Ember Isle Quests

Ember Isle
  • Ember Isle is a level 50 zone with a level 60 area to the West.
  • To get to Ember Isle you will take the quest from the Travel Stone outside your home city, See the first main quest in this guide. You cannot swim there!
  • There are 10 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Fort Zarnost, Farhall, Searing Brink and Ember Watch
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Caduceus Rise Dungeon – /setwaypoint 14094 3620
    — Entrance to Infernal Dawn Raid – /setwaypoint 13655 3778

Below is a guide for all 74 Main Quests in The level 50 area of Ember Isle.

For the Ember Isle rares go here
For the Ember Isle puzzle go here
For the other Ember Isle cheevos go here

This guide is for the Guardian Questline in Ember Isle.
For the Defiant version of this page, click here!

Ember Isle has two distinct areas. The main land mass to the East is the original level 50 zone. To the West, there is an underwater area, this area is for level 60 players. This guide page is for the quests in the level 50 area. You will find the level 60 area quests page here.

Quest Cheevos

There are 74 quests in the Level 50 Area of Ember Isle, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

The Wanton Purged
Restoring the Isle

74 Main Quests For The Level 50 Area

In Search of the Farclan


The quest is picked up from Amani Kolya in Sanctum
/setwaypoint 7247 2968

Speak with Arie at the travel stone and teleport to Ember Isle

Find the Travel Stone just outside of sanctum down by the water.
Note that on the main map this shows as being in the water, but on the mini map you can see the shape of the land beneath you.

Travel Stones function in the same way as Porticulums.

Speak to Arie, the NPC stood on the platform in the stone, and teleport to Ember Isle.

You will teleport into the Southern side of Ember Isle. Make sure you grab the normal portal at /setwaypoint 12414 4048

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066 up on the platform

Welcome to Fort Zarnost


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Approach an Icon of Radiance to gain Vigil’s Radiance

There are 3 locations where you can find an Icon of Radiance, this one is at
/setwaypoint 12481 4031

When you go near the Icon, you will gain a temporary ability called ‘Vigil’s Radiance’

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bless hidden Farclan Scouts near the shore x4 — Bless hidden Farclan Scouts in the town x4 — Bless hidden Farclan Scouts in the north x4’

Go to each location, stand near the Idol in each location and use the Vigil’s Radiance ability to target the ground under the revealed Farclan Scouts.

Bless 4 of the scouts at each location.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Island Navigation

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Henrich Ignard in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12458 4021
TO COMPLETE: Discover the Travel Stones

Discover the Obsidian Shore Travel Stone
Discover the Splintered Shallows Travel Stone
Discover the Abundant Wilds Travel Stone
Discover the Wellspring Flats Travel Stone
Discover the Breaker Point Travel Stone

You will go near each of these Travel Stones during the questline of Ember Isle, so there is no need to rush to each one now! Keep the quest active and you will slowly complete it on your travels.
These Travel Stones work slightly differently to normal porticulums, as there is no NPC to speak to, you just need to right click the central stone instead.

Hand in the quest to Henrich Ignard in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12458 4021

Allies in the East

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Olinda Markera in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12465 4047
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Darlus at Ember Watch

Ember Watch is the main quest hub in the middle of the Island, it’s a good idea to pop over there now to grab the portal, this will make it easier for you to hand in a lot of the pick-up quests that you will find as you follow the main storyline..

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

The Dwarves of Farclan


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Speak with Barnebus Klem

Speak with Barnebus Klem in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12437 4001

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Retrieve stolen Forged Sigils x6’

Find the Mischievous Spirits in the lands outside of Fort Zarnost, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12423 3934

Kill the Spirits and loot the Sigils from them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Repair and fire a Farclan Catapult’

Find a Farclan Catapult back in Fort Zarnost, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12513 3974

Right click the Catapult to repair and fire it.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

A New Threat


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Use the Crest of Bahralt on dead Corrupted Spirits x5

Go to the northern shore of Fort Zarnost, find Corrupted Spirits, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12467 3855

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Crest of Bahralt’

Kill the Corrupted Spirits then target their corpse and use the Crest of Bahralt item.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Cleanse the Crest of Bahralt in the Sourcewater Basin’

Go back to Fort Zarnost, find one of the Sourcewater Basins at
/setwaypoint 12453 4063 (there are a few of them around the town).

