- Stillmoor is a level 45-50 zone.
- To get to this zone you will follow the path in from Iron Pine Peak.
- There are 2 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Crusader’s Advance, Warden’s Descent, Trial of the Sentinel, Thalin Tor and Zareph’s Return
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Greenscale’s Blight Raid – /setwaypoint 753 2699
— Entrance to River of Souls Raid – /setwaypoint 990 2708
Below is a guide for all 82 quests in Stillmoor.
With 72 Main Quests and 10 Rare Mob Quests.
For the Stillmoor rares go here
For the Stillmoor puzzle go here
For the other Stillmoor cheevos go here
This guide is for the Guardian Questline in Stillmoor.
For the Defiant version of this page, click here!
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Rare Mob Quests
Quest Cheevos
There are 82 quests in Stillmoor, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo. There are 72 main quests for Guardians, but one of them does not count towards the cheevo, so you will need to complete at least 1 of the rare quests.

Mirror Mirror

Stillmoor Days, Mathosian Knights

Baron It All

72 Main Quests
There are 3 breadcrumb quests leading you into Stillmoor, they are all picked up in Droughtlands.
The 3 quests are handed in at 3 different locations in Stillmoor.
We will be taking the Exile’s Den portal into Iron Pine Peak and then following the path to the West into Stillmoor.
We will hand in the 3 breadcrumb quests at each quest hub as we naturally reach them while doing the Stillmoor questline.
Let Me Draw You a Map
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Diana Merridain in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands.
/setwaypoint 7683 6265
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you reach level 45.
TO COMPLETE: Find Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch, Stillmoor
Hand in the quest to Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch, Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2689 2448
First Eth, then Mathosia
The quest is picked up from Null Aximander in Brigand’s Bluff
/setwaypoint 8672 6458
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Droughtlands.
Find Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch, Stillmoor
Hand in the quest to Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch, Stillmoor at
/setwaypoint 2670 3087
Faith is a Rocky Path
The quest is picked up from Ren Greer in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands.
/setwaypoint 7694 6362
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you have reached level 45.
Speak with Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor in Stillmoor
Hand in the quest to Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
The Stillmoor
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch, Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2689 2448
TO COMPLETE: Find Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance
Hand in the quest to Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2471 2406
The View from Up Here
The quest is picked up from Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance
/setwaypoint 2471 2406
Survey the landscape with the Scout’s Telescope
Soldiers of Misfortune
The quest is picked up from Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance
/setwaypoint 2488 2417
Kill Mathosian Champions and Men-at-Arms x6
Kill Profane Symbols x6
Kill all these mobs in the town area of Burlingham /setwaypoint 2275 2285
Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
Vigil for the Damned
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2471 2406
TO COMPLETE: Use the Vigil’s Grace on corpses of Ghostly and Rotting Mathosians x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Vigil’s Grace’
Go into Burlingham and kill Ghostly and Rotting Mathosians, target their corpses and use the Vigil’s Grace.
Hand in the quest to Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2471 2406
That was the Old Mathosia
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lenna Greenvale in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2465 2407
TO COMPLETE: Collect Holy Idols x6
Bound by Honor
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Beatrice Wengrove in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2463 2391
TO COMPLETE: Use the Vigil Chains on a Mathosian Man-at-Arms
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Vigil Chains’
Find a Mathosian Man-at-Arms in Burlingham, like this one at /setwaypoint 2267 2232
Bring the Mathosian Man-at-Arms down to less than 40% health and use the Vigil Chains on him, he will leash to you and follow you.
Take the Mathosian Man-at-Arms back to Crusader’s Advance.
