Stillmoor Quests

  • Stillmoor is a level 45-50 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will follow the path in from Iron Pine Peak.
  • There are 2 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Endless Watch, Phoenix Rise, Broken Vale, Wolfsbane, Ruston, and Zareph’s Return
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Greenscale’s Blight Raid – /setwaypoint 753 2699
    — Entrance to River of Souls Raid – /setwaypoint 990 2708

Below is a guide for all 86 quests in Stillmoor.
With 76 Main Quests and 10 Rare Mob Quests.

For the Stillmoor rares go here
For the Stillmoor puzzle go here
For the other Stillmoor cheevos go here

This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Stillmoor.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 86 quests in Stillmoor, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.

Mirror Mirror
Stillmoor Days, Mathosian Knights
Baron It All

76 Main Quests

There are 3 breadcrumb quests leading you into Stillmoor, they are all picked up in Droughtlands.
The 3 quests are handed in at 3 different locations in Stillmoor.
We will be taking the Exile’s Den portal into Iron Pine Peak and then following the path to the West into Stillmoor.
We will hand in the 3 breadcrumb quests at each quest hub as we naturally reach them while doing the Stillmoor questline.

Let Me Draw You a Map


The quest is picked up from Diana Merridain in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7683 6265
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you reach level 45.

Find Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch, Stillmoor

Hand in the quest to Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch, Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2689 2448

Only the Best Need Apply


The quest is picked up from Ren Greer in Lantern Hook, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 7694 6362
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you have reached level 45.

Speak with Garu Ahmin at Ruston in Stillmoor

Hand in the quest to Garu Ahmin at Ruston in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1778 3023

First Eth, then Mathosia


The quest is picked up from Null Aximander in Brigand’s Bluff, Droughtlands
/setwaypoint 8672 6458
This quest will lead you into Stillmoor, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Droughtlands.

Find Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch, Stillmoor

Hand in the quest to Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch, Stillmoor at
/setwaypoint 2670 3087

Lady of Shadows


The quest is picked up from Dimitra Kasanac in Endless Watch
/setwaypoint 2673 2457

Speak to Adriana Weaver in Endless Watch

Find Adriana Weaver on the cliff edge overlooking the town at /setwaypoint 2591 2866
Hand in the quest

Getting the Message Out

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Verick Sevoris in Endless Watch at /setwaypoint 2689 2448
TO COMPLETE: Find Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise

Hand in the quest to Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2550 3004

The Past


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Endless Watch
/setwaypoint 2591 2866

Collect a Crude Map

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Squeaker’.

Drop down into the graveyard below and walk near the graves while using the Squeaker.
Eventually one of Stillstep’s Lackeys will come out of stealth, like this one at
/setwaypoint 2531 2764
Kill him and loot the crude map

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defeat Tigram Stillstep’

Find Tigram Stillstep in the south at
/setwaypoint 2422 3251
Gunder is an elite mob that patrols near Tigram and will get cross when you attack.. you can lure Gunder away by clicking one of the nearby fires!

Damage Tigram Stillstep til he reaches about 30%, then he will go friendly and you hand the quest in to him!

The Order Mathos

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mathos Family Seal, looted from a Mathosian Knight in Belmont at /setwaypoint 2527 2765
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise

Hand in the quest to Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2556 3024

In a Quiet Place


The quest is picked up from Tigram Stillstep in Stillmoor
DPS him to about 30%, then he will go friendly and you can pick up the quest
/setwaypoint 2422 3251

Question Endless Watch Citizens

Find Citizens in Endless Watch near the buildings
/setwaypoint 2672 3076

Right click them to question them (for me it was Rupov Kinjerozec who had the answer)

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Karnac’s burial site’.

Go up the hills to the East and find the burial site at
/setwaypoint 2769 2753

Hand in the quest to Obrivic Sentinel at /setwaypoint 2769 2753

The Edge of Darkness

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Seriva Agorivitch in Endless Watch at /setwaypoint 2669 3087
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise

Hand in the quest to Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2550 3004

Where the Dead Rest


The quest is picked up from Obrivic Sentinel in Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2769 2753

Collect the Sigil Halves or kill the Obrivic Sentinel

You now have two choices; Find the Sigil halves, or kill the Sentinel.
If you want to kill the Sentinel, then right click Obrivic Sentinel to speak with him and he will turn aggresive, you can then kill him and loot the key… however, he is pretty tough to kill! If you are low level, you may find it easier to go treasure hunting, see below..

