Mathosia Tutorial Quests

Upon creation of a Guardian Character you will find yourself in a small zone called Mathosia.

You will be given many pop up tips during your time in this zone, I highly recommend you stop to read them all, however if you choose to skip them you can always read them again later in the help menu ‘Help Tip Encyclopedia’.

During Rift 2.1 the tutorial areas of Terminus and Mathosia were streamlined for a faster more direct route to the real world.

Map of Mathosia
  • Mathosia is a Tutorial level zone.
  • There are 0 portals in the zone.
  • This is the first zone you enter when you create a Guardian character.
  • Once you leave you will not be able to come back. 
  • There are a few rares to kill, but they do not count towards any kind of cheevo, so you don’t need to worry if you miss them, they are also super rare, with hours between spawns.
  • There are a few books to pick up, they are duplicated in the main game so don’t worry if you miss picking them up here.
  • This zone will teach you the very basics of gameplay.

If you happen to level past level 8 and start getting the ‘Introduction’ quests, you will find guides for those on the Sanctum Quest page.

Below is a guide for all 11 quests in the Mathosia Tutorial zone.
There used to be more quests! You can see an old guide for those here. The zone was streamlined on 16th January 2013.

This guide is for the Guardian Questline in the Mathosia Tutorial zone.
For the Defiant version of this page, click here!

11 Storyline Quests

Link to video that Guardians see when they first enter Mathosia.

Ascended Allies


The quest is picked up from Sanctuary Warden in Sanctuary of Rebirth
/setwaypoint 1123 1388

Speak with Fayne Doran

You first quest is picked up from the Sanctuary Warden that is right in front of you when you arrive.

Walk out of the building and hand in the quest a little way down the path to Fayne Doran.
/setwaypoint 1150 1346

Avenging Hand


The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Hallowed Hill
/setwaypoint 1150 1346

Kill Ashen Defilers x4

To your right among the gravestones are some Ashen Defiler mobs.

Find a damaging ability and use it on the Ashen Defilers repeatedly, til they die!
Most preset roles will load in with a few abilities already in your ability bar. You can pop this ability into slot 1 and then just spam button 1 to use the ability as often as possible. If you do not have a damaging ability on your bar then open up your ability book [default button P] and choose a damaging ability from the tabs with your 3 souls listed.
If you need more help with abilities and souls you may find the Character Creation guide helpful or the New Player Guides page.

Kill 4 of the Ashen Defilers to finish the quest.
Go back to Fayne Doran to hand in the quest.

Steel Reckoning


The quest is picked up from Fayne Doran in Hallowed Hill
/setwaypoint 1150 1346

Collect Imbued Swords x4

A small way down the hill is a village with many swords stuck in the ground, you can right click them to pick them up.

There are also Corrupted Knight mobs, each knight drops a sword when you kill them.

Pick up or loot 4 of the swords to complete the quest.

Once you are finished you can head down to the first main quest hub and hand in the quest to Shyla Starhearth at /setwaypoint 1200 1200

Weakened Ward


The quest is picked up from Shyla Starhearth in Thontic’s Fountain
 /setwaypoint 1200 1200

Retrieve Sanctified Spheres from Ardenburgh Horrors x5

Around the nearby buildings you will see many of the Horror mobs.
Kill 5 of them and then right click the corpses to loot the spheres, you may want to check if your AOE loot setting is switched on, then you can loot more than 1 corpse at a time if they are close together.

When you have looted 5 spheres your quest will be ready to hand in.
Note that the spheres wont be in your normal bag, instead they go into your Quest Items bag which is attached to your quest log, press L to bring up your quest log to see them.

When you have looted all 5 spheres you can look at your mini-map to see the quest hand-in tick. Go to it and hand in the quest to Brother Jebiah at /setwaypoint 1117 1158



The quest is picked up from Brother Jebiah in Ardenburgh Gate
/setwaypoint 1117 1158

Pray at the Altar of Bahralt

In a ruined building you will see the Altar of Bahralt.