Hand in the quest to Beatrice Wengrove in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2463 2391
One Last Dance
The quest is picked up from Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance
/setwaypoint 2488 2417
Bring death to Lev Nevok
Bring death to Dravko Skeda
Sign of the Times
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
TO COMPLETE: Collect Emblems of Mathos x5
Loot the Emblems of Mathos from Mathosian Knights in Burlingham /setwaypoint 2119 2118
Hand in the quest to Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
The Sun Will Never Charm Them
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dresh Monesky in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2473 2417
TO COMPLETE: Kill the Blood Drained x12
Kill the Blood Drained mobs in Burlingham /setwaypoint 2150 2103
Hand in the quest to Dresh Monesky in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2473 2417
An Answer to Your Prayers
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lenna Greenvale in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2465 2407
Pray at the Defiled Altar
Pray at the Damned Altar
No More Secrets
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Beatrice Wengrove in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2463 2391
Prepare the Sourcestone Offering
Observe the interrogation
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mathosian Family Seal, looted from Mathosian Knights in Burlingham at /setwaypoint 2119 2118
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Mathosian Family Seal to Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance
Hand in the quest to Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
I'll Just Have a Sip
The quest is picked up from Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance
/setwaypoint 2488 2417
Have Lillithiara drink your poisoned blood
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Vial of Spectral Poison’
Find Lillithiara in Burlingham at /setwaypoint 2063 2076
Use the Vial of Spectral Poison and speak with Lillithiara to make her drink your poisoned blood, then you can kill her!
Hand in the quest to Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
The Descent
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Greggor Kerkosa in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2488 2417
TO COMPLETE: Find Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Breaking the Pack
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Kill Longfang Savages x6
Kill Longfang Wolves x6
Kill the Longfang Savages and Wolves in Revenna /setwaypoint 2181 2387
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Remnants of Faith
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
TO COMPLETE: Collect Pendants of the Vigil x5
Loot the Pendants of the Vigil from Savage Werewolves in Ravenna /setwaypoint 2174 2365
Hand in the quest to Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
Blinded by the Light
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
TO COMPLETE: Kill Emerald Wisps x5
Kill Emerald Wisps in Ravenna /setwaypoint 2174 2365
Hand in the quest to Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
Blood of the Faithful
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Drego Kreminir in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2260 2508
TO COMPLETE: Gather Samples of Coagulated Blood x4
One With Nature
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Aelfwar House Signet, looted from Werewolf Corpse in Ravenna at /setwaypoint 2110 2368
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Aelfwar House Signet to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Belying Rage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
TO COMPLETE: Use Collar on a Savage Werewolf
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Collar of Reverence’
Find a Savage Werewolf in Ravenna /setwaypoint 2157 2377
Get it down to less than 50% health and use the Collar, the Werewolf will now follow you, take him back to Warden’s Descent.
Hand in the quest to Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
Stolen Memories
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
Collect Hansen’s Journal
Collect Jayne’s Spectacles
Collect Pekinar’s Lucky Coin
Kill Lycanthropic Guardians in Ravenna to loot the items, like this one at /setwaypoint 1956 2365 – You can also find one at /setwaypoint 1980 2298 and /setwaypoint 2025 2249 – I found I had to kill quite of few of them to get the third item to drop!
Hand in the quest to Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
Sniffing Them Out
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
TO COMPLETE: Kill Werewolves hidden in Warden’s Descent x3
For this quest, you will be given a companion doggo!
The dog will follow you and sniff out the baddies for you to kill, if you lose your dog at any point, you can come back to the quest giver to ask for another one.
Walk around the NPCs near the questgiver, allow the dog to sniff them and some will turn into Werewolves for you to kill. For me, the NPC at /setwaypoint 2263 2465 turned, but I’m sure it’s random! Find and kill 3 of the werewolves.
Hand in the quest to Tristen Altenny in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2270 2479
The Light that Leads
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
TO COMPLETE: Use the Expulsion Orb on an Emerald Wisp
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Expulsion Orb’
Go into Ravenna and target an Emerald Wisp /setwaypoint 2209 2399 use the Expulsion Orb on it, this will turn you into a wisp and make all surrounding mobs friendly.
Follow the Wisp to its home at /setwaypoint 2038 2238 don’t worry if you lose track of the wisp, just keep going to the marked location.
Hand in the quest to Frago Mossmonger in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2262 2500
A Natural Death
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aelfwar x10
Kill Aelfwar mobs (Emerald Scale) in Ravenna /setwaypoint 2034 2212
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
A Furtive Dialogue
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eye of Greenscale in Ravenna at /setwaypoint 2054 2221
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Galenir’s projection and learn his plans
Click the Eye of Greenscale and Galenir will appear on top of it. Right click Galenir to talk with him.
