- Goboro Reef is a level 60-61 zone.
- To get to this zone you will portal in when you hit 58, or grab the first quest from TB when you hit level 60.
- There are 5 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Luminous Passage, Atragarian Well, Temple of Ranri and Ghar Station Mem
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to The Gyel Fortress Dungeon (NMT) – /setwaypoint 3221 6170
Below is a guide for all 126 quests in Goboro Reef.
With 66 Main Quests and 60 Carnages.
For the Goboro Reef rares go here
For the Goboro Reef puzzle go here
For the other Goboro Reef cheevos go here
In the Ghar Station, there are quests to pick up relating to Nightmare Rifts. You can find guides for these quests here.
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
66 Main Quests
Into the Blue
The quest is picked up from Gann Ahvano in Tempest Bay
/setwaypoint 12945 11608
Talk to the porticulum master in Tempest Bay
Testing the Waters
The quest is picked up from Commander Blaith in Luminous Passage at
/setwaypoint 1640 6441
Find Scout Ruselan
The quest is picked up from Commander Blaith in Luminous Passage at
/setwaypoint 1640 6441
Speak with Elaria
Moisturize Me!
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Moonriven Breach at /setwaypoint 2079 6401
Hydrate Stranded Mermaids with the Wand of Rejuvenation x4
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Atragarian Wavesinger in Moonriven Breach at /setwaypoint 2221 6409
TO COMPLETE: Hydrate Aquias Reeds to store water x8
Mother Hen
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Stolen Atragarian Egg in Moonriven Breach at /setwaypoint 2232 6438
TO COMPLETE: Bury Stolen Atragarian Eggs x5
Sooth of Skelfmere
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Skelfmere
/setwaypoint 2853 6537
Learn the Truth of the Akvan
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Disrupt the ritual to kill the Akvari Binder’
Click the Coral Altar found at
/setwaypoint 2740 6627
5 smaller priests will appear first, kill them!
The Akvari Binder will spawn just behind the Altar, kill him!
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
Arethea is in the water about halfway down the well.
Prophecy Schmophecy
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Truthbinding Wand, looted from a Dreambound Priest in Skelfmere at /setwaypoint 2898 6522
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Akvan False Prophecy Stones x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Truthbinding Wand’
Find the Akvan False Prophecy Stones all around Skelfmere, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3039 6608
Stand near the stones and use the Truthbinding Wand item, this will destroy the stones.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Fragments of Nightmare
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fragment of Nightmare in Skelfmere at /setwaypoint 2899 6513
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Fragments of Nightmare x8
Well Wishes
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Arethea is in the water about halfway down the well.
Talk to the Coral Master
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gain a Planar Charge from the Tidal Anomaly’
The Tidal Anomalies are orbs you can destroy and then stand in the bubble they create to gain Planar Charges.
There are a few of them around the well, this one is at /setwaypoint 2943 6941
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy Cursed Novelty Balloons x3’
Find the Cursed Novelty Balloons in the well water, like this one at
/setwaypoint 2978 7005
DPS them to destroy them.
This may stealth your character, right click the stealth buff to get rid of it.
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
Quick Coral
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torgo in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 3016 7055 (In the boat on top)
TO COMPLETE: Feed Quick Growing Coral x6
Murky Water
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Discover the Hatchery (entrance at bottom of Atragarian Well)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Cleanse Skelf Eggs’
Continue down the tunnel to the final main cavern.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Blessed Moonstone’
Stand near some of the clusters of eggs, these one at /setwaypoint 3337 7050 will do, use the Blessed Moonstone.
Note: On one of my chars, I stood in this spot and used the Blessed Moonstone, the text would say ‘Success’ but the quest would not progress, I tried other eggs with no luck. I fixed this by switching shard and trying again, the quest then progressed properly.
The Light in the Dark
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Luminous Coral in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2985 7053 (In the water at the bottom)
TO COMPLETE: Activate Luminous Coral x8
Parasites Below
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Deceased Eggtender in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 3036 7151 (In the water at the bottom)
TO COMPLETE: Cleanse Akvan Parasites near Infected Skelf Eggs x6
Skelf Stories
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Talk to Finric
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Tround’
Find Tround slightly lower down in the well at /setwaypoint 2943 7046
When you get close to him, your quest objective will change to ‘Defeat Bulf’
DPS Bulf, who is attacking Tround, he will run away after one hit!
