Soul Saga Quests Quests

The Soul Saga Questline has 20 quests.
The Saga starts in Meridian/Sanctum and takes you through many of the Mathosian zones. There is a short trip to Steppes of Affinity in Storm Legion at the end. There is no group instanced content and no PVP.

Although the first quest can be picked up at level 15, I recommend you wait until you are at least level 65 to start, then you will be able to complete all the quests solo.
The level requirements will increase as you go through the questline. So if you are completing this at lower levels and are unable to pick up the next quest then it may be that you are not high enough level yet.

The questline rewards: A bunch of Runeguard notoriety, and the costume capes: ‘Cape of the Arbiter’, ‘Cape of the Physician’, ‘Cape of the Liberator’, and ‘Cape of the Oracle’.

The first 2 quests start in Meridian/Sanctum, so the NPCs are different for Defiant and Guardian characters. The rest of the questline takes place in neutral zones and is the same for Defiant and Guardian characters.
Note: Due to the name and content of the saga, some peeps may wonder if you need to buy the souls to be able to complete these quests! You do not need to have purchased any of the souls to be able to complete this questline!

The quests will show up in the ‘Moonshade Highlands’ area of your quest log.

Note: You may have come across this guide because you are a new, low level player that is stuck on one of the quests, usually the ‘Close a Hero’s Unrest rift’ quest. This questline is meant for HIGH LEVEL characters. The devs did a silly when they made it so that such low level characters could pick up the first few quests!
You should portal back to the starter zone, Freemarch or Silverwood and continue questing the normal storyline through these zones. Look in your quest log and unsticky anything that is under a ‘saga questline’ heading. If you are having trouble getting back to the normal quests then do please ask in chat for help! Many other players have also fallen into this trap before you!

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Soul Saga. You will find these cheevos in H > Zones > Rift > Moonshade Highlands

Hand of Judgment
Love Heals All
Mind and Body
An End Unforeseen

Soul Saga Quests - Hand of Judgment - Act One

Highlands Research


Defiants pick up this quest from Devira Annington in Meridian
/setwaypoint 6123 5226

Speak with Rahn Chuluun in Meridian

Defiants hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6086 5060

Defiant only quest

Highlands Research


Guardians pick up this quest from Remun Smorkov in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7353 3067

Speak with Borrin Gammult in Sanctum

Guardians hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7515 3047

Guardian only quest

To Delve is to Know


Defiants pick up this quest from Rahn Chuluun in Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5060

Examine the Dwarven Artifact

Head out of Meridian to the Dwarven Artifact at /setwaypoint 6144 5380

Click the Artifact to be teleported over to Moonshade Highlands.
You will find yourself next to the Timeworn Cliffs portal at /setwaypoint 7548 1888

Walk forwards to find Kovoro Zarlith at
/setwaypoint 7581 1808
Hand in the quest.

Defiant only quest

To Delve is to Know


Guardians pick up this quest from Borrin Gammult in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7515 3047

Examine the Dwarven Artifact

Head out of Sanctum to the Dwarven Artifact at /setwaypoint 7241 3092

Click the Artifact to be teleported over to Moonshade Highlands.
You will find yourself next to the Timeworn Cliffs portal at /setwaypoint 7548 1888

Walk forwards to find Kovoro Zarlith at
/setwaypoint 7581 1808
Hand in the quest.

Guardian only quest

Suffer in Soul


Pick up this quest from Kovoro Zarlith in Timeworn Cliffs, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7581 1808

Absorb power from the first artifact

Continue along the path until you reach the first artifact, the pillar of wind at /setwaypoint 7552 1771

Click the pillar of wind.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Absorb power from the second artifact’

Continue along the path until you reach the first artifact, the pillar of stone at /setwaypoint 7509 1674

Click the pillar of stone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Absorb power from the third artifact’

Go back along the path and then across the first bridge to the other cliff face. Find the pillar of time at /setwaypoint 7612 1596

Click the pillar of time.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pass the first obstruction’

Continue along the second bridge towards the doorway in the cliffs.