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo Stillmoor Days, Mathosian Knights

Spreading the Disease
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Galenir’s Command, looted from Alethia the Huntress in Ravenna at /setwaypoint 1982 2203
TO COMPLETE: Warn Maristen Crow
Speak with Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
Protect her from the mobs that attack.
Hand in the quest to Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
House Aelfwar
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Maristen Crow in Warden’s Descent at /setwaypoint 2277 2481
TO COMPLETE: Find Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel
Hand in the quest to Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2058 2478
Those Who Walk with Dogs
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2058 2478
TO COMPLETE: Kill Emerald Scale Packleaders x4
Find and kill the Packleaders in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810
Hand in the quest to Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2058 2478
The Hunt Rages On
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Liel Mayweather in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2066 2484
Kill Aelenoth the Tranquil
Kill Ariana of the Emerald Eye
Kill Telthaeus
Find the three mobs at their locations and kill them
Attuning the Aelfwar
The quest is picked up from Burdock Graybellows in Trial of the Sentinel
/setwaypoint 2050 2495
Collect Attunement Stones from Emerald Scale Werewolves x5
Find the Emerald Scale Werewolves in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810 kill them and loot the stones.
Hand in the quest to Burdock Graybellows in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2050 2495
Fate of the Aelfwar
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Danika Zaria in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2064 2518
Kill Emerald Scale Magi and Priestesses x5
Kill Emerald Scale Tormentors and Executioners x5
Find and kill all these mobs in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810 and /setwaypoint 2144 2682
Hand in the quest to Danika Zaria in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2064 2518
Telthaeus's Rage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Telthaeus’s Rage, looted from Telthaeus in Edgewood at /setwaypoint 2021 2886
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Telthaeus’s Rage to Periman Highring in Trial of the Sentinel
Hand in the quest to Periman Highring in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2055 2479
Keeping Control
The quest is picked up from Burdock Graybellows in Trial of the Sentinel
/setwaypoint 2050 2495
Activate a Soothing Stone
Find a Soothing Stone in Edgewood, like this one at /setwaypoint 1983 2803
Right click it to activate it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Emerald Scale Shifters’
Where the stone stood, a portal will open up and the Emerald Scale Shifters will come through, kill them!
Hand in the quest to Burdock Graybellows in Trial of the Sentinel
/setwaypoint 2050 2495
Trimming the Verge
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Liel Mayweather in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2066 2484
TO COMPLETE: Use the Faetouched Inhibitor on Aelfwar Infestations x6
Taking What's Theirs
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Periman Highring in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2055 2479
TO COMPLETE: Collect Life-Altered Weapons x8
The Source Corrupted
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Periman Highring in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2055 2479
TO COMPLETE: Harvest Shade Infused Crystals x6
Alien Altars
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Evangar Havenson in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2065 2501
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Primordial Altars x3
Galenir's Last Act
The quest is picked up from Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel
/setwaypoint 2058 2478
Find Ellen Frell
The Truth Comes Out
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hylas’s Command, looted from Galenir in Edgewood at /setwaypoint 2218 2614
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Hylas’s Command to Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel
Hand in the quest to Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2058 2478
The Eye is Upon Us
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jane Pierce in Trial of the Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2058 2478
TO COMPLETE: Find Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor
Hand in the quest to Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
Hand them Over
The quest is picked up from Alvric Kastion in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1769 2331
Collect Shade Talismans x10
Loot the Shade Talismans from Endless mobs in the Eye of Regulos
/setwaypoint 1866 2498
Hand in the quest to Alvric Kastion in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1769 2331
Dirty Job
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Miriam Glen in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1749 2329
TO COMPLETE: Collect Blessed Weapons x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Eye of Bahralt’
