Scarlet Gorge Quests

Scarlet Gorge
  • Scarlet Gorge is a level 27-29 zone.
  • To get to this zone you will walk in from Stonefield.
  • There are 5 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Scarwood Lift Base, Rocklift, Rock Ridge, and Darkfire Grove.
  • Other points of interest are..
    — Entrance to Foul Cascade Dungeon – /setwaypoint 3702 2685 – Towards the top of the cliff.

Below is a guide for all 52 quests in Scarlet Gorge.
With 36 Main Quests and 16 Carnages.

For the  Scarlet Gorge rares go here
For the  Scarlet Gorge puzzle go here
For the other Scarlet Gorge cheevos go here

This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Scarlet Gorge.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 52 quests in Scarlet Gorge, you will not have to complete all of them to get the cheevo.

Make up your own mind
Lord of Suffering

36 Main Quests

Open Invitation


The quest is picked up from Aiden Blackstone in Granite Falls
/setwaypoint 4906 5045
This quest will lead you into Scarlet Gorge, you can pick it up after you have completed some of the storyline in Stonefield.

Find Nelford Heap in Old Mule Run, Scarlet Gorge

Find Nelford Heap in Old Mule Run at around /setwaypoint 4716 4532
Nelford Heap walks around the U-bend in the road around the house, look on your mini-map for the quest tick.
Hand in the quest to him.

The Road to Defiance


The quest is picked up from Ulan Hamda in Sentry Station
/setwaypoint 4050 5408
This quest will lead you into Scarlet Gorge, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Stonefield.

Speak with Sumia Rend at Sunset Bridge

Find Sumia Rend at Sunset Bridge
/setwaypoint 4454 4941

Right click to talk to her

Hand in the quest to Rickard Destrum in Old Mule Run
/setwaypoint 4724 4534

Up and at 'Em

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sumia Rend in Sunrest Bridge at /setwaypoint 4454 4941
TO COMPLETE: Use the Bucket of Water on sleeping Gorge Prospectors x3

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Bucket of Water’

Walk down the Old Mule Run into Scarlet Gorge. Along the way you will see sleeping Gorge Prospectors, like this one at /setwaypoint 4577 4843
Use the Bucket of Water item to bring up a target circle, place the circle over the sleeping Gorge Prospector and left click to throw the water over them! If you cant find any sleeping ones, then just wait, they will fall asleep soon!
Wake up 3 Prospectors to complete the quest.
Hand in the quest to Rickard Destrum in Old Mule Run
/setwaypoint 4724 4534

A Day Off


The quest is picked up from Rickard Destrum in Old Mule Run
/setwaypoint 4724 4534

Speak with Cereil Malticent in Sunrest Canyon

Carry on down the path til you reach Cereil Malticent in Sunrest Canyon
/setwaypoint 4486 4604

Right click to speak to Cereil Malticent

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Golden Maw Foremen x5 and Free Enslaved Miners x10’

Follow the river to the south to find some Golden Maw Foremen and kill them!

You will find the Golden Maw Foremen near Enslaved Miners, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 4452 4750

Killing the Golden Maw Foremen will allow the Enslaved Miners to run away, thus crediting your quest.

Go back to Cereil Malticent in Sunrest Canyon and talk to him
/setwaypoint 4486 4604

Then hand in the quest to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392

Staking Claim

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kasady Brock in Sunrest Canyon at /setwaypoint 4406 4838
(Go up the slope at /setwaypoint 4414 4762)
TO COMPLETE: Light the fuse of the Quarry Explosives

In the cave just across the bridge
/setwaypoint 4445 4857
You will find the Quarry Explosives in a barrel next to a large rock.
Right click them and then run back onto the bridge to avoid getting hit by the explosion!

Hand in the quest to Kasady Brock in Sunrest Canyon at /setwaypoint 4406 4838

How the Pieces Fit

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Costruct Schematic looted from Astar Blackstar in Salt Rime Cavery at /setwaypoint 4314 4934
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Construct Schematic to Cereil Melticent in Sunrest Canyon

Find Cereil Melticent in Sunrest Canyon at /setwaypoint 4488 4610 and hand in the quest.

Drill No More


The quest is picked up from Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392

Disable Industrial Drills x6

Go to the mines called Ironroot Draw just to the North and right click 6 of the large drills to disable them, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4680 4300

Go back to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392
Hand in the quest.

