- Morban is a level 57-59 zone.
- To get to this zone you will walk in from Seratos
- There are 4 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Camp Landfall, Arlan’s Challenge, and Camp Cyclone
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Archive of Flesh Dungeon – /setwaypoint 15248 5126
— Entrance to Tower of the Shattered Dungeon – /setwaypoint 14341 7399
— Entrance to Endless Eclipse Raid – /setwaypoint 15236 5480
— Entrance to Frozen Tempest Raid – /setwaypoint 14314 7342
Below is a guide for all 93 quests in Morban.
With 54 Main Quests, 3 Nug Village Quests, and 36 Carnages.
For the Morban rares go here
For the Morban puzzle go here
For the other Morban cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Nug Village Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 93 quests in Morban, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.
It's an Adventure

Explosive Ending

Second Time Charm

Mother Said Nug You Out

54 Main Quests
Knowledge Absorbed
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
This quest will lead you into Morban, you can pick it up after you have completed some of the storyline in Seratos.
Use The Pus Swamp Teleporter
Find The Pus Swamp Teleporter just around the corner in the Hall of the Overseer at /setwaypoint 10947 4859
Stand in the Teleporter to use it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow the trail to Camp Landfall and speak with Arlan Merkur’
Follow the trail to Camp Landfall in Morban
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13187 5563
Note: This quest is handed in in Morban but counts towards the Seratos quest cheevo.
Hack and Slash
The quest is picked up from Viando Kuiri in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13186 5574
Use the Butcher’s Machete to Collect Meaty Bark from the Flesh Trees x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Butcher’s Machete’
Find the Flesh Trees in the Forest of Flesh, like this one at /setwaypoint 12445 5277
The Flesh Trees will light up when you mouseover them, and a tool tip will show the name Flesh Tree.
Stand near the Flesh Tree and use the Butcher’s Machete to collect Meaty Bark.
Hand in the quest to Viando Kuiri in Camp Landfall at /setwaypoint 13186 5574
Soothing Spirits
The quest is picked up from Iaza Amere in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13174 5562
Place the Mementos at the Caretaker Markers x6
The Psyche Mystery
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13187 5563
Find the First Spot of Psychic Distress
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Barta Wren (A tree) in Forest of Flesh at /setwaypoint 12670 5166
TO COMPLETE: Collect water from the nearby well
Find the well at /setwaypoint 12686 5412
Right click the well to collect the water.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pour the Shaper-Tainted Water on Barta Wren’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Bucket of Shaper-Tainted Water’
Go back to Barta Wren (A tree) in Forest of Flesh at /setwaypoint 12670 5166
Just right click the tree to water it, you don’t need to use the bucket!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Death of an Artist
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Forest of Flesh
/setwaypoint 12257 5225
Kill Elder Shaper Lezul
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Memory Recall Device on Lezul’s corpse’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Memory Recall Device’
Use the Memory Recall Device on Lezul’s corpse
Behind Lezul is an orb that will take you back to the cave entrance, don’t click it till you have completed all the quests!
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Camp Landfall at /setwaypoint 13187 5563
Great Works
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dedication (A large sculpture) in Den of Lezul at /setwaypoint 12173 5196 (Den entrance at /setwaypoint 12257 5225)
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Great Works of Shaper Art x9
Torched Canvas
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jetting Torch in Den of Lezul at /setwaypoint 12036 5091 (Den entrance at /setwaypoint 12257 5225)
TO COMPLETE: Burn Unfinished Projects x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Jetting Torch’
Find the Unfinished Projects in the Den of Lezul, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12023 5094
They look like piled of earth.
Use the Jetting Torch, it creates a frontal cone AoE of fire, fire it towards the Unfinished Project to burn it.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Escape Artists
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bone Carved Key, Looted form a Shaper Guard in Den of Lezul at /setwaypoint 12057 4939 (Den entrance at /setwaypoint 12257 5225)
TO COMPLETE: Free Caretaker Prisoners x5
Worldly Possessions
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gorna Nilla in Forest of Flesh at /setwaypoint 13128 4807
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed
Take the Challenge
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Camp Landfall
/setwaypoint 13187 5563
Kill Stormgrafted Blades x15
Blast Away
The quest is picked up from Fizio Marele in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14146 6010
Repair Big Mouth Morio
Repair Gray Grrili
Repair Sara One-Eye
Fire all three cannons x3
The three cannons can be found around the edge of Arlan’s Challenge, they all have names! Right click them to repair them and then pull the lever next to them to fire.
