Planetouched Wilds Quests

Planetouched Wilds
  • Planetouched Wilds is a level 65 zone. – Note: The zone may be quite challenging for a fresh 65 player.
  • To get to this zone you will get letter from Rahn Chuluun when you reach level 65. You can also just walk in from Droughtlands.
  • There are 8 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Alliance Camp, Woe, Ovog Shrine, Shal Korva, Jad, Khort, and Sky Fishery
  • Other points of interest are..
    — Entrance to Rhaza’de Canyons Dungeon – Underneath Shal Korva – /setwaypoint 10286 5926 – (Tunnel entrance is at /setwaypoint 10321 5743)

Below is a guide for all 117 quests in Planetouched Wilds.
With 6 Intro Quests, 20 Act I Quests, 18 Act II Quests, 18 Act III Quests, and 55 Carnages.

For the Planetouched Wilds rares go here
For the Planetouched Wilds puzzle go here
For the other Planetouched Wilds cheevos go here

Quest Cheevos

There are 117 quests in Planetouched Wilds, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevos.
The 6 intro quests do not count towards the zone quests cheevo.

Safari of Slaughter
Come Fly Away
Tear Down that Wall
Crystal Clear
Rhaza'de Raider
Soul Savior
Faces of Teth

General Introduction

Planetouched Wilds was released as a huge extra zone during the Nightmare Tide expansion.
The quests start outside of Planetouched Wilds, with a letter from Rahn Chuluun taking you to Droughtlands, learning about the Lore and eventually making your way into Planetouched Wilds.
Once in Planetouched Wilds, there is a long questline, with 3 separate ‘Acts’.
The story quests are well thought out and entertaining, a lot of players rate the Planetouched Wilds story as the best in Rift.
I will try to capture as much of the story as possible in this guide!

Shalistiri's Escape

While in the many gorges that criss-cross the Planetouched Wilds you will be granted a temporary ability called Shalistiri’s Escape. 
This ability can be used to jump very very high out of the gorges.
With practice, you can become quite proficient at facing just the right direction and using the jump to land exactly where you want to be.
The Shalistiri’s Escape ability will be granted as soon as you jump/fall into a gorge, however it is granted with an animation that can make it difficult to use until you have already landed in the group of baddies below!
Drag the Shalistiri’s Escape ability to your bar to be able to use it quickly and more efficiently, even before the animation has finished!
It’s best to keep the ability on your bar for the duration of your questing in Planetouched Wilds.

The main story questline in Planetouched Wilds will have you criss-crossing the entire zone very quickly.
Unlike most other zones where you will complete all quests in one area and then move on to the next area nearby, Planetouched Wilds can have you pick up a quest on one side of the zone, complete the objectives in a far away area and then send you even further for the quest hand in!
This can be disorientating. As a general rule, it’s best to grab any carnage you see in the areas you are sent to and complete them before moving on. You will likely miss quite a few of the more ‘out of the way’ pick up quests. So keep checking below each listed story quest to see if there is a nearby pick up quest to grab.

There is a LOT of story in Planetouched Wilds. Most of it is conversation between NPCs as you quest. I will attempt to screenshot the highlights here, but to screenshot all of it would make this page miles long!

6 Intro Quests

The Planetouched Wilds


The quest is picked up from letter from Rahn Chuluun.
Sent in the mail when you reach level 65.

Enter the Televeyer

You will receive this mail when your character hits level 65.

Take the letter from the mail and then right click the letter to start the quest.

Find the Televeyer in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands at
/setwaypoint 7649 6367

Stand in the Televeyer to be teleported to the top of Lantern Hook!

Hand in the quest to Fayne Doran on the top of Lantern Hook at /setwaypoint 7712 6249

In Memorion


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7702 6278

Listen to Rahn’s Memorion
Listen to Tam’s Memorion
Listen to Fayne’s Memorion

Click each of the Memorions to listen.

Listen to Rahn’s Memorion
/setwaypoint 7704 6268

Listen to Tam’s Memorion
/setwaypoint 7690 6280

Listen to Fayne’s Memorion
/setwaypoint 7678 6267

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7702 6278

Finding the Finder


The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7701 6280

Deactivate the first Oculon Catcher
Deactivate the second Oculon Catcher
Deactivate the third Oculon Catcher

Drop down from the top of Lantern Hook and head to Ghar Station Tau in Tarken Glacier. Head west to Farv to find the Oculon Catchers.

Deactivate the first Oculon Catcher
/setwaypoint 3071 4035

Deactivate the second Oculon Catcher
/setwaypoint 3243 4036

Deactivate the third Oculon Catcher
/setwaypoint 3140 4141

Use the Teleport Rod when this shield is down

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Teleport Researcher Jessa to Lantern Hook’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Teleport Rod’

Researcher Jessa will appear near the last Oculon Catcher that you clicked.
Fight her! When she reaches less than 10% health, she will gain a buff called ‘Near Death’. You will now be able to use the Teleport Rod on her, but only when she doesn’t have the ‘Oculon Enhanced’ bubble shield around her.

If you die or she doesn’t spawn, click the Oculon Catcher again to resummon her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Televeyer in Lantern Hook’

Go back to the Televeyer in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands at
/setwaypoint 7649 6367

Stand in the Televeyer to be teleported to the top of Lantern Hook.

Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7701 6280

Dark Matter


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7702 6278

Activate a Ritual Locus

This quest is hard! If you find yourself unable to kill the baddies, then its best to go to another zone (Scatherran Forest) and then come back to PTW once you have much better gear. This quest is slightly harder than the general quests in PTW, but is a good indicator to see if you are ‘ready’.

Walk along the top of lantern hook, dropping down the levels til you reach the one with the Ritual Locus’s on it.

Right click a Ritual Locus, like this one at
/setwaypoint 7599 6315

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Oculon Iotas’

Kill the Oculon Iotas that spawn.
About 8 of them will spawn, then your quest objective will change to ‘Destroy the Oculon Essence’

An Oculon Essence mob will spawn on top of the Ritual Locus, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Televeyer’

Drop all the way down to the Televeyer in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands at
/setwaypoint 7649 6367

Stand in the Televeyer to be teleported to the top of Lantern Hook.

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7702 6278

Getting the Gateway


The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7701 6280

Collect Raxon Capacitors x8

Drop down from the top of Lantern Hook and take the portal to The Infinity Gate in Steppes of Infinity.
Travel south to the Infinity Gate area and find the Raxon Capacitors, like this one at
/setwaypoint 17040 7785

Right click them to start the tests!

When you right click the Raxon Capacitors it will start a ‘test’.
The tests involve staying out of the bad, standing in the right colour, or a set of questions.

The test you are given will be random.

Complete the tests to advance the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Researcher Jessa at The Infinity Gate’

Find Researcher Jessa in The Infinity Gate at /setwaypoint 17270 7650
Right click to talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate the Interface Release Lever’

Find the Interface Release Lever on the opposite side of the gate at
/setwaypoint 17287 7553

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Teth Koreth’

Teth Koreth will appear near the lever, stand still and listen to him talk.

Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7701 6280

Into the Wilds


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun on the top of Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7702 6278

Enter the Trail to the Planetouched Wilds

Find the path leading north from Droughtlands in Planetouched Wilds.
/setwaypoint 7819 5857

Go through the portal/gateway.

You are now in an instanced version of this area.

(If for some reason the portal does not work for you, try a relog to fix it!)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Await Gate Initialization’

Continue along the path, turning left into the area at /setwaypoint 7763 5666

Here you will find a rather large gun!

Stand near the Researcher Jessa and the gang while they prepare the gun.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate the Gate Control’

Click the Gate Control button in the middle of the area
/setwaypoint 7751 5643

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Researcher Jessa’

Researcher Jessa will be attacked by Servants of Teth, kill them!

Keep defending Researcher Jessa until the cannon is ready to fire, be sure to look up!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Catch up to Rahn and Tam’

Continue along the main path to find Rahn and Tam at /setwaypoint 7984 5604

Hand in the quest to Fayne Doran in Rahn’s Reach at /setwaypoint 7991 5598

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo: Tear Down that Wall.

After handing in the quest to Fayne Doran, you will not be able to go through the barrier and into Planetouched Wilds, instead turn around and take the portal behind you.
This will take you out of the instance and back into the real world.
From here you can take the path up into Planetouched Wilds and pick up the first quest.

20 Act I Quests

A Savage Welcome

QUEST 1 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Alliance Camp
/setwaypoint 8072 5570

Kill Baac attackers x10
Kill Bound Crystalbacks x6
Destroy Fell Cannons x3
Capture the Porticulum Suppressor

Kill the Baac attackers and Bound Crystalbacks in the area along the path to the east.

Destroy the Fell Cannons found in Cosmic Steppes, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 8209 5597
Right click to destroy them.

Pick up the Porticulum Suppressor at
/setwaypoint 8278 5600

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Porticulum Suppressor at the Alliance Camp’.