Head into the Eye of Regulos are and use the Eye of Bahralt as you walk around. If you are close to a dirt pile then it will light up the earth and you can go to the light and find the exposed dirt pile. Right click the dirt pile to loot the Blessed Weapons, sometimes a Cursed Vigilant will spawn, kill it to loot the Blessed Weapon
I found one at /setwaypoint 1938 2506 – /setwaypoint 1977 2540 – /setwaypoint 2005 2634
Hand in the quest to Miriam Glen in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1749 2329
Living on the Edge
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
Kill Endless Shademages x5
Kill Endless Darkbladesm, Persecuters, and Voidguards x8
Kill these mobs in mobs in the Eye of Regulos at /setwaypoint 1904 2528
Hand in the quest to Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
Beholden To The Past
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Blessed Shield, looted from an Endless mob in Eye of Regulos at /setwaypoint 1975 2543
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Blessed Shield to Kerik Tolstov at Thalin Tor
Hand in the quest to Kerik Tolstov at Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1753 2343
Getting Some Shade
The quest is picked up from Alvric Kastion in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1769 2331
Attune the Shade Talisman
Seal of Disapproval
The quest is picked up from Ben Felsted in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1739 2334
Stop Alsbeth’s Ritual in the Eye of Regulos
Dead End
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ben Felsted in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1739 2334
TO COMPLETE: Kill rift creatures in the Eye of Regulos x15
Kill rift creatures in the rift found in the middle of the Eye of Regulos.
Hand in the quest to Ben Felsted in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1739 2334
No Protection for the Damned
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dejan Jevric in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1755 2342
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Nether Foci x4
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alvric Kastion in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1769 2331
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve Loosly Stitched Hearts x4
Kill Baleful Constructs in the centre of the Eye of Regulos /setwaypoint 1869 2670 and loot the hearts from them.
Hand in the quest to Alvric Kastion in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1769 2331
Not Ready to Die
The quest is picked up from Dame Levitia Volya in Caer Thalos
/setwaypoint 1860 2160
Free Captain Ledisko before she suffocates!
Warning: This quest is timed – You have 1 minute to complete it!
Rise and Fall
The quest is picked up from Dame Levitia Volya in Caer Thalos
/setwaypoint 1860 2160
Add villager corpses to the pile x5
Use the Victim of Kain item near the pile to add the corpse to it. Add 5 corpses to the pile in this way.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Symbol of Consecration to consecrate the bodies in Thalin Tor’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Symbol of Consecration’
Stand near the pile of corpses and use it.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to the spirit of Carwin Mathos’
Go under the nearby archway and Carwin Mathos will spawn, right click to speak with him. Stay in the spot while a bunch of NPCs have a conversation, this will take about 1 minute.
Hand in the quest to Donal Sumptor in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1735 2364
Past is Prologue
The quest is picked up from Donal Sumptor in Thalin Tor
/setwaypoint 1735 2364
Deliver the 12th Guard Orders to Captain Zamora
Speak with Captain Zamora, right next to the questgiver at /setwaypoint 1727 2366
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report to Tam Daggerborne in Sanctum’
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7608 3107
Knight Fall
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Kill House Thalos Sentinels and Knights x10
Kill the mobs in Caer Thalos /setwaypoint 1793 2070
Hand in the quest to Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
You're in Hot Water Now
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Use the Blessing of Mathos to destory Decaying Sentinels x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Blessing of Mathos’
Find the Decaying Sentinels found in Caer Thalos /setwaypoint 1793 2070
Use the Blessing of Mathos to target the ground under the Decaying Sentinels and watch them burn!
Hand in the quest to Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
Caged Up
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kerik Tolstov at Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1753 2343
TO COMPLETE: Rescue prisoners from the Crude Prisons x5
Face to Face to Face
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
Kill Darkspawn Shamans x4
Kill Darkspawn Savages x5
Kill Darkspawn Shamans and Savages in Twisted Hollow /setwaypoint 1632 2149
Hand in the quest to Nyriel Windspell in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1742 2333
Lay Down and Stay Down
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Use the Justice of Mathos on a defeated Spawn of Thalos x5
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Justice of Mathos’
GO back up to Caer Thalos and all the way in to the inner courtyard /setwaypoint 1811 1893
Kill Spawn of Thalos mobs (found mostly near the walls or on top of the walls) and use the Justice of Mathos item on their corpses.
