Sad
tar Nela Valcuthren
tar Questing Overseer
tar Rendfang
tar Sentient Cruor
tar Stone Rend
tar Stridal
tar Xoxtillus
tar XT-300


tar Gurock
tar Lashtail
tar Rotwhip
tar Shadow Harvester
tar Bloodwhisker
tar Gravelfist
tar Nuhtu
tar Granite Crawler
tar Ironfang
tar Blister
tar Rivetskull
tar Errant Wrecker
tar Razorback Terror
tar Barbwing
tar Venomspitter
tar Corpsegrinder
tar Scarbeak
tar Ahasa
tar Vasyu
tar Blackclaw
tar Vilehide


tar Vengeful Spirit
tar hidden crypt
tar Brod
tar Marlrog
tar Mok
tar Pandora
tar Pentheus
tar Werewolf
tar Gizzit
tar Augustor
tar Tormented Wisp
tar Crepit Pokeit
tar Sea Scuttler
tar Gogrol
tar Azagamara