Stonefield Quests

  • Stonefield is a level 20-26 zone.
  • To get to this zone you can walk from Freemarch..
  • There are 3 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Quarrystone Base Camp, Coterie Camp, Granite Falls, Camp Fergos and Sentry Station.
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Deepstrike Mines – /setwaypoint 4794 5421
    — Entrance to Return to Deepstrike Mines – /setwaypoint 4831 5396
    — Entrance to Rise of the Phoenix Raid – /setwaypoint 4225 5233
    — Entrance to Intrepid: Rise of the Phoenix Raid – /setwaypoint 4234 5227

Below is a guide for all 75 quests in Stonefield.
With 53 Main Quests and 22 Carnages

For the  Stonefield rares go here
For the  Stonefield puzzle go here
For the other Stonefield cheevos go here

This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Stonefield.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 74 quests in Stonefield, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

Playing the Field in Stonefield
Stonefield Hunting
Death of a Titan

52 Main Quests

Assistance for Granite Falls


The quest is picked up from March Warden Denegar in Denegar’s Stand
/setwaypoint 7263 5419
This quest can also be picked up from Joss Farwraker in Defiant’s Approach at /setwaypoint 6186 5253

Speak with Khaleem Vensworn in Meridian
Speak with Seth Merrick at Coterie Camp

This is the breadcrumb quest that will lead you into Stonefield, the second Defiant zone.

You can find Khaleem Vensworn in Meridian right next to the portal
/setwaypoint 6134 5178

This NPC may attempt to give you a PVP quest when you right click him, you can take the quest and then click again to talk, or close/decline the quest and then the dialogue option will be there to select.

You will be teleported to Stonefield where you can then speak to Seth Merrick at Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5695 5126

Then hand the quest in to Optio Dohon at
/setwaypoint 5700 5111

Unusual Results


The quest is picked up from Optio Dohon in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5700 5111

Speak with Bartholomew Cleary at Quarrystone Base Camp

Quarrystone Base Camp is a little way North along the road.

Go straight to it following the path, don’t get distracted by other quests just yet!

Bartholomew Cleary will be walking around the camp
/setwaypoint 5694 4757
talk to him

Your quest objective will now change to
‘Scan the Large Purple Crystal
Scan Felix’s Camp
Scan the Old Idol’

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Darcomecron’

Go to the 3 locations marked on your map and use the quest item to scan the area.

Scan the Large Purple Crystal – /setwaypoint 5602 4642

Scan Felix’s Camp – /setwaypoint 5798 4869

Scan the Old Idol – /setwaypoint 5875 4837

Go back to the Quarrystone Base Camp and hand in the quest to Bartholomew Cleary at /setwaypoint 5694 4757

Miner's Things

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Forrest Haener in Quarrystone Base Camp at /setwaypoint 5693 4757
TO COMPLETE: Find the three items listed. The items are all marked on your map.
Retrieve Haener’s Favorite Shovel – /setwaypoint 5620 4670
Retrieve Haener’s Lucky Pickaxe – /setwaypoint 5624 4653
Retrieve Haener’s Trusty Backpack – /setwaypoint 5597 4636
Pick up the 3 items and then go back to Forrest Haener in Quarrystone Base Camp at /setwaypoint 5693 4757 and hand in the quest.

A Strange Device

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting ‘Strange Device’ from Stonecrush Troglodytes in Far Mine Loop at /setwaypoint 5646 4687
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Strange Device to Bartholomew Cleary at the Quarrystone Base Camp

Go back to the Quarrystone Base Camp and hand in the quest to Bartholomew Cleary at /setwaypoint 5694 4757

Don't Touch My Grengrug

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Underpaid Courier in Far Mine Loop at /setwaypoint 5678 4630
TO COMPLETE: Inform Bram Caulker at Quarrystone Base Camp of the Courier’s Fate

Hand in the quest to Bram Caulker at Quarrystone Base Camp /setwaypoint 5682 4757

Road Rocks

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Oreling Stone, looted from Rocky Shamblers in Far Mine Loop at /setwaypoint 5689 4679
TO COMPLETE: Collect Oreling Stones x8

