The Saga of the Wanton Maw Quests

The Saga of the Wanton Maw Questline has 9 quests.
The Saga starts in Meridian or Sanctum, and takes you through a few of the Mathosian zones.

Although the first quest can be picked up at level 50, I recommend you wait until you are at least level 65 to start, then you will be able to complete all the quests solo.
Most of the quests can be done without mentoring down.

The questline rewards ‘Breath of Maelforge’, the ‘Keko’ pet, and some fire themed weapon skins.

The questline is the same for Defiant and Guardian characters. However the NPC where you pick up each quest will be different! Because of this, the wording of the quest text may be slightly different too.


The Saga of the Wanton Maw was released during a one-off World Event that ran from the 19th of April to the 24th of May 2012. This event was to celebration the opening of the Infernal Dawn raid.
The event had 3 main phases. You could earn currency by doing daily quests. The currency was used to buy various items, including: The Nebula and Tindrel mounts, Flame effects for weapons and your character, and some level 50 lesser essences.
The currencies were called ‘Molten Gold Ingot’, ‘Inscribed Sourcestone’, and ‘Crystalline Rage’.

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Saga of the Wanton Maw.
You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas

The Unknown Flame
Delinking the Chain of Command
Cyril's Champion

Saga of the Wanton Maw - Act One



Defiants pick up this quest from Adept Dinoce in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5150
Guardians pick up this quest from Corporal Riltas in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7437 3048 – On the top floor

Collect Invasion Orders from Major Earth and Fire rifts that grant experience x15

Open Major Earth and Fire rifts and close them!
Invasion Orders only drop from rifts in Mathosian zones, including Ember Isle.
You will need to mentor down! You can stay high level until the last stage and then just mentor down for the final mob. You can make macros to do this quickly! More info on mentoring here.
Each rift will drop one Invasion Order.
You need to close the rift fully, getting it to last stage and then mentoring down to close, don’t allow the timer to run out during an earlier stage.

Defiants hand in the quest to Adept Dinoce in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5150
Guardians hand in the quest to Corporal Riltas in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7437 3048 – On the top floor

Connecting the Dots


Defiants pick up this quest from Legionnaire Amiruth in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5153
Guardians pick up this quest from Sergeant Horran in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7435 3048

Defeat Brass Brutes x20

In Droughtlands are 5 large quest circles marked on the map.

In the circles you will find red crystals. Stand near the red crystals and the Brass Brutes will spawn.
This crystal is at
/setwaypoint 7236 6364

You can just stay at one crystal and wait for the Brutes to respawn, you will be waiting 30-90 seconds between each Brute. You can cycle through the shards to make this quicker!

Defiants hand in the quest to Legionnaire Amiruth in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5153
Guardians hand in the quest to Sergeant Horran in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7435 3048

Vanquish the General


Defiants pick up this quest from Legionnaire Amiruth in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5153
Guardians pick up this quest from Lieutenant Yillasia in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3048

Defeat Bouldergut

Make your way up to the top of ‘Harlan’s Lament’ in Droughtlands.
Find the Strange Crystal at
/setwaypoint 8040 6833
Right click the crystal.

Bouldergut will spawn! Kill him!

Defiants hand in the quest to Legionnaire Amiruth in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5153
Guardians hand in the quest to Lieutenant Yillasia in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3048

This quest rewards the ‘Breath of Maelforge’ item. Using this item creates a cone of fire in front of your character! The item can be used infinite times.

Handing in this quest will grant your the cheevo ‘The Unknown Flame’

Saga of the Wanton Maw - Act Two

Gap in the Armor


Defiants pick up this quest from Centurion Namik in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5151
Guardians pick up this quest from Lieutenant Samkal in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7438 3053

Defeat Graal
Defeat Jor’Nok
Defeat Urdal
Defeat Nillem

These 4 baddies are all found in Shimmersand.

Defeat Urdal

Find Urdal inside the cave at
/setwaypoint 6769 7056

Defeat Graal

Walking around the camp at
/setwaypoint 7292 7147

Defeat Nillem

In front of the CC dungeon entrance
/setwaypoint 7094 7610

Defeat Jor’Nok

Wanders around the camp at
/setwaypoint 5936 7047

Defiants hand in the quest to Centurion Namik in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6197 5151
Guardians hand in the quest to Lieutenant Samkal in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7438 3053

Parcels Through the Cracks


Defiants pick up this quest from Stratego Iakale in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6192 5154
Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Toria in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7436 3055

Collect a Damaged Transmitter
Collect a Device Motor
Collect a Device Gear
Collect a Device Antenna
Collect a Device Amplifier
Collect Device Power Cells

Bloodfire Behemouth is the best!
Example of loot from one event!

