Saga of the Endless Quests

The Saga of the Endless Questline has 28 quests. Many of these quests have multiple objectives or mini-quests within them.
The Saga starts in Freemarch, takes you through many of the Mathosian zones and Dungeons, and ends up in level 50 Raid/Chronicle content. There are no PVP quests.

Although the first quest can be picked up at level 15, I recommend you wait until you are at least level 60 to start, then you will be able to complete all the quests solo. Even some of the open world quests are going to be difficult to do solo at low level, many of these quests were designed to be done in a small group.

The questline rewards a companion pet called Mort and a few Weapon skins to choose from.

The Saga of the Endless Questline can only be completed by Defiant characters. The Guardian alternative is the Saga of the Aelfwar, you can find a guide for that here

The Endless Saga questline is not a linear questline with a straight and simple flow of quests. You will often have more than one quest in your questlog for the saga. Some of the quests will be meta quests for completing other quests, be sure to never abandon a quest! Clear out your questlog of other quests, try to have at least 5 spaces for picking up new quests for the saga.
The saga of the endless quests will have their own small section in your questlog.

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Saga of the Endless. You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas

Culling the Immortal Army
Death in the Gorge
Stand Against Darkness
Follow the Ancients
Lord of Death

Prerequisite Quests

Before you are able to start the Endless Saga quest you will need to complete the racial quest that is specific to your race.
BAHMI – /setwaypoint 6244 5312 – Just outside Meridian – Quest: By The Ancestors + The Journey to Greatness
ETH – /setwaypoint 6222 5328 – Just outside Meridian – Quest: The Pride of the Eth
KELARI – /setwaypoint 6608 4545 – In Kelari Refuge – Quest: On Distant Shores

These quests are all described below

By The Ancestors

LEVEL: 15 (Can be picked up at lower level)

The quest is picked up from Enqchi Oyugun in Defiant’s Approach, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6244 5312

Commune at Ancestor Shrine

Click the Ancestor Shrine on the table in front of Enqchi.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Ancestor’

Right click to talk with the Bahmi Ancestor that has appeared.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Remind Gurtol of the Oaths’

Find Gurtol nearby at
/setwaypoint 6241 5324
Talk with him.

Hand in the quest to Dacia Ultan in Spirit of Rhaza’de (Large tent outside Meridian) at /setwaypoint 6229 5341

This quest will reward you with the Book: Oaths of the Bahmi.

Note: This quest can only be picked up by a Bahmi.

The Journey to Greatness

LEVEL: 15 (Can be picked up at lower level)

The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Spirit of Rhaza’de (Large tent outside Meridian)
/setwaypoint 6229 5341

Speak with Rahn Chuluun in Catari Command Center

Go to Rahn Chuluun in Catari Command Center at /setwaypoint 6086 5060
Hand in the quest.

You will now be able to pick up the first Saga quest from the Projection of Asha.
This is right at the very top of the central tower in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6006 5134

Note: This quest can only be picked up by a Bahmi.

The Pride of the Eth

LEVEL: 15 (Can be picked up at lower level)

The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in Spirit of Rhaza’de (Large tent outside Meridian)
/setwaypoint 6223 5330

Talk to Mich about his Defense Ray
Use the Defense Ray
Talk to Hobart about his Transmogrifier
Use the Transmogrifier

Go to Mich in Meridian at
/setwaypoint 6082 5297
Talk with him.

Click the Defense Ray console next to Mich.

Go to Hobart at
/setwaypoint 5963 5127
Talk with him.

Click the Transmogrifier console next to Hobart.

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

This quest will reward you with the Book: Clever Kehmeh.

You will now be able to pick up the first Saga quest from the Projection of Asha.
This is right at the very top of the central tower in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6006 5134

Note: This quest can only be picked up by an Eth.

On Distant Shores

LEVEL: 15 (Can be picked up at lower level)

The quest is picked up from Melita Thanos in Kelari Refuge, Freemarch
/setwaypoint 6608 4545

Speak with Esperos Muto

Head out to the boats and find Esperos Muto at /setwaypoint 6638 4469
Talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Pelagia Demo in Kelari Refuge’

Go to Pelagia Demo in Kelari Refuge at
/setwaypoint 6633 4535
Speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Present the offering at Embrosius’s Shrine’

Go to the Shrine on the beach at
/setwaypoint 6519 4545
Right click the Shrine.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Negotiate with Embrosius’

Right click Embrosius to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tell Pelagia you have restored Embrosius’s favor’

Go to Pelagia Demo in Kelari Refuge at
/setwaypoint 6633 4535
Speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Priestess Valis in Meridian’

Go to Priestess Valis in The Training Yard, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6161 5192
Speak with her.

Hand in the quest to High Priestess Anthousa Mona in the Catari Command Center, Meridian at /setwaypoint 6083 5060

This quest will reward you with the Book: Exodus.

