Saga of the Aelfwar Quests

The Saga of the Aelfwar Questline has 36 quests. Many of these quests have multiple objectives or mini-quests within them.
The Saga starts in Silverwood, takes you through many of the Mathosian zones and Dungeons, and ends up in level 50 Raid/Chronicle content. There are no PVP quests.

Although the first quest can be picked up at level 15, I recommend you wait until you are at least level 60 to start, then you will be able to complete all the Dungeon quests solo. Even some of the open world quests are going to be difficult to do solo at low level, many of these quests were designed to be done in a small group. The entire questline can be easily soloed by a level 70 character.

The questline rewards companion pet called ‘Life Bunny’ and a few Life themed Weapon skins to choose from.

The Saga of the Aelfwar can only be completed by Guardian characters. The Defiant alternative is the Saga of the Endless, you can find a guide for that here

The Aelfwar Saga questline is mostly a linear questline with a straight and simple flow of quests. You will occasionally have more than one quest in your questlog for the saga. Try to complete the quests in the order shown so you don’t lose track!
The saga of the Aelfwar quests will have their own small section in your questlog.

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Saga of the Aelfwar. You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas

The Prince's Pal
Unseelie Slayer
Valley of Darkness
The End of Life's Demise

Prerequisite Quests

Before you are able to start the life saga quests you will need to complete *most* of the storyline in Silverwood.
On my alt I completed 85/100 quests before I was able to pick up the first saga quest, I didn’t do many quests in the northern/middle of the zone, I completed the quests along the west side and the south. It’s likely you will have completed the Silverwood quests a long time ago anyways, but if you haven’t, just follow the storyline quests and keep checking the questgiver every so often to see if you can pick up.

Saga of the Aelfwar - Life Saga Quests in Silverwood

The Meaning of Danger


LEVEL: 20 (Can be picked up at level 15)

The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil – This is the big tower in the middle of Sanctum, on the middle floor of the south side
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

STEP A. Interview Shyla Starhearth
STEP B. Interview Fayne Doran
STEP C. Interview Brougan Grote

STEP A. Interview Shyla Starhearth

Talk to Shyla Starhearth near the throne in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

STEP B. Interview Fayne Doran

Talk to Fayne Doran near the portal in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7457 3040

STEP C. Interview Brougan Grote

Talk to Brougan Grote near the portal in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6024 3079

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Profane Priests



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Ring Vespers Bell at the Mirror of Ages

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Vespers Bell’

Go to the Mirror of Ages area in the northwest of Silverwood
/setwaypoint 5722 2839

Go into the hollow tree, stand in front of the Tavra Altar and use the Vespers Bell item.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Subdue High Priest Keelaodh’

High Priest Keelaodh will appear along with a few friends, so you may wish to bring some friends with you too!
Get his health down to around 10% and he will become friendly to you.
Right click him to talk to him and complete the quest objective.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

The Care and Imprisonment of Changelings



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Defeat Cinderon
Defeat Gnarladon
Collect a Messenger of the Vigil Tear

You will find the Messenger of the Vigil in the Divine Landing area in Silverwood
/setwaypoint 6071 3961
Talk to the Messenger of the Vigil to receive the Tear.
The Tear will go straight into your quest items bag in your quest log.

Cinderon and Gnarladon are both Silverwood zone event bosses.
Cinderon is the last boss of the ‘March of the Gedlo’ fire zone event.
Gnarladon is the last boss of the ‘Arboreal Assault’ life zone event.

Due to these zone events being rare, special rift lures were added to the game that spawn these bosses.
Both of these lures can be popped using a normal rift tear in Silverwood, they will spawn a rift that will release the boss for you to kill. Be aware that you may need a group of people to kill it unless you are well above level 20.

