- Xarth Mire is a level 68-69 zone.
- To get to this zone you will walk in from Scatherran Forest.
- There are 2 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Shadow Market, Bailghol, and Camp Quaqmire.
Below is a guide for all 37 quests in Xarth Mire.
With 20 Main Quests and 17 Carnages.
For the Xarth Mire rares go here
For the other Xarth Mire cheevos go here
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Planar Anchors
Throughout Xarth Mire are Planar Anchors. These are a bit like onslaught locations.
When you are next to an Anchor, you will have a blue quest sticky pop up to tell you what to do.
You can completely ignore these. They are not part of the questline.
When you finish the questline, there will be daily quests to pick up. One of these quests is called ‘Tuatha’Don’t Even Try It’. The quest asks you to complete tasks at a Converted Planar Anchor. This quest is awful and buggy. The vast majority of players will just ignore it completely. I highly recommend you do the same!
Quest Cheevos
There are 37 quests in Xarth Mire, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

The cheevo ‘Una Doesn’t Love You Anymore’ awards the Minion Card: Prince Tristaine.
The Questing Beast

Una Doesn't Love You Anymore

19 Main Quests
The Shadow Market
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Alittu
/setwaypoint 4115 6457
Note: This quest can only be picked up with a character level 66 or above.
Talk to Damacus Trueair
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to The Shadow Market’
Take a path out of Feilbocan to the north and go to The Shadow Market at
/setwaypoint 5172 5065
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Anthousa in The Shadow Market’
Hand in the quest to Anthousa in The Shadow Market at /setwaypoint 5205 4985
Life Is a Rithart
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Disheartened Tuath’de in The Shadow Market at /setwaypoint 5224 5006
TO COMPLETE: Convince Tuath’de to abandon their Rithart x3
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Tuath’de Charm’
Clicking the Tuath’de Charm will grant you 3 temporary abilities; Amuse, Silly, and Sooth.
Target Tuath’de Ritharts in the Shadow Market area, like this one at /setwaypoint 5229 4958
Use the abilities on them, matching the abilities effects to the Ritharts debuff.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Ascended's Choice
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in The Shadow Market
/setwaypoint 5205 4985
Talk to Mac Conn
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect an Apple’
Head north out of Shadow Market to the Alicorn Isles area.
Find the Apple Treant on the hills at around /setwaypoint 5205 4833
Kill it and loot the apple.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Give Apple to Delta’
Go to Delta, the Captured Unicorn in Shadow Marklet at
/setwaypoint 5264 4999
Stand near here and the quest will credit.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Trade Anthousa’s Necklace’
Go to Mac Conn in the Shadow Market at
/setwaypoint 5224 4954
Talk with him to trade the necklace.
You will be able to choose which of the captives you want to free. I chose Ysolt. It does not matter which you choose!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Release your Purchase’
Go tot he NPC that you chose and stand near them to release them.
The Circle of Thirteen
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in The Shadow Market
/setwaypoint 5205 4985
Talk to Tristaine
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Circle of Thirteen’
Go to the Circle of Thirteen at
/setwaypoint 5124 4610
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy Bewitched Roots’
Go into the circle and you will be attacked by an Ahnket Sentinel, the Bewitched Roots are leashed to the 3 unicorns. Kill the Bewitched Roots.
Mother's Little Whelpers
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in The Shadow Market
/setwaypoint 5205 4985
Talk to Tristaine About Tuath’de Sacrifice
Go to Tristaine at
/setwaypoint 5266 4997
Stand next to him to hear him talk.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the Bleed with Skub’
Go to The Bleed area at
/setwaypoint 5426 4366
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the Whelps’ Burrows x3′
Find the Mire Piles in The Bleed, like this one at /setwaypoint 5353 4293
Click them to find the burrows, kill any spiders that pop up!
