- Shimmersand is a level 43-50 zone.
- To get to this zone you walk along the path from Droughtlands.
- There are 2 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Sandaxle Pit, Nomad’s Furnace, Gnawbone Valley, Fortune’s Shore, Veiled Bastion, The Flatyard, Windfury Post, Leestone Stand, Khaliti Refuge, Dawnbreak Point, Khaliti Row, Wyrmbane Spire and Gritsquall Haven
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Charmer’s Caldera Dungeon – /setwaypoint 7162 7618
— Entrance to Nightmare Coast Dungeon – /setwaypoint 6555 7344
— Entrance to Gilded Prophecy Raid – /setwaypoint 7099 6901
— Entrance to Intrepid: Gilded Prophecy Raid – /setwaypoint 7113 6904
Below is a guide for all 145 quests in Shimmersand.
Starting with the 139 Main Quests and then the 6 Quests in the Magic Ticket Questline.
For the Shimmersand rares go here
For the Shimmersand puzzle go here
For the other Shimmersand cheevos go here
This guide is for the Guardian Questline in Shimmersand.
For the Defiant version of this page, click here!
Quick Links for Guides on This Page
Main Quests Magic Ticket Questline
Quest Cheevos
There are 145 quests in Shimmersand, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.
Doing Time

Tarnish the Maw

Lord of Illusion

Banishing the Mirage

Living on the Edge

The completionist add on lists all the guardian and defiant quests together, this can make it difficult to tell which quests you can still do! If you are missing quests, check if you have done the magic ticket questline and then check each quest hub in turn.
139 Main Quests
Action and a Bit of Coin
The quest is picked up from Helena Brass in Lantern Hook
/setwaypoint 7684 6302
This quest will lead you into Shimmersand, you can pick it up after you have reached level 43.
Speak to Tarik in Sandaxle Pit, Shimmersand
Head into Shimmersand and hand in the quest to Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at
/setwaypoint 7036 6778
Cry for Help
The quest is picked up from Ishanti Leigh in Brigand’s Bluff at /setwaypoint 8668 6460
This quest will lead you into Shimmersand, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Droughtlands.
Speak to Gunji in Sandaxle Pit, Shimmersand
Head into Shimmersand and hand in the quest to Gunji in Sandaxle Pit at
/setwaypoint 7039 6765
Harsh Medicine
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gunji in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7039 6765
TO COMPLETE: Extract liquid from scorpion corpses x8
Kicking Stones
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gunji in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7039 6765
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stoneling orelings x12
Body Harvest
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6778
TO COMPLETE: Collect Trader Satchels x8
Golden Affronts
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6778
Kill Golden Maw x10
Kill Chief Bloatmouth
The Ogres' Prize
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thamber Barklynn in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7033 6774
TO COMPLETE: Collect Uncut Gemstones x12
Secrets of the Sands
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hidden Sands Treasure Map in Jeweled Heights at /setwaypoint 7255 6776
TO COMPLETE: Locate the Pages to the Hiddensands Treasure x6
Jewels in the Heights
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hidden Sands Treasure Map in Jeweled Heights at /setwaypoint 7255 6776
TO COMPLETE: Find the Cache of Akala
A Hard Road to Travel
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6778
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion Cultists x12
Find the Storm Legion Cultists all over the Broken Road area /setwaypoint 6910 6749
Hand in the quest to Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6778
Road to Ruins
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thamber Barklynn in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7033 6774
TO COMPLETE: Collect Chipped Friezes x10
Wanton Flames
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thamber Barklynn in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7033 6774
Kill Wanton Bladelords x7
Kill Wanton Flamesparks x7
Kill Wanton Hounds x5
Find all these Wanton mobs near Farsight Tower at /setwaypoint 7001 6575
Hand in the quest to Thamber Barklynn in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7033 6774
Behind Their Eyes, A Storm
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Raniyah Sahlah in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6767
TO COMPLETE: Dense Dominated Traders x6
In the Tower's Shadow
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Raniyah Sahlah in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6767
TO COMPLETE: Collect Clay Tablets x8
Loot the Clay Tablets from the Golden Maw mobs in Farsight Tower /setwaypoint 7147 6521
Hand in the quest to Raniyah Sahlah in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6767
Sight Unseen
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Raniyah Sahlah in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6767
TO COMPLETE: Use the Seal of the Eth Kings
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Seal of the Eth Kings’
Head over to the front of the tower in the Farsight Tower area at
/setwaypoint 6976 6569
You will find there is a forcefield on the door stopping you from entering the tower.
Use the Seal of the Eth Kings item and you will get a buff called ‘Planar Phase’
While you have the Planar Phase buff you will be able to walk through the doorway into the tower.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Scratch the First, Second and Third Mirrorstone’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Extinguish Dargal’s Flame and kill Dargal the Pyromancer’
Go to the fourth balcony to find Dargal’s Flame /setwaypoint 6939 6549
Right click it to summon Dargal and kill him.
Jump off the tower to get back down
Hand in the quest to Raniyah Sahlah in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6767
Larger Than Life
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tarik in Sandaxle Pit at /setwaypoint 7036 6778
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Tendrick Hugh at Nomad’s Furnace
Hand in the quest to Tendrick Hugh in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7000 7087
Stone Temple of Earth
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jubileth Pybbelin in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6996 7073
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tablet Fragments x8
Blood on the Sand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nachri Jucam in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6992 7069
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golden Maw x18
Find Golden Maw mobs all over the Gildstone Sanctum area /setwaypoint 7145 7051
Hand in the quest to Nachri Jucam in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6992 7069
To Turn Aside the Storm
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Horace Pinkston in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7017 7075
Collect Stormtouched Items x8
Investigate the Bridge x1
Kill Golden Maw mobs near the bridge in Gildstone Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7283 7146 loot the Stormtouched Items from their corpses
Be careful of a wandering mob called ‘Graal’ he is a level 50 elite that will be very painful to upset!
Find the bridge at /setwaypoint 7314 7164 try to cross it!
