Silverwood Quests


Quests found in Sanctum, and the Tutorial quests that are granted when you reach a certain level, are all explained on the Sanctum guide page.

  • Silverwood is a level 6-20 zone.
  • This is the first zone you enter after finishing the Tutorial as a Guardian. (Defiants can just swim across from Freemarch to get here).
  • There are 3 portals in the zone. (Plus another in Sanctum)
  • Main quest hubs include.. Divine Landing, Argent Glade, Quicksilver College, Marsh House, Silver Landing, Sanctum Watch, Wayward Thicket and Highglades Lookout.
  • Other points of interest are..
    –The Guardian Capital city, Sanctum is to the East of Silverwood.
    — Entrance to The Realm of the Fae Dungeon at /setwaypoint 6695 2731

Below is a guide for all 118 quests in Silverwood. (Plus a few extra fishing quests)
Starting with 89 Main Quests, then 29 Carnages and the Fishing Quests.

For the  Silverwood rares go here
For the  Silverwood puzzle go here
For the other Silverwood cheevos go here

This guide is for the Guardian Questline in Silverwood.
For the Defiant version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 118 quests in Silverwood, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.

A Silver Lining
Freshman Orientation
The Felling of Kongeegon

89 Main Quests

When you first enter Silverwood you will still have the quest ‘A Dim Dark Eye’ from the Mathosia Tutorial.
You can hand in this quest to Messenger of the Vigil in Divine Landing, Silverwood
/setwaypoint 6071 3961

Introduction: Soul Tree


The quest is picked up from Messenger of the Vigil in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6071 3961

Talk to Messenger of the Vigil about your Soul Tree

Talk with Messenger of the Vigil and watch the Introduction video about the soul tree.

Once you are finished, hand in the quest to Messenger of the Vigil in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6071 3961

The Return


The quest is picked up from Messenger of the Vigil in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6071 3961

Speak with Sienna Faralon
Speak with Alwin Demler

The two NPCs that you need to talk to are a little further down the path, they are marked on the map with blue speech bubbles

Sienna Faralon – /setwaypoint 6094 3982
Alwin Demler – /setwaypoint 6142 4010

Speak to both NPCs then continue down the path to find Orin Bancroft at Divine Landing to hand in the quest /setwaypoint 6208 3866

Wanton Flame


The quest is picked up from Orin Bancroft in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6208 3866

Throw the Spear of Light at the Specter of Maelforge

Go to the small island just off the shoreline to find the Specter of Maelforge
/setwaypoint 6338 3802

Use your Spear of Light quest ability then place the ground aoe under the Specter of Maelforge to stop the ritual.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Spirit of Carwin in Divine Landing’

Go to the Spirit of Carwin in Divine Landing /setwaypoint 6244 3876 and hand in the quest

You will also receive the Planar Lure ability for completing this quest. This will be an item in your bags that you right click to learn the ability. You will then find the ability in your ability book under Ascended Powers > Lures
The Planar Lure is used at a Rift Tear to fully open a Rift.

Stand in the tear and use the Planar Lure ability to turn it into a Rift.

Divine Inspiration


The quest is picked up from Sir Andrin Kahn in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6210 3852

Inspire Guardian Sentries x5

You have a quest item attached to your quest stick called ‘Sigil of Inspiration’
Nearby you will see Guardian Sentries posted along the path.

Target the Guardian Sentries and click the Sigil of Inspiration to use it.

The one pictured is at /setwaypoint 6189 3848

Use the Sigil on 5 Sentries and then hand in the quest to Sir Andrin Kahn in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6210 3852

The Art of Soul Binding

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ethain Melankis in Divine Landing at /setwaypoint 6221 3850
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Ethain Melankis

Take the quest from Ethain Melankis and then right click to speak to him about the Soul Recall ability.

Completing this quest will grant you the Soul Recall ability. (If you are already level 10 then you would have been granted the ability automatically already)
It will show up in your new abilities pop-up, or you can find it in your ability book in the General abilities tab.

Soul Recall can be used to take you back to a Portal of your choosing. When you receive the ability it will already be bound to your main city, Sanctum.
Once you pass level 50 you will likely want to change your Recall point to Tempest Bay, the shared main city.

The Planar Porticulum

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ethain Melankis in Divine Landing at /setwaypoint 6221 3850
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Annette Kostral in Argent Glade

Open up the map and you will see the blue tick where this quest is handed in in Argent Glade.

You will end up in Argent Glade if you follow the questline, there is no need to go there now, just grab the quest and hand it in when you get there

When you arrive in Argent Glade, hand in the quest to Annette Kostral standing near the portal at /setwaypoint 6021 3122

Ghastly Tinder

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Extinguished Wanton Tinder in Divine Landing at /setwaypoint 6177 3842
TO COMPLETE: Extinguish Wanton Tinder x6

Pick up the quest from the Extinguished Wanton Tinder and then right click on 6 more of the Wanton Tinders in the Divine Landing area.

Hand in the quest to Sir Andrin Kahn in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6210 3852

Out of the Hands of Evil

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Corrupted Reliquary in Sanguine Shores at /setwaypoint 6240 3803
Recover the Relic of Bahralt
Recover the Relic of Tavril
Recover the Relic of Thontic

Pick up the quest from the Corrupted Reliquary and then visit each location waypointed on your map to pick up the 3 Relics

When you have collected all 3, hand in the quest to Sir Andrin Kahn in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6210 3852

Relic of Bahralt
/setwaypoint 6321 3694
Relic of Tavril
/setwaypoint 6250 3748
Relic of Thontic
/setwaypoint 6310 3840
Recovered Notes

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from a small pile of rocks in Sanguine Shores at /setwaypoint 6301 3693
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Recovered Notes to Nathen Creen in Divine Landing

Hand in the quest to Nathen Creen in Divine Landing /setwaypoint 6205 3846

Carrying the Light


The quest is picked up from Spirit of Carwin in Divine Landing
/setwaypoint 6244 3876

Speak with Rudi Tanlop in Sterling Hills

Follow the path North to find Rudi Tanlop in Sterling Hills
/setwaypoint 6214 3590
Hand in the quest

Singed Hives


The quest is picked up from Rudi Tanlop in Sterling Hills
/setwaypoint 6214 3590

Collect Scorched Hivewalls

Collect Scorched Hivewalls by destroying Vespid Hives

There are 3 large quest circles to find the Vespid Hives in

This hive is at /setwaypoint 6084 3630

Destroy the hive and everything that comes out of them!
Loot the Scorched Hivewall from the destroyed hive, this item will go straight into your quest items bag on your quest log.