Find Big Mouth Morio at
/setwaypoint 14198 6119
Find Gray Grrili
/setwaypoint 14168 5910
Find Sara One-Eye
/setwaypoint 14300 6115
Hand in the quest to Fizio Marele in Arlan’s Challenge at /setwaypoint 14146 6010
Eye Spy
The quest is picked up from Vigla Noktomezo in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14147 6008
Use the Deactivator to destroy Spy Droids x10
Opportunity Strikes
The quest is picked up from Oria Portrari in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13928 6895
Put on the Storm Legion Disguise
Speak to the Communications Officer, you can choose the right option on the speech, or if you choose the wrong option, just kill the Officer and loot the security card from his corpse!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Access the Communications Room’
Use the teleporter in the corner to get to the Communications Room.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Leave the Communication Room’
Stand on the teleporter to leave the room, reapply your disguise first!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the location of Elder Shaper Mutilix’
Leave the underground base and find Elder Shaper Mutilix at
/setwaypoint 14178 7372
Hand in the quest to Oria Portrari in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13928 6895
Intention? Deception
The quest is picked up from Nescio Heredi in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13956 6906
Deceive a Storm Legion Officer
Deceive a Storm Legion Technician
Deceive a Storm Legion Trooper
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Storm Legion Disguise’
Use the Storm Legion Disguise
Go into the Stormhold area in the south and find the tunnel entrance at
/setwaypoint 14293 7344
You will be able to reapply your disguise halfway down the tunnel.
Find each of the different kind of NPCs and talk with them to deceive them
You can find a Storm Legion Officer at /setwaypoint 14343 7381
You can find a Storm Legion Technician at /setwaypoint 14409 7333
You can find a Storm Legion Trooper at /setwaypoint 143 42 7357
Each NPC will need to be spoken to in a different way to deceive them..
For the Trooper, choose ‘Buddy’, ‘Gear Prepped’ and ‘Barracks’.
For the Technician, choose ‘ Talk’, ‘Defense Network’ and ‘Defense Grid’
For the Officer, choose ‘Excellence’, ‘Officers Hall’ and ‘Commander Dysolt’.
Hand in the quest to Nescio Heredi in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13956 6906
He Did What?
The quest is picked up from Riali Dimondo in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13958 6908
Poison the Storm Legion Food Crate
Sabotage the Storm Legion Terminal
Steal the Storm Legion Commander’s Documents
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Storm Legion Disguise’
Use the Storm Legion Disguise
Go into the Stormhold area in the south and find the tunnel entrance at
/setwaypoint 14293 7344
You will be able to reapply your disguise halfway down the tunnel.
Dropping the Storm Wardens
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Storm Legion Weapon Cache in Stormhold at /setwaypoint 14006 7393
TO COMPLETE: Use the Rocket Launcher to destroy Storm Wardens x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Rocket Launcher’
You will find the Storm Wardens up on the walls in the Stormhold. Target them and use the Rocket Launcher, this can be done from down below. The Rocket Launcher will bring the Storm Wardens down to around 10%, you can then finish them off by using the Rocket Launcher again or with your own DPS skills.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
A Misplaced Key
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Footlocker Key, looted from Storm Legion Soldiers in Stormhold at /setwaypoint 14029 7317 – This may take quite a few kills before it drops!
TO COMPLETE: Find the Footlocker in Stormhold
Legion Intelligence
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from the Footlocker in Stormhold at /setwaypoint 14435 7323 (Top level) (Tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 14293 7344)
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Legion Intelligence Documents to Nesclo Heredi in Camp Cyclone
Hand in the quest to Nescio Heredi in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13956 6906
Target Acquired
The quest is picked up from Nescio Heredi in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13956 6906
Call Quaria to the Storm Cannons
Call Shangil to the Comm Relay
Call Lynne to the Storm Barriers
Call Kotharo to the Stormhold Outer Defense
Go to the Stormhold Outer Defense
Stand near the entrance at
/setwaypoint 14586 7246
Use the Signal Flare to call Kotharo.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Stormhold Manufactory Plant’
Go into the entrance tunnel at
/setwaypoint 14571 7290
Hand in the quest to Nescio Heredi in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13956 6906
Circuit Shorting
The quest is picked up from Riali Dimondo in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13958 6908
Override Mk. I Dreadnought Stations x4
Override Mk. V Dreadnought Station
Shuttering Production
The quest is picked up from Oria Portrari in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13928 6895
Kill Commander Dysolt
Acquire the Cyborg Production Access Card
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Shutdown Backup System, Increase the Electrical Intake and Shutdown the Safety Override’
Find the three levers in the middle of the room at /setwaypoint 14662 7338
Pull each lever in turn to complete the objectives.