Pick up the Stones from the ground or loot them by killing more Rocky Shamblers.
Go to the Quarrystone Base Camp and hand in the quest to Bartholomew Cleary at /setwaypoint 5694 4757

The Long Arm of Eth


The quest is picked up from Bartholomew Cleary in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5694 4757

Investigate the Toppled Telescope

Find the Toppled Telescope at
/setwaypoint 5572 4716
Right click to interact

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Ethian Chest’

Find the chest at /setwaypoint 5710 4927
Right click to interact

Right click the chest again to collect the device, you may be attacked while doing so, just kill the mob and continue.
Go back to the Quarrystone Base Camp and hand in the quest to Bartholomew Cleary at /setwaypoint 5694 4757

Too Dumb for Words


The quest is picked up from Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

Use the Control Collar on a Stonecrush troll

Find yourself a Stonecrush Troll in Quarrystone Basin, this one is at 
/setwaypoint 5633 4905
You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Control Collar’
Attack the Sonecrush Troll till he is at below 30% health and then use the Control Collar
The Troll will become friendly and follow you, this effect will last for 2 minutes.

Take the Troll back to Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Troll Brains x6’

Go back to Quarrystone Basin and kill more of the Stonecrush Trolls so you can loot their brains.

Hand in the quest to Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

A Rocky Problem

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Deathly Crystal Vein in Quarrystone Basin at /setwaypoint 5645 4891
TO COMPLETE: Collect Deathly Shards x6

Pick up the purple crystals off the ground in the Quarrystone Basin.

Go back to the Quarrystone Base Camp and hand in the quest to Bartholomew Cleary at /setwaypoint 5694 4757

Functionally Illiterate


The quest is picked up from Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

Inspect the Troll Glyph

Go to the Troll Glyph at
/setwaypoint 5628 4738
Right click it to inspect

Return to Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750
Hand in the quest

Mind the Trolls


The quest is picked up from Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

Inspect the 4 Troll Glyphs while Trollified

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Pink Slurry’
Go to each of the 4 locations marked on the map, drink the Pink Slurry to turn you into a Troll and then read the Glyphs.

1st Troll Glyph – /setwaypoint 5628 4738

2nd Troll Glyph – /setwaypoint 5524 4857

3rd Troll Glyph – /setwaypoint 5425 4801

4th Troll Glyph – /setwaypoint 

Return to Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750
Hand in the quest

Message Received Cheevo

Once you have finished the quest go to /setwaypoint 5211 5324 there you will find Korbosh in his tent.
Simply click the glyph that you can see behind him (You may want to kill him first!).

Mystery Solved


The quest is picked up from Violet Harwood in Quarrystone Base Camp
/setwaypoint 5683 4750

Deliver the Troll Research to Lyndon Kassel in Coterie Camp

Find Lyndon Kassel in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5695 5062 and hand in the quest

Skeletons Of The Past


The quest is picked up from Lyndon Kassel in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5695 5062

Scan the areas listed

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lyndon’s Darcomecron’

You need to use this item at the small areas marked on your map, while picking up Rust Slivers from the general area around them.

Go to each area and use the quest item to credit the quest, you may need to move around a little to get a proper reading! When you are in the right spot, you should get a message in your chat saying ‘This appears to be a good spot to use the Darcomecron’

Scan the titan’s skull – /setwaypoint 5450 5023
Scan the titan’s ribs – /setwaypoint 5469 4999
Scan the titan’s right hand – /setwaypoint 5542 5011
Scan the titan’s left hand – /setwaypoint 5466 4955
Scan the titan’s leg – /setwaypoint 5522 4909

You can pick up the Rust Slivers as you move between the different areas to scan, you will find the Rust Slivers on the floor, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5464 5009

When you are finished, go back to Lyndon Kassel in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5695 5062
Hand in the quest

Why Ask Why?