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
Draum's Tears
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Collect the Tidal Vortexes x3
Neap Tide
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tidal Essence, looted from an Akvari Tidebinder in The Spout at /setwaypoint 2337 6900
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tidal Essences from Akvari Tidebinders in The Spout x12
Kill more of the Akvari Tidebinders in The Spout and loot the Tidal Essences from them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Pearlescent Tide
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dream Pearl in The Spout at /setwaypoint 2328 6920
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Dream Pearls in The Spout x8
Right click the Dream Pearls in The Spout to destroy them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Fins Ferns Feelings
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Talk to Finric
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Fiery Nightmares x5 and Deconstruct the Dream Furniture with the Dream Editor x5’
The Fiery Nightmares can be found in the Dream of the Ocean area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3386 7255 Kill them!
Note: The ones in the other pools didn’t work for me, so I just came back to this spot and waited for respawn, which was quick!
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dream Editor’
There are 3 spots where you will find the Dream Furniture, like these at
/setwaypoint 3204 7447
Use the Dream Editor to target the Dream Furniture and Deconstruct it.
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
Popping Polyps
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dreamsinger Voashcha in Dream of the Ocean at /setwaypoint 3158 7152 (Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 3214 7102)
TO COMPLETE: Pop Dormant Coral Polyps x6
Oceanic Acidification
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dreamsinger Voashcha in Dream of the Ocean at /setwaypoint 3158 7152 (Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 3214 7102)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Vials of Acidic Water x5
The Darkest Stratum
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Destroy the Idol of Rackvana
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Idol of Agreenar’
Swim down into the underwater tunnel system and find the Idol of Agreenar at
/setwaypoint 2743 7517
Right click to destroy it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Idol of Drakshan’
Swim south through the underwater tunnel system and find the Idol of Drakshan at
/setwaypoint 2800 7601
Right click to destroy it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Idol of Shikolec’
Swim southwest through the underwater tunnel system and find the Idol of Shikolec at
/setwaypoint 2708 7677
Right click to destroy it.
This fight has a few phases, you will need to kill a few other adds and then click the crystals near the tentacles to destroy them, before being able to kill Shikolec.
Finric is there to help you! Finric will move around the room, follow him and try to stay close so you can use his AoE healing bubble.
Keep an eye on the pop up quest ‘Ruinous Pact’ so you know what you should be doing each stage.
When you have killed Shikolec, go back through the tunnel and exit out of the portal.
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
Terrorizing Terrorfins
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nightmare Wand, looted from Ancient Terrorfins in Grotto of Horror at around /setwaypoint 2853 7449
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Canus’ Bindings and kill Slumbering Terrorfins x5
Catastrophic Collapse
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Implosion Device in Grotto of Horror (underwater) at /setwaypoint 2725 7503
TO COMPLETE: Use Implosion Devices to collapse tunnels in Grotto of Horror x3
Right click the Implosion Devices to explode them!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Collapsing Cosmos
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Free Calcified Atragarians x4
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Broken Pelagic Ward’
Find the Broken Pelagic Ward in Salt Shallows at
/setwaypoint 3571 7658
Stand near it to progress the quest.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Pelagic Shards from Ebontalons x4’
Kill the Ebontalon mobs in the Salt Shallows and loot the Pelagic Shards from them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Finric’
Go back to Finric near the Broken Pelagic Ward in Salt Shallows at
/setwaypoint 3571 7658
Right click to talk with Finric.
Finric will repair the Ward.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair the Pelagic Wards’
Find more of the Pelagic Wards in the Sale Shallows and right click to repair them.
