Defiant Abyssal Saga Quests

The Defiant Abyssal Saga Questline has 28 quests.
The Saga takes you through many of the Mathosian zones and a couple of the Dungeons. There are no PVP quests.

Although the first quest can be picked up at level 50, I recommend you wait until you are at least level 65 to start, then you will be able to complete all the quests solo.

The questline rewards: The Aquatic Helm wardrobe, The Pauldrons of Reef wardrobe, and The Crocnard Mount.

This version of the Abyssal Saga can only be completed by Defiant characters. The Guardian Abyssal Saga can be found here.

The Abyssal Saga quests will be in their own section of your quest log.

Quest Cheevos

You will earn these cheevos during the Defiant Abyssal Saga.
You will find these cheevos in H > Character > Cult Sagas

Exploring the Deep
Soggy Historian
Lord of Madness

Abyssal Saga - Exploring the Deep - Act One

Dungeon Quest – Abyssal Precipice
You can find a full guide to the Abyssal Precipice dungeon here.

A New Era for the Abyssal


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Abyssal Precipice dungeon
/setwaypoint 1024 937
This quest can be picked up and completed in expert or normal mode. You do not need to have completed the dungeon previously.

Seek out clues about the Abyssal’s current plans

Continue through the dungeon until you reach the marked spot at
/setwaypoint 929 1203

Tideweaver Noria will spawn, kill her!

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Meetings of Interest


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Use the spyglass near the Abyssal Camp in Steampike Pit to listen in on the Tidelords’ meeting
Search for clues of their motives within the camp

Find the Abyssal Camp in Steampike Pit at
/setwaypoint 4682 1155

You just need to walk into the camp to credit the quest, there is no actual spyglass to use.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for clues of their motives within the camp’

Click the 3 piles of books around the camp.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

This quest rewards the book ‘Disciple of the Deep’. You will also pick up ‘The Library of Meridian’, and ‘Caring For Your Deep One Hatchling’ from the piles of books.

Tomes of Madness


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Investigate the wave of madness in Orphiel’s Spire

Go to Orphiel’s Spire in Meridian.
Click the elevator to go Up once.

You will see two Crazed Librarians in the corner at /setwaypoint 5968 5143

The Crazed Librarians are next to a book on the floor called ‘Non-Euclidean Dinner Parties’. Right click the book.

Note: Clicking the book will give you a buff called ‘Abyssal Madness’ you will start seeing ghostly Apparitions around Meridian!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the head librarian of Meridian’

The head librarian, Alyete Bathsube, is just behind you on the same floor at
/setwaypoint 6008 5148
Right click to talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask the ex-librarian of Meridian, Eddie, for a solution to the books’

You will find Eddie on the small island between Freemarch and Silverwood.
Swim to the island from Freemarch.

Note: Getting to this Island used to be difficult due to the fatigue area. This is now much more manageable due to less fatigue area and faster swim speeds.

Find Eddie at
/setwaypoint 6664 3928
Right click Eddie to talk with him.
He will give you an item called ‘Binding Element’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bind the Forbidden Tome’

Go back to the Crazed Librarians in Meridian.
Use the Binding Element to target the book near them. You need to be stood close to the book for it to work.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

A Personal Request


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Find the Faceless Man’s mother Minara in Iron Pine Peak

Hand in the quest to Minara in Whitefall, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3743 1722

This quest rewards the book ‘Nameless’.

Out of the Mountains


Defiants pick up this quest from Minara in Whitefall, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3743 1722

Escort the Faceless Man’s mother Minara out of Iron Pine Peak

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 3 minutes 40 seconds

Follow Minara as she tries to leave Iron Pine Peak, kill any baddies you encounter along the way.

At the end of the route, Tidelord Sarnol will come along and grab Minara from you.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Rescue Mission


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

Speak to the Faceless Man in Illumination Point for a teleport

Speak to Faceless Man in Illumination Point, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 3632 1717

He will teleport you to a spot in Stonefield at /setwaypoint 5453 5326

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rescue the Faceless Man’s mother Minara’

Kill all the baddies!