Collect 3 Scorched Hivewalls and then hand in the quest to Rudi Tanlop in Sterling Hills
/setwaypoint 6214 3590

Blessings of the Vigil

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dame Veira Connal in Sterling Hills at /setwaypoint 6209 3581
TO COMPLETE: Close a Rift to Gain Planar Charge

Hopefully there will be a rift nearby
You can also use your planar lure on a tear if there are no open rifts.
Keep an eye on the rifts level, try to choose something below your character to start you off easy!

Go to the Rift and kill all the things till it closes!

You will note that when it closes you will gain a Planar Charge, your Planar Charge count is shown in the bottom left of your character portrait.
You can find more information about Planar Charges in the new player guides page.

Go to Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade south gate at /setwaypoint 6094 3253 and hand in the quest.

A Tear in Telara

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dame Veira Connal in Sterling Hills at /setwaypoint 6209 3581
TO COMPLETE: Collect Planarite from rifts and invasions x5

You may already have more than 5 Planarite due to previous encounters with planar creatures. If you don’t then you can attack some rifts or invasions while you are doing the next batch of quests.

You can keep track of how much Planarite you have in your currencies tab on your character screen.
When you have enough Planarite, hand in the quest to Rorth Devalm in South Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6093 3256

This quest will reward you with a Sigil of the Planes (Focus), this item goes into the central slot at the bottom of your character gear screen. This focus will only hold 2 essences, so you will want to replace it with a 6 slot focus asap.

Seek Out Argent Glade


The quest is picked up from Rudi Tanlop in Sterling Hills
/setwaypoint 6214 3590

Deliver Rudi’s Report to Colten Feddel in Argent Glade

Travel further North along the path till you reach Argent Glade.
Find Colten Feddel just across the bridge at /setwaypoint 6073 3256
Hand in the quest.

Shrines of Tavril


The quest is picked up from Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256

Cleanse the Tribute of Stone
Cleanse the Tribute of Soil
Cleanse the Tribute of Wood

One shrine is to the West while the other two are in the South.

Click all 3 shrines then return to Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256
Hand in the quest

Tribute of Stone
/setwaypoint 5930 3229
Tribute of Soil
/setwaypoint 6047 3395
Tribute of Wood
/setwaypoint 6114 3429
Holy Champion

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6094 3253
TO COMPLETE: Use Planar Charge to Cast your Ascended Power: Fury of the Asdcended

You can find the Fury of the Asdcended ability in your ability book under Ascended Powers > Planar War.
Click the ability to consume a Planar Charge and gain a buff that makes you hit planar mobs harder.
This ability can be very useful during zone events when the zone gets very busy with planar mobs.

Your quest objective will change to ‘Return to Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade’
Go back to Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6094 3253 and hand in the quest.

Call for Help

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6094 3253
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Dolan Ashwalker in South Argent Glade

This quest will award you will the Ascended Power: Guardian’s Flare
Guardian’s Flare can be used to call for assistance when you are trying to destroy planar footholds in the Mathosian continent.
Hand in the quest to Dolan Ashwalker in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6094 3253

Immolation Avenged


The quest is picked up from Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256

Kill Bile
Kill Scald
Kill Seeth
Kill Welt

The 4 mobs you need to kill are in the area to the South, they are each marked on your map with a yellow quest dot.

Each location has a ‘victim’ tied to a pole, right click the victim to make the mob you need to kill spawn

Bile – /setwaypoint 6166 3351
Scald – /setwaypoint 6233 3329
Seeth – /setwaypoint 6250 3404
Welt – /setwaypoint 6190 3452

when you finish, return to Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256
Hand in the quest

Minions of Maelforge

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Flameweaver Totem, Dropped by Goblin Flameweavers  in Sterling Hills at /setwaypoint 6164 3356
TO COMPLETE: Collect Flameweaver Totems x8

Kill more of the Goblin Flameweavers and loot them until you have collected 8 Totems.
When you finish take the Totems to Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256

Brougan Grote


The quest is picked up from Colten Feddel in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6073 3256

Speak with Brougan Grote in Argent Glade

Go into the main area of Argent Glade and find Brougan Grote
/setwaypoint 6025 3079
Hand in the quest

Theoretical Absolution


The quest is picked up from Brougan Grote in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6025 3079

Bless Thontic’s Silver Warden
Bless Thontic’s Argent Warden

The two Wardens are in the small half circle of water in the central square of Quicksilver College.
Right click them both to advance the quest
Silver Warden – /setwaypoint 5950 3054
Argent Warden – /setwaypoint 5951 3021

Your quest objective will change to ‘Speak with Thelliam Bedstraw’

Speak with Thelliam Bedstraw at /setwaypoint 5941 3029

Then hand in the quest to Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5981 3058

Big Brother Hazer


The quest is picked up from Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5981 3058

Collect a Core of Earth
Collect a Core of Light
Collect a Core of Water

You will have a quest item called a ‘Planar Antithesis Device’

The Cores are collected from Planar Creatures around the Quicksilver College area.

Use the item on the correct planar creature and it will transform into a killable mob of the ‘opposite’ plane

Kill and loot the mob

Core of Earth
From the 'Bound Wind'
Turns into 'Unbound Earth'
/setwaypoint 5960 3148
Core of Light
From the 'Bound Dark Golem'
Turns into 'Unbound Light'
/setwaypoint 5872 3133
Core of Water
From the 'Bound Flame'
Turns into 'Unbound Water'
/setwaypoint 5963 3001

When you have all 3 cores, return to Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5981 3058
Hand in the quest

Midterm Mayhem

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alan Paton in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5958 3060
TO COMPLETE: Polymorph Students x5
Create a Wand of Death
Create a Wand of Life
Create a Wand of Fire

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Alan’s Polymorph Wand’

Select nearby students, /setwaypoint 5960 3095 and use the Polymorph Wand on them. This will change them into sheep! Do this to 5 students.

Right click the cauldrons to create the wands..
Create a Wand of Death – /setwaypoint 5945 3140
Create a Wand of Life – /setwaypoint 5876 3172
Create a Wand of Fire – /setwaypoint 5926 3123

When you finish, hand in the quest to Alan Paton in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5958 3060

Required Reading

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from a book on a bench in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5919 3088
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tomes of the Vigil x6 and Collect Tomes of Fire x6

You will find the books all over the College.

The Fire Tomes will spawn an ‘Imp Trickster’ that you need to kill and loot the book from.