Go to the small woodland in the Eastern corner of Stillmoor and find a backpack on the floor at /setwaypoint 2992 2823

Right click the backback and a small set of footprints will appear on the ground nearby. Hover over the footprints to reveal a tooltip telling you to go south.
You can follow each clue (footsteps, broken branches, bushes etc) on the ground and follow the directions, or you can just go to the locations and pick up the two halves..

Between the trees at 
/setwaypoint 3000 2863
you will find a buried object, right click it to collect the first half.

On the ground at /setwaypoint 2980 2887 you will find the second half (in another buried object).

You can now go back to Obrivic Sentinel in Stillmoor
/setwaypoint 2769 2753
Tell him you have the Sigil pieces and he will give you the key to open the chest.
Find the chest inside the crypt behind Obrivic Sentinel and right click it to collect Karnac’s Final Words.

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver on the cliff edge overlooking the town at /setwaypoint 2591 2866

The Noble Lie


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Endless Watch
/setwaypoint 2591 2866

Collect the Obrivic Signet

Go to Freemarch and find Miriam’s Garden, near the Denegar’s Stand portal.
Here you will find an Old Grave at
/setwaypoint 7336 5390, right click the grave to collect the Signet. A Zarbog Assassin will appear and attack you, you can ignore it if you wish.

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver on the cliff edge overlooking the town at /setwaypoint 2591 2866

The View on High


The quest is picked up from Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise
/setwaypoint 2550 3004

Look through the Scout’s Telescope

Find the Scout’s Telescope on top of the rock at /setwaypoint 2413 2996
Right click it to look through.

Hand in the quest to Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2550 3004

Bled Reckoning


The quest is picked up from Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise
/setwaypoint 2556 3024

Kill Mathosian Champions and Men-at-Arms x6
Kill Profane Symbols x6

Find the Mathosian Champions and Men-at-Arms, and the Profane Symbols (Purple wisps) all around Belmont – /setwaypoint 2471 2944

Hand in the quest to Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2556 3024

Of A Mind to Agree

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Havrica Ko in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2563 3011
TO COMPLETE: Use Orphiel’s Geas on a Mathosian Man-at-Arms

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Orphiel’s Geas’

Find the Mathosian Man-at-Arms in Belmont, they are mostly found in the doorways of the buildings, like this one at /setwaypoint 2485 2961

DPS him down to less than 40% health and use the Orphiel’s Geas  on him.
He will become friendly and tether to you.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring a Mathosian Man-at-Arms to Phoenix Rise’
Walk back to Phoenix rise and the Mathosian Man-at-Arms will follow you.
Walk up to Havrica Ko in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2563 3011
Hand in the quest.

Evidence of Death

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Seresen Riennen in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2562 2993
TO COMPLETE: Collect Death Creep x6

Collect Death Creep all around Belmont, like this one at /setwaypoint 2465 2928

Hand in the quest to Seresen Riennen in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2562 2993

They All Talk

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Havrica Ko in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2563 3011
TO COMPLETE: Use the Torture Console to summon the prisoner and Use the Console to interrogate the prisoner

Find the Torture Console in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2568 2996
Right click the Torture Console and the prisoner will appear in the cage.
Right click the Console a few more times to interrogate the prisoner.

Hand in the quest to Havrica Ko in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2563 3011

Slowly Growing Colder


The quest is picked up from Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise
/setwaypoint 2547 3002

Bring death to Chessa Nemezy
Bring death to Razumin Dreshev

Find Chessa Nemezy at
/setwaypoint 2533 2866
Talk with Chessa Nemezy and he will dispose of himself!

Find Razumin Dreshev at
/setwaypoint 2533 2866
Talk with Razumin Dreshev and then you can kill him.

Hand in the quest to Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2547 3002

Servants to the Night

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2547 3002
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blood Drained Thralls x12

Find the Blood Drained Thralls all around the graveyard in Belmont – /setwaypoint 2497 2800

Hand in the quest to Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2547 3002

Shot in the Dark

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Yasmeren Vitenya in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2561 2999
TO COMPLETE: Capture Forlorn Spirits with the Nether Cannon x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Nether Cannon’

Target the Forlorn Spirits and use the Nether Cannon on them.