If you cannot see the Alter then you need to repair your game.
You can find instructions for how to do this on the Tech Help page.

When you enter the building and approach the Alter a Deathbound Thrall will spawn in the corner and attempt to kill you. Kill it and then right click the Alter quickly to be able to finish the cast before it respawns.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Dwarven Hammer on Deathbound Thralls.’
You will have a quest item attached to your quest sticky, the item is a Dwarven Hammer. 

Target one of the Deathbound Thralls and click the quest item to use it.
The Hammer will hit 3 times and kill the Deathbound Thrall.

Kill 3 Deathbound Thralls with the Hammer and then return to Brother Jebiah at /setwaypoint 1117 1158 to hand in the quest.



The quest is picked up from Brother Jebiah in Ardenburgh Gate
/setwaypoint 1117 1158

Collect Sourcestone Cores x4

Open up the map and you will see 4 areas highlighted where you will find the cores.

Here you will find Sourcestone machines that can be looted to give your Sourcestone, and Defiant mobs that will drop Sourcestone when you kill them.
Hovering over the mobs will give you a mouseover that lists the quest, this shows you that they drop the item you need.

Collect 4 of the Sourcestone and then head to Cyril Kalmar at /setwaypoint 1031 1057 to hand in the quest

Fields Run Red


The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Valor Hold
/setwaypoint 1031 1057

Kill Deathbound Rogues x2
Kill Deathbound Soldiers x2
Kill Deathbound Sorcerers x2

Rogues, Soldiers and Sorcerers can all be found in the fields just outside the camp. The Soldiers and Sorcerers are often around the barricades, whereas the Rogues are more likely to be found running up towards the camp.
Kill two of each mob type to complete the quest then head back to Cyril Kalmar at /setwaypoint 1031 1057 to hand in the quest.

The Pariah


The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Valor Hold
/setwaypoint 1031 1057

Use the Shrine of Thedeor

To your left, on a small circle of stone is the Shrine of Thedeor, right click it to use.

If you cannot see the Shrine of Thedeor then you need to repair your game.
You can find instructions for how to do this on the Tech Help page.

You will be teleported to a platform high up above the battlefield.
/setwaypoint 1097 889

Right click the console to disable the beam holding the Construct of Orphiel in place, then kill it! (quest objective ‘Kill Ethect’)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Chase Orphiel away from Ascendant Hall’
Attack Orpiel, he will get to around 25% and then go immune and run away.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with the Messenger of the Vigil’
At the end of the platform you will find the Messenger of the Vigil, hand in the quest and then take the next one, you will be teleported into a wisp and fly back down to the camp.

Burgeoning Power


The quest is picked up from Messenger of the Vigil in Ascendant Hall
/setwaypoint 1060 919

Speak with Cyril Kalmar

Your journey as a wisp should have taken you back to the camp.
Go to Cyril Kalmar at /setwaypoint 1031 1057 to hand in the quest.

Gathering Strength


The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Valor Hold
/setwaypoint 1031 1057

Cleanse a Shadetouched Horse

Along the edges of the battlefield you will see Shadetouched Horses.
They are generally being guarded by only one mob, so kill the mob and then target the horse and use the quest item ‘Cyril’s Bridle’ on the horse to cleanse it. (The ability is on your quest sticky)

If attempting to cleanse the horse crashes your game then you need to repair your game. You can find instructions for how to do this on the Tech Help page.

You will now be mounted up on the horse!

Your quest objective will change to ‘Return a horse to the stable at Valor Hold’

Ride the horse back to the camp and into the fenced stable area.

Go to Cyril Kalmar at /setwaypoint 1031 1057 to hand in the quest.

Note: This is the first quest where you will need to choose a reward. Click on the potion you would like and then hit the finish button.
When you reach the real world the quests will often have you choose between different rewards, generally different gear items for different classes, you will need to make sure you choose the right item for your class, you can find out more about this in the New Player Guides.