Stand next to the portal in the Alliance Camp at /setwaypoint 8056 5633
Use the Porticulum Suppressor on your quest sticky to target the portal.
This will fix the portal.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Alliance Camp at /setwaypoint 8072 5570


QUEST 2 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Alliance Camp
/setwaypoint 8072 5570

Use the Beast Tracker to find the Skyhunter Lair

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Beast Tracker’

Use the Beast Tracker item on a Feral Skyhunter that is NOT in combat, like the ones around /setwaypoint 8399 5708

The Feral Skyhunter will turn friendly and lead you to the entrance of the cave at
/setwaypoint 8460 5849

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Skyhunter Lair’

Go through the entrance and into the tunnel.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine clues to find Rahn Chuluun’s location’

Continue into the cave and find the clues in the back cavern.
It is the Splintered Bucket at
/setwaypoint 8312 5938 that you need.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to Rahn Chuluun’s Camp Site’

Leave the cave and head over to the campsite in the Gorge, just jump down!

Hand in the quest to Kubara Sakti in Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9155 5520

In His Footsteps

QUEST 3 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Kubara Sakti in Vale of Attunement
/setwaypoint 9155 5520

Use Cosmic Radiance on the nearest True Quartz

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Cosmic Radiance’

Find the nearest True Quartz at
/setwaypoint 9215 5508

Target the True Quartz and use the Cosmic Radiance item. You will see the Cosmic Rhinoceros walk past!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reveal a rhinoceric event’

Find the next True Quartz along the path at
/setwaypoint 9381 5328

Target the True Quartz and use the Cosmic Radiance item.
You will see a group of Teths having a chat.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reveal a second rhinoceric event’

Find the next True Quartz along the path at
/setwaypoint 9680 5429

Target the True Quartz and use the Cosmic Radiance item.
You will see Usukhel and Teth having a chat.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reveal a third rhinoceric event’

Find the next True Quartz along the path at
/setwaypoint 10222 5187

Target the True Quartz and use the Cosmic Radiance item.
You will see Usukhel and a farmer having a chat.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reveal a fourth rhinoceric event’

Find the next True Quartz along the path at
/setwaypoint 10400 5322

Target the True Quartz and use the Cosmic Radiance item.
You will see Uureg talking with a group of farmers.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Uureg in the Plain of the Ancestors’

Uureg is stood at the top of the stairs at
/setwaypoint 10415 5309
Right click to speak with him.

Go into the town of Shal Korva and take the lift up to the upper level at
/setwaypoint 10338 5746
Continue up the stairs to the top of the building.

Hand in the quest to Khar in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10303 5748

Primal Meditations

QUEST 4 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Resonating Memory Crystal in Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9836 5421
TO COMPLETE: Meditate at the Resonating Memory Crystals x5

Find more of the Resonating Memory Crystals in the Vale of Attunement area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 9839 5498
Right click them to meditate.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

The King and You

QUEST 5 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Khar in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10303 5748

Repair Broken Traps to lure out and defeat Usukhel

Find the traps in Skyward Descent, like this one at /setwaypoint 11187 5926
Right click them to repair them. You may have to click quite a few of them!
Usukhel will spawn nearby, kill her!

At around 40% health Usukhel will turn friendly and the quest will progress.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Usukhel in Skyward Descent’

Find Usukhel in Skyward Descent at
/setwaypoint 11594 5293
Right click to talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect a Queen Bloodhorn Egg, Collect Khadgak Tails x8, and Collect a Deadly Sky-Killer Slaughter-Whale Jawbone’.

Drop down into the gorge to the ‘Teeth of the Earth’ area and find the items..

Kill the Shardback Khadluu’s to loot the Khadgak Tails.

You will find the Queen Bloodhorn guarding her Egg at /setwaypoint 11213 5626
Sneak around her and click a Resonating Crystal, she will walk towards it, wait until she is right next to it and then grab the egg!

For the Deadly Sky-Killer Slaughter-Whale Jawbone, collect a Rockshroom off the ground in the gorge.
Then pop back up to the cliff edge and find Norgana the Whale Hunter at
/setwaypoint 11403 5383
Right click the Hunters Fire next to Norgana to attract a Whale, this will only work if you have picked up a Rockshroom.

You can now kill the Whale and loot the Jawbone.

If you find this fight a little hard, or just don’t want to kill a Whale, then you can collect 12 of the Rockshrooms and trade them with Norgana for the Jawbone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Usukhel in Skyward Descent’

Find Usukhel in Skyward Descent at
/setwaypoint 11594 5293
Right click to talk with her.

Hand in the quest to Khar in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10303 5748

Total Kharnage

QUEST 6 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kadamall in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10274 5793 (About half way up the building)
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Borgoth the butcher

Find Borgoth the butcher in the north end of Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10304 5547
Right click to speak with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Massive Meat Haunches from around Borgoth’s Stall x5’

Pick up the meat from the tables.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Mendemen the healer’

Find Mendemen the healer at /setwaypoint 10277 5927 and speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Enchanted First Aid Bandages from Mendemen’s stock x3’

Pick up the boxes of Bandages  from around her tent.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Drawnime the brewer’

Find Drawnime the brewer at /setwaypoint 10275 5874 and talk to her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather High Quality Mead from Drawnime’s stores x5’

Pick up the barrels of mead from around her tent.

Hand in the quest to Kadamall in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10274 5793 (About half way up the building)

Aerial Advertising

QUEST 7 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Horachka in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10260 5552
TO COMPLETE: Reach the first launch point

Wait at the end of the dock for the next air ship to come along /setwaypoint 10268 5516
The ship will come from the right, it will stop at the end of the dock for you to board. Once you are on the ship, stay still and do not jump until you are ready to get off again! 

The ship will move along and take you to the first launch point at /setwaypoint 10162 5172

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Release the Moths or shoot Fireworks’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Advertising Crate’
Click the Advertising Crate to release the Moths or shoot Fireworks, it does not matter which location you do this in!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reach the second launch point’
The ship will move along and take you to the second launch point at /setwaypoint 9776 5424

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Release the Moths or shoot Fireworks’
Click the Advertising Crate to release the Moths or shoot Fireworks, it does not matter which location you do this in!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reach the third launch point’
The ship will move along and take you to the third launch point at /setwaypoint 10505 5611

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Release the Moths or shoot Fireworks’
Click the Advertising Crate to release the Moths or shoot Fireworks, it does not matter which location you do this in!

Hand in the quest to Horachka in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10260 5552

Locations not registering?

If the ship doesn’t register you reaching the locations try reducing all your graphical settings right down.
Stand at the very front of the ship, facing the back, then walk towards the back as you hit the location so you are in the right spot for longer.

Like a Rock

QUEST 8 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Oorrah in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10260 5544
TO COMPLETE: Travel to the jump point

Get on the boat and then get off at the first stop at /setwaypoint 10344 5157
Walk to behind the building to /setwaypoint 10372 5099

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate the SPLT device while falling x3’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘S.P.L.T. Pack’

Jump from the ledge into the gorge below. Use the S.P.L.T. Pack 3 times as you are falling! You will likely only get to use it once of twice, when you reach the bottom just jump up and down while spamming the S.P.L.T. Pack and it will credit the quest as you are ‘falling’.

Hand in the quest to Oorrah in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10260 5544

Soaring over Shal Korva

QUEST 9 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bangrah in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10266 5525
TO COMPLETE: Travel to the floating island above Plain of the Ancestors, then, Enjoy the view of the Pilgrim Plains, then, Pass over the Vale of attunement, then,  Enjoy the flyby of Shal Korva city. then, Return to Bangrah in Shal Korva.

To complete this quest, just get on the ship and complete the entire journey.
Again, the ship may have trouble registering where you are for the quest, try relogging, try a different shard, or try reducing all your graphical settings right down. Try to be stood in the middle of the ship and walk backwards as you hit the location so you are in the right spot for longer.

Hand in the quest to Bangrah in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10266 5525

Sonic Savagery

QUEST 10 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Resonating Shards, looted from a Shardback Khadluu in Teeth of the Earth at /setwaypoint 11299 5548
Note, I killed 5 of them before the quest item dropped.. just keep killing!
TO COMPLETE: Enrage Tamed Khadgaks x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Resonating Shards’
Target nearby Tamed Khadgaks and use the Resonating Shards on them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

On Tam's Trail

QUEST 11 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Khar in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10303 5748

Use the Companion Caller

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Companion Caller’

Go to the Geode Jungle area at /setwaypoint 10542 7338 and click the Companion Caller to use it.

Usukhel and Khar will now be following you.
You will gain a temporary ability called ‘Tracking’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow the Tracks and Pick up the trail of the Baac raiding party’

Use the Tracking ability and you will be able to see white diamonds on the map where the tracks are.
There are a few tracks to click, but you only really need to click 3 of them, these are highlighted below.

