Ardent Domain Quests

Ardent Domain
  • Ardent Domain is a level 57-58 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will walk in from City Core
  • There are 3 portals in the zone.
  • The Main quest hub is Turnis River Bunker

Below is a guide for all 50 quests in Ardent Domain.
With 32 Main Quests and 18 Carnages.

For the Ardent Domain rares go here
For the Ardent Domain puzzle go here
For the other Ardent Domain cheevos go here

Quest Cheevos

There are 50 quests in Ardent Domain, you will have to complete most them to get the cheevo.

Domain Domination
Cats and Dogs
False Benefactor
What Witch

32 Main Quests

Last Entry, First Hope

Shared quest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Vault 3 Holovid in Fen Gorge Bunker, Eastern Holdings, at /setwaypoint 8698 9476
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the dream storyline in Eastern Holdings.
TO COMPLETE: Find Gloria Lucia

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Looking For Group


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 8113 8776
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Eastern Holdings.

Find Gloria Lucia

Gloria Lucia is in Ardent Domain.
You can get there easily from City Core.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Defiant only quest

Those Who Remain


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker, Eastern Holdings
/setwaypoint 7882 7753
This quest will lead you into Ardent Domain, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Eastern Holdings.

Find Gloria Lucia

Gloria Lucia is in Ardent Domain.
You can get there easily from City Core.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396 (tunnel entrance at /setwaypoint 5639 9397)

This quest counts towards the Ardent Domain Quests cheevo.

Guardian only quest

We Unhappy Few


The quest is picked up from Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5669 9396

Talk with Gloria Lucia

Right click Gloria Lucia again to speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘View the supplies with Danni Lucia’

Danni will spawn next to Gloria, follow her into the bunker and view the supplies at
/setwaypoint 5682 9368

Your quest objective will now change to ‘View the shelter with Danni Lucia’

Follow Danni to the shelter at
/setwaypoint 5673 9333

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Be Introduced to Brother Vance’

Go to Brother Vance in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5724 9369 and hand in the quest.

The Savage Inside


The quest is picked up from Brother Vance in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5724 9369

Pour the Violet Potion into the Cauldron

Warning: This is a timed quest, you have 3 mins to click the items in the correct order.

Each item will sparkle as it is active.

  • 1-2 : Pour the Violet Potion into the Cauldron
  • 3-4 : Place a Piece of Coal into the Vigil’s Cup
  • 5-6 : Place a Red Crystal into the Flames of Thontic
  • 7 : Transfer the red flame to the Vigil’s Cup
  • 8 : Ring the Chime of Peace once
  • 9-10 : Pour the Clear Liquid into the Cauldron
  • 11-12 : Place a Blue Crystal into the Flames of Thontic
  • 13 : Transfer the blue flame to the Vigil’s Cup
  • 14 : Light the Holy Candles x2
  • 15 : Ring the Chime of Peace twice x2
  • 16 : Stand beside the patient and /pray

To pray, stand near the body (location 16 in yellow), hit enter on your keyboard to open the chat, type in ‘/pray’ and hit enter.

Hand in the quest to Brother Vance in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5724 9369

Escape Route


The quest is picked up from Stephan Martins in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9396

Find the teleporters in Ardent Domain

Find the Turnis River Bunker Teleporter – /setwaypoint 5655 9435
Find the Soros Estate Teleporter – /setwaypoint 5136 9614
Find the Cassana Estate Teleporter – /setwaypoint 5927 10047

Don’t worry about completing this one quickly, you will eventually visit all these teleporters if you follow the questline.

Hand in the quest to Stephan Martins in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5734 9396

Grasping at Humanity


The quest is picked up from Sandra Torril in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5728 9371

Bring back Jerald’s Fiddle

Find Jerald’s Fiddle in the chest at
/setwaypoint 5307 9680

Hand in the quest to Sandra Torril in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5728 9371

Cat Tamer


The quest is picked up from Annalisa Stuzzi in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9394

Collect Feral Cats x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Cat Catcher’

Find the cats in the Soros Estate area
/setwaypoint 5355 9646

Use the Cat Catcher to target the ground beneath the cats and catch them!