The Source of the Problem

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Mining Cart in Ironroot Draw at /setwaypoint 4697 4295
TO COMPLETE: Collect Rough Sourcestone x16

You can loot the sourcestone from Rockmaul constructs when you kill them, or collect them from the other mining carts scattered around Ironroot Draw.
Collect 16 of the stones to complete the quest.

Go to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base /setwaypoint 4620 4392 and hand in the quest

Lost and Found

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Golden Maw Report, dropped from Golden Maw Overseers in Ironroot Draw at /setwaypoint 4674 4096
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Golder Maw Report to Optio Mortain at Scarwood Lift Base

Go to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base /setwaypoint 4620 4392 and hand in the quest

More than a Machine

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Curious Ring, dropped by IX-I Defender in Ironroot Draw cave at /setwaypoint 4869 4196
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Curious Ring to Angorn Monfal at Scarwood Lift Base

Find Angorn Monfal at Scarwood Lift Base /setwaypoint 4611 4393 and hand in the quest.

A Bit of Subterfuge


The quest is picked up from Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392

Use the Golden Maw Disguise

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Golden Maw Disguise’
You can use this disguise straight away to progress the quest. You can then right click the disguise buff in your buff bar to remove it so you can continue with other quests.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Spy on Nathur Kull’

Go to the West across the River and into the Frayworn Rock area, enter the large cave at
/setwaypoint 4294 4302

Make sure you have your disguise on before you approach Nathur Kull
Walk up to Nathur Kull at
/setwaypoint 4158 4276
Right click to talk with him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Trap Nathur Kull’s Soul’.
To the left is the poor victim in a cage with a ‘Soul Trapper’ device pointed at the cage.
Nathur Kull will show you how this device works!
He will then move to the cage on the right to get it set up for the next victim, when he walks inside the cage, use the Soul Trapper!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Nathur Kull’s Soul from the Soul Shard in Frayworn Rock’
Behind the cage, is a blue Soul Shard where the soul was collected. Right click it to collect the soul.

Return to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392
Hand in the quest.

Taking Shards

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Angorn Monfal in Scarwood Lift Base at /setwaypoint 4611 4393
Use Problem Solvers on Construct Regeneration Units x3
Collect Crystal Fragments x12

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Problem Solver’

Find a Construct Regeneration Unit, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4337 4314

Stand close to the Construct Regeneration Unit and use the Problem Solver item.

The Construct Regeneration Unit will explode and there will be around 5 small Crystal Fragments on the ground, right click them to pick them up, do this multiple times until you have picked up 12 Crystal Fragments and destroyed at least 3 of the Construct Regeneration Units.

Go to Angorn Monfal at Scarwood Lift Base /setwaypoint 4611 4393 and hand in the quest.

Bits and Pieces

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Construct Components in Frayworn Rock at /setwaypoint 4409 4315 (and other nearby locations)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Construct Components x12

You can loot the Construct Components by killing nearby Construct mobs and looting them, or pick up the Construct Components off the floor, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4326 4341

When you are finished, go to Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base /setwaypoint 4620 4392 and hand in the quest

The Brains Behind It All

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Malfunctioning Excavator in Frayworn Rock at /setwaypoint 4120 4297 (cave entrance at /setwaypoint 4294 4302)
Sabotage Construct Repair Terminals x3
Use Construct Repair Terminals to spawn Engineers then kill them x3

Find the Construct Repair Terminals, like this one where the quest giver is.
Right click them to Sabotage them and an Engineer will come along to try to fix it, kill him!
Do this 3 times to complete the quest.

This quest will auto-complete when you are finished.

To Rocklift


The quest is picked up from Optio Mortain in Scarwood Lift Base
/setwaypoint 4620 4392

Speak with Optio Senali at Rocklift

Head North to Rocklift and hand in the quest to Optio Senali at /setwaypoint 4326 3917

Rescuing the Mondragon


The quest is picked up from Optio Senali in Rocklift
/setwaypoint 4326 3917

Find the entrance to the Thunderwork Ridge Mines

0/10 hide and seek difficulty, as the entrance to the mines is clearly marked on your map..
Go to /setwaypoint 4638 3891 to find the entrance.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find Dalvio Mondragon in Thunderwork Ridge’.