Erinys Extinction
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ebontalon Nest in Salt Shallows at /setwaypoint 3499 7565
TO COMPLETE: Smash Ebontalon Nests in Salt Shallows x6
Find more of the Ebontalon Nests in the Salt Shallows area, right click them to smash them!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Dousing Flames
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dousing Rod in Salt Shallows at /setwaypoint 3662 7436
TO COMPLETE: Use the Dousing Rod to put out Pyroclastic Torrents x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dousing Rod’
Target Pyroclastic Torrents in the Salt Shallows area and use the Dousing Rod on them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Pelagic Order
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Talk to Finric
Talk to Rebus
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Close a Water Rift in Goboro’
Have a look on the map and see if there is a water rift up, go close it!
If there isn’t one up, find a tear and use the quest item on your sticky to open a water rift and then close it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Perform the Ritual of Ranri’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Ritual of Ranri’
Click the Ritual of Ranri to perform the Ritual. (You don’t need to be stood anywhere specific).
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Close a Fire Rift in Goboro’
You will again be given a fire lure on your quest sticky to use if there isn’t a fire rift up. Go close a fire rift!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Perform the Rite of Draum’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Rite of Draum’
Click the Rite of Draum to perform the Rite. (You don’t need to be stood anywhere specific).
Hand in the quest to Quintarus in Temple of Ranri at /setwaypoint 3951 7807
Old Gods and New
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Book of Ranri in Temple of Ranri at /setwaypoint 3991 7805
TO COMPLETE: Capture Goboro Reef neutral critters x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Offering Cube’
Any critter mobs will do for this quest. Critters are the 1HP neutral animals, generally very small!
Pictured are some Hermit Crab critters found around /setwaypoint 3825 8020
Target the critters and use the Offering Cube on them.
You can find a couple of Rainbow Shrimp just outside the Temple at /setwaypoint 3939 7928 as well as frogs inside the Temple waters at /setwaypoint 3945 7843
You can use target macros to help you find them quicker!
/target frog
/target shrimp
/target crab
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Bloodfire Army
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Defend the first position
Defend the second position
Defend the third position
At each location, upgrade the central conduit and the nearby turrets/heals if required, then kill all the invaders till a ‘Bloodfire’ mob spawns, kill him to tick off the quest.
Defend the first position
/setwaypoint 3985 8275
Defend the second position
/setwaypoint 4165 8370
Defend the third position
/setwaypoint 4567 8234
Awaken the Sleepers
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dream Reed in Grove of the Sea at /setwaypoint 4078 8283
TO COMPLETE: Collect Dream Reeds and use them on weakened Dreambound Augurs x5
Collect Dream Reeds from around the Grove of the Sea, like this one at /setwaypoint 4034 8372
You will gain an ability on your quest sticky called ‘Dream Reed’
DPS Dreambound Augurs to below 40% health and use the Dream Reeds on them.
Use /target Augur to help you find them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Crab Corralling
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sithicis in Grove of the Sea at /setwaypoint 4431 8285
TO COMPLETE: Capture an Eremite Crab and use it to help kill Dreambound Augurs x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lasso’
Go to the nearby pools, DPS an Eremite Crab to less than 50% health and use the Lasso to catch it, it will then follow you around.
Kill Dreambound Augurs, allowing the Crab to get a few hits in too!
Use /target Augur to help you find them.
The crab follow you for around 5 minutes, it is easily lost as it will attack anything! Move slowly and ensure it follow you, don’t go too far in front.
Hand in the quest to Sithicis in Grove of the Sea at /setwaypoint 4431 8285
The Fate of Finric
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Talk to Ranri’s Medusa to kill the Apparition of Gholing
Live Cargo
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Collect Slaver’s Keys x4
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Free Atragarian and Onir Slaves x4, and Throw Peppercoral at Bloodfire Hounds x4’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Peppercoral’
Find the Slaves in Seasong Copse, like this one at /setwaypoint 4636 8078
Use the Peppercoral on the Bloodfire Hound to distract it, then click the cage to release the slave.
Hand in the quest to Quintarus in Temple of Ranri at /setwaypoint 3951 7807
Emancipation Through Decimation
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Golkier in Seasong Copse at /setwaypoint 4895 7996
TO COMPLETE: While disguised, lure Bloodfire Slavers to the Atragarian Ambush x3
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Bloodfire Overseer Disguise’
Use the Bloodfire Overseer Disguise, you will be disguised and have a temporary ability called ‘Command’. Find Slavers in Seasong Copse, use the Command ability on them, the Slavers with follow you.
