Eastern Holdings Quests

Eastern Holdings
  • Eastern Holdings is a level 54-56 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will Walk in (or drop down) from City Core.
  • There are 4 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Southwall Bunker (Defiant), Ursin Grove Bunker (guardian) and Arkell Estate (in the dream world)

The first half fo the Eastern Holdings quests are separate for Defiants and Guardians, the quests have mostly the same objectives, but are picked up from two different quest hubs. The questlines then merge when you enter the dream hive.

Below is a guide for all 78 quests for each faction in Eastern Holdings.
With 26 Main Defiant Quests, 26 Main Guardian Quests, 23 Shared Quests and 29 Carnages.

For the Eastern Holdings rares go here
For the Eastern Holdings puzzle go here
For the other Eastern Holdings cheevos go here

Quest Cheevos

There are 78 quests for each faction in Eastern Holdings, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.

Helping the Holdings
Havoc in the Holdings
Night Terrors
Drill Sergeant - Defiant Only
The Afluence of Incohol - Guardian Only

26 Main Defiant Quests

Nothing Besides Remains


Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7807 8459

Explore the mansion grounds
Explore the main bridge
Explore the overlook ridge

Just walk into each of the small areas, you will find interactable plaques at each location, but you don’t need to use these to tick off the quest.

Explore the mansion grounds
/setwaypoint 7637 8245

Explore the main bridge
/setwaypoint 7760 8522

Explore the overlook ridge
/setwaypoint 7538 8573

Hand in the quest to Belarus in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7807 8459

Defiant only quest

Yesterday's News

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Reservoir Bridge Holovid in Reservoir  at /setwaypoint 7832 8495
TO COMPLETE: Activate the 4 Holovids listed

Click the Holovid stands in each location to activate them.

Activate the Reservoir Bridge Holovid
/setwaypoint 7832 8495

Activate the Eastern Terrace Holovid
/setwaypoint 7927 8364

Activate the Overlook Ridge Holovid
/setwaypoint 7539 8611

Activate the Esplanade Holovid
/setwaypoint 7551 8316

Hand in the quest to Belarus in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7807 8459

Serving Woman


Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7807 8459

Investigate the smoke signal

Find the smoke signal at the top of the hill at /setwaypoint 7790 8674

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Save Princess Isabella’

Princess Isabella will be attacked by some baddies, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Reservoir at /setwaypoint 7891 8707 

Defiant only quest

Troll Banners

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Troll Banner in Reservoir at /setwaypoint 7804 8047
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the banners

Right click the banners to destroy them.

Destroy the first banner – /setwaypoint 7804 8047
Destroy the second banner – /setwaypoint 7931 8098
Destroy the third banner – /setwaypoint 7959 8016

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.


Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fresh Picked Fruit in Reservoir at /setwaypoint 7901 8363
TO COMPLETE: Investigate the underground bunker

Go down into the nearby bunker at /setwaypoint 7892 8365

At the very bottom you will find the Bunker Hunter mob.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Bunker Hunter’

Kill Bunker Hunter

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Lottery


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Reservoir
/setwaypoint 7891 8707 

Escort Isabella back to the Vault

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 1 minute

Follow Isabella until you reach the Southwall Bunker entrance at
/setwaypoint 8055 8731

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the other survivors about rescuing Isabella’

Go down into Southwall Bunker, find the survivors at /setwaypoint 8112 8778

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Knock some sense into the Hysterical Survivor’

You will have a temporary ability called ‘Common Sense’

Target the Hysterical Survivor and use the Common Sense ability.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

Teleport Tally

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776
TO COMPLETE: Find the 4 portals listed

The 4 portals are marked on your map. There is no need to rush to them now, follow the questline and you will get to them all eventually.

Find the Southwall Bunker telporter – /setwaypoint 8054 8797
Find the Ursin Grove Bunker telporter – /setwaypoint 7831 7880
Find the Strozza Estate telporter – /setwaypoint 8785 7697
Find the Western Commons telporter – /setwaypoint 8819 8530

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Port Authority


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Enter the safe code
Recover an Energy Source

There are a few locations where you can do this quest, I will be using the one at
/setwaypoint 8300 8434

This puzzle is a game of simon says.

Click any orb to activate it.
One orb will glow, then all orbs will sparkle again, click the orb that glowed.

Then two orbs will glow in turn, click the orbs in the order that you saw them glow.