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Blood in the Water


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Kill members of the Abyssal cult x100

A decent collection of Abyssal cult members can be found in the area outside the Abyssal Precipice dungeon.

You will also kill around 30 Abyssal cult members during a full run of the Abyssal Precipice dungeon.

You can also kill Abyssal cult members in water rifts, though this method is a much less reliable farm.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Explorers of the Deep


Defiants pick up this quest from Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Find the dwarven scholar Rurik in The Chancel of Labors

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561
Down the stairs in the Scriptorium.

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Exploring the Deep’

Abyssal Saga - Soggy Historian - Act Two

The Wreck of the Novia


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Locate the Construct Heart Plating
Locate the Dragonbone Scroll Case
Locate the Asphodel’s Grave Flower
Locate the Promise-Not-to-Charm

This quest is mostly underwater, so you will want to go to Breaker Point at Ember Isle and get 2 hours of underwater breathing from /setwaypoint 11935 3589

Then go to the area marked off the east coast of Moonshade Highlands

The first mob to kill is the Crocodarian at
/setwaypoint 7673 1658
He will drop the Construct Heart Plating

Next find Bonesnapper at
/setwaypoint 7861 1672
He will drop the Dragonbone Scroll Case

Next go to /setwaypoint 7934 1556
and kill Laethana to loot Asphodel’s Grave Flower

Finally go to /setwaypoint 8021 1622
and kill Lord Oseptos for the Promise-Not-to-Charm

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Hiding Among Dragonslayers


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Seek out Tahl of the Dragonslayer Covenant in Wyrmbane Spire

Travel to Wyrmbane Spire and hand in the quest to Thal Hulifan at /setwaypoint 6119 7315

Last of the Zardonis


Defiants pick up this quest from Thal Hulifan in Wyrmbane Spire
/setwaypoint 6119 7315

Seek out Decorated status and then talk to Thal

To complete this quest you need to have Decorated notoriety with the Dragonslayer Covenant, these are the main faction of Shimmersand.
If you have already completed the questline in Shimmersand then it is likely you already have Decorated status.
If you don’t have Decorated yet, the easiest way to farm it is to run the Charmer’s Caldera dungeon on normal mode a few times. You can find a full guide to Charmer’s Caldera here.

When you have Decorated status, talk to Thal Hulifan in Wyrmbane Spire
/setwaypoint 6119 7315

Hand in the quest to Atticus Tylakios in Gritsquall Haven, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5597 6613

Out of the Fire


Defiants pick up this quest from Atticus Tylakios in Gritsquall Haven, Shimmersand
/setwaypoint 5597 6613

Collect Acacia’s Mask of the Deep

Go to the marked location in the Lake of Solace at /setwaypoint 5622 6149

Swim down to the bottom of the lake and right click the enchanted chest to loot the Mask of the Deep.

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Dungeon Quest – Realm of the Fae expert mode
You can find a full guide to the Realm of the Fae dungeon here.

A Token of the Fae


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Seek out Asphodel’s grave in Expert Realm of the Fae
Follow Chelius to Asphodel’s grave and gather the Bough of Life

Go into the expert mode Realm of the Fae dungeon.

Find Chelius in a cage near the first boss at /setwaypoint 1244 1000
Right click to talk with him.. it is best if you kill Trickster Maelow first!

Chelius will now lead you back to Asphodel’s grave at
/setwaypoint 1324 1024
This is a pink blossom tree.

Click the tree to gather the Bough of Life

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Heir of Nyx


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Seek out the heir of Nyx

Hand in the quest to Suria Batar in Fortune’s Shore
/setwaypoint 6630 7093

Wishes of a Dominata


Defiants pick up this quest from Suria Batar in Fortune’s Shore
/setwaypoint 6630 7093

Steal an Ethian Sun Dial
Steal a bottle of Widow’s Wail’s Wine
Steal a Golden Brazier

Go into the cave entrance at
/setwaypoint 6702 7156
to find the Ethian Sun Dials at
/setwaypoint 6701 7190

As you take a Sun Dial a Steeljaw Bookkeeper will spawn and attack you. Kill him!
Note: This will place a debuff on you making the Steeljaw mobs around Fortune’s Shore dislike you for a few minutes.