When you have picked up all the books, hand in the quest to Jerome Drift in Quicksilver College, /setwaypoint 5940 3045

Barrel Full of Goblins

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Destroyed Barrel in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5894 3159
TO COMPLETE: Kill Wanton Infiltrators x3

Click the barrels around the College and the kill the Wanton Infiltrators that spawn from them.
The barrel pictured is at /setwaypoint 5889 3167
You can just switch shard at this spot to do 3 in a row!

When you have killed 3, your quest objective will change to ‘Kill Firelord Smolder’

Click the Cauldron at /setwaypoint 5888 3001

Kill Firelord Smolder! (and the two sus scholars who are actually baddies)

The quest will auto-complete when you are done.

Trial of the Three Elements


The quest is picked up from Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5981 3058

Defend Scotty against Fiona’s Attacks

On the tables nearby are 3 clickable orbs. Hover over them to see which orb is which. 

Fire Ward
Fear Ward
Knockback Ward

Scotty stands near you, Fiona is on the other side of the tables.

When Fiona attacks, you need to click the orb that matches the attack.

She will attack with Firebolt, Fear and Knockback.

While she is casting each spell, select Scotty and click the matching orb to put a shield(Ward) on Scotty to protect him from the attack.

You can also just click all 3 orbs to give Scotty the 3 buffs and then reuse the orbs on cooldown to maintain all 3 buffs for the duration of the fight.

When you win the fight, go to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5941 3029
Hand in the quest

Teacher's pet


The quest is picked up from Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5941 3029

Gather Capsicum Mushrooms x5
Collect Handfuls of Spider Entrails x6

You will find the Spiders and Mushrooms all along the path leading away from Argent Glade to the East.

Right click the Mushrooms to collect them.
Kill and loot the spiders for their entrails

When you have collected all the items, go to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5941 3029
Hand in the quest

March Out to the Marsh

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5981 3058
TO COMPLETE: Find Kelnin Malm in the Sunken Marsh

Hand in the quest to Kelnin Malm in Sunken Marsh at /setwaypoint 6527 3329

Beast of Burden

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Barkeep Davek Anders in The Blunted Quill at /setwaypoint 6085 3044
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Nell Hara in Sanctum

When you arrive in Sanctum, go to Nell Hara at /setwaypoint 7595 3029 and hand in the quest.

Border Town

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from a Beacon in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6090 3066
TO COMPLETE: Light the 3 beacons

Go to each location marked on the map and light the beacon you find there

Light the Bronze Beacon – /setwaypoint 6133 3083
Light the Steel Beacon – /setwaypoint 6110 2969
Light the Gold Beacon – /setwaypoint 6163 3150

When you have clicked all 3 beacons, the quest will auto-complete.

Bug Off


The quest is picked up from Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5941 3029

Neutralize Spider Egg Sacs x3
Neutralize Goblin Embers x5

You will find the Egg Sacks down in the cave at /setwaypoint 6179 3110

Right click the egg sacs to neutralize them

The Goblin Embers are further south down the path. This one pictured is at /setwaypoint 6256 3306

Right click 5 of them to complete the quest

When you have finished, go to Nora Glen in Marsh House at /setwaypoint 6501 3287
Hand in the quest

Saving the Spirit Guide


The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Marsh House
/setwaypoint 6497 3287

Save the Spirit Guide

The Spirit Guide can be found on a small island just off the coast of the Sunken Marsh area
You can see the spot on your map marked with a blue speech bubble.
/setwaypoint 6583 3633

Kill the 3 boglings then click the two Binding Points to release the Spirit Guide
Speak to the Spirit Guide

Then return to Thomas Penthas in Marsh House
/setwaypoint 6497 3287
Hand in the quest

The Perfect Specimen

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nora Glen in Marsh House at /setwaypoint 6501 3287
TO COMPLETE: Use the Fused Faetouched Splinters

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky, Fused Faetouched Splinters

Go to the small house at /setwaypoint 6609 3519 stand near the table and chairs at the back

Use the Fused Faetouched Splinters to summon Maffle, kill him!

Then hand in the quest to Nora Glen in Marsh House at /setwaypoint 6501 3287

This quest will reward you with some ‘Amphibious Brew’, this will allow you to breathe underwater for 8 minutes, which will be useful for future quests. (save it for later!)

Anti-Intelligence Report

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Furias Talwin in Marsh House at /setwaypoint 6507 3290
TO COMPLETE: Test the Simplicity Wand x6

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky, Simplicity Wand

Target boglings in the Sunken Marsh area and use the Simplicity Wand on them

Test the wand 6 times and then hand in the quest to Furias Talwin in Marsh House at /setwaypoint 6507 3290

Dirty Stinking Marsh


The quest is picked up from Kelnin Malm in Sunken Marsh at /setwaypoint 6527 3329

Escort Scotty through Sunken Marsh

WARNING: Escort quest!
Takes around 2 minutes 20 seconds

Scotty will spawn right next to you when you take the quest.
You need to follow him into the Marsh and kill anything that attacks. He will stop a few times and be attacked by Vespids, so pay attention and be sure to stay close.
If Scotty dies then you will fail!

When you finish, hand in the quest to Kelnin Malm in Sunken Marsh at /setwaypoint 6527 3329

Stolen Implements

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from an open book in Sunken Marsh at /setwaypoint 6584 3427
TO COMPLETE: Collect Nora Glen’s Dissection Tools x4

You can find the Dissection Tools all over the Sunken Marsh area, the one pictured are at /setwaypoint 6625 3437

When you have collected all 4 tools, the quest will auto-complete.

Ritual Reappropriation

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from the Ritual Brazier in Sunken Marsh at /setwaypoint 6610 3519
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed

Collect the Heart of Worship – Find the Heart of Worship at /setwaypoint 6436 3523

Collect a Sacrificial Implement – You should kill the big bad bogling and then grab the Sacrificial Implement before he respawns! Find it at /setwaypoint 6448 3612

Collect Crude Idols x3 – You will find these all over the Sunken Marsh, mostly by the Bogling Huts, the one pictured below is at /setwaypoint 6516 3460 there is another at /setwaypoint 6601 3458 and one at /setwaypoint 6598 3434

When you have collected all the items, the quest will auto-complete.