Repeat for the 3 orbs and the energy source item will appear in the middle of the table, click it to collect it.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

Watch and Learn


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Kill creatures in the Western Commons while Fresh Recruit is observing x15

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Recruit’s Trumpet’

Go into the Western Commons area
/setwaypoint 8242 8430
Use the Recruit’s Trumpet to summon a Fresh Recruit

Kill creatures while the Fresh Recruit is near you.

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

Serving the Survivors


Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8114 8773

Collect Hold Supplies x15

Collect the Hold Supplies from the crates in Western Commons, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8636 8448

You can also loot them from mobs nearby.

Hand in the quest to Belarus in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8114 8773

Defiant only quest

Activation Station

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Martin Strozza in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8116 8783
TO COMPLETE: Activate a Reboot Station + Bring a Glitched Worker near an active Reboot Station to reset its protocols x5

Activate a Reboot Station, like this one at /setwaypoint 8232 8442
Bring a Glitched Worker near the Reboot Station while it is active to reset its protocols.
This will turn the Glitched Worker friendly, there is no need to kill them!

Hand in the quest to Martin Strozza in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8116 8783

Holovid History

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Founder’s Fountain in Western Holdings at /setwaypoint 8689 8488
TO COMPLETE: Find and activate the Holovids

Investigate the Trade Commission
/setwaypoint 8223 8283

Investigate the Founder’s Fountain
/setwaypoint 8689 8488

Investigate Chancellor’s Tower
/setwaypoint 8428 8368

Investigate Arkella Gate
/setwaypoint 8805 8616

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Lost Locket

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Curious Chest in Western Holdings at /setwaypoint 8398 8423
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Lyra’s Locket to Lyra Jauntara in Southwall Bunker

Hand in the quest to Lyra Jauntara in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8064 8819



Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Collect Elixir of Purity from Acolytes of Salvarola

Find an Awakened Acolyte mob in Western Commons, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8811 8574

You will find them wandering around near the Western Commons portal.

Attack the Awakened Acolyte, at around 30% health it will become immune and two Mutant Thralls will spawn, kill them and the Awakened Acolyte.
Loot the Elixir of Purity from the Awakened Acolyte.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate the Western Commons travel stone’

Stand near the Western Commons travel stone at /setwaypoint 8821 8531

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

All Natural Ingredients


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Collect Serasium Vials x3
Collect Adrenal Glands x8
Collect Toxic Thorns x8

Collect Adrenal Glands by killing and looting Savage Terrormaws, like this one at /setwaypoint 9155 8098

Collect Serasium Vials from the floor in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8945 8237

Collect Toxic Thorns from the ground in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8735 7607

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

Arkella Tales

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Arkella Storehouse in Arkella Estate at /setwaypoint 8987 8807
TO COMPLETE: Find all the Holovids

Explore Justice Plaza – /setwaypoint 8490 8940
Explore the Caretaker’s House – /setwaypoint 9026 8554
Explore Arkella Pavilion – /setwaypoint 8540 9062
Explore Arkella Storehouse – /setwaypoint 8987 8807

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.


Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Beast Cage Door in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8922 8240
TO COMPLETE: Open the terrormaw cages

Open the first
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8922 8240

Open the second
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8823 8338

Open the third
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8679 8149

Open the fourth
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8622 8119

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Hermit Hole

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Odd Sign in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8643 8172
TO COMPLETE: Find the Kissing Rock

Find the Kissing Rock at /setwaypoint 8962 8201
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the Old Bend’

Find the Old Bend at /setwaypoint 9265 8096
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find a clue along the Walking Path’

Find the clue along the Walking Path at /setwaypoint 8947 7930
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the mysterious hermit’

Find the Hermit at /setwaypoint 8796 7819 and hand in the quest.

Long Lost Lovers

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hermit’s Journal in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8798 7824
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the sketch to Lia Marconi in Southwall Bunker

Hand in the quest to Lia Marconi in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8812

Perplex the Poachers

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Poacher Totem in Auroborus Woods at /setwaypoint 8288 7673
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the totems

Destroy the northern totem – /setwaypoint 8198 7467
Destroy the southern totem – /setwaypoint 8288 7673
Destroy the central totem – /setwaypoint 8311 7543

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Failure to Survive

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Brevane in Auroborus Woods at /setwaypoint 8249 7503
TO COMPLETE: Search the areas listed

Right click the body on the floor at each location.