The mounds respawned very quickly for me and I was able to click the same one a few times to complete the quest.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Welps’ Hiding Place’
You will now need to go up to the upper area of land, you can find a slope up at /setwaypoint 5544 4291
The Hiding Place is a small quest circle marking the entrance of a large cave at /setwaypoint 5578 3973
Your quest objective will now ask you to kill 4 bad guys, these are all marked.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Flush Welps from Hiding x10’
Go back up to the cave entrance at /setwaypoint 5589 3987
It is Highly recommended that once you start collecting Welps,and using them later on, that you DO NOT SWITCH SHARD.
Stand near the Hidden Mother’s Whelps and they will start to follow you.
They are quite small, you can target them with /tar hidden to help you find them.
The one pictured is at
/setwaypoint 5627 3931
There are plenty of Whelps in the cave, a lot of them are outside of the quest circle, so keep hunting until you have all 10.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa just outside the cave in The Bleed at /setwaypoint 5574 3940
Adventures in Dragonsitting
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in The Bleed
/setwaypoint 5574 3940
Travel to Azure Fen
Buffs and Dragons
This quest is one of the quests that a lot of people get stuck on because of the buffs and dragons.
Firstly, you will have a quest item attached to your quest sticky called ‘Rune of Dragon Whelps’, this will also appear as an item in your quest items bag. This item will reapply the Dragon buffs to you, allowing you to continue with the quest if they drop off.
You will lose the buffs if you log out of the game, if you switch shard or if you die. Simply click the Rune of Dragon Whelps to reapply the buffs while targeting yourself and continue on your quest.
The two buffs are called Surrogate and Dragon Whelp. When these buffs are active on your character you should be able to see a group of whelps following you. There will also be 3 temporary abilities in your temporary ability bar.
If you cannot see these abilities then have a look at your layout to see where your temp action bar is, make sure it is set to show (the enabled box is ticked).
For ease of use, you can drag these abilities down to your normal action bars.
The abilities are…
Use on a Whelp with Ravenous debuff
/cast admonish
Wake Up
Use on a Whelp with Sleepy debuff
/cast wake up
Round Up
Use on a Whelp with Distracted debuff
/cast round up
If for some reason you cannot see your temp ability bar or they are not granted then you can use the /cast for each ability to cast them manually.
You need to be quite close to use the abilities and they all have a cast time of 2 seconds.
Travel to Azure Fen, this is north of the questgiver at /setwaypoint 5135 3688 and Talk to Tristaine.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lead the Dragon Whelps through Azure Fen’.
A quest dot will appear further up the path, go to it – /setwaypoint 4888 3626
The Dragon Whelps that were following you will now be running around chasing the Tasty Salamanders on the ground.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather your wayward Dragon Whelps x6’
When you target your Dragon Whelps you will notice they have the ‘Ravenous’ buff, thus you will need to use the Admonish ability on them to gather them back up.
Target a Whelp and use the ability on it. Repeat til you have collected 6 Whelps.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Continue on through Azure Fen’.
A quest dot will appear further up the path, go to it – /setwaypoint 4608 3526
The Dragon Whelps that were following you will now be sleeping all around the area.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Awaken the Sleepy Dragon Whelps x6’
Target the Whelps and use the Wake Up ability on them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Cross through Azure Fen’.
A quest dot will appear further up the path, go to it – /setwaypoint 4456 3727
The Dragon Whelps that were following you will now be running around distracted.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rein in the distracted Dragon Whelps x6’
Target the Whelps and use the Round Up ability on them.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa in Bailghol at /setwaypoint 4223 3885
Baby Food
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Muck Vhar Remains in Azure Fen at /setwaypoint 5093 3725
TO COMPLETE: Collect Muck Vhar Meat x8
Kill nearby Muck Vhars and loot the meat from them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
We Live in Exciting Times
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Bailghol
/setwaypoint 4223 3885
Listen to Blunge
Bailghol Blues
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bug Bomb in Bailghol at /setwaypoint 4191 3927
TO COMPLETE: Delouse Infested Boglings x6
Mother's Day
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Bailghol
/setwaypoint 4223 3885
Destroy Mother’s Lures x3
Your quest will now change to ‘Find the Bogling Gifters’
Go back down the hill and along the path to /setwaypoint 4427 3779
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Tuath’de Hunter’
A little further along the path you will find the Tuath’de Hunter – /setwaypoint 4522 3567
Kill the Tuath’de Hunter
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Treat with Tristaine’
Go just outside the cave to
/setwaypoint 4152 3798
Stand close to Tristaine to start the conversation.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop the Tuath’de Dragonslayer’
Go halfway down the hill to
/setwaypoint 4273 3780
Some Tuath’de will appear for you to kill followed by the Dragonslayer. Kill the Dragonslayer!