Bring the Slavers back to the questgiver, a group of Guard will spawn and help you kill it!
Hand in the quest to Golkier in Seasong Copse at /setwaypoint 4895 7996
Captive Breeding
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wavesinger Jelisen in Seasong Copse at /setwaypoint 4826 8140
TO COMPLETE: Use an illusion to lure Coast Sharks into nets x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Coast Shark illusion’
Use the Coast Shark illusion to turn into a shark! You will be given the temporary ability ‘Female Coast Shark Hormones’
Target nearby Male Coast Sharks and use the Female Coast Shark Hormones on them. They will then follow you.
Swim back to the nets near the questgiver and swim through the net to get the shark to follow you through. Go through the net at /setwaypoint 4833 8132 with the male sharks in the trap.
Use [ /target male coast shark ] to find the sharks easier! There are a few of them at /setwaypoint 4929 8100
Hand in the quest to Wavesinger Jelisen in Seasong Copse at /setwaypoint 4826 8140
Crude Intentions
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Cleanse Oil Fissures x4
Collect Oculon Motes x12
The Blackwater Mercenary
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tiikiiloor in Blackwater Forest at /setwaypoint 4682 7374 (Under the slope)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Oily Black Hearts from Animated Crude x10
Find the Animated Crude mobs in Blackwater Forest at around /setwaypoint 4388 7309
Kill them and loot their hearts!
Hand in the quest to Tiikiiloor in Blackwater Forest at /setwaypoint 4682 7374
Dead Tainted Jelly
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Tainted Jelly in Blackwater Forest at /setwaypoint 4229 7327
TO COMPLETE: Clean Tainted Jellies x10
Eyes On the Oculon
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Jump on sponges to access the Bloodfire ship decks
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy Grog Barrels, Pirate Cannons, Infernal Chains, and free Bound Atragarians x8’
Kill the Pitbosses and/or click the interactive items to progress the quest. Clear this boat, then use Bouncer to jump up to the other smaller boats to the north and clear them too!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Cannons to destroy Defense Orbs x5’
You will find cannons an the smaller boats, I find the one at
/setwaypoint 4633 6852
works best as it reaches more of the orbs!
Right click the cannon to get inside
Whilst in the cannon, you will gain a big boi cannon ability bar.
Target the flying defense orbs and destroy them!
You should just spam button 1, while hitting button 2 every 8 seconds on cooldown.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Access the Bloodfire Command Ship’
Use the Bouncer at
/setwaypoint 4698 6943
to get up to the main ship.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Oculon’
Fight your way to the front of the ship.
The Oculon is guarded by 4 Sentinels, kill them and then click the Oculon.
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dreamsinger Jaelu in Calceron Shelf at /setwaypoint 4478 7107
TO COMPLETE: Bury Biodegradable Scrap x6
Man-Made Reef
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wavesinger Morranu in Calceron Shelf at /setwaypoint 4382 6686
TO COMPLETE: Stimulate Dormant Coral x8
Begone Oculon
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Extinguish Altar Fires x4
Revive Pelagic Priests x4
Kill Spirits of the Oculon x4
Diverging Tides
The quest is picked up from Quintarus in Temple of Ranri
/setwaypoint 3951 7807
Find Lailia the Sage
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Sea Foam x4 and Collect Deep One Parts x4’
Collect the Sea Foam by killing and looting the nearby Nezavar Thralls, or you can pick them up off the floor.
Collect the Deep One Parts by killing and looting the nearby Flintshell Scavengers (Giant Crabs), or you can pick them up off the floor.
Picture at /setwaypoint 3859 7010
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reassemble the Deep Ones’
Stand on the coral at
/setwaypoint 3737 7032
You will have a temporary ability called ‘Deep One Reassembly’
Hit the Deep One Reassembly button and target the coral with it, this will make all the ‘Deep Ones’ reappear.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Lailia’
Right click to talk with Lailia the Sage.
