Iron Pine Peak Quests

Iron Pine Peak

Iron Pine Peak was a level 50 zone at launch, this was changed to give players more levelling options.

  • Iron Pine Peak is a level 27-35 zone.
  • You will be teleported to this zone during the quest that is picked up at the end of Stonefield from Magnus Grey at /setwaypoint 4423 4928
  • There are 5 portals in the zone.
  • Main quest hubs include.. Whitefall Lift, Breaker’s Camp, Pilgrim’s Crossing, Whitefall / Illumination Point, Chancel of Labors, Oathbound Pass, Exile’s Den, Radiant Guard, Defender’s Stand, Thedeor’s Shield, and Red Gold Claim
  • Other points of interest are..
    Entrance to Abyssal Precipice Dungeon at /setwaypoint 2839 1730
    Entrance to Exodus of the Storm Queen Dungeon at /setwaypoint 4632 1547

Below is a guide for all 102 quests in Iron Pine Peak.
With 75 Main Quests and 27 Carnages.

For the  Iron Pine Peak rares go here
For the  Iron Pine Peak puzzle go here
For the other Iron Pine Peak cheevos go here

This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Iron Pine Peak.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!

Quest Cheevos

There are 102 quests in Iron Pine Peak, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.

You and What Army?

The completionist add on has 12 extra quests that are Guardian quests and thus cannot be completed by a Defiant.

Stay Frosty

75 Main Quests

No Reason to Quit Now


The quest is picked up from Magnus Grey in Sunrest Bridge (technically in Scarlet Gorge)
/setwaypoint 4423 4928 – Near the Sunrest Bridge portal in Stonefield
This quest will lead you into Iron Pine Peak, you can pick it up after you have completed the whole storyline in Stonefield.

Speak with Ber Rades at Sunrest Bridge
Speak with Omsam Voris at Whitefall Lift

Find Ber Rades at Sunrest Bridge
/setwaypoint 4461 4975
He is the portal master for the Sunrest Ridge portal.

Right click to talk to him, select the option ‘Can you send me to Whitefall Lift in Iron Pine Peak?’ then select ‘Yes’

You will be teleported to the Whitefall Lift Portal in Iron Pine Peak.

Speak with Omsam Voris at Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2215

Right click to talk to him

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift at /setwaypoint 4318 2208

Mending Defenses


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2208

Repair the Damaged Barricades x3

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Snow Bucket’

Further North up the path you will find various Barricades, some of them will be burning, like these ones at 
/setwaypoint 4320 2164

Stand near the Burning Barricades and use the Snow Bucket item to put out the flames.

Once the flames are out you can right click the Barricade to repair them.

Do this 3 times to complete the quest.

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2208

A Frosty Trinket


The quest is picked up from Cloudbourne Ice Necklace, looted from Redsnow Thug
in Whitefall Passage at /setwaypoint 4321 2149

Ask Sentinel Hallis about the Necklace

Go to Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2208
Speak to him about the Necklace

Deliver the Cloudbourne Ice Necklace to Nina Velins in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4287 1866

Rush Order


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Hallis in Whitefall Lift
/setwaypoint 4318 2208

Speak with Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp

Find Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850
Hand in the quest

Lost Lift Supplies


The quest is picked up from Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850

Collect Lift Supplies x8

Find the Lift Supplies dotted around the Frost Falls area, like these at
/setwaypoint 4127 1905
Right click to collect them.

Hand in the quest to Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850

Bandit Orders

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from ‘Plan of Attack’ (A letter stuck to a post) in Frost Falls at /setwaypoint 4048 1930
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Plan of Attack to Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp

Find Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp at /setwaypoint 4254 1850
Hand in the quest

A Missing Worker


The quest is picked up from Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850

Discover Ulmo’s Fate

Find Ulmo’s Corpse on the frozen lake at /setwaypoint 4382 1774
Right click Ulmo’s Corpse

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Read the Prophetic Tablet’

Right click the tablet next to Ulmo’s Corpse

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Errant Doomsayer’

The Errant Doomsayer walks all around Cloudbourne Tarn. Have a look at your mini-map and look for the blue speech symbol, head towards it. Right click to speak to Errant Doomsayer.

Hand in the quest to Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850

Ice Harvest

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nina Velins in Breaker’s Camp at /setwaypoint 4287 1866
TO COMPLETE: Collect Ice Chunks x8

The Ice Chunks are pretty easy to spot as then are a much lighter colour than the surrounding ice, like this one at /setwaypoint 4343 1758
Right click to Ice Chunks to collect them.

