Scarwood Reach Quests

Scarwood Reach
  • Scarwood Reach is a level 30-35 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will go up the lift or the cliffside from Scarlet Gorge.
  • There are 2 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Scarwood Ridge, Loggers’ Rest, Granite Watch, Perspice, Trollblight Caverns, Lotham’s Strike and Last Hope
  • Other points of interest are.. 
    — Entrance to Kings Breach Dungeon at /setwaypoint 3288 4310
    — Entrance to Drowned Halls Raid at /setwaypoint 3076 4133
    — Entrance to Intrepid Drowned Halls Raid at /setwaypoint 3076 4133

Below is a guide for all 87 quests in Scarwood Reach.
With 85 Main Quests and 2 Quests Related to the Rares.

For the Scarwood Reach rares go here
For the Scarwood Reach puzzle go here
For the other Scarwood Reach cheevos go here

This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Scarwood Reach.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 87 quests in Scarwood Reach, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

Thwarting Their Plans
Reaching for the Limit

85 Main Quests

Trouble in Scarwood Reach


The quest is picked up from Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge, Scarlet Gorge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
This quest will lead you into Scarwood Reach, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Scarlet Gorge.

Speak with Ludmil Pavel at Scarwood Reach

You can go up to Scarwood Reach using the lift that starts in Scarlet Gorge at the Scarwood Lift Base portal /setwaypoint 4593 4390 this lift goes up over the cliff into Scarwood Reach, ending at /setwaypoint 4192 4133
You can also go up cliff using the path which starts at /setwaypoint 4473 4610

Hand in the quest to Ludmil Pavel in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 4172 4121

A Rift Bereft


The quest is picked up from Ludmil Pavel in Scarwood Lift Summit
/setwaypoint 4172 4121

Kill Dust Demons x7

Kill the Dust Demon mobs all around the Scarwood Lift Summit area, like these ones at /setwaypoint 4146 4146

Hand the quest in to Ludmil Pavel in Scarwood Lift Summit
/setwaypoint 4172 4121

Two Sides to Their Stories


The quest is picked up from Ludmil Pavel in Scarwood Lift Summit
/setwaypoint 4172 4121

Interrogate a Loggerman Foreman
Recover Pages of the Lift Shipping Manifest x3

Interrogate a Loggerman Foreman.
There are 3 Loggerman Foreman on the Scarwood Lift Summit, each Loggerman Foreman has a speech bubble above his head. Like these at /setwaypoint 4191 4123
Right click to speak with one of them.

Recover Pages of the Lift Shipping Manifest x3

You will now need to find Loggerman Workhands, Like these at
/setwaypoint 4160 4113
Right click to chat with the Workhands, some of them will have Pages of the Shipping Manifest.

Hand in the quest to Grusha Pavinova in Scarwood Ridge at
/setwaypoint 4032 4068

Rightfully Ours


The quest is picked up from Grusha Pavinova in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4032 4068

Collect the Water Pump Repair Kit

Kill Darkrock Nightstalkers, like this one at /setwaypoint 3998 4127
You will need to kill a couple before you get the Repair Kit drop.

Hand in the quest to Grusha Pavinova in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4032 4068

What's the Number?


The quest is picked up from Grusha Pavinova in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4032 4068

Count eggs in Bloodsilk Egg Sacs x4

Go into the spider caves in the Infested Range at..
/setwaypoint 3974 4205
/setwaypoint 4003 4239
/setwaypoint 4031 4208
/setwaypoint 4045 4260
/setwaypoint 4078 4274

Right click the egg sacs to count the eggs, as you do, Bloodsilk Hatchlings will come out and attack you, kill them and then right click again.

Hand in the quest to Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4063 4077

Can We Save Them?

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4063 4077
TO COMPLETE: Collect Bloodsilk Spider Venom Sacs x8

Kill the Bllodsilk spiders, like these at /setwaypoint 4045 4172
Loot the Venom Sacs from them.

Hand in the quest to Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4063 4077

Chitin Crushing

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4085
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodsilk Mageweavers x5

You can find Bloodsilk Mageweavers both inside and outside the caves in Infested Range, like this one at /setwaypoint 4054 4227

Hand in the quest to Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4085

Antivenin Administration


The quest is picked up from Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Use Antivenin on wrapped victims x4

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Antivenin’

Head back over to the Infested Range area and find the wrapped victims, they will mostly be around the entrances and inside of the caves, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3975 4198
Stand right next to the victim and use the Antivenin to free them.