Search the highland road – /setwaypoint 8249 7503
Search the overlook – /setwaypoint 7965 7717
Search the old storehouse – /setwaypoint 7579 7896
Search the mountain pass – /setwaypoint 7712 7470

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Switching Bait


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Find Runner Koldan

Find Runner Koldan in Strozza Estate at
/setwaypoint 8951 8035 right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Switch out the Beast Lord Offering’

Find the Beast Lord Offering at
/setwaypoint 8865 8063

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Distract Target’
You can use this on the nearby NPCs to distract them.

Right click the Beast Lord Offering

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Watch the Beast Lord take the poisoned offering’

Stand near the Offering and watch the Beast Lord nom.. it will take 20 seconds or so for him to appear.

Hand in the quest to Runner Koldan in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8951 8035

Defiant only quest

Light It Up, Tear It Down


Defiants pick up this quest from Belarus in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8114 8773

Knock down Beastlord Totems x8
Ignite Combustible Oils x4

Find the Beastlord Totems in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8774 8182

Ignite Combustible Oils found in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8771 8159

Hand in the quest to Belarus in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8114 8773

Defiant only quest

Lair of the Beastlord


Defiants pick up this quest from Runner Koldan in Strozza Estate
/setwaypoint 8951 8035

Kill Thetormon

Find the entrance to the Lair at
/setwaypoint 9018 8067

Go down the tunnel and find Thetormon at
/setwaypoint 9079 8043

Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

Savory Survivors

Defiant only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cage Door in Arkella Estate at /setwaypoint 8680 9036
TO COMPLETE: Open the cages

Open cage one – /setwaypoint 8660 8957
Open cage two – /setwaypoint 8663 8897
Open cage three – /setwaypoint 8681 9035

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Survivors at Arkella


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776

Find survivors at Fen Gorge Bunker

Go down into the tunnel at
/setwaypoint 8672 9408

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Dream Hive at /setwaypoint 8662 9543

Defiant only quest

26 Main Guardian Quests

A City Fallen


Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7737 8315

Explore the mansion grounds
Explore the Reservoir Bridge
Explore the overlook ridge

Just walk into each of the small areas, you will find interactable plaques at each location, but you don’t need to use these to tick off the quest.

Explore the mansion grounds
/setwaypoint 7637 8245

Explore the Reservoir Bridge
/setwaypoint 7760 8522

Explore the overlook ridge
/setwaypoint 7538 8573

Hand in the quest to Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7737 8315

Guardian only quest

Field Medicine


Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7737 8315

Collect Potential Splints x4
Collect Mutant Duskglories x6
Collect Thrasher Venom

Collect Thrasher Venom by kiling and looting a Vine Thrasher, like this one at
/setwaypoint 7835 8417

These can be quite hard to spot, you can use [ /target thrash ] to target them.

This is a random drop, you may need to kill a few to get your loot.

Collect Potential Splints by picking up the Fallen Branches, like this one at
/setwaypoint 7887 8060

Collect the Mutant Duskglories off the floor in the Reservoir, like this one at /setwaypoint 7939 8328

Hand in the quest to Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7737 8315

Guardian only quest

Last Days

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Reservoir Bridge Holovid in Reservoir  at /setwaypoint 7832 8495
TO COMPLETE: Activate the 4 Holovids listed

Click the Holovid stands in each location to activate them.

Activate the Reservoir Bridge Holovid
/setwaypoint 7832 8495

Activate the Eastern Terrace Holovid
/setwaypoint 7927 8364

Activate the King’s Highway Holovid
/setwaypoint 7539 8611

Activate the Esplanade Holovid
/setwaypoint 7551 8316

Hand in the quest to Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7737 8315

Troll Banners

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Troll Banner in Reservoir at /setwaypoint 7804 8047
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the banners

Right click the banners to destroy them.

Destroy the first banner – /setwaypoint 7804 8047
Destroy the second banner – /setwaypoint 7931 8098
Destroy the third banner – /setwaypoint 7959 8016

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.


Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fresh Picked Fruit in Reservoir at /setwaypoint 7901 8363
TO COMPLETE: Investigate the underground bunker

Go down into the nearby bunker at /setwaypoint 7892 8365

At the very bottom you will find the Bunker Hunter mob.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Bunker Hunter’

Kill Bunker Hunter

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

No Time to Bleed


Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Shane Hawkins in Reservoir, Eastern Holdings at /setwaypoint 7737 8315

Defend Captain Hawkins on his way to safety

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 4 minutes + 2 minutes for the killing!

Follow Captain Hawkins, killing anything that attacks along the way.

When you reach /setwaypoint 7563 7982 a mini event will happen called ‘Someday my prince will come’

Kill everything in the area to complete it.

