- Ember Isle is a level 50 zone with a level 60 quest area to the West.
- To get to Ember Isle you will take the quest from the Travel Stone outside your home city, See the first main quest in this guide. You cannot swim there!
- There are 10 portals in the zone.
- Main quest hubs include.. Talos Landing, Atia, Searing Brink and Ember Watch
- Other points of interest are..
— Entrance to Caduceus Rise Dungeon – /setwaypoint 14094 3620
— Entrance to Infernal Dawn Raid – /setwaypoint 13655 3778
Below is a guide for all 74 Main Quests in The level 50 area of Ember Isle.
For the Ember Isle rares go here
For the Ember Isle puzzle go here
For the other Ember Isle cheevos go here
This guide is for the Defiant Questline in Ember Isle.
For the Guardian version of this page, click here!
Ember Isle has two distinct areas. The main land mass to the East is the original level 50 zone. To the West, there is an underwater area, this area is for level 60 players. This guide page is for the quests in the level 50 area. You will find the level 60 area quests page here.
Quest Cheevos
There are 74 quests in the Level 50 Area of Ember Isle, you will have to complete most of them to get the cheevo.
The Wanton Purged

Restoring the Isle

74 Main Quests For The Level 50 Area
An Expedition Home
The quest is picked up from Nendara Heklos, outside of Meridian
/setwaypoint 6048 5364
Speak with Melly at the travel stone and teleport to Ember Isle
Welcome to Talos Landing
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Approach a Flux Repeater to gain Spirit Dispersion
Island Tour
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Iantha Kharast in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12389 3075
TO COMPLETE: Discover the Travel Stones
Discover the Obsidian Shore Travel Stone
Discover the Splintered Shallows Travel Stone
Discover the Abundant Wilds Travel Stone
Discover the Wellspring Flats Travel Stone
Discover the Breaker Point Travel Stone
You will go near each of these Travel Stones during the questline of Ember Isle, so there is no need to rush to each one now! Keep the quest active and you will slowly complete it on your travels.
These Travel Stones work slightly differently to normal porticulums, as there is no NPC to speak to, you just need to right click the central stone instead.
Hand in the quest to Iantha Kharast in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12389 3075
Friends in the East
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Nophon Gorkylas in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12382 3104
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Darlus at Ember Watch
Ember Watch is the main quest hub in the middle of the Island, it’s a good idea to pop over there now to grab the portal, this will make it easier for you to hand in a lot of the pick-up quests that you will find as you follow the main storyline..
Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446
A Dim Tide
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Speak with Roka Niralis in Talos Landing
Speak with Roka Niralis in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12391 3081
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Pact Orb’
Next to Roka is a ‘Chest of Kelari artifacts’
Right click it to collect the Pact Orb.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Pact Orb on an Aimless Spirit’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Pact Orb’
Head North to the coastline of Talos Landing.
Find an Aimless Spirit mob, like this one at /setwaypoint 12371 2924
Target the Aimless Spirit and use the Pact Orb, this will place a debuff on the Spirit that lasts 60 seconds, DPS the spirit down to 50% while the debuff is active and it will turn friendly. You can then right click and have a conversation with it.
The spirit will now be your friend and follow you around.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Take Helpful Spirits to Energy Capsules to charge them up x6’
Those We Left Behind
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Reactivate Perimeter Sensors x4
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Free Defiant Scouts by killing Corrupted Spirits x3 and Kill Pykari Ruiners x6’
Free Defiant Scouts by killing Corrupted Spirits, like these at /setwaypoint 12703 3286
Kill Pykari Ruiners all around the area /setwaypoint 12658 3285
Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12368 3089
Stolen Power
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pearl of Power, looted from Wellspring Invokers in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 12761 3311
TO COMPLETE: Collect Pearls of Power x5
Kill Wellspring Invokers in the Wellspring Flats are and loot the Pearls of Power from them.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
Spirited Defense
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Connect Power Conduits and activate the Spirit Battery
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Defend Talos Landing against Pykari Destroyers x16’
The Pykari Destroyers will approach the Spirit Battery. They will be hit by a bean that will slow them, giving you time to kill them before the damage the battery.
Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12368 3089
The Sourcewells
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Read a Tarnished Kelari Idol
The Carrion Menace
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bloody Sash, looted from a Meddling Snapper in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12786 2700
TO COMPLETE: Kill Meddling Snappers x15
Kill Meddling Snappers all over the Forlorn Fen area – /setwaypoint 12732 2741
Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448
Sunken Belongings
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Marsh Grass in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12782 2575
TO COMPLETE: Collect Lost Belongings x6
Clear a Path
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pizko in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 13037 2523
TO COMPLETE: Clear Forlorn Undergrowth x8
Find the Forlorn Undergrowth in the Forlorn Fen area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13017 2588
Right click the Undergrowth and sometimes the quest will credit straight away, other times a Slithering Feeder will spawn, kill it to credit the quest.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
Keeper's Creed
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper’s Creed (Book) in Forlorn Fen at /setwaypoint 12854 2669
TO COMPLETE: Speak to Darius at Ember Watch
Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446
Secrets of the Farclan
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Disrupt Farclan Adepts x6
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Report to Technomancer Armond’
Go across the bridge at /setwaypoint 12924 3193 to find Technomancer Armond at /setwaypoint 13034 3212
Right click to speak with him.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect the Feromactal Disassembler from Technomancer Armond’
Right click to collect the Feromactal Disassembler next to Technomancer Armond
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Plant the Disassembler at Control Crystals and kill Farclan Malgams x3’
Find a Control Crystal, like this one at /setwaypoint 13057 3109
Right click the Crystal to plant the Disassembler, this will make the Crystal explode! A Farclan Malgam will appear for you to kill.
Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12368 3089
Lurking in the Mist
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Journal in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 12887 3170
TO COMPLETE: Stand in blue ritual circles to reveal and kill Ithkari Abominations x3
Equipment Degradation
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Lantern in Wellspring Flats at /setwaypoint 13024 3266
TO COMPLETE: Repair Keeper Lanterns x7
Find more of the Keeper Lanterns in the Wellspring Flats area and right click to repair them.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Siren Song
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Speak with and release an Enthralled Spirit
Bigger and Deadlier
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Siltreaver Spine, dropped by Tideflat Festerclaw in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13217 2404
TO COMPLETE: Kill Tideflat Festerclaws x10
Kill Tideflat Festerclaws all over the Tidewell Inlet area.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Anchors to the Depths
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Broken Shrine in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13222 2386
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Shrines to Ithkus x4
Worth a Chance
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Barlo Dregg in Tidewell Inlet at /setwaypoint 13447 2322
TO COMPLETE: Save Weakened Keepers x4
Find the Weakened Keepers all over Tidewell Inlet, like this one at /setwaypoint 13476 2343
Kill the baddy that is guarding them and then speak to the Keepers to release them. Some of the Keepers will need to die.. these won’t count towards the quest.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448
Warden of the Wood
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Collect 8 Foul Seeds and use them to create a Seed Bundle
Go to the island to the West of the main land mass.
Kill Treants in the Stranglewood area
/setwaypoint 12309 3451
Loot the Foul Seeds from them.
You can see how many seeds you have in your quest loot bag.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Foul Seed’
When you have collected 8 Foul Seeds, click the Foul Seed on your quest sticky to combine them into a Seed Bundle.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Seed Bundle in a Forest Spirit’s Circle of Light’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Seed Bundle’
Find a Forest Spirit in one of the 3 locations on the Western shore of The Stranglewood, like this one at /setwaypoint 12200 3630
Approach the Forest Spirit and it will run a short distance and then omit a circle of light around itself.
Stand in the circle of light and use the Seed Bundle.
Living Loam
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shambler Foot, looted from a Stranglewood Shambler in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12647 3459
TO COMPLETE: Collect Shambler Feet x7
You can find the Shamblers all along the coastline of The Stranglewood, kill them and loot their feet!