Hand in the quest to Grusha Pavinova in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4032 4068

Precision Strike

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Brigadier Bavila in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4093
TO COMPLETE: Kill Marshal Delryn

In the middle of the Guardian base at /setwaypoint 3798 3509
Find and kill Marshal Delryn.

Hand in the quest to Brigadier Bavila in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4093

Moving the Line

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Brigadier Bavila in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4093
TO COMPLETE: Kill Guardian Soldiers x5

Find the Guardian base at /setwaypoint 3810 3512
Kill 5 of the Guardian Soldiers (You do not need to PVP flag to kill them!).

Hand in the quest to Brigadier Bavila in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4093

Defending the Line

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4085
TO COMPLETE: Kill Plane of Air Creatures x9

Many creatures in the Howling Plateau area will count towards this quest, for instance, the Dust Devils and Lashing Vortex’s at around /setwaypoint 4079 4013

Hand in the quest to Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4085

Trying Something New


The quest is picked up from Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Collect Scarwood Mithril Ore x6
Collect Sourcestone Fragments x10

Go up the ramp at /setwaypoint 4092 3879 and across the rock formations, killing all the Diamondhide Watchers and looting the items from them.
You can find some more Diamondhide Watchers in the area around
/setwaypoint 4169 3955

Hand in the quest to Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Better, Stronger, Faster


The quest is picked up from Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Use the Sourcestone Engine
Obtain the Planar Acuity Ray

Find the Sourcestone Engine at 
/setwaypoint 4092 4015
Right click the control panel, this will create the Planar Acuity Ray, which will go straight into your quest loot bag.

Hand in the quest to Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge at /setwaypoint 4058 4085

Proof of Concept


The quest is picked up from Iosuv Tulvei in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4058 4085

Kill creatures from the Winds of Ill Fortune rift x6
Seal the Reliquary of the Storm Queen

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Planar Acuity Ray’

Go to the Quest Air rift at
/setwaypoint 3977 3754
It has to be this specific rift in this location, other air rifts wont work.

You will need to kill 6 of the adds in the rift, you can do this much easier if you use the Planar Acuity Ray on them!
Try to clear a path into the middle of the rift and then right click the Reliquary of the Storm Queen.

Hand in the quest to Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Keenblade Construction


The quest is picked up from Radav the Wise in Scarwood Ridge
/setwaypoint 4063 4077

Deliver the Pump Repair Kit to Vladinov Dima

Head West down the road and hand in the quest to Vladinov Dima in Loggers Run at
/setwaypoint 3764 4091

Keenblade Upkeep


The quest is picked up from Vladinov Dima in Loggers Run
/setwaypoint 3764 4091

Find Ariza Nostal below Keenblade Mill

Ariza Nostal is in the North of the lake, below Keenblade Mill
/setwaypoint 3806 3932

Hand in the quest to him.

Arrow in Our Side

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest at /setwaypoint 3771 4087
TO COMPLETE: Kill Direoak Aelfwar x8

Drop down into the water below Keedblade Mill, you will find the Direoak Aelfwar near the tunnel entrances, like these ones at /setwaypoint 3713 4033 and inside the tunnels.

Hand in the quest to Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest at /setwaypoint 3771 4087

Aelfwar Arms Race

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest at /setwaypoint 3771 4087
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Aelfwar Weapons Caches x3

Drop down into the water below Keedblade Mill, there are 3 tunnels leading off the lake area, you will find the caches inside these.

2 short dead end tunnels,
/setwaypoint 3866 4003 – East of the lake
/setwaypoint 3723 4052 – South West of the lake

and one long tunnel at,
/setwaypoint 3732 3991 – North West of the lake

Go into/through the tunnels and pick up the caches.

Hand in the quest to Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest at /setwaypoint 3771 4087

A Mechanic's Work Is Never Done


The quest is picked up from Ariza Nostal in the lake, below Keenblade Mill
/setwaypoint 3806 3932

Protect Ariza Nostal

WARNING: Escort quest!
Takes around 1 minute 40 seconds.

Follow Ariza Nostal around the corner to the pump controls and protect him while he fixes them.