The Cinderon lure can be bought from ‘Quartermaster Unkrat’ <Order of the Flame> at /setwaypoint 7460 3012 – Planar room in the Sanctum tower

The Gnarladon lure can be bought from ‘Quartermaster Queb’ <Order of Life Serene> at /setwaypoint 7459 3017 – Planar room in the Sanctum tower

Hand in the quest to Abbott Germet in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7463 3013

The Changeling Revealed



The quest is picked up from Abbott Germet in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7463 3013

Uncover Cealhaidh in the Palisade

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Changeling Inquisition Kit’

Go to the area called the ‘Palisade’ in the north of Silverwood
/setwaypoint 6196 2613
Target one of the Aelfwar and use the Changeling Inquisition Kit.

You will be given two temporary abilities.

The first is called Ash of Binding.
The second is Cold Iron Touched.

If these abilities do not pop up for you, then open up your quest log and look in the bag space at the bottom to find the two items, drag them into your cast bar to use them.

Target more of the Aelfwar and use the Cold Iron Touched ability on them. Eventually you will find one that transforms into ‘Cealhaidh the Corrupter’. This is pure RNG, it could be the first one you try or the 50th!

You will then need to get Cealhaidh to around 5% health and use the Ash of Binding on them (The Ash is a ground AOE ability, just place it on the ground beneath their feet), this will place a debuff on them for 15 seconds (ish), you need to kill them before that debuff wears off.

Hand in the quest to Abbott Germet in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7463 3013

A Snake in Sanctum



The quest is picked up from Abbott Germet in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7463 3013

Speak with Abbess Katia

Abbess Katia is in the same room as the questgiver at /setwaypoint 7471 3005
Right click to speak with her, choose the chat ‘Abbess, I’m here for the Interrogation of Cealhaidh’.
In the centre of the small room a summoning ritual will begin and Cealhaidh will appear, when she shape shifts into another form you will need to attack her.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Dungeon Quest – Realm of the Fae normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Realm of the Fae dungeon here.

The Coup



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094
Make sure you pick up quest 7 and quest 8 too!

Kill the Aelfwar Scout Commander
Kill the Aelfwar Mage Commander
Kill the Aelfwar Troop Commander

Go into the Realm of the Fae dungeon (Normal/standard difficulty) and there will be 3 quest areas marked on your map, one after each of the first 3 bosses.
After you have killed each of the first 3 bosses a *large* group of hostile mobs will appear for you to kill, along with their commander. Although there are a lot of mobs they don’t hit very hard so a normal dungeon group will be able to complete the quest with no issues, a level 70 player can of course solo it.

Aelfwar Scout Commander
After the first boss, Trickster Maelow
/setwaypoint 1202 990

Aelfwar Mage Commander
After the second boss, Luggodhan
/setwaypoint 1364 852

Aelfwar Troop Commander
After the third boss, Atrophinius
/setwaypoint 1068 802

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Dungeon Quest – Realm of the Fae normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Realm of the Fae dungeon here.

The Beastmaster



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Summon Naveer the Primal at his den

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Great Summoning Whistle of Dhel’

Go into the Realm of the Fae dungeon (Normal/standard difficulty) and go to the area marked between the 2nd and 3rd boss.

Stand very close to the den and use the Great Summoning Whistle of Dhel.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Obtain the Blade of Light’

Naveer the Primal will appear for you to kill!
DPS him down and he will turn friendly, chat for a bit and then give you the blade. (Or you may kill him and he will still give you the blade)

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Dungeon Quest – Realm of the Fae normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Realm of the Fae dungeon here.

The Crown of Twyl



The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Burn the Crown of Seasons in the Brazier of Winter’s End

Although this isn’t a saga quest you will need to complete this quest in order to be able to continue the saga. You may have already done this quest while levelling.
Go into the normal mode Realm of the Fae dungeon and kill all the bosses.
After you have looted the Crown of Seasons from the last boss, Fae Lord Twyl, you need to click the brazier on the table.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

The Taking of Overwatch Keep



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Find the Greenscale Tome of Life
Find the Greenscale Blade of Growth
Find the Greenscale Faestone Bell

These items are all found in Overwatch Keep in Silverwood.