Go to the tracks at
/setwaypoint 10500 7363 and click them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Ascertain whether Tam is with the Baac’

Click the next set of tracks at
/setwaypoint 10750 7462
You will be told to head north

Click the next set of tracks at
/setwaypoint 10764 7364

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate Tam Daggerborne’

Click the tracks at /setwaypoint 10877 7425
Then drop down the rock and click the next set of tracks at /setwaypoint 10886 7447

Head east to find the next tracks at
/setwaypoint 11081 7469

Continue along the path heading north east.
Click the tracks at /setwaypoint 11146 7396

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Plan the rescue with Khar and Usukhel’

Head towards the camp in the east and find Khar and Usukhel just outside it at
/setwaypoint 11194 7436

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac raiders x8 and Free Tam Daggerborne’

Go into the camp and kill the Baac raiders in your way.
Go to the cage at /setwaypoint 11277 7440 and click the door to set Tam Daggerborne free.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Khar in Geode Jungle’

Find Khar at /setwaypoint 11237 7346
Right click to talk with him.

Hand in the quest to Ormdurm Fel in Ovog Shrine at /setwaypoint 9309 6167

Alliz'dog vs. Arhtom

QUEST 12 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lithim in Geode Jungle at /setwaypoint 10471 7277
TO COMPLETE: Find Taem’daed the hunter

Find Taem’daed at /setwaypoint 10859 7462 right click the body to ‘find’ it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Arhtom Dust from rock formations x3’

Find the very large Arhtom Dusted Crystals in the Geode Jungle area, like this one at /setwaypoint 10812 7447 right click them to collect the dust.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Dust a recent Alliz’dog kill and defeat Alliz’dog with Arhtom’s help’

Find the recent Alliz’dog kill at /setwaypoint 11237 7277 right click it to dust it.
Alliz’dog will spawn next to it, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Lithim in Geode Jungle at /setwaypoint 10471 7277

Karmic Capture

QUEST 13 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Ormdurm Fel in Ovog Shrine
/setwaypoint 9309 6167

Speak to Suns Gazaar in Ovog Shrine

Find Suns Gazaar in Ovog Shrine at
/setwaypoint 9290 6215
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Journey to the Karma Vault’

Find the Karma Vault in the Carver’s Deep area at /setwaypoint 8957 5376

Go through the portal!

Continue down the tunnel to be confronted by a Vault Daemon.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enable Suns Gazaar to Collect the Karma’

Suns Gazaar will attempt to collect the Karma, but the Vault Daemon will attack! Coloured orbs of magic will make their way towards Suns Gazaar, you need to intercept this magic by standing in it to absorb it.
Absorb the red and purple, but allow the white to reach Suns Gazaar as this is the good stuff!
When you stand in the red/purple magic, it will debuff you, be carefull not to get too many stacks of this debuff as it will kill you. Allow Suns Gazaar to take a couple of hits while your stacks fall off. Or absorb a white magic to clear your stacks.

When Suns Gazaar has absorbed enough of the white magic, he will be able to collect the Karma and the quest will complete.
You will be thrown out of the cave.

Hand in the quest to Ormdurm Fel in Ovog Shrine at /setwaypoint 9309 6167

Karmic Collectors

QUEST 14 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Glowing Rubble in Carver’s Deep at /setwaypoint 8709 5037
TO COMPLETE: Attempt to gather an intact crystal x8

Pick up more of the crystals from the Slag Piles around Carver’s Deep – These look the same as the pile that gave you the quest.
There is one at /setwaypoint 8897 5060 – Don’t forget you can switch shard to gather more!

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Usuk Hell

QUEST 15 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne in Ovog Shrine
/setwaypoint 9312 6167

Find Tam somewhere safe from Usukhel x8

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Companion caller’

Use the Companion caller to summon Tam, then drag him through the blue circles around Ovog Shrine, like this one at
/setwaypoint 9321 6177
These circles appear randomly all over the area, including inside and on top of the big building, so keep hunting!

Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne in Ovog Shrine at /setwaypoint 9312 6167

Primal Gift Exchange

QUEST 16 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kilumall in Ovog Shrine at /setwaypoint 9309 6057
TO COMPLETE: Gather survival supplies from Helpful Aspirants x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Kilumall Offering’

Find the Helpful Aspirants on the steps nearby around /setwaypoint 9336 6083
Target them and use the Offering and you will get a Pilgrim’s Gift Chest in return.
Open the chests to receive the survival items.

Hand in the quest to Kilumall in Ovog Shrine at /setwaypoint 9309 6057

Path of Pain

QUEST 17 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Ovog Shrine
/setwaypoint 9330 6144

Use the Companion Caller

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Companion Caller’

Use the Companion Caller to summon Uriel and Tam

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for a possesion of Rahn Chuluun’s’

Head over to Cosmic Steppes and find the ‘Baac Trash’ at around
/setwaypoint 8753 5484
Click the piles of trash.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac attackers x4’

You will be attacked by some Baac mobs, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for a possesion of Rahn Chuluun’s’

Head to the next spot at
/setwaypoint 8654 5160
Click the Baac Trash.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac attackers x4’

You will be attacked by some Baac mobs, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for a possesion of Rahn Chuluun’s’

Head to the next spot at
/setwaypoint 9380 5212
Click the Baac Trash.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Statue Fields at /setwaypoint 9404 5222

Blood Call

QUEST 18 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Statue Fields
/setwaypoint 9404 5222

Use the Dark Sight Talisman

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dark Sight Talisman’

Use the Dark Sight Talisman and you will be able to see the Teth Oni nearby
/setwaypoint 9357 5245
You will also gain a temporary ability called ‘Render Radiance’

Use the Render Radiance ability on the Teth Oni.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Crystallized Karma from Teth Omi x16’

When you use the Render Radiance ability on the Teth Oni they will be destroyed and drop some Crystallized Karma on the ground, pick them up quickly!

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Statue Fields at /setwaypoint 9404 5222


QUEST 19 of Act I

The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Statue Fields
/setwaypoint 9404 5222

Locate Rahn Chuluun

Find a portal in the path in the middle of Rhaza’de Canyons at
/setwaypoint 10633 5259
Walk through the portal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rescue Rahn Chuluun’

Continue down the path and stand in the big circle.
Teth Koreth will have a little talk

You will now have an instanced quest sticky called ‘Rescuing Rhan’

The first objective is to Defeat the Baac x8

Kill the Baac that are around the circle.

The second objective is to Weaken Teth Koreth.

DPS Teth Koreth down, at about 60% health he will go immune.

The third objective is to ‘Free Rahn from the Ritualistic Executioners’

Kill the Ritualistic Executioners around Rhan to free him.

The fourth objective is to kill Teth Koreth, go back to him and finish the job!

Leave the instanced area through the same portal you came in.

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10313 5928

Completing this quest completes Act 1 of the Planetouched Wilds Story Quests and grants you the cheevo: Rhaza’de Raider.

Big Bug Bombing

QUEST 20 of Act I
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mining Explosive in Rhaza’de Canyons at /setwaypoint 10557 5384
TO COMPLETE: Trap the bodies x8

Find the bodies in the Rhaza’de Canyons area, like this one at /setwaypoint 10671 5385
Right click them to trap them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

18 Act II Quests

Hail to the King

QUEST 1 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10313 5928

Speak to Uureg in Shal Korva

Go up to the top of the main building in Shal Korva.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10293 5793

Great, King Khar

QUEST 2 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Break King Khar out of his sloth

Warning: This quest involves a lot of just standing around waiting for NPCs to finish talking, be sure to have something else to do while you wait!

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750

He will get up and join you.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take Khar and Usukhel to Muu Forest’

Head south east to Muu Forest at
/setwaypoint 11848 6555

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Sevshee’

Walk just outside the camp to find Sevshee at /setwaypoint 11812 6540

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Piezoic Khadligs in Muu Forest’

Find the Piezoic Khadligs in Muu Forest and kill them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the first Lost Sheep’

Go to the spot at
/setwaypoint 11618 6421
to find the first lost sheep.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the second Lost Sheep’

Go to the spot at
/setwaypoint 11438 6381
to find the second lost sheep.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the third Lost Sheep’

Go to the spot at
/setwaypoint 11696 6275
to find the third lost sheep.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the fourth Lost Sheep’

Go to the spot at
/setwaypoint 11867 6246
to find the fourth lost sheep.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to Mergen’s Prophesy’

Go to /setwaypoint 11872 6322
Stand next to Mergen to hear the Prophesy.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the first brother’

The first brother is a Griffon, find it at
/setwaypoint 12130 5836
The Griffon will give you a buff called ‘Blessing of Hummama.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the second brother’

The second brother is a Snake, find it at
/setwaypoint 12234 6007

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the third brother’

The third brother is a Dragon Snake, find it at /setwaypoint 12101 6278

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the fourth brother’

The fourth brother is a Flame (Fire elemental), find it at
/setwaypoint 12124 6112

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the fifth brother’

The fifth brother is a Snake, find it at /setwaypoint 12136 6038

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the sixth brother’

The sixth brother is a Flood (Water elemental), find it at
/setwaypoint 12069 6205

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the seventh brother’

