- Draumheim is a level 62-63 zone.
- To get to this zone you will Swim across from Goboro Reef.
- There are 7 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Gemini Bluffs, North Gate, Margle Palace, and Ghar Station Rosh
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Citadel of Insanity Dungeon – /setwaypoint 5173 4830
Below is a guide for all 133 quests in Draumheim.
With 71 Main Quests and 62 Carnages.
For the Draumheim rares go here
For the Draumheim puzzle go here
For the other Draumheim cheevos go here
The Ocean Above. You can reach pretty much any spot in Draumheim, including the tops of the many many buildings by jumping up into the ocean above and then dropping down again above where you need to go. To jump up into the ocean you need to find a Bulbous Bouncer, thankfully, you can find one next to every portal!
Mark the waypoint that you want to go to on your map, then go to the nearest portal on the map and use the Bulbous Bouncer you find there, this will shoot you up into the ocean above. You can now swim across to your waypoint and drop down to land right on it.

Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Carnage Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 133 quests in Draumheim, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.
Making Sense?

Doing Draumheim

Completing the cheevo ‘Making Sense?’ awards the Minion Card: Birch.
Finish all the quests in the main storyline to complete the cheevo.
71 Main Quests
How Sharky Got His Grind Back
The quest is picked up from Sharky in Vale of Dreams
/setwaypoint 4559 5670
Collect Shiny Clams x100
But They Don't Have Feet
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crab Socks, looted from Shaletop creatures in Vale of Dreams at /setwaypoint 4548 5700
TO COMPLETE: Collect Crab Socks x12
Kill more of the Shaletop creatures in Vale of Dreams and loot the socks from them.
Hand in the quest to Old Zeke in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4354 4979
Keeping the Peace
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Artol the Green in Vale of Dreams at /setwaypoint 4484 5695
TO COMPLETE: Explain the plight of the seaweed to Old Zeke
Find Old Zeke in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4354 4979 and talk with him.
Hand in the quest to Old Zeke in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4354 4979
Boom Stick
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ol’ Bessy in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4348 5156
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Ol’ Bessy back to Zeke
Find Old Zeke in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4354 4979 and talk with him, choose the ‘I think this belongs to you’ option. The quest will then auto-complete.
The Collective Unconscious
The quest is picked up from Old Zeke in Nyreika Station
/setwaypoint 4354 4979
Collect the 1st Lost Dream
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the 2nd Lost Dream’
Find the Abandoned Doll at
/setwaypoint 4330 4880
Right click the Abandoned Doll and a ‘Lost Dream’ mob will appear, kill it to collect the 2nd Lost Dream. (You just need to kill the mob and the quest will credit, there is nothing to pick up)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the 3rd Lost Dream’
Find the Dying Tree at
/setwaypoint 4285 4949
Right click the Dying Tree and a ‘Lost Dream’ mob will appear, kill it to collect the 3rd Lost Dream. (You just need to kill the mob and the quest will credit, there is nothing to pick up)
Varmint Hunter
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Varmint Hunter, Looted from Station Varmint in Nyreika Station at /setwaypoint 4333 4985
TO COMPLETE: Use the Net to capture Varmints x12
Seeing the Sights
The quest is picked up from Old Zeke in Nyreika Station
/setwaypoint 4354 4979
Discover the Chair Pillar
We are the Dreamers of Dreams
The quest is picked up from Reginald Wolfsmythe Esquire in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Talk to the Sheriff
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Visit the Merchant Stalls’
Go to one of the Merchant Stalls in Gemini Bluffs. Stand right next to the stall!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop the Nightmares Infestation x3’
Continue to stand near the stall and the merchant will talk to you and then turn into a nightmare, kill it!
You can just stay at the same stall and when the merchant respawns he will talk again and turn into the spy again!
Buzz Off!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Wooden Cart in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4842 5126
TO COMPLETE: Kick the bee hives! x4
C is for Cupcake?
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cookie in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4847 5169
TO COMPLETE: Eat Cupcakes! x8
Papers Please
The quest is picked up from Reginald Wolfsmythe Esquire in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Uncover Hidden Nightmares x3
Follow the Sheriff around the town to find the Hidden Nightmares.
The Sheriff will appear in random places for each character, so it’s best to use a simple target macro to find her..
/target Magna
The Sheriff can be anywhere in the small area marked by the yellow quest circle, including the area up the stairs. She was in the same spot twice for one of my characters!
Each time you find her, right click to talk with her and a Hidden Nightmare will appear for you to kill.
Spots I have found the sheriff are..
/setwaypoint 4850 5019
/setwaypoint 4875 5018
/setwaypoint 4916 5091
/setwaypoint 4901 5025
Hand in the quest to Reginald Wolfsmythe Esquire in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Hated and Feared
The quest is picked up from Reginald Wolfsmythe Esquire in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Face the mob’s justice x3
Walk into the clearing in the middle of the town to be met by the Angry Residents
/setwaypoint 4868 5069
Allow the residents to show their distaste for you! (Just stand still near them)
Meet another 2 groups of residents and allow them to make their feelings known too!
Hand in the quest to Fausta in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4790 5015
Investigative Journalism
The quest is picked up from Fausta in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4790 5015
Collect Nightmare Essences x15
Head north to the Headfell Farms area.