Right click the Basin to cleanse the Crest of Bahralt.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Extracted Corruption’

An Extracted Corruption mob will appear on the Basin, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Fire Shall Fall


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Awaken a Farclan Malgam

Find a Deactivated Malgam in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12532 4071

Right click the Malgam to speak with it and wake it up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Crest of Bahtralt on a weakened Farclan Malgam’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Crest of Bahtralt’

Bring the Farclan Malgam down to less than 50% health and use the Crest of Bahtralt on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Borrin Gammult’
Find Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066 and right click to speak with him.
The Farclan Malgam will follow you.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Uncover and kill Angered Cinders x3’

Lead the Farclan Malgam to the area south east of Fort Zarnost and find Smoldering rocks, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12619 4054
Bring the Farclan Malgam close to the rocks and he will make an Angered Cinder appear, kill it!

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Source of Power


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Kill Wildtusk Boars and Saltwater Gators x10
Collect the mysterious Spirit Stone

Find the mysterious Spirit Stone on the Island off the south west coast of Ember Isle at /setwaypoint 12849 4419
Kill Wildtusk Boars and Saltwater Gators in the Abundant Wilds area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Corva Tiash’

Find Corva Tiash in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 13018 4381
Right click to speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Invoke the Spirit of the Sourcewell’

Go to the Abundant Wilds Sourcewell at /setwaypoint 12938 4270

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Stone’

Use the Spirit Stone to target the middle of the Sourcewell to invoke the Spirit of the Sourcewell.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Seek guidance at the shrine to the Vigil’

Go across the bridge at
/setwaypoint 13078 4378

Find the shrine to the Vigil at
/setwaypoint 12981 4447

Right click the shrine and listen to the Messenger of the Vigil.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

An Odd breakfast

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Empty Gator Nest in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 12784 4169
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gator Eggs x7

Collect the Gator Eggs from the nests nearby on the shoreline or in the water.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Keeper's Creed

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper’s Creed (Book) in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 12889 4262
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Darius at Ember Watch

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

Poisonous Pests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Poison Gland, looted from Jungle Crawlers in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 13096 4382
TO COMPLETE: Kill Jungle Spiders x7

Kill Jungle Spiders all around the Abundant Wilds area.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Webbed Wanderers

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Webbed Supplies in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 13083 4384
TO COMPLETE: Free Webbed Keepers x4

Find the Webbed Keepers in the Abundant Wilds area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13116 4351
Right click to free them. Sometimes it will be a Pykari, not a keeper, be ready to defend yourself!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Accursed and Profane


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Disturb the Old Spirit Shrine

Head to the Nykantor Ruins area and find the Old Spirit Shrine at
/setwaypoint 12839 3787

Right click the shrine to disturb it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Arios and Kill Syranax’

Find these two mobs in the marked locations and kill them.

Kill Arios
Find him wandering around at around
/setwaypoint 12991 3892

Kill Syranax
Find him wandering around at around
/setwaypoint 12773 3934

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Corrupted Core’

Find the Corrupted Core at the base of the tower at
/setwaypoint 12838 3875
Right click the core to collect it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use a Corrupted Core on a Kelari Captive’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Corrupted Core’

Go back to Fort Zarnost, find the Kelari Captive at /setwaypoint 12451 4037

Target the Kelari Captive inside the cage use use the Corrupted Core item.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Smothering Darkness

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shadowy Core, looted form a Manifested Shadow in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12808 3844
TO COMPLETE: Kill Manifested Shadows x8

Kill Manifested Shadows all over the Nykantor Ruins area.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Respecting the Past

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Broken Altar in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12737 3703
TO COMPLETE: Restore Spirit Altars x5

Fint the Spirit Altars in the Nykantor Ruins area, like this one at /setwaypoint 12780 3789
Right click the Altars to restore them.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Exposing the Sneaks

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Temple Torch in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12849 3799
TO COMPLETE: Reveal and kill Pykari Sneaks x3

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Temple Torch’

Find a Shrine to Maelforge, like this one at /setwaypoint 12864 3830 these are all marked on your map with a little yellow dot.