There are 3 towers marked with yellow quest dots.
You need to take the stairs to the top of these towers and kill the bad guys, then loot the quest item.

Find the Greenscale Faestone Bell
/setwaypoint 6386 3065

Find the Greenscale Blade of Growth
/setwaypoint 6400 3169

Find the Greenscale Tome of Life
/setwaypoint 6502 3190

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

The Green Lady



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Destroy Glastig’s Eastern Root
Destroy Glastig’s Western Root

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Hallowed Sourcestone Bell’

The two Roots are found underground in caves in Overwatch Keep (Middle of Silverwood).

Inside both caves is a Strange Pulsing Seed.
Target the Seed and use the Bell to draw out the Root.

Destroy Glastig’s Eastern Root

Entrance to cave is at
/setwaypoint 6445 3205
Strange Pulsing Seed is at
/setwaypoint 6445 3162

Destroy Glastig’s Western Root

Entrance to cave is at
/setwaypoint 6349 3135
Strange Pulsing Seed is at
/setwaypoint 6361 3154

When you have destroyed both the Roots, your quest objective will change to ‘Find and kill Glastig the Green Lady’

A large yellow quest circle will appear that covers the northern half of Overwatch Keep.

The Green Lady is a specific mob in that area.
She starts off as a 1st Order Druid and when you target her and ring the Bell she changes into the Green Lady.
You will find lots of 1st Order Druids in the area, but there is a very specific one that will change into the Green Lady.
This 1st Order Druid is easily recognisable because she spawns with only 75% health.
She spawns at the top of one of the two huts at /setwaypoint 6515 3078 and /setwaypoint 6472 3038 then walks down the ramp and around the paths circling the huts.

When you find the correct 1st Order Druid, select her and use the Bell.
She will then change into the Green Lady for you to kill.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Hylas Aelfwar Apostate, Outlaw



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094
Note: If you completed The Green Lady quest and can’t pick up this one then it is likely that you missed quest 7 or 8.

Inform Cyril of the Tribunal’s Judgement

Go to Cyril Kalmar near the Throne in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7513 3049
Right click to talk to him, choose the option: Cyril, I bring word from Cardinal Fiach – Make sure to scroll down and click ‘I shall’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Inform Brougan Grote of Cyril’s decision’

Go to Brougan Grote near the portal in Argent Glade at
/setwaypoint 6025 3079
Right click to talk to him, choose the option: Brougan, I bring word from Cyril

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Deliver the message to Prince Hylas’

Go to Prince Hylas in Overwatch Keep at
/setwaypoint 6531 3024
Right click to speak to him.
After you speak to him he will attempt to throw you across the land and into the water.. a very long way away! This is annoying, so move away (jump off the tower!) straight after talking to him and that should prevent the throw, if you do get thrown just swim back to shore.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘The Prince’s Pal’

Saga of the Aelfwar - Life Saga Quests in Moonshade

Charting the Planes



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Speak with Sasha Nikadon in The Sagespire

Go to Sasha nikadon in the Sagespire in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 2592 3534
Hand in the quest.

The Amber Throne



The quest is picked up from Sasha nikadon in the Sagespire in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 2592 3534
Be sure to pick up quest 14 too.

Take back the Tome of Amber

Just outside Meridian (The Defiant capital in Freemarch) is a tent, find it at 
/setwaypoint 6220 5348

Being this close to the enemy capital will auto-flag you for PVP. Try to stay out of the way of Defiant players during this quest!

Amortsey Swarte Has the Tome of Amber, kill him to loot it!
Amortsey Swarte is level 35, but there are number of level 52 Meridian guards nearby, you need to be careful if you are low level!
Your best bet is to agro Amortsey Swarte and then line of sight him behind the nearby tree to draw him away from the tent before killing him.
Your other option is to have patience.. every 10mins or so Amortsey Swarte will path away from the tent towards the low brick wall, when he does this you can easily target and kill him without agroing anything else.
If you are high level, then feel free to just blitz everything!