Hand in the quest to Nina Velins in Breaker’s Camp at /setwaypoint 4287 1866

Fair Warning


The quest is picked up from Kern Chovalis in Breaker’s Camp
/setwaypoint 4254 1850

Speak with Pelan Bravilin at Pilgrim’s Crossing

Follow the path North to Pilgrim’s Crossing, hand in the quest to Pelan Bravilin at 
/setwaypoint 4161 1416

Thunder Snow


The quest is picked up from Pelan Bravilin in Pilgrim’s Crossing
/setwaypoint 4161 1416

Dig through the Snow Piles to rescue the avalanche victims x5

Find the small piles of snow, like this one at 
/setwaypoint 4145 1507
Right click them to rescue the victims.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Update Sentinel Bovich on the rescue efforts’

Find Sentinel Bovich in Pilgrim’s Crossing at /setwaypoint 4163 1427
Right click to talk with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Sentinel Nightbane’

Find Sentinel Nightbane to the West at
/setwaypoint 4045 1412

Right click to speak with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defuse the Bombs x4’

Find the Bombs further up the hill, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4081 1374

Continue up the hill and defuse 4 of the bombs.

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Bovich in Pilgrim’s Crossing at /setwaypoint 4163 1427

Frozen Produce

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Kevar Wikalev in Pilgrim’s Crossing at /setwaypoint 4173 1421
TO COMPLETE: Collect Ice Blossoms x10

Collect Ice Blossoms from the Frozen Valley area, you will generally find them around the base of the trees, like this one at /setwaypoint 4173 1541

Hand in the quest to Kevar Wikalev in Pilgrim’s Crossing at /setwaypoint 4173 1421

Thedeor's Mercy


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Bovich in Pilgrim’s Crossing
/setwaypoint 4163 1427

Resupply the first Shrine of Thedeor

Along the road to the West you will find the first Shrine of Thedeor
/setwaypoint 4049 1457

Right click the shrine to resupply it.
The chest will now be full of supplies, its up to you if you want to ‘steal’ these supplies, you will need to defeat a ‘Messenger of Thedeor’ and will loot a supply bag with basic food and drink inside, not really worth the effort.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Resupply the second Shrine of Thedeor’

Continue West to the next shrine at
/setwaypoint 3928 1577

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Resupply the third Shrine of Thedeor’

Continue West to the next shrine at
/setwaypoint 3827 1727

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Watcher Gregor in Whitefall’

Find Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Hand in the quest.

In Need of Assistance


The quest is picked up from Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Speak with Rahn Chuluun at Illumination Point

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Missing Weapons


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Speak with Master-at-Arms Akillos

Find Master-at-Arms Akillos at
/setwaypoint 3711 1721
Up the stairs at the back of the house.
Right click to talk with him.

Go back to Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751
Hand in the quest

Dabbling in the Forbidden

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Faceless Man in Illumination Point at /setwaypoint 3632 1717
TO COMPLETE: Disrupt the Ritual Altar

Head West to find the Ritual Altar at /setwaypoint 3077 2205
Right click the Altar
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Summoned Blight’
Kill the baddy and then Uriel and Mulia will have a quick chat.

Hand in the quest to Faceless Man in Illumination Point at /setwaypoint 3632 1717

Shipment Triangulation


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Retrieve the lost Icewatch Weaponry

There are red glyphs on the ground that create a path leading to the Icewatch Weaponry.

You will have a ‘Locator Device’ in your quest log bag that allows you to see the glyphs.

Many players have difficulty seeing the glyphs, so I’ve drawn the route on this map. You don’t need to follow the path exactly, as long as you end up in the correct place then its fine!

Find the Icewatch Weaponry at
/setwaypoint 3872 2015

Right click to collect it

Go back Whitefall and speak to Master-at-Arms Akillos at
/setwaypoint 3711 1721

Go back to Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751
Hand in the quest.

Weapons Reclaimed


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Speak with Watcher Gregor in Whitefall

Find Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Hand in the quest.

Whitefall Wives


The quest is picked up from Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Speak with Jorge Neralis

Find Jorge Neralis on a balcony in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3762 1769

Right click to speak with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Bordin Atrosha’

Find Bordin Atrosha in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3733 1703

Right click to talk to him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Thall Heleman’

Find Thall Heleman in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3738 1779
Right click to talk to him.

Return to Jorge Neralis in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3762 1769
Hand in the quest

Wife Tracker


The quest is picked up from Jorge Neralis in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3762 1769

Discover the fate of the Whitefall wives

Head West to find the Whitefall wives at
/setwaypoint 3494 1718

Click the blood stained knife

Go back to Jorge Neralis in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3762 1769
Hand in the quest.

A Strange Necklace


The quest is picked up from Azelia’s Corpse in Wailing Mountain
/setwaypoint 3494 1718

Speak with Ronn Donashey

Speak with Ronn Donashey in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3741 1768

Hand in the quest to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

A Chancel Encounter


The quest is picked up from Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Speak with Lord-Protector of the Icewatch at the Chancel of Labors

Find the Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Hand in the quest.

Keepers of the Storm


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Ask Lord-Protector Nerval about the Icewatch
Ask Lord-Protector Nerval about his role

Ask Lord-Protector Nerval about the Icewatch
Right click to speak with him.

Ask Lord-Protector Nerval about his role
Right click to speak with him.