Hand in the quest to Oria Portrari in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13928 6895
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Explosive Ending’

Elder Shaper Mutilix
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Camp Cyclone
/setwaypoint 13927 6898
Kill Elder Shaper Mutilix
Find Elder Shaper Mutilix at
/setwaypoint 14178 7372
When you enter the area you will be given two temporary abilities, one that will reduce Mutilixs health by 50%, and the other that will interrupt his spells.
Click the two Security Pylons to release Mutilix and kill him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Memory Recall Device on Mutilix’s corpse’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Memory Recall Device’
Use the Memory Recall Device on Mutilix’s corpse.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Camp Cyclone at /setwaypoint 13927 6898
Birth of an Artiste
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14115 6013
Use the Anixtrico Stone on the remains of Enfila Treo at the statue by the Great Tree
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Anixtrico Stone’
The remains of Enfila Treo can be found at the base of the statue in the Northern Ruins at /setwaypoint 14462 5509
Use the Anixtrico Stone to target the remains of Enfila Treo.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Enfila Treo about Elder Shaper Kwell’s location’
Enfila Treo’s ‘ghost’ will appear next to his corpse, right click to speak with it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Anixtrico Stone on the remains of Pulo Aleksa at the well’
Find the remains of Pulo Aleksa near the well at /setwaypoint 14420 5444
Use the Anixtrico Stone to target the remains of Pulo Aleksa.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Pulo Aleksa about Elder Shaper Kwell’s location’
Pulo Aleksa’s ‘ghost’ will appear next to his corpse, right click to speak with it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Anixtrico Stone on the remains of Sulura Prova at the tower’
Find the remains of Sulura Prova near the tower at /setwaypoint 14394 5320
Use the Anixtrico Stone to target the remains of Sulura Prova.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Sulura Prova about Elder Shaper Kwell’s location’
Sulura Prova’s ‘ghost’ will appear next to his corpse, right click to speak with it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Anixtrico Stone on the remains of Tougro Costere at the burial ground’
Find the remains of Tougro Costere in the burial ground at /setwaypoint
Use the Anixtrico Stone to target the remains of Tougro Costere.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Tougro Costere about Elder Shaper Kwell’s location’
Tougro Costere’s ‘ghost’ will appear next to his corpse, right click to speak with it.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Arlan’s Challenge at /setwaypoint 14115 6013
A Dark Past
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14118 6009
Use Holovid Devices x5
Twisting the Knife
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Engraved Dagger, Looted form a Scouring Longtail in The Northern Ruins at /setwaypoint 14455 5500
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Engraved Dagger to Vigla Noktomezo in Arlan’s Challenge
Hand in the quest to Vigla Noktomezo in Arlan’s Challenge at /setwaypoint 14147 6008
Ruins Restoration
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shattered Statue in The Northern Ruins at /setwaypoint 14331 5388
TO COMPLETE: Collect Statue Debris x8
In the area around the Shattered Statue you can find the Statue Debris on the floor, like this one at /setwaypoint 14343 5404 pick up 8 of them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Restore the Shattered Statue’
Go back to the Shattered Statue at /setwaypoint 14331 5388
Right click to restore it.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Tracking Kwell
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14115 6013
Speak to Arlan Merkur in the Northern Ruins, outside the Den of Kwell
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in the Northern Ruins, outside the Den of Kwell at /setwaypoint 13861 5072
Into the Monster's Lair
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in the Northern Ruins, outside the Den of Kwell
/setwaypoint 13861 5072
Lead Arlan Merkur to Elder Shaper Kwell
Elder Shaper Kwell can be found inside the Den of Kwell. The Den splits into two passages early on, it doesnt matter which side you go down, you will find Elder Shaper Kwell on both sides.