The Heart of Worship
The Sacrificial Implement
A Crude Idol
The Altar of Reflection


The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Marsh House
/setwaypoint 6497 3287

Use the altar to consult your Guide

Behind the Marsh House at 
/setwaypoint 6529 3253
You will find the Altar of Reflection.
Right click the Altar to spawn your Spirit Guide.
Speak with your your Spirit Guide then hand in the quest to Thomas Penthas in Marsh House
/setwaypoint 6497 3287

Further Exploration


The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Marsh House
/setwaypoint 6497 3287

Kill Aelfwar Scouts x3

The Aelfwar Scouts are along the sides of the path that will lead you into Sanctum, the Guardian home city.

Follow the path until you reach the Aelfwar Scouts and kill 3 of them

Your quest objective will change to ‘Find Idilwyn Alrai at Silver Landing’

Carry on down the path to find Idilwyn Alrai at /setwaypoint 6969 3299
Hand in the quest

Digging Up Weeds

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Angered Route in Silver Coast at /setwaypoint 6823 3383
TO COMPLETE: Collect Angered Roots x6 and Kill Coastal Rovers x6

Find more of the Angered Roots on the ground and Kill the Coastal Rovers that are found at around /setwaypoint 6878 3261

The quest will auto-complete once you are done.

Thorn in the Side


The quest is picked up from Idilwyn Alrai in Silver Landing
/setwaypoint 6969 3299

Collect the Faetouched Thorn

Head to the South East and find Commander Falem in the docks
/setwaypoint 7075 3326
He walks between the two small docks
Kill him and loot the Faetouched Thorn

Go back to Idilwyn Alrai in Silver Landing
/setwaypoint 6969 3299
Hand in the quest

Shipwrecked Guardians

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Blair Rheese in Silver Landing at /setwaypoint 6967 3302
TO COMPLETE: Find Indra Grenwode and Collect Galena Cargo x5

Find the Shipwreck called the Wreck of the Galena
/setwaypoint 7015 3528

Find Indra Grenwode’s corpse in the middle of the large island at /setwaypoint 7014 3561

Pick up 5 of the cargo chests around the ship wreckage and underwater.

Go back to Blair Rheese in Silver Landing at /setwaypoint 6967 3302
Hand in the quest

The Aelfwar Threat

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faetouched Shard, dropped by Aelfwar Scouts in Silver Landing at /setwaypoint 7020 3334
TO COMPLETE: Collect Faetouched Shard x8

Kill more of the Aelfwar Scouts and loot the Faetouched Shards from them

The Priestess of Sanctum Watch


The quest is picked up from Idilwyn Alrai in Silver Landing
/setwaypoint 6969 3299

Deliver the Evidence to Maris Telluria at Sanctum Watch

Continue East down the path to Sanctum Watch and hand in the quest to Maris Telluria
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

Across the bridge from Sanctum Watch is the City of Sanctum. At this point in the questline you can pop into Sanctum and sort out your bags/bank/crafting, or just have a look around and complete a few Sanctum quests.
You can then come back across the bridge to Sanctum Watch to continue questing.

Twisted Horticulture


The quest is picked up from Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

Speak with the Spirit Guide

Go to /setwaypoint 6778 3151
Click the Altar to summon your Spirit Guide and have a chat

Your quest objective will now change to Disrupt the Elderwood Ritual, Disrupt the Deeproot Ritual and Disrupt the Wildthorn Ritual.

Go to the spots marked on your map and click the ‘Ritual’ that you find there.

Elderwood Ritual – /setwaypoint 6651 3141
Deeproot Ritual – /setwaypoint 6710 3052
Wildthorn Ritual – /setwaypoint 6539 2910

This will summon a Treant which you need to kill to tick off the quest.

Click all 3 Rituals and then go back to Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033
Hand in the quest.

High Priestess of the Vigil

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch /setwaypoint 7190 3033
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Shyla Starhearth at Sanctum

Hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth in the Sanctum of the Vigil (ground floor of the central tower) /setwaypoint 7515 3052

A Secret Pact

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ramis Twistroot in Sanctum Watch at /setwaypoint 7185 3032
Collect Conniver’s Satchels x2
Collect Deviant’s Journals x2
Collect Trickster’s Scrapbooks x2

Kill creatures and loot them to gather the items needed.
Conniver’s Satchels – Looted from Faerie Connivers – /setwaypoint 6909 3061
Deviant’s Journals – Looted from Faerie Deviants – /setwaypoint 6906 3078
Trickster’s Scrapbooks – Looted from Faerie Tricksters – /setwaypoint 6976 3007

When you have collected all the items, go back to Ramis Twistroot in Sanctum Watch at /setwaypoint 7185 3032
Hand in the quest

Mischief Un-makers

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Faerie in Wayward Thicket at /setwaypoint 6870 2988
TO COMPLETE: Transform Unusual Critters x6

You will have a quest item on your sticky ‘Wand of Anti-Mischief’.

Unusual Critters are found all over Silverwood
You can make a target macro to find them.. /target unusual
Or just look out for them as you are questing.
Unusual Critters are passive animals, the most common being squirrels and small deer, this deer pictured is at /setwaypoint 6936 2957

When you find an Unusual Critter, target it and then click to use the Wand of Anti-Mischief on them. Do this 6 times to complete the quest.
The quest will auto-complete when you are done.

Clearing the Forest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Imbued Sliver in Treant’s Grove at /setwaypoint 6783 3146
TO COMPLETE: Collect Imbued Slivers x8

Collect more of the Imbued Slivers off the ground in Teant’s Grove

When you have all 8, hand in the quest to Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch at /setwaypoint 7190 3033

Fateful Vision


The quest is picked up from Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

Speak to Dalin Erst at Wayward Thicket

Go to Dalin Erst at Wayward Thicket – /setwaypoint 6927 2911
Hand in the quest

The Mind's Eyes


The quest is picked up from Dalin Erst in Wayward Thicket
/setwaypoint 6927 2911

Collect Unfocused Eyes x6

Collect the Unfocused Eyes from Mossback Biters in the ocean at
/setwaypoint 7173 2763

Go back to Dalin Erst in Wayward Thicket
/setwaypoint 6927 2911
Hand in the quest.

Feeding the Mind


The quest is picked up from Dalin Erst in Wayward Thicket
/setwaypoint 6927 2911

Collect Lockflower Sprigs x6
Collect Gritshell Pleopods x6

Collect Lockflower Sprigs from the water
/setwaypoint 7125 2733

Find Gritshell Snappers on the beach and coastline, kill them and loot the Gritshell Pleopods

/setwaypoint 7104 2808

Go back to Dalin Erst in Wayward Thicket
/setwaypoint 6927 2911
Hand in the quest.