Speak with Leminary Yentia in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1612

Speak with Archivist Aristoi in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1609

Speak with Forgemaster Recklen in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4627 1526

Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Guest Instructor


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Speak with Master-at-Arms Ramos

Find Master-at-Arms Ramos just outside Chancel of Labors to the South /setwaypoint 4528 1703, speak with him

Your quest objective will now change to: Complete the quest “Train the Recruits” and Complete the quest “Fortify the Defenses”

You will need to complete the next two quests to complete this quest.

When you have finished the next two quests you can hand in this quest to Master-at-Arms Ramos just outside Chancel of Labors to the South /setwaypoint 4528 1703

Train the Recruits


The quest is picked up from Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

Speak to an Oathbound Trainer

There are 6 different locations where you will find an Oathbound Trainer, I will just go to the closest one at
/setwaypoint 4554 1662

Speak to the Oathbound Trainer

Your temporary ability bar will fill up with 7 temporary abilities, you will need to use each of these abilities at the right time.

The Oathbound Trainer will tell you which abilities to use.
Each ability will also light up when it is time to use it.

Use each ability in turn and watch the recruits copy your movements.

When you are done, hand in the quest to Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

Fortify the Defenses


The quest is picked up from Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

Fortify the Icewatch’s defenses around the Chancel of Labors.

There are a few locations to the South and a couple to the North where you can do this quest.

I will be using the location close to the questgiver to the South at
/setwaypoint 4512 1729

Right click the green glyph on the ground to place the Ballista

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Place Barricades x3’

Right click 3 of the green glyphs on the ground to place the Barricades

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recruit Soldiers to man the defenses x2’

Right click 2 of the green glyphs on the ground to Recruit the Soldiers

Hand in the quest to Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

The Lost Patrol


The quest is picked up from Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

Find what became of the lost Icewatch Patrol in the Valley of Inspiration.

Head North to the Valley of Inspiration and find the Icewatch Patrol at
/setwaypoint 4422 1406
Right click to talk with her

Report what has happened to Master-at-Arms Ramos in Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703
Select ‘The patrol has gone I’m afraid’

Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Just Punishment


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Kill a Redsnow Chieftain
Collect the Redsnow Chieftain’s Head
Collect some evidence of cult activity in Speampike Pit

Head to the East of Chancel of Labors and find the Redsnow Chieftain, he will be walking around in the small camp at /setwaypoint 4807 1239 or up and down the path at /setwaypoint 4826 1292

Kill and loot the Redsnow Chieftain to collect his head.

Note: There are some other Redsnow Chieftains in the quest circle that will also count towards this part of the quest

In the camp at /setwaypoint 4815 1221
Kill Advisor Forlom to loot the evidence.

Hand in the quest to Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Doctor's Orders

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Surgeon’s Hammer in Steampike Pit at /setwaypoint 4821 1226
TO COMPLETE: Collect the items

Collect the Surgeon’s Hammer
/setwaypoint 4821 1226

Collect the Surgeon’s Scope
/setwaypoint 4699 1277

Collect the Surgeon’s Scalpel
/setwaypoint 4851 1436

Hand in the quest to Doctor Senson in the Chancel of Labors at /setwaypoint 4632 1538

Display of Power


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Use the Redsnow Chieftain’s Head at the eastern entrance to Whitefall

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Redsnow Chieftain’s Head’

Go back to Whitefall and stand at the eastern entrance to the town at around
/setwaypoint 3802 1748

Use the Redsnow Chieftain’s Head, a few villagers will come to cheer for you!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall’

Go to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Right click to speak with him.

Head South-West to Oathbound Pass and hand in the quest to Watcher Natham at
/setwaypoint 3414 1987

This Belongs in a Museum


The quest is picked up from Watcher Natham in Oathbound Pass
/setwaypoint 3414 1987

Question Breaker Fohin about the Abyssal motives

Speak to Breaker Fohin, right next tot he questgiver at
/setwaypoint 3415 1982

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Discover the cave entrance’

Head South to find the cave entrance at
/setwaypoint 3431 2351

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Recover the Legend of the Frozen Army’

Enter the cave and go all the way to the cavern at the back.

You will find a plaque at the top of a platform. Kill all the mobs in your way and grab the plaque.

Hand in the quest to Breaker Eldtas in Exile’s Den at
/setwaypoint 2993 2380

Worked to the Bone

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Krushik Irontoe in Icewatch Ridge at /setwaypoint 3423 2418
TO COMPLETE: Collect a Control Gem from a Darktide Magus

Kill a Darktide Magus and loot the Gem, you can find a Darktide Magus near the cave entrance at /setwaypoint 3427 2342
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Control Gem on a Captured Prospector’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Control Gem’
Go into the cave and find a Captured Prospector in the tunnel, target the Captured Prospector and use the Control Gem.
The Captured Prospector will turn into a ‘Rescued Prospector’ and the quest will auto complete.