Travel through the caves, grabbing all the side quests on the way.
Arlan Merkur will follow you all the way through.
I will be taking the route to the right so the waypoints for the next few quests will be on the right side, you will find the same quests on the left side.
If you fail the quest by getting too far away from Arlan Merkur, you can pick up the quest again halfway through the Den at /setwaypoint 13416 4746
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in the Den of Kwell at /setwaypoint 13363 4805 (Arlan will be stood at all 4 of the tunnels that lead into the 2 main chambers, it doesn’t matter which route you take)
Note: Because this quest can technically be picked up from two different spots, it won’t disappear from completionist as it still counts the ‘other quest’ as incomplete.
Burial by Fire
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Caretaker Bodies in Den of Kwell at /setwaypoint 13756 4985 (Entrance at /setwaypoint 13834 5046)
TO COMPLETE: Cremate the Caretaker Bodies x10
Brains and All
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in the Den of Kwell at /setwaypoint 13363 4805 (Arlan will be stood at all 4 of the tunnels that lead into the 2 main chambers, it doesn’t matter which route you take)
Enter the chamber of Kwell
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Memory Recall Device’
Target Kwell’s corpse and use the Memory Recall Device.
There is a Translocator device at the back of the main cavern, you can use this to go back to the main entrance of the Den. Be sure to grab the side quest below first!
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Arlan’s Challenge at /setwaypoint 14115 6013
From Kwell, With Love
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Half Buried Artifact in the Den of Kwell at (right side) /setwaypoint 13182 4822 or (left side) /setwaypoint 13213 5052 (Entrance at /setwaypoint 13834 5046)
TO COMPLETE: Take the Brevanic Relic to Klerulo Malnova in Necropolis
Hand in the quest to Klerulo Malnova in Necropolis (Seratos) at /setwaypoint 11007 4740 (Entrance at /setwaypoint 10967 4754 on the lower slope)
A Deeper Sleep
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Arlan’s Challenge
/setwaypoint 14115 6013
Place a bomb near a Nexus Crystal
Pacify the Shapers with the Soothing Stone
Blow up Nexus Crystals x4
The beams will start green, then turn orange or red as they get closer to defusing the bomb. You can see a timer on their portrait frame, if it reaches zero then the bomb will be defused!
You need to use the Soothing Stone on the Shapers when their beams are orange or red, prioritising red beams, to prevent them from defusing the bomb. The soothing stone will change the beam back to green.
If you manage to stop the Shapers from defusing the bomb then the crystal will explode, do this 4 times to complete the quest.
Hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur in Shapers Citadel at /setwaypoint 15257 5405 (Entrance to the underground area at /setwaypoint 15234 5486)
Citadel Barricades
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Slain Caretaker in Brink of Angoro at /setwaypoint 14821 5888
TO COMPLETE: Burn Barricades x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Caretaker Torch’
Find the Barricades by the path leading north into the Shapers Citadel, like this one at /setwaypoint 15054 5934
Use the Caretaker Torch to target the Barricades and burn them!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Ride the Lightning
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lightning Actuator, looted from a Storm Rider in Brink of Angoro at /setwaypoint 14869 6083
TO COMPLETE: Use an Actuator Charging Pad
Do as the Morbans Do
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pile of Meaty Lures in Shapers Citadel at /setwaypoint 15115 5331
TO COMPLETE: Use the Meaty Lure on the undead x12
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Meaty Lure’
Target the nearby undead and use the Meaty Lure on them, using the lure will make a Refuse Feeder mob pop up and attack the undead mob.
Feeder Eggs
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Refuse Feeder Egg Sac in Shapers Citadel at /setwaypoint 15139 5312
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Refuse Feeder Egg Sacs x16
Battle in the Citadel
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Shapers Citadel
/setwaypoint 15257 5405 (Entrance to the underground area at /setwaypoint 15234 5486)
Move into the antechamber
Continue down through the next tunnel into the secondary chamber.
/setwaypoint 15255 5383
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend the Caretakers until the Laser becomes active’
In the chamber some NPCs will be trying to set up a laser, you need to defend them until they are finished.
Go through the small tunnel at the back of the room and hand in the quest to Arlan Merkur at /setwaypoint 15259 5306
Shapers End
The quest is picked up from Arlan Merkur in Shapers Citadel
/setwaypoint 15259 5306 (Entrance to the underground area at /setwaypoint 15234 5486)
Open the Death Rift to access the Nexus Key
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘The Nexus Lure’
Continue down the tunnel and enter the portal, this will take you into the final chamber.