There are 3 ways to collect the Nightmare Essences…
1. You can kill the Skullfruits and loot the Nightmare Essences from them, like this one at /setwaypoint 4735 4683
2. You can use your quest item ‘Dream Reflector’ on the Headfell Farmers. These are friendly NPCs dotted around the area. Some of them may turn into a nightmare for you to kill!
A Bucket a Day
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Milk Bucket in Headfell Farms at /setwaypoint 4841 4561
TO COMPLETE: Send home the milk x4
The Inevitable Confrontation
The quest is picked up from Fausta in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4790 5015
Overturn Cheese Carts
Find the cheese carts near the quest giver on both sides of the path leading into Gemini Bluffs.
Right click the cheese carts to Overturn them.
When you click the first one, your quest objective will change to ‘Kill Nightmare Parasites x9’
3 Nightmare Parasites will have spawned where the cheese cart was stood, kill them!
Utter Annihilation
The quest is picked up from Fausta in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Burn crates of nightmare essence x5′
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Lactic Detonator to cleanse Udder Demons’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lactic Detonator’
Find the nearby herd of Udder Demons
/setwaypoint 5164 4466
Target the Udder Demons and use the Lactic Detonator on them. They will then become attackable!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Udder Demons x4’
Use the Lactic Detonator on 4 of the Udder Demons and kill them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Knight Mayor in the basement’
Go to the cottage, through the front door and down the stairs to the basement
/setwaypoint 5127 4572
The mayor will spawn, have a little talk, and then you can kill him!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Kondraum’s Liver’
Kondraum’s Liver will spawn in the middle of the room, right click to collect it!
Hand in the quest to Fausta in Gemini Bluffs at /setwaypoint 4838 5027
A Proper Burial
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Max in Thekk Overlook at /setwaypoint 5109 4559
TO COMPLETE: Give the cat of your dreams a proper burial
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Murky Potion in Thekk Overlook at /setwaypoint 5142 4548 – Outside the cottage on the decking, on the boxes under the stairs.
TO COMPLETE: Drink the potion to begin the “journey”
Deliver a Liver
The quest is picked up from Fausta in Gemini Bluffs
/setwaypoint 4838 5027
Call out Kondraum’s Liver from your backpack
Work Woes
The quest is picked up from Captain Taegep in North Gate
/setwaypoint 5204 4872
Collect Dream Energy x8
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Dream Energy on Disheartened Guards x4’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dream Energy’
Find the Disheartened Guards in the next gate area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4999 5234
Use the Dream Energy on them.
Hand in the quest to Captain Taegep in North Gate at /setwaypoint 5204 4872
Soup's On!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Menu, looted from Dreamfallen Guards in North gate at /setwaypoint 5105 5100
TO COMPLETE: Collect Menus x8
Kill more of the Dreamfallen Guards in North gate and loot the menus from them.
Hand in the quest to Captain Taegep in North Gate at /setwaypoint 5204 4872
Extinguished Ambitions
The quest is picked up from Captain Taegep in North Gate
/setwaypoint 5204 4872
Remove Propaganda Notices x4
Destroy Tribulation Barricades x8
Banish Stubborn Flamelings x4
Go through the gate at
/setwaypoint 5430 4967
To enter the Tribulation Square area.
Find the Propaganda Notices in Tribulation Square, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5412 5119
Right click to remove them.
There aren’t many of them in this small area, so go to the larger quest circle to the east to find more.
Watch the World Burn
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Propaganda Banner in Tribulation Square at /setwaypoint 5427 4970
TO COMPLETE: Collect Propaganda Banners x8
The Wrathberry
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wrathberries, looted from Flameterror Nightmares in Tribulation Square at /setwaypoint 5474 5129
TO COMPLETE: Collect Wrathberries x4
Kill the nearby Flameterror Dragonians and loot the berries from them.
Hand in the quest to Ralph Willflond in Flargle Plaza at /setwaypoint 5471 5596
Marle Flargle Exploration!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Prosperity Heights Overlook in Flargle Plaza at /setwaypoint 5480 5444
TO COMPLETE: Click each of the landmarks to learn about the palace.
- Explore Margle Colonnade /setwaypoint 5566 5537
- Explore Regent’s Rise – /setwaypoint 5641 5603
- Explore the Margle Porticulum – /setwaypoint 5751 5625
- Explore Flargle Overlook – /setwaypoint 5480 5444
- Explore the Seat of Dreaming Power – /setwaypoint 5717 5700
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Old Familiar Faces
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Familiar Dream in Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5600 5585
TO COMPLETE: Use the Dream Gem
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dream Gem’
Click the Dream Gem to summon a Familiar Dream.
You will now be asked to visit 4 districts of Draumheim. There is no need to rush to get them, all the story quests will take you to each of these areas.
At each location, stand on the spot and summon the Familiar Dream using the Dream Gem to tick off that area.
Visit Bottomtown – /setwaypoint 5239 5518
Visit the Zeuxis District – /setwaypoint 5992 5279
Visit Tribulation Square – /setwaypoint 5553 5238
Visit Cathedral of Canus – /setwaypoint 5063 5972
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Welcoming Party
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Cheer up Palace Denizens x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Merrymaker’
Find the Palace Denizens around Margle Palace, like these ones at /setwaypoint 5649 5666
Use the Merrymaker item and you will be given 3 temporary abilities; Dance, Bow, and Cheer.
Use the Dance, Bow, and Cheer abilities on the Palace Denizens to cheer them up! Keep using the different abilities til one of them works.
