5th Anniversary Quest Line

A Questline added during the 5th Anniversary Carnival Celebrations.

This is a level 65 questline.
This questline is only available during the Carnival World Event.
It can only be completed once per character, it will not refresh each year.

This cheevo awards the title: Conflict Mediator

A Carnival to Remember

PICK UP: From Kwip in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12512 11629
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay
Just across the platform at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 is Winachuk Maguk, go speak to him to hand in the quest!

Into the Swing of Things

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Win Carnival Games x5
Participate 5 times in any of the Carnival Games.
When you are finished, return to Winachuk Maguk and speak to him.
Your quest objective will now change to: Gather the report of a Carnival Observer.
Go speak to the Carnival Observer at /setwaypoint 12468 11770
Your quest objective will now change to: Gather the report of a second Carnival Observer.
Go speak to the Carnival Observer at /setwaypoint 12496 11750
Your quest objective will now change to: Gather the report of a third Carnival Observer.
Go speak to the Carnival Observer at /setwaypoint 12517 11716
Your quest objective will now change to: Return to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay
Go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Sky's the Limit

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Activate an Ascended Launcher
Go to the Demon Graves in Planetouched wilds and find an Ascended Launcher
There is one at /setwaypoint 11103 5251
Click the launcher and your quest objective will now change to: Collect Launcher Pieces x50
All around the quest circle on the ground will be sparkly Launcher Pieces to pick up.
Thankfully you don’t have to pick up 50 of them, they will count as more than one, generally between 4 and 8.
Once you have credited 50 to the quest, your quest objective will change to: Repair an Ascended Launcher
Go back to the Launcher at /setwaypoint 11103 5251 and right click it to repair
Your quest objective will change to: Activate the Ascended Launcher
Right click the repaired Launcher to Activate it
Your quest objective will change to: Target Celesterium and use the Extraction ability.
You will be shot up in the air!
In the air you will get a reactive ability called ‘Extraction’
You will also notice orbs called Celesterium in the air around you.
The Launcher that you fixed can be used again and again, so don’t worry if you don’t grab the Celesterium on your first try!
The trick is to use the Launcher then SPAM [TAB] (to go to next target) while also spamming the Extraction ability.

Ascended Launcher
Launcher Pieces
Extraction ability

You may find this easier if you put the Extraction ability on your ability bar so it can be spammed with a keyboard press.
Collect 20 of the Celesterium.
Your quest objective will change to: Bring the Celesterium to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay.
Go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Grand Theft Lifter

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Dismount Lifter Thieves x8
You will find the Lifter thieves in the main areas of Tempest Bay
These guys are mounted up and very fast moving.
You need to get very close to them and right click them to knock them off their mounts.
You have 10 minutes to get all 8 of them!
When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Lifter thief
Bad Behavior

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Use the Move-Along on Bogling Workers
You will find lots of the Bogling Workers around the Carnival Games on the docks of Tempest Bay. You will have a quest item called ‘Move-Along’ attached to your quest sticky.
Using the ability will ‘chain’ the Bogling to you.
Your quest objective will change to: Lead Bogling Workers in the Employee Containment Field x4
You need to drag the Bogling Worker back to the Containment Field up on the Pier.
/setwaypoint 12555 11620
Collect 4 of them and drag them to Containment.
You can only collect one at a time, try to avoid the green bubbles as these will knock you around.
When you have collected 4 of them talk to ‘Kwip’, the bodling stood at the edge of the Containment Field.
Then pull the lever on the edge of the Containment Field.
When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Chain the Bogling!
Employee Containment Field
Bogling Workers
My Kingdom for an Epic Mount

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Use a mount Lever
Near the questgiver are 3 platforms with 3 different mounts on them.
Pull the lever next to one of the mounts to select it for the quest.
Your quest objective will change to: Use a Maguk mount ability.
Your main ability bar will have been replaced with a special mount ability bar with lots of different abilities!

