Storm Legion Quests

Dailies and Weeklies Available in Storm Legion Zones

  • Dailies can be picked up and completed each day. The day resets at 4am server time. Dailies are mostly for farming notoriety, they can also reward some open world currencies, including Void Stones and Platinum. Some dailies wont be available to pick up until you have completed the story quests in the zone and/or reached a certain character level.
  • Weeklies can be picked up each week. The week resets at 4am each Wednesday. Weeklies will often reward NMT level dungeon and/or raid currencies. Weeklies will often require a group to complete.
  • Defiants and Guardians have the same quests through most of the Storm Legion zones, so the dailies are now the same for both factions.
  • This page is for the daily quests available in the Storm Legion zones. If you are looking for main/story quests then find them here.
  • Cape Jule and Pelladane have fishing dailies, where you can turn in fish for notoriety and/or other rewards. You can find locations for these fishing dailies here.
Tempest Bay

In the Hunt Room of Tempest Bay you will find weeklies for the Storm Legion raids, daily quests for Hunt rifts and a random daily raid rift quest.

— Picked up from Tarn Birdesa in The Tempest Bay hunt Room at /setwaypoint 13124 11503
— Awards The Lycini notoriety.
— Random Raid bosses each week.

Jultharin’s End
— Defeat Jultharin –  Jultharin is one of the bosses in the Triumph of the Dragon Queen Raid — This is a level 60 10 man raid.

Preventative Treatment
— Defeat the Matriarch of Pestilence – Matriarch of Pestilence is one of the bosses in the Endless Eclipse Raid — This is a level 60 20 man raid.

— Picked up from Korvin Anders in The Tempest Bay hunt Room at
/setwaypoint 13129 11509
— Awards Torvan Hunters notoriety.
— Available every day.

The Great Hunt
— Collect Planarch’s Power Sources from Planarchs in Great Hunt rifts x3

Hunting Heralds
— Collect Empyrean Power Sources from Heralds in Hunt rifts x3

— Picked up from Gemma Arforan in The Tempest Bay hunt Room at /setwaypoint 13132 11516
— Awards Torvan Hunters notoriety.
— Available every day.
— You can buy the Storm Legion Raid Rifts from the Rift Store > Rifts > Raid Rifts section.

Crucia’s Chosen
— Destroy Goros the Chosen and collect the Orb of Storms as proof.

Hell’s Insurgents
— Capture Indelik’s Ambassador’s Pin.

Mutant Progeny
— Destroy Xankor and collect the Mutagenic Core as proof.

Cape Jule 50-52

Cape Jule has no daily quests except the 3 Onslaughts, and some fishing quests.

Pelladane 50-52

Pelladane has 1 daily quest, the 3 Onslaughts, and some fishing quests.

— Picked up from Lieutenant Moriya Brei in Cirkbo Plains at /setwaypoint 7831 5377
— Does not award notoriety.
— Available every day.
— This quest is part of the prep for the City Core puzzle.

Lost Lambs
— Rescue Lost Lambs x10

City Core 52-53

In City Core there are dailies to close 2 rifts and kill 18 rift creatures. There are also 2 Onslaughts.

Defiants pick up from Derr Alwic in Miran Gate at
/setwaypoint 7017 10176
Guardians pick up from Ralok Denn in Vaud Tower at
/setwaypoint 6720 9993
— Awards Eternal City Survivors notoriety.
— Available every day.

Close the door
— Seal rifts in City Core x2

Defiants pick up from Sebia Rawyn in Miran Gate at
/setwaypoint 7016 10163
Guardians pick up from Seren Thiell in Vaud Tower at
/setwaypoint 6710 9991
— Awards Eternal City Survivors notoriety.
— Available every day.

New Places, Same Faces
— Kill rift creatures in City Core x18

Eastern Holdings 54-56

Eastern Holdings has a single daily quest that is just for Guardians, as well as 4 Onslaughts.

Guardians pick up from General Batua in Ursin Grove Bunker at /setwaypoint 7869 7751
— Awards Eternal City Survivors notoriety.
— Available every day.