You will now be able to pick up the first Saga quest from the Projection of Asha.
This is right at the very top of the central tower in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6006 5134

Note: This quest can only be picked up by a Kelari.

Endless Saga Quests - Death Saga Quests in Freemarch

On the Shores of Freemarch



The quest is picked up from Projection of Asha.
This is right at the very top of the central tower in Meridian at /setwaypoint 6006 5134

STEP A. Assist Faceless Man in spying on the Endless activity.
STEP B. Assist Rahn’s legions in cutting down the Endless forces.
STEP C. Assist Sylver in studying the Endless’s methods.
STEP D. End Jakub’s rule of Freemarch by completing the quest “King for a Day”.

These steps are all explained in detail below.

This quest will reward you with the Book: The Origins of the Endless Court.

Spying on the Endless



CREDITS: Assist Faceless Man in spying on the endless activity.

The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Find the Unseen Agent in the Iron Fortress.

Enter the Iron Fortress in Freemarch and go to /setwaypoint 6997 5328
Here you will find the Unseen Agent dead on the ground with an Endless Fleshfiend next to him.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Kill the Fleshfiend’ – so kill him!
Your quest objective will change to ‘Collect the Body’ – Right click the body to collect it.
You can now hand in the quest at the Faceless Man at /setwaypoint 5997 5134 – Second from top floor of the tower.
The Faceless Man will give you the next quest.

Memories of the Dead



CREDITS: Assist Faceless Man in spying on the endless activity.

The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Interact with the Memory Imager

Just behind the Faceless Man is the Memory Imager Control, a blue sparkly orb.
Click the orb and then hand the quest in to The Faceless Man.

Forces of the Plane of Death



CREDITS: Assist Rahn’s legions in cutting down the Endless forces.

The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in the PVP room in Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5060

Close 2 Death rifts in Freemarch.

Go into Freemarch and close 2 Death rifts.
Open up the map and see if any Death rifts are already open.
The Death rift that is always up near the start of Freemarch does count towards this quest – /setwaypoint 6293 4288

Remember you can use your Death lure from Planar Attunement if you are over level 50.

When you have closed the rifts head back to Meridian and hand the quest in to Rahn Chuluun at /setwaypoint 6086 5060 – PVP room in Meridian

The Means of the Endless



CREDITS: Assist Sylver in studying the Endless’s methods.

The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in The College of Planar Studies, Meridian
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

Gather an Attunement Shard from an Endless Nightbringer

You can find an Endless Nightbringer in Smith’s Haven, the circular town in the east of Freemarch.
To help find one easily use /tar nightbringer

This one I found at
/setwaypoint 7210 5343

Kill the Nightbringer and loot the Attunement Shard. The Attunement Shard will become a quest item attached to your quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect samples of the destroyed Freemarch Anchors’

The East, North, and South Anchors will be marked on your map.

Go to each Anchor location.

East: /setwaypoint 7276 5116
North: /setwaypoint 
South: /setwaypoint 6881 5923

To activate the Anchor you need to use the Attunement Shard quest item while stood next to the Anchor. The Anchor will then become attackable. If you kill the Anchor slowly enough then you may end up with defender adds attacking you, kill them!

Once you have destroyed the Anchor you can loot it to tick it off the quest .

When you have looted all three Anchors hand the quest in to Sylver Valis at /setwaypoint 5934 5295 – In the College of Planar Studies, Meridian



CREDITS: End Jakub’s rule of Freemarch by completing the quest “King for a Day”.

The quest is picked up towards the end of the Freemarch zone questline. If you already did this quest then STEP D will auto complete for you.

You can find a full guide to the Freemarch zone questline here.
If you haven’t done any of the Freemarch questline yet and want to skip most of it, then head straight to Denegars Stand and pick up the quests that take you inside Smiths Haven. Complete these Smiths Haven quests, then hand them in and pick up the Iron Fortress quests. You will pick up a quest called ‘The Towers Ablaze’ when you complete this, the hand in is inside the Fortress and you then pick up the ‘King for a Day’ quest.

On the Shores of Freemarch


Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

A History of Conflict



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Initiate the Memory Imager

Just to the left of Asha Catari is another Memory Imager, right click the blue orb to initiate it.

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Dungeon Quest – Iron Tomb normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Iron Tomb Dungeon here.

Tombs of Old



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

STEP A – Destroy Alsbeth’s Minions in the Iron Tomb
STEP B – Find Alsbeth’s Satchel
STEP C – Assist Uriel in Cutting off Communications

These steps are all explained in detail below.

This quest will reward you with the Book: Alsbeth.

Destroy Alsbeth's Minions in the Iron Tomb



CREDITS: Destroy Alsbeth’s Minions in the Iron Tomb

You do not need to pick up a quest for this, just go into normal mode Iron Tomb and kill all the bosses!
If you have cleared Iron Tomb previously then this quest objective will auto-complete for you.

You can find a full guide to the Iron Tomb Dungeon here.