Use the Temple Torch near the shrine and a Pykari Sneak will appear for you to kill.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Natural Resources


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Collect Living Wood x7

Go to the island to the West of the main land mass.

Kill the Treants and loot the wood from them, or pick up boughs of Living Wood from the ground /setwaypoint 12284 3508

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Rhetta Stonejaw at The Stranglewood’

Find Rhetta Stonejaw at
/setwaypoint 12619 3474
Right click to speak with her

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Disturb the First, Second and Third Spirit Cairn’

Find the 3 Cairns around the Stranglewood and click them

Disturb the First Spirit Cairn
/setwaypoint 12447 3474

Disturb the Second Spirit Cairn
/setwaypoint 12418 3607

Disturb the Third Spirit Cairn
/setwaypoint 12587 3588

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Locate the Stranglewood Spiritroot’

Find the Stranglewood Spiritroot at /setwaypoint 12454 3538
Right click it

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Orlan’

Orlan will appear on the Stranglewood Spiritroot, kill him!

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Living Loam

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shambler Foot, looted from a Stranglewood Shambler in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12445 3753
TO COMPLETE: Collect Shambler Feet x7

You can find the Shamblers all along the coastline of The Stranglewood, kill them and loot their feet!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Tangled Paths

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Spirit in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12408 3715
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Tangleflowers x6 and Kill Crawling Biters x12

Attack and destroy the Tangleflowers found in The Stranglewood area.
Like this one at /setwaypoint 12387 3686
1 or 2 Crawling Biters will spawn from each flower, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Timber Trap

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Entangled Corpse in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12612 3568
TO COMPLETE: Free Entangled Keepers x4

Find Entangled Roots in the Stranglewood and right click them to free Entangled Keepers.
Like this one at /setwaypoint 12626 3521

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Pride of the Farclan


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Speak with Hesher Breckenrock

Find Hesher Breckenrock in the Northern half of Ember Isle at
/setwaypoint 13048 2940
Right click to speak with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Control a group of Farclan Malgams’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Crest of Bahralt’

Next to Hesher Breckenrock is a group of Farclan Malgams. Use the Crest of Bahralt to target the ground beneath them and they will start to follow you.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Enable the Wavetouched Idol’

Go to the Wavetouched Idol at
/setwaypoint 12749 3110
Right click to enable it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend against the attack and defeat Vapus’

Stay at the Idol and kill everything that attacks. If nothing attack, just click the Idol again!

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Stolen Power

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pearl of Power, looted from Wellspring Invokers in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 12761 3311
TO COMPLETE: Collect Pearls of Power x5

Kill Wellspring Invokers in the Wellspring Flats are and loot the Pearls of Power from them.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Lurking in the Mist

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Journal in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 12887 3170
TO COMPLETE: Stand in blue ritual circles to reveal and kill Ithkari Abominations x3

Find the blue ritual circles in Wellspring Flats, like this one at /setwaypoint 12905 3188

Stand in them for a few seconds to reveal the Ithkari Abominations and then kill them.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Equipment Degradation

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Lantern in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 13024 3266
TO COMPLETE: Repair Keeper Lanterns x7

Find more of the Keeper Lanterns in the Wellspring Flats area and right click to repair them.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Among the Missing


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Find the Missing Scout

Find the Missing Scout in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12953 2850
Right click the scout.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Murderous Spirits x3’

3 Murderous Spirit will appear above the scout, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gather Corrupted Essences’

Kill Wicked Spirits in Forlorn Fen, like this one at /setwaypoint 12980 2817 and loot the Corrupted Essences from them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the essences on the Shrine to the Vigil’

Go to the Shrine to the Vigil at 
/setwaypoint 12683 2896
Right click it to place the essences.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066

Clear a Path

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pizko in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 13037 2523
TO COMPLETE: Clear Forlorn Undergrowth x8

Find the Forlorn Undergrowth in the Forlorn Fen area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13017 2588
Right click the Undergrowth and sometimes the quest will credit straight away, other times a Slithering Feeder will spawn, kill it to credit the quest.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Sunken Belongings

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Marsh Grass in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12782 2575
TO COMPLETE: Collect Lost Belongings x6