Hand in the quest to Vladinov Dima in Loggers Run
/setwaypoint 3764 4091

Suspicious Intentions


The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest
/setwaypoint 3771 4087

Collect Eidt’s Control Rune

Find Head Foreman Eidt on the top floor of Keenblade Mill, on the balcony at 
/setwaypoint 3808 3888
Right click to talk with him and take the Control Runes

Hand in the quest to Ani Volia, you will find her tucked under the main slope into Keenblade Mill, at
/setwaypoint 3802 3926

Diseased Vermin

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Agrippina Lakova in Logger’s Rest at /setwaypoint 3765 4089
TO COMPLETE: Clean Polluted Critters x6

Find the Polluted Critters around and towards the East of Keenblade MIll, like this squirrel at /setwaypoint 3896 3928 – The area you will find them is much bigger than the quest circle.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Soap’
Select the critter and use the item on them.
There are Squirrel, Rabbit and Coyote critters.

Clean up 6 of the Critters and then hand in the quest to Agrippina Lakova in Logger’s Rest at /setwaypoint 3765 4089

Justified Measures


The quest is picked up from Ani Volia in Keenblade Mill
/setwaypoint 3802 3926

Use the Safety Override Switch on the Keenblade Constructs x3

Find Keenblade Constructs all over Keenblade Mill, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3784 3868

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Safety Override Switch’

Select the Keenblade Construct and use the Safety Override Switch item. A couple of guardian raiders will attack you and the construct will turn friendly and help you fight!

Hand in the quest to Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest at /setwaypoint 3771 4087

Disruption of Service


The quest is picked up from Kaspar Massi in Loggers’ Rest
/setwaypoint 3771 4087

Investigate the Ambushed Cart

Travel further along the road to the East and find the Ambushed Cart at
/setwaypoint 3638 4114

Right click it to hand in the quest.

Another Direction


The quest is picked up from Ambushed Cart in Loggers Run
/setwaypoint 3638 4114

Speak with Matvei Rostya at Granite Watch

Keep heading West to Granite Watch and hand in the quest to Matvei Rostya
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Recovering the Unknown


The quest is picked up from Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Collect Shipping Manifest Scraps x6

Head West across the road to the Granitewood Haunt area, find Fellpine mobs, like these ones at 
/setwaypoint 3425 4076 and kill them to collect the Shipping Manifest Scraps.

Hand in the quest to Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

What's for Lunch?

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Serge Iakov in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3534 4104
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gastrointestinal Tracts x5

To the North of Granite Watch you will find many Scarhide Stalkers, like these ones at 
/setwaypoint 3586 3968
Kill them to loot the Gastrointestinal Tracts.

Hand in the quest to Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Ethian Technology Uncovered

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Terenti Osip in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3536 4102
TO COMPLETE: Collect Ethian Machinery x3

In the Granitewood Haunt area, drop down into the valleys/trenches to find the Ethian Machinery, like this one at /setwaypoint 3334 4108

Hand in the quest to Terenti Osip in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3536 4102

Warranted Hostility


The quest is picked up from Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Complete the Objectives listed

Disrupt Nyrel’s Ward
/setwaypoint 3228 4145
Right click Nyrel’s Ward to disrupt it.

Kill Nyrel Kilwei
/setwaypoint 3224 4154
Nyrel Kilwei will appear near the large tree stump behind Nyrel’s Ward. Kille her and loot the Hijacked Shipment from her.

Hand in the quest to Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Catch and Release

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3538 4106
TO COMPLETE: Collect Captured Squirrels x5

You can find the Squirrel traps just North of Granite Watch, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3605 3977
Right click them to see if there is a Captured Squirrel inside!

Hand in the quest to Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3538 4106

The Enemy You Know

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Serge Iakov in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3534 4104
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items listed

Collect Moonshade Pendants x4 from Fellpine Moonshadows, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3378 4064

Collect Armored Collars x5 from Fellpine Nightstalkers, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3419 4085

Collect Life-Etched Bracers x4 from Fellpine Blackthorns, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3383 4095

Hand in the quest to Serge Iakov in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3534 4104

Alive on Arrival


The quest is picked up from Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3538 4106

Deliver the Alchemy Supplies to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice

Find Uriel Chuluun in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3770 4416
Hand in the quest.

Bait and Switch

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Matvei Rostya in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3538 4106
TO COMPLETE: Use the Squirrel Steak Bait to summon Icka the Ill Toothed
Kill Icka the Ill Toothed
Collect Icka’s Hide

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Squirrel Steak Bait’
Go to the area marked on your map, just North-East of Granite Watch
/setwaypoint 3644 3999 between the tree roots/stump.
Use the Squirrel Steak Bait to summon Icka the Ill Toothed, kill him and then loot the Hide from him.