Hand in the quest to Annalisa Stuzzi in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9394



The quest is picked up from Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5669 9396

Locate and deal with Bellcini

Cross the bridge from /setwaypoint 5287 9613

Find Bellcini at /setwaypoint 5225 9577 and kill him!

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

Hidden in Plain Sight

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hidden Stash in Soros Estate at /setwaypoint 5564 9523
TO COMPLETE: Find the hidden chests in the Turnis River.

Pick up the chest in each location

Recover the chest from the waters south of the bunker – /setwaypoint 5564 9523
Recover the chest from the waters north of the bunker – /setwaypoint 5482 9287
Recover the chest from the waters in Turnis Valley – /setwaypoint 5165 9395
Recover the chest from the waters near Temple of Thontic – /setwaypoint 4847 9499

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

A Proper Burial

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Exiled Survivor in Soros Estate at /setwaypoint 5367 9647
TO COMPLETE: Recover Exiled Survivors x3

Find 3 of the the Exiled Survivors in Soros Estate, like this one at /setwaypoint 5324 9661

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bury the Exiled Survivors x3’

Click the piles of Loose Dirt at /setwaypoint 5334 9512 to bury the Exiled Survivors.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Last Days of Soros Estate

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Diary of Gertrude Rinaldi  in Soros Estate at /setwaypoint 5333 9674 (In the building)
TO COMPLETE: Read the Diaries found around Soros Estate

Last entry of Gertrude Rinaldi – /setwaypoint 5333 9674

Last entry of Stefano Scoleri – /setwaypoint 5322 9611

Last entry of Rafael Fazio – /setwaypoint 5329 9738

Last entry of Marina Soros – /setwaypoint 5233 9670

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Failure of Faith


The quest is picked up from Brother Vance in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5724 9369

Speak to Stephan Martins in Turnis River Bunker

Hand in the quest to  Stephan Martins in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5734 9396

The Core Problem


The quest is picked up from Annalisa Stuzzi in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9394

Absorb Energy Cores x10

Find Mechs in the Cassana Estate area, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 5822 10143

When you kill the mechs, an Energy Core will appear floating above the body, quickly click to collect it before it disappears!

Hand in the quest to Annalisa Stuzzi in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9394

Watch Your Step


The quest is picked up from Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5669 9396

Disable Proximity Zappers x6

Find the Proximity Zappers in Cassana Estate, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5959 10220
Right click to disable them.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

Brother Vance's Shadow


The quest is picked up from Stephan Martins in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5734 9396

Hide behind the well

Find the well in Cassana Estate at
/setwaypoint 6104 10508
Right click to hide behind the well.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow Brother Vance unobserved’

Brother Vance will appear near the well and start walking south along the path. You need to follow him, but don’t get too close!

If you get too close, Brother Vance will send out a pulsing white circle trying to find you.. stay out of this circle and he will then continue his route.

Follow Vance till he reaches the store house at /setwaypoint 6149 10567

Hand in the quest to Michael Stuzzi in Storehouse Cassana at
/setwaypoint 6174 10577

Lighting the Path

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torch in Cassana Estate at /setwaypoint 6105 10488
TO COMPLETE: Light the torches

Light the first torch – /setwaypoint 6105 10488
Light the second torch – /setwaypoint 6117 10511
Light the third torch – /setwaypoint 6121 10538
Light the fourth torch – /setwaypoint 6096 10560
Light the fifth torch – /setwaypoint 6117 10593
Light the last torch – /setwaypoint 6136 10562

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Proof Positive


The quest is picked up from Michael Stuzzi in Storehouse Cassana
/setwaypoint 6174 10577

Convince Michael Stuzzi he likes human food x25

Inside the storehouse you will find lots of food and drink items, right clicking them will then give you a temporary ability related to that food item.
Go back to Michael Stuzzi and use the temporary ability on him to ‘feed’ him the food.
If Michael likes the food then the quest will be credited by a certain amount, depending on how much he liked it!
Keep feeding Michael food till you reach the 25.