Checking the Dig

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crate of Artifacts in Icewatch Ridge at /setwaypoint 3478 2280 (Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 3427 2342)
TO COMPLETE: Collect Frozen Artifacts x8

The Artifacts are found outside of the cave in two camps in the South.
Right click the piles of dirt to uncover and collect the artifacts, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 3326 2438

Hand in the quest to Breaker Eldtas in Exile’s Den at
/setwaypoint 2993 2380

A Note of Concern

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Suspicious Note in Icewatch Ridge at /setwaypoint 3313 2433
TO COMPLETE: Bring the Suspicious Note to Watch-Commander Malik

Find Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den at /setwaypoint 2978 2393 and hand in the quest.

In the Wrong Place

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sentinel Veliz in Icewatch Ridge at /setwaypoint 3226 2493
TO COMPLETE: Escort the injured villager to the road.

WARNING: Escort quest! Takes around 1 minute 55 seconds.

When you pick up the quest an injured villager will appear behind you at the doorway of the house. Follow the villager down the path towards the main road, helping him kill any enemies that stand in the way!
You will finish the quest at around /setwaypoint 3299 2380

The quest will auto-complete when you are done.

A Traitor Amongst Us


The quest is picked up from Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den
/setwaypoint 2978 2393

Collect Icewatch Weaponry x5
Kill Epov Itol

Enter the left side tunnel, entrance at
/setwaypoint 2889 2401

Collect 5 of the Icewatch Weaponry like this one at
/setwaypoint 2850 2450

Find Epov Itol at
/setwaypoint 2814 2437
Kill him.

Hand in the quest to Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den
/setwaypoint 2978 2393

Abyssal Schematics


The quest is picked up from Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den
/setwaypoint 2978 2393

Speak with Uriel Chuluun

Find Uriel Chuluun in Exile’s Den at
/setwaypoint 2945 2369
Right click to speak with her.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Investigate the Abyssal Schematics at the top of Icewatch Outpost’

Go to the Icewatch Outpost in the West and take the lift to the very top of the right tower
/setwaypoint 2813 2362

Grab the scroll from the corner of the top of the tower.
This will complete and hand in the quest.

Transformation Interrupted


The quest is picked up from Abyssal Schematics in Icewatch Outpost at the top of the right tower
/setwaypoint 2809 2371

Sabotage Abyssal Power Stones x5
Disable to Abyssal Incubators x4

These items are all found in the Right side tunnel, entrance at
/setwaypoint 2865 2354

Make your way through the tunnel, collecting Power Stones, like this one at
/setwaypoint 2851 2345

The 4 Abyssal Incubators are all close to each other, find them around
/setwaypoint 2844 2310

Report your success to Uriel Chuluun in Exile’s Den at
/setwaypoint 2945 2369

Hand in the quest to Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den
/setwaypoint 2978 2393

Cleansing the Keep

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Captured Soldier in Iceworks Laboratory at /setwaypoint 2830 2464 (and other locations inside the Left side tunnel, entrance at /setwaypoint 2889 2401)
TO COMPLETE: Free Captured Soldiers x3 and Kill Lia Disrata

Click the cages to free the Soldiers then kill Lia Disrata at /setwaypoint 2894 2424

This quest will auto complete when you are done.

Abyssal Metamorphosis

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Warped Cultist Skull, looted from Transformed Cultist in Iceworks Laboratory at /setwaypoint 2854 2336 (Right side tunnel, entrance at /setwaypoint 2865 2354)
TO COMPLETE: Deliver the Warped Cultist Skull to Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den

Hand in the quest to Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den /setwaypoint 2978 2393

Dayblind Scouting


The quest is picked up from Watch-Commander Malik in Exile’s Den
/setwaypoint 2978 2393

Speak with Sentinel Kashara at Radiant Guard

Head North out of Exile’s Den and find Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard at
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

The Missing Link


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

Find the Deadwater Tactician’s cave
Kill Deadwater Tactician

Find the Deadwater Tactician’s cave entrance at
/setwaypoint 2938 1910

Go into the cave and right at the back kill the Deadwater Tactician

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Abyssal Plans’

On the table just behind where the Deadwater Tactician was will be an open scroll, right click this scroll to hand in the quest and pick up the next one.
/setwaypoint 2922 1863

Improving the First Aegis

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Henrick Davshal in Radiant Guard at /setwaypoint 2893 2052
TO COMPLETE: Set up an Eternal Sentinel at the first Ancient Aegis

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Eternal Sentinel Starter Kit’
Go to the first Ancient Aegis
/setwaypoint 2973 1933
Use the quest item.

This will complete the quest, which you hand in to the Ancient Aegis

Salvaging Sourcestone

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Crate of Tidestone in Dayblind Hollows at /setwaypoint 2952 1940
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tidestone x10

The Tidestone can be found all over the Dayblinds Hollow area.
It can be loose on the ground or in small crates, like the one you picked up the quest from.

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

Improving the Second Aegis

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ancient Aegis in Dayblind Hollows at /setwaypoint 2973 1933
TO COMPLETE: Set up an Eternal Sentinel at the second Ancient Aegis

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Eternal Sentinel Starter Kit’
Go to the second Ancient Aegis
/setwaypoint 2827 2058
Use the quest item.