Find Alsbeth's Satchel



CREDITS: Find Alsbeth’s Satchel

You do not need to pick up a quest for this, just go into normal mode Iron Tomb and pick up Alsbeth’s Satchel

Alsbeth’s Satchel is located in the larger room in the northern tunnel area just after the u-bend.
It is marked on the map in the dungeon with a yellow quest dot.
Simply right click the chest/satchel to collect it. Alsbeth’s Satchel will then appear in your quest log bags, keep hold of it until you hand in the quest!

Cutting off Communications



CREDITS: Assist Uriel in Cutting off Communications

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun at /setwaypoint 5996 5137 – Top of the tower in Meridian –  (You may have picked this up while handing in Memories of the Dead to the Faceless Man)

Find Alsbeth’s Communication Device

Alsbeth’s Communication Device is inside the normal mode Iron Tomb dungeon.
The Device is marked on the map inside the dungeon with a yellow quest dot.
/setwaypoint 778 774

Right click the device to ‘find’ it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Uriel in Meridian’

Go back to Meridian to the top of the tower and speak with Uriel Chuluun at /setwaypoint 5996 5137

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ready the device to be analyzed on the table near Uriel’

In the same room, near the top of the stairs, is a table, click it to place the Device down.

The Communications Device will be placed onto the table and you will be able to hand in the quest to Uriel.

Tombs of Old


Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Culling the Immortal Army’

This cheevo awards the title: Harbinger

Endless Saga Quests - Death Saga Quests in Scarlet Gorge

Dungeon Quest – Deepstrike Mines normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Deepstrike Mines Dungeon here.

Endless Digging



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057
Note: If you have previously completed Deepstrike Mines Dungeon then this quest will not be here and you can continue on to the next quest.

Find Kaspar inside of the Deepstrike Mines

Kaspar is right next to the entrance inside Deepstike Mines at /setwaypoint 683 234
Hand in this quest and then pick up the two dungeon quests.

Although these quests are not technically part of the Saga Questline, you will need to complete them to pick up the next Saga Quest.
Note: You will need to be in a Defiant version of the dungeon in order to pick up and complete the quests, to be in a Defiant version, make sure your group leader is defiant and have them walk into the dungeon first.. or you can queue up as a group of 5 with a defiant as lead. If you are a solo Defiant then just walking in the entrance is fine.

The quests you need to pick up while inside Deepstrike Mines are: Reclaiming What’s Ours, and Stolen Source.
Both these quests are fully explained on the Deepstrike Mines Dungeon guide page.

Fueling the Rituals


The quest is picked up from Kaspar inside of the Deepstrike Mines Dungeon
This quest can only be picked up after you have completed the two dungeon quests: Reclaiming What’s Ours, and Stolen Source, AND killed all 4 bosses.
Note: This quest is not required, you can just continue on to the next quest and skip this one.

Meet with Asha Catari back in Meridian

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Long Buried



The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5060

Speak with Uriel Chuluum in Scarlet Gorge

Uriel is right in the very north of Scarlet Gorge at /setwaypoint 3678 2767
Marked with a quest complete icon on your map.
Go to her and hand in the quest.

Trophies of Death



The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 3673 2766

Close death rifts in Scarlet Gorge x5

Go into Scarlet Gorge and close 2 Death rifts.
Open up the map and see if any Death rifts are already open.

Remember you can use your Death lure from Planar Attunement if you are over level 50.

Hand in the quest to Dacia Ultan in Scarlet Gorge at /setwaypoint 3673 2766

Foul Intent



The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluum in Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 3678 2767

Search the cliffs for evidence of the plot.

On your map will be two quest dots. The closest one to you is at
/setwaypoint 3855 2725
This is at the bottom of the cliff, no need to go up any of the ramps yet!
Go to this location to credit the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Gnar Tamer’

Right up against the cliff face at /setwaypoint 3855 2725, still at the very bottom, you will find the Gnar Tamer,
kill him! Be careful not to kill his spider pet.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Control Rod’
Loot the body of the Gnar Tamer to collect the Control Rod.
The Control Rod will be added to your quest sticky as a quest item.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Control Rod on the Gnar and lead it to Uriel’

If you have been careful not to aoe, then next to the body of the Gnar Tamer will be a ‘Young Rock Chomper’ spider mob.
If you have killed the spider accidentally then you will need to wait for him to respawn, be aware the Gnar Tamer will respawn too and you will need to kill him, stun him or use pet agro or a friend to allow you to grab the spider quickly.

Select the Young Rock Chomper and use the Control Rod quest item on him. This will make him follow you for up to 10 minutes.

Lead him back to Uriel Chuluum at /setwaypoint 3678 2767
Then hand in the quest to her.

Implanting the Idea



The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluum in Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 3678 2767

STEP A. Gather an Unblemised Gnar Brain
STEP B. Find a Control Focus within a Golden Maw Factory
STEP C. Craft, or obtain from a crafter, Pure Distillate

These steps are all explained in detail below.