Hand in the quest to Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Infernal Uprising
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Defend the first position
Walkabout Father
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Find the objects listed
The objects are all found inside a small instanced room.
To enter the room, go through the portal that is just below Princess Mala.
Hovering over the portal will show you the name ‘Kondraum’s Chamber of Curiosity’
Pretty much everything in the room can be moused over, a tooltip will tell you what each item is! You need to find the items listed and right click them to pick them up.
Only the correct items will change your mouse pointer to the golden hand when you mouse over it, you can then move closer to the item and pick it up.
Stand in the middle of the room and mouse over the items all around you til you find one that can be picked up!
(1) Find the Understanding Mortal Romance: A Beginner’s Guide
— An open book on the floor near the throne.
(2) Find the Green Pony Action Figure
— On the table with a yellow and blue pony.
(3) Find the Collectable Derribec Figure
— On the square table with colourful potions.
(4) Find the Werewolf Shag Carpet
— Poking out from under the bed… looks more like a werewolf than a carpet!
(5) Find the Creepy Baby Mannequin
— Behind the shrine in a bassinette.
(6) Find the Globe of Daribo
— In the alcove on the edge of the room
(7) Find the Jaunty Hat
— There is no Jaunty Hat!
(8) Find the Red Startfish
— On the shrine with the sword pointing towards it!
(9) Find the Pitcher of Glacier Water
— Near the centre of the room, next tot he red rug.
(10) Find the Portrait of Adalsteinn
— A portrait hung on the wall.
When you are finished, exit out of the portal.
Hand in the quest to Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Your Disgusting Habit
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Search for Kondraum’s Stray Thoughts x5
Kondraum’s Stray Thoughts are found in Bottomtown.
Here you will find friendly NPCs ‘acting out’ the thoughts of Kondraum, like these ones at /setwaypoint 5215 5343
Stay near the NPCs as they act out the thought, some of them will require you to kill a mob and then a stray thought wisp will appear near you and the quest will tick off.
Mushroom Matchmaker
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Unproductive Mushroom in Prosperity Heights at /setwaypoint 5444 5519
TO COMPLETE: Sprinkle spores at ideal locations for the Unproductive Mushroom x6
Sigmund's Cigar
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sigmund’s Cigar in Bottomtown at /setwaypoint 5038 5570
TO COMPLETE: Take this smoldering bunch of dried leaves to Ralph Willflond.
Hand in the quest to Ralph Willflond in Flargle Plaza at /setwaypoint 5471 5596
Personal Space Invasion
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Speak with Anora Vegonia
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seduce Capricious Nightmares with /kiss, /rude, or flowers x6’
Travel over to the Lost Knot area and find the Capricious Nightmares, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5366 5687
Target the Capricious Nightmares, use the emotes /kiss or /rude emotes, or use the Dream Flowers on your quest sticky. Try all 3 effects until you get the desired result.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use /flirt on Haughty Nightmares to expose the Changeling’
Find the Haughty Nightmares in Lost Knot, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5342 5913
Target them and use /flirt on them.
Keep trying different Haughty Nightmares until one of them turns into a changeling for you to kill.
If /flirt gives no reaction, then switch shards and try again!
They can be hard to find, so use
/target Haughty
to help find them.
The one at /setwaypoint 5468 5937 worked for me!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Changeling Mask’
Loot the Mask from the Changeling.
Hand in the quest to Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Disillusionary Brigade
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Disillusionary Brigade Bounty in Lost Knot at /setwaypoint 5443 5987
TO COMPLETE: Kill members of the Disillusionary Brigade x8
Kill members of the Disillusionary Brigade in Lost Knot at around /setwaypoint 5323 5687
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Adventure League
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adventure League Bounty in Lost Knot at /setwaypoint 5272 5644
TO COMPLETE: Kill members of the Adventure League x8
Kill members of the Adventure League in Lost Knot at around /setwaypoint 5592 5895
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Order of Paladins
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Order of Paladins Bounty in Lost Knot at /setwaypoint 5608 5894
TO COMPLETE: Kill members of the Order of Paladins x8
Kill members of the Order of Paladins in Lost Knot at around /setwaypoint 5472 5962
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Insider Knowledge
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Use the Changeling Mask
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Changeling Mask’
Target one of the ‘Palace Denizens’ in Margle Palace and use the Changeling Mask.
This will give you a buff called ‘Changeling’s Mask’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the traitor’
One of the NPCs is a traitor! You can walk close to the other NPCs til you find the traitor!
The correct NPC is Bremer, at
/setwaypoint 5737 5546
You should be able to see the Looming Nightmare behind him. (If you can’t see it then maybe your Changeling’s Mask buff ran off, reapply it!)
Right click Bremer to talk with him.
Bremer will now follow you.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Cure Bremer of the nightmare infection’
Around the platform are coloured orbs.
You need to click each orb as they light up.
You need to be very quick with this, it’s best to zone right in on the platform so you can easily click each orb quickly.
Hand in the quest to Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
The Dream Auteur
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Read Kondraum’s Ransom
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Auteur’s Next trap’
Stand on the path near the Valuable Idol at
/setwaypoint 5903 5148
This will make the Dream Auteur speak.
Click the Valuable Idol and a giant boulder will roll down the slope!