Tonic of Meditation


The quest is picked up from Dalin Erst in Wayward Thicket
/setwaypoint 6927 2911

Deliver the Tonic of Meditation to Maris Telluria at Sanctum Watch

Go back to Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033
Hand in the quest.

Lost in Solitude


The quest is picked up from Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

Take the Tonic of Meditation to the Spirit Guide in Point Solitude

Just to the north of the questgiver at /setwaypoint 7177 2942
Click the Altar of Insight
This will summon your Spirit Guide so you can hand in the quest to him.

Vision of Danger


The quest is picked up from Spirit Guide (click Altar of Insight) in Point Solitude
/setwaypoint 7177 2942

Protect the Vigil’s Chosen

Next to the Altar, Shyla Starhearth and Prince Hylas will spawn and have a chat.

Prince Hylas will then walk away and Shyla Starhearth will be attacked, kill the attackers and then hand in the quest to Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

The Prince's Betrayal


The quest is picked up from Maris Telluria in Sanctum Watch
/setwaypoint 7190 3033

Speak with Tristan Alecourt at Highglades Lookout

Find Tristan Alecourt in Highglades Lookout
/setwaypoint 6576 2780
Hand in the quest

Lord of the Fae


The quest is picked up from Tristan Alecourt in Highglades Lookout
/setwaypoint 6576 2780

Collect Faestone Signets x5

Faestone Signets are looted from the Aelfwar mobs in Hedgerow Court, like this one at /setwaypoint 6630 2719

When you have collected 5 your quest objective will change to ‘Kill Makirn’

You can find Makirn in Hedgerow Court at /setwaypoint 6580 2484

Kill Makirn then head back to Tristan Alecourt in Highglades Lookout
/setwaypoint 6576 2780
Hand in the quest

Shining Pests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mila Darina in Highglades Lookout at /setwaypoint 6571 2776
TO COMPLETE: Collect Faer Embers x4

Kill Glowing Wisps and loot them for the Faer Embers
You will find the Glowing Wisps all over Hedgerow Court, the one pictured is at /setwaypoint 6596 2726

When you have collected 4, go back to Mila Darina in Highglades Lookout at /setwaypoint 6571 2776
Hand in the quest

Rescuing Foresters

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Forester Corpse in Hedgerow Court at /setwaypoint 6655 2691 (and a few other nearby locations)
TO COMPLETE: Rescue Kidnapped Foresters x3

Find the Faerie Cages around Hedgerow Court, like this one at /setwaypoint 6678 2615

Right click them to release the Kidnapped Foresters

This quest will auto-complete once you are done

Delivering the Hostage

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eukar Heln in Hedgerow Court at /setwaypoint 6643 2519
TO COMPLETE: Escort Eukar Heln

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 3 minutes 5 seconds

Escort Eukar Heln out of Hedgerow Court, you will need to stay with him and kill anything that he attacks.

When you reach the end, speak to Olivia Hern at /setwaypoint 6566 2727 to hand in the quest

Back to Argent Glade


The quest is picked up from Tristan Alecourt in Highglades Lookout
/setwaypoint 6576 2780

Speak with Cerys Amare in Argent Glade

Use the Highglades Lookout portal to travel back to Argent Glade, speak with Cerys Amare at /setwaypoint 6057 3034

Hand in the quest

Ask the Elders


The quest is picked up from Cerys Amare in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6057 3034

Speak with the Spirit Guide in the Mirror of Ages

Go to the Mirror of Ages, the area North of Argent Glade.

Speak to your Spirit Guide at 
/setwaypoint 5721 2839
Inside the hollow tree trunk, right click the Tavra Altar to summon your Spirit Guide and hand in the quest

Fall of the Aelfwar

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Broken Altar in Mirror of Ages at /setwaypoint 5798 2825
TO COMPLETE: Cleanse the Altars to Tavril x6

You can find the Altars all around the Mirror of Ages, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 5774 2803
Right click them to cleanse them

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished

Beckoning of the Blessing


The quest is picked up from Spirit Guide in Mirror of Ages
/setwaypoint 5721 2839

Kill Mirror Defilers and Conspirators x10

All around the Mirror of Ages you will find Mirror Defilers and Conspirators, kill 10 of them.

When you have killed 10, go back to your Spirit Guide in the tree trunk at 
/setwaypoint 5721 2839
Hand in the quest

Hope and Fear


The quest is picked up from Spirit Guide in Mirror of Ages
/setwaypoint 5721 2839

Deliver Tavril’s Seedling to Cerys Amare in Argent Glade

Go back to Argent Glade, hand in the quest to Cerys Amare at /setwaypoint 6057 3034

Researching Wretched Weeds


The quest is picked up from Cerys Amare in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6057 3034

Find Rolant Hennel

Head North out of Argent Glade and find Rolant Hennel at
/setwaypoint 6057 2822

Speak to Rolant

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Wrath Weeds x6’
Pick up the Wrath Weeds around Untamed Copse, like these 2 at
/setwaypoint 6247 2898

When you have collected 6, go back to hand in the quest to Cerys Amare at /setwaypoint 6057 3034

Twisted Truth Revealed

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Guardian Skeleton in Untamed Copse at /setwaypoint 6109 2793
TO COMPLETE: Collect Guardian Remains x5

Find more of the Skeletons in the Untamed Copse area and right click to collect them.

The one pictured is at /setwaypoint 6146 2848

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished

Top Shelf Retrieval

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wine Crate in Untamed Copse at /setwaypoint 6165 2850
TO COMPLETE: Collect Galena Wine x6

The wine is looted from the Aelfwar in Untamed Copse

When you have looted 6, go back to Argent Glade and hand in the quest to Barkeep Davek Anders at /setwaypoint 6085 3045

Professor for a Reason


The quest is picked up from Cerys Amare in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6057 3034

Deliver the Bundle of Weeds to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College

Go to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5941 3029
Hand in the quest

The Snarebrush Talon


The quest is picked up from Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at
/setwaypoint 5941 3029

Collect the Talon of Maelforge in the cave

Go to the cave entrance in the North-West of Silverwood /setwaypoint 5887 2608

In the bottom of the cave you will find a mob called ‘Gutter’, kill Gutter and loot the Talon from him.
You will also loot an item called ‘Gutter’s Plans’ which will start a pick up quest. (See two quests below)

Bring the Talon of Maelforge to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at
/setwaypoint 5941 3029
Hand in the quest

Crash Course in Blood Magic

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Wanton Ritual in Snarebrush Grot at /setwaypoint 5909 2636
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Goblin Dragon Idols x4

Find more of the Idols around Snarebrush Grot and right click to destroy them.