This will auto- complete the quest.

Collecting Threads


The quest is picked up from the Scroll on the table in Dayblind Hollows
/setwaypoint 2922 1863 (In the cave entrance at /setwaypoint 2938 1910)

Collect Abyssal Uniform Pieces x6

Kill Abyssal Mobs all around the Dayblind Hollows area until you have looted 6 Uniform Pieces

Go into the tent at
/setwaypoint 2809 2085
Hand in the quest to the ‘mirror’

A Meeting of Interest


The quest is picked up from the mirror inside the tent in Dayblind Hollows
/setwaypoint 2809 2085

Attend the meeting of cultists

When you pick up the quest you will be disguised as an Abyssal, this disguise will only last 5 minutes, so you need to go straight into the nearby cave and attend the meeting.
If you lose the disguise, you can return to the mirror and right click it again to re-apply the disguise.

Go into the cave at
/setwaypoint 2761 2081
Go to the back of the cave
/setwaypoint 2700 2084
Where the meeting will start.
Stay near the tent till the meeting is finished.

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

The Spread of Madness


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

Find the cave in Dayblind Hollows

Find the cave in Dayblind Hollows at
/setwaypoint 2803 1958

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Subdue the Deadwater Initiate’

Go into the cave and at the end you will find the Deadwater Initiate at
/setwaypoint 2813 1883

Hurt the Deadwater Initiate just a little bit, don’t kill her, and she will turn friendly.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Force the Deadwater Initiate to read The Prophecy of Calyx’

Speak with the Deadwater Initiate and encourage them to read the Prophecy for you.

They will read a little of it for you and then turn into a ‘crazed initiate’ which you need to kill.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the The Prophecy of Calyx in Dayblind Hollows’
Right click the stone and this will hand in the quest.

Technological Aid

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Henrick Davshal in Radiant Guard at /setwaypoint 2894 2053
TO COMPLETE: Collect Abyssal Technology x4

Find the Abyssal Technology on the floor in the Dayblind Hollows, like this one at
/setwaypoint 2825 1995

Hand in the quest to Henrick Davshal in Radiant Guard at /setwaypoint 2894 2053

Key to Freedom

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Odo Mathari (In the cage) in Dayblind Hollows at /setwaypoint 2807 1887 (Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 2803 1958)
TO COMPLETE: Get the Prison Key

You can loot the key from the Deadwater Doomseekers in the cave, except that you likely just killed them all to get here, so you can wait for them to respawn or just switch shard to find more of them.
Kill them to loot the key, this may take a couple of kills.
Return to Odo Mathari to give him the key and hand in the quest.
This will release Odo Mathari  from the cage.

Stopping the Madness


The quest is picked up from The Prophecy of Calyx (Large Stone Tablet) in Dayblind Hollows
/setwaypoint 2813 1883 (Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 2803 1958)

Find Commander Calthyx’s cave

Find Commander Calthyx’s cave a little further up the hill at
/setwaypoint 2860 1849

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Commander Calthyx’
You can find Commander Calthyx at the very back of the cave, kill him!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Unstable Explosives from the cultist supplies’
Just behind you in the cave tunnel are the Unstable Explosives, right click to pick them up.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Unstable Explosive by the Untranslated Tablet’

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Unstable Explosive’
Go the the Large Stone Tablet at the back of the cave and use the quest item, this will blow up the tablet!

Hand in the quest to Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

A Chilling Tale


The quest is picked up from Sentinel Kashara in Radiant Guard
/setwaypoint 2897 2053

Speak with Watcher Gregor in Whitefall

Head back to Whitefall and hand in the quest to Watcher Gregor
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Earn Your Keep


The quest is picked up from Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Speak with Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Conquered Minds


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

Use the Dominance Breaker on Dominated Villagers x5

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Dominance Breaker’

In the middle of Whitefall at around
/setwaypoint 3704 1762
You will find some Dominated Villagers, they will be breaking things and misbehaving!

Target the villagers and use the Exorcising Mark on them. Only the ones that turn green after will count towards the quest.

Hand in the quest to Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751

A Thank You is in Order


The quest is picked up from Rahn Chuluun in Illumination Point
/setwaypoint 3635 1751


Speak with Watcher Gregor in Whitefall

Head back to Whitefall and hand in the quest to Watcher Gregor
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Bitter Winds


The quest is picked up from Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728

Talk to Thatch Jedoran

Find Thatch Jedoran in Whitefall Tavern in Whitefall at
/setwaypoint 3787 1724

Right click to talk with him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Watcher Gregor’

Go back to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Right click to speak with him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report to Watcher Krogan for the assault into Howling Caves’

Head to the small camp just North of Whitefall and find Watcher Krogan at

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return to Watcher Gregor’

Go back to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Right click to speak with him

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report to Watcher Krogan for the assault into Howling Caves’

Head to the small camp just North of Whitefall and find Watcher Krogan at
/setwaypoint 3754 1646

Speak with Watcher Krogan

Watcher Krogan will then turn into a baddy and you will need to kill his 3 werewolf mates and then kill Watcher Krogan

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report this treachery to Watcher Isicar at Defender’s Stand’

Find Watcher Isicar in Defender’s Stand at
/setwaypoint 3655 1587
Hand in the quest

The Coming Storm

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Sentinel Tatiana in Whitefall at /setwaypoint 3730 1739
TO COMPLETE: Alert Defender Thalish

Find Defender Thalish in the South of Whitefall near the bridge at /setwaypoint 3680 1777
Let him know that you are ready to fight and then defend Whitefall from the waves of attackers as they try to make their way across the bridge. The attackers are pretty low health so shouldn’t be too much bother.