In the doorway is a large rock blocking the path. Walk up to the rock and you will get a temporary ability called ‘Boulder Punch’

Click the Boulder Punch ability to break through.

When you enter the next area you will be auto-mentored down to level 15. Don’t worry, all the baddies will be at this level too!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pass the second obstruction’

Continue down the path into the cave until you reach the next blockage at
/setwaypoint 7534 1749
This time a Stone Guardian will spawn for you to kill!

Lit Torch
/setwaypoint 7496 1729
Resurrection Experiment
/setwaypoint 7492 1740

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for clues x5’

Continue along the tunnel, killing the baddies you encounter.

Pick up 5 of the items in the cavern ahead. It doesn’t matter which you pick up.

Rumpled Bedroll
/setwaypoint 7475 1744
Dwarven Stein
/setwaypoint 7470 1723
Planar Experiment
/setwaypoint 7446 1716

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for the stranger who inhabits this place’

Continue along the path and hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

A quick note about the daily.
Voradrin will offer a daily quest. This quest will give decent XP for players under level 50.
It also gives Runeguard notoriety, this isn’t useful at end game.

The Runemasters That Were


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Read about The Master Runes

Go up the stairs and walk along the lower ring platform until you reach the spot marked at /setwaypoint 7405 1466

Click the book on the shelf called ‘The Master Runes’
The book will open up for you to read.

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Runic Recall


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Witness Voradrin’s memory of Bahralt’s choosing

Go up the stairs and walk along the lower ring platform until you reach the spot marked at /setwaypoint 7405 1466 (The same spot as the last quest)
Watch the roleplay.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin on the middle platform and talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the beginning of the Runic Athenaeum’

Go back through the tunnel to the main entrance of the Runic Athenaeum at
/setwaypoint 7581 1713
You can also take the portal to avoid the baddies on the way!

Stand by the doorway and watch the roleplay.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum (You can just portal in!)
/setwaypoint 7406 1517
Talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the sealing of the Athenaeum’

Go up the stairs and walk along the lower ring platform til you reach the spot marked at
/setwaypoint 7406 1565

Watch the roleplay.

Voradrin will be attacked by the Masons, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Runic Rebound


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Find and retrieve The Binding of Akylios

Go down to the lower level of the Runic Athenaeum and find The Binding of Akylios at /setwaypoint 7381 1556

Right click the book to read it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517
Talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find and retrieve the Bindings of Blood x4’

The Bindings of Blood are 4 specific books that are found around the Runic Athenaeum.

Note: While looking for the 4 Binding books, you will see a bunch of other books related to the souls in Rift. You can read them or leave them alone, it does not effect this quest.

The Binding of Crucia
Found on the bottom floor.
/setwaypoint 7379 1498

The Binding of Greenscale
Found on the bottom floor.
/setwaypoint 7449 1532

The Binding of Maelforge
Found on the middle floor.
/setwaypoint 7359 1548

The Binding of Laethys
Found on the middle floor.
/setwaypoint 7378 1565

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Here you can see a quick video to show you where all the books are.

A Rift A Minute Wide


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Talk to Bvaldi about Hero’s Unrest Rifts and Lures

Bvaldi is on the edge of the central platform in the Runic Athenaeum at
/setwaypoint 7428 1497

Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Open a Hero’s Unrest Rift in a zone in Mathosia and use the Runic Eye on the Avatar’

Bvaldi will be happy to sell you a ‘Hero’s Unrest’ rift lure. The lure costs 800 Planarite. You can also buy the same lures directly from the rift store in the ‘Rifts’ section.

If you are a low level character who doesn’t have 800 planarite then please see the note towards the top of this page.

I prefer to buy the Water Lure as it is a nice easy rift to complete.

Head out into the world and find yourself a blue/white normal rift tear. It doesn’t matter which zone as long as it is in Mathosia. Stand in the tear and use the lure. 