Collect Lost Belongings from all over the Forlorn Fen area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12799 2537

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

The Carrion Menace

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bloody Sash, looted from a Meddling Snapper in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12786 2700
TO COMPLETE: Kill Meddling Snappers x15

Kill Meddling Snappers all over the Forlorn Fen area – /setwaypoint 12732 2741

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

An Unexpected Revelation


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost
/setwaypoint 12445 4066

Defeat Pykari Adversaries x5

Find the Pykari Adversaries in the Tidewell Inlet area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13267 2553
When you attack them, a Farclan Smith will come along to help you!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reveal and kill the Pykari Lieutenant’

Find the Pykari Altar at 
/setwaypoint 13054 2530
Right click it to spawn the Pykari Lieutenant, DPS him down and at around 50% the Farclan Smiths will arrive to take him away.

Hand in the quest to Harold Genthrop in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13230 2817 – Above ground

Bigger and Deadlier

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Siltreaver Spine, dropped by Tideflat Festerclaw in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13217 2404
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tideflat Festerclaws x10

Kill Tideflat Festerclaws all over the Tidewell Inlet area.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Anchors to the Depths

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Broken Shrine in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13222 2386
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Shrines to Ithkus x4

Destroy the Shrines to Ithkus all around the Tidewell Inlet area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13168 2390

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Worth a Chance

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Barlo Dregg in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13447 2322
TO COMPLETE: Save Weakened Keepers x4

Find the Weakened Keepers all over Tidewell Inlet, like this one at /setwaypoint 13476 2343
Kill the baddy that is guarding them and then speak to the Keepers to release them. Some of the Keepers will need to die.. these won’t count towards the quest.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Matron of Farhall


The quest is picked up from Harold Genthrop in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13230 2817 – Above ground

Speak with Joran Jinder
Speak with Morrim Cripley

Go into the cave in Farhall, you will find one of the entrances at
/setwaypoint 13377 2733

Speak with Morrim Cripley
/setwaypoint 13395 2782

Speak with Joran Jinder
/setwaypoint 13344 2787

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Concerning Farclan


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Collect a Fire Mushroom and Make Mush Milk

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mush Milk Recipe’

Find Fire Mushrooms on the ground in the Farhall cave, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13424 2862
Right click to pick one up.

Then click the Mush Milk Recipe to make the Mush Milk.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Drink Mush Milk to Prove your Boldness’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mush Milk’

Click the Mush Milk item to drink it.
You will now have a buff called ‘Mush Milk Sight’ that lasts an hour.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to Ancestor Torgin’
With the Mush Milk Sight you can now see and talk to invisible NPCs!

Talk to Ancestor Torgin at
/setwaypoint 13404 2811

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Lift the Giant Boulder to Prove Your Strength’

Next to Ancestor Torgin is a Giant Boulder NPC.
Right click to interact/chat with the Giant Boulder and try to lift it up!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Fight the Farclan Elder to Prove Your Toughness’

Find the Farclan Elder at
/setwaypoint 13423 2783
Right click to talk with him, then attack him till he goes friendly again at around 25% health.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

The Forge of Creation


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Collect Hardy Rocks from Farhall Crushers x4
Collect Infused Water from Farhall Wavecallers x2
Collect Bleached Bones from Farhall Skeletons x4

Leave the Farhall cave.

In the lands above the cave, and in the sea to the north, you will find all the Farhall mobs to kill and loot these items from.

When you need to get back into Farhall cave in the future, look out for one of the entrances marked on the map with a cave entrance symbol.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Wash at the Ceremonial Basin — Wear the Traditional Farhall Costume — Pray at the Altar of the Vigil’

Go back in to the Farhall cave, find the Basin at /setwaypoint 13344 2771 right click it to wash.