The seventh brother is Lightning, find it at
/setwaypoint 11989 6446

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Teth Hummama’

Go to /setwaypoint 11759 6811
Teth Hummama will approach up the path.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Radiances of the Bahmi’

Kill Teth Hummama and loot the Radiances of the Bahmi from it.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Little Lost Sheep

QUEST 3 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lost Sheep in Muu Forest at /setwaypoint 11592 6466
TO COMPLETE: Guide the lost sheep to a new home x6

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Leash Cord’

Find the Lost Sheep in the Muu Forest area, like this one at /setwaypoint 11642 6426

Target the sheep and use the leash on them. The sheep will now follow you for 2 minutes.
Take them to the small camp at /setwaypoint 11851 6554
You can bring more than one at a time.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Monkey Madness

QUEST 4 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Listen to Khar’s Plan

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750

Listen to him explain his plan.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to Babaroo Kheer’

Stand on the cliff edge at /setwaypoint 9600 6356

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scare Cunning Babaroo Males x5’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘The King’s Horn’

Target Cunning Babaroo Males, like this one at /setwaypoint 9899 6794
Use The King’s Horn on them

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Grunting’

Head over to /setwaypoint 9646 6502
to find the Teth Red Ape

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to the Red Ape’

Stay at /setwaypoint 9646 6502 while the Ape speaks. The game will put a quest location in the south east of the map, ignore it and stay near the Ape!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Screaming’

Go to the spot at /setwaypoint 9714 6424 you may need to move further into the alcove than the waypoint suggests.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Furious Babaroos x10’

Kill the Furious Babaroos in the Babaroo Kheer area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Babaroo Cult’

Got to the Teth Red Ape at
/setwaypoint 9657 6593

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover the Radiance of Woe from Teth Red Ape’

Kill the Ape and loot the Radiance from him.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Monkey Business

QUEST 5 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ruati in Babaroo Kheer at /setwaypoint 9721 6598
TO COMPLETE: Help Cunning Babaroos find a partner x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Fruit Extract’.

Target the Cunning Babaroo Males around /setwaypoint 9927 6769
Use the Fruit Extract on the males, they will then follow you.
Lead them to the Cunning Babaroo Females.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Whaling Woes

QUEST 6 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Help Usukhel convince Khar to go on vacation

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meet up with Khar and Usukhel at the Sky Fishery’

Go to the Sky Fishery at
/setwaypoint 11365 6987

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the Depressed Whaler’

Find the Depressed Whaler at
/setwaypoint 11383 6948
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Sky Whale Crash’

Go to the Sky Whale Crash at
/setwaypoint 11410 6668

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Antomony Crystal x5’

Find the Antomony Crystals along the edge of the cliff at, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11664 6596

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reclaim the Sky Whale Carcass’

Go back to the Sky Whale Carcass and click the small blue detonation crystal at
/setwaypoint 11420 6669


Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Sky Whale meat chunks x3’

Pick up the Sky Whale meat chunks that have landed nearby, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11437 6644

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Teth Solikh’

Go to Teth Solikh at
/setwaypoint 11428 6603

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Throw Whale Chunks at Teth Solikh x3’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Leviathan Chunk’

Target Teth Solikh and use the Leviathan Chunk item to throw them at the Teth.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Radiance’

Go up to the cliff where the Teth was stood and pick up the Radiance of Fisheries.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Pain in the Ancestors

QUEST 7 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Talk to Khar about the Rebellion

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750

Listen to him talk about the Rebellion

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Question Furious Primalists x3’

Find the Furious Primalists in Shal Korva at around /setwaypoint 10212 5977

Right click them to question them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to Pilgim Planes’

Go to the spot in Pilgrim Planes at
/setwaypoint 9385 5909
Note: Pilgrim Planes is spelt wrong in the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Argument Flag’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Argument Flag’

Head over to /setwaypoint 9428 5793 and use the Argument Flag. Note: there is almost always a foothold here that you will need to destroy first.

You will be given 3 temporary abilities; Harmony, Cunning, and Fury.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Successfully Argue with Primalist Pilgrims x5’

Target the nearby Primalist Pilgrims and use the Harmony, Cunning, and Fury abilites on them.

You can find more of the Primalist Pilgrims to the north at /setwaypoint 9492 5601

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Watch Teth Dalchid’s Coronation’

Stand at /setwaypoint 9487 5593
to watch the Coronation. Note: You may need to move away and back into the area to credit the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Survive the Onslaught of Demons’

Go down to the middle of the water at
/setwaypoint 9459 5644

Upgrade the Primal Focus Debris and then kill all the creatures that attack until Teth Wallont appears during the onslaught, kill him too!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drive Teth Dalchid from the Mesas’

Go back to Teth Dalchid at
/setwaypoint 9487 5593
Khar and Usukhel will make him leave!
You may need to move further up the steps than the quest marker shows.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Fist of the Titan

QUEST 8 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Listen to the Titan

Listen to the Titan will complete as you are stood next to the questgiver.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Escort Ambassador Atrophinius and Mead’

Pick up the Mead from the barrel near Atrophinius at /setwaypoint 10280 5871

You need to make your way all the way back up to the top of the building and then to the area behind Khar’s Throne at
/setwaypoint 10302 5739

You will have a debuff that will slow you down considerably.
Avoid the ‘Pushy Primalists’ along the path, they are mean!
You have 2 minutes to get the Mead to the right location.
You can mount up!
You will be able to use ‘go faster’ abilities, from your souls or from your racial ability.
You may want to switch to a soul with more ‘go faster’ abilities for the duration of this quest. You can find a guide with speed specs here.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Escort Ambassador Batua and Whiskey’

Grab the barrel of Whiskey at
/setwaypoint 10290 5911
Make the same route up the building to behind Khar’s Throne.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Become Appointed Fist of the Titan.

Go back round to the main throne room and stand at /setwaypoint 10297 5788

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the First Petitioner’

Go to the First Petitioner in the throne room on the top floor of the building in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10291 5789

Right click the First Petitioner and talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover Stolen Shipment’

Head north to the Statue Fields area and find the Stolen Shipment at
/setwaypoint 9578 5093
Right click to pick it up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Second Petitioner’

Go to the Second Petitioner in the throne room on the top floor of the building in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10291 5787

Right click the Second Petitioner and talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Ravenous Khadligs x5’

Find the Ravenous Khadligs in the Skyward Descent area at /setwaypoint 11345 6197
Kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to third Petitioner’

Go to the third Petitioner in the throne room on the top floor of the building in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10290 5785

Right click the third Petitioner and talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Convince the Shalastiri Ancestor to Remove Curse’

Head to the Rock of the Sky area in the south.

Find the Shalastiri Ancestor, Kaveh at
/setwaypoint 11078 7701
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop being the Fist of the Titan’

Go back up to the top of the building in Shal Korva and then to the area behind Khar’s Throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5739

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Spirit Busters

QUEST 9 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hinalia in Obelisk Hills at /setwaypoint 10188 7490
TO COMPLETE: Drive away Mischievous Spirits x8

Talk to Hinalia again to gain the S.K.E. Sight buff that allows you to see the Mischievous Spirits.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Bomb’

Target the Mischievous Spirits in the area and use the Spirit Bomb on them.

If you switch shards then you will lose the sight, speak to Hinalia again to get it back.

Hand in the quest to Hinalia in Obelisk Hills at /setwaypoint 10188 7490

Clear the Skies

QUEST 10 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lightning Charred Corpse in Rock of the Sky at /setwaypoint 10861 8048
TO COMPLETE: Plant the Lightning Rods x6

Slightly down the hill at /setwaypoint 10876 8042 is a wisp of smoke, stand in it and wait to be launched up to the rocks above.

On the rocks you will find patches of Soft Earth, click them to plant the Lightning Rods.
There will also be more wisps of smoke, allowing you to jump between all the rocks.
Don’t forget you can switch shard to find more!

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Be sure to finish the Tempest carnage quest while you are up here!

The King's Legacy

QUEST 11 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Wake Khar with the Heavy Gauntlet

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Heavy Gauntlet’

Find Khar on the table in the area behind the throne /setwaypoint 10306 5736

Select Khar and use the Heavy Gauntlet, this will wake Khar up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listen to Khar’s drunken ramblings about his dream’

Stay next to the table and listen!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to Crystal Basin’

Go to the Crystal Basin area at
/setwaypoint 10700 6080

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Loose the tracking wolves’

Click the wolf post to release the wolves.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Randy’

Continue down the gorge and find Randy at
/setwaypoint 10702 6334
Click the floaty footprints to show that you have found him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Snowflake’

Continue down the gorge and find Snowflake at
/setwaypoint 10560 6506
Click the cyphered scroll to show that you have found her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Bigguns’

Continue down the gorge and find Bigguns at /setwaypoint 10416 6580
Click the Burnt out Campfire to show that you have found him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Meady’

Continue down the gorge and find Meady at /setwaypoint 10319 6772
Click the Broken Bottle of Absinthe to show that you have found him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Maelforge’

Continue down the gorge and find Maelforge at /setwaypoint 10221 6974
Click the Ritual Sacrifice to show that you have found him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Usukhel’

Continue down the gorge and find Usukhel at /setwaypoint 10011 6978

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Teth Dalchid’

Continue down the gorge and find Teth Dalchid at /setwaypoint 9893 6912

Teth Dalchid will talk a hell of a lot while you are attacked by various Baac Hunters, kill them all. You can then DPS Teth Dalchid, he will go immune at around 10% and talk some more..