I Love You, Man!
— Finish a dozen drinks before the time runs out x12

Seratos 53-56

In Seratos there are dailies to close 2 rifts and kill 18 rift creatures, and a drinking challenge daily! There are also 5 Onslaughts.

— Picked up from Sonla Kenka in Necropolis at
/setwaypoint 10923 4890
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Available every day.

Our Efforts: Seratos
— Seal rifts in Seratos x2

Planar Invaders: Seratos
— Kill rift creatures in Seratos x18

— Picked up from Zali Fio in The Thirsty Skull Pub, Necropolis at
/setwaypoint 10810 4719
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Available every day.

Pustulant Ale Challenge
— Fill Empty Steins within the time limit x10

Ardent Domain 57-58

Ardent Domain has no daily quests except the 3 Onslaughts.

Morban 57-59

In Morban there are dailies to close 2 rifts and kill 18 rift creatures. There are also 4 Onslaughts.

— Picked up from Viido Stuzzi in Arlan’s Challenge at /setwaypoint 14145 5989
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Available every day.

Our Efforts: Morban
— Seal rifts in Morban x2

Planar Invaders: Morban
— Kill rift creatures in Morban x18

Kingsward 59-60

In Kingsward there are dailies to close 2 rifts and kill 18 rift creatures. There are also 4 Onslaughts.

— Picked up from Fin Quartus in Menagerie at /setwaypoint 4613 9019
— Awards Eternal City Survivors notoriety.
— Available every day.

Hostile Environment
— Seal rifts in Kingsward x2

Frightful Menagerie
— Kill rift creatures in Kingsward x18

Ashora 60

Ashora was an end game zone for level 60s.
You will find 5 random dailies each day in the town of Nurjak Vostra, they all award The Qaijiri notoriety.
There is a cheevo for completing all 10 of these dailies called ‘Questing for the Qaijiri‘.
There are also 9 Onslaughts.

Picked up from Shepherd Halkilk in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3615 8222

The Thirst Quencher
— Rescue Lost Brevane Scouts x12

The Rest Of The Dead
— Kill Undead in Arjuros x12

Picked up from Qula Arjat in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3621 8228

Seeding the Future
— Plant Seeds in Promising Soil x6, and Fertilize Sprouts using Qaijiri Fertilizer x6

The Material of History
— Collect Ancient Ashoran Tablet x10

Picked up from Javarlal Sen in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3627 8254

Drop of Life
— Collect Life Pods from Architects x20

Sacred Ground
— Place undead wards in Arjuros x5

Picked up from Yatas Frechet in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3597 8245

Harvest Rescue
— Collect Midnight Blooms x12

Dust Devils
— Use the Cyclonic Devolver on the Violent Dust Devil.

Picked up from Tenzin Dawal in Nurjak Vostra at /setwaypoint 3579 8216

From Whence You Came
— Destroy Energy Extractors x8

Snake Charmer
— Collect Brushcrawler Asps x10

K'Roms Fortress / Border Fort

K’Roms Fortress / Border Fort dailies were introduced as part of the Dendrome zone release.
These quests can be picked up at multiple border forts all along the Ashora/Dendrome border.

There is a cheevo for completing 250 of the Border Fort dailies called ‘Frontier Fortifications‘. Note: The Foundry orders do not count towards the cheevo, meaning at 4 quests a day, it will take 63 days to complete the cheevo!

Army Ants
— Kill Architects along the Dendrome Wall x60
— Picked up from Forward Camp Quartermaster at a border fort, like the one at at /setwaypoint 3871 6571
— Awards The Achyati notoriety.
— Available every day.

— Picked up from Stablemaster Kalbir in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 2998 6779
— Awards The Qaijiri notoriety.
— Random Daily.

Ride Them Down
— Use the Yarnosaur Reins to mount an Armored Yarnosaur

Scarab Stomp
— Verify the Contents of the Barrels x3

— Picked up from Airman Sorvas in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 2985 6751
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Random Daily.

A Kick to the Taste Buds
— Collect Drumsticks from Tasty Chicks by kicking them into a bonfire x5

Desert Storm
— Use the Cyclonic Devolver to siphon energy from Dust Devils.

— Picked up from Captain Delund in K’rom’s Fortress at /setwaypoint 2977 6736
— Awards Eternal City Survivors notoriety.
— Random Daily.