Hand in the quest to Anthousa in Bailghol at /setwaypoint 4223 3885
Luck of the Chosen
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bogling Remains in Bailghol/The Marsh Gate at /setwaypoint 4299 3817
TO COMPLETE: Collect Bogling “Lucky Item” x6
Ahnket Incursion
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Bailghol
/setwaypoint 4223 3885
Travel to the Marsh Gate
Bean Brigade
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mire Bean Frond in The Marsh Gate at /setwaypoint 4160 4080
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Ahnket Corruption x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mire Bean’.
There are a few yellow quest circles around the Marsh Gate area that highlight where to go.
Use the Mire Bean to target the Ahnket Corruptions, destroy 6 of them.
This one is at /setwaypoint 4158 4148
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Herb Away
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bogling Herb Pack in The Marsh Gate at /setwaypoint 4247 4088
TO COMPLETE: Collect Mire Frond x8
Drums of War
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Bailghol
/setwaypoint 4223 3885
Go to the Shadow Market
Go back to the Shadow Market in the south of Xarth Mire at /setwaypoint 5215 4947
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to Tuath’de Slave Master’
Speak to the Tuath’de Slave Master.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Defeat the Tuath’de Slavers’
4 bad guys will surround you, kill them!
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to Tuath’de Slave Master’
Speak to the Tuath’de Slave Master.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Go to the Overlook Above Saint Taranis’
Take the portal to Saint Taranis in Gedlo Badlands
You need to go all the way around the back of the cliff to get to the outlook at
On the top you will find Veist, approach him.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to Veist’
Right click to talk to him
Veist will give you quest item called the Horn of Valor.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Go to the Steps of Taranis’
Go to the top of the Steps of Taranis at /setwaypoint 3643 6344
Your quest objective will change to ‘Use the Horn of Valor’
The Horn of Valor will be added to your quest sticky as a usable item, click it to use it.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Go to Alittu’
Take the portal back to Alittu and go to the marked spot at /setwaypoint 4021 6357
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to Damacus Trueair’
Right click Damacus Trueair to talk to him
Your quest objective will change to ‘Use the Temporal Attunement Orb’
On top of the table behind Damacus Trueair will be a small yellow orb to click.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Disrupt Troublesome Spirits x4’
You will get a temporary ability called ‘Temporal Disruption’. Target the Troublesome Spirits walking around the room and use the ability on them.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Go to Overlook Above Felibocan’
Go through Felibocan and up around the back of the Overlook to
/setwaypoint 4955 5646
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to the Fora Commander’
At the very edge of the cliff will be a little squirrel to talk to, right click to talk to him.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Rally Fora x4’
You will be given 3 temporary abilities…
Valorous: Removes the Fear buff
Compassionate: Removes the Sorrow buff
Fierce: Removes the Uncertainty buff
Nearby will be a selection of squirrels with different buffs, use the correct abilities to get rid of the buffs on 4 of them.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to the Fora Commander’
Go back to the little squirrel and talk to him again.
Your quest objective will change to ‘Talk to Anthousa in Camp Quaqmire’
Go to Anthousa in Camp Quaqmire, Xarth Mire at /setwaypoint 4772 4515
Hand the quest in.
Storming the Gates
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Camp Quaqmire
/setwaypoint 4772 4515
Use an Arcane Siege Cannon
Twilight of the Tuath'de
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Camp Quaqmire
/setwaypoint 4772 4515
Enter the portal
The first objective will be ‘Reach the fortress front gates’
Head north to the marked location at
/setwaypoint 4839 4221 You can just avoid all the mobs on the way if you wish.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Tuath’de Royal Guard x10’
Kill the Tuath’de Royal Guard that attack, Tasuil will help!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Get to the throne room’
Go up the stairs and into the building to the throne room at /setwaypoint 4817 4118
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Queen Una’
Just stand on the balcony and watch Queen Una do her speech.