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Moth Pit

QUEST 12 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kristkia in Crystal Basin at /setwaypoint 10299 6553
TO COMPLETE: Gather Moth Dust from Diaphanous Moths x6

Kill Diaphanous Moths in the area and loot the Moth Dust from them.

Hand in the quest to Kristkia in Crystal Basin at /setwaypoint 10299 6553

Trial by Wombat

QUEST 13 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Discuss the trial with Khar and Usukhel

Go to Khar and Usukhel just across the room and listen to them talk about the trial
/setwaypoint 10309 5787

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Escort Teth to the Trial’

Go up the slope to halfway up the tower at
/setwaypoint 10461 5736
Talk with Khuyag.
The Teth will now follow you for the next 5 minutes.

Take the Teth over to the Trial location in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10368 5653

Click the Judicial Post.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Help Usukhel prosecute Teth Dalchid x3’

You will be given 3 temporary abilities; Objection, Surprise Witness, and Truth Serum’

Use the abilities on Teth Dalchid to move the trial along. The order does not matter.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the Fighting Ring’

Go to the Fighting Ring in front of the Great Wheel at /setwaypoint 10308 5851

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Teth Grogo’

Teth Grogo will attack, kill him!

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Terrible Town

QUEST 14 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Discuss Teth’s effect on the wilds

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750

Listen to him talk about Teth’s effect on the wilds.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to Woe’

Go to Woe at /setwaypoint 9273 4905

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate Woe x3’

Walk around Woe and find the Green smoke. It is random where the smoke will appear, stand next to the smoke to tick off the quest.

I have found them at..
/setwaypoint 9237 4941
/setwaypoint 9248 4905
/setwaypoint 9364 4870
/setwaypoint 9384 4903
/setwaypoint 9219 4993
/setwaypoint 9296 4942

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pet Cats with Usukhel x5’

Find Usukhel with her cats at
/setwaypoint 9374 4833

You will be given the temporary ability ‘Pet’

Target the cats and pet them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drink with Khar x5’

Find Khar at /setwaypoint 9223 4861 on the upper level.

Click the drinks on the tables.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrogate the Warlord of Woe’

Find the Warlord of Woe, Kherts Oro, at
/setwaypoint 9321 4777
Stand near him and watch him talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Babaroo Rampage x10’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Radiance of Woe’

Target suspicious newcomers, like these ones at /setwaypoint 9316 4853 and use the Radiance of Woe on them, they will turn into Woe Babaroos, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Warlord of Babaroos’

Find Kherts Oro at /setwaypoint 9385 4774
He will turn into a beast so you can kill him!

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Fly a Spirit Kite

QUEST 15 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kum Rhadi in Statue Fields at /setwaypoint 9524 4794
TO COMPLETE: Cast the Spirit Kite essences to the wind x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Fan’

Kill the nearby Aggressive Spirit Kites and use the Spirit Fan on their corpses.

Hand in the quest to Kum Rhadi in Statue Fields at /setwaypoint 9524 4794

Khadluu Ukher

QUEST 16 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Investigate Teth’s Escape

Go up the slope to halfway up the tower at
/setwaypoint 10461 5736
See that the cage is now empty!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Look for signs of Teth’

Drop down to the Crystal Basin and find the Radiant Crystalized Earth Karma at
/setwaypoint 10668 6011
Right click it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystalized Radiance of Fire’

Continue down the gorge and find the Crystalized Radiance of Fire at
/setwaypoint 10687 6287
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystalized Radiance of Death’

Continue down the gorge and find the Crystalized Radiance of Death at
/setwaypoint 11153 6391
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystalized Radiance of Air’

Continue down the gorge and find the Crystalized Radiance of Air at
/setwaypoint 11608 6434
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystalized Radiance of Water’

Continue down the gorge and find the Crystalized Radiance of Water at
/setwaypoint 11736 6771
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystalized Radiance of Life’

Continue down the gorge and find the Crystalized Radiance of Life at
/setwaypoint 11546 7129
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Final Radiance’

Continue down the gorge and find the Final Radiance at
/setwaypoint 11173 7476
Right click it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Teth and Khadluu Ukher’

Go through the portal at
/setwaypoint 11228 7060
This will put you in an instanced version of the Khadluu Lair area.

You will now have an instanced quest tracker called ‘The Lair of Khadluu Ukher’

The first objective is ‘Meet up with Khar and Usukhel’

Go down the path and find Khar and Usukhel at /setwaypoint 11143 6831

You will now be asked to kill Teth Dalchid and Khadluu Ukher.

Kill them!
The fight can be quite difficult for low level players. Concentrate on staying out of the bad! Use the healing crystals around the edge of the room when needed.

Go back through the portal when you are done. If you can’t get to the portal, use a teleport ability or soul recall to get out.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

A Tigress's Funeral

QUEST 17 of Act II

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Break Khar out of his Great Melancholy

Walk over to King Khar who is sat on his throne at /setwaypoint 10302 5750
Stand and listen to Khar speak.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bear Usukhel to her funeral’

Pick up Usukhel’s Corpse from in front of Khar.
You will now be carrying Usukhel’s Corpse on your back.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Mourners in Shal Korva x5’

Go to the 5 locations marked in Shal Korva and gather up the mourners.

  1. /setwaypoint 10196 5853
  2. /setwaypoint 10345 5889
  3. /setwaypoint 10443 5850
  4. /setwaypoint 10605 5692
  5. /setwaypoint 10532 5500

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lead the Funeral Procession’

Head north to the Plain of the Ancestors area.
Go up the slope that starts at
/setwaypoint 9950 5102
Head left at the top of the slope to reach the platform at /setwaypoint 10060 4987

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Help Khar give the eulogy x3’

You will be given three temporary abilities; ‘Usukhel had no Filter’, ‘Usukhel Never Used Pronouns’, and ‘Usukhel would Always Rampage’.

Note: if the abilities do not show up, walk back out onto the slope and then onto the platform again. You could also try switching shard.

Target Khar and use one of the abilities.

You will be given three more temporary abilities; ‘Afterlife with the Ancestors’, ‘Burning in Flames’, and ‘The Celestial Pride’.

Target Khar and use one of the abilities.

You will be given three more temporary abilities; ‘Fought the Good Fight’, ‘An Inspiration’, and ‘Enriched our Lives’.

Target Khar and use one of the abilities.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Teth Shidten’

Teth Shidten will appear on the platform, listen to her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Survive the Onslaught and kill Teth Shigten’

Jump down to the onslaught location at
/setwaypoint 9889 5009

Upgrade the central Primal Focus Debris.

Kill all the things that attack, ending with Teth Shigten.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Accept the Spear of the Wilds from Khar’

Pick up ‘The Titan’s Glave’ from in front of Khar at /setwaypoint 9897 5009

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Completing this quest completes Act 2 of the Planetouched Wilds Story Quests and grants you the cheevo: Soul Savior.

During the onslaught fight, a few Teth mobs have the CHANCE to spawn, try to ensure that you kill Teth Zayaa and Teth Shigiin before killing Teth Shidten and progressing the quest. If the Teths dont spawn for you, then reset the onslaught by walking away from it and then try again! For more info about this, visit the PTW rares guide.

Rage Quit

QUEST 18 of Act II
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Drakoon in Plain of the Ancestors at /setwaypoint 9954 4971
TO COMPLETE: Gather Baac innards from the local Baac x10

Kill the nearby Baac and loot their guts.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

18 Act III Quests

A Mysterious Message

QUEST 1 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10293 5793

Find the Mysterious Stranger in Woe

Go to Woe and find the Mysterious Stranger at /setwaypoint 9344 4954
Hand in the quest to her.

The Secret of the Wilds

QUEST 2 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Mysterious Stranger in Woe
/setwaypoint 9344 4954

Search Ovog for the First Clue

Head down to Ovog Shrine and find the first clue at /setwaypoint 9094 6163

A chest of gold with a calling card stamped with a magpie.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search Ovog for the Second Clue’

Find the Second clue at
/setwaypoint 9190 6221
It is on the balcony area on the upper floor of the building.

A strange creature, not from these parts, ritually sacrificed.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search Ovog for the Third Clue’

Find the Third clue at
/setwaypoint 9312 6199

Usukhel was wrapped in cloth similar to this for her funeral.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search Ovog for the Fourth Clue’

Find the Fourth clue at
/setwaypoint 9234 6153

A mask with the crystal eyes of a khadluu inset.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Mask’

Pick up the mask from the floor.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Mask to Find the Ritual Site’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Khadluu Eye Mask’

Use the Khadluu Eye Mask and you be given a Khadluu Sight buff. This will allow you to see the ritual site.