Go into the mines and head towards the back where you will find 4 crystals on a platform at /setwaypoint 4789 3851
Click the sparkly crystal to hand in the quest.

Cruel to Be Kind

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Merelda Arcallis in Rocklift at /setwaypoint 4336 3927
TO COMPLETE: Use the Soul Reconstructor on Constructs x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Soul Reconstructor’.

In Thunderwork Ridge you will find Construct mobs, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4506 3895

Select the construct and use the Soul Reconstructor, do not engage in combat as the cast for the item in interruptible.

Do this 5 times to complete the quest.

Return to Merelda Arcallis in Rocklift at /setwaypoint 4336 3927 to hand the quest in.

Tumbling Down


The quest is picked up from the crystal in Thunderwork Ridge
/setwaypoint 4789 3851 (In the cave, entrance at /setwaypoint 4638 3891)

Use a Repair Station to activate Dalvio Mondragon

Go through the archway behind you into the second cave area
/setwaypoint 4812 3851

Click on one of the Repair Stations in the alcoves around the room to activate Dalvio Mondragon.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Destabilize the Power Core’

In the middle of the room, click the Power Core.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Technomancer Lexanus’.

Technomancer Lexanus will approach fromt he back of the room, kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Magnum-Lexanus’

Kill the Construct from the top of the Power Core.

Return to Optio Senali in Rocklift
/setwaypoint 4326 3917
Hand in the quest

Where Have They Gone?


The quest is picked up from Optio Senali in Rocklift
/setwaypoint 4326 3917

Discover what’s happened to the townsfolk of Rock Ridge

Go to /setwaypoint 4482 3804

There is often a foothold nearby that will disrupt this quest, kill it!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Smoldering Soulthieves and Tricksters x5’

Kill the nearby mobs that fit this description!

Hand in the quest to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge at /setwaypoint 4457 3719

With a Vengeance


The quest is picked up from Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719

Speak to Adriana Weaver in Rock Ridge

Adriana Weaver is about 10 meters away stood near the portal of Rock Ridge.. free XP!

Go to Adriana Weaver at /setwaypoint 4475 3713 and hand in the quest.

Liberation Day


The quest is picked up from Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719

Kill Smoldering Tormentors x4
Liberate Rock Ridge Citizens x16

Find the Smoldering Tormentors in Rock Ridge, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 4493 3626
Kill them to release the Citizens from their torment!

Go back to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
Hand the quest in.

Go Back Home

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Adept Lira in Rock Ridge at /setwaypoint 4451 3719
TO COMPLETE: Banish Fireborn Imps using the Binding Chalk x16

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Binding Chalk’

Find the Fireborn Imps in the Rock Ridge area, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 4432 3598

Click the Binding Chalk and then place the target circle so it hits as many Fireborn Imps as possible, this will create a cloud of dust that will kill the Imps, kill 16 Imps in this way.

Hand in the quest to Adept Lira in Rock Ridge at /setwaypoint 4451 3719

Mission of Mercy


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4475 3713

Free Captured Rock Ridge Citizens x3

Dotted around Rock Ridge are citizens in cages!
Like this one at
/setwaypoint 4555 3578
Kill the nearby mobs and then Adriana Weaver will come along all stealthy to let the citizen out!

Go back to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
Right click to talk with him and tell him that you have rescued the townspeople.

Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4475 3713

Freeing Sedrick Finely

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sedrick Finely in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gwen Finely’s Doll

Go to /setwaypoint 4470 3486 on the upper level
Collect Gwen Finely’s Doll

Return to Sedrick Finely in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
Hand in the quest

Freeing Nambus Parm

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nambus Parm in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
TO COMPLETE: Collect Parm’s Poesy

Go to /setwaypoint 4382 3647 on the upper level
Collect Parm’s Poesy

Return to Nambus Parm in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
Hand in the quest

Freeing Sandra Roe

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sandra Roe in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
TO COMPLETE: Collect the Portrait of Lidia Roe

Go to /setwaypoint 4382 3647 on the upper level
Collect the Portrait of Lidia Roe

Return to Sandra Roe in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
Hand in the quest

Snapped Out of It

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sedrick Finely in Scarlet Gorge Tavern at /setwaypoint 4533 3481
TO COMPLETE: Report to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge

Go to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
Hand in the quest

From Beyond


The quest is picked up from Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719

Seal the Fire Rift in Rock Ridge

Go back into Rock Ridge and kill the Fire Rift in the middle of the area at
/setwaypoint 4465 3549

Complete the stages and close the rift.