The one pictured is at /setwaypoint 5921 2651

When you have collected all 4 the quest will autocomplete

Rusty War Machines

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting ‘Gutter’s Plans’ from Gutter in Snarebrush Pit at /setwaypoint 5887 2608
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Goblin Catapults x4

You can find the catapults around Snarebrush Grot, like these ones at 
/setwaypoint 6009 2648
Right click 4 of them to destroy them

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished

Power of the Vigil

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sacrad Mark in Highlands Bypass at /setwaypoint 6007 2740
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mudborne Goblins x8

Kill 8 of the Mudborne Goblins to the North of the quest pick up.
When you have finished, hand in the quest to Jerome Drift in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5940 3045

The Power of Life


The quest is picked up from Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at
/setwaypoint 5941 3029

Collect Life Magic Residue x8
Collect Rowan’s Gnarl

The Life Magic Residue can be looted from the Aelfwar all around the Palisade at
/setwaypoint 6165 2617

Loot Rowan’s Gnarl from Marshall Rowan, at the top of the structure at
/setwaypoint 6114 2475

When you are finished, go back to Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at
/setwaypoint 5941 3029
Hand in the quest

Severing the Tether


The quest is picked up from Jerome Drift in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5940 3045

Sever the planar tether of Aelfwar Invokers x6

You will have a quest item attached to your quest sticky called ‘Talisman of the Vigil’

Go to the Palisade area
/setwaypoint 6190 2531
Kill 6 of the Aelfwar Invokers and use the quest item on their corpses

When you are finished, go back to Jerome Drift in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5940 3045
Hand in the quest

To Understand One's Foe

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faetouched Vine in Palisade at /setwaypoint 6138 2612
TO COMPLETE: Collect Twisted Faetouched Vines x5 and Burn Faetouched Saplings x5

You can find the twisted Faetouched Vines and Faetouched Saplings all around the Palisade area, they are super sparkly and hard to miss! Right click them to collect/burn them.

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished

The Overwatch Beckons


The quest is picked up from Thelliam Bedstraw in Quicksilver College at
/setwaypoint 5941 3029

Speak with Brougan Grote in Argent Glade

Find Brougan Grote in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6026 3079
Hand in the quest

Skull and Bones


The quest is picked up from Fiona Lechtum in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5962 3060

Protect Scotty

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Scotty’s Friendship Bracelet’

Go to the spot marked on your map just South-East of Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6164 3263

Click Scotty’s Friendship Bracelet to call Scotty
A baddy called ‘Siltreaver’ will come up from the water, kill it!

Return to Fiona Lechtum in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5962 3060
Hand in the quest

Hazers to Hazees


The quest is picked up from Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5980 3058

Speak with Samerre Brightridge
Acquire the Wand of Empowerment

Speak with Samerre Brightridge at
/setwaypoint 5944 3151

Acquire the Wand of Empowerment from him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Raise the Flag of Truce at the Scattered Rocks’

Go to the Northern Exit of Argent Glade and click the rocks by the side of the path at
/setwaypoint 6063 2925
Scotty and Fiona will appear nearby.

Select Scotty and use the Wand of Empowerment on him, this will now be attached to your quest sticky.
This will ‘Empower’ Scotty!

Return to Murbo Malm in Quicksilver College
/setwaypoint 5980 3058
Hand in the quest

Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘Freshman Orientation’

Overwatch Infiltration


The quest is picked up from Brougan Grote in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6026 3079

Speak with Loras Tivan southwest of Overwatch Keep

Go to Loras Tivan southwest of Overwatch Keep /setwaypoint 6261 3242
Hand in the quest

A Violent Peace Offering


The quest is picked up from Loras Tivan in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6261 3242

Collect the Head of Tongue Chewer in the cave

Go down into the cave
Entrance at /setwaypoint 6350 3135

Kill Tongue Chewer and loot him to collect his head.

Your quest objective will change to ‘Offer the Head of Tongue Chewer to Vigoth Par in Overwatch Keep’

Go to Vigoth Par in Overwatch Keep at
/setwaypoint 6392 3169
Hand in the quest

Remembrace of Things Past

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Elven Artifact in Overwatch Keep at /setwaypoint 6294 3133
TO COMPLETE: Collect Elven Artifacts x6

Collect 6 of the Elven Artifacts around Overwatch Keep
The one pictured is at /setwaypoint 6335 3169

This quest will autocomplete when you are finished

Servants of Twyl

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Looting the quest item ‘High Elf Scroll’ from an Envoy of Twyl in Overwatch Keep at /setwaypoint 6332 3174
TO COMPLETE: Collect High Elf Scrolls

Kill more of the Satyrs in Overwatch Keep, called Envoy of Twyl and Defender of Twyl, Loot the Scrolls from them

When you are done, hand in the quest to Emilyn Summers in Overwatch keep at /setwaypoint 6418 3166



The quest is picked up from Vigoth Par in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6392 3169

Accompany the Honor Guard

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 3 minutes 10 seconds

Escort the Honor Guard along the path that goes up the East side of Overwatch Keep, you will need to stay next to him. You will gain a buff called ‘Protection of the Honor Guard’ which will make all the NPCs friendly towards you.

When you reach the end, speak to Prince Hylas at the top of the tower at /setwaypoint 6526 3021 

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate the Teleportation Sphere’

Click the green Teleportation Sphere next to Prince Hylas
This will teleport you back to the South of Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6420 3169
You can hand in the quest to Niall Adnar

The Vigil's Shield


The quest is picked up from Niall Adnar in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6420 3169

Kill 1st Order Aelfwar and use the Aegis of the Vigil near Fae energy x10

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Aegis of the Vigil’

Go to the North of Overwatch keep at around /setwaypoint 6495 3059

Kill 1st order mobs, when they die, 2 or 3 wisps will appear near their corpse, use the Aegis near these to credit the quest.

When you are finished, go to
/setwaypoint 6556 3074
and click the Altar of Balance to summon your spirit guide and hand in the quest.

Remember the Chosen

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ancient Idol in Overwatch Keep at /setwaypoint 6561 3103
TO COMPLETE: Record the hymns in the various locations

The 6 locations you need to go to are all marked on your map, note they are all on the top of towers. I find its easier to start with the tower in the East at /setwaypoint 6572 3043 here you will find Mariel-Taun’s Reliquary.

Each location has a Reliquary to click and then a green teleportation orb that will take you to the next location.
Make sure the Reliquary is ticked off your list before you use the teleportation orb!