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Timber Trap
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Entangled Corpse in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12612 3568
TO COMPLETE: Free Entangled Keepers x4
Tangled Paths
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Dead Spirit in The Stranglewood at /setwaypoint 12408 3715
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Tangleflowers x6 and Kill Crawling Biters x12
Lineage Aflame
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Use the Isothermal Detector on Cindershell Beetles to unveil and kill Cloaked Ravagers x6
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Isothermal Detector’
Find Cindershell Beetles in the Nykantor Ruins area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 12816 3716
They can be hard to spot as their nameplates don’t show up unless they are targeted, use [ /target cinder ].
Use the Isothermal Detector to target the ground under a Cindershell Beetle and unveil and kill Cloaked Ravagers.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Examine the Burning Tablet, Goblin Idol and Crude Map’
FInd the three items and right click them to examine them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Gain access to the south tower and find Jace’
Find the Shimmering Translocater in the Nykantor Ruins at
/setwaypoint 12908 3945
Click the Shimmering Translocater to be teleported up to the tower.
Note: If Flamespeaker Wranlak and Jace don’t show up for you, try switching shard while on top of the tower, or even logging off and back on again. You can also try leaving the area and then returning 5mins later to see if it’s reset to try again. If you just can’t get it to work then you will need to write a ticket to ask for the quest to be completed for you.
Respecting the Past
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Broken Altar in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12737 3703
TO COMPLETE: Restore Spirit Altars x5
Smothering Darkness
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Shadowy Core, looted form a Manifested Shadow in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12808 3844
TO COMPLETE: Kill Manifested Shadows x8
Kill Manifested Shadows all over the Nykantor Ruins area.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
Exposing the Sneaks
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Temple Torch in Nykantor Ruins at /setwaypoint 12849 3799
TO COMPLETE: Reveal and kill Pykari Sneaks x3
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Temple Torch’
Find a Shrine to Maelforge, like this one at /setwaypoint 12864 3830 these are all marked on your map with a little yellow dot.
Use the Temple Torch near the shrine and a Pykari Sneak will appear for you to kill.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
The Pykari Menace
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing
/setwaypoint 12368 3089
Collect Spirit Husks x6
Warning: A lot of people are having issue with this quest, Jace does not appear for them! You can try exiting and re-entering the quest area, Mentoring down to level 51 (if you are over level 56) or switching shard (this worked for me!)
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use Melacortz Focusers to disrupt Jace’s communion’
Click the Melacortz Focusers around the area. You will be attacked by Pykari, kill them and click the Melacortz Focusers again! Be aware you are on a timer, if you run out of time then the roleplay will restart so you can try again.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Collect Jace’s Corpse’
An Odd breakfast
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Empty Gator Nest in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 12784 4169
TO COMPLETE: Collect Gator Eggs x7
Collect the Gator Eggs from the nests nearby on the shoreline or in the water.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
Poisonous Pests
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Poison Gland, looted from Jungle Crawlers in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 13096 4382
TO COMPLETE: Kill Jungle Spiders x7
Kill Jungle Spiders all around the Abundant Wilds area.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Webbed Wanderers
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Webbed Supplies in Abundant Wilds at /setwaypoint 13083 4384
TO COMPLETE: Free Webbed Keepers x4
Spiritual Guidance
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Activate the Archivist Crystal
A Valuable Offering
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Offer Yourself at the shrines
Go up the slope into the building at /setwaypoint 13484 4186
Offer Yourself at the Shrine of the Body
/setwaypoint 13524 4193
Offer Yourself at the Shrine of the Mind
/setwaypoint 13516 4212
Offer Yourself at the Shrine of the Spirit
/setwaypoint 13505 4176
Click each shrine and kill the mob that attacks you.
End the Neglect
The quest is picked up from Ieros in Atia
See previous quest for how to get to him, start at ‘Use the Crystal to go to Ieros’ Seat’
/setwaypoint 13312 4115
Collect Animal Skulls and offer them to shrines x3
Convince Disillusioned Kelari to return to tradition x5
Returning the Spirit
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Use the Empty Vial on the Blessed Vessel
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Empty Vial’
Go up the slope into the building at
/setwaypoint 13452 4105
Find the large pot of water at
/setwaypoint 13441 4086
The ‘Tender of the Waters’ NPC will be stood on top of it.