You may need to jump down to progress the speech.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Face Queen Una’s forces in the courtyard’
Go back outside the building to the courtyard at /setwaypoint 4832 4192
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Ahnket Sentinels x3’
3 Ahnket Sentinels will spawn for you to kill. Use Tasuils healing circle if you need to!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Tristaine’
Tristaine will spawn in the middle of the courtyard, kill him!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Vanquish Queen Una’
Queen Una is rather upset as you just killed her son. She want to go mourn her son instead of fight. She will teleport you to outside the fortress.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the portal’
Leave the instance through the portal at
/setwaypoint 4705 4447
Hand in the quest to Anthousa in Bailghol at /setwaypoint 4223 3885
Better Angels
The quest is picked up from Anthousa in Bailghol
/setwaypoint 4223 3885
Speak to Damacus Trueair
This is the end of the Xarth Mire questline.
There is just one quest which you have likely missed!
Operation Freedom
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Escaped Bogling in The Devoured Forest at /setwaypoint 4803 3953
TO COMPLETE: Free groups of Caged Boglings x3
17 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Great Sacrifice’ in Xarth Mire.
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.
CARNAGE: Carnage: Forsaken Unicorns
PICK UP: You will find them in Alicorn Isles at around /setwaypoint 5259 4860
TO COMPLETE: Kill Forsaken Unicorns x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Angered Spirits
PICK UP: You will find them in Alicorn Isles at around /setwaypoint 5240 4799
TO COMPLETE: Kill Angered Spirits x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Swamp Bears
PICK UP: You will find them in Alicorn Isles at around /setwaypoint 4766 4800
TO COMPLETE: Kill Swamp Bears x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Why Spiders?
PICK UP: You will find them in The Bleed at around /setwaypoint 5450 4331
TO COMPLETE: Kill spiders in The Bleed x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Tartary Trappers
PICK UP: You will find them in The Bleed at around /setwaypoint 5462 4312
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tartary Trappers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood of the Basilisk
PICK UP: You will find them in The Bleed at around /setwaypoint 5533 4040
TO COMPLETE: Kill Basilisks in The Bleed x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Muck Bears
PICK UP: You will find them in Azure Fen at around /setwaypoint 5136 3706
TO COMPLETE: Kill Muck Vhar in Azure Fen x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Poisonous Frogues
PICK UP: You will find them in Azure Fen at around /setwaypoint 4984 3732
TO COMPLETE: Kill Poisonous Frogues x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Ravenous Blooms
PICK UP: You will find them in Azure Fen at around /setwaypoint 4618 3589
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ravenous Blooms x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Azure Stalkers
PICK UP: You will find them in Azure Fen at around /setwaypoint 4602 3540
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de Stalkers, Archers, and Swordsmen x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Marsh Frogues
PICK UP: You will find them in The Marsh Gate at around /setwaypoint 4343 3856
TO COMPLETE: Kill Marsh Frogues x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: On the Road
PICK UP: You will find them in The Marsh Gate at around /setwaypoint 4363 3833
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de at The Marsh Gate x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wandering Protector
PICK UP: You will find them in The Marsh Gate at around /setwaypoint 4417 3841
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wandering Protectors x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Greater Frogues
PICK UP: You will find them in Green Mother’s Lair at around /setwaypoint 4081 3779
TO COMPLETE: Kill Greater Frogues x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Full of Nope
PICK UP: You will find them in Green Mother’s Lair at around /setwaypoint 4039 3752
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cave Spiders x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Forest Keeper
PICK UP: You will find them in The Devoured Forest at around /setwaypoint 4746 4461
TO COMPLETE: Kill Forest Keepers x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Guarding the Queen
PICK UP: You will find them in The Devoured Forest at around /setwaypoint 4689 4479
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tuath’de in The Devoured Forest x10
Notes for Completionist..
- No notes required as all quests should be ticked off nicely once you finish the zone!