Hand in the quest to Serge Iakov in Granite Watch at /setwaypoint 3534 4104

Aelfwar Ambushes


The quest is picked up from Norel Evanov in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3779 4411

Collect a Life Infused Bomb

Find the Life Infused Bomb at
/setwaypoint 3706 4284

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Abandoned in Fear

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Levi Nikolavich in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3777 4413
TO COMPLETE: Collect Abandoned Rations x7

Head out East of Perspice into Iron Falls.
Find the Abandoned Rations in the crates, like this one at /setwaypoint 3744 4333

Hand in the quest to Levi Nikolavich in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3777 4413

Urgent Experimentation


The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Collect Dark hearts x6

Kill the tigers and board in Iron Fall and loot the Dark hearts from them, like these ones at 
/setwaypoint 3826 4292

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Foreign Legion

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Levi Nikolavich in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3777 4413
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ironvine Aelfwar x8

Kill the Ironvine Aelfwar in Iron Fall, like these ones at /setwaypoint 3917 4371

Hand in the quest to Levi Nikolavich in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3777 4413

A Measure of Protection

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norel Evanov in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3779 4411
TO COMPLETE: Collect Ironvine Roots x6

Collect the Ironvine Roots off the ground in Iron Fall, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3813 4282

Hand in the quest to Norel Evanov in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3779 4411

Defusing Life


The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Use the Distilled Death Essence to defuse the Life Imbued Bomb

Find the alchemy table in Iron Fall at 
/setwaypoint 3750 4193

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Distilled Death Essence’

Stand near the alchemy table and use the Distilled Death Essence

A Twisted Nature Spirit will appear, you don’t need to kill it for the quest, but you can if you want to.

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Beneath the Lines

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norel Evanov in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3779 4411
TO COMPLETE: Kill Elor Vilas

Find Elor Vilas on the wooden platform in Iron Fall at
/setwaypoint 4003 4331
Kill Elor Vilas.

Hand in the quest to Norel Evanov in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3779 4411

Blood Splattered Plans


The quest is picked up from Blood Splattered Plans (Open scroll on the table) in Iron Fall
/setwaypoint 4000 4331

Speak to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Derailed Agenda


The quest is picked up from Uriel Chuluun in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3770 4416

Disarm the life bombs

Go to each bomb and right click to disarm them. Kill anything that attacks you after.

Disarm the Life Imbued Bomb at site one
/setwaypoint 3843 4380

Disarm the Life Imbued Bomb at site two
/setwaypoint 3611 4373

Disarm the Life Imbued Bomb at site three
/setwaypoint 3639 4318

Hand in the quest to Uriel Chuluun in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3770 4416

Thinning our ranks

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Norel Evanov in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3779 4411
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Andrei Alexi in Perspice

Find Andrei Alexi in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3659 4457 hand in the quest.

Bare Knuckled

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Tank Dooks in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3810 4449
TO COMPLETE: Kill Knuckles

This quest requires you to kill a fighter. Stay within the fight area and kill Knuckles.

Hand in the quest to Tank Dooks in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3810 4449

You have now unlocked a daily quest to kill 3 fighters each day. This is worth doing to complete the artifact set ‘Bare Knuckled: The Return’ which drops from the ‘Fighters Purse’ rewarded from the daily quests.

A Trail of Trolls


The quest is picked up from Andrei Alexi in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3659 4457

Escort Kayfax

WARNING: Escort quest!
Takes around 4 minutes 40 seconds.

Follow Kayfax out of Perspice and around the area, kill anything that attacks!

Hand in the quest to Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456

Spelunking with Trolls


The quest is picked up from Ilya Matriosha in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3656 4456

Delve into Trollblight Caverns

Go to the West of Perspice and enter the Trollblight caverns at
/setwaypoint 3314 4463

Trollblight Caverns - Level 1
Trollblight Caverns - Level 2

Trollblight Caverns is a very large cave system split over two levels.
The main entrance is at the East of level 1. Go through the caves until you reach the tunnel at the very West and this will take you up to level 2.
Level 2 has an exit in the North East corner that brings you out on the mountain side just above level 1’s entrance.

