Tyrants Throne Quests

Tyrants Throne
  • Tyrants Throne is a level 65 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will need to be level 65. Pick up the first quest from Blark in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5726 5637 – You can then use the portal to get the zone.
  • There is 1 portal in the zone.
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Tyrant’s Forge Raid – /setwaypoint 6590 9097

Below is a guide for all 15 quests in Tyrants Throne.
With 10 Main Quests and 5 Carnages.

For the other Tyrants Throne cheevos go here.
Tyrants Throne does not have a puzzle or any rares.

Quest Cheevos

There are 4 cheevos available from the Tyrants Throne Questline.

Psquid Psychiatry
Release the Yrlwalach!
Priority Targets
Tempest Torn

10 Main Quests

Crucia Returns


The quest is picked up from Blark in Margle Palace
/setwaypoint 5726 5637

Report to Admiral Belega at the Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead.

Tyrants Throne is a large island to the south of Goboro/Draumheim.
Picking up this first quest should unlock the portal for you so you can go straight there!
You can also swim there, and there is a cheevo for swimming there by a certain route which is explained on the Tyrants Throne cheevo page.
When you teleport to Tyrants Throne you will be right next to the tent where you need to hand the quest in.

Hand in the quest to Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead at
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Infinity Awakens


The quest is picked up from Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Find the thing in the cavern.

The entrance to the cavern is very clearly marked on the map — Entrance at /setwaypoint 6428 9103

Swim down into the underwater cavern.

Here you will find ‘Sanity’ to talk to!
/setwaypoint 6395 9081

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the obelisks of infinity 0/7’

Inside the underwater caves are obelisks to click on they are all clearly marked on the map with yellow quest dots.

Each obelisk is different, you will need to click them all, they will each tell a small piece of the story.

Unfortunately the yellow quest dots don’t disappear when you click each one, so try to keep track of the ones you have clicked already!

The 7th obelisk to the west is outside the cavern, just swim up the tunnel and find the obelisk on the path at
/setwaypoint 6241 9066

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Yrlwalach’
Go inside the cave right in front of you /setwaypoint 6228 9060
Stand in front of Yrlwalach and… behold!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Legion’
Just to you left will be a quest dot, go to it and click the obelisk you find there
/setwaypoint 6185 8995

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Skelf’
Back towards the cave entrance is another quest dot, click the obelisk you find there
/setwaypoint 6209 9044

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Sirens’
Towards the back of the cave is another quest dot, go to it and click the obelisk
/setwaypoint 6185 8994

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Akvari’
Back towards the cave entrance is another quest dot, click the obelisk you find there
/setwaypoint 6209 9044

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Sharax’
Towards the back of the cave is another quest dot, go to it and click the obelisk
/setwaypoint 6185 8994

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Behold the Ending’
In the middle of the cave will now be Crucia holding an Oculon, click her
/setwaypoint 6183 9017

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Become Sane with Sanity’
Back towards the cave entrance is a speech bubble, go there to speak with Sanity again
/setwaypoint 6216 9050

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Admiral Belega at the Tyrants Throne Beachhead’.

Hand in the quest to Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead at
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Completing the quest will grant the Psquid Psychiatry cheevo.

This cheevo allows you to kill a jellyfish in the Mount Sharax raid that will stop the nasty debuff on the Yrlwalach boss.

QUEST 3: Mined the First Step
PICK UP: Found just to the north of the portal in Tyrants Harbor at /setwaypoint 6092 9002
TO COMPLETE: Dig up and disarm Thunderstrike Mines x10

The mines are very small but thankfully they sparkle a lot!
You need to click the disturbed pile of earth to remove it then click again on the mine that appears.
There are many spots all over the island where you can find these mines, you can also switch shard on one mine to complete it quickly.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Storming the Cage


The quest is picked up from Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Kill Thunder Cannon Ballistarii Crews x4

Marked on your map will be 2 quest circles.
In these circles you will find Cannons being guarded by Legion Ballistarii.
/setwaypoint 6179 8897
Kill 4 of the Legion Ballistarii.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Access Storm Cage Command Console’.

There will be a yellow quest dot on your map at /setwaypoint 6302 8794
Go to it and click the console you find there.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Clear the Storm Cage’.

Behind you, a rift will have opened up, the rift is called ‘Storm in a Bottle’
Close the rift!

Hand in the quest to Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead at
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

QUEST 5: Raising Angels
PICK UP: From ‘Screwblock’ in The Storm Cage at /setwaypoint 6276 8799
TO COMPLETE: Gather up the necessary mech components for Screwblock.
Collect Angel Plates x12
Collect Angel Bones x20
Salvage angel flesh from a Steel Angel
Gather up the items from the areas marked on the map, they respawn very quickly and you can switch shard to gather lots at each spot.
The Plates/Bones are all different shapes and sizes, simply look for sparkles!

Angel Bones

/setwaypoint 6304 8756
Each bone counts as more than 1 towards your quest so you will complete quite quickly.

Angel Plates

/setwaypoint 6298 8809
Each plate counts as more than 1 towards your quest so you will complete quite quickly.

Angel Flesh

Find a Steel Angel in the larger quest circle and kill it to loot the Angel Flesh. You may need to kill a few of them before one drops.