Stand near the pot of water and use the Empty Vial to fill it up.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Crystal to Teleport to the Ritual’
Go through the arch at
/setwaypoint 13443 4068
and head right to find the crystal at
/setwaypoint 13476 4047
Click the Crystal to teleport up.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Summon Ieros with the Crystal of the Temple Spirit’
Right click the Crystal on the top platform to summon Ieros
/setwaypoint 13476 4049
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Anoint Jace Mona’s corpse with the Blessed Water’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Vial of Blessed Water’
Target Jace Mona’s corpse and use the Vial of Blessed Water.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Light the Incense’
Right click the nearby incense to light it.
Research in Ruins
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Disrupt Pykari Rituals x3
Find a Tome of Ancient Rituals
Collect a Whispering Gem from Pykari Conspirators
Skulking in Fire's Shadow
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Menra in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13687 4593
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ashen Pykari x7 – Kill Charcoal – Kill Soot
Kill Ashen Pykari all over the Kheramos Village area.
Kill Charcoal at /setwaypoint 13612 4632
Kill Soot at /setwaypoint 13698 4522 – On the lower platform
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Last Rites for the Fallen
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Fallen Keeper in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13482 4574
TO COMPLETE: Perform last rites on Deceased Keepers x7
Find the Deceased Keepers all over the Kheramos Village area, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13498 4571
Right click them to perform last rites
There is a second quest circle at /setwaypoint 13825 4508 with more Deceased Keepers
Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448
Remnants of Karris's Past
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Book in Kheramos Village at /setwaypoint 13790 4554 (Inside the hut)
TO COMPLETE: Find the Discarded Scroll
Find the Discarded Scroll between the broken walls at /setwaypoint 13620 4618
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Ritual Dagger and Find the Kelari Priest’s Candle’
Find the Ritual Dagger at /setwaypoint 13658 4565 — On the platform at the top
Find the Kelari Priest’s Candle at /setwaypoint 13644 4494 — On the windowsill outside the house
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
Grisly Gathering
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Collect Pykari Brains from Pykari Embermages x5
Collect Pykari Hearts from Pykari Stalkers x5
Collect Pykari Bones from Pykari Bonecrushers x5
Destroying the Profane
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Idol of Maelforge in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13246 4000
TO COMPLETE: Collect Idols of Maelforge x5
We Goblins Three
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Infernal Altar in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13195 3911
TO COMPLETE: Kill Infernal Parasites x8 — Kill Nak — Kill Skug — Kill Tuzk
Kill Infernal Parasites all over the Fell Fields area
Kill Nak at /setwaypoint 13332 3977
Kill Skug at /setwaypoint 13299 4015
Kill Tuzk at /setwaypoint 13337 3902
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
Measuring the Corruption
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Grenius in Fell Fields at /setwaypoint 13425 3880
TO COMPLETE: Take scans of lava pools x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Lava Scanner’
The lava pool locations are all clearly marked on your map, go to them and use the Lava Scanner. Be careful not to fall into the lava! You need to stand pretty much on top of the quest dots, there is always a rock platform close enough to use the lava scanner without being burned.