Hand in the quest to Michael Stuzzi in Storehouse Cassana
/setwaypoint 6174 10577

Take What You can Carry

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Large Ration Crate in Storehouse Cassana at /setwaypoint 6157 10571
TO COMPLETE: Collect Small Ration Crates x8

Collect Small Ration Crates from inside and around the outside of the storehouse.

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

Keeping the Flame Alive

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Symbol of Thontic in Storehouse Cassana at /setwaypoint 6168 10586
TO COMPLETE: Read the dedications found in the Cassana Estate area.

Read the dedication to Thedeor – /setwaypoint 5995 10402

Read the dedication to Tavril – /setwaypoint 5795 10402

Read the dedication to Bahralt – /setwaypoint 5918 10651

Read the dedication to Thontic – /setwaypoint 6168 10586

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Not a Moment to Spare


The quest is picked up from Michael Stuzzi in Storehouse Cassana
/setwaypoint 6174 10577

Locate Jerald Torril before the cannibals get to him

Finish off the other quests in Cassana Estate, then find Jerald Torril at
/setwaypoint 5570 10073

Jerald will be attacked by some baddies, kill them as he escapes!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Catch up to Jerald Torril’

Find Jerald again at
/setwaypoint 5450 9986
Kill the baddies that attack.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop Jerald Torril before he gets himself killed’

Find Jerald at /setwaypoint 5383 10050
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rescue Jerald Torril from cannibals in Auditorium Carnos’

Follow him into the Auditorium to /setwaypoint 5391 10123, kill the baddies that attack.

Hand in the quest to Jerald Torril in Auditorium Carnos at /setwaypoint 5391 10123

A Safe Place to Live

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from East Gate Holovid in Cassana Estate at /setwaypoint 6011 10529
TO COMPLETE: Activate the Holovids

Right click each Holovid to activate it

Activate the North Gate Holovid – /setwaypoint 5875 10505
Activate the East Gate Holovid – /setwaypoint 6011 10529
Activate the West Gate Holovid – /setwaypoint 5787 10536
Activate the Workshop Holovid – /setwaypoint 5818 10662

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Ghost of a Chance


The quest is picked up from Jerald Torril in Auditorium Carnos
/setwaypoint 5391 10123

Find some clue of Brother Vance’s past

Finish up questing in the Auditorium Carnos, then head north to the Temple of Thontic and find the ‘clue’ at
/setwaypoint 4782 10006

Right click the Rotting Remains

The Priest’s Ghost will appear for you to hand in the quest.

Weapons of the Gladiators

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Weapons Rack in Auditorium Carnos at /setwaypoint 5390 10101
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gladiator Weapons x12

Collect Gladiator Weapons fromt he Auditorium Carnos area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5427 10153

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

Awakened Visions

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from North Auditorium Spotting Scope in Auditorium Carnos at /setwaypoint 5306 10144 (On top of the arch)
TO COMPLETE: Confirm Awakened activity

Click the telescope at each location, this gives you a temporary ability called ‘Visual Confirmation’, use this ability to target a nearby ‘Awakened’ mob

Confirm Awakened activity with the Western Settlement Spotting Scope
/setwaypoint 5277 9934 (In the doorway)

Confirm Awakened activity with the Eastern Settlement Spotting Scope
/setwaypoint 5631 10173 (On the small wall)

Confirm Awakened activity with the South Auditorium Spotting Scope
/setwaypoint 5318 10292 (On top of the arch)

Confirm Awakened activity with the North Auditorium Spotting Scope
/setwaypoint 5306 10144 (On top of the arch)

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Scattered Scriptures

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shattered Scripture Tablet in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4611 9936
TO COMPLETE: Collect Shattered Scripture Tablets x12