A Dim, Dark Eye


The quest is picked up from Cyril Kalmar in Valor Hold
/setwaypoint 1031 1057

Disable the rift pillars and reveal Aedraxis

When you pick up the quest, Cyril will offer you a horse to ride.
Click the conversation bubbles to continue through the conversation and receive your horse. The horse is temporary and will be attached to your quest sticky so you can click to use it again if you dismount.

Head straight across the battlefield towards the rift up the hill in the distance.

Towards the bottom of the hill is a beam of yellow light, stand in the light to instantly and viciously slaughter the group of mobs in front of you. What fun!

Run up to the top to find your first rift!

You will now have a Rift Progress tracker on your screen, this tracker will tell you what you need to do to close the rift.

Start by killing all the baddies and then clicking the crystals near the pillars to disable them and reveal Aedraxis
Kill all the different mobs as they spawn and finally kill Regulos.
You will then be teleported to the real world.

Quest is handed in to
Messenger of the Vigil in Silverwood
/setwaypoint 6071 3962

Link to video that Guardians see when they leave Mathosia


There are a few rares to kill, but they do not count towards any kind of cheevo, so you don’t need to worry if you miss them, they are also super rare, with hours between spawns. You can create the target macro and use it while you are in the zone, it is unlikely that you will find any of the rares unless you intentionally stick around in the zone before completing the final quest. There really is no need to do this.

A few of the rares path around the whole area where they spawn. The zone is so small that you can do a full check of the zone in a couple of minutes so its best to just run around spamming your macro rather than only doing so at the specific spots.

/target Maurice Sullivan
/target Frona Lykeria
/target Gatekeeper Nortulis
/target Road Warden Molnar
/target Summoned Horror
/target Defiant Assassin

Frona Lykeria
/setwaypoint 1018 1125
Road Warden Molnar
/setwaypoint 809 1012
Gatekeeper Nortulis
/setwaypoint 939 904
Maurice Sullivan
/setwaypoint 1060 1256
Defiant Assassin
/setwaypoint 1075 1087


/setwaypoint 1121 1401
The Prophecy of the Ascended
Not Collectible
/setwaypoint 1130 1384
Journal of Zareph Mathos
/setwaypoint 1070 1407
Talos Roda: Purifier
/setwaypoint 1069 1268
City Record of Ardenburgh
/setwaypoint 1078 1204
Durnes: Ranger
/setwaypoint 1218 1237
Phynnious Rothmann: Pyromancer
/setwaypoint 1169 1192
Vachir Altan: Champion
/setwaypoint 1155 1220
Elementalists, The First Mages
/setwaypoint 1124 1107
On Neddra the Warlock
/setwaypoint 1022 1056
Amardis Mathos: Paladin
/setwaypoint 930 1143
The Unholy Blight: Reavers
/setwaypoint 842 1095
Niyol Cliffswind: Sentinel
/setwaypoint 806 1012
Nysyr: Inquisitor
/setwaypoint 924 923
Acacia Zardonis: Nightblade
/setwaypoint 974 908
Veseslav: Assassin
Locations for the duplicate books in Sanctum - Collect the ones you missed!

Vachir Altan: Champion – /setwaypoint 7406 2886
Amardis Mathos: Paladin – /setwaypoint 7406 2886
Niyol Cliffswind: Sentinel – /setwaypoint 7465 3093
Nysyr: Inquisitor – /setwaypoint 7475 3092
Acacia Zardonis: Nightblade – /setwaypoint 7461 3010
Veseslav: Assassin – /setwaypoint 7511 2967
Phynnious Rothmann: Pyromancer – /setwaypoint 7476 3011
Elementalists, The First Mages – /setwaypoint 7458 3019
Talos Roda: Purifier – /setwaypoint 7477 3082
Journal of Zareph Mathos – /setwaypoint 7459 3081
Durnes: Ranger – /setwaypoint 7612 3093
On Neddra the Warlock – /setwaypoint 7607 3090
The Unholy Blight: Reavers – /setwaypoint 7612 3105
City Record of Ardenburgh – /setwaypoint 7524 3083