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Runic Eye’

The Avatar will appear during the 6th stage of the rift. The Avatar spawns with a 15 second shield. Wait for the shield to drop off and then use the Runic Eye on the Avatar.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the historical abnormality that emerges’

An extra baddy will appear in the rift. This will be a different NPC for each plane. For the water rift this baddy is the Faceless Man. Kill him!
Note: You do not need to be mentored!

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Hand of Judgment’

Soul Saga Quests - Love Heals All - Act Two

And Then There Were None


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Find the Time Strider

Find the Time Strider in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands at /setwaypoint 7116 2390

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the Time Strider named Kiera’

Talk to Kiera

Hand in the quest to Kiera in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7116 2390

The Lost Word


Pick up this quest from Kiera in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7116 2390

Summon the devil named Al’Balzuul

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Al’Balzuul’s Horn’

Stand in the summoning circle next to the tree in Trapper’s Rest, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7032 6069

Use Al’Balzuul’s Horn

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Al’Balzuul’

Al’Balzuul will spawn in the spot, right click to talk with him.

He will give you the Blood of Charnoth.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Summon Charnoth using his blood’

Stand in the summoning circle in the hollow rock in Jagged Fringe, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7574 6704

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Charnoth’s Blood’

Use it to summon Charnoth.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Flamebringer Charnoth’

Kill Charnoth!

Hand in the quest to Al’Balzuul in Trapper’s Rest, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7032 6069

Faceless Akvan


Defiants pick up this quest from Al’Balzuul in Trapper’s Rest, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7032 6069

Consult Faceless Man in Meridian

Talk to Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Hand in the quest to Kiera in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7116 2390

Defiant only quest

Akvan Prophet


Guardians pick up this quest from Al’Balzuul in Trapper’s Rest, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7032 6069

Speak with Alaric in Sanctum

Alaric can be found round the back of a small house in the north of Sanctum.
/setwaypoint 7514 2967
Right click to talk with him.

Hand in the quest to Kiera in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7116 2390

Guardian only quest

The Forgotten Rune


Pick up this quest from Kiera in Twilit Stand, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7116 2390

Kill Abyssal Cultists that grant experience at the Moonshade Pools x10

Head to the Moonshade Pools area of Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 7337 1747

Here you will find a bunch of Abyssal Cultists that you need to kill. You will need to mentor down to level 42 to ensure that you get experience for the kills.

Kill 10 of the Abyssal Cultists. (Any mob with Abyssal in the name counts!)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hunt down Woaquin, the Abyssal Rune Seeker’

Head over to the spot marked at
/setwaypoint 6976 1558

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Kiera’

Talk to Kiera.

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

A Rune By Any Other Name


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Find Murmond at the Runestone of Love

Find Murmond in the Moonshade Pools area of Moonshade Highlands at
/setwaypoint 7333 1868

Kill the baddies around him.

Kiera will come along and save Murmond!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517
Talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the Soul of Kiera’

Kiera’s Soul can be found on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum at
/setwaypoint 7441 1482

Right click to talk with her.

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Completing this quest grants you the cheevo ‘Love Heals All’

Soul Saga Quests - Mind and Body - Act Three

The Warrior’s Dilemma


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Talk to Prothenor Brightflame of the Oathsworn

Find Prothenor Brightflame in Endless Watch, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2649 2463

Talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seek out Lord Captain Maddox Oathblade’

Find Lord Captain Maddox Oathblade in Trial of the Sentinel, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2094 2506

Talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Dominion Soldiers x5’

Follow the path south towards Edgewood. Dominion Soldiers will pop out of the ground and attack, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 2086 2547
Kill them!