Pick your mount!
Iron Grip
Cannot be dismounted
Zip Ahead
Shoot forward
Targets hit are Imprisoned
Force Pulse
Knock back and stun enemies in front of you
Break combat and enter stealth for 3 seconds
Oil Slick
Slippery pool of oil behind you
Super Jump
Jump a long distance in certain locations
Pilot Repair
Heals over time
Dismounts you

Your mission is to make it from one end of Tempest Bay to the other on all three mounts.
You have 2 minutes to complete the task
This may seem like an easy task, however there are boglings on the way constantly trying to dismount you, if they succeed then you will have to start back at the beginning again.

Use the abilities you have been given to stealth, be immune, knock back enemies, imprison them and jump at the designated spots.
If you get dismounted, you can use the Winachuk Return button to get back to the start area quickly.
I highly suggest you do everything you can to reduce lag before attempting this, and turn your graphics settings waaay down if you usually experience lag in crowded areas.

You will mostly be using abilities 1 and 2, both have a 10 second cooldown.
You will also use button 5 which has a 15 second cooldown.
And button 7, the long jump in the certain locations.

Jump spots are:
Just before the bridge over the canals
Just after the Plaza portal
At the bottom of the slope leading up to the Haunted Terminal

On the right is a video of the process.
This works for all 3 mounts.

When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Note: You used to be able to accept a summon to the finish line to skip this quest, this now seems to have been disabled, you will have to do it the hard way! Just keep practicing!

Instant Gratification

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Complete Carnival of the Ascended Instant Adventures
Press [ . ] to open up the Instant Adventure menu and hit join on the Carnival of the Ascended Adventures.
Complete 10 of the quests.
When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Constructing an Army

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Adriana Weaver at the Endless Citadel, Stillmoor
Go to just outside the Endless Citadel in Stillmoor – /setwaypoint 1195 2660
Speak to Adriana Weaver
Your quest objective will change to: Locate Construct Trainees
Go into the Endless Citadel and all the way up to the back by the entrance to the greenscale raid /setwaypoint 808 2723
Here you will find Trainee Remains on the ground, right click to collect them.
Your quest objective will change to: Kill Endless Court Commandos x3
3 bad guys will pop up and start attacking you, kill them!
Your quest objective will change to: Speak to Keeper Dria in Breaker Point Ember Isle
Breaker Point is the small Island to the West of Ember Isle
Go to Keeper Dria at /setwaypoint 12034 3566 and talk to her
Your quest objective will change to: Speak to a Construct Trainee in Breaker Point, Ember Isle
Just to the north will be a group of Construct Trainees
Speak to one of them
Your quest objective will change to: Speak to Atrophinius in Hailol, The Dendrome.
Go to Hailol in The Dendrome and speak to Atrophinius at /setwaypoint 3982 5454
Your quest objective will change to: Locate the Construct Trainee at Hive Az’Zgez
Go to Hive Az’Zgez in The Dendrome and speak to the Construct Trainee at /setwaypoint 2542 4442
Your quest objective will change to: Kill Reprogrammed Trainees x9
You will find the Reprogrammed Trainees in the quest circle just to the north of you at /setwaypoint 2450 4186 – Kill 9 of them!
Your quest objective will change to: Locate the Construct Trainees in Fetid Plains, Seratos
Go to the Fetid Plains (Nug Village) in Seratos and speak to Kwip at /setwaypoint 10921 3448
Your quest objective will change to: Confront Construct Trainees x5
All around the Nug Village you will find Construct Trainees, right click to talk to them 5 times, you will find there are only 2 or 3 up at a time so it will help to switch shard to find more.
Your quest objective will change to: Speak to Finric In Atragarian Well, Goboro Reef
Find Finric In the Atragarian Well in Goboro Reef at /setwaypoint 2913 7161
Your quest objective will change to: Kill the Spinefin Thresher
Go up the wall of water behind Finric to find the Spinefin Thresher at /setwaypoint 2793 7153 (height = 856)
Kill the Spinefin Thresher
When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest.