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Dungeon Quest – King’s Breach normal mode
You can find a full guide to the King’s Breach dungeon here.

Greenscale's Prison



The quest is picked up from Sasha nikadon in the Sagespire in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 2592 3534

Recover Book of the God Prison

The book is inside the Kings Breach normal dungeon.
You can see it on the floor just in front of the tent at /setwaypoint 832 697

You should clear the trash in the area before you attempt to loot the book.
When you try to loot the book, ‘Rydremac the Librarian’ will appear along with some adds called ‘Living Books’.
You need to kill all the adds that appear and then loot the book from the corpse of Rydremac the Librarian.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Durnes the Ranger



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Acquire the Obsidian Arrow

Durnes the Ranger patrols in a large circle all around the bottom half of Scarwood Reach.
You should make a target macro to make finding Durnes easier.
Then you can run all around the route spamming the macro until you find her.

This map shows exactly the route that Durnes takes around Scarwood Reach.
It was originally posted on the zam rift guide site.

Durnes moves in an anti-clockwise direction around the route, so it is suggested that you follow the route in a clockwise direction while spamming the macro to find her.

I tend to find I get the most luck around the Mathosian Mill area or the long squiggly line to the east of Perspice.

When you find Durnes she will be friendly to you. Right click to talk to her and make her attackable.
If you are low level then you will need to bring a few friends to help you kill her. When you begin attacking she will bring a few animals out to help her and they hurt!
Killed her and loot the arrow.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Thorvin the Just



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094
Warning: This is a super easy spot to lose track of the questline. Even though you can pick up quest 17 now, I recommend completing quest 16 first and then picking up quest 17.

Summon Thorvin the Just

Go to Moonshade Highlands at /setwaypoint 6004 2216
Here you will find a grave to click on.

Click the grave to spawn Thorvin with 4 of his mates, he will be friendly at first and then change into a bad guy.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pass Thorvin the Just’s Test x1’

Focus your fire on Thorvin (stun the adds if you can), when Thorvin reaches 10% he will go immune and so will all his friends.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Obtain Hovas, Thorvin’s Holy Shield’

After Thorvin is done talking, a loot window will pop up with ‘Hovas, Thorvin’s Holy Shield’ loot the Shield.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

A Schism in Moonshade



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095
You can also pick up quest 21, but best to leave it for now and come back to it later.

Find Thomas Penthas in Moonshade Highlands

Go to Hammerlord Post in Moonshade Highlands and find Thomas Penthas at
/setwaypoint 6810 1803
Hand in the quest.

To Catch a King



The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Hammerlord Post
 /setwaypoint 6810 1803

Summon King Attercop

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Book of Faer Binding’

Go to the Blightweald area in Moonshade Highlands at /setwaypoint 5714 1660
In the middle of the area is an altar inside a circle of stones, walk right up to it and use the Book of Faer Binding.

When you have used the book Attercop will spawn. Drag him INSIDE the circle of stones or the next bit wont work!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Fill the Decanter with King Attercop’s Spirit’

Your quest sticky item will change to the Crystal Decanter.
Use this on the ground next to Attercop when he is low health.

Note: If this quest goes wrong, you can find the Book in your quest log bags to summon Attercop again.

Attercop needs to die inside the stone circle with the Crystal Decanter buff active on him.

Kill Attercop and you will auto-loot the Decanter with King Attercop’s Spirit.

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Dungeon Quest – Runic Descent normal mode
You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

The Vessel of Estrode



The quest is picked up from Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Find The Vessel of Estrode

Go into the Runic Descent dungeon on normal mode and kill all the bosses.
After the last boss, Warden Falidor, you will find the Vessel of Estrode just on the edge of the platform where he stands at /setwaypoint 1253 920
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Shade of Gorvaht’

The Shade of Gorvaht will appear in the middle of the platform for you to kill. Kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Vessel of Estrode Shards’

Loot the corpse of the Shade of Gorvaht for the items you need.