Go back to Sentinel Tatiana in Whitefall at /setwaypoint 3730 1739
Hand in the quest

The Frozen Army


The quest is picked up from Watcher Isicar in Defender’s Stand
/setwaypoint 3655 1587

Use Thedeor’s Fire to destroy the Iron Arbiters x5

Go inside the Howling Caves, entrance at /setwaypoint 3598 1447
What you are looking for is Soldiers trapped within icy pillars.

The locations for these are clearly marked on the map.

At each location is a column, some of these will already be broken, some of them will be intact, with a clearer bit of ice in the middle and a soldier trapped inside.

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Thedeor’s Fire’

Stand next to the ice pillars and use the Thedeor’s Fire item, this will destroy the Iron Arbiter. Do this 5 times.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Interrupt the ritual taking place at the back of Howling caves’

Go to the large cavern at the back of the caves and into the area where the ritual is happening.

There are 4 baddies surrounding the central pillar, each one will attack you in turn, kill them!

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill the Storm Lord’

The central pillar will explode and the Storm Lord mob will attack you, kill him!
Be sure to loot him straight away to loot the Arbiter’s Head.

Hand in the quest to Watcher Isicar in Defender’s Stand
/setwaypoint 3655 1587

Preemptive Freedom

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bram Farstrider in Defender’s Stand at /setwaypoint 3642 1586
TO COMPLETE: Destroy the Cloudbourne Necklace Stockpiles x6

Go inside the Howling Caves, entrance at /setwaypoint 3598 1447

Find the Necklace Stockpiles, like these ones at
/setwaypoint 3562 1351
Right click to destroy them.

This quest will auto-complete when you are done.

Eye of the Storm


The quest is picked up from Watcher Isicar in Defender’s Stand
/setwaypoint 3655 1587

Warn Watcher Gregor of what was in Howling Caves

Go back to Watcher Gregor in Whitefall
/setwaypoint 3713 1728
Right click to speak with him.

Your quest objective will now change to ‘Speak with Watcher Dulvain at Thedeor’s Shield’

Go to Thedeor’s Shield and speak to Watcher Dulvain at
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

The Betrayer


The quest is picked up from Watcher Dulvain in Thedeor’s Shield
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

Use Crucia’s Bane on the Dominated Sentinels x4
Kill Watcher Vaeron

Enter the Cloudbourne Caverns cave at /setwaypoint 4377 1187

You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Crucia’s Bane’

Find a Dominated Sentinel, like this one at
/setwaypoint 4286 1140
Use the quest item on them, you can use it while in combat with them so don’t worry if you pull them.

Find Watcher Vaeron in the second cavern on the left
/setwaypoint 4211 1185
Kill Watcher Vaeron.

Hand in the quest to Watcher Dulvain in Thedeor’s Shield
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

Against the Storm


The quest is picked up from Watcher Dulvain in Thedeor’s Shield
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

Stop Xatax Icebane and the Frozen Army

Enter the Cloudbourne Caverns cave at /setwaypoint 4377 1187

Go all the way to the large cavern at the very back of the caves, approach the platform in the middle of the cavern and Xatax Icebane will spawn.
/setwaypoint 4053 1154

A bunch of baddies will start attacking you, kill them all!

Killing all the baddies will complete the quest.

You can click the orb on the platform and go through the portal to teleport back out of the cave.

Hand in the quest to Watcher Dulvain in Thedeor’s Shield
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

Claiming Their Power

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Borovi Nightwater in Thedeor’s Shield at /setwaypoint 4309 1266
TO COMPLETE: Collect Arcane Ethian Shards x6

Enter the Cloudbourne Caverns cave at /setwaypoint 4377 1187

Find the Ethian Shards, like the one at /setwaypoint 4291 1119

Pick up 6 of them to complete the quest, the quest will auto-complete when you are done.

Chasing the Snakes from the Chancel


The quest is picked up from Watcher Dulvain in Thedeor’s Shield
/setwaypoint 4304 1260

Speak with the Lord-Protector of the Icewatch in The Chancel of Labors

Find the Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Hand in the quest.

Handing in this quest will grtant you the cheevo ‘You and What Army?’

Reading between the Lies


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Search the books in the Chancel library for a clue

The Chancel library has many books that you can collect, the books are all in different locations for different players, you will need to check all the shelves/tables and collect any books you see!