Adrianna Weaver
Trainee Remains
Construct Trainees
Construct Trainee in Dendrome
Reprogrammed Trainees in Dendrome
Construct Trainees in Seratos
Spinefin Thresher in Goboro Reef
The Iron Savage

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Evaluate the Construct Trainees in the Planetouched Wilds
Go to the Cave under Shal Korva in Planetouched wilds
entrance is at /setwaypoint 10320 5744
Half way down the stairs will be a large portal covering the opening, walk into it.
Continue down into the cave to find Sevshee talking about her Iron Savage construction.
There will be a lot of talking and then the Iron will *spoiler* turn out to be a bad guy.
Your quest objective will change to: Defeat the Iron Savage.
Kill the Iron Savage.
You only have to kill the Iron Savage, dont worry about the little guys that join the fight.
When you have finished go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest

Portal Under Shal Korva
Sevshee and the Iron Savage
The Mind Boggles // Another Option

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
History: You now have a choice between two different quests. Back when this questline was first released, ‘The Mind Boggles’ was the only option here. The Mind Boggles is a quest that involves some very careful dimension building that can be a little buggy. So the quest ‘Another Option’ was added to give players a choice. If you pick up one of these quests and decide you want to do the other one instead, then simply abandon the quest and go back to the questgiver for the other one.

The Mind Boggles

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Read Maguk’s Instructions
WARNING – Accepting this quest will place 5 Dimension items in your bags. If you have minion sender (or any other add on) deleting your dimension items then you will need to turn off this feature before accepting the quest.

You can find Maguk’s Instructions on your quest sticky.. If you are new to dimensions then it will be worth a read!
Enter a personal Dimension (it has to be your own) by pressing [ and selecting one of your own dimensions.
The dimension items that you need for the quest will be found inside your quest log bag [ L ]If you already have quite a few quest items then they may be muddled up between them.
You can drag them into your main character bags and place them into your dimension from there, but if you pick them up again then they will end up back in your quest log bags again, so just be aware of this! Also, if you are half way through building and want to start again and pick up the alter before the 4 heads then the heads will be unselectable, use your Dimension Items List to pick them up!

The 6 Dimension Items

You need to start by placing the alter, then the 4 heads, one in each corner, turn them so they are facing each other and finally lay the branch in the middle.
You may find this much easier if you use the Dimension Items List to select items already placed, as shown in the video below.

When you finish, Hidjak will appear, talk to him and then pick up all the Dimension items.
Go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest

Another Option

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Ezael in Fetid Plains, Seratos
Ezael is stood outside his little hut in Seratos at
/setwaypoint 11477 4039
Talk to him
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring Ezael thirty Mutant Spores’
You will find the Mutant Spores all around the Fetid Plains area in Seratos.

Mutant Spores spawn here
This is a Mutant Spore

When you find a Mutant Spore you can switch shard at that spot to pick it up from all shards that its up on.
Pick up thirty of the Mutant Spores and bring them back to Ezael and trade them for the Targeted Summoner

Select the option for the Targeted Summoner

Near Ezael will be a round platform (Targeted Summoner) to click.

Click it and then go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest

Completing either of these quests will grant you the cheevo Dimensional Divination
A Savage End

PICK UP: From Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662
TO COMPLETE: Use the Ascendo Multiplier
On the docks near the questgiver at /setwaypoint 12545 11676 is the Ascendo Multiplier, a machine to click.
You will be teleported to an instanced version of Tempest bay with a special questline.
Your quest objective will change to: Destroy the Iron Savage
You will have a special quest encounter quest sticky to guide you through the steps and your quest circles will be blue instead of yellow

The quest area covers most of the Tempest Bay Canal.
Go kill 20 of the Savage’s Minions and 4 of the Reconstructed.

The 4 Reconstructed mobs are marked
on your map by small blue dots.
Drag the Recontructed mobs into the white circles
to have them be hit by a cannon!

When you have killed the required mobs the Iron Savage will appear.
There will be more white circles around that you can drag him into so the cannons target him. There will also be healing sticks which you can click if you find your health getting low.
Stay out of the red circles that he drops and make sure to move to the other side of him when he casts electro jet.
When you have killed him go back to Winachuk Maguk in Tempest Bay in the Docks at /setwaypoint 12559 11662 – Hand in the quest

The quest will award you with a cape.
The cape unlocks the Nightmare Drape Wardrobe.

Handing in the quest will port you back to the ‘real’ Tempest Bay and grant you the cheevo ‘Five more years!’

The Ascendo Multiplier
Awesome crown!
The Iron Savage
Healing Stick