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norbert Denbur in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5692 5064
TO COMPLETE: Troll Rage Extracted x5

Go down into the Titan’s Rest area and use the quest item ‘Rage Extractor’ on the Trolls
This works on the larger Dreadbone and Stonecrush Trolls, like the ones found at /setwaypoint 5553 4959 they need to be in or very close to the quest circle, the ones further out will not count.
Use the Extractor on 5 Trolls then return to Norbert Denbur in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5692 5064 and hand in the quest

An Unwanted Assignment


The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5739 5136

Mark the Buried Artifact

Find the Buried Artifact at
/setwaypoint 5579 5008
Right click it to mark it

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Mark the Broken Artifact’

Find the Broken Artifact at
/setwaypoint 5534 4943

Right click it to mark it

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Mark the Shattered Artifact’

Find the Shattered Artifact at
/setwaypoint 5458 4887

Right click it to mark it

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Risen Horror’

Uriel Chaluun will appear and have a chat and then the Risen Horror will spawn, kill it!

Return to Kira Thanos in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5739 5136
Hand in the quest

Victim of the Stonecrush

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting Bloody Spaulders from a Stonecrush Ravager in Temblor Hills at /setwaypoint 5397 4917
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Bloody Spaulders to Alixia Deanthor at Coterie Camp

Find Alixia Deanthor in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5721 5083 and hand in the quest

A Kind of Magnetism


The quest is picked up from Lyndon Kassel in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5695 5062

Place the Box of Slivers

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Armor Sliver’

Go to the table at /setwaypoint 5405 5039 and use the quest item
The box will appear on the table and start attracting Trolls
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Attracted Trolls x4’
Kill 4 of the Trolls

Go to Kira Thanos in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5739 5136
Hand in the quest

Stonefeather Extraction

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norbert Denbur in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5692 5064
TO COMPLETE: Extracted Stonefeather Rage x4

Go down into Stonefield Prairie area and use the quest item ‘Rage Extractor’ on the Stonefeather Rocs, like the ones found at /setwaypoint 5438 5089
Use the Extractor on 4 Stonefeathers

Hand in the quest to Norbert Denbur in his secluded camp just south of the road at /setwaypoint 5415 5257 and hand in the quest

Foul Flesh

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting Pungent Bird Meat from Stonefeather Rocs in Stonefield Prairie at /setwaypoint 5438 5089
TO COMPLETE: Collect Pungent Bird Meat x6 and Collect Sicklehorn Chops x6

Collect Pungent Bird Meat by killing Stonefeather Rocs in Stonefield Prairie at around /setwaypoint 5438 5089
Collect Sicklehorn Chops by killing Sicklehorn Rams in Stonefield Prairie at around /setwaypoint 5331 5022

When you are finished go to Crim Tinshin in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5691 5114 and hand in the quest

Norbert Unleashed

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norbert Denbur in his secluded camp just south of the road at /setwaypoint 5415 5257
TO COMPLETE: Use the Rage Extractor on Norbert at his camp and Subdue Norbert

Target Norbert and use the quest item ‘Rage Extractor’, he will turn into a troll! Attack the Troll till it reaches around 25% and turns back into Norbert.
Then return to Norbert Denbur in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5692 5064 and hand in the quest

The Secret Ingredient is Lymph

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crim Tinshin in Coterie Camp at /setwaypoint 5691 5114
TO COMPLETE: Collect Light Lymph x8

Go to Dreadbone Shelf and kill troglodytes (like the Dreadbone Wretches at /setwaypoint 5282 5238) to loot the Light Lymphs from them

Hand in the quest to Neldon Bandrey in Granite falls at /setwaypoint 4920 5035

War on the Dreadbone


The quest is picked up from Optio Dohon in Coterie Camp
/setwaypoint 5700 5111

Plant Defiant Banners on the Corpses of Dreadbone Trolls at Dreadbone Shelf x10

Go to Dreadbone Shelf and find the bigger Trolls, like the ones pictured at
/setwaypoint 5227 5277

Kill the trolls and then select the corpses and use the quest item, on your sticky, called ‘Defiant Banner’, this will place a banner on the trolls corpse.