Head over to the Vale of Attunement and stand at /setwaypoint 9893 5480

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Steal Ritual Clothing’

Find the Ritual Clothing at
/setwaypoint 9968 5409

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Sneak into the Ritual Area’

You need to make your way along the path, avoiding all the red!

Go behind the wall to
/setwaypoint 9897 5385

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop Zal from completing the sacrifice’

You will be given a temporary ability called ‘Stunning Kick’

Target Zal and use the Stunning Kick.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Put Suns in a Box’

Click the nearby ‘Bhhami Sized Crate’ to pop Suns inside.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Escape the Ceremony with Suns’

You will have the box on you back and it is very heavy so it will slow you down! Walk back out of the area, avoiding the red as you go. Go to Zal Shulam at
/setwaypoint 10034 5465
She will take the box from you.

Hand in the quest to Zal Shulam in Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9740 5378

Reluctant Rescuee

QUEST 4 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Zal Shulam in Vale of Attunement
/setwaypoint 9740 5378

Talk to Suns about the Ceremony

Find Suns near the questgiver at
/setwaypoint 9741 5395
Stand near him to hear him talk about the ceremony.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Zal’s Primalist relics in Khort’

Travel south to Khort and find the Loose Stone. The Loose Stone will be found in a random location within Khort.
I have found them at; /setwaypoint 9770 7210 + /setwaypoint 9743 7198 + /setwaypoint 9665 7203
Right click it to collect ‘Zal’s Wyrding Kit’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete Cloister Ritual x4’

Go back to the Vale of Attunement and find the mat at /setwaypoint 9731 5383

There is an item on each corner of the mat, they will sparkle and be clickable in turn.
Click the items until you have clicked all 4 of them, the last one may take a while to become clickable, just wait for it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover Sun’s hunting kit from Jad’

Go to Jad and find the hunting kit inside the tent at /setwaypoint 11726 5659

Right click to pick it up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Vale Hideout’

Go back to the Vale of Attunement to the spot at /setwaypoint 9702 5438

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hunt Khadluu with Suns and Zal x5’

Kill Khadluu along the path, like this one at /setwaypoint 9854 5439

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Plead for a pardon with Regent Uureg in Shal Korva’

Go back to Shal Korva, stand in front of the throne and listen.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Deliver the news to Suns and Zal’

Go back to Suns and Zal in the Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9678 5441

Hand in the quest to Suns Gazaar in Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9740 5378
If Suns Gazaar doesn’t appear then you just have to wait for Uureg, Suns, and Zal to stop talking!

Potty Break

QUEST 5 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Auramina in Jad at /setwaypoint 11757 5611
TO COMPLETE: Locate Baac Surveillance Totems inside pottery x15

DPS down nearby pottery (Clay Jugs), loot the Baac Surveillance Totems from them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Deadly Proposal

QUEST 6 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Suns Gazaar in Vale of Attunement
/setwaypoint 9740 5378

Lead Suns and Zal away from Teth

Teth Solikh will appear nearby.
Lead Suns and Zal down the path to
/setwaypoint 10027 5558

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Protect the Pillars from the Onslaught of Vale beasts’

Upgrade the central ‘Primal Focus Debris’ to start the onslaught, then kill all the things!
The fight will end when you kill Teth Bukh.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Pay respects at the four Pillars of Primal Awakening’

Stand between the pillars at
/setwaypoint 10027 5575

Hand in the quest to Zal Shulam in Vale of Attunement at /setwaypoint 9714 5405

The Ties That Bind

QUEST 7 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Zal Shulam in Vale of Attunement
/setwaypoint 9714 5405

Lead Suns and Zal to the Demon Graves

Go to the Demon Graves area at
/setwaypoint 11029 5327

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Search for the Sword of Nar x5’

Pick up the Abandoned Old Swords around Demon Graves, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11063 5318
A mob will spawn when you pick up the swords, you do not have to kill the mob.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the True Sword’

Go to /setwaypoint 10925 5328 to find the true sword.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Remove the Sword of Nar from the Stone’

Suns and Zal will have a conversation. There is nothing you can do except listen!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Try to separate Zal and Suns’

Go to /setwaypoint 10923 5441

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Slay the Hound of Sin’

Hound of Sin will spawn.. kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Hide Zal and Suns in plain sight’

Go to /setwaypoint 10924 5497 and Suns and Zal will ‘hide’.

Hand in the quest to Zal Shulam in Sky Fishery at /setwaypoint 11487 6840

Show Them the Door

QUEST 8 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Yram’eel in Demon Graves at /setwaypoint 10892 5540
TO COMPLETE: Banish Demonic spirits x10

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Disjunction Powder’

There is a small quest circle to the north that you can find the spirits in, however most of the creatures in the whole Demon Graves area will credit for this quest.

Kill the demons and use the Disjunction Powder on their corpses, like these Huuraalz Demons at
/setwaypoint 10871 5445

Hand in the quest to Yram’eel in Demon Graves at /setwaypoint 10892 5540

There and Baac Again

QUEST 9 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Zal Shulam in Sky Fishery
/setwaypoint 11487 6840

Find Suns and Zal at the Farmhouse

Find Suns and Zal at the Farmhouse will complete when you pick up the quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find a resonating crystal of Uul Dain’

Drop down into the Teeth of the Earth area, there are 3 spots where you can find the crystals, this one is at
/setwaypoint 11057 5754

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Strike the resonating crystal’

Right click the resonating crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystal Shards x3’

Find the Crystal Shards on the ground nearby, like this one at
/setwaypoint 11044 5774

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of Primalism’

Find the Crystal of Primalism at
/setwaypoint 11265 5570
Right click the crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of Opposition’

Find the Crystal of Opposition at
/setwaypoint 11509 5111
Right click the crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of Healing’

Find the Crystal of Healing back at
/setwaypoint 11057 5754
Right click the crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Travel to Rhaza’de Canyon’

Go north to Rhaza’de Canyon at
/setwaypoint 10654 5373

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Crystal Slivers x3’

There are 3 areas to find the crystals. This one is at /setwaypoint 10730 5195

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of Balance’

Find the Crystal of Balance at
/setwaypoint 10540 4973
Right click the crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of the Baac’

Find the Crystal of the Baac at
/setwaypoint 10526 5171
Right click the crystal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Crystal of Sacrifice’

Find the Crystal of Sacrifice at
/setwaypoint 10759 5180
Right click the crystal.

Hand in the quest to Suns Gazaar in Sky Fishery at /setwaypoint 11486 6842

Whale Tail

QUEST 10 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Leshmael in Sky Fishery at /setwaypoint 11514 6901
TO COMPLETE: Gather some Ballista Repair Supplies to repair a Sky Harpoon

Pick up the ‘Fishing Repair Supplies’ at /setwaypoint 11509 6902

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Sky Harpoon to bring down 3 Low Flying Sky Whales x3’

There are 4 Sky Harpoons marked along the cliff edge. Choose any of them, I chose the one at /setwaypoint 11619 6873
Right click the Broken Sky Harpoon to repair it, then right click the Sky Harpoon again to get inside it!

You will be given a temporary ability bar with 2 main abilities on it, ‘Sky Harpoon’ and, ‘Sky Harpoon Bayonet’.

Target the Low Flying Sky Whales in the distance and use the Sky Harpoon to reel it in and use the Sky Harpoon Bayonet to finish it off!

Hand in the quest to Leshmael in Sky Fishery at /setwaypoint 11514 6901

The Theory of Shalistiri

QUEST 11 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Suns Gazaar in Sky Fishery
/setwaypoint 11486 6842

Don a crate disguise and steal the Tome of Mysticism

Go to Ovog Shrine, click the crates outside the main building to get the disguise.
/setwaypoint 9242 6112

You will be turned into a box!

Make your way up the stairs into the building.
Work your way through the building, up the stairs at the back. Avoid all the red!

Find the Tome of Mysticism on the upper floor at /setwaypoint 9230 6147
Pick it up!

If you are finding it very difficult to navigate the red, you can have someone else summon you to the right location. Note: a guild banner will not work, only a direct summon will do the job.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Steal Sar’s Cypher’

Go to Khort and find Sar’s Cypher at
/setwaypoint 9761 7152
Pick up the paper on the table.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Tome of Mysticism’

Find Suns and Zal near the Tome of Mysticism at /setwaypoint 11144 7601
Stand near them as they talk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘
Acquire Skywhale Ambergris, Acquire Eyes of an Ukher, Acquire Mask of an Ancestor, and Acquire Teth Diptera’

There are 3 spots where you can pick up the Skywhale Ambergris this one is at /setwaypoint 10701 6914

Loot a Teth Diptera from an Egg Laden Twist Moth in Windswept Buttes
/setwaypoint 10841 6689

Head to Ovog Shrine for the next two items.