You can stand in one location and switch shard to use the scanner again.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
The Perils of Possession
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Learn Secrets from Evil Spirits x8
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spiritual Charm’
Head east out of Otia and find the Evil Spirits, like this one at
/setwaypoint 13711 3904
Get them down to less than 50% health and then use the Spiritual Charm on them.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Atia at /setwaypoint 13434 4139
An Obsidian Cage
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Snerkle in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13613 3955
TO COMPLETE: Reveal and collect Keeper Remains x6
Breaking Fire's Spell
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Artifact of Flame in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13770 4016 — On top of the cliffs/mountain
TO COMPLETE: Destroy Scorched Artifacts x6
Quelling the Fires
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ritual Fire Pit in Obsidian Shore at /setwaypoint 13930 4247
TO COMPLETE: Kill Ifrit Scorchers x8 — Kill Sulfus — Kill Kindil
Kill Ifrit Scorchers all over the Obsidian Shore area
Kill Sulfus at /setwaypoint 13739 4176
Kill Kindil at /setwaypoint 13932 4119
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
Soothing the Soul
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Retrieve Jace’s Spirit Prison from Atia
Stopping the Swarm
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Flamespawn Nest in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 13962 4390
TO COMPLETE: Kill Sunamen — Kill Eviryx
Clearing the Temple
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Old Kelari trap in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 14173 4362
TO COMPLETE: Disarm Rusted Traps x6
Find the Rusted Traps all over the Temple of Marakris, right click them to disarm.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
Hunting Small Hunters
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Bloody Claw, looted from a Stalking Terror in Temple of Marakris at /setwaypoint 14256 4190
TO COMPLETE: Kill Stalking Terrors x8
Kill Stalking Terrors around the edges of the Temple of Marakris
Hand in the quest to Keeper Maralee in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13071 3448
Mettle Detector
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Attune the Potency Sensor to the Torn Banner
Attune the Potency Sensor to the Tattered Banner
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Find the Ancient Hatchet’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Potency Sensor’
Using the Potency Sensor will omit an aoe around you that will reveal the location of Uncovered Weapons if you are in range. These weapons have a chance of being the Hatchet. You may find it easier to switch shard at one spot, I picked up 12 duds before finding the Hatchet.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Atia at /setwaypoint 13434 4139
Blood and Death
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Weapon Rack in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13381 3138
TO COMPLETE: Collect Tarnished Weapons x5
Collect Tarnished Weapons from the Weapon Racks found all over the Fractured Plain area.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
Frontline Foes
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ochrin Communique, looted from Troglodyte Soldiers in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13458 3083
TO COMPLETE: Kill Troglodyte Soldiers x7
Kill the Troglodyte Soldiers all over the Fractured Plain area.
Hand in the quest to Keeper Nort in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3456
A Hidden Danger
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Exploded Ritual in Fractured Plain at /setwaypoint 13226 3195
TO COMPLETE: Disassemble Ritual Piles x5
Stolen Spirits
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Collect stolen spiritual items from the locked Loot Caches x10
Free Oarchained Spirits from the Pirate Boats x7
Glittering Thralls
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pirate Plans, looted from a Golden Maw Privateer in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13816 2878
TO COMPLETE: Kill Pirate Minions x7
Kill Pirate Minions in the Splintered Shallows area, these guys are quite small!
Hand in the quest to Keeper Elios in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13054 3432
Not the Rum!
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Pile of Kegs in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13895 2860
TO COMPLETE: Place Kegs of Rum on Pirate Bonfires x3
More Than Just Gold
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Ship Debris in Splintered Shallows at /setwaypoint 13728 2754
TO COMPLETE: Recover Sourcewell Orbs from Ship Debris x5
Scouring the Dirt
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Absorb the Spirit Askeles
Absorb the Spirit Daeros
Absorb the Spirit Kalais
Go back to the North East of the island into the Gilded Strand area.
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Earthwarded Receptacle’
At each location you will find the named mob surrounded by 3 Runeshapers. Kill the Runeshapers then use the Earthwarded Receptacle on the named mob.
Spirit Askeles at /setwaypoint 14135 3068
Spirit Daeros at /setwaypoint 14016 3179
Spirit Kalais at /setwaypoint 14000 2983
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Prime the Earthwarded Receptacle in the Dirt’
Crawl No More
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Dorn in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 13834 3120
TO COMPLETE: Shake loose and kill Earthen Crawlers x8
Fit For a Queen
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Armor Schematic in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 13963 3071
TO COMPLETE: Retrieve Armor Schematics x4
Enemies of the Strand
PICK UP: The quest is picked up from Keeper Remains, looted from a Cyclops Crusher in Gilded Strand at /setwaypoint 14020 3018
TO COMPLETE: Kill Cyclops Crushers x6 — Kill Hammertail Skinks x6
Kill these mobs all over the Gilded Strand area, especially in the waters to the west /setwaypoint 13929 3180
Hand in the quest to Keeper Larial in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13081 3443
Science Under Pressure
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13735 3471
Collect Basalt Barriers from Smoldering Piles x3
Collect a Pumice Filter
Collect an Obsidian Reflector
Go all the way back up the slope, past Sylver Valis and then turn a U bend to the left at /setwaypoint 13813 3501 keep going up this slope til you reach the Pumice Rocks at /setwaypoint 13676 3469
Right click them to collect the Pumice Filter.
Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13735 3471
Rage Inside the Machine
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13735 3471
Use the Spirit Collector on Magma Spirits to enrage them
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Collector’
Drop back down to the lower level and find the Magma Spirit mobs.
Target a Magma Spirit and use the Spirit Collector, the Magma Spirit will get bigger and have a buff called ‘Enraged’
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Kill Enraged Spirits x8’
Kill the Magma Spirits while the enraged buff is active on them.
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Insert the Spirit Collector into the Focusing Cylinder’
Go back up the slope to Sylver Valis, next to him you will find the Focusing Cylinder
/setwaypoint 13737 3474
Right click the Focusing Cylinder.
Hand in the quest to Sylver Valis in Searing Brink at /setwaypoint 13735 3471
Unbind Him With Science
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13735 3471
Speak with Anthousa Mona in the northern cave at the bottom of Searing Brink
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Use the Spirit Collider on Jace’s Spirit Prison’
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘Spirit Collider’
While Anthousa Mona is casting her spell on the Spirit Prison (pink crystal in the middle) You will be able to target the Spirit Prison and use the Spirit Collider.
Protect the People
The quest is picked up from Sylver Valis in Searing Brink
/setwaypoint 13735 3471
Confront Karris
You will have a quest item attached to your sticky called ‘The Wanton Cipher’
Stand in the middle of the platform and use The Wanton Cipher
A rift will open!
Complete the stages of the rift.
Be sure to watch Karris throw some bad guys into the lava.. lol
On stage 4 you can kill Karris.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Atia at /setwaypoint 13434 4139
Restoring Tradition
The quest is picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia
/setwaypoint 13434 4139
Use Jace’s Cleansed Crystal at the Seat of the Temple Spirit
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Bring Jace Mona to the Archive Crystal — Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Body — Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Mind — Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Spirit’
Take Jace to each of these locations around Atia. Jace will follow you for 10minutes, if you lose him, go back and summon him again.
Bring Jace Mona to the Archive Crystal
/setwaypoint 13339 4126
Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Body
/setwaypoint 13524 4193
Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Mind
/setwaypoint 13515 4211
Bring Jace Mona to the Shrine of the Spirit
/setwaypoint 13505 4176
Your quest objective will now change to ‘Return Jace Mona to the Seat of the Temple Spirit’
Leace Jace back to the centre of the courtyard.
Hand in the quest to Anthousa Mona in Atia at /setwaypoint 13434 4139
Completing this quest will grant you the cheevo ‘The Wanton Purged’

The Keepers of the Flame
The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446
Commune with the NPCs listed
At each location is a pedestal that you click to make the NPC talk.
Commune with Talos
/setwaypoint 13094 3446
Commune with Karine
/setwaypoint 13067 3450
Commune with Ula
/setwaypoint 13035 3475
Commune with Nazim
/setwaypoint 13068 3427
Commune with Asias
/setwaypoint 13043 3407
Hand in the quest to Darius in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13020 3446
Nexus Infusion
The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446
Attack Planar Anomalies and gain Planar Charge
To Hold Back the Inferno
The quest is picked up from Darius in Ember Watch
/setwaypoint 13020 3446
Defend the North Tether and Defend the South Tether
Notes for Completionist..
- After you have completed all the Quests in the level 50 and 60 area, there will be 32 quests still listed. These quests are Guardian only quests and cannot be completed by your Defiant character.