The Widow’s Wail’s Wine is on the boat at
/setwaypoint 6576 6959

Click to pick one up.

The Golden Brazier can be found near the crates at /setwaypoint 6553 7195

A Gutterborn Treasurer will attack when you try to pick a Brazier up, kill it and then quickly grab the Brazier!
Note: This will make the Gutterborn mobs around Fortune’s Shore upset with you for a few minutes.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the goods on the Khaliti Goods Table’

Find the Khaliti Goods Table just outside of Fortune’s Shore at
/setwaypoint 6344 6917
Right click the table to place the items.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Make sure Kaseem is recognized as a capable leader’

Wait a few seconds for the NPCs to appear and the quest objective will auto complete. You can stay there and watch the roleplay or go to hand in the quest.

Hand in the quest to Suria Batar in Fortune’s Shore
/setwaypoint 6630 7093

Reclaimed from the Storm


Defiants pick up this quest from Suria Batar in Fortune’s Shore
/setwaypoint 6630 7093

Return to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Remains of the Great


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Speak with Lieutenant Rutger in Reclaimer’s Hold

Hand in the quest to Lieutenant Rutger in Reclaimer’s Hold
/setwaypoint 6293 1603

Dungeon Quest – Runic Descent expert mode
You can find a full guide to the Runic Descent dungeon here.

Bound in Death


Defiants pick up this quest from Lieutenant Rutger in Reclaimer’s Hold
/setwaypoint 6293 1603

Seek out Rasmolov’s construct remains in Expert Runic Descent

Start to clear the dungeon as normal. After the third boss, Warden Falidor, continue along the path and you will encounter Rasmolov’s Construct at
/setwaypoint 1001 1016
Kill the Construct and loot the Rune of the Void Knight Scroll from him.

Hand in the quest to Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

A Mask for All Seasons


Defiants pick up this quest from Rurik in The Chancel of Labors, Iron Pine Peak
/setwaypoint 4572 1561

Create the Visage of the Deep at the forge in The Chancel of Labors

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Visage of the Deep’

Stand near the forge in The Chancel of Labors at /setwaypoint 4633 1519 and use the Visage of the Deep.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Soggy Historian’

Abyssal Saga - Lord of Madness - Act Three

Joining the Cabal


Defiants pick up this quest from Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Find the initiation site and use the Visage of the Deep nearby

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Visage of the Deep’

head over to a spot on the very south west of Freemarch at /setwaypoint 5412 5829

Use the Visage of the Deep and the baddies will turn friendly.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Become initiated into the Solace Cabal’

Take the following quest from Tideweaver Gelaine and complete it to become initiated.



The quest is picked up from Tideweaver Gelaine in Freemarch
/setwaypoint 5409 5821

Click the altar to begin your Abyssal initiation

Click the altar to start the encounter.
A Spirit of the Deep will spawn and attack, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Participate in the assault on the nearby wardstone’

Head east to the wardstone at
/setwaypoint 5859 5797
You should only attack the wardstone when you have your disguise on!

Kill the baddies there.

Hand in the quest to Tideweaver Gelaine in Freemarch
/setwaypoint 5409 5821

Joining the Cabal


Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Traitor of Meridian


Defiants pick up this quest from Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Find the Solace Cabal’s base and infiltrate using the Visage of the Deep

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Visage of the Deep’

The Solace Cabal’s base is in the middle of the Lake of Solace at
/setwaypoint 5934 6333

Swim down to the base and use the Visage before getting too close.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seek out clues about the fragment of the Faceless Man’s soul’

Click the stone at
/setwaypoint 5938 6340

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Gelaine about ‘the Traitor of Meridian’ and Lyrr’

Speak to Gelaine behind the rock at
/setwaypoint 5943 6369

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drop your disguise and confront Sarnol’

Right click the disguise buff to get rid of it and then go to Sarnol at
/setwaypoint 5924 6331
Kill Sarnol!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Retrieve the Faceless Man’s Soul Shard’

Right click the Soul Shard on the table in front of where Sarnol was to pick it up.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Seals Against the Deep


Defiants pick up this quest from Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

Reinforce the seals around Meridian x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Arcane Seal Binding’

Find the seals around Meridian, like this one at /setwaypoint 6123 5174
Use the Arcane Seal Binding to target them and reinforce them.