You will be given a bunch of temporary abilities to help you defeat the rift.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Open the Death Rift to access the Nexus Key’
Stand under the planar tear and use The Nexus Lure.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Survive the Abomination Assault’
Kill all the rift creatures, use the temporary abilities to help you.
Hand in the quest to The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Second Time Charm’

Note: Even though this quest is handed in in Seratos it will still count towards the Morban quests cheevo.
A Grave Celebration
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
Speak to Afforina Luza in the Chamber of Preparation in Necropolis
Speak to Commander Tharan in the Necropolis training grounds
This quest will not count towards the Morban quests cheevo.
What to do now..
The main story line will only take you through around half of Morban.
You will now need to explore the rest of the zone to find the remainder of the quests.
A House Divided
The quest is picked up from Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
/setwaypoint 12777 5920
Light the Eerie Sconces x12
By Her Account
The quest is picked up from Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
/setwaypoint 12777 5920
Collect Vulana’s Diary
Go inside the Senviva Estate, the entrance is at /setwaypoint 12967 6485
Go down the slope and you will find yourself on the bottom floor of a 3 story underground building.
On the middle floor, go into the tunnel facing north at /setwaypoint 13079 6443
Find the diary in this small room at /setwaypoint 13104 6401
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
Fractured History
The quest is picked up from Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
/setwaypoint 12777 5920
Collect Vulana’s Sigil Fragments x5
Collect Vulana’s Sigil Clasp
Go inside the Senviva Estate, the entrance is at /setwaypoint 12967 6485
Go down the slope and you will find yourself on the bottom floor of a 3 story underground building.
Collect Vulana’s Sigil Fragments by killing and looting some of the mobs in the house. (Housekeepers, Maids, Butlers etc) You will mostly find these mobs in the side rooms.
Find the House Senviva Chamberlain on the top floor, kill him and loot the Sigil Clasp.
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
Heirlooms of Old
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dusty Old Effects in the top floor of the Senviva Estate at /setwaypoint 13049 6443 (entrance is at /setwaypoint 12967 6485)
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Vulana’s Personal Effects to Vulana Senviva in the Dead Pass
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
Righting the Wrong
The quest is picked up from Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
/setwaypoint 12777 5920
Use Vulana’s Sigil to free Brevane Spirits x15
Man of the House
The quest is picked up from Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
/setwaypoint 12777 5920
Kill Archduke Dren Senviva
Senviva Family Members
The next 4 quests all start from quest items dropped by Senviva Family members. These are ‘rare’ mobs that spawn in certain locations in the Dead Pass area. You can find a full guide for these mobs on the Morban cheevos page.
QUEST 49: Jozefan Senviva
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jozefan’s Bandana, looted from Jozefan Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 13000 6253
TO COMPLETE: Bring Jozefan’s Bandana to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
QUEST 50: Lucijo Senviva
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lucijo’s Splintered Shield, looted from Lucijo Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12721 6543
TO COMPLETE: Bring Lucijo’s Splintered Shield to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
QUEST 51: Koralu Senviva
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Koralu’s Spell Book, looted from Koralu Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 13034 5954
TO COMPLETE: Bring Koralu’s Spell Book to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
QUEST 52: Archduchess Orabella Senviva
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Orabella Senvivi’s Wedding Ring, looted from Archduchess Orabella Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 13383 6482
TO COMPLETE: Bring Orabella Senvivi’s Wedding Ring to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass
Hand in the quest to Vulana Senviva in Dead Pass at /setwaypoint 12777 5920
Tax Returns
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Treasure Map, looted from Mayor Fottal Gulanto III in Black Strand at /setwaypoint 13024 7880
TO COMPLETE: Go to the Town Center Fountain
Go to the Town Center Fountain at /setwaypoint 13029 7610
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find a hidden Key Fragment’
Right click the central part of the fountain.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the local Sourcewell’
Continue north to the sourcewell at /setwaypoint 12896 7346
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find another hidden Key Fragment’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the final hidden Key Fragment’
Right click the stone pillar just outside the hut at /setwaypoint 12529 7522
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the secret entrance’
Go to the secret entrance between the rocks at /setwaypoint 12729 7569
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the hidden stash’
Small Deeds
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bound Spirit in Black Strand at /setwaypoint 12526 7532
TO COMPLETE: Destory the Shrines
Go to each location and DPS down the shrines. Each shrine will spawn a demon when you are killing it, kill the demon too.