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

When you walk into the room, Abbess may be doing some roleplay before you will be able to hand in the quest, just wait!

Broken Ties



The quest is picked up from Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005
When you walk into the room, Abbess may be doing some roleplay before you will be able to pick up the quest, just wait!

Hear Cardinal Visc’s Summation
Hear Cardinal Alwan’s Summation
Hear Cardinal Fiach’s Summation

You can find these 3 dudes on the middle floor of the sanctum tower in the southern room
/setwaypoint 7469 3092

Hear Cardinal Visc’s Summation

Talk to Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Hear Cardinal Alwan’s Summation

Talk to Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Hear Cardinal Fiach’s Summation

Talk to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Unseelie Slayer’

Saga of the Aelfwar - Life Saga Quests in Stillmoor

Diona, Priestess of Ixalou



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Locate the shrine of Ixalou

The Shrine of Ixalou is at the end of Riptalon Gulch in Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 7556 7072
When you stand near the shrine, your quest objective will change to ‘Summon Ixalou’

Right click the shrine.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Diona’s book of Aqueous Rituals’

The ‘Aspect of Ixaou’ will appear for you to kill.
After you have killed him just wait a minute for the roleplay and then you will autoloot the book.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Life in the Land of Death



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Talk to Shyla Starhearth

Go down to the bottom floor of the tower and speak to Shyla Starhearth near the throne at /setwaypoint 7515 3052

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Marshal Kevdorras’ Abandoned Holy Symbol’

You will find the Holy Symbol in the east of Stillmoor, it is inside a lockbox at /setwaypoint 2317 2633 – Pretty much dead centre of the quest circle.
Right click the box to open it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Remind Marshal Kevdorras of his faith’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Abandoned Holy Symbol’

Marshal Kevdorras can be found just to the south-east at /setwaypoint 2423 2683
You need to hit Marshal Kevdorras til he reaches below 20% and then use the quest item on him.. be careful not to kill him accidentally!
When you use the item successfully you will be thrown up in the ait and there will be a very pretty pillar of light around Marshal.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Sweet Nechtan



The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Seal a Major Life rift in Stillmoor

So to Stillmoor and find or open a Major Life rift (An expert life rift or a raid life rift will not credit the quest).

Major life rifts are opened on the normal blue/white tears, not the yellow raid tears.
If you have a decent amount of PA points spent in the Life tree then you will be able to use the ‘Major Life Lure’ to open your own (find it in your spell book under ‘ascended powers’).
Otherwise, you will need to just keep popping rifts open with your normal life lure and hope you find a Major tear to make it easy!
If the map is full of the wrong type of rifts then either close them or switch shards.

The rifts level doesn’t matter, a level 45 rift on the east will work just as well as a level 50 rift on the west, the rift just needs to be inside Stillmoor.
You do need to get the rift all the way to stage 5 and then close it. Letting the timer time out on stage 3 or 4 will not work for the quest.
You do not need to be mentored down to get XP for the rift

When you picked up the quest a ‘Dowsing Rod’ would have been placed in your quest items bag.
After you close the rift the Dowsing Rod will become a usable item on your quest sticky.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Use the Dowsing Rod’

A large quest circle will appear that covers most of Stillmoor. When you use the Dowsing Rod inside the circle, a large beam of light will be emitted from your character towards the area you need to travel to.

Standing on higher ground when you use the rod may help you see where it points to.
The Rod will only work if it is near a Ley Line, it works as shown at
/setwaypoint 2019 2987
After you use the rod the first time your quest objective will change to ‘Follow ley lines to find the ritual of Nechtan’

To make things easy, just go to /setwaypoint 1588 3445 – Here you will find the ritual.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Nechtan’

Allow the Priestesses to summon Nechtan and then kill the 4 Priestesses and kill Nechtan.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Free Their Souls



The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Convert Aelfwar back to Tavril x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Psalm of Tavril’
You need to use this item on the correct Aelfwar mobs in Stillmoor.