Hand in the quest to Horace Pinkston in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7017 7075
Slash and Roar
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tendrick Hugh in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7000 7087
TO COMPLETE: Collect Bloodied Ebon Talons x12
Kill the Raptors in Riptalon Gulch and loot the Talons from them /setwaypoint 7239 6959
Hand in the quest to Tendrick Hugh in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7000 7087
The Sparkling Lure
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Corbin Wembley in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7010 7082
TO COMPLETE: Collect Sparkling Sourcestone Chips x10
Razorgore's Tooth
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Razorgore’s Tooth, Looted from Razorgore in Riptalon Gulch at /setwaypoint 7196 6883
TO COMPLETE: Bring Razorgore’s Tooth to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Swim down to the bottom of the cave and kill Razorgore to collect the quest item.
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
In Remembrance
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lost Huntress Corpse in Riptalon Gulch at /setwaypoint 7590 7077
Torch the King’s Nest
Find the Wedding Ring
Head into the cave at /setwaypoint 7592 7089
At the back of the cave you will find the King’s Nest
Right click the Nest to summon the King and kill him to loot the wedding ring
Hand in the quest to Tendrick Hugh in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7000 7087
Strike the Earth
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Horace Pinkston in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7017 7075
TO COMPLETE: Attune yourself to the Defense Cyclone Beacon
Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 7173 7118 to get back to the bridge quicker
Go to the bridge at /setwaypoint 7314 7164 right click the Defense Cyclone Beacon to receive the Air Ward Attunement buff, this will allow you to cross the bridge.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Thedeor’s Bottled Wrath’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Coffer of the Gilded Drake and Seal the entrance to Gildstone Sanctum’
Vicious Cycle
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nachri Jucam in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6992 7069
TO COMPLETE: Kill Storm Legion x10
Go to the bridge at /setwaypoint 7314 7164 right click the Defense Cyclone Beacon to receive the Air Ward Attunement buff, this will allow you to cross the bridge.
Kill the Storm Legion on the other side of the bridge at /setwaypoint 7391 7177
Hand in the quest to Nachri Jucam in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6992 7069
Monarch's Jewels
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Corbin Wembley in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7010 7082
TO COMPLETE: Collect Smoothed Bellygems x6
Stories Bones Tell
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jubileth Pybbelin in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 6996 7073
TO COMPLETE: Collect Dragonbone Fossils x8
Jaws to Crush Bone
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tendrick Hugh in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7000 7087
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bonedust Gnars x12
Kill the Bonedust Gnars all over the Gnawbone Valley /setwaypoint 7242 7257
Hand in the quest to Andro Wells in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7418 7407
Sandchewer's Leg
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sandchewer’s Leg, Looted from Sandchewer in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7365 7233
TO COMPLETE: Bring Sandchewer’s Leg to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
An Unassuming Request
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pile of Scrap in Gildstone Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7463 7172
TO COMPLETE: Collect the Power Core, Sourcestone Battery and Sturdy Spring
Go to the bridge at /setwaypoint 7314 7164 right click the Defense Cyclone Beacon to receive the Air Ward Attunement buff, this will allow you to cross the bridge.
Go up the slope to the left of the large door at /setwaypoint 7446 7160
Follow the path around till you find the ‘Pile of Scrap’ at /setwaypoint 7463 7172
Bonedust Brawl
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Myia Heretilli in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7416 7409
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sandstone Trolls x10
Kill the Sandstone Trolls in the Ganbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7455 7319
Hand in the quest to Myia Heretilli in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7416 7409
Gold in the Hand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Andro Wells in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7418 7407
Collect Runemarked Crystal Shards x6
Collect Runemarked Obsidian Shards x6
Explosive Reaction
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Myia Heretilli in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7416 7409
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Golden Wards x5
Rockfist's Club
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Rockfist’s Club, Looted from Rockfist in Gnawbone Valley at /setwaypoint 7671 7283
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 7633 7276
TO COMPLETE: Bring Sandchewer’s Leg to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
Fortune's Shore
Fortune’s Shore is the main settlement and quest hub in Shimmersand. You will find many quests that take you to different areas of Shimmersand, I have tried to keep them in a rough order so that you don’t have to keep going back to the same area over again.
Be aware that Fortune’s Shore is constantly being attacked by planar mobs, so if your quest NPC is missing, try killing all the footholds or invasions nearby.
News from the East
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Horace Pinkston in Nomad’s Furnace at /setwaypoint 7017 7075
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Tam Daggerborne in Fortune’s Shore
Go to Fortune’s Shore and find Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Hand in the quest.
The Sourcestone Market
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kostiker in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6867 6931
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Kaseem Owan in Fortune’s Shore
Go to Fortune’s Shore and find Kaseem Owan at /setwaypoint 6630 7095
Hand in the quest.