When it reaches the bottom you will be able to attack it, kill it!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Auteur’s Prisoner’
Find Carwin Mathos in the prison at
/setwaypoint 6005 5081
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Save Carwin from the Time Machine’
Pull the ‘Obvious Lever’ at /setwaypoint 6004 5080 to release Carwin.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Carwin, Why Not?’
Find the ‘Saint Carwin and The Dragon’ statue at /setwaypoint 6018 5162
Right click it to spawn Carwin and kill him!

The cage door will swing shut and you will be trapped!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Veras’
Veras will appear and talk with you, you can then kill him!
Thankfully the cage isn’t locked, you can just walk out of it!
Hand in the quest to Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Everyone's a Critic
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fiasco (a sculpture) in Zuexis District at /setwaypoint 6046 5448
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Art Pieces – Right click them to destroy them.
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Posted Notice in Zuexis District at /setwaypoint 6019 5380
TO COMPLETE: Find the items listed – Right click the items to ‘find’ them
The Audacity of Dreams
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Harvest the Dream of Duty
Harvest the Dream of Joy
Harvest the Dream of Fear
Trapped Without Treats
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sad Corgi in Catherdral of Canus at /setwaypoint 5077 5965
TO COMPLETE: Aquire a Bag of Treats
Kill a Hulking Terror, like the one at /setwaypoint 5000 5904 loot the bag of treats from it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Save Trapped Corgis x6’
Find the Trapped Corgis around the Cathedral of Canus, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5021 5986
Use the treats to target the corgis and free them!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
I'm Melting!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nightmare Ice Cream Cake in Catherdral of Canus at /setwaypoint 4929 6095
TO COMPLETE: Place the Nightmare Ice Cream Cake inside the Frozen Chair
The Unspeakable Cauldron
The quest is picked up from Princess Mala in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5723 5700
Sanctify the Shrine of Fear
Sanctify the Shrine of Duty
Sanctify the Shrine of Joy
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Nightmare Engine’
Go into the central building in the Catherdral of Canus area, entrance at
/setwaypoint 4931 6103
This building is called the Temple of Canus. Go inside and up the stairs to find the Nightmare Engine.
Kondraum and Lord Arak are also upstairs, walk into the room to get them talking.
Destroy the defense cannons that spawn and then destroy the Nightmare Engine.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rescue Kondraum’
Just stay in the room as the rescue plays out.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace at /setwaypoint 5728 5695
The Only One I Trust
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Throne of Dreams, Margle Palace
/setwaypoint 5728 5695
Talk to Captain Taegep
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tour the Liver through Tribulation Square’
You will have Kondraum’s Liver following you. You will have a buff on you buff bar that shows this. If the Liver goes away for any reason, you can recall it using the item on your quest sticky ‘Kondraum’s Liver’
Head south to Tribulation Square and stand at /setwaypoint 5577 5151
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tour the Liver through Choreburg’
Stand in Choreburg at
/setwaypoint 5979 5428
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Tour the Liver through Bottomtown’
Stand in Bottomtown at
/setwaypoint 5374 5498
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enshrine the Liver at Margle Palace’
Take the Liver to the Margle Palace throne and.. allow him to sit in it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Kondraum in Rosh Station (or his beard)’
You can hand in the quest to Kondraum, or to Kondraum’s beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5573 6387
Questing for Caches
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Activate the Info-caches
All You Can Eat
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Speak with Woodrow
Find Woodrow in Landquarium at
/setwaypoint 5276 6398
Right click to talk with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Confront the Extinction of Hunger’
Find the Extinction of Hunger at
/setwaypoint 5307 6556
Right click to talk with him. (You need to be very close to his middle to talk to him!)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Capture Dreambound Livestock x4, Collect Edible Brambles x10, and Aquire Volatile Cracklestones x6’
Capture Dreambound Livestock using the ‘Barrel of Holding’ quest item on your sticky.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Present the Offering’
Find the Offering Area in the middle of the Landquarium and click it to start the offering.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Observe the Meal’
Stand still and watch the feast!
Hand in the quest to Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5573 6387
Open Up and There it Went!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pie, looted from Wayward Specters in Landquarium at /setwaypoint 5213 6465
TO COMPLETE: Collect and feed pies to the Glutton Parasite x12
Hay, Ascended
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hay Bale in Landquarium at /setwaypoint 5093 6512
TO COMPLETE: Use the Transformer on existentially confised bales of hay x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Re-arranger’
Find bales of Hay around the Landquarium, like this one at /setwaypoint 5128 6620
Stand next to the bales of Hay and use the Re-arranger.
These Hay Bales can be hard to find, so you may want to switch shard at the same one a few times!
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Don't Touch That Dial
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ghar Channel Log, looted from Unwoken Nightmares in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5530 6641
TO COMPLETE: Collect Frequency Punch Cards x8
Kill more of the Unwoken Nightmares and loot the Frequency Punch Cards from them.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
Can You Hear Meow?
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ghar Transceiver in Landquarium at /setwaypoint 5302 6436
TO COMPLETE: Calibrate the Communication Device at the harmonic locations x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Communication Device’
Find the harmonic locations all around the outside of the Ghar Station Rosh walls, like this one at /setwaypoint 5582 6533
Stand inside the pulsing purple circles and use the Communication Device.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Extinguishing the Fires of the Wanton
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Locate the pathway to the Sanctuary of Phydrena
Head to the spot at
/setwaypoint 6164 6727
To find the pathway to the Sanctuary of Phydrena
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Brother Jebiah about the Extinction of Flame’
Find Brother Jebiah in the building at
/setwaypoint 6540 7052
Right click to talk with him.