Collect Shattered Scripture Tablets from the ground around the Temple of Thontic, like this one at /setwaypoint 4609 10046

Hand in the quest to Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)

Eyes in the Darkness

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Balzari Mephiso

Enter the tunnel to the underground bunker at /setwaypoint 4564 10042

Continue down the tunnel to the main room.
Find Balzari Mephiso at /setwaypoint 4509 10140
Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)

Return to Dust

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)
TO COMPLETE: Place Disturbed Remains of the undead back in Disturbed Tombs x10

Kill the undead in the two graveyards and loot their remains, then right click the nearby Disturbed Tombs to put them back!
The tomb pictured is at /setwaypoint 4848 9808

Hand in the quest to Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)

Remembering the Fallen

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jesper Murkol (Gravestone) in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4889 9794
TO COMPLETE: Visit the burial sites of the named people

Burial site of Jesper Murkol – /setwaypoint 4889 9794

Burial site of Tarla Ogdah – /setwaypoint 4827 9784

Burial site of Tomi Lucia – /setwaypoint 4650 9699

Burial site of Vince Giraldi – /setwaypoint 4649 9647

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The Real Brother Vance


The quest is picked up from Priest’s Ghost in Temple of Thontic
/setwaypoint 4782 10006 (Right click the Rotting Remains to spawn him)

Find Brother Vance at the Temple of Thontic

Go across to /setwaypoint 4529 9808

Stand in the circle of pillars and Brother Vance will approach, kill him!

Hand in the quest to Sandra Torril in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5728 9371

Making Progress


Defiants pick up this quest from Sandra Torril in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5728 9371

Return to Princess Isabella at Southwall Bunker

Hand in the quest to Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776 (Eastern Holdings)

Note: Even though this quest is handed in in Eastern Holding it will still count towards your Ardent Domain quests cheevo.

Defiant only quest

New Beginnings


Guardians pick up this quest from Sandra Torril in Turnis River Bunker
/setwaypoint 5728 9371

Return to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker

Hand in the quest to Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753 (Eastern Holdings)

Note: Even though this quest is handed in in Eastern Holding it will still count towards your Ardent Domain quests cheevo.

Guardian only quest

Off the Vine

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Abandoned Bed Roll in Witch’s Thicket at /setwaypoint 6244 9893
TO COMPLETE: Examine the items

Examine the Abandoned Gear Pack
/setwaypoint 6309 9787

Examine the Abandoned Bed Roll
/setwaypoint 6244 9893

Examine the Abandoned Fishing Gear
/setwaypoint 6219 9712

Hand in the quest to Davil Andriki in Witch’s Thicket at /setwaypoint 6208 9821

One Way Thicket

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from The Witch’s Head, looted from The Witch in Witch’s Thicket at /setwaypoint 6292 9767
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker

Hand in the quest to Gloria Lucia in Turnis River Bunker at /setwaypoint 5669 9396

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘What Witch’