Respecting the Locals
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Winstin, Jennia Riyad and Tzevi Durdana
Speak with Winstin – /setwaypoint 6605 7040
Speak with Jennia Riyad – /setwaypoint 6646 7116 (up the slope at the back of the building)
Speak with Tzevi Durdana – /setwaypoint 6637 7110
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Participation in Government
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaseem Owan in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6630 7095
Stamp Sourcestone Shipments x7
Collect Neesha’s Tariff
Collect Namir’s Tariff
Collect Jaaved’s Tariff
Collect the Sourcestone Shipments from the crates in Fortune’s Shore in the market area and on the piers, like this one at /setwaypoint 6626 7062
Then go to each NPC and chat with them to collect the tariffs
Collect Neesha’s Tariff – /setwaypoint 6661 7118
Collect Namir’s Tariff – /setwaypoint 6595 7059
Collect Jaaved’s Tariff – /setwaypoint 6643 7090
Hand in the quest to Kaseem Owan in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6630 7095
I Hope You Like Surprises
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Janelyn in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6728 7086 (She wanders around a bit)
TO COMPLETE: Find the Adorned Chest
Miracle of Modern Magic
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Rex Cantor in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6609 7160
Collect a Fibrous Reed
Acquire some Medicinal Balm
Find some Strong Alcohol
Unnatural means
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6566 7064
TO COMPLETE: Collect Mind Leeches x12
Kill the Cutthroat Mercenaries in Cutthroat Cove and loot the Mind Leeches from them /setwaypoint 6543 6780
Hand in the quest to Fayne Doran in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6566 7064
Pillaged Goods
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaseem Owan in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6630 7095
TO COMPLETE: Recover Confiscated Sourcestones x7
Nesting Terrors
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alee Nassar in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6649 6991
TO COMPLETE: Burn Harpy Roosts x6
A Widow's Revenge
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lady’s Favor, looted from Highperch Terror in Widow’s Perch at /setwaypoint 6382 6859
TO COMPLETE: Kill Highperch Terrors x12
Kill Highperch Terrors in Widow’s Perch at /setwaypoint 6398 6787
Hand in the quest to Moira Highstem on the peak of Widow’s Perch at /setwaypoint 6482 6713
Assistance for Jebiah
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6566 7064
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Brother Jebiah at Glimmering Light
Head North out of Fortune’s Shore and Find Brother Jebiah in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6636 6611
Hand in the quest.
Forced Retirement
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Brother Jebiah in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6636 6611
TO COMPLETE: Deactivate Gorge Keepers x10
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Sigil of Undoing’
Find the Golems all around Deadman Gorge /setwaypoint 6785 6647 Bring them down to below 50% health and then use the Sigil of Undoing on them
Hand in the quest to Brother Jebiah in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6636 6611
Unlawful Tampering
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Malik Hamal in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6638 6609
Collect the Damaged Alpha Unit, Beta Unit and Gamma Unit
Collect the Damaged Units from the bases of the towers in Deadman Gorge
Collect the Damaged Alpha Unit – /setwaypoint 6794 6623
Collect the Damaged Beta Unit – /setwaypoint 6690 6722
Collect the Damaged Gamma Unit – /setwaypoint 6868 6517
Hand in the quest to Malik Hamal in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6638 6609
Acquired Taste
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Garem Nassar in Deadman Gorge at /setwaypoint 6765 6665
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gorge Strutters x12
Kill Gorge Strutters in Deadman Gorge /setwaypoint 6764 6701
Hand in the quest to Garem Nassar in Deadman Gorge at /setwaypoint 6765 6665
Flatyard Conspiracy
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Brother Jebiah in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6636 6611
Discover the Escape Route
Collect Sourcestone Lodes x10
Means of Escape
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Malik Hamal in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6638 6609
TO COMPLETE: Burn Escape Dinghies x4
Loyal to the Last
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Brother Jebiah in Glimmering Light at /setwaypoint 6636 6611
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard
Unknown Interference
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6643 6457
TO COMPLETE: Collect Empty Casings x4
Inmates on the Walls
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6643 6457
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rioting Inmates x12
Kill the Rioting Inmates along the walls of the prison
Hand in the quest to Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6643 6457
Inside Job
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6643 6457
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Anthon Eskar at The Flatyard
Drop down and head to the large front entrance of the Flatyard
Hand in the quest to Anthon Eskar in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6760 6526
Slither the Voice
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Anthon Eskar in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6760 6526
Speak to Anthon and acquire a disguise
Talk with Slither while disguised
Speak with Anthon (the questgiver) and ask him for a disguise
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Inmate’s Guise’
Use the Inmate’s Guise and your character will be disguised as an inmate for 30 minutes.
Walk into the Flatyard and you will see all the enemy NPCs are now neutral or friendly.
Find Slither at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
Hand in the quest to him
Welcome to the Yard
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Slither in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
TO COMPLETE: Kill a Flatyard New Blood
A Man Who Can Get Things
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Slither in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
TO COMPLETE: Steal Boyd’s Stash
Find Boyd’s Stash in the chest found in the middle of the Flatyard
/setwaypoint 6728 6396
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Deliver some Sigaras to Torga, Deliver some Sigaras to Ailish Vineslicer and Deliver some Sigaras to Yelinda’
Find the 3 NPCs and chat with them to deliver the Sigaras
Deliver some Sigaras to Torga – /setwaypoint 6748 6427
Deliver some Sigaras to Ailish Vineslicer – /setwaypoint 6650 6395
Deliver some Sigaras to Yelinda – /setwaypoint 6735 6366
Hand in the quest to Slither in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
Balance of Power
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Slither in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
TO COMPLETE: Place the dead bird on the Bargaining Table
The Mastermind
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Slither in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6696 6408
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Hazeed’s Enforcer
You will again receive the Inmate’s Guise item, be sure to check the cooldown of your disguise buff and reapply it when needed.
Go up the steps and find Hazeed’s Enforcer at /setwaypoint 6691 6361
Talk with him.
You will be teleported underground to Hazeed’s hideout, a small area called Murderer’s Caverns.
Here you can hand in the quest to Hazeed
Loose Ends
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hazeed in Murderer’s Caverns at /setwaypoint 6670 6386
TO COMPLETE: Kill the mobs listed
To get to Hazeed, find Hazeed’s Enforcer at /setwaypoint 6691 6361 and speak with him to be teleported down and take the quest from Hazeed.
Kill Aelfwar Gang Members x3
Kill Endless Gang Members x3
Kill Wanton Gang Members x3
Kill Storm Legion Gang Members x3
Speak with Hazeed’s Enforcer near the cages in the cavern to be teleported back up to the Flatyard.
Each of the NPCs can be found in different areas of the Flatyard, kill them!
Speak to Hazeed’s Enforcer again to return to the underground cavern and hand in the quest to Hazeed.
Final Preparations
The quest is picked up from Hazeed in Murderer’s Caverns
/setwaypoint 6670 6386
Collect the Sourcestone Focuser
Collect the Caches of Treasures x5
To get to Hazeed, find Hazeed’s Enforcer at /setwaypoint 6691 6361 and speak with him to be teleported down and take the quest from Hazeed.