Go to Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
Hand in the quest

Completing this quest will earn you the ‘Lord of Suffering’ cheevo.

The Living and the Dead


The quest is picked up from Adriana Weaver in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4475 3713

Summon the ghost of Arthur Thorne

For this quest you will need to go back to Freemarch to an area near the coast to the South of Meridian
/setwaypoint 5697 5737

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Uythradge Eye’

Stand in the area (you dont need to be in the circle of candles, but you can choose to be!) and use the quest item.

You will be teleported back to Scarlet Gorge.
Hand in the quest to Adriana Weaver in Rock Ridge /setwaypoint 4475 3713

Conflagration Station

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Obik Chuka in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4620 3512
TO COMPLETE: Collect Darkfire Powder x8

Kill the Darkfire Arsonists to loot the Darkfire Powder from them, you can find these mobs all over Darkfire Grove, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4800 3435

When you have looted 8, go back to Obik Chuka in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4620 3512
Hand in the quest.

Snatch and Grab


The quest is picked up from Optio Merrik in Darkfire Grove
/setwaypoint 4621 3504

Collect Eyes of Uythradge x4

Eyes of Uythradge are glowing red orbs found all around the enemy camp at the top of Darkfire Grove, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4838 3588

Pick up 4 of them

Return to Optio Merrik in Darkfire Grove
/setwaypoint 4621 3504
Hand in the quest.

Inside Guy

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Agogag in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4785 3491
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve the items listed

Retrieve Agogag’s Mace
This item can be looted form many of the mobs in the area, hover over a mob to see if the quest is listed and then kill them to see if they drop it!

Retrieve Agogag’s Special Potion
/setwaypoint 4707 3586

Retrieve Agogag’s Healthy Gruel
/setwaypoint 4689 3665

Return to Agogag in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4785 3491 to hand in the quest

Unlikely Initiate

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Agogag in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4785 3491
TO COMPLETE: Open the Cage Door to free Agogag

Kill a few of the mobs around the cage until you loot the ‘Darkfire Key’ (I looted mine from the Darkfire Nightblade right next to the cage)

Right click the cage to open it.

The quest will autocomplete.

I am the Arsonist

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Flaming Brand in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4803 3464
TO COMPLETE: Light the Totems

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Flaming Brand’
Use the Flaming Band item then place the target circle on the tree holding the totem to burn it.

Light the first Darkfire Totem on fire
/setwaypoint 4764 3518

Light the second Darkfire Totem on fire
/setwaypoint 4715 3532

Light the third Darkfire Totem on fire
/setwaypoint 4705 3616

Light the fourth Darkfire Totem on fire
/setwaypoint 4664 3692

The quest will autocomplete when you are done.

Lurker in the Dark

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Massive fang, looted from Charfang Matriarch in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4747 3675
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Massive Fang to Obik Chuka in Darkfire Grove

Take the Massive Fang to Obik Chuka in Darkfire Grove at /setwaypoint 4620 3512
Hand in the quest.

With My Thanks

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Jyn Starry in Stonecrest at /setwaypoint 4157 3218
TO COMPLETE: Find the Starry Family Belongings in Stonecrest

In this small alcove you will sometimes find the Starry Family.
These guys are not always up, so keep checking back and check all shards till you find them.

When you find them, approach Jyn Starry, this will start a wave of ‘Rampaging Corpses’ that will attack you and the Starry Family, kill them all!
There will be 9 waves of Rampaging Corpses, each with 3 mobs per wave.

Once all the waves are finished, Jyn Starry will finally offer you the quest!
Take the quest and then click the wooden box at the back of the alcove to complete the quest.