When you have placed 10 banners, go to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls at
/setwaypoint 5017 4956
Hand in the quest

An Unsober Proposition

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from the Brewing Cauldron in Dreadbone Shelf at /setwaypoint ########
TO COMPLETE: Collect Grengrug x10

Collect the pots of Grug all around Dreadbone Shelf, like this one at
/setwaypoint 5156 5333

When you have 10, hand in the quest to Jacksen Winsley in Stone Flask Tavern at
/setwaypoint 4864 4981

All that Remains


The quest is picked up from Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956

Collect the items listed

Collect Rotting Scraps x10 – These can be looted from Nefarious Spirits, like the ones at /setwaypoint 5045 4911
Or simply picked up from the ground all around The Harrow area

Collect Small Rusted Key from Darkclot

Find Darkclot at /setwaypoint 5122 4813
Kill him and loot the key from his corpse

Collect Lewin’s Scepter

Once you have the key, go into the church and loot the small ceremonial box on the table to collect Lewin’s Scepter

Go back to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956
Hand in the quest

Lights Out

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Colma Dalyci in The Harrow at /setwaypoint 5159 4840
TO COMPLETE: Extinguish Grave Candles at The Harrow x6

All around the graves in The Harrow you will find Candles which you can click to extinguish, like these ones at /setwaypoint 5115 4845
Sometimes when you click the candles a baddy wisp called ‘Grave Light’ will attack you, you don’t have to kill it but you may as well.

Right click 6 of them to complete the quest
The quest will auto-complete when you are finished

Underground Consecration


The quest is picked up from Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956

Use the Scepter of Cleansing at the Tainted Keystone beneath The Harrow

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Scepter of Cleansing’

This quest is done down inside the large cave/crypt under The Harrow

You first need to go in the entrance at 
/setwaypoint 5086 4757

Make your way down into the cavern, picking up any quests you find along the way.

Go all the way to the bottom cavern and at the very back of this cavern you will find the Tainted Keystone
/setwaypoint 5125 4913

Use the Scepter of Cleansing near the statue

Then return to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956
Hand in the quest

Wrongfully Buried

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Elysia Raymund in Harrow Crypt at /setwaypoint 5093 4741 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve Elysia’s Pendant from the crypt beneath the Harrow

The pendant can be looted from any of the mobs in the crypt, it dropped for me from a mob right next to the questgiver (crypt thrall)

When you have the pendant, go back to Elysia Raymund in Harrow Crypt at /setwaypoint 5093 4741 and hand in the quest

Dust to Dust

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Adventurer in Harrow Crypt at /setwaypoint 5092 4708 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Shade Moss from the crypt beneath the Harrow x6

The moss can be found along the top platform of the cave, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 5117 4796
And near the graves in the bottom cavern too

When you have gather 6 Sade Moss, go to Joyce Daley in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4947 4922
Hand in the quest

Rebuilding a Mystery


The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Harrow Crypt /setwaypoint 5151 4766 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)

Collect the Device Fragments

All the fragments are in the Crypt on the lowest floor

Collect the First Device Fragment
/setwaypoint 5120 4781

Collect the Second Device Fragment
/setwaypoint 5138 4889

Collect the Third Device Fragment
/setwaypoint 5143 4847

Pick up all 3 Fragments then go back to Uriel Chuluun in Harrow Crypt /setwaypoint 5151 4766
Hand in the quest

The Finished Device
The Dark Crest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting Dark Crest from Shadefilled Horror in Harrow Crypt at /setwaypoint 5125 4909 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Dark Crest to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls

Go to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls, /setwaypoint 5017 4956 – Hand in the quest

Record of Destruction


The quest is picked up from Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956

Collect Daily Reports x6

Daily Reports are looted from the Overseers in Deepstrike Excavation
The one pictured is at
/setwaypoint 4780 5284

Kill and loot 6 of the Overseers

Go back to Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956
Hand in the quest

Search for the Cure

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Joyce Daley in Granite Falls at /setwaypoint 4947 4922
TO COMPLETE: Use the Blood Extractor on Ailing Citizens x5

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Blood Extractor’

Go into the barn just behind the questgiver to find the Ailing Citizens
Select the Citizens and use the quest item on them

When you have done 5, your quest objective will change to ‘Report your findings to Joyce Daley’

Go back to Joyce Daley in Granite Falls at /setwaypoint 4947 4922, talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Sourcestone Dust x12’

You will find the dust in the Deepstrike Excavation area.
The dust can be looted from the miners, or picked up from small piles on the ground.