As you pick up some of the books, Blacktongue Assassins will attack you, kill these Assassins to loot the clue.

Hand in the quest to Archivist Aristol in The Chancel of Labors at
/setwaypoint 4554 1609

Now Where Is Regula?


The quest is picked up from Archivist Aristol in The Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4554 1609

Deliver the Coded Missive to the Lord-Protector of the Icewatch in The Chancel of Labors

Go back to the Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Hand in the quest.

We Hold Empty Names


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Investigate the body of Scribe Regula

Go down the stairs at
/setwaypoint 4603 1603 (or any of the other stairs)
to the Scriptorium, under the library in the Chancel of Labors

In the middle of the Scriptorium you will find the body of Scribe Regula
/setwaypoint 4587 1574

Hand in the quest to the body.

A Wolf in the Flock


The quest is picked up from the body of Scribe Regula in the Scriptorium
/setwaypoint 4587 1574

Kill Regula

Regula will spawn in the  middle of the Scriptorium
Kill it!

Go back to the Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542
Hand in the quest.

The Cry that Wakes the Sleepers


The quest is picked up from Lord-Protector Nerval in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4614 1542

Speak with Luminary Yentia in The Chancel of Labors

Find Luminary Yentia in The Chancel of Labors at
/setwaypoint 4554 1612
Hand in the quest.

No Disassemble

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Firebrand Construct Scraps in Mage’s Mark at /setwaypoint 3728 2076
TO COMPLETE: Collect Construct Parts x8

Kill the Construct mobs around the Mage’s Mark area
like these ones at /setwaypoint 3810 1990

Hand in the quest to Christa Malice in Illuminatiuon Point
/setwaypoint 3633 1726

An Apothecary's Treasure

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Neslin Veris in Red Gold Claim at /setwaypoint 3242 1778
TO COMPLETE: Collect Blood Iron Minerals x6

Collect the red crystals (Blood Iorn Minerals) from the Blood Iron Pools at around /setwaypoint 3169 1800

Hand in the quest to Neslin Veris in Red Gold Claim at /setwaypoint 3242 1778

Essential Heat

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Morti Torlan in Red Gold Claim at /setwaypoint 3239 1783
TO COMPLETE: Collect Elemental Sparks x7

Collect Elemental Sparks by killing the fire elementals in the Blood Iron Pools at around 
/setwaypoint 3163 1782

Hand in the quest to Morti Torlan in Red Gold Claim at /setwaypoint 3239 1783

Her Last Ambush

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Watcher Alhar in Blood Iron Pools at /setwaypoint 3215 1797 (On top of the rock)
TO COMPLETE: Protect Watcher Alhar on her hunt

WARNING: Escort quest! Takes around 4 minutes 30 seconds.

Follow Watcher Alhar as she hunts down some creatures and then kills a final boss!

This quest will auto-complete when you are done.

Trapper Support

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Hoffan Irontrap in Choke Water at /setwaypoint 3120 2079
TO COMPLETE: Repair Damaged Traps x6

Go down into the Kestrel’s Cry Ravine and repair the damaged traps, like this one at
/setwaypoint 3167 2179
There are quite a few traps in the quest circle, look for the sparkles!

This quest will auto-complete when you have clicked 6 of the traps.

In Over His Head

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dupels Stubtoe in Kestrel’s Cry Ravine at /setwaypoint 3248 2178
TO COMPLETE: Escort Dupels Stubtoe to Choke Water

WARNING: Escort quest! Takes around 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Follow Dupels Stubtoe, killing anything that attacks him, til you reach the road at around
/setwaypoint 3180 2035

Notifying Next of Kin

PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Icewatch Corpse in Snowblind Ridge at /setwaypoint 4641 1996
TO COMPLETE: Speak with Master-at-Arms Ramos in the Chancel of Labors

Hand in the quest to Master-at-Arms Ramos in the Chancel of Labors
/setwaypoint 4528 1703

27 Carnage Quests

I have ordered the carnage quests in the order of amount of mobs to kill starting with the smallest, as you are most likely to be missing the ones with fewer amount of mobs.

CARNAGE: Carnage: Trouble on the Bridge
PICK UP: You will find him in Whitefall Passage at around /setwaypoint 4261 1991
TO COMPLETE: Kill Fazil the Bridgekeeper

CARNAGE: Carnage: Che’om’eiss the Dream Delver
PICK UP: You will find her in Icewatch Ridge at around /setwaypoint 3582 2311 – Wanders around in the cavern at the back of the cave (Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 3427 2342)
TO COMPLETE: Kill Che’om’eiss

CARNAGE: Carnage: Wolves on the Border
PICK UP: You will find him in Snowblind Ridge at around /setwaypoint 4418 2024
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deepcrag Shadowtracker (This is a large werewolf that is stealth and patrols around this hillside.)