You will again receive the Inmate’s Guise item, be sure to check the cooldown of your disguise buff and reapply it when needed.
Make your way through the tunnel while collecting the treasures from the crates.
At the end of the tunnel, cross the water to get to the boat, kill the boats Captain to loot the key and then collect the Sourcestone Focuser from the chest.
Speak to Hazeed’s Enforcer again to return to the underground cavern and hand in the quest to Hazeed.
Making a Deal
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Su’kia in Seafarer’s Folly at /setwaypoint 6665 6196
The Ultimate Component
The quest is picked up from Hazeed in Murderer’s Caverns
/setwaypoint 6670 6386
Bring Raz’ahan to Kasia Phelorn in the Flatyard
To get to Hazeed, find Hazeed’s Enforcer at /setwaypoint 6691 6361 and speak with him to be teleported down and take the quest from Hazeed.
Go back up to the Flatyard and then out the main entrance and back up to the top of the wall through the doorway in the wall.
Go up to the second floor and find Kasia Phelorn on top of the wall at
/setwaypoint 6643 6457
Hand in the quest.
Foiled Plans
The quest is picked up from Kasia Phelorn in The Flatyard at /setwaypoint 6643 6457
Destroy Hazeed’s Rift Machine
You will again receive the Inmate’s Guise item, be sure to check the cooldown of your disguise buff and reapply it when needed.
Hazeed will teleport away and you will be teleported out of the Cavern and into the secret tunnel.
Go back to Fortune’s Shore and hand in the quest to Jabarik at /setwaypoint 6602 7018
Completing this quest will award you the ‘Doing Time’ cheevo

A Profane Dagger
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jabarik in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6602 7018
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Raz’ahan to Tam Daggerborne in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Trail of Deceit
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
TO COMPLETE: Interrogate Noah Andern
Speak to Noah Andern in the tent in Fortune’s Shore, /setwaypoint 6699 7036 keep talking to him til you get the answer you require!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrogate a Companion’
You will find a few companions in the house at /setwaypoint 6565 7147 keep talking to them till you get the information you need.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect notes x5’
Find the notes in the Suspicious Garbage piles in Southern Fortune’s Shore, like this one at /setwaypoint 6600 7212
Picking up these notes will make the nearby ‘Gutterborn’ NPCs a bit cross with you, beware!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrogate Edward Macklen’
Find Edward Macklen in the house at /setwaypoint 6627 7166 and speak with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Edward Macklen’
Right click Edward again and speak with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Grant Relimar’
Find Grant Relimar at /setwaypoint 6580 7110 speak with Grant and then kill him.
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Betrayer's Alley
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Collect Gutterborn Manifests x6
Collect Steeljaw Scrolls x6
Collect Gunpowder Barrels x5
Loot the Steeljaw Scrolls by killing and looting the Steeljaw mobs /setwaypoint 6645 7149
Loot the Gutterborn Manifests by killing and looting the Gutterborn mobs /setwaypoint 6583 7149
Find the Gunpowder Barrels all over Southern Fortune’s Shore area, like this one at /setwaypoint 6588 7195
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Permanent Slumber
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
TO COMPLETE: Plant the Bomb and kill Amon Tikal
Find Amon Tikal sleeping in the house at /setwaypoint 6546 7253
To the left you can see his fire is clickable, click the fire to plant the bomb and then wait for it to explode! This will wake up Amon and make him rather cross, giving you the opportunity to kill him.
Hand in the quest to Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
The Head of Boris Cobb
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Head of Boris Cobb, Looted from Boris Cobb in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6667 7249
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 6635 7241
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Head of Boris Cobb to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Warning: Killing this dude is gonna make all the Steeljaw Gang members in Fortunes Shore very angry with you!
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
The Last Stone
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Essam Fudail at Windfury Post
Engineering Disaster
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
TO COMPLETE: Collect Crude Naga Charms x12
Kill the Storm Legion Diviners in Crescent Ridge /setwaypoint 6431 7137
Hand in the quest to Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
Bait and Smash
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Hypnotic Repeaters x4
The Harder They Fall
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Anwar Ghalib in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6516 7418
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ridgeline Trolls x10
Kill the Trolls in Crescent Ridge at /setwaypoint 6206 6947
Hand in the quest to Anwar Ghalib in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6516 7418
Not Right in the Head
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Anwar Ghalib in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6516 7418
TO COMPLETE: Collect Lodged Dominating Currents x10
Collect Lodged Dominating Currents from the Enthralled Howlers in Dustwind Hills /setwaypoint 6434 7518
Hand in the quest to Anwar Ghalib in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6516 7418
Stolen Heritage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cantara Ayah in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6528 7433
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Gust Spun Drills x3
I Saw Them First
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Cantara Ayah in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6528 7433
Collect Raw Sourcestones x10
Kill Storm Legion Overseers x5
The Head of Reilly Torrence
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Head of Reilly Torrence, Looted from Reilly Torrence in Dustwind Hills at /setwaypoint 6578 7604
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 6552 7601
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Head of Reilly Torrence to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
Servants of Air
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
TO COMPLETE: Kill Scaldserpent Nagas x12
Kill the Scaldserpent Nagas all over the Scaldwater Fields area /setwaypoint 6285 7262
Hand in the quest to Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
A Chilling Conclusion
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
TO COMPLETE: Collect Chilling Tempest Nexuses x8
Kill the Scalding Zephyrs and loot the Chilling Tempest Nexuses from them, find the Zephyrs all over the Scaldwater Fields area /setwaypoint 6285 7262
Hand in the quest to Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
Under Pressure
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
TO COMPLETE: Measure active geysers x5
Twisted Perfection
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
Kill the Typhoon Lord, Cyclone Lord and Hurricane Lord
At each location you will need to click the Twisted Cauldron to summon the Lord and kill it
Kill the Typhoon Lord – /setwaypoint 6179 7413
Kill the Cyclone Lord – /setwaypoint 6226 7505
Kill the Hurricane Lord – /setwaypoint 6327 7239
Hand in the quest to Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6522 7433
Crones of Crucia
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
TO COMPLETE: Kill Priestesses of Crucia x5
Kill the Priestesses of Crucia (large Naga mobs) found in the Southern half of Scaldwater Fields /setwaypoint 6184 7405
Hand in the quest to Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
Storm Front
The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6526 7427
Kill Storm Legion Lieutenants x8
Kill Storm Legion Lieutenants found all over the Sandstorm Refuge area
/setwaypoint 6093 7666
Hand in the quest to Essam Fudail in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6526 7427
Final Drafts
The quest is picked up from Zahrah Nasira in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6522 7433
Collect Mind Augmentation Drafts x10
Set Them Free
The quest is picked up from Cala Overeem in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6516 7436
Free Guardian Prisoners x3
The Might of the Legion
The quest is picked up from Cala Overeem in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6516 7436
Use the Kill Switches to destroy the Generators x2
Go into the cave at /setwaypoint 6123 7776
Here you will find the Generators, each with a switch (blue orb) on them, click the switches to disable them, each switch will bring up an air elemental for you to kill.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Stormlord Casimir. Once the second air elemental is dead, Casimir will become active and you can kill him too.
