Ember Isle Underwater Area Quests

Ember Isle
  • Ember Isle has a level 60 area to the West.
  • To get to this area, take the first quest in Tempest Bay and then portal to Breaker Point.
  • There are no underwater Portals in the area.
  • The main quest hub is Breaker Point, which is a small Island with the Breaker Point Portal on it.

Below is a guide for all 28 quests in The level 60 area of Ember Isle.
With 12 Main Quests and 16 Carnages.

For guides to the cheevos available in this underwater area, see the Ember Isle cheevo page

For the quest guides for the level 50 Main Island, see the Ember Isle Quests page for Defiants or Guardians.

  • Questing underwater is often hated by many MMO players.
  • You will be glad to hear that this questline is quite short.
  • There are crystals called ‘Atragarian Gifts’ in the area that you can click and gain 2 hours of underwater breathing and faster swimming speeds. The closest one to the Portal is at /setwaypoint 11997 3499
  • I highly recommend you wait till you have trained a mount to swim before you quest in this area!

Quest Cheevos

There are 28 quests in The level 60 area of Ember Isle, You will have to complete all of the main quests to get the cheevo.

I Had The Strangest Dream

12 Main Quests

Breaker Point


The quest is picked up from Keeper Ivan in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 13041 11634

Find Keeper Dria at Breaker Point, Ember Isle

Breaker point is a small island off the west coast of Ember Isle.

It’s Likely that you opened up this Portal already during the Ember Isle questline.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

Free Diving


The quest is picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12034 3566

Talk to the Faceless Man
Talk to Solya Karini

The two NPCs you need to speak with are on the same platform as the questgiver.

Talk to Solya Karini
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

Talk to the Faceless Man
/setwaypoint 12027 3556

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Receive the First Atragarian Gift’

Swim a small distance into the sea and click the Atragarian Gift at
/setwaypoint 11997 3499

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Perform the Atragarian Ritual’

Head further into the ocean, down towards the broken city below.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Kelari Water Totem’

Find the Ritual Altar at
/setwaypoint 11823 3431
Stand near the Altar and use the Kelari Water Totem.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Captured Atragarian’

Hand in the quest to Arethea in Ruins of Gakulos at /setwaypoint 11651 3501

The Littlest Atragarian


The quest is picked up from Arethea in Ruins of Gakulos
/setwaypoint 11651 3501

Collect Sigil Keys x5

Find the Mercenary Abyssals in the nearby area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11629 3472
Kill them and loot the keys.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Free Arethea from her Chains’

Go back to Arethea in Ruins of Gakulos
/setwaypoint 11651 3501
Right click the cage surrounding her to release her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Heed Arethea’s Warning’

Right click Arethea to speak with her.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

Wanton Dreams, Cerulean Sea


The quest is picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12034 3566

Use the Dream Lure at a rift tear in Ember Isle

Warning: This quest is quite challenging at level 60.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dream Lure’

For this quest you need to find a Rift Tear in the mainland, level 50 area of Ember Isle.

Go to the Rift Tear and use the Dream Lure to open the ‘Nightmare of the Wanton Rift’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the Nightmare of the Wanton Rift’

Complete all the stages of the rift, kill all the baddies!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

This quest awards the Weam companion Pet.

The Song of Dreams


The quest is picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12034 3566

Collect Kelari Tablet Fragments x5

Find the Kelari Tablet Fragments in the Ruins of Gakulos area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11671 3450

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Song of Dreams from Ismeneia’

Right click Ismeneia’s Altar at 
/setwaypoint 11733 3495 (Sea Floor)
This will spawn Ismeneia

Kill Ismeneia and loot the Song of Dreams from her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to the “Song of Dreams” ‘

Go to Arethea in Ruins of Gakulos at /setwaypoint 11651 3501

Right click to speak with Arethea.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

Serene Psychopaths


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

Break the Dream Foci x3

In the Dream Furnace you will find groups of 3 Meditating Wantons with a Wanton Dream in the middle, like these at
/setwaypoint 11524 3910

Kill the Wanton Dream and then right click the Dream Focus (Red dragon statue) in the middle.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

Swimming Lessons


The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3556

Kill beginner level Goblins x8
Kill intermediate level kobolds x6
Kill advanced level dragonians x4

Find the beginner level Goblins in the Dream Furnace area near the water surface at
/setwaypoint 11700 3882

Find the intermediate level kobolds in the Dream Furnace area
/setwaypoint 11642 3806

Find the advanced level dragonians in the Dream Furnace area
/setwaypoint 11537 3855

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3556

Siren Swan Song


The quest is picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12034 3566

Collect Marble Capshells x4

Kill the Ventcap mobs at around
/setwaypoint 11491 3908
Loot the Marble Capshells from them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Memphoe’

Enter the building at
/setwaypoint 11612 3873

Click Memphoe’s Altar at
/setwaypoint 11601 3837
Kill Memphoe

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

Lucid Dreaming


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

Gather Kelp Rope x3
Gather Conch Shells x3
Gather Pearls x4

The 3 items can all be found in multiple locations towards the north of the underwater area.