Hand in the quest to Captain Hawkins in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7881 7748 (entrance at /setwaypoint 7816 7813)

Guardian only quest

Proper Introductions


Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Hawkins in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7881 7748

Speak to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

You Got Stones


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Enter the code
Recover an Energy Source

There are a few locations where you can do this quest, I will be using the one at
/setwaypoint 8300 8434

This puzzle is a game of simon says.

Click any orb to activate it.
One orb will glow, then all orbs will sparkle again, click the orb that glowed.

Then two orbs will glow in turn, click the orbs in the order that you saw them glow.

Repeat for the 3 orbs and the energy source item will appear in the middle of the table, click it to collect it.

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

Teleport Tally

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753
TO COMPLETE: Find the 4 portals listed

The 4 portals are marked on your map. There is no need to rush to them now, follow the questline and you will get to them all eventually.

Find the Southwall Bunker telporter – /setwaypoint 8054 8797
Find the Ursin Grove Bunker telporter – /setwaypoint 7831 7880
Find the Strozza Estate telporter – /setwaypoint 8785 7697
Find the Western Commons telporter – /setwaypoint 8819 8530

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Hard Reset

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Captain Shane Hawkins in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7881 7748
TO COMPLETE: Activate a Reboot Station + Bring a Glitched Worker near an active Reboot Station to reset its protocols x5

Activate a Reboot Station, like this one at /setwaypoint 8232 8442
Bring a Glitched Worker near the Reboot Station while it is active to reset its protocols.
This will turn the Glitched Worker friendly, there is no need to kill them!

Hand in the quest to Captain Shane Hawkins in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7881 7748

Picking the Bones


Guardians pick up this quest from Elena Strozza in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7872 7741

Collect Hold Supplies x15

Collect the Hold Supplies from the crates in Western Commons, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8636 8448

You can also loot them from mobs nearby.

Hand in the quest to Elena Strozza in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7872 7741

Guardian only quest

Holovid History

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Founder’s Fountain in Western Holdings at /setwaypoint 8689 8488
TO COMPLETE: Find and activate the Holovids

Investigate the Trade Commission
/setwaypoint 8223 8283

Investigate the Founder’s Fountain
/setwaypoint 8689 8488

Investigate Chancellor’s Tower
/setwaypoint 8428 8368

Investigate Arkella Gate
/setwaypoint 8805 8616

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

A Recovered Ring

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Curious Chest in Western Holdings at /setwaypoint 8398 8423
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Stalvat’s Ring to Stalvat Markane in Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to Stalvat Markane in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7847 7696



Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Collect Elixir of Purity from an Awakened Acolyte

Find an Awakened Acolyte mob in Western Commons, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8811 8574

You will find them wandering around near the Western Commons portal.

Attack the Awakened Acolyte, at around 30% health it will become immune and two Mutant Thralls will spawn, kill them and the Awakened Acolyte.
Loot the Elixir of Purity from the Awakened Acolyte.

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

Unsavory Substitute


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Collect Serasium Vials x3
Collect Adrenal Glands x8
Collect Toxic Thorns x8

Collect Adrenal Glands by killing and looting Savage Terrormaws, like this one at /setwaypoint 9155 8098

Collect Serasium Vials from the floor in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8945 8237

Collect Toxic Thorns from the ground in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8735 7607

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

Failure to Survive

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Brevane in Auroborus Woods at /setwaypoint 7579 7896
TO COMPLETE: Search the areas listed

Right click the body on the floor at each location.

Search the highland road – /setwaypoint 8249 7503
Search the overlook – /setwaypoint 7965 7717
Search the old storehouse – /setwaypoint 7579 7896
Search the mountain pass – /setwaypoint 7712 7470

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Perplex the Poachers

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Poacher Totem in Auroborus Woods at /setwaypoint 8288 7673
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the totems

Destroy the northern totem – /setwaypoint 8198 7467
Destroy the southern totem – /setwaypoint 8288 7673
Destroy the central totem – /setwaypoint 8311 7543

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.


Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Beast Cage Door in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8679 8149
TO COMPLETE: Open the terrormaw cages

Open the first
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8922 8240

Open the second
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8823 8338

Open the third
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8679 8149

Open the fourth
terrormaw cage
/setwaypoint 8622 8119

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Hermit Hole

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Odd Sign in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8643 8172
TO COMPLETE: Find the Kissing Rock

Find the Kissing Rock at /setwaypoint 8962 8201
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the Old Bend’

Find the Old Bend at /setwaypoint 9265 8096
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find a clue along the Walking Path’

Find the clue along the Walking Path at /setwaypoint 8947 7930
Right click the Odd Sign

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the mysterious hermit’

Find the Hermit at /setwaypoint 8796 7819 and hand in the quest.