Casimir will become immune and Your quest objective will change to ‘Kill Bound Dusthowlers’
Kill these two mobs.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Mind Control Broadcaster’
The central blue orb will now be clickable, click it to complete the quest.
hand in the quest to Cala Overeem in Windfury Post
/setwaypoint 6516 7436
Power Supply
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Crystallized Regulators x6
The Lee of the Stone
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Essam Fudail in Windfury Post at /setwaypoint 6526 7427
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Jamal Fahnza at Leestone Stand
Hand in the quest to Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
Traitorous Scum
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
TO COMPLETE: Collect Golden Maw Communiques x10
Kill Golden Maw Recruits and loot the Communiques from them /setwaypoint 6801 7348
Hand in the quest to Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
Trained to Obey
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alish Redrock in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6740 7375
TO COMPLETE: Kill Snapmouth Basilisks x8
Kill the Basilisks found mostly in the waters in The Oasis at /setwaypoint 6874 7315
Hand in the quest to Alish Redrock in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6740 7375
Watchers Above
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golden Maw Operatives x8
Rightful Owner
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alish Redrock in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6740 7375
TO COMPLETE: Collect Operative’s Spyglass x7
Recovery Effort
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Garam the Architect in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6731 7377
Collect an Etched Sourcestone Core
Kill Volcanic Flames x4
Warning: This quest is designed for 3 players or for a higher level solo player.
Kill the Volcanic Flames along the path starting at /setwaypoint 6913 7431
Find the Etched Sourcestone Core behind the fire elemental named Voldross at /setwaypoint 7108 7633
Hand in the quest to Garam the Architect in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6731 7377
The Head of Owain Kruper
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Head of Owain Kruper, Looted from Owain Kruper in The Oasis at /setwaypoint 6783 7413
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 6790 7371
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Head of Owain Kruper to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
Beasts of the Order
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fahad Muti in Scoured Ledge at /setwaypoint 6873 7069
TO COMPLETE: Capture Wild Griffons and bring them to Fahad Muti x3
If the quest giver is not there, close the nearby rift.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Griffon Lure’
You will find the Griffons all over the Scoured Ledge area, bring them down to less than 50% and then use the Griffon Lure on them. They will then turn friendly and follow you. You can capture all 3 of the Griffons at the same time.
Hand in the quest to Fahad Muti in Scoured Ledge at /setwaypoint 6873 7069
The Wrong Hands
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
TO COMPLETE: Recover Pilfered Sourcestone x10
The Khaliti
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jamal Fahnza in Leestone Stand at /setwaypoint 6735 7376
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Ragheb Fenuk at the Khaliti Refuge
Hand in the quest to Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
Sacred Items
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
Retrieve the Consecrated Sand
Retrieve the Sacramental Incense x2
Retrieve the Khaliti Calligrapy Quill x4
Dark Purposes
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
TO COMPLETE: Collect Earth Dissolved Treasures x5
They Took Our Home
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mus’ad in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7079 7336
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sunblind Cyclopes x14
Kill Sunblind Cyclopes all over the Sunblind Ascent are /setwaypoint 7137 7374
Hand in the quest to Mus’ad in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7079 7336
Forever Silenced
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mus’ad in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7079 7336
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sunblind Conjurers x10
Kill Sunblind Conjurers in Sunblind Ascent /setwaypoint 7086 7525
Hand in the quest to Mus’ad in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7079 7336
Tainted Earth
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Imperfect Earth Elementals
At each location, click the Ritual Pyre to summon the Imperfect Earth Elemental and kill it
Destroy the first Imperfect Earth Elemental /setwaypoint 7161 7549
Destroy the second Imperfect Earth Elemental /setwaypoint 7021 7515
Destroy the third Imperfect Earth Elemental /setwaypoint 7011 7439
Hand in the quest to Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
Only the Beginning
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ragheb Fenuk in Khaliti Refuge at /setwaypoint 7083 7333
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Thomas Penthas at Dawnbreak Point
Hand in the quest to Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7359 7382
The Sundering
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7359 7382
TO COMPLETE: Drain Golden Maw Sentries of their earth essence then kill them x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Raz’ahan: Left Blade of Eth Kings’
Head into the Golden Summit area and find Golden Maw Sentry mobs, like this one at
/setwaypoint 7511 7629
Get the Sentry down to below 60% health and then use the quest item on them, they will then lose their disguise and you can kill the real mob
Hand in the quest to Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7359 7382
Heathen Rituals
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torgen in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7355 7382
TO COMPLETE: Collect contents of Ritual Pyres x6
Death to the Maw
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Torgen in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7355 7382
TO COMPLETE: Kill Summit Cultists x18
Kill Summit Cultists all over the Golden Summit area /setwaypoint 7529 7632
Hand in the quest to Torgen in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7355 7382
Source of the Stone
The quest is picked up from Torgen in Dawnbreak Point
/setwaypoint 7355 7382
Collect Sourcestone Crystals x3
An Unholy Pact
The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point
/setwaypoint 7359 7382
Destroy the Hearts
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Raz’ahan: Left Sabre of Destiny’
Go to each tent and kill the named mob, then target their corpse and use the quest item. A new mob will appear called the ‘Heart of Impure Earth’, Kill it!