In Stillmoor you will find 4 very large quest circles covering most of the southern area.
I find the best place to do this quest is the area I have circled in red called ‘Edgewood’.
Simply run around this area targeting all the humanoid mobs and using the Psalm of Tavril item on them.
If the book works then the mobs will change and become green/friendly to you, if it doesn’t work then the mob will attack you.

This is completely random and quite frankly is really annoying, you may get 3 in a row, or you could be trying different mobs for 10mins and get none at all.. either way, don’t give up! You can do this!
Here you can see the book working on an Emerald Scale Packleader, Magus and Priestess.
Just keep trying all the different Aelfwar mobs until you make 10 of them friendly. The mob does not need to be out of combat.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo: ‘Valley of Darkness’

Saga of the Aelfwar - Life Saga Quests in Expert Instances

Amunet the Stormcaller



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Speak to Luminary Yentia in the Chancel of Labors

Go to the Chancel of Labors in Iron Pine Peak
Find Luminary Yentia at /setwaypoint 4554 1613
Hand the quest in

The Icewatch



The quest is picked up from Luminary Yentia in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1613

Speak to Luminary Yentia when you have honored notoriety with the Icewatch

You need to farm notoriety with the Icewatch until you have honored.
If you have finished the IPP story quests then you may have this already and can hand the quest straight in.
If you don’t have honored yet, then you do the questline and then the dailies for a few days, or you can run the Abyssal Precipice dungeon on repeat until you have the notoriety, a notoriety vial will help!
When you have reached honored, go back to Luminary Yentia and talk to her before handing in the quest.

When you hand the quest in you will be given the ‘Grimoire of Ice and Storm’.
This is an item that is require for the next quest and should go straight into your quest items bag.

The Grave of Amunet



The quest is picked up from Luminary Yentia in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1613

Find the Grave of Amunet

In Stillmoor you will have a large quest circle covering the north of the Endless Citadel.

You will find the Grave of Amunet at
/setwaypoint 1165 2349

When you are next to the Grave your quest objective will change to ‘Search the Grave of Amunet’

Click the Grave to search it, this will bring up the first Lich!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Corrupted Lich of Amunet’

The Grimoire of Ice and Storm that you got from the last quest will now appear as a useable quest item.

Icy Lich of Amunet
Stormtouched Lich of Amunet
Corrupted Lich of Amunet

You need to get the Icy Lich down to less than 50% health and then use the item on him.
When you use the item, a Stormtouched Lich will appear and the Icy Lich will disappear, get the Stormtouched Lich down to less than 50% health and then use the item on him.
A Corrupted Lich will appear and the Stormtouched Lich will disappear, get the Corrupted Lich down to less than 50% health and then use the item on him.
Then keep killing the Corrupted Lich until he is dead.

If you accidentally kill the Icy or Stormtouched Lich then the quest will bug out. Switch shard to try again.

Once you have used the quest item and then killed the Corrupted Lich your quest objective will change to ‘Obtain the Amulet of Eternal Imprisonment from the Spirit of Amunet’

The Spirit of Amunet will be stood next to the grave.
Right click her to have a chat and she will give you the Amulet

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

This quest rewards the costume skin: Hollowed Bracken Pod’

Expert Rift Quest – Primal Evolution

What They Became



The quest is picked up from Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Use Diona’s book of Aqueous Rituals on Duke Ellisar

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Diona’s book of Aqueous Rituals’

You need to use this item on the last boss of the expert rift called ‘Primal Evolution’
The rift lure can be bought from ‘Quartermaster Queb’ – The planar life vendor in the bottom floor of the Sanctum tower – /setwaypoint 7459 3018

The lure costs 1750 planarite and ‘Decorated’ notoriety with the Order of Life Serene.
If you don’t have the currency or notoriety, then you can buy a husk and combine it with 5 Malformed Souls – Malformed Souls drop randomly in dungeons.
Or, you can kill creatures from the plane of life to farm the notoriety and planarite to buy the lure. (You will need more of the notoriety for a later quest, so this is my preferred approach!)