You will need to rely on you mini-map for navigation while inside the cave system, the main map will just show you the mountain above!

There are quite a few quests to pick up in the Caverns, you should make sure to pick them all up and complete them as you go through.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the Aelfwar Camp’
Keep heading West towards the large cavern where the Aelfwar camp is.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the Life Garden’
Keep heading West through the tunnel at the back of the Aelfwar camp and continue up to the second level.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the Aelfwar Laboratory’
Go through the tunnel heading East into the largest Cavern area.

Hand in the quest to Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456

A Mother's Wrath

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alyona Dunya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4453
TO COMPLETE: Kill the mobs listed

Kill Blightskin Crushers x12
Kill Blightskin Rippers x5
Kill Blightskin Drudges x2

All these mobs can be found in and around the Trollblight Caverns, entrance at
/setwaypoint 3314 4463

Hand in the quest to Alyona Dunya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4453

Breaking Control

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from ‘Live Shard Fragment’ looted from a Riftstorm Controller in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3142 4393
Trollblight Caverns, entrance at /setwaypoint 3314 4463
TO COMPLETE: Kill Riftstorm Controllers x4

You will find the Riftstorm Controllers in the Caverns on level 1, they are usually paired with a Blightskin Drudge.
Kill 4 of them.

Hand in the quest to Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456

Valuable Essence

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kara Brogan in Trollblight caverns at /setwaypoint 3056 4549 (Level 2 in the Life Garden)
TO COMPLETE: Free Trapped Villagers x8

You will find the Trapped Villagers in the rest of the level 2 caverns, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3059 4613
Kill the Blightskin Ripper or any other mobs that are holding them captive.

Hand in the quest to Kara Brogan in Trollblight caverns at /setwaypoint 3056 4549 (level 2 in the Life Garden)

Harvester of Souls

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Defiant Machine in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3126 4579 (Level 2 in the Aelfwar Laboratory)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Death Essences from Aelfwar x5

Kill the Aelfwar mobs in the Trollblight Caverns to loot the Death Essence.

Hand in the quest to the Defiant Machine in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3126 4579 (Level 2 in the Aelfwar Laboratory)

Flip the Script

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Defiant Machine in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3126 4579 (Level 2 in the Aelfwar Laboratory)
TO COMPLETE: Collect and use the Energy Shard + Create a Death Shard

There are 3 locations in the caverns where you can pick up an Energy Shard.
I am going to grab the one in the save cave as the quest pick up, this Energy Shard is near the cavern exit, right next to Prince Hylas at /setwaypoint 3202 4488

Right click to pick up the Energy Shard and it will be added as a usable item to your quest sticky.

You should still have the Death Essence from the previous quest in your quest loot bag.
Click the Energy Shard on your quest sticky to combine it with the Death Essence and create a Death Shard.

Hand in the quest to the Defiant Machine in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3126 4579 (Level 2 in the Aelfwar Laboratory)

Unexpected Intervention

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Defiant Machine in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3126 4579 (Level 2 in the Aelfwar Laboratory)
TO COMPLETE: Place the Death Shard in a Power Conduit

Find the Power Conduit at /setwaypoint 3145 4524
Right click it to place the Death Shard inside.

Hand in the quest to Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456

A Troll's Lunch

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Afanas Inna in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3196 4658  (Level 2 in the Southern Cavern)
TO COMPLETE: Claim Rakthug’s Key

Find Rakthug wandering around in the Aelfwar Laboratory, I found him at
/setwaypoint 3166 4530
Kill him and loot the key.

Go back to the cage to hand in the quest to Afanas Inna in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3196 4658  (Level 2 in the Southern Cavern)

Note: If you kill Rakthug without first visiting Afanas Inna then you will loot the key and this will start the quest ‘Rakthug’s Prisoner’ which asks you to take the key to Afanas Inna

The Secret Stairs

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Afanas Inna in Trollblight Caverns at /setwaypoint 3196 4658  (Level 2 in the Southern Cavern)
TO COMPLETE: Escort Afanas Inna out of Trollblight Caverns

WARNING: Escort quest! – Takes around 1 minute 55 seconds.

Escort Afanas Inna out of Trollblight Caverns, kill anything that attacks along the way.

Hand in the quest to Alyona Dunya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4453

A Desperate Fight


The quest is picked up from Ilya Matriosha in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3656 4456

Speak with Lotham Darkmoon at Lotham’s Strike

Find Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531
Hand in the quest.