Find the Altar at /setwaypoint 13396 2835 right click it to pray.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Traditional Farhall Costume’
Click the costume to wear it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Create an Inert Malgam at the Forge of Creation’

Go to the Forge of Creation at
/setwaypoint 13402 2773
Click the Forge while wearing the Costume.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Pyrkari At Large


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Capture Escaped Pykari x4

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Farclan Lasso’

Find the Farhall Pykari just outside the entrances of the Farhall cave, like this one at /setwaypoint 13312 2961

Bring the Pykari down to less than 50% health and use the Lasso on them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return Escaped Pykari to the Pykari Pens in Farhall x4’

Lead the Lassoed Pykari back into the Farhall cave and up to the pens at
/setwaypoint 13406 2890

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Pykari Leader above Farhall’

Go back out the cave and find the Pykari Leader at /setwaypoint 13404 2789 approach the camp to make Karris appear.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Assault on Farhall


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Collect a Pykari from the Pykari Pens

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Farclan Lasso’

Go back to the Pykari Pens at
/setwaypoint 13406 2890

Select the Captive Pykari inside the Pen and use the Farclan Lasso on it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take the Pykari to the Forge of Creation’

Go to the Forge of Creation at
/setwaypoint 13402 2773 the Pykari will follow you there. The Forge will take the Pykari from you!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Activate a Malgam at the Forge of Creation’

Right click the Forge and some of the nearby Maglam will activate.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Farhall with the Maglams’

Go to one of the 3 cave entrances and help the Maglams defeat the Pykari that attack.
I defended the entrance at
/setwaypoint 13287 2823

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Too Great A Cost


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Pick up the Empowered Relic

Leave the Farhall Cave and go up the mountainside to Fractured Plain.

Find the Empowered Relic at
/setwaypoint 13457 3207
Right click to pick it up.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Goblin Diggers x5 and Bury Farclan Remains x4’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Empowered Relic’

Find the Farclan Remains all over the Fractured Plain area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13470 3207
Target the Farclan Remains and use the Empowered Relic item to bury them.

Kill Goblin Diggers all over the Fractured Plain area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Goblin Idol’

Find the Goblin Idol at
/setwaypoint 13340 3175
Right click it to destroy it

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Spy on Karris’

Find a pile of rocks on the upper pathway at
/setwaypoint 13382 3249

Right click the rocks

You will be turned into a rock! Karris will come along and have top secret chats with a Goblin Digger. You will be able to listen in!

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Blood and Death

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Weapon Rack in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13381 3138
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tarnished Weapons x5

Collect Tarnished Weapons from the Weapon Racks found all over the Fractured Plain area.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Frontline Foes

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ochrin Communique, looted from Troglodyte Soldiers in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13458 3083
TO COMPLETE: Kill Troglodyte Soldiers x7

Kill the Troglodyte Soldiers all over the Fractured Plain area.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

A Hidden Danger

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Exploded Ritual in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13226 3195
TO COMPLETE: Disassemble Ritual Piles x5

Find the Ritual Piles all over the Fractured Plain area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13275 3196

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

A Treasure Beyond Measure


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Explore the Sunken Pirate Ship

Head north out of the Farhall cave and find the Sunken Pirate Ship at
/setwaypoint 13549 2532

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Talk to the Ghost Pirate’

Right click the Ghost Pirate near the Ship to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Skeleton and Pirate Hat’

Find the Skeleton and Pirate Hat in the two location in Splintered Shallows.

Find the Skeleton at
/setwaypoint 13924 2766

Loot the Pirate Hat from the Thieving Pirate at /setwaypoint 13744 2761 – Approach the chest to make him spawn.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return the Scattered Pieces to the Ghost Pirate’

Return to the Ghost Pirate at
/setwaypoint 13549 2532
Right click to talk with him and return his items.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat the Zombie Pirate’

Kill the Zombified Pirate that spawns.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Pykari Voodoo Doll from the Zombie Pirate’

Loot the Zombie Pirate corpse for the Voodoo Doll.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Pykari Voodoo Doll and Return the Powerful Pykari to Farhall’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Pykari Voodoo Doll’

Find the Powerful Pykari just along the rocks at /setwaypoint 13593 2522

Select the Powerful Pykari and click the Pykari Voodoo Doll item to capture him.
Lead the Powerful Pykari back to the Pykari Pens in Farhall at
/setwaypoint 13406 2890

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Glittering Thralls

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pirate Plans, looted from a Golden Maw Privateer in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13633 2624
TO COMPLETE: Kill Pirate Minions x7

Kill Pirate Minions in the Splintered Shallows area, these guys are quite small!