Fauna’s Fury
— Use the Physical Fluctuator to shrink a Wandering Desert Trampler.

Over the Wall
— Place a Catapult on one of the platforms.

Under the Wall
— Find an abandoned Wall tunnel.

Steppes of Infinity 60

Steppes of Infinity was an end game zone for level 60s.
You will find 2 Planar dailies and 4 random dailies each day in the town of Zerzala , they all award Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
There is a cheevo for completing all 24 of these dailies called ‘Caretaker Conscription‘.
There are also 3 Onslaughts.

Our Efforts: Steppes of Infinity
— Seal rifts in Steppes of Infinity x2
— Picked up from Josto Feri in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15681 7111
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Available every day.

Planar Invader: Steppes of Infinity
— Kill rift creatures in Steppes of Infinity x18
— Picked up from Josto Feri in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15681 7111
— Awards Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.
— Available every day.

Picked up from Arlan Merkur in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15689 7118

Cold as Ice
— Kill Legion Researchers x4, and Legion Pillagers x8

Battle for Static Vale
— Kill Thunder Gales.

Mind Trapped
— Free Enslaved Tk’ztk with the Leech lure x10

Like the Wind
— Kill Storm Shriekers x8, and Storm Lashers x12

Legion Air
— Kill Storm Shriekers soldiers at The Infinity Gate x10

The Infinite Excavation
— Kill Tk’ztk Overseers x6, and Tk’ztk Diggers x18

Picked up from Vora Orabel in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15678 7114

Fahrenheit 450
— Collect Frozen Tomes x10

Releasing Flames
— Use the Embodied Flame on Infused Storm Crystals x12

— Use an Airtouched Stone, and Kill Cyclonic Chargers while Charged x10

Into Thick Air
— Use the Corporealizer on Cyclonic Squalls, and Collect Gaseous Husks from slain Cyclonic Squalls x5

Under Fire
— Destroy the Storm Legion Barracks using a Power Cannon, and Kill Storm Legion units with the Power Cannon x50

Infinity Thieves
— Collect Infinity Gate Fragments x12

Picked up from Pevro Stallo in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15651 7116

Shattered Knowledge
— Collect Scholar Fragments x24

Extraction Action
— Collect Storm Crystals x40

Up In the Air
— Collect Planar Motes x10

Prism Power
— Collect Tempest Shards x12

— Overload Storm Legion Capacitors x10

The One that Got Away
— Use Harmonized Aquatic Infuser to transform into a Coldmurk Hunter

Picked up from Nixtoc in Zerzala at /setwaypoint 15639 7121

— Kill Itonikar.

Ice Heart
— Kill Yashori, Atos, and Svikis.

Crucia’s Own
— Kill Garza.

The Chosen Few
— Kill Crucia’s Hands x5

Hit List
— Kill Air Mistress Jodin, Captain Frigain, and Sorceress Friala.

Poisoned Tide
— Destroy Tidestones empowering Tk’ztk Brutes x4, and Kill Tk’ztk Brutes x4

The Dendrome 60

The Dendrome zone was released as an additional end game zone for level 60s. 
You will find a variety of dailies and weeklies offering notoriety for the 3 end game level 60 factions.

3 Mote Quests
— You can pick up and complete all 3 quests at the same time.
— Award Hailol notoriety.
— Available every day.
— The cheevo for collecting 10,000 motes is called ‘Maximal Motes‘.

Merciful Motes
— Collect Motes of Fae Power x50
— Picked up from Rosepetal in Hailol at /setwaypoint 3932 5630

Momentous Motes
— Collect Motes of Fae Power x50
— Picked up from Daya Patth in Achyati Village at /setwaypoint 3932 5630

Magnanimous Motes
— Collect Motes of Fae Power x50
— Picked up from Alaric in Solstice Tower at /setwaypoint 3084 5480

1 Hailol Foothold Quest

Fun Time Having
— Complete Hailol Footholds x3
— Picked up from Birch in Hailol at /setwaypoint 3911 5579
— Awards Hailol notoriety.
— Available every day.
— There is a cheevo for completing 500 Footholds called ‘Hailol is Having Fun‘.