Long Lost Lovers

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hermit’s Journal in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8798 7824
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the sketch to Felisa Pozzo in Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to Felisa Pozzo in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7927 7786

Alternative Offering


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Find Enwar Zinkol

Find Enwar Zinkol in Strozza Estate at
/setwaypoint 8895 7978 right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Switch out the Beast Lord Offering’

Find the Beast Lord Offering at
/setwaypoint 8865 8063

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Distract Target’
You can use this on the nearby NPCs to distract them.

Right click the Beast Lord Offering

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Watch the Beast Lord take the poisoned offering’

Stand near the Offering and watch the Beast Lord nom.. it will take 20 seconds or so for him to appear.

Hand in the quest to Enwar Zinkol in Strozza Estate at /setwaypoint 8895 7978

Guardian only quest

Raise the Roof, Raze the Town


Guardians pick up this quest from General Batua in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7869 7751

Knock down Beastlord Totems x8
Ignite Combustible Oils x4

Find the Beastlord Totems in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8774 8182

Ignite Combustible Oils found in Strozza Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 8771 8159

Hand in the quest to General Batua in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7869 7751

Guardian only quest

A Lord of Men and Beasts


Guardians pick up this quest from Enwar Zinkol in Strozza Estate
/setwaypoint 8895 7978

Kill Thetormon

Find the entrance to the Lair at
/setwaypoint 9018 8067

Go down the tunnel and find Thetormon at
/setwaypoint 9079 8043

Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

Arkella Tales

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Arkella Storehouse in Arkella Estate at /setwaypoint 8987 8807
TO COMPLETE: Find all the Holovids

Explore Justice Plaza – /setwaypoint 8490 8940
Explore the Caretaker’s House – /setwaypoint 9026 8554
Explore Arkella Pavilion – /setwaypoint 8540 9062
Explore Arkella Storehouse – /setwaypoint 8987 8807

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Savory Survivors

Guardian only quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cage Door in Arkella Estate at /setwaypoint 8680 9036
TO COMPLETE: Open the cages

Open cage one – /setwaypoint 8660 8957
Open cage two – /setwaypoint 8663 8897
Open cage three – /setwaypoint 8681 9035

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Arkella Estate


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753

Find survivors at Fen Gorge Bunker

Go down into the tunnel at
/setwaypoint 8672 9408

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Dream Hive at /setwaypoint 8662 9543

Guardian only quest

24 Shared Quests

I’m going to finish off a few shared pick up quests before heading into the hive!

Monitoring the Situation

Shared quests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Expedition Member in Avendrus Estate at /setwaypoint 8007 8965
TO COMPLETE: Activate the stations

Right click the stations to activate them.

Activate station alpha – /setwaypoint 7424 9624
Activate station beta – /setwaypoint 7700 9373
Activate station theta – /setwaypoint 7493 9074
Activate station omega – /setwaypoint 8007 8965

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Exotic Flora

Shared quests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Strange Plant in Avendrus Estate at /setwaypoint 7952 9303
TO COMPLETE: Examine the plants

Examine the veined stalk – /setwaypoint 7360 9373
Examine the pitted pods – /setwaypoint 7602 9131
Examine the glistening toadstool – /setwaypoint 7952 9303
Examine the blue-bulbed stump – /setwaypoint 7661 9771

Letter Home

Shared quests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Corpse of Barhin Vesque in Villa Orphela at /setwaypoint 7844 9468

Defiants Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Guardians Deliver Barhin Vesque’s letter to Serena Vesque in Ursin Grove Bunker – /setwaypoint 7855 7723

History of Villa Orphela?

Shared quests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Location 1 in Villa Orphela at /setwaypoint 8157 9518
TO COMPLETE: Learn about the history of Villa Orphela

Right click the stand to learn about the history of Villa Orphela

Defiants Deliver Barhin Vesque’s letter to Anya Vesque in Southwall Bunker – /setwaypoint 8068 8830

Guardians Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Creepy Crawlies


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Dream Hive
/setwaypoint 8662 9543

Collect Venom Sacs from Egg Guardians and Spawn of Aetleron x15

Go back out of the tunnel to exit the Dream Hive and find the Egg Sacs, like this one at /setwaypoint 8658 9388

Clicking the Eggs Sacs will realease 4 Spawn of Aetleron to kill and loot.
You can also kill the nearby Egg Guardians to loot the Venom Sacs from them.