When you have 12, go back to Joyce Daley in Granite Falls at /setwaypoint 4947 4922 and hand in the quest

The Corpse of Arthur Thorne


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033

Collect Arthur’s Locket

Find Arthur Thorne at the small house at
/setwaypoint 4878 5283
Kill Arthur and loot the locket from his corpse.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Inspect Arthur’s Locket’
Use the quest item ‘Arthur’s Locket’ on your quest sticky

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Question Tigram Stillstep about the note’

Go to the Tavern in Granite Falls and meet with Tigram Stillstep at
/setwaypoint 4866 4952
Right click to talk with him..

Return to Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033
Hand in the quest

Energy Analysis


The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Deepstrike Excavation
/setwaypoint 4809 5386 – On top of the rocks, climb up the sides to get there

Scan Residual Energy above Deepstrike Excavation x5

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Energy Extractor’

Walk along the rocks slowly, watch the ground for purple glyphs appearing, when you see one, use the energy extractor to scan for Residual Energy

These can be hard to see, so you can find them at..
/setwaypoint 4792 5393
/setwaypoint 4778 5391
/setwaypoint 4794 5409
/setwaypoint 4810 5411
/setwaypoint 4832 5399
All the locations are up above the dungeon entrance tunnel.
Stand at each spot and use the Energy Extractor, or you can switch shards at one spot and keep using the same spot!

When you have completed 5 scans, go back to Uriel Chuluun in Deepstrike Excavation at /setwaypoint 4809 5386 and hand in the quest.

The Mousetrap


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033

Collect Arthur’s Key
Collect the Keystone

Go to the area just behind the Portal at
/setwaypoint 5096 5104

Find Arthur’s Lockbox and right click to open it
It will not open as you need the key!

Stillstep’s Lackey will appear to attack you, kill him and loot the key from him
Then right click the Lockbox again to loot the Keystone.

Go back to Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033
Hand in the quest

Stillstep’s Lackey wouldn’t appear for one of my characters, I left the area, going back to the middle of Granite Falls and then came back to the box and Stillstep’s Lackey was there for me to kill. You could also try; switching shard or abandoning and retaking the quest.

Dead in the Water


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033

Use the Keystone on a Fall Walker Corpse

Find a Fall Walker in the Water behind the Tavern in Granite Falls, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4824 4923

Kill the Fall Walker and then use the quest item ‘Keystone’ on the corpse

An Energized Fall Walker will spawn, kill it!

Go back to Adriana Weaver in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4899 5033
Hand in the quest

Who Were the Titans


The quest is picked up from Lewin Dinford in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 5017 4956

Seek out Alvarend Rifor at Camp Fergos

Go to Camp Fergos at /setwaypoint 4650 5139
Hand in the quest to Alvarend Rifor

Crystal and Key


The quest is picked up from Alvarend Rifor in Camp Fergos
 /setwaypoint 4650 5139

Speak to the ghosts listed

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Manifestron’, go to each location, stand near the corpse and use the item. When the ghost appears, right click to talk with them.

Ghost of Arnost Hefron
/setwaypoint 4531 5317

Ghost of Jary Snoes
/setwaypoint 4592 5250

Ghost of Menna Corin
/setwaypoint 4462 5199

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Negative Keystone from High-Priest Ozutek’

You can find High-Priest Ozutek on the edges of the well, he may be on any of the 4 corners or walking between them>
Kill him and loot the keystone.

Go back to Alvarend Rifor in Camp Fergos
 /setwaypoint 4650 5139
Hand in the quest.

Tracking a Traitor


The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Camp Fergos
/setwaypoint 4664 5137
You cant pick up the quest until you have completed Energy Analysis (see above)

Use Kira’s Signal

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Kira’s Signal’

Go to the  West of Towering Steppes, up the small slope to /setwaypoint 4302 5292

Use Kira’s Signal

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Narros’

Narros will appear, kill him!

Return to Kira Thanos in Camp Fergos
/setwaypoint 4664 5137
Hand in the quest

Taking the Trog for a Walk

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Goorn in Titan’s Well at /setwaypoint 4420 5237
TO COMPLETE: Escort Goorn to safety

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 1 minutes 50 seconds

Stay close to Goorn as he slowly meanders his way through every mob possible on the way to the road near Camp Fergos
The quest will auto complete once you are done.