Record the hymns in Bahralt’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6493 2970
Record the hymns in Mariel-Taun’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6572 3043
Record the hymns in Tavril’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6529 3133
Record the hymns in Thedeor’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6452 3152
Record the hymns in Thontic’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6405 3109
Record the hymns in Vigil’s Reliquary – /setwaypoint 6419 3037

When you are done, hand in the quest to Niall Adnar in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6420 3169

Clouded Contemplation

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Looting a ‘Zealot’s Signet’ from a Greenscale Zealot in Overwatch Keep at /setwaypoint 6574 3045
TO COMPLETE: Kill Greeanscale Zealots x6

You will find these mobs at the tops of the towers
Best to do this quest alongside the ‘Remember the Chosen’ quest above as you will need to kill them anyway.

When you are done, hand in the quest to Emilyn Summers in Overwatch keep at /setwaypoint 6418 3166

Kongeegon, the Glory of the Aelfwar


The quest is picked up from Altar of Balance/Spirit Guide in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6556 3074

Place the Vigil’s Aegis upon the Seed of Destruction
Kill Kongeegon and collect the Seed of Destrustion

Go to the middle of Overwatch at
/setwaypoint 6449 3108
Here you will find the Seed of Destruction

Right click the seed and Kongeegon will come to stop you!
Kill him

During the fight, Kongeegon will go immune and Greenscale Priests will try to help him, kill them too!

Loot the Seed from Kongeegon’s corpse once he is dead

Hand the quest in to Niall Adnar
/setwaypoint 6420 3169

Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘The Felling of Kongeegon’

Dormant Power


The quest is picked up from Niall Adnar in Overwatch Keep
/setwaypoint 6420 3169

Collect Dormant Faetouched Seed

Next to the quest giver is a cauldron, this will be sparkly to signify you can click it

Right click the Cauldron to collect the Seed

Go back to Argent Glade and find Brougan Grote
/setwaypoint 6025 3079
Hand in the quest

29 Carnage Quests

I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Jarmok’s tally
PICK UP: You will find him in Sterling Hills at around /setwaypoint 6318 3463  
TO COMPLETE: Kill Jarmok the Flayer
This mob seems to be pretty rare and paths around so it may be difficult to find, switch shards and use target macro /tar Jarmok

CARNAGE: Carnage: Silverpaw
PICK UP: You will find him in Point Solitude at around /setwaypoint 7125 2947
TO COMPLETE: Kill Silverpaw

CARNAGE: Carnage: Marshal Ebur
PICK UP: You will find him in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6335 3226
TO COMPLETE: Kill Marshal Ebur

CARNAGE: Carnage: Dire Demise
PICK UP: You will find him in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6460 3203
TO COMPLETE: Kill Kelgnaw

CARNAGE: Carnage: Marshal Fianna
PICK UP: You will find her in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6276 3102 (top of the tower)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Marshal Fianna

CARNAGE: Carnage: Elder of the Grove
PICK UP: You will find them in Treant’s Grove at around /setwaypoint 6662 3034
TO COMPLETE: Kill aldern

CARNAGE: Carnage: Foliage Fiends
PICK UP: You will find them in Sunken Marsh at around /setwaypoint 6542 3401
TO COMPLETE: Kill 4 Marsh Biters

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Canine Menace
PICK UP: You will find them in Sterling Hills at around /setwaypoint 6234 3528
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Silvermane Wolves

CARNAGE: Carnage: Your First Giant Spider
PICK UP: You will find them in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6170 3099
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Dissolvent Spiders

CARNAGE: Carnage: Slimy, Stinky, Savages
PICK UP: You will find them in Sunken Marsh at around /setwaypoint 6563 3415
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Marsh Boglings

CARNAGE: Carnage: Predatory Panfish
PICK UP: You will find them in Sunken Marsh at around /setwaypoint 6694 3577 (underwater)
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Razormaw Fish

CARNAGE: Carnage: Elven Beachcombers
PICK UP: You will find them in Silver Coast at around /setwaypoint 6715 3290
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Coastal Aelfwar

CARNAGE: Carnage: Unruly Faerfolk
PICK UP: You will find them in Wayward Thicket at around /setwaypoint 6976 3007
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Thicket Satyrs

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Angered Wood
PICK UP: You will find them in Treant’s Grove at around /setwaypoint 6785 3099
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Baelthorn Treants

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fae Invaders
PICK UP: You will find them in Hedgerow Court at around /setwaypoint 6610 2709
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Weird Fae

CARNAGE: Carnage: Scouts on the Ridge
PICK UP: You will find them in Mirror of Ages at around /setwaypoint 5874 2813
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Aelfwar Agents

CARNAGE: Carnage: Arboreal Vandals
PICK UP: You will find them in Mirror of Ages at around /setwaypoint 5782 2845
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Mirror Defilers

CARNAGE: Carnage: Black Eyes and Bloody Claws
PICK UP: You will find them in Untamed Copse at around /setwaypoint 6093 2825
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Bloodhavocs

CARNAGE: Carnage: Untamed Aelfwar
PICK UP: You will find them in Untamed Copse at around /setwaypoint 6154 2820
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Untamed Copse Aelfwar

CARNAGE: Carnage: Sinister Satyrs
PICK UP: You will find them in Untamed Copse at around /setwaypoint 6134 2844
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Untamed Satyrs

CARNAGE: Carnage: Which Witch
PICK UP: You will find them in Snarebrush Grot at around /setwaypoint 5875 2651
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Mudborne Witches

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Goblin Horde
PICK UP: You will find them in Snarebrush Grot at around /setwaypoint 5895 2642
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Mudborne Horde

CARNAGE: Carnage: Twyl’s Posse
PICK UP: You will find them in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6332 3174
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Twyl’s Satyrs

CARNAGE: Carnage: First, Second and Third Against the Wall
PICK UP: You will find them in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6497 3057
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Aelfwar of the Orders

CARNAGE: Carnage: Agitated Wildlife
PICK UP: You will find them in Sterling Hills at around /setwaypoint 6169 3572
Kill 8 Vespid Darters
Kill 3 Vespid Hivewards

CARNAGE: Carnage: On the Verge
PICK UP: You will find them in Sterling Hills at around /setwaypoint 5935 3249
TO COMPLETE: Kill 12 Goblin Scouts and Escorts

CARNAGE: Carnage: Aelfwar Monstrosities
PICK UP: You will find them in Overwatch Keep at around /setwaypoint 6349 3105
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Aelfwar Defenders and Mystics and Kill 4 Aelfwar Stoneroots

CARNAGE: Carnage: For Sanity’s Sake
PICK UP: You will find them in Palisade at around /setwaypoint 6151 2630
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Aelfwar Exemplars and Kill 6 Aelfwar Adherents

CARNAGE: Carnage: Offworld Woes
PICK UP: You will find them in Divine Landing at around /setwaypoint 6180 3947
Kill 10 Wanton Destroyers – /setwaypoint 6180 3947
Kill 8 Maelforge Embers – /setwaypoint 6247 3792

Fishing Quests

A short series of quests in Argent Glade to introduce you to the joys of fishing!