Once you have all your loot the quest objective will change to ‘Return to Screwblock’
Go back to ‘Screwblock’ in the Storm Cage at /setwaypoint 6276 8799 (Speech bubble on the map).
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Give Wingnut her orders’.
Wingnut will appear right next to Screwblock, right click to speak to her
you can then hand the quest back in to Screwblock.

Oculon of Storms


The quest is picked up from Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Place a Cerulean Rhenke foothold near the Storm Legion teleporter.

Go to the west of the island at
/setwaypoint 6569 9055

When you stand near the foothold location you will gain a temporary ability called ‘Summon Foothold’
Use the Summon Foothold ability.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Storm Legion Teleporter to confront Crucia’.

The foothold can now be clicked to teleport you away! … or not.. no teleport.. it actually teleports Crucia to you!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Survive Crucia’s Attack’.

Stay at the wardstone and kill anything that approaches. You can use nexus infusion to upgrade the wardstone if you wish.

Hand in the quest to Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead at
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

QUEST 7: Sand Castles
PICK UP: From ‘Atragarian Shell Ward’ in the south west of the island at /setwaypoint 6589 9108
TO COMPLETE: Restore the 4 magical wards around the Tyrants Throne.
Restore the Island Ward – /setwaypoint 6659 8809
Restore the Tide Ward – /setwaypoint 6589 9108
Restore the Beach Ward – /setwaypoint 6598 8997
Restore the Reef Ward – /setwaypoint 6599 8937
All these locations are clearly marked on the map along the eastern beachline with yellow quest dots.
Simply click each ward and then the quest will auto-complete.

Grinding to a Halt


The quest is picked up from Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Break the Storm Queen’s control of the Yrlwalach!

Head towards the quest circle at the northeast of the map /setwaypoint 6605 8603
You will find yourself on a platform with 3 pillars around the edge.
If you look just down the hill you will see the Yrlwalach at the edge of the sea.
When you stand in the middle of the platform it will activate a mini-event.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Draw Oculon energy to Refractor Unum x30
Draw Oculon energy to Refractor Duobus x30
Draw Oculon energy to Refractor Tribus x30′

Each of the pillars is a differently named ‘Refractor’.
In the middle of the platform is an Oculon.. walk up to the Oculon and you will gain a buff called ‘Focii of the Oculon’. Stay near the Oculon til the buff reaches 10 stacks.

Walk near one of the pillars with this buff to ‘give’ it to the pillar. You will need to do this 3 times for each pillar (if you waited each time for the buff to reach 10 stacks).
The pillars will then direct a bright red beam of energy towards the Oculon.

Once you have given each tower 30 Oculon Energy you will need to purge them.
Simply click the ‘glass test tube’ (Planar Refractor Capacitor) just in front of each pillar.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Siren, Naia’
Right next to the platform will be the Siren Naia, stand next to her and she will do a little speech.
/setwaypoint 6648 8576

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Siren, Naia’.

You will notice Naia will turn into a large ugly monster… kill her! …. or not.. at 1% health Naia will stop attacking and disappear.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Oculon’

Go back to the middle of the platform and kill the Oculon

Hand in the quest to Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead at
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Handing the quest in will grant you the cheevo ‘Release the Yrlwalach!’

QUEST 9: Big Damn Heroes
PICK UP: Found just to the north of the portal in Tyrants Harbor at /setwaypoint 6038 8869
TO COMPLETE: Use the Conch and destroy Crucias Cataphractii x6

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Conch of Courage’

The areas to find the Cataphractii are clearly marked on the map. They are the large Mechs patrolling the paths.
Find a Cataphractii mob, get into combat, use the ability and then kill it! (you need to be in melee to use it)
Do this 6 times to complete the quest.



The quest is picked up from Admiral Belega in Tyrant’s Throne Beachhead
/setwaypoint 6115 9114

Complete the zone event ‘Leviathan’

You can check a zone event tracker like YARET to see when the zone event starts.

You can ‘force’ the event to spawn by getting at least 10 people stood in the zone for a while. Players are encouraged to do this to help with Colossi kills for the Eternal Weapon quest so hopefully it won’t take you too long to gather enough people.

Thankfully you do not need to complete this quest in order to get all the zone quest cheevos, this is the 15th quest and you only need 14 for the cheevo.

5 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Priority Targets’ in Tyrants Throne.
I have ordered them in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

Tyrant Prototype Mark 1

CARNAGE: Tyrant Prototype Mark 1
PICK UP: Found flying around a large area towards the middle of the map.
Use [ /target prototype ] to find him! /setwaypoint 6513 8461 + /setwaypoint 6432 8631
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tyrant Prototype Mark 1

CARNAGE: Cataphractii
PICK UP: Found just to the north of the portal in Tyrants Harbor at /setwaypoint 6141 8954
TO COMPLETE: Kill 6 Storm Legion Cataphractii

CARNAGE: Of Coast and Cave
PICK UP: Found inside the Cave of Infinity entrance at /setwaypoint 6428 9103
TO COMPLETE: Kill 6 Cave and Coastal Threshers

CARNAGE: Wayward Skelf
PICK UP: In the south east of Tyrants Throne at /setwaypoint 6472 9033
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Auxilia Numeri

CARNAGE: Storm Legionnaires
PICK UP: Found just to the north of the portal in Tyrants Harbor at /setwaypoint 6110 9006
TO COMPLETE: Kill 12 Storm Legionnaires

Notes for Completionist..

  • No notes required as all quests should be ticked off nicely once you finish the zone!