There are two spots to get the Eyes of an Ukher, these ones are at
/setwaypoint 9308 6059

Find the Mask of an Ancestor at
/setwaypoint 9360 6121

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Arrive at the Ritual’

Go back to Zal and Suns at
/setwaypoint 11150 7595

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Light the candles to begin the Ritual of Cloister x5’

Click the 5 candles to light them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Wait for Suns and Zal to complete the Ritual’

Stand still and wait

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Listeb to the Prophecy of the Wilds’

Stand still and listen.

Hand in the quest to Suns Gazaar in Rock of the Sky at /setwaypoint 11151 7597

Krill or be Krilled

QUEST 12 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Solmuntath in Windswept Buttes at /setwaypoint 10879 6667
TO COMPLETE: Use the Putrefaction to kill Sickly Sky Whales x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Putrefaction Vial’

Find the Sickly Sky Whales around Windswept Buttes, like this one at
/setwaypoint 10685 6689
DPS the whales to below 20% health and use the Putrefaction Vial on them.

Hand in the quest to Solmuntath in Windswept Buttes at /setwaypoint 10879 6667

Woe is Me

QUEST 13 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Suns Gazaar in Rock of the Sky
/setwaypoint 11151 7597

Lead Suns and Zal to Woe

Travel to Woe and stand at
/setwaypoint 9271 4904

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Beagle Bartender’

Find Paulo Baatar, the Beagle Bartender, at
/setwaypoint 9248 4838

Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Commit Crimes for the Bat Brothers x2’

You will find the Bat Brothers on the west side of Woe. Each brother has a quest for you to do! 
The 2 quests are considered dailies and do not count towards the zone quests cheevo.
The quests are random for each day.

Pick up the quests from:
-Naiz Bat in Woe at /setwaypoint 9214 5003
-Gemt Bat in Woe at /setwaypoint 9185 5012

When you have completed the two Bat Brother quests your quest objective for the ‘Woe is Me’ quest will change to ‘Speak with the leader of the Magpies’

Go to Shuvuu Setseg at
/setwaypoint 9195 4910
Stand near him to hear him speak.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect raz’dara’

Attempt to pick up the dagger on the table next to Shuvuu Setseg. Teth Varadeshi will attack you! Kill him and loot the raz’dara from him.

Hand in the quest to Suns Gazaar in Woe at /setwaypoint 9485 4929

A Tempting Offer

QUEST 14 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Suns Gazaar in Woe
/setwaypoint 9485 4929

Meet up with Zal

Zal is just around the corner at
/setwaypoint 9480 4918
Stand next to her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at Painite Coast’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Contemplation Stone’

Stand on the cliff egde in Painite Coast at /setwaypoint 10202 4568 use the Contemplation Stone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Agents of Teth x2’

You will be attacked by two Agents of Teth, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the canyon entrance’

Go to the canyon entrance at
/setwaypoint 10335 4942
Use the Contemplation Stone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Heart’s Desires x2’

You will be attacked by two mobs, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate in Rhaza’de Canyon’

Go to the Rhaza’de Canyon at
/setwaypoint 10706 5022
Use the Contemplation Stone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Greatest Fears x2’

You will be attacked by two mobs, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate in Vale of Attunement’

Go to the Vale of Attunement at
/setwaypoint 10212 5488
Use the Contemplation Stone.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Secret Wish’

The Secret Wish will attack you, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Meditate at the Plain of the Ancestors’

Go to the Plain of the Ancestors at
/setwaypoint 10035 5201
Use the Contemplation Stone.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10302 5748 (He is sat on the throne on the top floor)

Gnar Today

QUEST 15 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gnar Nest in Painite Coast at /setwaypoint 10162 4677
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Gnar Nests x7

Find more of the Gnar Nests in the Painite Coast area, right click to destroy them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

Shal Korva Keepaway

QUEST 16 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10302 5748 (He is sat on the throne on the top floor)

Enter the Sanctuary

Go through the portal in front of the great wheel at /setwaypoint 10301 5831

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Complete The Siege of Shal Korva’

You will have an instanced quest tracker called ‘The Siege of Shal Korva’ complete the objectives.

The first objective is ‘Go to the city center and commit to a battle plan’

Go to the city center at
/setwaypoint 10302 5942
Listen to Uureg, Khar, and Usukhel speak.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reinforce the north’

Head to the northern location at
/setwaypoint 10350 5606

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac Brawlers & Skirmishers x20’

Kill the correct mobs from the crowd.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reinforce the east gate’

Head to the east gate at
/setwaypoint 10480 5894

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac Shocktroopers & Occultists x16’

Kill the correct mobs from the crowd.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reinforce the west gate’

Head to the west gate at
/setwaypoint 10126 5897

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac Mutilators & Malignants x8’

Kill the correct mobs from the crowd.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reinforce the south gate’

Head to the south gate at
/setwaypoint 10305 6103

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Baac Commanders & Magus x4’

Kill the correct mobs from the crowd.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the first catapult’

Find the first catapult at
/setwaypoint 10444 5835

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use a catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal’

Right click the catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the second catapult’

Find the second catapult at

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use a catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal’

Right click the catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Go to the third catapult’

Find the third catapult at
/setwaypoint 10178 5933

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use a catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal’

Right click the catapult to destroy the Baac Summoning Portal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Regroup with the remaining forces’

Go back to the middle of the city to regroup at /setwaypoint 10302 5856

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Keep Zal and Suns alive at all cost’

A large force will attack, kill them! (Just stand still and wait cos they dont actually attack Zal and Suns if you leave them alone)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy Teth’s army x100’

Pick up the Karmic Gift from next to Zal, this will give you 4 strong abilities to use against the army.

Go back south and have fun testing those abilities!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Vanquish Teth’

Teth Torok will appear in front of the great wheel in the middle of the city.. go kill him!
Be sure to use the shield and heal abilities from the Karmic Gift.

Exit the instance through the same portal you came in.

Hand in the quest to Uureg in Shal Korva at /setwaypoint 10302 5748 (He is sat on the throne on the top floor)

Into the Care of the Cosmic

QUEST 17 of Act III

The quest is picked up from Uureg in Shal Korva
/setwaypoint 10302 5748 (He is sat on the throne on the top floor)

Speak to Kubara Sakti

Find Kubara Sakti in Alliance Camp at 
/setwaypoint 8105 5565
Right click to talk with him.

Be sure to grab the pick up quest ‘Walk a Cosmic Mile’ explained below this quest.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the First Step of Rhinenahyrcaros’

Click the ‘Ancient Cosmic Totem’ in the First footprint at /setwaypoint 8230 5510

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Second Step of Rhinenahyrcaros’

Click the ‘Ancient Cosmic Totem’ in the Second footprint at /setwaypoint 8333 5603

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Third Step of Rhinenahyrcaros’

Click the ‘Ancient Cosmic Totem’ in the Third footprint at /setwaypoint 8629 5563

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Fourth Step of Rhinenahyrcaros’

Click the ‘Ancient Cosmic Totem’ in the Fourth footprint at /setwaypoint 8679 5696

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Fifth Step of Rhinenahyrcaros’

Click the ‘Ancient Cosmic Totem’ in the Fifth footprint at /setwaypoint 8933 5722

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the Cosmic Realignment’

Click the very large Ancient Cosmic Totem on the edge of the cliff at
/setwaypoint 9079 5603

Watch the rather large rhino dude strut his stuff.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront Teth’

Go to /setwaypoint 9022 5630
Listen to the Teths talking.

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Alliance Camp at /setwaypoint 8088 5623

Completing this quest completes Act 3 of the Planetouched Wilds Story Quests and grants you the cheevo: Faces of Teth.

Walk a Cosmic Mile

QUEST 18 of Act III
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ral’aquiz in Cosmic Steppes at /setwaypoint 8178 5460
TO COMPLETE: Investigate the first footprint

Right click the Cosmic Rune in the first footprint at /setwaypoint 8218 5533

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the second footprint’

Right click the Cosmic Rune in the second footprint at /setwaypoint 8323 5599

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the third footprint’

Right click the Cosmic Rune in the third footprint at /setwaypoint 8618 5558

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the fourth footprint’

Right click the Cosmic Rune in the fourth footprint at /setwaypoint 8674 5689

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the fifth footprint’

Right click the Cosmic Rune in the fifth footprint at /setwaypoint 8925 5709

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.

55 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘Safari of Slaughter’ in Planetouched Wilds
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.

There is a patrolling single mob in some of the areas, I have put example waypoints, but you may want to use the target macro to help find them. These mobs can be quite tough for low level characters!
The mob will patrol all around the area, so run around the area spamming the macro to find it!
You can find more waypoints and pictures of the Teth mobs on the Planetouched Wilds rares page.