This is what happens when you click ‘I am.’ as the option.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Heart of Brother Jebiah’
Kill Brother Jebiah and collect his heart.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Eat the Heart of Brother Jebiah to gain the Enduring Flame’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Heart of Brother Jebiah’
Click the Heart of Brother Jebiah to eat it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enter the Lair of the Extinction of Flame’
Go through the portal at the back of the building.
The first quest is..
‘Defeat the Extinction of Flame’s Zealots x11 and Destroy the Extinction of Flame’
Find the Zealots around the building, they are all marked on the map with a blue shield symbol.
When you kill the Zealots you will loot ‘Corrupted Zealot Hearts’ from them.
Eating these hearts will make you strong!
They can only be used in the instance, so gobble them all up!
Freed Souls
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wibble in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5498 6371
TO COMPLETE: Free Entrapped Souls in the Sanctuary of Phydrena x8
Ash of Power
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ash of Power, looted from Phydrena Devotees in Sanctuary of Phydrena at /setwaypoint 6313 6932
TO COMPLETE: Collect Ash of Power x12
Kill more of the Phydrena Devotees and collect Ash of Power from them.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
Scribblings of Power
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Extinction of Power’s Journal in Sanctuary of Phydrena at /setwaypoint 6533 7036 (Top Floor)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Notes of Power x8
Return of the Storm
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Destroy the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma Relays
Go to each of the Relays in Fort Revo and right click to destroy them.
Swim up the walls of water and drop down onto the upper wall.
Destroy the Alpha Relay
/setwaypoint 5905 7054
Destroy the Beta Relay
/setwaypoint 5844 6980
Destroy the Delta Relay
/setwaypoint 5748 7148
Destroy the Gamma Relay
/setwaypoint 5656 7099
Marching Orders
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Orders from Crucia, looted from Militant Apparitions in Fort Revo at /setwaypoint 5902 7046
TO COMPLETE: Collect Orders from Crucia x8
Kill more of the Militant Apparitions and loot the Orders from Crucia from them.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
A Shockingly Good Time
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crate of Prods in Fort Revo at /setwaypoint 5786 7086
TO COMPLETE: Use the Realignment Tool to disintegrate Mechanized Technicians x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Realignment Tool’
Find the Mechanized Technicians in Fort Revo (These guys are neutral mobs). Use the Realignment Tool on them.
There are not a lot of these guys inside the Fort, there are more of them outside towards the path.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
Avarice of the Golden Maw
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Locate the pathway to Nadir Plaza
Head to /setwaypoint 6295 6208
to locate the pathway to Nadir Plaza.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Ammonium Splitter, Cerebral Depolarizer, and Carmintium Housing’
Enter the Nadir Plaza building at
/setwaypoint 6628 6099
You will find yourself in a buried nightmare version of Meridian!
Your first quest will be to Use Orphiel’s Twisted Machine to turn Extinction of Power Zealots on each other x7
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Orphiel’s Twisted Machine’
Target the Zealots around the nightmare Meridian, the Zealots are the green ‘friendly’ mobs, like these at /setwaypoint 351 307
Use Orphiel’s Twisted Machine on them and they will attack each other! When they have killed their target, the quest will progress, make sure you stay close til the fight is over.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Extinction of Power’
Make your way to the outer courtyard to find the Extinction of Power
/setwaypoint 467 337
Kill her!
Bring her to the blue pulsing circles around the courtyard to make her vulnerable to attacks, stay out the cone of death, and move away from her when she has pulsing AOEs around herself.
Defiling Greed
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Extinction of Power Idol in Nadir Plaza at /setwaypoint 6642 6099
TO COMPLETE: Destory Extinction of Power Idols x8
Destroy the other Extinction of Power Idols in the area.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
Liquid Gold
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molten Gold in Nadir Plaza (Third level down) at /setwaypoint 6642 6087
TO COMPLETE: Collect Liquid Gold x6
Search the tower and find more of the Molten/Liquid Gold on the floor.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
The Extinction of Sanity
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Choose the Correct Portal
Go to the Rended Falls Area and you will find 6 fountains in the square, each with 4 orbs inside the water. Standing on the orbs will portal you up in the air. You need to stand on the correct orb!
Thankfully Finric is here to help, Finric’s Apparition will be stood next to the correct portal. Enter the portal at
/setwaypoint 6050 6157
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Akvan Obelisk’
Stand under the Akvan Obelist/tablet and right click to destroy it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Stop the Alliance’
Just stand and watch Bulf and Arak have a chat.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Anger Arak’
Just stand and wait, turns out he pretty angry all by himself.. no stabbing required.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5573 6387
Snarky Dentition
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Skelf Tooth, looted from Rended Skelf in Rended Falls at /setwaypoint 6071 6128
TO COMPLETE: Collect Skelf Teeth x8
Kill more of the Rended Skelf and loot the Skelf Teeth from them.
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
Tea for One
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Warm Cup of Tea in Rended Falls at /setwaypoint 5892 6088
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the teapot to Kondraum’s Beard
Hand in the quest to Kondraum’s Beard in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5570 6393
Endless Ends
The quest is picked up from Finric in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5572 6372
Speak with Princess Mala
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rectify Alsbeth’s path of destruction x3’
Head south-east of Ghar Station Rosh to the Unwoken Road
Find Icons of Undeath, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5838 6720
DPS them down to destroy them.