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

More Than Just Gold

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ship Debris in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13728 2754
TO COMPLETE: Recover Sourcewell Orbs from Ship Debris x5

Pick up the Ship Debris from all over the Splintered Shallows area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13768 2720

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Not the Rum!

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pile of Kegs in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13895 2860
TO COMPLETE: Place Kegs of Rum on Pirate Bonfires x3

Find Kegs of Rum on the boats around Splintered Shallows, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13872 2857
Pick them up and then click the Pirate Bonfires to burn them
/setwaypoint 13847 2795

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Clutched by Greed


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Talk to a Farclan Crafter

Leave the Farhall cave and head east to the Gilded Strand area.

Talk to a Farclan Crafter, there are a few to choose from, the one pictured is at
/setwaypoint 13999 3094

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Golden Maw Generals x4 and Kill a Golden Maw Forgemaster and Collect the Shackle Key’

Find and kill all these mobs in the Gilded Strand area.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Shackle Key to Free the Farclan Crafters x4’

Find the Shackled Farclan Crafters in Gilded Strand, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13954 3125
Right click the shackle to free them.

Enemies of the Strand

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Remains, looted from a Cyclops Crusher in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 14020 3018
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cyclops Crushers x6 — Kill Hammertail Skinks x6

Kill these mobs all over the Gilded Strand area, especially in the waters to the west /setwaypoint 13929 3180

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Fit For a Queen

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Armor Schematic in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 13963 3071
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve Armor Schematics x4

Retrieve Armor Schematics around Gilded Strand, like this one at
/setwaypoint 14027 3032

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Crawl No More

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Dorn in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 13834 3120
TO COMPLETE: Shake loose and kill Earthen Crawlers x8

Use the nearby Keeper Catapults – /setwaypoint 13856 3098 –  to shoot the Crawler nests, kill the Earthen Crawlers as they leave their nests. The Crawlers will appear just under where there nests were.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Ancestors Astray


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Investigate Fell Fields

Go to the southern half of Ember Isle to the Fell Fields area /setwaypoint 13225 3690

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Water and Bless the Water at the Shrine’

Drop down to the lower walkway and pick up the Water at /setwaypoint 13215 3737

Use the Shrine at /setwaypoint 13226 3731 to bless the water.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Extinguish the Fallen Farclan with the Blessed Water x4’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Blessed Water’

Dotted around the Fell Fields area you will find Fallen Farclan, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13181 3732

Use the Blessed Water item and target the ground under the Fallen Farclan to put out the flames.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

We Goblins Three

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Infernal Altar in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13195 3911
TO COMPLETE: Kill Infernal Parasites x8 — Kill Nak — Kill Skug — Kill Tuzk

Kill Infernal Parasites all over the Fell Fields area
Kill Nak at /setwaypoint 13332 3977
Kill Skug at /setwaypoint 13299 4015
Kill Tuzk at /setwaypoint 13337 3902

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Destroying the Profane

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Idol of Maelforge in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13246 4000
TO COMPLETE: Collect Idols of Maelforge x5

Collect Idols of Maelforge from all around the Fell Fields area

Like this one at /setwaypoint 13227 3973

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Measuring the Corruption

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Grenius in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13425 3880
TO COMPLETE: Take scans of lava pools x8

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lava Scanner’

The lava pool locations are all clearly marked on your map, go to them and use the Lava Scanner. Be careful not to fall into the lava! You need to stand pretty much on top of the quest dots, there is always a rock platform close enough to use the lava scanner without being burned.
You can stand in one location and switch shard to use the scanner again.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

The Past Aflame


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Get Covered with Mud
Dance in the Fire
Collect 3 Scraps and make a Disguise

Kill the Wanton mobs in Kheramos Village to loot the Scraps needed for the disguise.
/setwaypoint 13800 4400

Click a Mud pile to get Covered with Mud in the tunnel under the slope/hill at
/setwaypoint 13726 4347

Dance in the Fire at
/setwaypoint 13798 4541

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Scrap of Goblin Clothing’

When you have collected all the scraps, use the Scrap of Goblin Clothing item to combine them into a disguise.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Put on the Goblin Disguise’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Goblin Disguise’

Click the Goblin Disguise item to put it on.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Spy on Karris while wearing the disguise’

You wont be able to mount with the disguise on, so you may find it easier to remove the disguise by right clicking the buff and then putting it back on when you reach the right spot.