Continue north and hand in the quest to Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3922 6487
Extinguish the Fire
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Heart of Flame, looted from a Nezavar Thrall in Dobori Village at /setwaypoint 3908 6972
TO COMPLETE: Collect Hearts of Flame in Dobori Village x12
Kill more of the Nezavar Thralls in Dobori Village and loot the hearts from them.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Reclaiming the Wreckage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kiliktin in Dobori Village at /setwaypoint 4120 7053
TO COMPLETE: Gather up the Lost Possessions in Dobori Village x10
Behold the Ascended
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Talk to Nekmard about your Ascended physiology
Productive Dreaming
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Talk to Peshana about Sleeping
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Uncover and Destroy the Nightmare’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Chlorazepalm’
Use the Chlorazepalm on the nearby Sleep Deprived Ghar. It will take a few tries to get a Nightmare to spawn. When the Nightmare does spawn, kill it!
Hand in the quest to Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3922 6487
Ruined Research
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Collect Weapon Prototype
Collect Research Caches x5
Activate Surveillance Net Station 1
Activate Surveillance Net Station 2
Activate Surveillance Net Station 3
Activate Surveillance Net Station 4
Click each of the Surveillance Net Stations
Activate Surveillance Net Station 1
/setwaypoint 4294 6562
Activate Surveillance Net Station 2
/setwaypoint 4396 6453
Activate Surveillance Net Station 3
/setwaypoint 4302 6415
Activate Surveillance Net Station 4
/setwaypoint 4382 6375
Hand in the quest to Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3922 6487
Might of the Mageocracy
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Treliphara in Mem Ruins at /setwaypoint 4126 6520
TO COMPLETE: Collect Rubbings of Eth Glyphs in Mem Ruins x10
Undersea Archaeology
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Iolis in Mem Ruins at /setwaypoint 4204 6533
TO COMPLETE: Collect Eth Artifacts in Mem Ruins x6
Frozen Fire
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Speak to Lieutenant Kethek
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate your freeze gun’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Freeze Gun’
Click it!
You will be given a temporary ability called Freeze Gun.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Bloodfire Commandos x3’
The Bloodfire Commandos are found in a few spots in Tinderbox, this one is at /setwaypoint 3587 6464
Use your freeze gun on them to freeze the smaller adds, making it easier to kill the Commandos.
Frozen Exile
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Glacium Stone in Tinderbox at /setwaypoint 3671 6667 – In a little nook under the rock.
TO COMPLETE: Use the Glacium Stone to exile wounded Bloodfire Incinera x10
Forgoing Fire
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Felisian in Tinderbox at /setwaypoint 3637 6413
TO COMPLETE: Put out Flaming Coral in Tinderbox x8
Path to Power
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Use the Ocometer and follow the energy trail to find the first remnant
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Ghar Ocometer’
Travel back towards the north to Rust Harbor and use the Ghar Ocometer at
/setwaypoint 3971 5974
This will create a path for you to follow. Some players have difficulty seeing this path, so have a look at the map below or just follow the waypoints listed.
At each location there are barrels or crates, stand near these to progress the quest.
Follow the energy trail to find the first remnant.
The first remnant is at
/setwaypoint 4237 5954
Follow the energy trail to find the second remnant at /setwaypoint 4030 5867
Follow the energy trail to find the third remnant at /setwaypoint 4121 5772
Follow the energy trail to find the fourth remnant at /setwaypoint 3859 5756
Time to Unionize
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kiruold in Rust Harbor at /setwaypoint 3869 5995
TO COMPLETE: Use the Dream of Freedom on subdued Shorelone Patrollers x4
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dream of Freedom’
Find the Shorelone Patrollers along the shoreline in Rust Harbor, DPS them down to below 40% health and use the Dream of Freedom on them.