As you DPS down the Idol, a few adds will spawn, you can just ignore the adds and get the Idol destroyed, or you can DPS the adds down if it gets a bit much!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Prevent Alsbeth’s conversion of bandits x3’
Travel further east along the Unwoken Road to Shadow Scion.
Find the captured bandits, like these at
/setwaypoint 6450 6496
Kill all the baddies and kill the bandits too!
Note: even though there are 3 bandits here, you need to release all 3 of them to count as 1 credit towards the quest. Find 2 more groups to complete the objective.
The Key to the City
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from The Key to the City, looted from an Endless Ritualist in Shadow Scion at /setwaypoint 6461 6502
TO COMPLETE: Collect Keys to the City x5
Kill more of the Endless mobs to loot the keys.
Hand in the quest to Arlana Eshen in Ghar Station Rosh at /setwaypoint 5539 6375
Smelling the Roses
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nightmare Bloom in Shadow Scion at /setwaypoint 6712 6617
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Nightmare Blooms in the Nightmare Furnace x8
Find the Nightmare Blooms around Shadow Scion. Pick them up and bring them to the furnace at /setwaypoint 6707 6622
Right click the Furnace to destroy the flowers you have picked.
You can pick all the flowers and carry them back to the furnace, you don’t have to do them one at a time.
This quest will autocomplete when you are finished.
The Center of Oblivion
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Shadow Scion
/setwaypoint 6773 6594
Enter the portal
Warning: This quest is difficult for lower geared/level players, you may want to carry on to Tarken and then come back to this quest later.
You will now find yourself on a path leading to 3 squishy death platforms.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the First Extinction’
Head down to the first circular platform to find the big baddy you need to kill.
Finric will appear halfway down the slope and tell you he is off to find things to help, just continue down to the platform.
Defeating the Extinctions – Hints n tips
Each of the platforms has a nightmare version of Regulos for you to kill.. The fights will become progressively more difficult as you move to each platform. The last fight is HARD! Feel free to come back when you are a higher level!
Note: You can group with a level 70 character and turn on sidekicking to be popped up to level 70!
You can summon someone in to join you, but it seems only the orange tier ‘Friend to All’ summon works for this.
The fights have mechanics that need to be followed, or you will die, Finric will help you! Follow the notes below for help with each fight.
IF YOU DIE — You will find yourself back in the church.. the portal to get back to the platforms is still there, use it.. note, it may be invisible! Do not go out the yellow portal in the water.
Defeat the First Extinction
Spheres of insanity will spawn on you, if you stand in them you will gain stacks of Insanity. If you reach 10 stacks then you will ‘go insane’ be teleported away. Move out of the Spheres asap!
Heart of Asha – Destroy the heart of Asha to create a green AoE circle that you can stand in for heals. Finric will make more of them for you!
Vanquish – There will be red spots on the floor under the bosses arms, at the end of the cast he will slam his arms down on those spots, so don’t be stood in them!
Defeat the Second Extinction
Heart of Alsbeth – DPS them down, then stand in the orange circle and DPS the boss, the damage you do will be converted back into heals for yourself.
Maddening Shield – Puts an absorb shield on the boss, there seems to be no way to avoid this, just DPS the shield away.
Crash of Souls – A full frontal sweep with his arm, try to stay out of it!
Unholy Dominion – Puts a DoT on you that deals a lot of damage, be sure to destroy a heart and be stood in the circle DPSing for the duration of the DoT.
Vanquish – There will be red spots on the floor under the bosses arms, at the end of the cast he will slam his arms down on those spots, so don’t be stood in them!
Defeat the Third Extinction
This is the hard bit of the quest! See above for hints and tips.
Heart of Zareph – Places an absorb shield on you, stand in the white circle to gain multiple stacks!
Dread Refuge/Dream Loaves – Around the room will be Dream Loaves. Pick up a Dream Loaf to gain the temporary ability ‘Dream Loaf’ for 60 seconds. When the boss casts Dread Refuge use the Dream Loaf ability to reduce his shield. The
Tentacle Storm – Tentacles will pop up from the ground where your character is stood, move out of them and keep moving until the cast is over.
Crash of Souls – A full frontal sweep with his arm, try to stay out of it!
Unholy Dominion – Puts a DoT on you that deals a lot of damage, be sure to destroy a heart and be stood in the circle for the duration of the DoT.
Vanquish – There will be red spots on the floor under the bosses arms, at the end of the cast he will slam his arms down on those spots, so don’t be stood in them!
Reaving Oblivion – When the boss gets below 15% he will crouch down and soon start casting Reaving Oblivion – At the end of the cast he will deal a lot of damage, you need to kill him quickly!! Be sure to stand in the AoE from the Heart during this and kill another heart quickly to stand in when it runs out.
A Brutal Seemingly Endless Climb
The quest is picked up from Kondraum in Ghar Station Rosh
/setwaypoint 5573 6387
Find Finric at the base of Tarken Ascent
Go to the north of Draumhein to the path that goes into Tarken Glacier, find Finric halfway up the path at /setwaypoint 4758 4462
Hand in the quest to him.
62 Carnage Quests

For the cheevo ‘A Drubbing in Draumheim’ in Draumheim
I have grouped the carnage quests into areas.