The Bigger They Are

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531
Kill a Devout Dominator
Kill a Twisted Nature Spirit

Kill a Devout Dominator and kill a Twisted Nature Spirit, I found both these mobs next to each other at /setwaypoint 3711 4616

Hand in the quest to Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike /setwaypoint 3689 4531

Take no Prisoners

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gord Crackstone in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3692 4532
TO COMPLETE: Kill Aelfwar Sympathizers x20

Kill Aelfwar Sympathizers, this includes most of the mobs in the Lotham’s Strike area.

Hand in the quest to Gord Crackstone in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3692 4532

Bolstering the Line

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Gord Crackstone in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3692 4532
TO COMPLETE: Feed Soul Eaters Life Essence x3

There is a Soul Eater (Purple orb on a pedestal) just outside the Lotham’s Strike barricade.
/setwaypoint 3688 4547

Kill mobs around the Soul Eater, like this Direthorn Conjurer, most of them will drop a Life Essence. When you have looted a Life Essence, right click the Soul Eater to feed it.

You can switch shard to feed the same Soul Eater 3 times, or visit the other Soul Eaters to feed them.

Hand in the quest to Gord Crackstone in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3692 4532

All-Seeing Eye


The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Colect Guardian Communiques x6

Loot the Communiques from Guardian Scouts, like these found at
/setwaypoint 3606 4747

Hand in the quest to Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Drawing the Poison

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Blight Powder, looted from a Gnarlhoof Slaver in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3611 4504
TO COMPLETE: Collect Blight Powder x8

Kill and loot more of the Satyrs in Lotham’s Strike, you wil find more of them around /setwaypoint 3739 4561

Hand in the quest to Gord Crackstone in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3692 4532

Operation: Rift Walker


The quest is picked up from Ambush Order, looted from a Guardian Scout in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3711 4714

Deliver the Ambush Order to Kira Thanos at Lotham’s Strike.

Hand in the quest to Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Secret Weapon

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fara Diresong in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3543 4563
TO COMPLETE: Stop Demented Forest Spirits from getting Bahka’s Fire

Stay near the quest giver and kill all the Demented Forest Spirits that try to attack.
You can loot the crates near the quest giver to be given a quest item called ‘Bahka’s Fire’, using this will place an aoe fire circle on the ground that will damage the attacking Forest Spirits.

Hand in the quest to Fara Diresong in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3543 4563

Not Without a Trace


The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Find the first trace

The first trace can be found at
/setwaypoint 3573 4616

Right click the rustled bush to find the first trace.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Second Trace’

The Second Trace can be found at
/setwaypoint 3489 4677

Right click the rustled bush to find the Second Trace.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Third Trace’

The Third Trace can be found at
/setwaypoint 3398 4830

Right click the rustled bush to find the Third Trace.

Uriel and Mulia will appear and have a chat together.

Hand in the quest to Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Heeding the Call


The quest is picked up from Kira Thanos in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3697 4518

Find Asha Catari at Lotham’s Strike

Go to /setwaypoint 3426 4734 to meet Asha Catari and hand in the quest.

Severing Their Life Line

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Life Nexuses x2

The Life Nexuses are giant beehives, like this one at /setwaypoint 3623 4522
When you attack them lots of flying mobs will attack you, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531


Note: Some skills/abilities may not work to deal damage to the Life Nexuses, especially skills from Mystic Archer. You may need to switch to a different spec to be able to complete this quest.

Exercise In Their Frustration


The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3426 4734 (Asha Catari needs to be out of combat to give you the quest, kill anything that is attacking)

Speak with Asha Catari

Right click Asha Catari and speak with her.

Travel slightly to the West to find the Rift at /setwaypoint 3374 4734

Asha will follow you to the edge of the Rift.

The first stage of the Rift asks that you speak with Asha again, she will now be knelt near the rift at
/setwaypoint 3400 4736
If you take too long to speak with her then she will go back to where she was when you picked up the quest, go there and speak to her again to bring her back to the rift.

Complete the Rift stages by killing the creatures that spawn.