QUEST 8 STEP A: Gather an Unblemised Gnar Brain
TO COMPLETE: Go to the very top of the cliff in the north of Scarlet Gorge, take the Riverfell portal and go to /setwaypoint 3819 2604
Hereyou will find LOADS of spiders!
The Unblemised Gnar Brain is a random drop from these spiders, you may get it on the first kill or you may have to kill quite a few of them (I had it drop from the sixth kill).

QUEST 8 STEP B: Find a Control Focus within a Golden Maw Factory
TO COMPLETE: The Factory/Cave is in the south of Scarlet Gorge near the Scarwood Lift Base portal.
The entrance is marked on your map with the yellow doorway symbol – /setwaypoint 4292 4301

Inside the Factory/Cave at /setwaypoint 4121 4233 you will find a crate being guarded by a TX-99 Avalanche. Kill him and loot the crate.
This will give you the Control Focus.

QUEST 8 STEP C: Craft, or obtain from a crafter, Pure Distillate
TO COMPLETE: Pure Distillate is crafted by Foragers.
It is a normal recipe that is received from the Foraging Trainer while levelling up foraging. You do not need to buy the recipe with marks.
You can craft the Pure Distillate yourself or ask a friend to craft it for you.
You can also buy it from the auction house.
You just need one of them for the quest.

Implanting the Idea


Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluum in Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 3678 2767

Follow that Gnar



The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluum in Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 3678 2767

Disguise yourself as a member of the Endless Court.

WARNING: Escort quest! Takes around 4 minutes 20 seconds

Your quest sticky will have a quest item attached to it called ‘Endless Court Disguise’, clicking it will disguise you as a member of the Endless Court.
The device next to Uriel will then become clickable.
When you click it a spider will appear on top of the device.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow the Young Rock Chomper to the Queen’

You must follow the spider all the way up the cliff face to the entrance of the Foul Cascade dungeon at /setwaypoint 3702 2685. As you are disguised the enemies on the way up will not attack you.

Your spider may get lost in the rocks on the way up, especially on the slopes. If this happens, just keep walking to the Foul Cascade entrance. Often the quest will still credit, even if the spider is not with you, as long as you still have the disguise on.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Uriel Chuluun in the standard Foul Cascade dungeon’

Go into standard Foul Cascade and hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun who is near the entrance at /setwaypoint 726 538

Dungeon Quest – Foul Cascade normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Foul Cascade dungeon here.

Atop the Cascade



The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in the Foul Cascade dungeon
/setwaypoint 726 538

STEP A. Assist Uriel in studying the ritual
STEP B. Assist Dacia in culling the Cascade’s monsters
STEP C. Loosen Alsbeth’s hold on the Gnar Queen (Alsbeth is spelled wrong in the quest text)
Note: You will need to be in a Defiant version of the dungeon in order to pick up and complete the quests. To be in a Defiant version, make sure your group leader is Defiant and have them walk into the dungeon. Or you can queue up as a group of 5 with a defiant as lead. Or you can walk in solo.

These steps are all explained in detail below.

Corruptive Rituals



CREDITS: Assist Uriel in studying the ritual

The quest is picked up from Uriel in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 726 538

3 of the bosses in the dungeon are stood next to alters. after you kill the bosses you need to click the alters and then kill the spirit that appears and loot it for the Shade Essence.
You need to have killed and looted the trash mobs around the boss to be able to click the alters.
When you have collected 3 Shade Essence you can hand the quest back in to Uriel Chuluun at /setwaypoint 726 538 – Inside Foul Cascade.

You can find a full guide to this quest on the Foul Cascade dungeon guide page.
If you have completed this quest previously then this quest objective will auto-complete for you.

Heart of Stone



CREDITS: Assist Dacia in culling the Cascade’s monsters

The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Foul Cascade at /setwaypoint 733 537

Scattered around the dungeon are Earthen Mounds to destroy. Make sure you let your group know if you plan to destroy them as they will pop loads of spiders!
When you have destroyed 4 mounds you can hand the quest back in to Dacia Ultan at /setwaypoint 733 537 – Inside Foul Cascade

You can find a full guide to this quest on the Foul Cascade dungeon guide page.
If you have completed this quest previously then this quest objective will auto-complete for you.

Loosen Alsbeth's hold on the Gnar Queen (Alsbeth is spelled wrong in the quest text)



CREDITS: Loosen Alsbeth’s hold on the Gnar Queen (Alsbeth is spelled wrong in the quest text)

There is no quest to pick up, you just need to kill all the bosses in Foul Cascade.

Kill all the bosses! You will need to kill them even if you have killed them previously.