16 Carnage Quests

I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Flesh and Steel
PICK UP: You will find them in Salt Rime Cavery at around /setwaypoint 4314 4934
TO COMPLETE: Kill the Experimental Excavator and Astar Blackstar

CARNAGE: Carnage: False Prophets
PICK UP: You will find them in Darkfire Grove at around /setwaypoint 4803 3610
Kill Warlord Thundkup – /setwaypoint 4799 3591
Kill Arch-Arsonist Gaziuk – /setwaypoint 4803 3610

CARNAGE: Carnage: Soul Hunter
PICK UP: You will find them in Frayworn Rock at around /setwaypoint 4172 4280 (cave entrance at /setwaypoint 4294 4302)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golden Maw Soulmagi and Technomagi x6

CARNAGE: Carnage: Let Them Go
PICK UP: You will find them in Stonecrest at around /setwaypoint 4087 3248
TO COMPLETE: Kill Enslaved Corpses x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Deconstruction
PICK UP: You will find them in Ironroot Draw at around /setwaypoint 4682 4222
Kill GX-5 Excavators x5
Kill RH-0 Lifters x5

CARNAGE: Carnage: Hired Guns
PICK UP: You will find them in Frayworn Rock at around /setwaypoint 4404 4312
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golden Maw Wardens, Sharpshooters, and Reavers x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Goblins Gone Wild
PICK UP: You will find them in Darkfire Grove at around /setwaypoint 4779 3387
Kill Darkfire Warlocks x4 – /setwaypoint 4779 3387
Kill Darkfire Flamepriests x6 – /setwaypoint 4846 3532

CARNAGE: Carnage: Reporting Losses
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon Steps at around /setwaypoint 4019 3384 (up the lift at /setwaypoint 4038 3350)
Kill Endless Court Witches x5
Kill Endless Court Necromancers x5

CARNAGE: Carnage: Harsh Justice
PICK UP: You will find them in Thunderwork Ridge at around /setwaypoint 4544 3887
TO COMPLETE: Kill Golden Maw at Thunderwork Ridge x12

CARNAGE: Carnage: Children of Maelforge
PICK UP: You will find them in Rock Ridge at around /setwaypoint 4533 3557
Kill Smoldering Fiends and Charlatans x2 – /setwaypoint 4444 3487
Kill Smoldering Reavers x6 – /setwaypoint 4533 3557
Kill Smoldering Hellions x4 – /setwaypoint 4481 3501

CARNAGE: Carnage: Little Buggers
PICK UP: You will find them in Darkfire Grove at around /setwaypoint 4732 3442
Kill Darkfire Champions x4 – /setwaypoint 4767 3416
Kill Darkfire Warriors x4 – /setwaypoint 4732 3442
Kill Darkfire Nightblades x4 – /setwaypoint 4791 3481

CARNAGE: Carnage: For the Birds
PICK UP: You will find them in Riverfell (at the top) at around /setwaypoint 3627 2581
Kill Foul Talons x8
Kill Foul Huntresses x4

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Ones Who Lead
PICK UP: You will find them in Ironroot Draw at around /setwaypoint 4676 4300
Kill Golden Maw Overseers x3
Kill Golden Maw Snipers and Breakers x5
Kill Golden Maw Sentries x5

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Darkest Magic
PICK UP: You will find them in Stonecrest at around /setwaypoint 4048 3264
Kill Endless Court Wizards x6
Kill Endless Court Mercenaries x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Foul Patrols
PICK UP: You will find them in Riverfell at around /setwaypoint 3833 2784
Kill Endless Court cultists x6
Kill Risen Hewers x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Cleansing
PICK UP: You will find them in Demon Steps at around /setwaypoint 4037 3388 (up the lift at /setwaypoint 4038 3350)
Kill Skeletal Miners x8
Kill Endless Court Knights and Blademasters x4
Kill Endless Court Archers x3 – /setwaypoint 4110 3422

Breadcrumb Quests

Quests that will lead you into other zones/areas

Trouble in Scarwood Reach

The quest is picked up from Astor Incantril in Rock Ridge
/setwaypoint 4457 3719
This quest will lead you into Scarwood Reach, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Scarlet Gorge.

Speak with Ludmil Pavel at Scarwood Reach

You can go up to Scarwood Reach using the lift that starts in Scarlet Gorge at the Scarwood Lift Base portal /setwaypoint 4593 4390 this lift goes up over the cliff into Scarwood Reach, ending at /setwaypoint 4192 4133
You can also go up cliff using the path which starts at /setwaypoint 4473 4610

Hand in the quest to Ludmil Pavel in Scarwood Reach at /setwaypoint 4172 4121

Notes for Completionist..

  • No notes required as all quests should be ticked off nicely once you finish the zone!