CARNAGE: Carnage: Big Lizard in a Small Pool
PICK UP: You will find them in Blood Iron Pools at around /setwaypoint 2975 1600 (Cave entrance at /setwaypoint 3044 1700)

CARNAGE: Carnage: Mage Gone Mad
PICK UP: You will find him in Mage’s Mark at around /setwaypoint 3799 2079
TO COMPLETE: Kill Zathax Firebrand

CARNAGE: Carnage: Behind the Threat
PICK UP: You will find them in Whitefall Passage at these locations
Kill Carik Blackear – /setwaypoint 4207 2190
Kill Ella Iceheart – /setwaypoint 4333 2042

CARNAGE: Carnage: Breaker Breakers
PICK UP: You will find them in Frost Falls at these locations
Kill Rendi Friar – /setwaypoint 4130 2002
Kill Tia Imen – /setwaypoint 4150 2084

CARNAGE: Carnage: Falling Like Rain
PICK UP: You will find them in Howling Caves – Entrance at /setwaypoint 3598 1447
Kill Baris Windblade – /setwaypoint 3677 1346
Kill Gerlin Windblade – /setwaypoint 3574 1326
Kill Archivist Vislin – /setwaypoint 3659 1273

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bandit Raid
PICK UP: You will find them in Whitefall Passage at around /setwaypoint 4321 2149
TO COMPLETE: Kill Redsnow Bandits x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Snowbeast Infestation
PICK UP: You will find them in Icewatch Outpost at around /setwaypoint 2893 2349
TO COMPLETE: Kill Snowbeasts x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Protectors of Stone
PICK UP: You will find them in Howling caves at around /setwaypoint 3636 1527
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stonewing Sentinels x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Clearing the Air
PICK UP: You will find them in Cloudbourne Caverns at around /setwaypoint 4355 1241
TO COMPLETE: Kill Deathcloud Stormfronts x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Dark Wind Blowing
PICK UP: You will find them in Steampike Pit at around /setwaypoint 4756 1556
TO COMPLETE: Kill Frostgale Cyclones x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Yeti Vengeance
PICK UP: You will find them in Snowblind Ridge at around /setwaypoint 4678 1821
TO COMPLETE: Kill Snowblind Yeti x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: Frostbitten
PICK UP: You will find them in Frost Falls at around /setwaypoint 4171 1915
TO COMPLETE: Kill Redsnow Bandits x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Cloudbursts
PICK UP: You will find them in Cloudbourne Tarn at around /setwaypoint 4350 1791
TO COMPLETE: Kill Rolling Cumulus x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Darksnarl Mongrels
PICK UP: You will find them in Valley of Inspiration at around /setwaypoint 4399 1438
TO COMPLETE: Kill Darksnarl Mongrel x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Red on the Snow
PICK UP: You will find them in Steampike Pit at around /setwaypoint 4697 1419
TO COMPLETE: Kill Redsnow Bandits x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Blood on the Snow
PICK UP: You will find them in Wailing Mountain at around /setwaypoint 3719 1640
TO COMPLETE: Kill Snowback Yetis x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Nightflood
PICK UP: You will find them in Icewatch Outpost at around /setwaypoint 2919 2406
TO COMPLETE: Kill Nightflood Abyssal Cultists x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Abyssal Assault
PICK UP: You will find them in Dayblind Hollows at around /setwaypoint 2903 1983
Kill Deadwater Foulblades x6
Kill Deadwater Magi x4

CARNAGE: Carnage: Constructs of a Crazed Mind
PICK UP: You will find them in Mage’s Mark at around /setwaypoint 3857 1941
TO COMPLETE: Kill Firebrand Constructs x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Bloodhide Basilisks
PICK UP: You will find them in Blood Iron Pools at around /setwaypoint 3209 1805
TO COMPLETE: Kill Bloodhide Basilisks x10

CARNAGE: Carnage: Blackcloud Clash
PICK UP: You will find them in Howling Caves at around /setwaypoint 3614 1469
TO COMPLETE: Kill Blackcloud Cultists x12

CARNAGE: Carnage: Cleaning Camp
PICK UP: You will find them in Icewatch Ridge at around /setwaypoint 3359 2389
Kill Darktide Stalkers x6
Kill Darktide Snipers x4
Kill Darktide Magi x2

CARNAGE: Carnage: Wildlife Removal
PICK UP: You will find them in Frozen Valley at around /setwaypoint 4137 1549
Kill Meltwater Shadowstalkers x6
Kill Glacierback Howlers x8

CARNAGE: Carnage: The Great Snow Hunt
PICK UP: You will find them in Kestrel’s Cry Ravine at around /setwaypoint 3322 1893
Kill Darksnarl Wolves x8
Kill Frostpaw Stalkers x8

Iron Pine Peak has no breadcrumb quests that lead you into other zones. At this stage you may have quests from other areas that lead you to other zones, or you can go back to Meridian to check for more.

Notes for Completionist..

  • After you have completed all the quests there will be 12 quests listed. These quests are Guardian only quests and cannot be completed by your Defiant character.