At stage 4 you can hand in the quest to Asha Catari at
/setwaypoint 3400 4736

Honest When Dead

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3426 4734 (Asha Catari needs to be out of combat to give you the quest, kill anything that is attacking)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Athanial Kane

Find Athanial Kane in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3677 4609
Kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Mind Stealer on Athanial Kane’s corpse’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Mind Stealer’
Use the Mind Stealer on Athanial Kane’s corpse.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Analyze Kane’s brain with the Defiant Soul Decrypter’

Find the Defiant Soul Decrypter at /setwaypoint 3685 4519
Right click the Defiant Soul Decrypter to activate it.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Athanial Kane’
Athanial Kane will appear on the Defiant Soul Decrypter, right click to speak with him.

Hand in the quest to Kira Thanos at /setwaypoint 3697 4518

Saving the Scarwood


The quest is picked up from Asha Catari in Lotham’s Strike
/setwaypoint 3400 4736

Assist Asha in closing the rift

Speak to Asha again to activate the next stage and then continue closing the rift, killing the Oakgnarl Treant that attacks while Asha grabs the device.

Once the Treant is dead, right click the blue crystal in the middle of the rift

Protect Ahsa as she teleports away.

Hand in the quest to Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531

Hole in the Wall

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Lotham Darkmoon in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3689 4531
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Athani Midnight at Lotham’s Strike

Find Athani Midnight in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3821 4524 and hand in the quest.

Let Them Come

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Athani Midnight in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3821 4524
TO COMPLETE: Defend the Darkmoon forces.

Kill all the baddies attacking the barricades.

Hand in the quest to Athani Midnight in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3821 4524

Can you Hustle?

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Necromancer Zahalred in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3812 4511
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items described from the mobs, you may need to kill more than one of each type of mob, especially the scouts!

Collect Zahalred’s Magic Globe
from Aelfwar
/setwaypoint 3737 4627

Collect Zahalred’s Slippers
from Guardian Scouts
/setwaypoint 3629 4764

Collect Zahalred’s Black Robe
from Scoutmaster Ve’tass
/setwaypoint 3655 4770

Hand in the quest to Necromancer Zahalred in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3812 4511

Dying to Help

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Necromancer Zahalred in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3812 4511
TO COMPLETE: Collect Stolen Defiant Magitech x7

Kill and loot the Aelfwar in Lotham’s Strike, like that ones found at /setwaypoint 3688 4606

Hand in the quest to Athani Midnight in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3821 4524

Last Hope

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Athani Midnight in Lotham’s Strike at /setwaypoint 3821 4524
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Zhanna Sergei at Last Hope

Find Zhanna Sergei in Last Hope at /setwaypoint 3895 4507
Hand in the quest.

Open Communication

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Last Hope at /setwaypoint 3895 4507
TO COMPLETE: Use a Planar Displacer

Find a Planar Displacer, like this one at /setwaypoint 3871 4590

Right click to use it.

Zhanna Sergei will appear on the Planar Displacer, hand in the quest to her.

Mystical Information

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Spirit Essence

Kill a Tortured Shade, like this one found at /setwaypoint 3919 4658
Loot the Spirit Essence from his corpse.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Spirit Essence at the three braziers’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Essence’

Find the 3 braziers at /setwaypoint 4030 4701 and use the Spirit Essence.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to the Summoned Spirit’
Serafina Asenka will appear in the centre of the braziers, right click to speak with her.

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Restless Dead

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)
Kill Putrid Zombies x7
Kill Risen Skeletons x5
Kill Restless Spirits x3
Kill the creatures which can be found in Granitewood Crossing, centered around /setwaypoint 3965 4663

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

An Innocent Condemned

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Azdea Thelis in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3999 4661
TO COMPLETE: Collect a Bone Key

Kill nearby Putrid Zombies to loot a Bone Key (I killed around 12 zombies before the key dropped).

Hand in the quest to Azdea Thelis in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3999 4661

Azdea Thelis will now leave the cage and become attackable, kill him to loot the item to start the next quest.

Well of Life

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)
TO COMPLETE: Drain Life Well

Find the Life Well at /setwaypoint 4029 4516

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Ravager Bell’
Stand next to the Life Well and use the Ravager Bell
After a few seconds, 3 Life Ravager mobs will appear and cast a spell. They will be attacked by Jadescale Well Defenders, kill them!

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Vengeful Dead

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)
Destroy Shade Stones x2
Collect Shade Essences x2

Destroy the Shade Stones, like the one at /setwaypoint 3923 4644
Some spirit mobs will attack you, just kill them.
Loot the destroyed Shade Stone for the Shade Essence.
You can find another Shade Stone at /setwaypoint 3969 4726

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

X Marks the Spot

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Treasure Map, looted from Azdea Thelis in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3999 4661
TO COMPLETE: Find the Treasure Stash in Granitewood Crossing

Find the Treasure Stash at /setwaypoint 3864 4596
Right click it to hand in the quest.