Destroy Ulessei’s Heart of Impure Earth
/setwaypoint 7469 7703
Destroy Lorga’s Heart of Impure Earth
/setwaypoint 7607 7667
Destroy Ma’isah Najeeb’s Heart of Impure Earth
/setwaypoint 7688 7586
Hand in the quest to Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point at /setwaypoint 7359 7382
The Vigil's Blessing
The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point
/setwaypoint 7359 7382
Collect a bottle of Khaliti Sharpening Oil
The Fall of Hazeed
The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point
/setwaypoint 7359 7382
Draw out and kill Hazeed
Completing this quest will reward you the cheevo ‘Tarnish the Maw’

Hero of the Guardians
The quest is picked up from Thomas Penthas in Dawnbreak Point
/setwaypoint 7359 7382
Bring Raz’aham to Tam Daggerborne in Fortune’s Shore
Go to Fortune’s Shore and find Tam Daggerborne on the middle floor balcony of the Windfane building at /setwaypoint 6572 7065
Hand in the quest.
Bitter Rivals
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
TO COMPLETE: Collect Charged Debris x10
Collect the various bits of Charged Debris along the shore in Hullbreach Shoals, like these wooden planks at
/setwaypoint 6065 6743
When you click the item an air elemental will appear, you need to kill and loot it to credit the quest.
Hand in the quest to Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
We Need a Map
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
TO COMPLETE: Collect the Smuggler’s Map
Kill the Smugglers in the Hullbreach Shoals are until you loot the map. This is a random drop so you may need to kill a few of them.
Hand in the quest to Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
Exported Heritage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
Retrieve the Scarlet Gorge, Iron Pine, Stonefield and Scarwood Shipment
Find the shipments buried in the sand in Hullbreach Shoals
Retrieve the Scarlet Gorge Shipment – /setwaypoint 6175 6638
Retrieve the Iron Pine Shipment – /setwaypoint 6119 6627
Retrieve the Stonefield Shipment – /setwaypoint 6030 6750
Retrieve the Scarwood Shipment – /setwaypoint 6246 6631
Hand in the quest to Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
Kliklik's Claw
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kliklik’s Claw, Looted from Kliklik in Hullbreach Shoals at /setwaypoint 6165 6609
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 6169 6583
TO COMPLETE: Bring Kliklik’s Claw to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
Old But Not Obsolete
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
TO COMPLETE: Expose Sourcestone Beacons x4
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Enchanted Detector’
Head to the areas in the sea just off of the Hullbreach Shoals /setwaypoint 6021 6662
Swim down to the ocean floor and use the Enchanted Detector, on the sand, keep checking different spots until you find 4 of the beacons. There are 4 quest circles where the beacons can be, you can find up to 4 beacons in each circle.
Hand in the quest to Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
A Crafter's Lament
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
Collect Callous Claws x5
Collect Gleaming Scales x10
Kill the fish in the sea and loot the scales /setwaypoint 5995 6634
Kill the chompers on the shore to loot the Claws /setwaypoint 5956 6852
Hand in the quest to Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
Shimmerscale's Translucent Eye
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shimmerscale’s Translucent Eye, Looted from Shimmerscalek in Hullbreach Shoals at /setwaypoint 6004 6936
Cave entrance is at /setwaypoint 6006 6908
TO COMPLETE: Bring Shimmerscale’s Translucent Eye to Tzevi Durdana in Fortune’s Shore
Hand in the quest to Tzevi Durdana in Fortunes Shore at /setwaypoint 6637 7109
The Sacred Grotto
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve Sacred Burial Urns x8
Go down into the underwater cavern in the bay of Fortune’s Shore, entrance is at /setwaypoint 6587 6894
There is an air vent just to the left as you go into the cavern, this allows you to breathe underwater for 3 minutes, be sure to refresh the buff when needed, more air vents can be found throughout the cavern.
Find the Sacred Burial Urns all over the cavern, like this one at /setwaypoint 6593 6875
Hand in the quest to Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
Sewage Treatment
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
Kill Polluted Waterlords x12
Kill Polluted Waterlords in the water of the bay of Fortune’s Shore /setwaypoint 6599 6884
Hand in the quest to Minkabe Ziyad in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6329 6915
Better to be Feared
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
Speak with and kill Vomoth
Speak with and kill Melcoricas
Find these two baddies on the two large boats parked up in the Fortune’s Shore bay
Speak with and kill Vomoth – /setwaypoint 6573 6923
Speak with and kill Melcoricas – /setwaypoint 6610 6905
Hand in the quest to Shabaka Akins in Khaliti Row at /setwaypoint 6361 6910
The next group of quests takes place in the Western side of Shimmersand. These quests will grant you the Dragonslayers Notoriety and open up dailies that allow you to farm Dragonslayer Notoriety. You will need to be level 50 to pick up these quests, if you are a non-patron player then you may find yourself not quite at that level yet, you can go to Stillmoor to quest there or pop into instant adventures to level up.
Path of the Dragonslayer
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jabarik in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6602 7018
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Bahram Feris at Wyrmbane Spire
Find Bahram Feris in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7300
Hand in the quest
Trial of the Dragonslayer
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bahram Feris in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7300
TO COMPLETE: Collect Fire Magic Residue x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dragonslayer Talisman’
Head out into the desert and find burial sites, like this one at /setwaypoint 5906 7292
Stand near the grave and use the quest item.
A fire elemental will appear for you to kill and loot the Residue.