Target Roving Khaanluu
Target Geodic Khaanluu
Target Teth Vauram
Target Teth Gorron
Target Teth Kosduhm
Target Teth Zaeradach
Target Teth Fharulon
Target Teth Xixuhr
Target Teth Khun
Target Teth Primondo

CARNAGE: Carnage: Feral Skyhunters
PICK UP: You will find them in Cosmic Steppes at around /setwaypoint 8399 5708
TO COMPLETE: Kill Feral Skyhunters x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Waftwing Moths
PICK UP: You will find them in Cosmic Steppes at around /setwaypoint 8530 5769
TO COMPLETE: Kill Waftwing Moths x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Khadsuul in the Steppes
PICK UP: You will find them in Cosmic Steppes at around /setwaypoint 8670 5687
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wild Khadsuuls x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Roving Khaanluu
PICK UP: You will find one in Cosmic Steppes at around /setwaypoint 8942 5652
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Roving Khaanluu

CARNAGE: Carnage: Resonant Khadbukh
PICK UP: You will find them in Vale of Attunement at around /setwaypoint 9296 5435
TO COMPLETE: Kill Resonant Khadbukhs x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Resonant Khadsuuls
PICK UP: You will find them in Vale of Attunement at around /setwaypoint 10126 5489
TO COMPLETE: Kill Resonant Khadsuuls x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Baac at Plain of the Ancestors
PICK UP: You will find them in Plain of the Ancestors at around /setwaypoint 10264 5153
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baac at Plain of the Ancestors x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Kor Rocs
PICK UP: You will find them in Plain of the Ancestors at around /setwaypoint 10434 5394
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kor Rocs x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Zaeradach
PICK UP: You will find him in Plain of the Ancestors at around /setwaypoint 9918 5272 + /setwaypoint 10117 5068
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Zaeradach

CARNAGE: Carnage: Aggressive Babaroos
PICK UP: You will find them in Shal Korva at around /setwaypoint 10463 5459
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aggressive Babaroos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Ghostwalker Wolves
PICK UP: You will find them in Shal Korva at around /setwaypoint 10321 6161
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ghostwalker Wolves x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Magpie Bandits at Shal Korva
PICK UP: You will find them in Shal Korva at around /setwaypoint 10040 5921
TO COMPLETE: Kill Magpie Bandits around Shal Korva x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Stonefist Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 10762 5821
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stonefist Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Huuraalz Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 10871 5445
TO COMPLETE: Kill Huuraalz Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mossfist Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 11177 5486
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mossfist Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Arshaan Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 11099 4989
TO COMPLETE: Kill Arshaan Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Salhi Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 11395 4988
TO COMPLETE: Kill Salhi Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Doshgin Demons
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon graves at around /setwaypoint 10697 4828
TO COMPLETE: Kill Doshgin Demons x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Skyfallen Wolves
PICK UP: You will find them in Skyward Descent at around /setwaypoint 11180 5918
TO COMPLETE: Kill Skyfallen Wolves x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Uulsavar Rocs
PICK UP: You will find them in Skyward Descent at around /setwaypoint 11424 5578
TO COMPLETE: Kill Uulsavar Rocs x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mogoi at Skyward Descent
PICK UP: You will find them in Skyward Descent at around /setwaypoint 11414 6068
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mogoi at Skyward Descent x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Shardback Khadluu
PICK UP: You will find them in Teeth of the Earth at around /setwaypoint 11576 5166
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shardback Khadluu x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Baac in Teeth of the Earth
PICK UP: You will find them in Teeth of the Earth at around /setwaypoint 11440 5199
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baac in Teeth of the Earth x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Salkin Griffons
PICK UP: You will find them in Windswept Buttes at around /setwaypoint 10484 6752
TO COMPLETE: Kill Salkin Griffons x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Salkin Krill
PICK UP: You will find them in Windswept Buttes at around /setwaypoint 10550 6754
TO COMPLETE: Kill Salkin Krill x16

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Fharulon – Note: This one is particularly hard to kill!
PICK UP: You will find him in Windswept Buttes at around /setwaypoint 10608 6830 + /setwaypoint 10748 6856
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Fharulon

CARNAGE: Carnage: Geodic Khadbukh
PICK UP: You will find them in Geode Jungle at around /setwaypoint 10542 7338
TO COMPLETE: Kill Geodic Khadbukhs x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Geodic Khaanluu
PICK UP: You will find one in Geode Jungle at around /setwaypoint 10561 7434
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Geodic Khaanluu

CARNAGE: Carnage: Geodic Khadsuul
PICK UP: You will find them in Geode Jungle at around /setwaypoint 11327 7507
TO COMPLETE: Kill Geodic Khadsuuls x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Luminous Khadluu
PICK UP: You will find them in Crystal Basin at around /setwaypoint 10209 6780
TO COMPLETE: Kill Luminous Khadluu x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Diaphanous Moths
PICK UP: You will find them in Crystal Basin at around /setwaypoint 10197 6807
TO COMPLETE: Kill Diaphanous Moths x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Furious Babaroos
PICK UP: You will find them in Babaroo Kheer at around /setwaypoint 9911 6737
TO COMPLETE: Kill Furious Babaroos x12

CARNAGE: Carnage: Kheer Lobos
PICK UP: You will find them in Babaroo Kheer at around /setwaypoint 9670 6208
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kheer Lobos x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Silverback Wolves
PICK UP: You will find them in Pilgrim Planes at around /setwaypoint 9149 5907
TO COMPLETE: Kill Silverback Wolves x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Thunderwing Harpies
PICK UP: You will find them in Pilgrim Planes at around /setwaypoint 9516 5981
TO COMPLETE: Kill Thunderwing Harpies x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Xixuhr
PICK UP: You will find her in Pilgrim Planes at around /setwaypoint 9528 6077 + /setwaypoint 9285 5698 + /setwaypoint 9611 5843
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Xixuhr

CARNAGE: Carnage: Deep Khadluu
PICK UP: You will find them in Carver’s Deep at around /setwaypoint 8900 5333
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deep Khadlig and Khadgak x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Halituous Serpents
PICK UP: You will find them in Statue Fields at around /setwaypoint 9158 5185
TO COMPLETE: Kill Halituous Serpents x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Magpie Bandits at Statue Fields
PICK UP: You will find them in Statue Fields at around /setwaypoint 9585 5118
TO COMPLETE: Kill Magpie Bandits at Statue Fields x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Kosduhm – Note: This one is a challenge!
PICK UP: You will find him in Statue Fields at around /setwaypoint 9573 5134
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Kosduhm

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Vauram
PICK UP: You will find him in Rhaza’de Canyons at around /setwaypoint 10655 5387
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Vauram

CARNAGE: Carnage: Hurmen Elementals
PICK UP: You will find them in Rhaza’de Canyons at around /setwaypoint 10638 5379
TO COMPLETE: Kill Hurmen Elementals

CARNAGE: Carnage: Baac in the Rhaza’de Canyons
PICK UP: You will find them in Rhaza’de Canyons at around /setwaypoint 10668 5264
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baac in the Rhaza’de Canyons x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Piezoic Khadluu
PICK UP: You will find them in Muu Forest at around /setwaypoint 11592 6354
TO COMPLETE: Kill Piezoic Khadluu x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Gnar Shardchewers
PICK UP: You will find them in Muu Forest at around /setwaypoint 11895 6279
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gnar Shardchewers x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Teth Gorron
PICK UP: You will find her in Muu Forest at around /setwaypoint 12010 6193 + /setwaypoint 11828 6430
TO COMPLETE: Kill Teth Gorron

CARNAGE: Carnage: Skytalon Harpies
PICK UP: You will find them in Sky Fishery at around /setwaypoint 11149 6580
TO COMPLETE: Kill Skytalon Harpies x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Carmine Krill
PICK UP: You will find them in Sky Fishery at around /setwaypoint 11311 6728
TO COMPLETE: Kill Carmine Krill x16

CARNAGE: Carnage: Painite Khadligs
PICK UP: You will find them in Painite Coast at around /setwaypoint 10088 4739
TO COMPLETE: Kill Painite Khadligs x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Painite Coast Gnar
PICK UP: You will find them in Painite Coast at around /setwaypoint 10155 4668
TO COMPLETE: Kill Painite Coast Gnar x16

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mogoi at Obelisk Hills
PICK UP: You will find them in Obelisk Hills at around /setwaypoint 9965 7252
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mogoi Naga at Obelisk Hills x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Agaar Krill
PICK UP: You will find them in Rock of the Sky at around /setwaypoint 11012 7819
TO COMPLETE: Kill Agaar Krill x16

CARNAGE: Carnage: Wretched Tempests
PICK UP: You will find them in Rock of the Sky at around /setwaypoint 11004 8136
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wretched Tempests x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Windswept Skyhunters
PICK UP: You will find them in Rock of the Sky at around /setwaypoint 10708 7926
TO COMPLETE: Kill Windswept Skyhunters x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Baac in the Lair of the Khadluu
PICK UP: You will find them in Khadluu Lair at around /setwaypoint 11054 6835
TO COMPLETE: Kill Baac in the Lair of the Khadluu

Notes for Completionist..

  • The quest ‘Ascension Gone Wild‘ is for the Rhaza’de Canyons dungeon.