Atop the Cascade


Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Death in the Gorge’

This cheevo awards the title: The Gnar Tamer

Endless Saga Quests - Death Saga Quests in Moonshade Highlands

On the Trail of Evil



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Seek clues of Nestor Troweller’s whereabouts

Go to /setwaypoint 6496 4626 in Freemarch, just outside of Kelari Refuge (Yellow quest dot on map).
Speak to Warden Troweller.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seek Nestor Trowellor in Stonefield’

Go to /setwaypoint 5012 4852 in Stonefield, just outside of Granite Falls (Yellow quest dot on map).
Loot the corpse you find there.
The Bones of Nestor will appear (Skeleton bad guy).

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Bones of Nestor’

Kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the ghost of Nestor’

Nestor’s ghost will appear in this location and you can have a chat with him.

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Intercepting the Spellbook



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Speak with the Faceless Man in Moonshade Highlands

Go to Reclaimer’s Hold in Moonshade Highlands and speak to the Faceless Man at /setwaypoint 6290 1613

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for Kira in the hills of Moonshade’

Go to /setwaypoint 6713 1122 to the east of Hammerknell (Yellow quest dot on map).
As you approach Kira Thanos the quest will complete and you will be able to hand it in to her.

Chance Meetings



The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Moonshade Highlands, east of Hammerknell
/setwaypoint 6713 1122

Interrupt the meeting

Just to the north of the quest pick up is a bunch of shady characters having a meeting
/setwaypoint 6695 1102
As you approach them they will get cross and start attacking you.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Brahl Darkfall, Kill Lisandra Cavrin, and Kill Dashe Teel’

Kill the 3 named mobs in the meeting area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Dunbart Kreed’

Speak with Dunbart Kreed.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Question Dunbart about the book’

Click Dunbart again to speak with him about the book.

The book is called ‘Spellbook of Corthtana’. It will be in your quest log bag.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Book’

Grab the book from the Spellbook Sack, in front of the horse.

Hand in the quest to Kira Thanos in Moonshade Highlands, east of Hammerknell
/setwaypoint 6713 1122

Note: If Kira got stuck trying to help you attack the baddies, just switch shard or wait for the baddies to respawn and she will reset.

Study the Spellbook



The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Moonshade Highlands, east of Hammerknell
/setwaypoint 6713 1122

Find Uriel Chuluun in Stonemason’s Watch

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Stonemason’s Watch at /setwaypoint 6385 1866

A Father's Love



The quest is picked up from Brother Damon in Stonemason’s Watch
/setwaypoint 6385 1873

Find Eama’s grave and call her forth
Find Stone’s grave and call her forth

In the north east of Moonshade are two quest dots.

Eama’s grave – /setwaypoint 7476 1764
Stone’s grave – /setwaypoint 7218 1541

At each location you will find a gravestone to click.

When you click the gravestone a ghostly girl will appear. You will need to DPS her down to around 15% health.. do not kill her! (Mentor down if you find yourself too powerful for this)
At around 15% health, Brother Damon will appear and use an ability that will save his daughters.

When both girls have been saved go back to Brother Damon at /setwaypoint 6385 1873 – In Moonshade Highlands at Stonemason’s Watch to hand the quest in.

Dungeon Quest – Runic Descent normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

Garden of Death



The quest is picked up from Brother Damon in Stonemason’s Watch
/setwaypoint 6385 1873

STEP A: Assist Brother Damon or Borrin Gammult in Runic Descent
STEP B: Assist Asha or Shyla in Runic Descent
STEP C: Destroy Alsbeth’s force in Runic Descent

Note: This quest allows you to complete the dungeon quests in either the Defiant or Guardian version of the dungeon.
Note: If you have previously run Runic Descent and completed the quests in there then this quest will auto-complete for you.

STEP A: Assist Brother Damon or Borrin Gammult in Runic Descent

Complete the quest ‘Cracking the Secret‘ picked up from Brother Damon in the Defiant Runic Descent – or – Complete the quest ‘Sins of Stone‘ picked up from Borrin Gammult in the Guardian Runic Descent

STEP B: Assist Asha or Shyla in Runic Descent

Complete the quest ‘Pollinating Power‘ picked up from Asha Catari in the Defiant Runic Descent – or – Complete the quest ‘Sprouting Hope‘ picked up from Shyla Starhearth in the Guardian Runic Descent

STEP C: Destroy Alsbeth’s force in Runic Descent

Kill the 3 bosses of Runic Descent.

You can find a full guide to all these quests and guides for the bosses on the Runic Descent dungeon guide page.

When you have completed the dungeon and the 2 quests, go back to Brother Damon at /setwaypoint 6385 1873 – In Moonshade Highlands at Stonemason’s Watch to hand the quest in.

Deliver the Spellbook



The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Stonemason’s Watch
/setwaypoint 6385 1866

Return to Asha Catari in Meridian

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Handing in this quest will pop the ‘Stand Against Darkness’ cheevo.

Endless Saga Quests - Follow the Ancients

Eternal Endless


LEVEL: 50 – Can pick up at 45

The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Speak with Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return

Go to Zareph’s Return in Stillmoor and hand in the quest to the Faceless Man at
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Expert Rift Quest – Perdeen




The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Investigate cultists in the Perdeen rift

The Redemption of Perdeen rift is a level 50 expert rift. You wont find it out in the wilds, instead you will need to buy a lure and open the rift yourself.