Hand in the quest to Bahram Feris in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7300
The Oathsworn
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bahram Feris in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7300
TO COMPLETE: Use the Wanton Ritual Rock
Find the Wanton Ritual Rock in the middle of an enemy settlement at
/setwaypoint 5932 7057
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Maelforge Ember’
An Argon Flameseer will spawn nearby, kill him to loot the Maelforge Ember
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Swear the Covenant Oath’
Go back to Wyrmbane Spire and talk to Bahram Feris to swear the Oath
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drink from the Chalice of Sacred Waters’
Drink from the little cup on the stand behind Bahram Feris
Hand in the quest to Bahram Feris in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7300
Now that you have completed some of these main quests, some of the dailies will be available for you to pick up, you can complete them for a little more XP, or just ignore them and continue with the main quests.
These dailies will allow you to farm the Notoriety that you will need to be able to enter the Wyrmbane Spire to open up more dailies.
The Dunes of Akala
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Farrah Husin in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6119 7284
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Josyr Mahndi at Gritsquall Haven
Find Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Hand in the quest.
Unfair Advantage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
TO COMPLETE: Reveal and Kill Agents of Akala x4
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Covenant Echolocator’
In the Southern part of the Dunes of Akala area you will find wisps of dust bellowing up from the sand. Like this one at /setwaypoint 5454 6644
Use the Covenant Echolocator to gain a buff then walk past/through these wisps to reveal the Agents and kill them, not all of the wisps work, so keep trying different ones.
Hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Army of Stone
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ganegen Dalub in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5583 6628
Collect Vortex Essences x3
Overload the Vortex Collector and kill Gritmaw Rubble x2
Destroy Stonegrip Pillars and kill Nalith’s Shards x4
Warning: This quest is designed for 3 players or for a higher level solo player.
For this quest you will need to find the rift called ‘Bonds of Sand and Stone’. This will be an earth rift found in the Dunes of Akala area. Check each of the rifts that are up, if not then check your bags and use the lure that has been given to you. Try to avoid the Major rifts if you are low level!
Complete phase 1, 2, and 3 of the rift as normal, kill the mobs and click the beacons.
Loot the Vortex Essences from the mobs during stage 4
During stage 5 a large red crystal will appear in the middle, be sure to click it and then kill the 2 Gritmaw Rubbles that appear.
During stage 6, click each of the 4 Stonegrip Pillars and kill the Nalith’s Shards that spawn.
Hand in the quest to Ganegen Dalub in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5583 6628
Tendrils Beneath
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sanari Masu in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5593 6629
Collect Crystallized Sourcestone x4
Collect the Sparkling Gold Lode
Seal the Akala’s Searchers rift
Warning: This quest is designed for 3 players or for a higher level solo player.
For this quest you will need to find the rift called ‘Akala’s Searchers’. This will be an earth rift found in the Dunes of Akala area. Check each of the rifts that are up, if not then check your bags and use the lure that has been given to you. Try to avoid the Major rifts if you are low level!
Collect 4 of the Crystallized Sourcestone around the rift during stage 1
Complete phase 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the rift as normal
During phase 6, collect the Sparkling Gold Lode from the centre of the rift before killing the last mob, there are 3 mobs, if you kill two of them then you should be able to grab the crystal between attacks from the third mob, just keep spamming the crystal til you loot it.
Hand in the quest to Sanari Masu in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5593 6629
Down to Size
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Kill Dune Widows x4
Kill Dune Crawlers x18
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Crawler Sapper’
Kill the Widows and Crawlers found in the Southern part of the Dunes of Akala
/setwaypoint 5531 6579
You can use the Crawler Sapper item to make them easier to kill
Hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Rites of Akala
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sanari Masu in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5593 6629
Collect Scepters of Akala x8
Collect Burnt Money Bags x3
Use the Covenant Extractor to steal Madina’s Energized Prisms
Use the Covenant Extractor to steal Ogmark’s Obsidian Cores
Warning: This quest is designed for 3 players or for a higher level solo player.
For this quest you will need to find the rift called ‘Shifting Sands’. This will be an earth rift found in the Dunes of Akala area. Check each of the rifts that are up, if not then check your bags and use the lure that has been given to you. Try to avoid the Major rifts if you are low level!
Loot the Scepters of Akala from the Akalan Ritualists, found in stage 1 and 2 of the rift.
Loot the Burnt Money Bags from the gold piles on the floor during stage 4
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Covenant Extractor’
Use the Covenant Extractor on Madina during stage 5 to loot Madina’s Energized Prism
Use the Covenant Extractor on Ogmark during stage 6 to loot Ogmark’s Obsidian Core
Hand in the quest to Sanari Masu in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5593 6629
No Escape but Death
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Kill Akalan Vassals x7
Kill Akalan Drudges x3
Kill Dune Bullies x3
Kill all these mobs, found in the central part of the Dunes of Akala area
/setwaypoint 5303 6259
hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Desert Power
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ganegen Dalub in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5583 6628
Collect Golden Cores
Shatter Charged Boulders and kill Unbound Fragments x20
Release the Imbued Monoliths and kill Akalan Parasites x2
Warning: This quest is designed for 3 players or for a higher level solo player.
For this quest you will need to find the rift called ‘Golden Cascade’. This will be an earth rift found in the Dunes of Akala area. Check each of the rifts that are up, if not then check your bags and use the lure that has been given to you. Try to avoid the Major rifts if you are low level!
During phase 1, destroy a Gildstone Deposit (small earth mounds) around the rift to collect the Golden Cores (You only need one of them)
Clear stages 2, 3 and 4 as normal
During stage 5 there will be Charged Boulders which you can click to release Unbound Fragments, about 6 will come from each boulder
During stage 6 there will be two Monoliths to click on, click them both and they will release the Akalan Parasites for you to kill
Hand in the quest to Ganegen Dalub in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5583 6628
Undercover Operation
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
TO COMPLETE: Collect a Golem Device
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Retrieve Caches of Wealth x3
Head over to the area marked on the map and find ‘Sturdy Boulders’, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5311 6519
Clear the nearby mobs and then click the Golem Device to use it and you will be turned into a Golem, the disguise will last 10 minutes.