Hand in the quest to Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Collect Moonblooms x6
The Spirit Walk
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Place the Moonbloom in the brazier
Find the Brazier half way up the tower in Thalin Tor /setwaypoint 1741 2336, see here for a video for how to get there (follow the first half til you reach the Brazier).
Right click the Brazier to place the Moonbloom inside
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow your Spirit Guide and defeat your shadowform’
Next to the Brazier your Spirit Guide will appear, follow it a short distance somewhere in the building (Random location, follow the guide!)
Hand in the quest to Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Mirror Mirror’

Brothers in Harms
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adrina Nikolin in Thalin Tor at /setwaypoint 1736 2353
TO COMPLETE: Find Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return
Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625
Zareph’s Return
Zareph’s Return is the main hub for Stillmoor. When you finish the main quest line you will find all the daily quests here.
Zareph’s Return is split into a side for Guardians, a side for Defiants and a Neutral area in the middle.
They All Fall Down
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Javor Konjovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2634
Kill Mathosian Soldiers and Knights x8
Kill Mathosian undead x8
Kill these mobs in the Death’s Approach area /setwaypoint 1388 2664
Hand in the quest to Javor Konjovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2634
Assault on the Citadel
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Valeria Tazin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1602 2613
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mathosians in the Endless Citadel x15
Kill Mathosians in the Endless Citadel /setwaypoint 1172 2714 you will also find them on top of the walls.
Hand in the quest to Valeria Tazin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1602 2613
Herald of Discord
The quest is picked up from Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1622 2625
Kill Baron Krevic
Warning: At level 50, this is a difficult open world raid boss, you will not be able to solo it! At level 70 this is very easy to solo. If you are solo questing, you can skip this quest for now and come back later when you are at least level 65 to solo it.
Delivering the Message
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch at /setwaypoint 2669 3087
TO COMPLETE: Find Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance
Hand in the quest to Clark Stamp in Crusader’s Advance at /setwaypoint 2471 2406
10 Rare Mob Quests
Killing each of the rares in Stillmoor will drop a quest item that asks you to hand in the item.
You can find a full guide to the Stillmoor rares here.
Blood Bough
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Blood Bough’s Branch
From the rare mob: Blood Bough in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1566 3299
TO COMPLETE: Bring Blood Bough’s Branch to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Taziel Kanur
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Taziel’s Notebook
From the rare mob: Taziel Kanur in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2404 2650
TO COMPLETE: Bring Taziel’s Notebook to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Thagrux the Unclean
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Thagrux’s Staff
From the rare mob: Thagrux the Unclean in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1854 3428
TO COMPLETE: Bring Thagrux’s Staff to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Khromas the Eternal
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Khromas’ Iron Plate
From the rare mob: Khromas the Eternal in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1329 2621
TO COMPLETE: Bring Khromas’ Iron Plate to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Spineclaw’s Spine
From the rare mob: Spineclaw in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2171 2594
TO COMPLETE: Bring Spineclaw’s Spine to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Experimental War Golem
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Experimental Golem Gear
From the rare mob: Experimental War Golem in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1157 2696
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Experimental Golem Gear to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
The Endless Broodmother
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Brain of the Broodmother
From the rare mob: The Endless Broodmother in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1309 2386
TO COMPLETE: Bring Brain of the Broodmother to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Jom Turner
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Turner’s Amulet
From the rare mob: Jom Turner in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2004 2241
TO COMPLETE: Bring Turner’s Amulet to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Azumel the Screecher
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Azumel’s Claw
From the rare mob: Azumel the Screecher in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1728 2310
TO COMPLETE: Bring Azumel’s Claw to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
Monster Hunter of Stillmoor
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Natalija Pavlica in Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
You can only pick up this quest after you have killed all 9 rares and handed in their quests.
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return
Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625
Notes for Completionist..
- After you have completed all the quests there will be 23 quests still listed. These quests are Defiant only quests and cannot be completed by your Guardian character.