They Don't Deserve to Live

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)
TO COMPLETE: Kill the mobs listed

Kill Jadescale Slaver x10
Kill Jadescale Bloodshot x5
Kill Jadescale Controller x3

Find and kill the Jadescale Aelfwar in the Granitewood Crossing area, there is a good group of them going up the hill from
/setwaypoint 3896 4585

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

A Dire Plan


The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer) – You will need to complete a few non-story quests before this one will appear.

Collect Rune Scripts x6

Collect Rune Scripts by killing Aelfwar in the Granitewood Crossing area, there is a good group of them going up the hill from
/setwaypoint 3896 4585

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Fall of House Aelfwar


The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Kill Voldax

Find Voldax in the circle of stones at
/setwaypoint 3834 4791

Stand on the pedestal  in the middle to activate the rift event.

Talk to Prince Hylas to progress

Then complete the rift stages until Voldax arrives so you can kill him!

Hand in the quest to Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Hero of the Planes


The quest is picked up from Zhanna Sergei in Granitewood Crossing at /setwaypoint 3871 4590 (Right click the Planar Displacer)

Speak with Ilya Matriosha in Perspice

Hand in the quest to Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456

To Honor a Hero

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Alyona Dunya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4453 (Available after you have completed the story quests)
TO COMPLETE: Stand within the Golden Ring

Stand in the Golden Ring at /setwaypoint 3672 4454 to receive your cheers and fireworks!

Hand in the quest to Alyona Dunya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4453

Report to the Vale Savants

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ilya Matriosha in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3656 4456
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Razeed Vithalis in Meridian

Find Razeed Vithalis in Meridian at /setwaypoint 5943 4266
Hand in the quest.

2 Quests Related to the Rares

Joining the Hunt

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dimitri Bazidar in Sarwood Lift Summit at /setwaypoint 4162 4113
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Nicolai Vanya in Perspice

This quest is the start of a chain of quests related to hunting the rare mobs in Scarwood Reach. The rares in Scarwood Reach work a little differently to other zones, once you have completed this small chain of quests you will be able to speak to an NPC to see which rares are up!
Killing rares becomes a daily quest, each rare you kill will start a quest that awards a Perspice Hunting Token, collect 5 of these to complete the ‘Persuing Prey’ daily.

Hand in the quest to Nicolai Vanya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3689 4432 (he wanders around a little)
Handing in the quest will award you a Perspice Hunting Token, this will be in your quest log bag.

Stalking Prey

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nicolai Vanya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3689 4432
TO COMPLETE: Collect Perspice Hunting Tokens by turning in hunting trophies x3

You will now need to kill some rares!
Thankfully the ‘rares’ in Scarwood Reach are not very rare..
Speak with Rastin Vori, just outside the Pub at /setwaypoint 3690 4396
he will give you a list of all the rares that are currently up in the zone, click a rare in the list to be given a vague description of where to find them.

Go out and kill 2 of these rares to earn 2 more hunting tokens so you can hand in your quest.

You can find a full guide to the Scarwood Reach rares here.

Hand in the quest to Nicolai Vanya in Perspice at /setwaypoint 3689 4432

You can now pick up the daily for killing rares, it’s a good idea to pick up this daily and then kill any rares you encounter while questing.

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

Post Solace

The quest is picked up from Nicolai Vanya in Perspice
/setwaypoint 3689 4432
This quest will lead you into Droughtlands, you can pick it up after you have completed the Hunting Quests in Scarwood Reach.

Speak with Matius Serin at Lantern Plateau, Droughtlands.

Go to Droughtlands by crossing the bridge from Freemarch at /setwaypoint 7132 5885

Head to the Lantern Plateau and hand in the quest to Matius Serin at /setwaypoint 7382 6211

Notes for Completionist..

  • The Quest ‘The Secret Stairs‘ does not tick off from completionist even if you complete it.
  • The Quest ‘Realigned Priorities‘ is actually called ‘Justified Measures‘ and will not tick off completionist due to this change of name.
  • The Quest ‘WIP INTERNAL Luke Test Quest‘ is not live and cannot be completed/picked up.