Hand in the quest to Yasmeren Vitenya in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2561 2999

Emblems of Mathos

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2556 3024
TO COMPLETE: Collect Emblems of Mathos x5

Kill the Mathosian Knights in Belmont and collect the Emblems of Mathos from them.

Hand in the quest to Ivitch Retsky in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2556 3024

What's Your Poison?


The quest is picked up from Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise
/setwaypoint 2547 3002

Have Richter drink your poisoned blood

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Desanguinal Poison’

Find Richter at /setwaypoint 2449 2750

Use the Desanguinal Poison and you will be transformed into a thrall. Your blood will be poisonous to Richter.

Speak with Richter and convince him to drink your blood.
You will now be able to  attack and kill Richter, who will be debuffed by the poison making him easier to kill.

Hand in the quest to Revinov Dehzbog in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2547 3002

Into the Vale

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Aziz Kafriti in Phoenix Rise at /setwaypoint 2550 3004
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Atya Koreen in Broken Vale

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Last Howl

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011
TO COMPLETE: Kill Longfang Savages x6 and Kill Longfang Wolves x6

Kill the Longfang Savages and Longfang Wolves all over Briarcliff – /setwaypoint 2303 2898

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Alleviating the Curse

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitri Sverig in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2295 3001
TO COMPLETE: Collect King’s Colors x8

Collect King’s Colors (Flowers) from all over Briarcliff, like this one at
/setwaypoint 2305 2958

Hand in the quest to Dimitri Sverig in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2295 3001

The Secret is in the Blood

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003
TO COMPLETE: Collect Samples of Cursed Blood from Lycanthropic Defiants x8

Kill the Lycanthropic Defiants all over Briarcliff, and collect the Cursed Blood from them – /setwaypoint 2303 2898

Hand in the quest to Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003

Wolves of the Wisp

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jehn Andonicks in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2309 3002
TO COMPLETE: Kill Emerald Wisps x5

Kill Emerald Wisps all over Briarcliff – /setwaypoint 2303 2898

Hand in the quest to Jehn Andonicks in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2309 3002

The Force of Will

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003
TO COMPLETE: Use Collar of Reverence on a Lycanthropic Defiant

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Collar of Reverence’

Find a Lycanthropic Defiant in Briarcliff, DPS it to less than 50% health and use the Collar. It will turn into an Infected Defiant and follow you.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return with an Infected Defiant to Thelestriel Gwynar’
Go back to Broken Vale with the Infected Defiant following you.

Hand in the quest to Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003

Following the Light

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jehn Andonicks in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2309 3002
TO COMPLETE: Use the Expulsion Orb on an Emerald Wisp

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Expulsion Orb’

Find an Emerald Wisp in Briarcliff and use the Expulsion Orb on it.
The wisp will then travel through Briarcliff to its home. You will also be transformed into a wisp, follow the friendly wisp! If you lose sight of the wisp don’t worry, just keep going to the waypoint at /setwaypoint 2436 2626
Then go back to Broken Vale and hand in the quest to Atya Koreen at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Horned Thieves

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011
TO COMPLETE: Collect Defiant Blades from Emerald Scale Hellions x6

Kill Emerald Scale Hellions in Briarcliff /setwaypoint 2348 2683 kill them and loot the Blades.

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Uninvited Guests

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aelfwar in Briarcliff x12

Find Aelfwar (Emerald Scale) in Briarcliff /setwaypoint 2348 2683 and kill them.

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Master of the Pack

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitri Sverig in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2295 3001
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ahalya Redwolf

Kill Ahalya Redwolf at the top of the Briarcliff town at /setwaypoint 2434 2608

Hand in the quest to Dimitri Sverig in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2295 3001

A Temporary Cure

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003
TO COMPLETE: Use the King’s Commands on Lycanthropic Defiants x3

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘King’s Command’

Find Lycanthropic Defiants in Briarcliff /setwaypoint 2301 2771 and use the King’s Command on them, they will turn friendly and run away.