18 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Carnage Capers’ in Ardent Domain
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Shell Cracking
PICK UP: You will find them in Soros Estate at around /setwaypoint 5582 9475
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stoneshell Seacaps in the Turnis River x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Beating around the Bush
PICK UP: You will find them in Soros Estate at around /setwaypoint 5467 9517
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ironbark Treants around Soros Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: City Sweep
PICK UP: You will find them in Soros Estate at around /setwaypoint 5349 9666
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mutants in Soros Estate proper x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mongrel Control
PICK UP: You will find them in Turnis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5382 9302
TO COMPLETE: Kill Barghests in Turnis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fetid Water
PICK UP: You will find them in Turnis Valley at around /setwaypoint 4858 9500
TO COMPLETE: Kill Undead near or in the lake in Temple of Thontic x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bred to Kill
PICK UP: You will find them in Cassana Estate at around /setwaypoint 5894 10162
TO COMPLETE: Kill Guard Beasts around Cassana Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Scavenging Vhar And Wide
PICK UP: You will find them in Cassana Estate at around /setwaypoint 5934 10175
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scavenging Vhar around Cassana Estate x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Danger Along The Path
PICK UP: You will find them in Auditorium Carnos at around /setwaypoint 5641 9815
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dustpelt Wolves in Auditorium Carnos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Eternal Slaughter
PICK UP: You will find them in Auditorium Carnos at around /setwaypoint 5332 10158
TO COMPLETE: Kill Arena Spectators in Auditorium Carnos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Stomping The Marsh
PICK UP: You will find them in Auditorium Carnos at around /setwaypoint 5312 10351
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scavaging Clampjaws around Auditorium Carnos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Brainwashed
PICK UP: You will find them in Auditorium Carnos at around /setwaypoint 5587 10163
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awakened in Auditorium Carnos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Grave Tidings
PICK UP: You will find them in Temple of Thontic at around /setwaypoint 4751 9755
TO COMPLETE: Kill Undead near or in the Temple of Thontic x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bat Attack
PICK UP: You will find them in Temple of Thontic at around /setwaypoint 4742 9776
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shadewing Bats x12

CARNAGE: Carnage: Folly of the Outcast
PICK UP: You will find them in Turnis Valley at around /setwaypoint 5570 9130
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scavengers in Turnis Valley x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Thunderstruck
PICK UP: You will find them in Dawnkeeper Vale at around /setwaypoint 5932 9117
TO COMPLETE: Kill Grazing Thunderhorns in Dawnkeeper Vale x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fledgling No More
PICK UP: You will find them in Dawnkeeper Vale at around /setwaypoint 5973 9301
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fledgling Drakes in Dawnkeeper Vale x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Swiftpaw Extermination
PICK UP: You will find them in Dawnkeeper Vale at around /setwaypoint 5960 9344
TO COMPLETE: Kill Swiftpaws in Dawnkeeper Vale x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Murky Water Runs Red
PICK UP: You will find them in Witch’s Thicket at around /setwaypoint 6192 9837
TO COMPLETE: Kill Murkwater Lurkers in Witch’s Thicket x8

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

He's Not Monstrous, He's My Brother


Defiants pick up this quest from Princess Isabella in Southwall Bunker
/setwaypoint 8113 8776 (Eastern Holdings)
This quest will lead you into Kingsward, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Ardent Domain.

Talk to Pyrhus Zan near the Academy

There are 2 main routes into Kingsward, it doesn’t matter which you take, just head straight to Pyrhus Zan, hand in the quest and grab the portal that is next to him.
/setwaypoint 4689 8525

This quest will count towards the Kingsward quest cheevo.

Defiant only quest

The In-Laws


Guardians pick up this quest from Prince Casimar in Ursin Grove Bunker
/setwaypoint 7882 7753 (Eastern Holdings)
This quest will lead you into Kingsward, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Ardent Domain.

Speak with Pyrhus Zan near the Academy

There are 2 main routes into Kingsward, it doesn’t matter which you take, just head straight to Pyrhus Zan, hand in the quest and grab the portal that is next to him.
/setwaypoint 4689 8525

This quest will count towards the Kingsward quest cheevo.

Guardian only quest

Notes for Completionist..

The Completionist add on lists 51 quests for Defiants and only 38 quests for Guardians, even though every quest in the zone is shared (except the last 2 story quests).

The quests missing from the Guardian Completionist are: A Proper Burial, A Safe Place to Live, Awakened Visions, Brother Vance’s Shadow, Hidden in Plain Sight, Keeping the Flame Alive, Lighting the Path, Making Progress, Off the Vine, One Way Thicket, Remembering the Fallen, Scattered Scriptures, Take What You can Carry, The Last Days of Soros Estate and Weapons of the Gladiators.

The quest ‘Creepy Crawlies‘ is an Eastern Holdings quest, this is why Completionist lists 51 quests instead of the 50 quests present.