3 Nug Village Quests
Enter the Nug Village through the gap in the rocks at /setwaypoint 13457 7438
Completing this small questline will open up the Nug Quartermaster. The Nug Quartermaster sells (for gold) 6 dimension items: Bogling Leaf Bed, Bogling Stump, Short Haning Gourd Lanp, Hanging Gourd Lamp, Bogling Lamppost, and Bogling Fish Rack. These items are also available in the Rift Store.
Nug Battle: Duggo
The quest is picked up from Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
Use the Nugifier
Defeat Duggo
Click the Nugifier at
/setwaypoint 13455 7508
Duggo will appear next to the Nugifier.
You will be turned into a Nug!
Your ability bar will be replaced with a Nug ability bar.. most of the Nug abilities are designed to counter-act the abilities that are being used against you. You will likely die quite a bit while you figure out which abilities to use and when.
Fight Duggo and kill him using the Nug abilities.
Hand in the quest to Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
Nug Battle: Blarg
The quest is picked up from Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
Use the Nugifier
Defeat Blarg
Click the Nugifier at
/setwaypoint 13455 7508
Blarg will appear next to the Nugifier.
You will be turned into a Nug!
Your ability bar will be replaced with a Nug ability bar.. most of the Nug abilities are designed to counter-act the abilities that are being used against you. You will likely die quite a bit while you figure out which abilities to use and when.
Fight Blarg and kill him using the Nug abilities.
Hand in the quest to Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
Nug Battle: Wakoomahchoo
The quest is picked up from Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
Use the Nugifier
Defeat Wakoomahchoo
Click the Nugifier at
/setwaypoint 13455 7508
Wakoomahchoo will appear next to the Nugifier.
You will be turned into a Nug!
Your ability bar will be replaced with a Nug ability bar.. most of the Nug abilities are designed to counter-act the abilities that are being used against you. You will likely die quite a bit while you figure out which abilities to use and when.
Fight Wakoomahchoo and kill him using the Nug abilities.
Hand in the quest to Mother Nug in The Nug Village, Black Strand
/setwaypoint 13446 7522
36 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Morbid Morban’ in Morban
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Spider Stomping
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 12970 5588
TO COMPLETE: Kill Twisted Arachnids in the Forest of Flesh x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Beastly Cleanup
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 12897 5476
TO COMPLETE: Kill *Carrion Beasts in the Forest of Flesh x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Den Guardians
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 12479 5231
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shaper’s Sentinels in the Forest of Flesh x4 and Kill Lezul’s Pets in the Forest of Flesh x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Poor Craftsmen
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 13039 5075
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ghoul Journeymen in the Forest of Flesh x2 + Kill Mean Drudges in the Forest of Flesh x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Art Critique
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 12979 4929
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Artisan Flesh Trees in the Forest of Flesh x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lezul’s Students
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 13508 4788
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lezul’s Apprentices in the Forest of Flesh x2 + Kill Mindless Hunters in the Forest of Flesh x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scour the Bone
PICK UP: You will find them in Forest of Flesh at around /setwaypoint 13319 5355
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fleshless Defenders in the Forest of Flesh x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Clearing the Den
PICK UP: You will find them in Den of Lezul at around /setwaypoint 12197 5213 (Den entrance at /setwaypoint 12257 5225)
TO COMPLETE: Kill creatures in the Den of Lezul x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Soul Shock
PICK UP: You will find them in Dead Pass at around /setwaypoint 14126 6237
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dead Pass Spirits x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Brevane, Risen
PICK UP: You will find them in Dead Pass at around /setwaypoint 12831 5981
TO COMPLETE: Kill Risen Brevane
CARNAGE: Carnage: Our House
PICK UP: You will find them in Dead Pass at around /setwaypoint 12852 6313
TO COMPLETE: Kill Members of the House Senviva Family x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Infantricide
PICK UP: You will find them in Stormhold at around /setwaypoint 14073 7202
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Soldiers x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bad Dogs
PICK UP: You will find them in Stormhold at around /setwaypoint 14032 7342
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion War Hounds x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Current Affairs
PICK UP: You will find them in Stormhold at around /setwaypoint 14085 6985
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stormshock Eels x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: All Gore
PICK UP: You will find them in The Northern Ruins at around /setwaypoint 14365 5733