1 Stronghold Assault Quest

Stronghold Assault
— Defend Empyreal Strongholds x3
— Picked up from Zirina Yor in Solstice Tower at /setwaypoint 3085 5569
— Awards Empyreal Alliance notoriety.
— Available every day.
— You can find a complete guide to Strongholds here.

Kill Big Boss Weeklies
— Awards The Lycini notoriety.
— Available every week.
— Picked up from Lady Nessie in Hailol at /setwaypoint 3914 5452
— You can find full guides for these 3 bosses on the Riftgrate Website.

Predator in the Shadows
— Defeat Senbora the Devourer.

The Kaaz’Ra
— Defeat the Kaaz’Ra

Eternal Guardian of the Venidic Locus
— Defeat Ahkane the Eternal

Group Dailies

Big Bad Bugs
— Kill Architects inside Hive Kaaz’Gfuu x20
— Picked up from The Green Faerie in Hailol at /setwaypoint 4071 5541
— Awards Hailol notoriety.
— Available every day.

Extermination Kaaz’Krrch / Kaaz’Icht / Kaaz’Ekt
— Kill Overseer Kaaz’Krrch / Kaaz’Icht / Kaaz’Ekt
— Picked up from Alaric in Solstice Tower at /setwaypoint 3084 5480
— Awards Hailol notoriety.
— Available every day.
— The quest will ask you to kill one of the 3 hive bosses.
— Killing all 3 grants the ‘Six-Feet Underseers‘ cheevo.

Crater Conversion
— Empower the Aenaris x4
— Picked up from Nimu Oro in Achyati Village at /setwaypoint 4127 4577
— Awards The Achyati notoriety.
— Available every day.

Crater Conversion
— Kill Crater Trolls and Brutes x6, and Kill Arak spiders x6
— Picked up from Oglorn Rhom in Achyati Village at /setwaypoint 4127 4574
— Awards The Achyati notoriety.
— Available every day.

— Picked up from Ragairn in Hailol at /setwaypoint 4071 5541
— Awards Hailol notoriety.
— Available every day.

Life Finds a Way
— Use the Living Seed on Architect corpses x10

Planted Magic
— Infuse Equinox Seeds x8

Nature’s Call
— Rescue Hailol Citizens x5

Unconventional Flora
— Collect Shok Flowers x7

Vital Resources
— Collect Pure Honey x12

— Picked up from Sylver Valis in Solstice Tower at /setwaypoint 3084 5478
— Awards Empyreal Alliance notoriety.
— Available every day.

— Repair the Shield Generators x5

He Won’t Miss It
— Acquire Stolen Gold x8

For Science!
— Use the Mutant Gender Checker on Mutated Awakened x10

Alchemical Hazards
— Neutralize Awakened Experiments x7

Rudely Interrupted
— Disrupt Awakened Rituals x5

— Picked up from Suryasta Tibba in Achyati Village at /setwaypoint 4142 4601
— Awards The Achyati notoriety.
— Available every day.

Treasures of the Achyati
— Recover Achyati Artifacts x10

Crafty Carrions
— Kill Dreadclaw Hatchlings x18

Assisting the Achyati
— Free Achyati Priests x7

Stripped of Power
— Kill unmutated Mutant Invaders x8

Wild Magic
— Empower Plants in Creep of Oblivion x10

Ember Isle Underwater 60

There is just one daily quest to pick up.

— Picked up from Keeper Dria in Breaker Point at /setwaypoint 12034 3566
— Allows you to choose between any of the main 6 zone notorieties as a reward.
— Random Daily.

Dreams Come Through
— Destroy the first, second, third, and fourth anchors.

Old-fashioned Fisherman
— Kill Red, Blue, and Yellow Razorfish x4 of each.


Each zone has some onslaught locations.
Each onslaught quests asks you to defend the location from 20 invasions. When you go to the location, upgrade the Barrier Relay and invasions will start attacking. This will be pretty slow going for an OP level 70, so some players like to hop between 2 shards and defend 2 (or more) at once! Upgrading the turrets and lifesprings and/or bringing more players can make the invasions spawn faster.
Each Onslaught quest awards a few Void Stones, with most also giving notoriety. They are not really worth farming, but can be useful to help earn the 1000 invasions in each Storm Legion zone cheevos.