Once you have the lure head to Stillmoor to find a blue/white minor or major tear (not an orange raid tear) (choosing a major tear will not make it more difficult)

Stand under the tear and use the lure to open the Primal Evolution rift.

You need to get the rift all the way to stage 5. Although you will see Duke Ellisar in the stages before, he will be a ghostly image and not targetable.

Duke Ellisar will spawn properly in stage 5 of the rift.
Use the quest item on him.

Your quest objective will change to ‘Kill Duke Ellisar’

Kill him!

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Dungeon Quest – Realm of the Fae expert mode
You can find a full guide to the Realm of the Fae dungeon here.

The Wellspring of Power



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Pierce the Wellspring of Power with the Obsidian Arrow

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Obsidian Arrow’

Inside the Realm of the Fae expert dungeon. just after the second boss, you will find the Wellspring of Power /setwaypoint 1380 811
You need to get the Wellspring of Power below 15% health and then use the Obsidian Arrow on it before killing it.

Hand in the quest to Cardinal Fiach in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7465 3094

Dungeon Quest – King’s Breach expert mode
You can find a full guide to the King’s Breach dungeon here.

The Heart of the Destroyer



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Visc in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7473 3094

Obtain the Blade of Light from Borrin
Obtain the Key of Secrets from Borrin

Go back down to the ground floor of Sanctum and speak to Borrin Gammult who is by the throne at /setwaypoint 7515 3047
Select: Borrin, I must enter the King’s Breach
Select: The Vigil wills it

You will then be given ‘Borrin’s Protective Case’
This quest item will likely land in your quest log bags (Open your quest log and look at the bottom of the window where the two rows of quest items slots are).
You need to drag it out of there and into your main bags so you can open it and progress the quest.
Inside will be a Blade of Light and Key of Secrets which will both also go into your quest items bag slots.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Attempt to open the Vault of Secrets’

Go into the King’s Breach dungeon on expert mode and kill all the bosses.
After you kill Konstantin (The last boss) the door behind him will become clickable.

Click the door and the Heart of Regulos will appear in front of it (It looks like a death foothold) – The Shade of Regulos will also spawn at the door opposite.
The Blade of Light will be added to the quest sticky as a useable item.

Kill the Shade of Regulos and then use the Blade on the Heart. Be careful to not accidentally kill the Heart before you can use the Blade.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3047

Dungeon Quest – Runic Descent expert mode
You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

Damming the Stream



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Collect the Horn of Atrophinius

Go into the Runic Descent expert dungeon and kill all the bosses, including Atrophinius the Fallen (4th boss).
Loot the Horn of Atrophinius from him.
Stand in the spot where Atrophinius was and use the horn

The Amulet of Eternal Imprisonment will be added to your quest sticky for you to use.

4 mini bosses will spawn one at a time for you to kill. The bosses are called – Inhibrius, Lillian Dunst, Gorodon and Barkoth.

Use the Amulet of Eternal Imprisonment on the mini bosses to bind them before you kill them.

If you forget to do this then you can restart the whole event by using the horn again once the last mini boss is dead, you will find the horn still inside your quest log bags.

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Raid Rift Quest – Growth of the Aelfwar

Growth of the Aelfwar



The quest is picked up from Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Use Hovas, Thorvin’s Holy Shield on Marquis Valone

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Hovas, Thorvin’s Holy Shield’

You need to complete the Growth of the Aelfwar raid rift and use the item on the last boss.

This is a level 50 raid rift, intended for a full group of 20 level 50 players (Or just one level 70!)