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gore Prowlers in The Northern Ruins x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Specter Sport
PICK UP: You will find them in The Northern Ruins at around /setwaypoint 14434 5655
TO COMPLETE: Kill Specters in The Northern Ruins x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Long Goodbye
PICK UP: You will find them in The Northern Ruins at around /setwaypoint 14423 5580
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scouring Longhands in The Northern Ruins x4 + Kill Scouring Longtail in The Northern Ruins x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scraps of Death
PICK UP: You will find them in The Northern Ruins at around /setwaypoint 14403 5450
TO COMPLETE: Kill Death Scavengers in The Northern Ruins x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: A Grim Tale
PICK UP: You will find them in The Den of Kwell at around /setwaypoint 13831 5043 (Entrance at /setwaypoint 13834 5046)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Grim Artisans in the Den of Kwell x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Kwelling the Abominations
PICK UP: You will find them in Den of Kwell at around /setwaypoint 13581 4787 (Entrance at /setwaypoint 13834 5046)
TO COMPLETE: Kill abominations in the Den of Kwell x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Stalking the Gore
PICK UP: You will find them in The Northern Ruins at around /setwaypoint 14754 5557
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gore Stalkers in The Northern Ruins x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flesh Hulk
PICK UP: You will find them in Shapers Citadel at around /setwaypoint 14993 5361
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flesh Hulks in Shapers Citadel x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flesh Dominators
PICK UP: You will find them in Shapers Citadel at around /setwaypoint 15118 5336
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flesh Dominators in Shapers Citadel x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bone Minions
PICK UP: You will find them in Shapers Citadel at around /setwaypoint 15155 5327
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bone Minion in Shapers Citadel x6 + Kill Refuse Feeders in Shapers Citadel x2
The Refuse Feeders are underground, walk around or cast a few AoE spells to make them pop out and attack you.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Deathborn this Way
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12948 7008
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deathborn in Black Strand x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Looking For Leftovers
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12708 7043
TO COMPLETE: Kill Carrion creatures x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Undying
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12567 7024
TO COMPLETE: Kill Undying Brevane in Black Strand x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Strandling in the Way
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12782 7350
TO COMPLETE: Kill Strandlings in Black Strand x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bad to the Bone
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12666 7422
TO COMPLETE: Kill Malevolent beings x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Digging Deep
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 12944 7415
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Troop in Black Strand x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Just How Vile?
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 13239 7347
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vile Creatures in Black Strand x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Extra Evil
PICK UP: You will find them in Black Strand at around /setwaypoint 13663 7379
TO COMPLETE: Kill Corrupted Storm Legion x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Citadel Greeters
PICK UP: You will find them in Brink of Angoro at around /setwaypoint 14771 5996
TO COMPLETE: Kill Juggernauts and Harvesters in the Brink of Angoro x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blitzkrieg
PICK UP: You will find them in Brink of Angoro at around /setwaypoint 14789 6010
TO COMPLETE: Kill Grounding Minions in the Brink of Angoro x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Brink Bugs
PICK UP: You will find them in Brink of Angoro at around /setwaypoint 14990 6105
TO COMPLETE: Kill Corpse Beetle Scarabs in the Brink of Angoro x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Beasts of Corruption
PICK UP: You will find them in Brink of Angoro at around /setwaypoint 14789 6427
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tainted and Corrupted Beasts in the Brink of Angoro x8
Breadcrumb Quests
Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas
Crucia's Gate
The quest is picked up from The Overseer in Hall of the Overseer, Necropolis
/setwaypoint 10937 4887
This quest will lead you into Steppes of Infinity, you can pick it up after you have completed most of the storyline in Morban.
Speak to Vora Orabel in Zerzala in Steppes of Infinity
Hand in the quest to Vora Orabel in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15678 7115
Notes for Completionist..
The quest ‘Into the Monster’s Lair’: Because this quest can technically be picked up from two different spots, it won’t disappear from completionist as it still counts the ‘other quest’ as incomplete.
The quest ‘Stormhold’: Does not exist!
Players may show as still needing 3 quests when only the two above are left on the list, this is a bug.