Hand in the quest to Kiruold in Rust Harbor at /setwaypoint 3869 5995
Suddenly, Saboteur
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Glacial Ice in Rust Harbor at /setwaypoint 4337 5929
TO COMPLETE: Freeze Bloodfire Supplies to starve the invaders x8
Flamewrought Ramparts
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Destroy Bloodfire Cannons x4
Destroy Flamescapers x4
Destroy the Eyes of Glasya x2
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Barren Sand in Gyel Fortress at /setwaypoint 3490 5981
TO COMPLETE: Plant Aquaformers in Gyel Fortress x8
Kindled Vessels
The quest is picked up from Finric in Gyel Fortress
/setwaypoint 3369 6161
Collect Bloodfire Skelf Bladders x5
Lookout for the Limpets
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crate of Limpet Mines in Gyel Fortress at /setwaypoint 3323 5961
TO COMPLETE: Activate Limpet Mines x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Activation Codes’
Find the Limpet Mines in the Gyel Fortress area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3255 6025
Target the Mine and use the Activation Codes on them.
The mines can be hard to spot, so you may want to use a target macro.. /target mine
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Inner Flames
The quest is picked up from Finric in Gyel Fortress
/setwaypoint 3369 6161
Enter the Houndry
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Save Finric’
Right click the charred Fish piles around Finric, this will give you the temp ability ‘Fish Infusion’. Use Fish Infusion on Finric to shield him from Glasya’s Forced Binding, repeat 2 more times until he is stronk!
Hand in the quest to Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem at /setwaypoint 3922 6487
Well, Well, Well
The quest is picked up from Commander Satoth in Ghar Station Mem
/setwaypoint 3922 6487
Talk to Quintarus at the Temple of Ranri
The Ballad of Finric
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
Listen to the Ballad of Finric
Dance, feast, and Inflate Balloons x3
Dance, feast, and Inflate Balloons
Dance by using /dance near the Dancing Celebrants at /setwaypoint 2977 7060
Feast from the Skelf Platter at
/setwaypoint 2943 7038
Inflate Balloons using the Balloon Air Tank at /setwaypoint 2975 7033
You can just repeat one action 3 times, you don’t need to do each individual one.
Hand in the quest to Arethea in Atragarian Well at /setwaypoint 2965 7052
That is the end of the main quests in Goboro Reef.
The quest ‘Suburb Beneath the Sea’ is a breadcrumb quest that will lead you into Draumheim, the next zone.
Suburb Beneath the Sea
The quest is picked up from Arethea in Atragarian Well
/setwaypoint 2965 7052
This quest will lead you into Draumheim, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Goboro Reef.
Speak with Sharky in the Vale of Dreams, Draumheim
Return to Ghar Station Mem and take the exit path from the north east, follow the path into the water and continue swimming down until you drop out of the ocean onto the layer of land below.
Hand in the quest to Sharky in Vale of Dreams at /setwaypoint 4559 5670
Note: This quest counts towards the Goboro Quests cheevo: Righting the Reef.
60 Carnage Quests
For the cheevo ‘Blood in the Water’ in Goboro Reef
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.
There is a patrolling single mob in most of the areas, I have put example waypoints, but you may want to use the target macro to help find them. These mobs can be quite tough for low level characters!
The mob will patrol all around the area, so run around the area spamming the macro to find it!