Hand in the quest to Lord Captain Maddox Oathblade in Trial of the Sentinel, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2094 2506

Conquest of the Old World


Pick up this quest from Lord Captain Maddox Oathblade in Trial of the Sentinel, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2094 2506

Destroy the Dominion’s Defensive Turrets x4

Head south to the area marked at
/setwaypoint 1803 2866

Look around the area for turrets and DPS them down. kill any of the mobs that get in your way!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the wizard, Marvar’

Go to Marvar at the entrance to Ruston at
/setwaypoint 1764 2990
Marvar will run out of Ruston and meet you on the steps.
Watch the roleplay

Hand in the quest to Harmony, just outside of Ruston at /setwaypoint 1748 2974

These Lines Are Made For Crossing


Pick up this quest from Harmony, just outside of Ruston
/setwaypoint 1748 2974

Find Ganzorig, The Liberator

Find Ganzorig, The Liberator in The Endless Citadel, Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 1154 2681

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk down the Oathsworn’

Talk to the Oathsworn Paladin on the slope.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Convince Ganzorig to help you’

Talk to Ganzorig.

Hand in the quest to Harmony, just outside of Ruston at /setwaypoint 1748 2974

Mad Respect


Pick up this quest from Harmony, just outside of Ruston
/setwaypoint 1748 2974

Kill Dominion at Caer Thalos x8

Head up to Caer Thalos in the north of Stillmoor and find Dominion mobs, like these at /setwaypoint 1886 2096
Kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Marvar, the Malcontent’

Go to Marvar at /setwaypoint 1869 2114

These guys are all gonna chat amongst themselves for a bit.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Ganzorig’

Ganzorig can now be found in the Runic Athenaeum on the bottom floor at
/setwaypoint 7371 1481

Click to talk with him.

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Mind and Body’

Soul Saga Quests - An End Unforseen - Act Four

Broken Circle


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Find the Intruders

Find the Intruders in the tunnel leading to the Runic Athenaeum. They are just down the slope from the entrance.
/setwaypoint 7589 1753

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Redteeth Goblins’

Kill them!
Move further down the slope to progress the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Euodia’

Syntyche Euodia is in the tunnel a little further down the slope at
/setwaypoint 7589 1733

Right click to talk with her.

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Daughters of Doom


Pick up this quest from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Talk to Helera Ruesen at Ember Watch

Head over to Ember Watch in Ember Isle and find Helera Ruesen at
/setwaypoint 13034 3449

Right click to talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Darius at Ember Watch’

Walk over to Darius at
/setwaypoint 13020 3446

Talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Syntyche Sisterhood’

You will find the Syntyche Sisterhood on a large rock off the south west coast of Ember Isle. Start to climb up the rock at /setwaypoint 12828 4545 
Follow the spiral path around the rock until you reach the sisters near the top at
/setwaypoint 12807 4489

Right click Syntyche Hypatia to talk with her.

You will now be asked to speak to the other 4 sisters.

Syntyche Alexia

Syntyche Adonia

Syntyche Desma

Syntyche Zona

Hand in the quest to Syntyche Hypatia near the top of the rock in Ember Isle at
/setwaypoint 12808 4489

Breaking Teeth


Pick up this quest from Syntyche Hypatia near the top of the rock in Ember Isle at
/setwaypoint 12808 4489

Kill Redteeth Goblins in the Scaldwater Fields in Shimmersand x13

Head over to the Scaldwater Fields in Shimmersand and find the Redteeth Goblins, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 6169 7214
Kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Toothbreak at Fortune’s Shore’

Go to Fortune’s Shore and find Toothbreak at /setwaypoint 6525 6882

Kill him!

Syntyche Hypatia will appear just behind you at /setwaypoint 6463 6923 hand in the quest to her.

Stairway to Oblivion


Pick up this quest from Syntyche Hypatia in Fortune’s Shore, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 6463 6923

Confront the Traitor within the Syntyche on the Steppes of Infinity

For this quest we go to the Storm Legion zone ‘Steppes of Infinity’

Find Syntyche up on the cliff-top at
/setwaypoint 15839 6496

There will be a bunch of talking and then you will be able to help kill Syntyche Euodia

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Voradrin’

Go back to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Talk with him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Syntyche’

Syntyche will now be on the bottom floor of the Runic Athenaeum at
/setwaypoint 7369 1553

Hand in the quest to Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum
/setwaypoint 7406 1517

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘An End Unforeseen’