Go to where Karris is at
/setwaypoint 13477 4606

Put the disguise on and walk into the clearing, Karris will appear and talk before disappearing again.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Remnants of Karris's Past

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Book in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13790 4554 (Inside the hut)
TO COMPLETE: Find the Discarded Scroll

Find the Discarded Scroll between the broken walls at /setwaypoint 13620 4618

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Ritual Dagger and Find the Kelari Priest’s Candle’

Find the Ritual Dagger at /setwaypoint 13658 4565 — On the platform at the top
Find the Kelari Priest’s Candle at /setwaypoint 13644 4494 — On the windowsill outside the house

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Skulking in Fire's Shadow

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Menra in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13687 4593
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ashen Pykari x7 – Kill Charcoal – Kill Soot

Kill Ashen Pykari all over the Kheramos Village area.
Kill Charcoal at /setwaypoint 13612 4632
Kill Soot at /setwaypoint 13698 4522 – On the lower platform

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

Last Rites for the Fallen

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fallen Keeper in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13482 4574
TO COMPLETE: Perform last rites on Deceased Keepers x7

Find the Deceased Keepers all over the Kheramos Village area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13498 4571
Right click them to perform last rites

There is a second quest circle at /setwaypoint 13825 4508 with more Deceased Keepers

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

Shattered on the Shore


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Investigate the Fate of the Malgams

Go to the spot on the coast of the Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13974 4007

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Broken Malgam Parts x5’

Collect the Broken Malgam Parts from all along the shoreline, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13989 4002

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Capture Pykari Ghosts x4’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Pykari Ghost Trap’

Find the Pykari Ghosts on the hills of Obsidian Shore, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13891 4147

Bring the Pykari Ghosts down to less than 50% health and use the Pykari Ghost Trap on them.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Reassemble the Malgam in Farhall’

Return to the Farhall cave and go to the Forge of Creation at
/setwaypoint 13402 2773

Right click the Forge to Reassemble the Malgam.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to the Reassembled Malgam’

Right click the Reassembled Malgam to speak with it.

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Quelling the Fires

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ritual Fire Pit in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13930 4247
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ifrit Scorchers x8 — Kill Sulfus — Kill Kindil

Kill Ifrit Scorchers all over the Obsidian Shore area
Kill Sulfus at /setwaypoint 13739 4176
Kill Kindil at /setwaypoint 13932 4119

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Breaking Fire's Spell

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Artifact of Flame in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13770 4016 — On top of the cliffs/mountain
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Scorched Artifacts x6

Destroy Scorched Artifacts found all around Obsidian Shore, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13727 4061

Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432

An Obsidian Cage

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Snerkle in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13613 3955
TO COMPLETE: Reveal and collect Keeper Remains x6

Find the Obsidian Spiritstones all over the Obsidian Shore area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13600 3922

Right click them to expose the Keeper Remains and then collect the Keeper Remains.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

The Malgams' Trial


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Confront Karris

Head over to the island off the South East coast of Ember Isle, The Temple of Marakris.

Find Karris at the entrance to the upper building at /setwaypoint 14239 4278

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destroy the Turned Malgams’

Kill the Malgams that accompany Karris.

Now you need to find Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink, this is inside the Volcano in the centre of Ember Isle.

There are a few ways to enter the Volcano, one is along the path I have highlighted in red on this map.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Stopping the Swarm

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Flamespawn Nest in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 13962 4390
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sunamen — Kill Eviryx

Find other Flamespawn Nests on the Southern side of Temple of Marakris, and right click them, Sunamen and Eviryx have a chance to spawn from them. If nothing appears, just move on to the next nest.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443

Clearing the Temple

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Kelari trap in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 14173 4362
TO COMPLETE: Disarm Rusted Traps x6

Find the Rusted Traps all over the Temple of Marakris, right click them to disarm.

Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456

Hunting Small Hunters

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bloody Claw, looted from a Stalking Terror in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 14256 4190
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stalking Terrors x8

Kill Stalking Terrors around the edges of the Temple of Marakris

Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448

In Corruption's Shadow


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Seal Volcanic Vents x5
Kill Magma Spouts to reveal and kill the Magma Lord

Find the Colcanic Vents all around Searing brink, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 13647 3584
Right click the vent and an Ashen Cindergut will spawn, kill it to seal the vent.

From Borrin’s location, go West up the slope and find the Magma Spouts at
/setwaypoint 13566 3574

Kill the Magma Spout mobs and the Magma Lord will spawn for you to kill.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

In Vigil's Sight


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Collect Reliquary Fragments from Wanton Priests on the ledge above x6

From Borrin, go east up the slope and then turn a U turn to the right at
/setwaypoint 13784 3640

Kill the Wanton Priests, like this one at /setwaypoint 13661 3673
Collect the Reliquary Fragments from  their corpses.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Rebuild the Reliquary of Bahralt’

Head further up the slope to find the Damaged Altar at
/setwaypoint 13581 3644
Right click the Damaged Altar to rebuild it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Seal of Bahralt’

Loot the Seal from on top of the Altar.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

The Battle for Ember Isle


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Overload Karris’s Volcanic Fissure

From Borrin’s location, drop off the ledge at /setwaypoint 13616 3601 down to the platform below. This will put you right in front of the cave entrance at 
/setwaypoint 13614 3603

Follow the tunnel into the cave and then into the second cavern where you will find Karris’s Volcanic Fissure at
/setwaypoint 13551 3659

Right click the Fissure.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place the Seal of Bahralt on the Ancient Pedestal’

Karris will spawn with his mates and have a little chat, after 30 seconds the Pedestal will become clickable, click the pedestal to place the Seal.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Karris’

Attack Karris til he reaches around 50%, then there is more talking.

Go out of the cave, turn left and follow the path all the way up and round til you reach Borrin.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

The Wanton Unbound


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Defeat Karris

Head east up the slope and follow the curve to the left at /setwaypoint 13777 3625 then up the slope at /setwaypoint 13778 3582

Here you will be at the top-most platform of Searing Brink.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘The Wanton Cipher’

Stand in the middle of the platform and use The Wanton Cipher
A rift will open!

Complete the stages of the rift.
Be sure to watch Karris throw some bad guys into the lava.. lol

On stage 4 you can kill Karris.

Hand in the quest to Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Our New Guardians


The quest is picked up from Borrin Gammult in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13642 3615 – In the Volcano

Speak with Solya Karini in Farhall

Hand in the quest to Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘The Wanton Purged’

A Hero's Reward


The quest is picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall
/setwaypoint 13419 2834 – In the cave

Speak with Darius at Ember Watch

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

Completing this quest rewards you the ‘Embri’ Companion Pet.

The Keepers of the Flame


The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446

Commune with the NPCs listed

At each location is a pedestal that you click to make the NPC talk.

Commune with Talos
/setwaypoint 13094 3446

Commune with Karine
/setwaypoint 13067 3450

Commune with Ula
/setwaypoint 13035 3475

Commune with Nazim
/setwaypoint 13068 3427

Commune with Asias
/setwaypoint 13043 3407

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

Nexus Infusion


The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446

Attack Planar Anomalies and gain Planar Charge

Destroy the Planar Anomaly crystal at
/setwaypoint 13004 3507
Stand in its blue aura for a few seconds while your planar charges refill.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Nexus Infusion to upgrade an Ember Watch Turret’

Find an Ember Watch Turret, like this one at /setwaypoint 12985 3515

When you select the Turret, you will see an upgrade button next to it’s portrait.
This upgrade ability is called Nexus Infusion. Use it to upgrade the Turret.

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

To Hold Back the Inferno


The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446

Defend the North Tether and Defend the South Tether

Go up the rocky path towards the volcano to find the tethers.

Right click the tether and you will be attacked by various mobs. Keep defending the tether until all 3 or 4 waves are complete.

Find the North Tether at
/setwaypoint 13348 3405

Go across the bridge to get to the South Tether

Find the South Tether at
/setwaypoint 13260 3523

Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446

Notes for Completionist..

  • After you have completed all the Quests in the level 50 and 60 area, there will be 32 quests still listed. These quests are Defiant only quests and cannot be completed by your Guardian character.