If you find you cannot see the Seals then you will need to adjust your graphics settings!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the First Cloaked Teleporter and find the source of the unstable seals’

Go to the Cloaked Teleporter at
/setwaypoint 6172 5022
Right click to use it.

This will teleport you up above Meridian to /setwaypoint 6031 5110
Kill the baddies you find up here.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Second Cloaked Teleporter and find the source of the unstable seals’

Click the Second Cloaked Teleporter at
/setwaypoint 6024 5116

This will teleport you to
/setwaypoint 6031 5052

Kill all the baddies here too!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Third Cloaked Teleporter and find the source of the unstable seals’

Click the Third Cloaked Teleporter at
/setwaypoint 5991 5072

This will teleport you to
/setwaypoint 5952 5110

Kill all the baddies here too!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Fourth Cloaked Teleporter and find the source of the unstable seals’

Click the Fourth Cloaked Teleporter at
/setwaypoint 5922 5116

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Uriel about the Faceless Man’

Go up the slope and round the other side of the tower to find Uriel at
/setwaypoint 5960 5070

Right click to talk with Uriel.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Help Uriel subdue the Faceless Man’

The Faceless Man will spawn nearby  at
/setwaypoint 5986 5045
Just let Uriel deal with him!

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Anthousa's Advice


Defiants pick up this quest from Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Find Anthousa Mona in Catari Command Center

Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6083 5060

Unworking the Ritual


Defiants pick up this quest from Anthousa Mona in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6083 5060

Collect Powerful Air Sourcestone from an Air rift that grants experience
Earn the favor of Ilchorin, the spirit in Lake of Solace off Shimmersand

Close an air rift in a Mathosian zone. Be sure you are mentored down when it closes.

The Powerful Air Sourcestone will be in your Rift Loot Bag.

Find Ilchorin in Lake Solace at
/setwaypoint 6304 6350

Pick up the quest below from Ilchorin and complete it to earn his favor.

Ilchorin's Favor


The quest is picked up from Ilchorin in Lake Solace
/setwaypoint 6304 6350

Ask Asha in Fortune’s Shore for advice on luring the cultists to Ilchorin

Head Fortune’s Shore and speak to Asha at
/setwaypoint 6652 7051

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ask Kaspar for advice’

Speak to Kaspar Massi at
/setwaypoint 6663 7074

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Get the magic flute from Shin the mermaid’

Find Shin the mermaid off the east coast of Moonshade Highlands at
/setwaypoint 7767 1829
Kill Shin and loot the magic flute.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the flute to bring cutthroats to Ilchorin’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Magical Flute’

Go to the Shimmersand coastline at
/setwaypoint 6503 6636
Target the Cutthroat Mercenaries and use the magical flute on them. They will now follow you. Lead them to Ilchorin. You will have to bring them one at a time, stay close to them to defend them! You may need to run the Mercenaries in circles around Ilchorin before he catches them.

Hand in the quest to Ilchorin in Lake Solace
/setwaypoint 6304 6350

Unworking the Ritual


Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6083 5060

Breaking the Bond


Defiants pick up this quest from Anthousa Mona in Catari Command Center, Meridian
/setwaypoint 6083 5060

Use the focus on the Faceless Man to begin the ritual

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Cleansing Focus’

Go to the Faceless Man at
/setwaypoint 5130 5755

Target the Faceless Man and use the Cleansing Focus.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Spirit of Lyrr’

Ilchorin will pop out of the water and cast a spell on the Faceless Man. Then the Spirit of Lyrr will appear and attack you. Kill her!

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Faceless Gratitude


Defiants pick up this quest from Uriel Chuluun in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5996 5137

Speak with the Faceless Man in Meridian

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Meridian – Second from top floor of the tower
/setwaypoint 5997 5134

This quest rewards you with the Crocnard Mount!

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Lord of Madness’