Dead Drop

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Stonespore Satchel in Towering Steppes at /setwaypoint 4461 5148 (or one of the other two items)
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed

Collect the Stonespore Satchel – /setwaypoint 4461 5148
Collect the Earthmaul Ward – /setwaypoint 4378 5143
Collect the Heartgem Pick – /setwaypoint 4370 5336

When you have all 3 items go to Camp Fergos and hand in the quest to Nuys Rundercomb
/setwaypoint 4650 5140

The Weight of Commodity

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Arnold Mays in Towering Steppes at /setwaypoint 4377 5122
TO COMPLETE: Collect Stonespores x10

Collect the stonespore mushrooms from all around Towering Steppes
Like this one at /setwaypoint 4405 5124

When you have 10, go to Camp Fergos and hand in the quest to Nuys Rundercomb
/setwaypoint 4650 5140

What's Yours is Mine


The quest is picked up from Alvarend Rifor in Camp Fergos
 /setwaypoint 4650 5139

Collect the Positive Keystone from the stranger

Go up the slope to /setwaypoint 4513 5488
Here you will find Terramancer Ghaet and 3 adds called Conjured Cruor.
Kill them all and the Positive Keystone will appear as a crystal on the table/altar.

Return to Alvarend Rifor in Camp Fergos
 /setwaypoint 4650 5139
Hand in the quest

They Walk Telara


The quest is picked up from Alvarend Rifor in Camp Fergos
 /setwaypoint 4650 5139

Deliver the Keystone Container

Find the Defiant Technician in front of the oddly massive doorway in Passage of the Ancients
/setwaypoint 4116 5321

Right click to speak with him

Your quest objective will now change to..
Modulate the Positive Energy Lock
Modulate the Negative Energy Lock
Click the two Energy locks in front of the doorway
Well done! You have brought a Titan to Telara! What could go wrong?

Go down to Sentry Station and hand in the quest to Ulan Hamda
/setwaypoint 4050 5408

Forge the Titanbane


The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408

Collect a Forgotten Idol
Collect an Idol of the Ancients
Collect a Symbol of Eth

Go up the slope, to the platform at
/setwaypoint 4195 5665
Here you will find 3 Stone Centurions, next to each one are two Idols, you need to kill the Centurions and grab the Idols, one of each kind.

Go back to Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
Hand in the quest

Quarrying the Quarry


The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408

Collect Magmite Shards x10

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Symbol of Destruction’

Find a Spawn of Centius mob in The Last Valley, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3986 5440
Bring the health of the Spawn of Centius down and then use the Symbol of Destruction on them, this will give them a debuff that lasts for 15 seconds, you need to kill the Spawn of Centius while the debuff is still active, if it runs out you can apply it again.

The Spawn of Centius will split up uponm death and there will be 3 or 4 chunks of Magmite for you to pick up.
Keep doing this until you have 10.

Go back to Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
Hand in the quest

Hearts and Minds

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Troll Glyph in The Last Valley at /setwaypoint 4055 5730
TO COMPLETE: Overwrite the Dreadbone Glyphs with Stonecrush Propaganda x4

Click on the rocks to Overwrite the Glyphs.
You can switch shard at the same rock to save time! Click on 4 of the rocks.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Gurlok’
Head all the way up the hill to /setwaypoint 4011 5813 to Kill Gurlok.

The quest will auto complete once you are done.

Troll Bait

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Defiant Prisoner in The Last Valley at /setwaypoint 4120 5746 (or other prisoners in the other cages)
TO COMPLETE: Free Defiant Prisoners x5

Loot a ‘Crude Key’ from the nearby mobs then open the cage door to free the prisoner. You will need 5 keys to open 5 cages, the keys drop randomly so just keep killing the mobs near the cages till you loot them! Switch shard if you run out of mobs to kill!

The quest will auto complete once you are done.

Sylver Bullet


The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408

Bring the Elemental Ore to Sylver Valis

Go back to meridian and give the Ore to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Smelt Elementite from Elemental Ore’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Elemental Ore’

Go over to the forges in the Manufactory
/setwaypoint 6006 5220

Stand close to one of the forges and use the quest item, this will give you the Elementite

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Create Charged Elementite’

Go back to Sylver Valis, click the small control dial on the Charging Station next to him, this will charge the Elementite.

Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295



The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in the College of Planar Studies
/setwaypoint 5934 5295

Place the Charged Elementite

You will have a quest item on your sticky called ‘Charged Elementite’

Go to the area of the room marked on your map, /setwaypoint 5928 5284

When you approach the correct spot you should see a yellow glyph on the floor
Stand on the spot and use the quest item

3 waves of mobs will spawn to attack the Charged Elementite, kill them all!

The Charged Elementite will then turn blue.
Speak to Sylver Valis

Go back to Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station (Stonefield)
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
Hand in the quest

Titanic Undertaking


The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408

Lure Centius to a Range-Finder

The locations of the Range Finders are marked on your map.

Have a look around The Last Valley area and find Centius, attack him and then run to the nearest Range Finder, you may want to wait till he paths close to the Range Finders before you attack him.

When you have pulled Centius close to the range finder he will be fired on by the enarby cannons, this will give him him a debuff that will make him easier to kill.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Centius’
So kill him!

Go back to Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
Hand in the quest

Funeral Pyre

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dacia Ultan in Camp Fergos at /setwaypoint 4631 5138
TO COMPLETE: Light the Great Pyre and kill Mandrus Ironfist
You cant pick up the quest until you have completed the Carnage: Rock, Roc, Drake (and possibly the Tracking a Traitor quest too)

This is a 2 player quest, so if you are a little under level or undergeared then you may find it difficult, you can always come back later to do it!

Find the Great Pyre behind the pillar at /setwaypoint 4298 5145

Right click it to summon Mandrus Ironfist and kill it

Return to Dacia Ultan in Camp Fergos at /setwaypoint 4631 5138
Hand in the quest

Completing this quest will award you the cheevo ‘Stonefield Hunting’

Hard to Pick

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from picking up the Lucky Pick in Deepstrike Excavation at /setwaypoint 4748 5229 – The Lucky Pick is at the top of the Scaffolding, there is a video below to show how to get to it.
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Lucky Pick to Pibit Farthing in Deepstrike Excavation

Make you way up to the top of the Scaffolding, grab the Lucky Pick from the ground.

Right click the Lucky Pick in your bags to start the quest.

Go to Pibit Farthing in Deepstrike Excavation
/setwaypoint 4741 5217 (just below you!)
Hand in the quest

22 Carnage Quests

I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Korbosh
PICK UP: You will find him in Dreadbone Shelf at around /setwaypoint 5216 5335
TO COMPLETE: Kill Korbosh

CARNAGE: Carnage: Thingar
PICK UP: You will find him in Temblor Hills at around /setwaypoint 5565 4695
TO COMPLETE: Kill Thingar

CARNAGE: Carnage: Breaking the Breaker
PICK UP: You will find him in Temblor Hills at around /setwaypoint 5276 4794
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bonebreaker

CARNAGE: Carnage: Hoarfrost
PICK UP: You will find her in The Harrow in the church at around /setwaypoint 5087 4791
TO COMPLETE: Kill Hoarfrost

CARNAGE: Carnage: Satyx
PICK UP: You will find it in Harrow Crypt at around /setwaypoint 5108 4772 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)

CARNAGE: Carnage: Gudyuriug the Watcher
PICK UP: You will find him in Titan’s Well (in the water) at around /setwaypoint 4474 5263
TO COMPLETE: Kill Gudyuriug the Watcher

CARNAGE: Carnage: Chief Yarglelug and Bracken
PICK UP: You will find them in Titan’s Well
Kill Bracken at /setwaypoint 4567 5307
Chief Yarglelug at /setwaypoint 4478 5303

CARNAGE: Carnage: Rock, Roc, Drake
PICK UP: You will find them in Towering Steppes at the waypoints listed
Kill Dyrek the Talon – /setwaypoint 4633 5341
Kill Gruum the Earthbinder – /setwaypoint 4378 5413
Kill Zxeyl the Tainted – /setwaypoint 4303 5357

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Harder They Fall
PICK UP: You will find them in Quarrystone Basin at around /setwaypoint 5628 4876
TO COMPLETE: Kill 5 Stonecrush Giants

CARNAGE: Carnage: Fight the Troglodytes
PICK UP: You will find them in Far Mine Loop at around /setwaypoint 5646 4687
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Stonecrush Troglodytes