Be sure you have the disguise on when you click the Sturdy Boulders to reveal the Caches and loot them.
Hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Blood and Sand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
Kill Nexus Cyclopses x10
Kill Stone Nexus Golems x8
Kill Stonehand Defenders x6
Find the mobs in the Northern part of the Dunes of Akala area
/setwaypoint 5162 6038
Hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
A Volatile Relationship
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Akalan Rituals x4
Find the Akalan Rituals on the Northern shoreline of the Dunes of Akala
Like this one at /setwaypoint 5302 5986
Approach the Ritual, kill a Stonehand Invoker mob and loot him, a quest item will be added to your sticky called ‘Volatile Firebomb’
Use the Firebomb on the Rituals to destroy them.
Hand in the quest to Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
An End to Reinforcements
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Josyr Mahndi in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5588 6620
TO COMPLETE: Close planar portals x3
6 Quests in the Magic Ticket Questline
To start the Magic Ticket questline you first need to complete the ‘Living on the Edge’ cheevo.
Living on the Edge

This cheevo is gained by doing the first quest of a hidden questline.
The first quest can be found in fortunes shore at /setwaypoint 6501 7017 – On the balcony at the back of the building
The questgiver appears randomly so you will need to keep checking if he is up or not. You should switch shards to check them all as he is up on different shards at different times.

The ‘quest’ is to place a bet on either the red or yellow fighting cockatrice and hope that your bird wins! Only a winning bet will progress the quest, so you may have to try a few times before you are successful.
The NPC Marsh Prodem can be spoken to to get information about the birds, although the information isn’t very useful, it’s mostly a random chance, however you can ‘help your bird win’ by healing them!
Use the ‘I’m ready to wager’ chat to start the proceedings!
The betting balls in the boxes beside you will now be clickable. Click the ball that matches the colour of the bird you want to bet on!

You should have a buff in your buff bar saying which bird you bet on..
Your bird needs to win before the timer runs out.
Dont forget to heal your bird if you can!
If you win, the red loot bag behind the NPC will sparkle. right click to loot it.
If you don’t win, you will have to try again another time, you only get one chance per NPC pop.

Inside the bag will be your magic ticket, which now allows you to start the magic ticket questline.
The magic ticket can be found in your quest items bag.
Be aware, the ticket is not clickable like other quest starters, you just have to go to the right location with the ticket in your bag.
You need to go to /setwaypoint 6873 7194 and find ‘Mona Bernardi’ – She will give you the first quest

The Magic Ticket
The quest is picked up from Mona Bernardi in The Oasis
/setwaypoint 6873 7194
You will need to have the Magic Ticket in your bag (or quest bag) to be able to see the quest giver, see cheevo above.
Light the Spawn Pit
On the Trail
The quest is picked up from Virf in Sunblind Ascent
/setwaypoint 7163 7506 – Click the Spawn Pit to make him appear
Find the Elemental Reagents using the Truesight Crystal
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Truesight Crystal’
Go to the area marked in Sunblind Ascent and use the Truesight Crystal, this will give you a buff called ‘Truesight’, when this buff is active you will be able to see the location of the Elemental Reagents on the mini-map as a white diamond, seen here to the North-West.
Head over to the East side of Fortune’s Shore and find the Warp Crystal using the same method with the Truesight Crystal
/setwaypoint 6853 6965
Click the Warp Crystal to be teleported to a super secret area called Faen’s Retreat!
Hand in the quest to Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat at /setwaypoint 4648 6174
Faen’s Retreat
Faen’s Retreat is a hidden area in Rift that can only be accessed once you start the Magic Ticket questline.
To enter Faen’s Retreat click the Warp Crystal in the East of Fortunes Shore at
/setwaypoint 6853 6965
To leave Faen’s Retreat click the Warp Crystal in Faen’s Retreat at
/setwaypoint 4697 6104
Whispering to the Winds
The quest is picked up from Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat
/setwaypoint 4648 6174
Use the Windsong Lute
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Windsong Lute’
To leave Faen’s Retreat click the Warp Crystal at /setwaypoint 4697 6104
Once in Fortune’s Shore, head North to Deadman Gorge and then into the cave entrance at /setwaypoint 6895 6676
Target one of the Gorge Flurry mobs and bring them down to less than 60% health then use the Windsong Lute on them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring the Gorge Flurry to the Enchanted Lightning Rod’
Travel north along the water and find the Lightning Rod on the island rock at /setwaypoint 6845 6184
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Witness the power of a charged Gorge Flurry’
Stand on the rock for a few seconds until the quest ticks off, then go back to Faen’s Retreat and hand the quest in.
Hand in the quest to Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat at /setwaypoint 4648 6174
Rock Solid
The quest is picked up from Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat
/setwaypoint 4648 6174
Use the Hexcavator x3
If You Keep Making That Face
The quest is picked up from Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat
/setwaypoint 4648 6174
Use the Glowing Scroll
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Glowing Scroll’
Go to the Defiant headquarters in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6651 7041
Use the Glowing Scroll and you will gain a buff called ‘Friendship’ this will allow you to walk into the building without being attacked!
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Plant fireworks in Construct Scraps, Dance with Asha Catari and Destroy a Supply List’
You need to go into the building, find the 3 locations and pull pranks on the Defiants
Plant fireworks in Construct Scraps
Find the Construct Scraps on the ground floor of the building, like this one at
/setwaypoint 6674 7073
Click them to plant the fireworks
Damage Control
The quest is picked up from Merethis Faen in Faen’s Retreat
/setwaypoint 4648 6174
Step into the cage to access the Pit of Mastery
Completing this quest will aware you the ‘Lord of Illusion’ cheevo.

Notes for Completionist..
- After you have completed all the quests there will be 30 quests listed. These quests are Defiant only quests and cannot be completed by your Guardian character.