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Dream Hive at /setwaypoint 8662 9543

Shared quests

Into the Dream


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Dream Hive
/setwaypoint 8662 9543

Place the venom in the firepit

Click the firepit at /setwaypoint 8655 9551 to place the venom inside

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Breath in the toxic smoke’

Stand near the firepit to breath in the toxic smoke.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Instructor Ristan’s cocoon to enter the dream’

The nearby cocoon will now be clickable, when you hover over it you can see that it is called ‘Instructor Ristan’s cocoon’

Right click it to enter the dream world.

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world) at /setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Dream World

The dream world is a copy of the real world, the next few quests in the questline will take place in the dream world.
To enter the dream world you click on the cocoons in the dream hive, each of the cocoons will enter a different reality in the dream world.
Hover over the cocoons to see the name of the owner and make sure it matches the name on your quest.

The dream world features a bunch of fun and unique quests, often considered some of the best quests in Rift! As a bonus, while in the dream world you will find gravity to be a little more relaxed than usual, have fun jumping super high!

If you log out while in the dream world then you will log back into it again, on the off chance that you get kicked out, you can just click the correct cocoon again to re-enter. If you need to leave the dream world for any reason, one of your teleport abilities will work to get you out, or you can leave via the portal at /setwaypoint 8631 9242

Identity Crisis


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Take the guise of Veda Mora using Dreamshift

You will have a temporary ability called ‘Dreamshift’, this ability allows you to change your appearance so you look like the NPC you use the ability on.

Find Veda Mora at
/setwaypoint 8647 9214
use the Dreamshift ability on her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Veda’s Delivery’

Click the barrel next to Veda.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Deliver the package to Astra Ceyon’

Go into Arkella Estate and deliver the package to Astra Ceyon at
/setwaypoint 8611 8935

Right click Astra Ceyon to talk with her and deliver the package.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the guise of Trivan Netoris using Dreamshift’

Find Trivan Netoris at
/setwaypoint 8586 8968
use the Dreamshift on him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Intervene in Follin Netoris’ affair’

talk with Follin Netoris at
/setwaypoint 8594 8986

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Child's Play


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Dreamshift to one of the young lords

Find the young lords at
/setwaypoint 8562 9223

Target one of the young lords (Not Aetieron Arkella) and use the Dreamshift ability

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness Instructor Ristan’s nightmare’
Stay in the area to watch this til it ticks off.

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

The Mentor


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Dreamshift to Prince Kaliban

Find Prince Kaliban at
/setwaypoint 8334 9132
Target Prince Kaliban and use the dreamshift ability

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness Instructor Ristan’s Past’

Go into the nearby barn and watch Ristan explain his past.

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Animal Rescue


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Kill Tormenting Nightmares x6

Kill Tormenting Nightmares, like this one at /setwaypoint 8564 9101
These can be quite far apart, use
[ /target night ] to find them easily.

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Vivisection Interrupted


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Save Instructor Ristan

Find Instructor Ristan at
/setwaypoint 8564 9041

Aetheron Arkella will attack you, release the Pet Dogs from the nearby cages to help you kill him!

Hand in the quest to Instructor Ristan (Instructor Ristan’s dream world) at /setwaypoint 8564 9041

Shared quests

Down the Rabbit Hole


The quest is picked up from Instructor Ristan (Instructor Ristan’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8564 9041

Return to the real world
Enter Bellia Florell’s dream

You can leave Instructor Ristan’s dream world via the portal at
/setwaypoint 8631 9242

Enter Bellia Florell’s dream using the cocoon inside the dream hive at
/setwaypoint 8663 9600

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

The Wife


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Take the guise of the Stableboy using Dreamshift

Find the Stableboy wandering around at
/setwaypoint 8642 9214
Target the Stableboy and use the Dreamshift ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Watch Bellia Florell’s Nightmare’

Find Bellia Florell at
/setwaypoint 8590 8937
Watch her nightmare play out

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

On the Clock


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Take the guise of Peton Florell using Dreamshift

Warning: This quest is timed.
You have 2 minutes to complete it.

Find Peton Florell at
/setwaypoint 8334 9091

During your journey to this location you will notice light up rings on the floor and up int he air, rinning through these rings will give you a speed boost, try to hit a few of them as you go.