CARNAGE: Carnage: Hazard Pay
PICK UP: You will find them in Far Mine Loop at around /setwaypoint 5916 4696
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Sicklehorn Rams

CARNAGE: Carnage: Watchers and Overseers
PICK UP: You will find them in Deepstrike Excavation at around /setwaypoint 4787 5209
TO COMPLETE: Kill 5 Undead Overseers and Kill 3 Necrotic Watchers

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bury the Dead
PICK UP: You will find them in The Harrow at around /setwaypoint 5045 4911
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Nefarious Spirits

CARNAGE: Carnage: Escalating Maneuvers
PICK UP: You will find them in Dreadbone Shelf at around /setwaypoint 5282 5238
TO COMPLETE: Kill 10 Dreadbone Troglodytes

CARNAGE: Carnage: Unwanted Bones
PICK UP: You will find them in The Harrow at around /setwaypoint 5046 4891
TO COMPLETE: Kill 10 Rotting Ghouls

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bouldering
PICK UP: You will find them in Towering Steppes at around /setwaypoint 4644 5184
TO COMPLETE: Kill 10 Lithic Smashers

CARNAGE: Carnage: Stone Cold
PICK UP: You will find them in Towering Steppes at around /setwaypoint 4619 5189
TO COMPLETE: Kill 10 Earthmaul Pulverizers

CARNAGE: Carnage: So Long, Sobek
PICK UP: You will find them in Titan’s Well at around /setwaypoint 4493 5288
TO COMPLETE: Kill 10 Dredgepond Sobeks

CARNAGE: Carnage: Let None Live
PICK UP: You will find them in Dreadbone Shelf at around /setwaypoint 5200 5198
TO COMPLETE: Kill 12 Dreadbone Youngspawn

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bad For Business
PICK UP: You will find them in Quarrystone Basin at around /setwaypoint 5585 4904
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stonecrush Trolls x6 and Kill Dreadbone Trolls x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: A Miner Complication
PICK UP: You will find them in Deepstrike Excavation at around /setwaypoint 4774 5220
TO COMPLETE: Kill 12 Degenerating Miners

CARNAGE: Carnage: Silencing the Crypt
PICK UP: You will find them in Harrow Crypt at around /setwaypoint 5087 4748 (entrance at /setwaypoint 5086 4757)
TO COMPLETE: Kill 8 Crypt Thralls and Kill 8 Shadespawn

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

Open Invitation

The quest is picked up from Aiden Blackstone in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4906 5045
This quest will lead you into Scarlet Gorge, you can pick it up after you have completed some of the storyline in Stonefield.

Find Nelford Heap in Old Mule Run, Scarlet Gorge

Find Nelford Heap in Old Mule Run at around /setwaypoint 4716 4532
Nelford Heap walks around the U-bend in the road around the house, look on your mini-map for the quest tick.
Hand in the quest to him.

The Road to Defiance

The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
This quest will lead you into Scarlet Gorge, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Stonefield.

Speak with Sumia Rend at Sunset Bridge

Find Sumia Rend at Sunset Bridge
/setwaypoint 4454 4941

Right click to talk to her

Hand in the quest to Rickard Destrum in Old Mule Run
/setwaypoint 4724 4534

No Reason to Quit Now

The quest is picked up from Magnus Grey in Sunrest Bridge (technically in Scarlet Gorge)
/setwaypoint 4423 4928
This quest will lead you into Iron Pine Peak, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Stonefield.

Speak with Ber Rades at Sunrest Bridge
Speak with Omsam Voris at Whitefall Lift

Find Ber Rades at Sunrest Bridge
/setwaypoint 4461 4975
He is the portal master for the Sunrest Ridge portal.

Right click to talk to him, select the option ‘Can you send me to Whitefall Lift in Iron Pine Peak?’ then select ‘Yes’

You will be teleported to the Whitefall Lift Portal in Iron Pine Peak.

Speak with Omsam Voris at Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2215

Right click to talk to him

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift at /setwaypoint 4318 2208

Notes for Completionist..

  • The Quest ‘Assistance for Granite Falls‘ can be picked up from two different locations, due to this, it may not tick off correctly from Completionist.