There is a patrolling single mob in some of the areas, I have put example waypoints, but you may want to use the target macro to help find them. These mobs can be quite tough for low level characters!
The mob will patrol all around the area, so run around the area spamming the macro to find it!
target Shaletop Flayer
target Malfunctioning Harvester
target Shadowtorn Gatekeeper
target Unfounded Anxiety
target Hunger Demon
target Nightmare of Cinderon
target Nightmare of Gnarladon
target Nightmare of Grimnir
target Nightmare of Xan’thaerid
target Servant of Arak
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Shaletop Gang
PICK UP: You will find them in Vale of Dreams at around /setwaypoint 4548 5700
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shaletop creatures x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Inept Lookouts
PICK UP: You will find them in Vale of Dreams at around /setwaypoint 4457 5566
TO COMPLETE: Kill Inept Lookouts x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Shaletop Flayer
PICK UP: You will find one in Vale of Dreams at around /setwaypoint 4643 5374 + /setwaypoint 4472 5599
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shaletop Flayer
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fading Dreams
PICK UP: You will find them in Nyreika Station at around /setwaypoint 4419 5176
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fading Dreams x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Errant Memories
PICK UP: You will find them in Nyreika Station at around /setwaypoint 4382 5164
TO COMPLETE: Kill Errant Memories x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Malformed Nightmares
PICK UP: You will find them in Nyreika Station at around /setwaypoint 4329 4995
TO COMPLETE: Kill Malformed Nightmares x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Malformed Terrors
PICK UP: You will find them in Gemini Bluffs at around /setwaypoint 4814 4857
TO COMPLETE: Kill Malformed Terrors x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Tidepool Carrions
PICK UP: You will find them in Gemini Bluffs at around /setwaypoint 4974 4949
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tidepool Carrions x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Headfell Overseers
PICK UP: You will find them in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 4827 4708
TO COMPLETE: Kill Headfell Overseers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodthirsty Livestock
PICK UP: You will find them in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 4841 4702
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodthirsty Livestock x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dark Splinters
PICK UP: You will find them in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 4777 4666
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dark Splinters x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Malfunctioning Harvester
PICK UP: You will find one in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 4768 4671 + /setwaypoint 4635 4626
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Malfunctioning Harvester
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dream Eaters
PICK UP: You will find them in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 4847 4529
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dream Eaters x3
CARNAGE: Carnage: Restless Presences
PICK UP: You will find them in Headfell Farms at around /setwaypoint 5070 4678
TO COMPLETE: Kill Restless Presences x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Thekk Patrollers
PICK UP: You will find them in Thekk Overlook at around /setwaypoint 5154 4687
TO COMPLETE: Kill Thekk Patrollers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Corrupted Onir
PICK UP: You will find them in Thekk Overlook at around /setwaypoint 5099 4550
TO COMPLETE: Kill Corrupted Onir x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Unbound Sentries
PICK UP: You will find them in North gate at around /setwaypoint 5098 4826
TO COMPLETE: Kill Unbound Sentries x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmare Gremlins
PICK UP: You will find them in North gate at around /setwaypoint 5187 5029
TO COMPLETE: Kill Nightmare Gremlins x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dreamfallen Guards
PICK UP: You will find them in North gate at around /setwaypoint 5105 5100
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dreamfallen Guards x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Shadowtorn Gatekeeper
PICK UP: You will find him in North gate at around /setwaypoint 5318 4815 + /setwaypoint 5106 5210
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Shadowtorn Gatekeeper
CARNAGE: Carnage: Steam Elementals
PICK UP: You will find them in Tribulation Square at around /setwaypoint 5442 5060
TO COMPLETE: Kill Steam Elementals x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flameterror Nightmares
PICK UP: You will find them in Tribulation Square at around /setwaypoint 5474 5129
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flameterror Nightmares x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Debt and Taxes
PICK UP: You will find them in Prosperity Heights at around /setwaypoint 5552 5362
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tax Collectors x5 and Kill a Final Debt – You can find one at /setwaypoint 5582 5393
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dance Revolution
PICK UP: You will find them in Polyp Promenade at around /setwaypoint 5383 5277
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dreadful Dancers x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Fashion Disaster
PICK UP: You will find them in Polyp Promenade at around /setwaypoint 5362 5316
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fashion Faux Pas x3
CARNAGE: Carnage: Awkward Revelers
PICK UP: You will find them in Bottomtown at around /setwaypoint 5206 5386
TO COMPLETE: Kill Awkward Revelers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Enticing Flowers
PICK UP: You will find them in Bottomtown at around /setwaypoint 5098 5528
TO COMPLETE: Kill Enticing Flowers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Insatiable Vampires
PICK UP: You will find them in Bottomtown at around /setwaypoint 5230 5550
TO COMPLETE: Kill Vampires in Bottomtown x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Feral Fodder
PICK UP: You will find them in Lost Knot at around /setwaypoint 5403 5693
TO COMPLETE: Kill Feral Beasts x12
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lost Profits
PICK UP: You will find them in Choreburg at around /setwaypoint 5959 5480
TO COMPLETE: Kill Shoplifters x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Right To Refuse Service