Hand in the quest to Thelestriel Gwynar in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2306 3003

Cutting Off the Curse

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Galenir’s Command, looted from Ahalya Redwolf in Briarcliff at /setwaypoint 2434 2608
TO COMPLETE: Warn Atya Koreen

Go back to Broken Vale and speak with Atya Koreen at /setwaypoint 2290 3011 kill the baddy that attacks her and then hand in the quest to her.

Meeting of the Minds

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eye of Greenscale in Briarcliff at /setwaypoint 2428 2606
TO COMPLETE: Learn Galenir’s plan

Click the Eye of Greenscale and Galenir will appear on top of it. Right click Galenir to talk with him.

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

Handing in this quest will grant you the cheevo Stillmoor Days, Mathosian Knights

Their Home Away from Home

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane

Hand in the quest to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961

The Things Beasts Keep


The quest is picked up from Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

Collect Attunement Stones from Emerald Scale Werewolves x5

Find the Emerald Scale Werewolves in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810 kill them and loot the stones.

Hand in the quest to Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

Those Who Speak with Beasts

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961
TO COMPLETE: Kill Emerald Scale Packleaders x4

Find and kill the Packleaders in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810

Hand in the quest to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961

No Better than Dogs

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lord Viktor Striblud in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2946
Kill Emerald Scale Magi and Priestesses x5
Kill Emerald Scale Tormentors and Executioners x5

Find and kill all these mobs in Edgewood /setwaypoint 1991 2810 and /setwaypoint 2144 2682

Hand in the quest to Lord Viktor Striblud in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2946

Spells, Arrows, Claws

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947
Kill Aelenoth the Tranquil
Kill Ariana of the Emerald Eye
Kill Telthaeus

Find the three mobs at their locations and kill them

/setwaypoint 2134 2747

/setwaypoint 2058 2746

/setwaypoint 2021 2886

Hand in the quest to Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947

Fierce Competition

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Telthaeus’s Faith, looted from Telthaeus in Edgewood at /setwaypoint 2021 2886
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Telthaeus’s Faith to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane

Hand in the quest to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961

The Secret of Restraint


The quest is picked up from Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

Activate a Soothing Stone

Find a Soothing Stone in Edgewood, like this one at /setwaypoint 1983 2803

Right click it to activate it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Emerald Scale Shifters’

Where the stone stood, a portal will open up and the Emerald Scale Shifters will come through, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

Stopping the Life Creep

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1988 2939
TO COMPLETE: Use the Faetouched Inhibitor to destroy the Aelfwar Infestations x6

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Faetouched Inhibitor’

Use the Faetouched Inhibitor and target the Aelfwar Infestations to destroy them, like this one at /setwaypoint 1963 2855

Hand in the quest to Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

The Weapon They Fear

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lord Viktor Striblud in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2946
TO COMPLETE: Collect Life-Altered Weapons x8

Collect Life-Altered Weapons from all around Edgewood, like this one at
/setwaypoint 1951 2878

Hand in the quest to Lord Viktor Striblud in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2946

The Stone Corrupted

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947
TO COMPLETE: Harvest Shade Infused Crystals x6

Pick up the Shade Infused Crystals from all around Edgewood, like this one at
/setwaypoint 1957 2890

Hand in the quest to Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947


PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949
TO COMPLETE: Burn down the Primordial Altars x3

Burn down the Primordial Altars found all around Edgewood, like this one at
/setwaypoint 1962 2873

Hand in the quest to Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949

Galenir's Last Answer


The quest is picked up from Robyn Stormgrave in Wolfsbane
/setwaypoint 1988 2939

Activate Galenir’s Soothing Stone

Go up the hill at /setwaypoint 2137 2781 to reach Galenir’s Soothing Stone.

Find the Stone at the top of the hill at
/setwaypoint 2215 2625
Right click the Stone to activate it then kill Galenir.

Hand in the quest to Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949


PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hylas’s Command, looted from Galenir in Edgewood at /setwaypoint 2218 2614
TO COMPLETE: Deliver Hylas’s Command to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane

Hand in the quest to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961

Unhallowed Technology

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949
TO COMPLETE: Collect Eth Technologies x6

Collect Eth Technologies in Hillcrest, like this one at /setwaypoint 2130 2928

Hand in the quest to Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949

Dark Energies

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947
TO COMPLETE: Use the Energy Syphon on Necropotence Amplifiers x4

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Energy Syphon’

Find the Necropotence Amplifiers around Hillcrest, like this one at /setwaypoint 2103 2900
Click the Energy Syphon and then hover over the Amplifier and click again to Syphon it.