Select Peton Florell and use the Dreamshift ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Bellia Florell’

Race over to /setwaypoint 8535 8932 talk to Bellia Florell

Hand in the quest to Bellia Florell in Arkella Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8535 8932

Shared quests

Hands Off My Woman


The quest is picked up from Bellia Florell in Arkella Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8535 8932

Defeat Aetleron Arkella

Aetleron Arkella will appear, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Bellia Florell in Arkella Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8535 8932

Shared quests



The quest is picked up from Bellia Florell in Arkella Estate (Bellia Florell’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8535 8932

Return to the real world
Enter Diago Arkella’s dream

You can leave Bellia Florell’s dream world via the portal at
/setwaypoint 8631 9242

Enter Diago Arkella’s dream using the cocoon inside the dream hive at
/setwaypoint 8636 9644

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Family Secrets


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Dreamshift to Nuetta

Target Nuetta and use the dreamshift ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness Diago’s Nightmare’

Go to the spot at /setwaypoint 8539 8936 and watch the nightmare play out

Hand in the quest to Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Shared quests

Tower of Denial


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Take the guise of Passa Arkella using Dreamshift

Jump up to the top of the tower and find Passa Arkella at
/setwaypoint 8524 9081

Target Passa Arkella and use the Dreamshift ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Diago Arkella’

Drop down (or use the nearby portal) and find Diago Arkella at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049
Right click to speak with him.

Hand in the quest to Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world) at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Shared quests

Soul of Guilt


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Take the guise of Cillia Orini using Dreamshift

Find Cillia Orini at
/setwaypoint 8393 9334

Target Cillia Orini and use the dreamshift ability

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Diago Arkella’
You can take the nearby portal to get to Diago quickly.

Find Diago Arkella at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049
Right click to speak with him.

Hand in the quest to Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world) at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Shared quests

Law of Consequences


The quest is picked up from Nuetta in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8600 9158

Travel to City Watch Headquarters

Find the entrance to the City Watch Headquarters towards the back of the Arkella Estate at
/setwaypoint 8310 8897

You will now have to complete the route through the buildings, avoiding the red!

There are boxes you can hide in along the route, the red wont effect you while you are inside them.

If you get hit by the red then you will be sent back to the start to try again, there is a checkpoint half way through the route so you won’t have to redo the whole thing once you pass it.

You need to reach Captain Veriless at
/setwaypoint 8485 8905

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the guise of Captain Veriless using Dreamshift.

Target Captain Veriless and use the dreamshift ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Diago Arkella’
You can take the nearby portal to get to Diago quickly.

Find Diago Arkella at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049
Right click to speak with him.

Hand in the quest to Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world) at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Shared quests



The quest is picked up from Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Witness Diago confronting his nightmare

Find Diago at /setwaypoint 
Watch his nightmare play out.

Hand in the quest to Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world) at
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Shared quests

The Nightmare Ends


The quest is picked up from Diago Arkella in Arkell Estate (Diago Arkella’s dream world)
/setwaypoint 8565 9049

Return to the real world

You can leave Diago Arkella’s dream world via the portal at
/setwaypoint 8631 9242

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Nuetta in the Lair of Aetleron’

Talk to Nuetta in Dream Hive at /setwaypoint 8687 9645

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Aetleron Arkella’

Aetleron Arkella will spawn nearby, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Diago Arkella’

Talk to Diago Arkella at
/setwaypoint 8655 9560 and then hand in the quest to him.

Shared quests

Next Steps


Defiants pick up this quest from Diago Arkella in Dream Hive
/setwaypoint 8655 9560

Speak with Princess Isabella in the Southwall Bunker

Hand in the quest to Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker at /setwaypoint 8113 8776

Defiant only quest

The Plan


Guardians pick up this quest from Diago Arkella in Dream Hive
/setwaypoint 8655 9560

Return to Prince Casimar in the Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7882 7753

Guardian only quest

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

Last Entry, First Hope

Shared quests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Vault 3 Holovid in Fen Gorge Bunker at /setwaypoint 8698 9476
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the dream storyline in Eastern Holdings.
TO COMPLETE: Find Gloria Lucia

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Looking For Group

Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Eastern Holdings.

Find Gloria Lucia

Gloria Lucia is in Ardent Domain.
You can get there easily from City Core.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Defiant only quest

Those Who Remain

Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Eastern Holdings.