Your first Fishing Pole

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Return to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade

Simply hand the quest straight back in to the questgiver to complete the quest and receive your Beginner’s Fishing Pole.

How to Catch a Fish

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Follow the instructions in the quest to fish up a Lost Sea Turtle.

In your bags will be a Beginner’s Fishing Pole
I suggest you move this to an area of your bags that’s for ‘permanent storage’ and then drag the pole onto one of your ability bars.
Once its on your bars you can key bind it, which will make fishing a little easier.

Head to the water and lets catch a fish!
ANY water can be used to catch a fish, there are ‘schools’ of fish that will increase your chances of catching usable fish, but any water has a chance to have fish in it.
The water just down from the questgiver will do fine for this quest.

Click on your pole to activate it and then hover over the water, you will note that the water very close to shore shows a red circle, this is because you are too close to this area to fish, move the mouse further away until it turns blue. Blue is the colour for shallow water, left click to start fishing.
Wait for your mouse to turn into the ‘fish’ symbol and then left click to reel the fish in, it may take a few tries before the fish is caught successfully.

Your catch will be a ‘Lost Sea Turtle’ which is all you can fish up while you are on this quest.
Hand in your completed quest to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264

For a more detailed guide on fishing you can have a look at the original ZamRift guide.

Shallow Water Fishing

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Fish up a Forest Pondleaper from shallow water

Forest Pondleapers can be fished up in shallow water in Silverwood
Continue to fish in shallow water until you catch a Forest Pondleaper and then hand your quest in to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264

Deep Water Fishing

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Fish up a False Shark from deep water

False Sharks can be fished up in deep water in Silverwood.
Deep water is found a little further away from the shore.
Use your fishing pole and then target the water further away from the shore until your target circle turns yellow.

Catch a False Shark and then hand your quest in to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264

Making Lures

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Craft an Irresistible Water Snail

Lures are applied to your pole to help you fish up better fish or specific fish/items.
Currently when you fish in open water you will have a chance to fish up grey items instead of fish. This chance will reduce as you level up your fishing skill and craft better poles. Using a lure will ensure you only fish up the fish/items you want, even at low level.

Lures are crafted using your fishing skill. You do not need a craft station to craft with fishing, you can stand right next to the questgiver and open up your crafting UI. The default keybind for this is , (the comma key) or you can use the menu in the bottom left, Player > Crafting

Use the dropdown in the top left to switch to fishing and here you will see the recipe for the lure has been given to you.
This is a temporary recipe that will only show up while you are on the quest.
Select the recipe on the list and then click craft in the bottom right corner.
After a short craft time, the Irresistible Water Snail will be in your bags.

Hand your quest in to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264

Fishing With Lures

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264
TO COMPLETE: Use a Rayfin Shad Lure on your fishing pole + Fish up Rayfin Shad from water in Silverwood x3

You will be given a special Rayfin Shad Lure to use, you will find this lure attached to your quest sticky and also as an item in your bags.
Right click the Rayfin Shad Lure and then left click your pole (click the pole in your bags not the shortcut on your ability bar).
The lure is now applied to your pole, when you hover over your pole you will be able to see the applied lure on the tooltip.

Cast your line to fish as before, shallow water will do fine.
As you have the lure active, you will only fish up Rayfin Shads, the lure will work for 3 charges, to allow you to fish up 3 Rayfin Shads.
If you accidentally interrupt a fishing attempt, the lure charge will still be consumed but you wont get a fish, in this case you will need to abandon the quest and then retake it to get a fresh lure with 3 charges.

When you have 3 Rayfin Shads you can hand the quest in to Molly Graysby in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6076 3264

Fishing For Survival

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kelly in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6089 3261
Fish up Blue Widemouths from deep water x10
Fish up False Sharks from deep water x10

Go back to the deep water and fish!
it is a good idea to use the Irresistible Water Snail lure that you crafted earlier for this quest, as this will prevent you from fishing up greys for 5 minutes.

When you have the required fish, hand in the quest to Kelly in Argent Glade at /setwaypoint 6089 3261
This quest rewards you with the recipe for Speedy Shark Snack.
This is a survivalist recipe that craft edible food that will heal you and restore your mana, it also increases your out of combat movement speed by 10%.

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

The Source of Spiders

The quest is picked up from Noreen Adler in Sterling Hills
/setwaypoint 6117 3696
Available to pick up after you have completed some of the Silverwood Story Quests.
I recommend you continue with Silverwood Quests and come back to this quest when you are higher level.
This is a breadcrumb quest that takes you into Gloamwood

Speak with Varian Lofte at Silkweb Pass in Gloamwood

Varian Lofte can be found in the South of Gloamwood at /setwaypoint 5908 3810
Go into Gloamwood from near the Divine Landing Portal in Silverwood and hand in the quest.

Gloamwood Beasts

The quest is picked up from Ralph Bonser in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6038 3126
Available to pick up after you have completed most of the Silverwood Story Quests
This is a breadcrumb quest that takes you into Gloamwood

Speak with Waykeeper Brion at Gnarlwood Post in Gloamwood

Go to Waykeeper Brion at Gnarlwood Post in Gloamwood /setwaypoint 5384 2705 and hand in the quest

An Age of Darkness

The quest is picked up from Brougan Grote in Argent Glade
/setwaypoint 6025 3079
Available to pick up after you have completed all of the Silverwood Story Quests
This is a breadcrumb quest that takes you into Gloamwood

Speak with Laenaya Niro at Gnarlwood Post in Gloamwood

Go to Laenaya Niro at Gnarlwood Post in Gloamwood /setwaypoint 5392 2717 and hand in the quest

Notes for Completionist..

  • The Quest ‘Power of the Vigil‘ does not tick off from completionist even if you complete it.
  • The Quest ‘The Art of Soul Binding‘ does not tick off from completionist even if you complete it.