The lure can be bought from ‘Quartermaster Queb’ – the planar life vendor in the bottom floor of the Sanctum tower – /setwaypoint 7459 3018

The lure costs 3500 planarite and ‘Honored’ notoriety with the Order of Life serene.
If you don’t have the currency or notoriety, then you can buy a husk and combine it with 10 Corrupted Souls – Corrupted Souls drop randomly in expert dungeons.
Or, you can kill creatures from the plane of life to farm the notoriety and planarite to buy the lure. (Which is going to be quicker than trying to farm dungeons for the souls!)

Once you have the lure head to Stillmoor to find an orange raid tear and pop the Growth of the Aelfwar rift.

Marquis Valone is the last boss in the rift and pops at stage 6.
You will need to use the quest item on him, so be careful not to kill him too fast!
Make sure he has the ‘Tethered’ buff from Hovas on him when he dies.

Hand in the quest to Abbess Katia in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7471 3005

Meditations on Life



The quest is picked up from Cardinal Alwan in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7470 3095

Talk with Joseph the Mystic

Joseph can be found near the pub at the back/east of Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7597 3087
Right click to talk with him.

After a philosophical chat about whether or not the Ascended have any right to choose to kill Greenscale ‘Bad Life’, and protect the other creatures of Telara ‘Good Life’, Joseph will gift you his Meditation Mat.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at Divine Landing’

Divine Landing is at the southern tip of Silverwood
go there and use (right click) the Meditation Mat on the floor near the portal /setwaypoint 6244 3860
Your character will meditate for 180seconds.. time enough to go put the kettle on to boil.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Mirror of Ages’

The Mirror of Ages is in the north-west of Silverwood
/setwaypoint 5722 2839
Go there are right click the mat you find there to use it and meditate for another 180 seconds, time to go pour that tea!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Stone Grove’

The Stone Grove is a small wooded area in Scarwood Reach
/setwaypoint 3504 3722

Click on the mat there and meditate for another 180seconds, get that tea bag out of the cup!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Gates of Greenscale’

For this one you need to go all the way to the entrance of the Greenscale raid
/setwaypoint 761 2699

Right click the mat to meditate for 180seconds, best scour the cupboards for some nice biscuits to have with your cuppa.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk with Joseph the Mystic’

Go back to Joseph near the pub at the back/east of Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7597 3087
Talk to Joseph

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Nirvana’

You will also receive the Life Bunny companion pet.

Saga of the Aelfwar - Complete the Saga

Raid Quest – Greenscale’s Blight – Can also be completed in the GSB lvl 50 Chronicle.

The End of Hylas



The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Kill Prince Hylas Aelfwar

Go into the Greenscales Blight raid, or Chronicle, and kill Prince Hylas. Note: This quest will not be credited in the level 65 chronicle, it only works in the level 50 chronicle or in the GSB raid.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Obtain Prince Hylas’s Body’

Loot Prince Hylas’s corpse.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum’

You should now exit out of the raid/chronicle to go hand in the quest and pick up the next quest before going back into the raid/chronicle to kill Greenscale.

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in Sanctum of the vigil
/setwaypoint 7515 3052

Raid Quest – Greenscale’s Blight
Can also be completed in the Greenscale’s Blight Chronicle.

The Death of Life



The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7513 3049

Use the Blade of Life’s Death on Greenscale
Obtain Heart of Greenscale

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Blade of Life’s Death’.
You need to use this item on Greenscale when he is below 20% health.
Be sure to loot the Heart of Greenscale from his corpse!

You can also complete this quest on the Greenscale inside the level 50 Greenscale chronicle.

Hand in the quest to Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7513 3049

Divine Work, Divine Rewards



The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Sanctum of the Vigil
/setwaypoint 7513 3049

Return to Joseph in Sanctum

Go back to Joseph near the pub at the back/east of Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7597 3087
Hand in the quest.

This completes the Saga of the Aelfwar.
You will be granted the cheevo ‘The End of Life’s Demise’