Find Gloria Lucia

Gloria Lucia is in Ardent Domain.
You can get there easily from City Core.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Guardian only quest

29 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Havoc in the Holdings’ in Eastern Holdings
I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Rognatt
PICK UP: You will find him in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7950 8012
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rognatt

CARNAGE: Carnage: Carglion
PICK UP: You will find him in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 8529 8927 – On the top of the buildings, not in the corridor below.
TO COMPLETE: Kill Carglion

CARNAGE: Carnage: Karlent
PICK UP: You will find him in Strozza Estate at around /setwaypoint 8882 8311
Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 8692 8234 – Then across the bridge at /setwaypoint 8816 8216
TO COMPLETE: Kill Karlent

CARNAGE: Carnage: Scourgeclaw
PICK UP: You will find him in Auroborus Woods at around /setwaypoint 7511 7579
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scourgeclaw

CARNAGE: Carnage: Lastro
PICK UP: You will find him in Western Commons at around /setwaypoint 8558 8697
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lastro

CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood in the Water
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7640 8435
TO COMPLETE: Kill Razormaw and Clampjaws in Reservoir x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Clockwork Men
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7845 8495
TO COMPLETE: Kill defective automatons in Reservoir x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Jeepers Creepers
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7844 8515
TO COMPLETE: Kill 7844 941 8515 Creepers in 7844 941 8515 x18

CARNAGE: Carnage: Deadly Gaze
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7794 8299
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deathgazer Cockatrices around the Reservoir x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: De-mossing The Reservoir
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7869 8111
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mossbound Trolls around the Reservoir x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fight to Survive
PICK UP: You will find them in Reservoir at around /setwaypoint 7936 8323
TO COMPLETE: Kill Goretalon Raptors around the Reservoir x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: On the Prowl
PICK UP: You will find them in Western Commons at around /setwaypoint 8197 8469
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vhar in Western Commons x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Clearing the Overgrowth
PICK UP: You will find them in Western Commons at around /setwaypoint 8611 8423
TO COMPLETE: Kill Overgrowth Satyrs in Western Commons x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Trap Play
PICK UP: You will find them in Western Commons at around /setwaypoint 8255 8314
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mutant Trappers in Western Commons x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutant Scourge
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 8915 8707
TO COMPLETE: Kill Arkella Mutants in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Deep Root Removal
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 9017 8803
TO COMPLETE: Kill Strongroot Bashers in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Leave You Vhar Behind
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 9180 8645
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vhar in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Ignobla Savages
PICK UP: You will find them in Strozza Estate at around /setwaypoint 8923 8234
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mutants at Strozza Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Poaching The Poachers
PICK UP: You will find them in Auroborus Woods at around /setwaypoint 8408 7642
TO COMPLETE: Kill mutants in Auroborus Woods x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Terror in The Woods
PICK UP: You will find them in Auroborus Woods at around /setwaypoint 7951 7687
TO COMPLETE: Kill Terrormaw in Auroborus Woods x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Silence The Woods
PICK UP: You will find them in Auroborus Woods at around /setwaypoint 7736 7513
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aurobon Denmothers in Auroborus Woods x6 + Kill Aurobon Stalkers in Auroborus Woods x2

CARNAGE: Carnage: Alchemical Peel
PICK UP: You will find them in Strozza Estate at around /setwaypoint 8737 8187
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened and Thralls on the grounds of the Strozza Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Chopped & Scrambled
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 8435 9151
TO COMPLETE: Kill Egg Guardians in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutant Infestation
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 8672 9088
TO COMPLETE: Kill Arkella Mutants in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mutant Devastation
PICK UP: You will find them in Avendrus Estate at around /setwaypoint 7919 9231
TO COMPLETE: Kill mutants in Avendrus Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Only So Vhar
PICK UP: You will find them in Avendrus Estate at around /setwaypoint 7610 9139
TO COMPLETE: Kill Crazed Vhar in Avendrus Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Vile Guards
PICK UP: You will find them in Avendrus Estate at around /setwaypoint 7616 9109
TO COMPLETE: Kill Avendrus Guard Beasts in Avendrus Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Awakened Nightmare
PICK UP: You will find them in Arkella Estate at around /setwaypoint 9135 9107
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened in Arkella Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: If a Treant Falls…
PICK UP: You will find them in Western Commons at around /setwaypoint 8372 7755
TO COMPLETE: Kill Greenwood Treants in Western Commons x8

Notes for Completionist..

  • The Quest ‘A Recovered Ring‘ is a Guardian only quest, you cannot complete it on a Defiant character.
  • The Quest ‘The Lost Locket‘ is a Defiant only quest, you cannot complete it on a Guardian character.
  • The Quests ‘Letter Home‘, ‘History of Villa Orphela?‘, and ‘Long Lost Lovers‘ may not tick off from completionist even if you complete them.