PICK UP: You will find them in Choreburg at around /setwaypoint 5912 5428
TO COMPLETE: Kill Irate Customers x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Critics
PICK UP: You will find them in Zuexis District at around /setwaypoint 6061 5433
TO COMPLETE: Kill Critics x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Kill All Mines
PICK UP: You will find them in Zuexis District at around /setwaypoint 6043 5408
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mines x9
CARNAGE: Carnage: Art is Not a Crime
PICK UP: You will find them in Zuexis District at around /setwaypoint 6025 5401
TO COMPLETE: Kill Street Painters or Graffiti Hooligans x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lucid Nightmares
PICK UP: You will find them in Lucid Strait at around /setwaypoint 5234 5963
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lucid Nightmares x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Dread Whelps
PICK UP: You will find them in Lucid Strait at around /setwaypoint 5254 5967
TO COMPLETE: Kill Dread Whelps x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Unfounded Anxiety
PICK UP: You will find them in Lucid Strait at around /setwaypoint 5159 5886
TO COMPLETE: Kill an Unfounded Anxiety
CARNAGE: Carnage: Manifest Nightmares
PICK UP: You will find them in Catherdral of Canus at around /setwaypoint 5068 5966
TO COMPLETE: Kill Manifest Nightmares x10
CARNAGE: Carnage: Hulking Terrors
PICK UP: You will find them in Catherdral of Canus at around /setwaypoint 5000 5904
TO COMPLETE: Kill Hulking Terrors x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: The Unwoken
PICK UP: You will find them in Ghar Station Rosh at around /setwaypoint 5530 6641
TO COMPLETE: Kill Unwoken Nightmares x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Hunger Demon
PICK UP: You will find one in Landquarium at around /setwaypoint 5288 6428 + /setwaypoint 5173 6388 + /setwaypoint 5243 6696
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Hunger Demon
CARNAGE: Carnage: Wayward Specters
PICK UP: You will find them in Landquarium at around /setwaypoint 5213 6465
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wayward Specters x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Phydrena Devotees
PICK UP: You will find them in Sanctuary of Phydrena at around /setwaypoint 6313 6932
TO COMPLETE: Kill Phydrena Devotees x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Flamethrall Guards
PICK UP: You will find them in Sanctuary of Phydrena at around /setwaypoint 6421 6985
TO COMPLETE: Kill Flamethrall Guards x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Mechanized Doombringers
PICK UP: You will find them in Fort Revo at around /setwaypoint 5889 7002
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mechanized Doombringers x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Revo Sharks
PICK UP: You will find them in Fort Revo at around /setwaypoint 5978 7109 (high in the water)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Revo Sharks x6
CARNAGE: Carnage: Militant Apparitions
PICK UP: You will find them in Fort Revo at around /setwaypoint 5902 7046
TO COMPLETE: Kill Militant Apparitions x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Glorious Legionnaires
PICK UP: You will find them in Nadir Plaza at around /setwaypoint 6550 6144 (Outside)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Glorious Legionnaires x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Gilded Golems
PICK UP: You will find them in Nadir Plaza at around /setwaypoint 6623 6097 (Outside)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golems in Nadir Plaza x5
CARNAGE: Carnage: Lurking Fall-dwellers
PICK UP: You will find them in Rended Falls at around /setwaypoint 6048 6143
TO COMPLETE: Kill Lurking Fall-dwellers x4
CARNAGE: Carnage: Rended Skelf
PICK UP: You will find them in Rended Falls at around /setwaypoint 6071 6128
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rended Skelf x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmare of Gnarladon
PICK UP: You will find one in Unwoken Road at around /setwaypoint 5789 6712
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Nightmare of Gnarladon
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmare of Grimnir
PICK UP: You will find one in Unwoken Road at around /setwaypoint 6075 6674
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Nightmare of Grimnir
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmare of Cinderon
PICK UP: You will find one in Unwoken Road at around /setwaypoint 5955 6625
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Nightmare of Cinderon
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmare of Xan’thaerid
PICK UP: You will find one in Unwoken Road at around /setwaypoint 5690 6656
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Nightmare of Xan’thaerid
CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightmares of the Past
PICK UP: You will find them in Shadow Scion at around /setwaypoint 6406 6542
TO COMPLETE: Kill nightmares at Shadow Scion x8
CARNAGE: Carnage: Servant of Arak
PICK UP: You will find them in Shadow Scion at around /setwaypoint 6497 6382 + /setwaypoint 6404 6459
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Servant of Arak
Warning: The next few carnages are for level 65 players, come back when you are big n strong!
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scion Deathcallers
PICK UP: You will find them in Shadow Scion at around /setwaypoint 6713 6384 – Go up the Bouncer at /setwaypoint 6689 6433
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scion Deathcallers x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scion Horrors
PICK UP: You will find them in Shadow Scion at around /setwaypoint 6778 6374 – Go up the Bouncer at /setwaypoint 6689 6433
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scion Horrors x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Scion Harbingers
PICK UP: You will find them in Shadow Scion at around /setwaypoint 6800 6454 – Go up the Bouncer at /setwaypoint 6689 6433
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scion Harbingers x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Akvan Horrors
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Sea (The water above Draumheim) at around /setwaypoint 6432 6529
TO COMPLETE: Kill Akvan Horrors x7
CARNAGE: Carnage: Calceron Threshers
PICK UP: You will find them in Calceron Sea (The water above Draumheim) at around /setwaypoint 4607 5440
TO COMPLETE: Kill Calceron Threshers x7
Notes for Completionist..
- The quest ‘Old Familiar Faces‘ wouldn’t show as complete for me, even though I definitely did it!