target Akvari Corruptor
target Mooncalled Herald
target Bloodhound of Kytus
target Flameborn Griffon
target Bloodfire Packlord
target Bloodfire Evangelist
target Largemouth Bluetail
target Nezavar Brute
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bluescale Darters
PICK UP: You will find them in Luminous Passage at around /setwaypoint 1672 6419
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bluescale Darters x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Spiny Reefcaps
PICK UP: You will find them in Luminous Passage at around /setwaypoint 1785 6450
TO COMPLETE: Kill Spiny Reefcaps x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Keentail Threshers
PICK UP: You will find them in Luminous Passage at around /setwaypoint 1875 6374
TO COMPLETE: Kill Keentail Threshers in Luminous Passage x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Moonriven Morayans
PICK UP: You will find them in Moonriven Breach at around /setwaypoint 2122 6396
TO COMPLETE: Kill Morayans in Moonriven Breach x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Skelf Lurkers
PICK UP: You will find them in Moonriven Breach at around /setwaypoint 2267 6460
TO COMPLETE: Kill Skelf Lurkers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dreambound Creatures
PICK UP: You will find them in Skelfmere at around /setwaypoint 2900 6543
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dreambound Creatures x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lunar Converts
PICK UP: You will find them in Skelfmere at around /setwaypoint 3200 6706
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lunar Converts x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Akvari Corruptor (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find one in Skelfmere at around /setwaypoint 2823 6651
TO COMPLETE: Kill an Akvari Corruptor
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dangerous Depths
PICK UP: You will find them in Atragarian Well at around /setwaypoint 2976 7051 (In the water at the bottom)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Akvari Skulkers and Sunken Bluetails x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Priests of Shikolec
PICK UP: You will find them in Atragarian Well at around /setwaypoint 3056 7111 (In the water at the bottom)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Priests of Shikolec x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Morayans of the Spout
PICK UP: You will find them in The Spout at around /setwaypoint 2497 6967
TO COMPLETE: Kill Morayans in The Spout x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Akvari Tidebinders
PICK UP: You will find them in The Spout at around /setwaypoint 2337 6900
TO COMPLETE: Kill Akvari Tidebinders x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mooncalled Herald (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find him in The Spout at around /setwaypoint 2399 7005 — /setwaypoint 2115 6867 — /setwaypoint 2523 6993
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Mooncalled Herald
CARNAGE: Carnage: Living Coral
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream of the Ocean at around /setwaypoint 3281 6899
TO COMPLETE: Kill Living Coral x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Reef Hunters
PICK UP: You will find them in Dream of the Ocean at around /setwaypoint 3237 7093
TO COMPLETE: Kill Reef Hunters x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Ancient Terrorfins
PICK UP: You will find them in Grotto of Horror at around /setwaypoint 2853 7449
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ancient Terrorfins x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Akvan Lurking
PICK UP: You will find them in Grotto of Horror at around /setwaypoint 2832 7507
TO COMPLETE: Kill Akvan Deeprenders and Retainers x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmares of the Darkscale
PICK UP: You will find them in Grotto of Horror at around /setwaypoint 2834 7557
TO COMPLETE: Kill Darkscale creatures x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Pyroclastic Torrents
PICK UP: You will find them in Salt Shallows at around /setwaypoint 3493 7610
TO COMPLETE: Kill Pyroclastic Torrents x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Ebontalon Erinyes
PICK UP: You will find them in Salt Shallows at around /setwaypoint 3516 7573
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ebontalon Erinyes and Matrons x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fire Bugs
PICK UP: You will find them in Salt Shallows at around /setwaypoint 3475 7656
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fire Bugs x9
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodhound of Kytus (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find him in Salt Shallows at around /setwaypoint 3274 7859
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Bloodhound of Kytus
CARNAGE: Carnage: Eremite Crabs
PICK UP: You will find them in Grove of the Sea at around /setwaypoint 4006 8080
TO COMPLETE: Kill Eremite Crabs x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Of the Akvan
PICK UP: You will find them in Grove of the Sea at around /setwaypoint 4014 8217
TO COMPLETE: Kill skelf in Grove of the Sea x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Grove Sharks
PICK UP: You will find them in Grove of the Sea at around /setwaypoint 4583 8364
TO COMPLETE: Kill Grove Sharks x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flameborn Griffon (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find her in Grove of the Sea at around /setwaypoint 3789 8191
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Flameborn Griffon
CARNAGE: Carnage: Slavers of Seasong
PICK UP: You will find them in Seasong Copse at around /setwaypoint /setwaypoint 4670 7807
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Kobolds x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood Hounded
PICK UP: You will find them in Seasong Copse at around /setwaypoint 4712 7819
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wardogs and Hounds x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Drilling for Disaster
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackwater Forest at around /setwaypoint 4365 7415
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire creatures x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Animated Crude
PICK UP: You will find them in Blackwater Forest at around /setwaypoint 4388 7309