The lure can be bought from ‘Jorostir Kios’, the Planar Death Vendor in the College of Planar Studies in Meridian – /setwaypoint 5939 5289

The lure costs 1750 planarite and you will need Decorated notoriety with the Grim Disciples.
If you don’t have the currency or notoriety, then you can buy a husk and combine it with 5 Malformed Souls – Malformed Souls drop randomly in dungeons.
Or, you can kill creatures from the plane of death to farm the notoriety and planarite to buy the lure. (You will need more of the notoriety for a later quest, so this is my preferred approach!)

Once you have the lure head to Stillmoor to find a blue/white minor or major tear (not an orange raid tear) (choosing a major tear will not make it more difficult)

Stand under the tear and use the lure to open the Redemption of Perdeen rift.

Work your way through the rift stages til completion.
Note: This rift is intended for a group of 5 expert level players at level 50. A single level 50 player will find it very difficult to complete, you will want to find more people or wait til you are higher level!

When you have closed the rift and looted the last boss, hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

A Family Affair



The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Interrogate a Maculav

Go to the Ruston settlement, south of Zareph’s Return.
Talk with Guard Maculav at /setwaypoint 1767 3050

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scan Maculav for the dark aura’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dark Aura Detector’

Select Guard Maculav and use the Dark Aura Detector on him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrogate a Newkosa’

Go to the Phoenix Rise settlement.
Talk with Jiles Newkosa at /setwaypoint 2571 3023

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scan Newkosa for the dark aura’

Select Jiles Newkosa and use your quest item on him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Jiles Newkosa’

Kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrogate a Murovic’

Go to the endless watch settlement.
Talk with Josif Murovic at /setwaypoint 2672 2441

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scan Marsinie for the dark aura’

Find Marsinie Redlov at /setwaypoint 2660 2445 – very close to Josif
Select Marsinie Redlov and use your quest item on her

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Marsinie Redlov’

Kill her!

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718




The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

STEP A: Seek first cultist clue
STEP B: Seek second cultist clue
STEP C: Seek third cultist clue

The clues can all be found in the Endless Citadel in the areas marked on your map.

QUEST 21 STEP A: Seek first cultist clue
TO COMPLETE: This clue drops randomly from a Mathosian Honor Guard
Your best bet is to set up a target macro /tar honor and just spam it while going around the marked quest area, killing every Honor Guard you find and looting them. It may take many many kills or you may be done in a few mins.. good luck!

You do not need to mentor down.

It dropped for me from an Honor Guard at…
/setwaypoint 1218 2726
/setwaypoint 1258 3057 (Outside circle)
/setwaypoint 1137 2717

QUEST 21 STEP B: Seek second cultist clue
TO COMPLETE: Go to the middle floor of the tower at /setwaypoint 1132 2882 and right click the statue you find there

QUEST 21 STEP C: Seek third cultist clue
TO COMPLETE: The third cultist clue can be looted from the corpse of Lord Edraam at /setwaypoint 1117 2699 (up the slope)

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718




The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Ask Dragomir Rakovic about Darkblade

Talk with Dragomir Rakovic at around
/setwaypoint 1621 2614

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate Luthas Darkblade in Thalin Tor’

Travel halfway up the Thalin Tor tower and go through the little doorway at /setwaypoint 1739 2328

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Aberrant Growth’

Inside the room is an Aberrant Growth to kill. This will be difficult for a level 50 player.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Darkblade’s notebook’

In the little room is a table with a red book, collect the book.
While you are trying to collect the book Luthas Darkblade may start attacking you, if you are in a group, get someone else to grab agro while you loot, if you are solo then use a stun, he is killable but he respawns pretty much instantly.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Raid Rift Quest – Terror of Undeath

Darkblade's Terror



The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Thwart Luthas Darkblade in his rift plot.

The Terror of Undeath rift is a level 50 raid rift. You wont find it out in the wilds, instead you will need to buy a lure and open the rift yourself.

The lure can be bought from ‘Jorostir Kios’, the Planar Death Vendor in the College of Planar Studies in Meridian – /setwaypoint 5939 5289

The lure costs 3500 planarite and you will need Honored notoriety with the Grim Disciples.
If you don’t have the currency or notoriety, then you can buy a husk and combine it with 10 Corrupted Souls – Corrupted Souls drop randomly in expert dungeons.
Or, you can kill creatures from the plane of death to farm the notoriety and planarite to buy the lure. (Which is going to be quicker than trying to farm dungeons for the souls!)

Once you have the lure head to Stillmoor to find an orange raid tear (not a blue/white tear)

Stand under the tear and use the lure to open the Terror of Undeath rift.

Work your way through the rift stages til completion.
Note: This rift is intended for a group of 20 raid level players at level 50. A single level 50 player will find it very difficult to complete, you will want to find more people or wait til you are higher level!