Hand in the quest to Abasi Khali in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2002 2947

Strike While the Iron is Hot

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961
TO COMPLETE: Kill Iron Sentinels x5

Kill Iron Sentinels all around Hillcrest /setwaypoint 2112 2947

Hand in the quest to Ianna Todrin in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 1992 2961

The Eye of Regulos

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gharro Rezuli in Wolfsbane at /setwaypoint 2001 2949
TO COMPLETE: Find Garu Ahmin in Ruston

Hand in the quest to Garu Ahmin in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1778 3024

Dark Talisman


The quest is picked up from Ryan Darmorn in Ruston
/setwaypoint 1757 3054

Collect Shade Talismans x10

Loot the Shade Talismans from Endless mobs in the Eye of Regulos
/setwaypoint 1863 2733

Hand in the quest to Ryan Darmorn in Ruston
/setwaypoint 1757 3054

Dying on the Edge

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Garu Ahmin in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1778 3024
Kill Endless Shademages x5
Kill Endless Darkblades, Persecutors, and Voidguards x8

Kill these mobs in mobs in the Eye of Regulos at /setwaypoint 1863 2733

Hand in the quest to Garu Ahmin in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1778 3024

Digging in the Dirt

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nazeel Ferik in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1782 3023
Use the Construct Activator to summon a JKG-77
Collect the Blessed Weapons the JKG-77 uncovers x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Construct Activator’

Use the Construct Activator to summon a JKG-77
The JKG-77 is a friendly construct mob that will follow you around.

Walk around the upper area of the Eye of Regulos and the JKG-77 will reveal small dirt piles, like this one at /setwaypoint 1937 2693 – You can also find one at /setwaypoint 2024 2669 – /setwaypoint 2038 2605 – /setwaypoint 2022 2548 – /setwaypoint 1973 2580

Right click the dirt pile to loot the Blessed Weapons, sometimes a Cursed Vigilant will spawn, kill it to loot the Blessed Weapon

Hand in the quest to Nazeel Ferik in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1782 3023

Lost but not Forgotten

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Eth Tech, looted from an Endless mob in Eye of Regulos at /setwaypoint 1843 2749
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Eth Tech to Milica Orlovic at Ruston

Hand in the quest to Milica Orlovic in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1768 2991

Nether Protection


The quest is picked up from Ryan Darmorn in Ruston
/setwaypoint 1757 3054

Attune the Shade Talisman

Go to the platform in the Eye of Regulos at /setwaypoint 1849 2741

Stand on the platform and use the Shade Talisman

Stay on the platform while the Talisman attunes, this takes a few minutes and if you leave the platform you will have to start again.
Mobs will attack you during the attunement process, kill them.

Hand in the quest to Ryan Darmorn in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1757 3054

Cast Back to the Shadows


The quest is picked up from Lynda Seves in Ruston
/setwaypoint 1764 3033

Stop Alsbeth’s Ritual in the Eye of Regulos

Close the death rift found in the centre of the Eye of Regulos. This rift respawns very quickly, if it isn’t up, stand in the middle and wait or try switching shards.

Close the rift to stop the ritual.

Hand in the quest to Lynda Seves in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

Where the Dead Come to Die

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lynda Seves in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Kill rift creatures in the Eye of Regulos x15

Kill rift creatures in the rift found in the middle of the Eye of Regulos.

Hand in the quest to Lynda Seves in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

Hearts Aflame

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Senka Zikovia in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1756 3057
TO COMPLETE: Collect Loosly Stitched Hearts x4

Kill Baleful Constructs in the centre of the Eye of Regulos /setwaypoint 1869 2670 and loot the hearts from them.

Hand in the quest to Senka Zikovia in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1756 3057

Silence to the Deathcaller

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Milica Orlovic in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1768 2991
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Nether Foci x4

Find the Nether Foci in the centre of the Eye of Regulos, like this one at
/setwaypoint 1848 2683
DPS them down to destroy them.

