- Tempest Bay is the main city for Defiants and Guardians for level 50 onwards.
- The main Plaza portal will automatically unlock for you when you hit level 48. There is also a quest that leads you to Tempest bay from Cape Jule and/or Pelladane.
- There are 3 portals in the zone.
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Storm Breaker Protocol Dungeon – /setwaypoint 12774 11756
— Entrance to The Comet of Ahnket Raid – /setwaypoint 13275 11564
This guide page is still a work in progress with more quests still to be added!
Tempest Bay Tour
The quest is picked up from Lord Nerat in Plaza Aurentine
/setwaypoint 12947 11576
Visit the places listed
Visit the Academy
/setwaypoint 13109 11533
Visit the Bank
/setwaypoint 12974 11461
Visit the Magazine
/setwaypoint 12996 11695
Visit the Traveler
/setwaypoint 12618 11520
Visit Periga’s Workshop
/setwaypoint 12775 11665
Visit the Dimensional Engineers
/setwaypoint 12764 11595
Hand in the quest to Lord Nerat in Plaza Aurentine at /setwaypoint 12947 11576