When you have closed the rift and looted the last boss, hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Dungeon Quest – Expert Iron Tomb, Expert Deepstrike Mines, and Expert Realm of the Fae

Girded Against Death



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Q24 STEP A: Assist Rahn in recovering Won Odego’s relic
Q24 STEP B: Assist Dacia in recovering Anan’s relic
Q24 STEP C: Assist Uriel in recovering Neddra’s relic
Q24 STEP D: Assist Damon in recovering Nyol’s artifact
Q24 STEP E: Assist Sylver in building the WAD

These steps are all explained in detail below.

Way of the Paragon

CREDITS: Q24 STEP A: Assist Rahn in recovering Won Odego’s relic

The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5060

Find and meditate at 3 different pillars

Route to the Pillar of the Mountain

Find and meditate at the Pillar of the Mountain

/setwaypoint 3726 2323
South of Whitefall in Iron Pine Peak

Route to the Pillar of the Wind

Find and meditate at the Pillar of the Wind

/setwaypoint 6805 7471
South of Fortunes Shore in Shimmersand

The Pillar of the River

Find and meditate at the Pillar of the River

/setwaypoint 7308 5794
In the river between Freemarch and Droughtlands

Route to Won Odego's grave

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find and meditate at Won Odego’s grave’

Go to /setwaypoint 4776 4788 in Stonefield
Here you will find a large tomb to click.
When you click it, the Spirit of Won Odego will appear.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to the Spirit of Won Pdego’

Right click him to talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Overcome and collect Enq + Overcome and collect Gan’

Near Won Odego will be two air elementals called Enq and Gan. You need to kill them and loot them, you will need a few friends at level 50 or easy to solo at higher levels.
Be sure to loot them before you leave the area!

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5060

Out of Time

CREDITS: Q24 STEP B: Assist Dacia in recovering Anan’s relic

The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Spirit of Rhaza’de (The tent outside Meridian)
/setwaypoint 6229 5341

Ask Sylver Valis about the machine that made Anan

Talk to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies at /setwaypoint 5934 5295

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for remains of the Defractionary in Dustwind Hills’

Go to the very south of Shimmersand to /setwaypoint 6553 7763 – This is past the puzzle area in Shimmersand, if you need help to get up the hill check out the guide here for getting to the puzzle

Here you will find ‘Knowbaz TZ’
Hand the quest in to him and accept the new quest.

Repiecing the Defractionary

CREDITS: Q24 STEP BB: Assist Dacia in recovering Anan’s relic

The quest is picked up from Knowbaz TZ in Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 6553 7763

STEP A: Question Knowbaz TZ about the theft
STEP B: Find the Initiation Rod
STEP C: Find the LHR Core

STEP A: Question Knowbaz TZ about the theft

This one completed for me as I picked up the quest, if it doesnt for you then just right click Knowbaz TZ and talk with him.

STEP B: Find the Initiation Rod

The Initiation Rod is looted from the mobs that come out of the portals. It’s a random drop from the mobs, so you may need to kill quite a few! There are loads of these portals within the quest circle and some outside the circle that count too!

Keep killing the mobs that spawn out of the portal until the portal closes, remember to loot the mobs!

STEP C: Find the LHR Core

Kill Bevasha Windwalker at
/setwaypoint 5159 6075
And loot the LHR Core from her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Defractionary’

Go back to Knowbaz TZ at
/setwaypoint 6553 7763 – In Dustwind Hills, Shimmersand

Next to Knowbaz TZ is a device to click on.
When you go to click it Knowbaz TZ will get very cross and start attacking you!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Overcome Knowbaz TZ to take Defractionary’

Kill Knowbaz TZ and the loot him for the Defractionary.

Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies at /setwaypoint 5934 5295

Neddra's Legacy

CREDITS: Q24 STEP C: Assist Uriel in recovering Neddra’s relic

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Orphiel’s Spire (Top of the tower in Meridian)
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Seek out Neddra’s Vault

Go into Iron Tomb expert dungeon and clear the first 5 of the bosses. You can find a full guide to the dungeon here.
Head down to the  last room where Totek the Ancient is.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Get past Totek the Ancient’

Kill the final boss and Neddra’s ghost will appear by the tomb behind him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the ghost of Neddra’

Right click Neddra to speak to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Wrath of the Destroyer’

Right click the tomb behind Neddra to destroy it and then right click again to loot.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Orphiel’s Spire (Top of the tower in Meridian)
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

The Peacemaker

CREDITS: Q24 STEP D: Assist Damon in recovering Nyol’s artifact

The quest is picked up from Brother Damon in Spirit of Rhaza’de (The tent outside Meridian)
/setwaypoint 6223 5329

Find Damon’s friend Kyoth

Go to Kyoth Gladefriend near the Argent Glade portal in Silverwood
/setwaypoint 6104 3134

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask for Kyoth’s help’

Speak to Kyoth to ask for his help.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meet at the rendezvous point on the road to Argent Glade’

Go to /setwaypoint 6784 3242 near Sanctum. Walk up the path until your quest objective changes.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Eliminate the Honor Guard and take the Staff of Nyol’

Stand and wait there a minute and you will be approached by 3 bad guys.
Kill them and loot the Staff of Nyol. (You may need to move further up the path and kill them again if they don’t drop the staff the first time)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Kyoth Gladefriend in Argent Glade’

Hand in the quest to Kyoth Gladefriend at /setwaypoint 6104 3134 near the Argent Glade portal in Silverwood.