Hand in the quest to Milica Orlovic in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1768 2991

The Most Loyal Betrayers

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mathosian Templars and Defenders x8

Kill Mathosian Templars and Defenders in Crown Hill /setwaypoint 1880 3077

Hand in the quest to Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

Baptism by Fire

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Use the Blessing of Mathos on Debased Corpses x8

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Blessing of Mathos’

Find Debased Corpses all over the Crown Hill area /setwaypoint 1888 3100 use the Blessing of Mathos on the ground beneath them and watch them burn!

Hand in the quest to Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

A Shot Through the Heart

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Use the Justice of Mathos on a defeated Progeny of Ironhart x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Justice of Mathos’

Find a Progeny of Ironhart in Crown Hill, like this one at /setwaypoint 1887 3027 kill the Progeny of Ironhart, target the corpse and use the Justice of Mathos.

Hand in the quest to Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

The Search for Moonbloom

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Collect Moonblooms x6

Collect Moonblooms from the hills over Crown Hill, like this one at /setwaypoint 1901 3177

Hand in the quest to Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

Spirit Animus

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Place the Moonbloom in the Mystic Brazier

Find the Mystic Brazier under the archway into Ruston at /setwaypoint 1760 3071 right click it to place the Moonbloom inside.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Follow your Spirit Guide and defeat your shadowform’

Next to the Brazier your Spirit Guide will appear, follow it a short distance just outside of Ruston and kill the shadowform (Random location, follow the guide!)

Hand in the quest to Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033

Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘Mirror Mirror’

A Pledge Amongst Brothers

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitar Jegos in Ruston at /setwaypoint 1764 3033
TO COMPLETE: Find Dragomir Rakovic at Zareph’s Return

Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625

Zareph’s Return

Zareph’s Return is the main hub for Stillmoor. When you finish the main quest line you will find all the daily quests here.
Zareph’s Return is split into a side for Guardians, a side for Defiants and a Neutral area in the middle.

Broken Trust and Broken Hearts

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1630 2717
TO COMPLETE: Disrupt the Ritual

Find the Ritual on the hills above Crown Hill at /setwaypoint 1835 3238

Click the Ritual Stone (White orb) to disrupt the Ritual.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Charged Conduit on Uriel’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Charged Conduit’

DPS Uriel down to below 50% health and use the Charged Conduit.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Mulia the Witch’

Kill Mulia the Witch, she will appear behind Uriel in the circle.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1630 2717

Uriel's Fate

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1630 2717
(Note: This quest does not count towards the cheevo for quests in Stillmoor)
TO COMPLETE: Talk to Asha Catari

Find Asha Catari in the Free People’s Cafe in Fortune’s Shore, Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 6652 7050
Right click to talk with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Learn about Uriel’s Fate’

The Facelss Man will appear and have a talk with Asha

Hand in the quest to Asha Catari in the Free People’s Cafe in Fortune’s Shore, Shimmersand at /setwaypoint 6652 7050

Assault on the Citadel

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Valeria Tazin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1602 2613
TO COMPLETE: Kill Mathosians in the Endless Citadel x15

Kill Mathosians in the Endless Citadel /setwaypoint 1172 2714 you will also find them on top of the walls.

Hand in the quest to Valeria Tazin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1602 2613

They All Fall Down

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Javor Konjovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2634
Kill Mathosian Soldiers and Knights x8
Kill Mathosian undead x8

Kill these mobs in the Death’s Approach area /setwaypoint 1388 2664

Hand in the quest to Javor Konjovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2634

The Duke's Plan


The quest is picked up from Kholum Apprentice Corpse in Caer Kholum
/setwaypoint 1779 3297

Show the Dispatch to Dragomir Rakovic at Zareph’s Return

Talk with Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2615 

Abominable Reconnaissance


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1624 2615 

Speak to Adriana Weaver near Caer Kholum

Find Adriana Weaver on the hill near Caer Kholum at /setwaypoint 1987 3241
Right click to speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Prisoner Manifests x4 and Collect a Control Device’

Head into the small valley in front of Adriana, find the Prisoner Manifests, like these ones at /setwaypoint 2058 3235 there is no cast time to pick these up, so you don’t need to be out of combat!