Find the Kelp Rope in the Temple of the Moon area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11604 2841

Find the Conch Shells in the Temple of the Moon area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11555 2863

Loot the Pearls from the Tempest Oysters on the sides of the tall pillar rocks in the Temple of the Moon area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11667 2855

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Assemble the Dreamcatcher’

Find the Dreamcatcher in the Temple of the Moon area at
/setwaypoint 11617 3074
Right click to Assemble it.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

False Moonlight


The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3556

Collect Alkali Torches x7

Kill the Adherent of Xezberaiis in the Temple of the Moon area, like these at
/setwaypoint 11502 2998
Loot the Alkali Torches from them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Light the Alaki Brazier’

Find the Alaki Brazier at the tip of the building at /setwaypoint 11526 2968
Right click the brazier.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Culaassyal Tablet’

Follow the beam of light into the building below.

Enter the building and go up the slope, find the Culaassyal Tablet at
/setwaypoint 11630 2836
Right click to collect it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Minaea’

Minaea will appear above the tablet, kill her!

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3556

A Rude Awakening


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12027 3565

Gather a Worn Temple Brick

Find a Worn Temple Brick in the buildings in the Temple of the Moon area.
There are a few of them scattered around, this on is at /setwaypoint 11574 2851

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Dreamcatcher’

Go back to the Dreamcatcher in the Temple of the Moon area at
/setwaypoint 11617 3074
Right click to destroy it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Xezet’

Go in the northern building at
/setwaypoint 11518 2854

Kill one of the Shi-Ming mobs to make Xezet spawn, then kill him!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566

Completing this quest awards the Dreaver companion pet.

Nightmare of the Wanton


The quest is picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point
/setwaypoint 12034 3566

Use the Magical Fetish at the Dream Hollow

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Magical Fetish’

Find the Dream Hollow at the west of the underwater area.
Go to the top of the mound at
/setwaypoint 11279 3533
Use the Magical Fetish

This will start a Rift called ‘Delusions of the Abyss’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Xezberaii’

Complete the stages of the rift and kill Xezberaii during stage 6

Completing this quest will give you the ‘Nightmare Touched Planar Focus’
This is nice if you haven’t yet managed to buy a 6 slot Focus with planarite, this Focus will be good to use all the way up to level 70, then you can start farming for the BiS Focus.

16 Carnage Quests in Underwater Level 60 area

For the cheevo ‘Nautical Nightmares‘ in the Underwater Area of Ember Isle.

CARNAGE 1: Carnage: Aqanjale
PICK UP: You will find it at around /setwaypoint 11685 3641
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aqanjale

CARNAGE 2: Carnage: Ichytchul
PICK UP: You will find it at around /setwaypoint 11702 3159
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ichytchul

CARNAGE 3: Carnage: Nado
PICK UP: You will find it at around /setwaypoint 11469 3043 – He swims around in a triangular route, see the map to the right!

CARNAGE 4: Carnage: Heat Sink
PICK UP: You will find it at around /setwaypoint 11439 3911
TO COMPLETE: Kill Heat Sink

For the cheevo ‘Deep Sea Defender’ in the Underwater Area of Ember Isle.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fatcaps
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruins of Gakulos at around /setwaypoint 11820 3436
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gakulos Fatcaps x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Gakulos Abyssal
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruins of Gakulos at around /setwaypoint 11672 3498
TO COMPLETE: Kill Abyssal deep ones x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Red Jaws
PICK UP: You will find them in Ruins of Gakulos at around /setwaypoint 11805 3547 (Near the water surface)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Red Razorfish x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Treacherous Waters
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Furnace at around /setwaypoint 11694 3891 (Near the water surface)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Yellow Razorfish x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Aquatically Deficient
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Furnace at around /setwaypoint 11700 3882 (Near the water surface)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Goblins at Dream Furnace x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Trench Dwellers
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Furnace at around /setwaypoint 11642 3806
TO COMPLETE: Kill kobolds at Dream Furnace x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Stoked
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Furnace at around /setwaypoint 11537 3855
TO COMPLETE: Kill Furnace Dragonians x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Needed to Vent
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Furnace at around /setwaypoint 11541 3883
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ventcaps x5

CARNAGE: Carnage: Find in the Moonlight
PICK UP: You will find them in Temple of the Moon at around /setwaypoint 11613 3007 (Near the water surface)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blue Razorfish x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Moonshells
PICK UP: You will find them in Temple of the Moon at around /setwaypoint 11614 2930
TO COMPLETE: Kill Moonshell Turtles x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Servants of Xezberaii
PICK UP: You will find them in Temple of the Moon at around /setwaypoint 11649 2892
TO COMPLETE: Kill Xezberaii deep ones x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Demons in the Depths
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream Hollow at around /setwaypoint 11340 3508
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shi-ming at Dream Hollow x8

Notes for Completionist..

  • After you have completed all the quests on the Ember Isle main Island, and the Underwater area, there will be 32 quests listed. These quests are for the opposing faction and you will not be able to complete them.