CREDITS: Q24 STEP E: Assist Sylver in building the WAD

The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

Speak with the Eldritch Seekers about the schematics
Collect cipher from the Eldritch Seekers

Go to Jahar Runesworn in the PVP room in meridian
/setwaypoint 6074 5124
Right click to speak to him, he will give you the ‘Eth Schemata Cipher’. You may need to win a match in The Codex warfront first, my characters didn’t need to. (I believe this requirement was removed due to player complaints)

Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

You will then pick up a new quest from Sylver.

Securing Source

CREDITS: Q24 STEP EE: Assist Sylver in building the WAD

The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

Collect Unblemished Sourcestone from Expert Deepstrike Mines x7

The Unblemished Sourcestone is looted from each of the bosses in the dungeon.
You can find a full guide to expert Deepstrike Mines here.

Once you have killed and looted all 7 bosses head back to Meridian and hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

You will then pick up a new quest from Sylver.

Powers of Life and Air

CREDITS: Q24 STEP EEE: Assist Sylver in building the WAD

The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

STEP A: Gather  Glade Orb from Fae Lord Twyl in expert Realm of the Fae
STEP B: Gather the artifact of Crucia from the Icewatch

STEP A: Gather  Glade Orb from Fae Lord Twyl in expert Realm of the Fae

Go into expert Realm of the Fae and kill all the bosses.
You can find a full guide to Realm of the Fae here.
When you have killed Fae Lord Twyl make sure you loot him for the Glade Orb

STEP B: Gather the artifact of Crucia from the Icewatch

Go to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak, at
/setwaypoint 4614 1543
He will tell you that you need to be at ‘Honored’ notoriety with the Icewatch in order to receive the artifact. If you are completing this questline with your main character then its likely you already have Honored status and thus just ask him for the artifact. If you don’t have Honored status then you will need to earn it. The questline is a good starting point, or you can farm it by running the Abyssal Precipice dungeon over and over again until you get to Honored.
When you have Honored notoriety speak with Lord-Protector Nerval and use the option ‘Am I worthy of the Hermetic Idol’ to get the artifact.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return the items to Sylver in Meridian’

Go back to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295
Talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meet Sylver Valis in the hills northwest of Meridian’

Go to /setwaypoint 5916 5001 and hand in the quest to Sylver Valis.

Girded Against Death


When you have completed all 5 steps you can hand the quest in.
Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057
Handing in this quest will grant you the ‘Follow the Ancients’ cheevo

Endless Saga Quests - Lord of Death

Dungeon Quest – Runic Descent expert mode
You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

Endless Ranks



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Speak with Brother Damon in Stonemason’s Watch in Moonshade

Talk to Brother Damon in Stonemason Watch, Moonshade Highlands
/setwaypoint 6384 1873

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Thwart Alsbeth and release March Warden Eliam’

Go into the expert Runic Descent dungeon.
Kill all the bosses, the last boss will credit the quest.

You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Glut of Greenscale



The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Catari Command Center
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Find Orphiel Farwind in Stillmoor.

Go to Orphiel Farwind in Zareph’s Return, Stillmoor – /setwaypoint 1630 2718
Hand in the quest.

This quest rewards the ‘Mort’ companion pet.

Raid Quest – Greenscale’s Blight
Can also be completed in the Greenscale’s Blight Chronicle.

Bound Ancients



The quest is picked up from Orphiel Farwind in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Investigate Greenscales Prison

Go into the Greenscales Blight raid and kill Greenscale!
Loot the Death Corruption from him.

Note you will loot 2 of the Death Corruptions, this is so you can distribute them to other players. If you have more than 2 people in your group that need the Death Corruption then they should run the Chronicle instead.

This quest can be completed in the Chronicle too!

Press J to open up the Chronicle menu.
You can run the level 50 Greenscale’s Blight or the level 65 Intrepid Greenscale’s Blight.
These Chronicles can be run solo or in a team of 2 players. Loot the Death Corruption from the final boss, Greenscale!

Hand in the quest to Orphiel Farwind in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Threat of the Beyond



The quest is picked up from Orphiel Farwind in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1630 2718

Return to Asha Catari in Meridian

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in Catari Command Center at
/setwaypoint 6086 5057

Handing in the quest will award you the ‘Lord of Death’ cheevo

This completes the Saga of the Endless! Congratulations!