Collect the Control Device from the back of the platform where the Twisted Horror is stood /setwaypoint 2090 3255

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver on the hill near Caer Kholum at /setwaypoint 1987 3241

An End to the Horror


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver on the hill near Caer Kholum
/setwaypoint 1987 3241

Place the Control Device

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Control Device’

Go back into the valley and stand near the training dummy’s at /setwaypoint 2023 3251

Use the Control Device to place it on the ground next to you

Pull the Twisted Horrors to the Control Device and watch them go boom!

Go back to Adriana Weaver to speak with her.

Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625

New Blood


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1624 2615 

Cleanse the Dragon’s Eye
Kill the Twisted Horror
Slay Duke Zarbog and his followers

Go up the hillside on the South of Death’s Approach /setwaypoint 1422 3023

Here you will find the Dragon’s Eye, right click it to cleanse it.

A bunch of baddies will appear out of a portal.

A Twisted Horror mob will spawn, concentrate on killing this first. Adriana and her friends are here to help you, they will place mines on the ground that will weaken the Twisted Horror mob when he is caught in the explosions. There will also be green orbs around that you can run into to heal.

When the Twisted Horror is dead, help to slay Duke Zarbog and his followers.

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1624 2615 

Herald of Discord


The quest is picked up from Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return
/setwaypoint 1622 2625

Kill Baron Krevic

Warning: At level 50, this is a difficult open world raid boss, you will not be able to solo it! At level 70 this is very easy to solo. If you are solo questing, you can skip this quest for now and come back later when you are at least level 65 to solo it.

You can find the Baron at the very top of Caer Mathos /setwaypoint 1054 2698

Baron Krevic will bring up a bunch of adds, he has stun and slow abilities and will hit hard! 

Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625

Story of the Signet

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Aelfwar House Signet, looted from Werewolf Corpse in Ravenna at /setwaypoint 2110 2368
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Aelfwar House Signet to Atya Koreen at Broken Vale

Hand in the quest to Atya Koreen in Broken Vale at /setwaypoint 2290 3011

10 Rare Mob Quests

Killing each of the rares in Stillmoor will drop a quest item that asks you to hand in the item.
You can find a full guide to the Stillmoor rares here.

Blood Bough

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Blood Bough’s Branch
From the rare mob: Blood Bough in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1566 3299
TO COMPLETE: Bring Blood Bough’s Branch to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Taziel Kanur

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Taziel’s Notebook
From the rare mob: Taziel Kanur in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2404 2650
TO COMPLETE: Bring Taziel’s Notebook to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Thagrux the Unclean

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Thagrux’s Staff
From the rare mob: Thagrux the Unclean in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1854 3428
TO COMPLETE: Bring Thagrux’s Staff to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Khromas the Eternal

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Khromas’ Iron Plate
From the rare mob: Khromas the Eternal in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1329 2621
TO COMPLETE: Bring Khromas’ Iron Plate to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650


PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Spineclaw’s Spine
From the rare mob: Spineclaw in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2171 2594
TO COMPLETE: Bring Spineclaw’s Spine to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Experimental War Golem

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Experimental Golem Gear
From the rare mob: Experimental War Golem in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1157 2696
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Experimental Golem Gear to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

The Endless Broodmother

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Brain of the Broodmother
From the rare mob: The Endless Broodmother in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1309 2386
TO COMPLETE: Bring Brain of the Broodmother to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Jom Turner

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Turner’s Amulet
From the rare mob: Jom Turner in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 2004 2241
TO COMPLETE: Bring Turner’s Amulet to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Azumel the Screecher

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from looting the item Azumel’s Claw
From the rare mob: Azumel the Screecher in Stillmoor at /setwaypoint 1728 2310
TO COMPLETE: Bring Azumel’s Claw to Natalija Pavlica at Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650

Monster Hunter of Stillmoor

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Natalija Pavlica in Zareph’s Return /setwaypoint 1582 2650
You can only pick up this quest after you have killed all 9 rares and handed in their quests.
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return

Hand in the quest to Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1622 2625

Notes for Completionist..

  • After you have completed all the quests there will be 21 quests still listed. These quests are Guardian only quests and cannot be completed by your Defiant character.