TO COMPLETE: Kill Animated Crudes x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Packlord (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find one in Blackwater Forest at around /setwaypoint 4513 7212 — /setwaypoint 4561 7404 — /setwaypoint 4252 7434
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Bloodfire Packlord
CARNAGE: Carnage: Oileater Crabs
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Shelf at around /setwaypoint 4549 7014
TO COMPLETE: Kill Oileater Crabs and King Crabs x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Revenous Keentails
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Shelf at around /setwaypoint 4585 6996
TO COMPLETE: Kill Revenous Keentails x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bahmi of Fire
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Shelf at around /setwaypoint 4587 6968 (On the boat)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Razudan in Calceron Shelf x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Shore Workers
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Shelf at around /setwaypoint 4587 6968 (On the boat)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire in Calceron Shelf x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nezavar Thralls
PICK UP: You will find them in Dobori Village at around /setwaypoint 3908 6972
TO COMPLETE: Kill Nezavar Thralls x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scorchlings
PICK UP: You will find them in Dobori Village at around /setwaypoint 3912 6993
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scorchlings x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Evangelist (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find one in Dobori Village at around /setwaypoint 3875 6953 — /setwaypoint 3828 7086 — /setwaypoint 4107 7093
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Bloodfire Evangelist
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flintshell Scavengers
PICK UP: You will find them in Dobori Village at around /setwaypoint 3824 6933
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flintshell Scavengers x5
CARNAGE: Carnage: Ruin Dwellers
PICK UP: You will find them in Mem Ruins at around /setwaypoint 4132 6592
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ruin Dwellers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Brutes
PICK UP: You will find them in Mem Ruins at around /setwaypoint 4157 6516
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Brutes x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Salvagers
PICK UP: You will find them in Mem Ruins at around /setwaypoint 4135 6576
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Salvagers x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Largemouth Bluetail (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find him in Mem Ruins at around /setwaypoint 4489 6551 — /setwaypoint 4401 6396
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Largemouth Bluetail
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Tinderlords
PICK UP: You will find them in Tinderbox at around /setwaypoint 3658 6468
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Tinderlords x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Commandos
PICK UP: You will find them in Tinderbox at around /setwaypoint 3587 6464
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Commandos x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Incinerae
PICK UP: You will find them in Tinderbox at around /setwaypoint 3643 6437
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Incinerae x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rust Harbor Kobolds
PICK UP: You will find them in Rust Harbor at around /setwaypoint 3893 6036
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kobolds in Rust Harbor x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Toxic Sludges
PICK UP: You will find them in Rust Harbor at around /setwaypoint 3921 5983
TO COMPLETE: Kill Toxic Sludges x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodfire Commanders
PICK UP: You will find them in Rust Harbor at around /setwaypoint 4009 5919
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Commanders x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Shoreline Patroller
PICK UP: You will find them in Rust Harbor at around /setwaypoint 4147 5954
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shoreline Patroller x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nezavar Brute (Single mob, see above for macro)
PICK UP: You will find him in Rust Harbor at around /setwaypoint 4033 5779 — /setwaypoint 4049 5592
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Nezavar Brute
CARNAGE: Carnage: Raze Them
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3664 6076
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Sentries x9
CARNAGE: Carnage: Perimeter Aflame
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3636 6079
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Cannoneers x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flameshaped Hulks
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3235 6104
TO COMPLETE: Kill Magma Golems x5
CARNAGE: Carnage: Sacrificial Fodder
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3203 6047
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sacrificial Hosts and Bloodfire Skelfs x14
CARNAGE: Carnage: Blazing Ruiners
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3264 5999
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Despoilers x4
NOTE: The next few carnage quests are designed for level 65 players. I highly recommend you come back when you are 65+
CARNAGE: Carnage: Amidst Flames
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 2918 5817
TO COMPLETE: Kill Magma Walkers and Oculon Diviners x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Cross the Fire Line
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 2903 5759
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Corruptors and Magma Hounds x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Gyel’s Shadow
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3290 5448
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Destroyers and Pyromaniacs x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Glasya’s Overseers
PICK UP: You will find them in Gyel Fortress at around /setwaypoint 3332 5400
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodfire Overseers x7
Notes about Completionist..
— The Quest: Amazing Race – Is part of the Goboro Reef Puzzle.
— The Quest: Ending the Bloodfire – Is for the Gyel Fortress Dungeon.