You need to participate in fire and/or earth events in the Mathosian zones.
You can track which events are up using a zone event tracker, like YARET

You can buy Fatestones to summon zone events, these Fatestones cost credits, but they will speed up this quest! The best Fatestone to buy is the Bloodfire Behemouth one. Be sure to ask in global chats for players that have already bought the Fatestone to use theirs for you!
This quest will take 3 to 5 events to complete.. it used to be much worse drop rates!

Defiants hand in the quest to Stratego Iakale in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6192 5154
Guardians hand in the quest to Captain Toria in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7436 3055

A Mighty Blow


Defiants pick up this quest from Stratego Iakale in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6192 5154
Guardians pick up this quest from General Ina’gara in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3053

Place the Wanton Maw Device at the risen arena in Shimmersand’s Tempest Plains

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Wanton Maw Device’

Go to the middle of the arena in Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 7026 6987

Click the Wanton Maw Device on your quest sticky, this will place a Wanton Maw Device in the middle of the arena.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Wanton Maw Device’

Click the Wanton Maw Device in the middle of the arena.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Gorlach’

Gorlach will appear in the middle of the arena, kill him!

Defiants hand in the quest to Stratego Iakale in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6192 5154
Guardians hand in the quest to General Ina’gara in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3053

Handing in this quest will grant your the cheevo ‘Delinking the Chain of Command’

Saga of the Wanton Maw - Act Three

Dungeon Quest – All Mathosian experts!
You can find full guides to the Mathosian expert dungeons here.

The Golden Ticket


Defiants pick up this quest from Brigadier Andan in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6191 5151
Guardians pick up this quest from Captain Envris in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7435 3052

Collect Wanton Maw Treaty Documents x5

For this quest you need to find ‘Emissaries of Maelforge and Laethys’ in Mathosian expert dungeons. Kill the Emissaries to loot the Documents from them.

The easiest way to get this quest done is to go into the Deepstrike Mines expert dungeon. Don’t kill anything! Drop straight down to the bottom of the mineshaft and find the Emissary at /setwaypoint 653 359
Kill the Emissary, loot the Documents from it, then use ‘/cast last resort‘ to die quickly.
Respawn to the dungeon entrance, walk out the portal and then right click your character portrait to reset instances. Walk back in the dungeon and the Emissary will have reset for you to kill again! Repeat 5 times for the win.

If you would prefer to run the full dungeons for this quest, then you can find the locations for each Emissary in every dungeon on this Magelo page.

Defiants hand in the quest to Brigadier Andan in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6191 5151
Guardians hand in the quest to Captain Envris in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7435 3052

Putting out the Fire


Defiants pick up this quest from Stratego Tonust in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6194 5152
Guardians pick up this quest from General Ina’gara in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3053

Destroy 10 Molten Eggs 
Destroy 10 Earthen Eggs
Defeat Nest Warden Estinal
Defeat Nest Warden Finadros

In the area above Granite Falls in Stonefield you will find a collection of earth and fire eggs. You can find a video explaining how to get up here. And a picture of the route here.

Destroy 10 of the Molten Eggs to spawn Nest Warden Finadros and kill him!

Note: Each time you destroy an egg it will spawn a few fire elementals, kill them.

Destroy 10 of the Earthen Eggs to spawn Nest Warden Estinal and kill him!

Note: Each time you destroy an egg it will spawn a few earth elementals, kill them.

Defiants hand in the quest to Stratego Tonust in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6194 5152
Guardians hand in the quest to General Ina’gara in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3053

Third Degree Burns


Defiants pick up this quest from Stratego Tonust in Epoch Plaza, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6194 5152
Guardians pick up this quest from General Ina’gara in Sanctum of the Vigil, Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7434 3053

Defiants are asked to Find and free Cyril Kalmar
Guardians are asked to Find and free Asha Catari

Cyril and Asha are both trapped in cages in Ember Isle in the Fell Fields area
/setwaypoint 13157 3759

Kill the baddies around the area and then click the Winch to release the cages.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Deadeye Tinrada to rescue Cyril/Asha’

Deadeye Tinrada will spawn to defend the cages, kill her!

Defiants hand in the quest to Cyril Kalmar in Fell Fields, Ember Isle
/setwaypoint 13154 3756
Guardians hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Fell Fields, Ember Isle
/setwaypoint 13157 3751

This quest also reward the companion pet ‘Keko’

Handing in this quest will grant your the cheevo ‘Cyril’s Champion’