Onslaughts in Cape Jule do not give notoriety.

Onslaught: The Mephitis Swarm
— Pick up from Big Shirtless Jim in Tulan at /setwaypoint 8238 11830
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7496 11770

Onslaught: Showdown at Edgestone Ridge
— Pick up from Bad Luck Chuck in Edgestone Ridge at /setwaypoint 8399 10635
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 8327 10678

Onslaught: Cliffside Calamity
— Pick up from Dame Mari Batici in Sanco Outpost at /setwaypoint 7583 11095
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7377 10902

Onslaughts in Pelladane give The Lycini notoriety.

Onslaught: March on the Trenches
— Pick up from Scout Neya Tibolt in Ferric Harbor at /setwaypoint 7722 5574
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7615 5500

Onslaught: Shadow of the Horde
— Pick up from Sergeant Kando Malacida in Fort Mazamar at /setwaypoint 8208 4753
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 8187 4828

Onslaught: The Siege of Aurentine
— Pick up from Big Joe in Cirkbo Plains at /setwaypoint 7732 4993
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7679 4903

Onslaughts in City Core give Eternal City Survivors notoriety.

Onslaught: Citizen’s Library
— Pick up from Durn Vatt in Aqueduct at /setwaypoint 7063 8590
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7097 8676

Onslaught: Aqueduct
— Pick up from Tedwin Paseli in Aqueduct at /setwaypoint 7286 7943
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7235 7932

Onslaughts in Eastern Holdings give Eternal City Survivors notoriety.

Onslaught: Avendrus Estate
— Pick up from Tamoya Xula in Avendrus Estate at /setwaypoint 7514 9724
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7543 9694

Onslaught: Avendrus Estate
— Pick up from Samuel Cuperno in Villa Orphela at /setwaypoint 7919 9385
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 7930 9421

Onslaught: Arkella Estate
— Pick up from Raphael Espestino in Arkella Estate at /setwaypoint 8543 9070
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 8563 9041 and /setwaypoint 9317 8674

Onslaught: Western Commons
— Pick up from AW-2301 Prototype in Western Commons at /setwaypoint 8071 7768
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 8064 7786

Onslaughts in Seratos give Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.

Onslaught: Ruinous Passage
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Ruinous Passage at /setwaypoint 8921 4744
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 8882 4788

Onslaught: Eternal Assault
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Eternal Assault at /setwaypoint 9848 4730
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 9841 4759

Onslaught: Behemoth Graveyard
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Behemoth Graveyard at /setwaypoint 10355 3454
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 10355 3414

Onslaught: Fetid Plains
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Fetid Plains at /setwaypoint 12030 3407
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 12047 3423

Onslaught: Pus Swamp
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Pus Swamp at /setwaypoint 11342 5665
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 11376 5663

Onslaughts in Ardent Domain give Eternal City Survivors notoriety.

Onslaught: Dawnkeeper Vale
— Pick up from Darvik Kivarus in Dawnkeeper Vale at /setwaypoint 6095 9097
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 6076 9149

Onslaught: Cassana Estate
— Pick up from EW-205 Prototype in Cassana Estate at /setwaypoint 5876 10643
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 5894 10575

Onslaught: Temple of Thontic
— Pick up from Brother Emanuel in Temple of Thontic at /setwaypoint 4802 9751
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4813 9612

Onslaughts in Morban give Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.

Onslaught: Forest of Flesh
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Forest of Flesh at /setwaypoint 12644 5598
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 12657 5549

Onslaught: Northern Ruins
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in The Northern Ruins at /setwaypoint 13910 5397
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 13940 5421

Onslaught: Brink of Angoro
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Brink of Angoro at /setwaypoint 14895 6569
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 14868 6530

Onslaught: Black Strand
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Black Strand at /setwaypoint 12893 7373
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 12900 7346

Onslaughts in Kingsward give Eternal City Survivors notoriety.

Onslaught: Menagerie
— Pick up from Budro Velgin in Menagerie at /setwaypoint 4614 9019
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4639 8966

Onslaught: Royal Gardens
— Pick up from Fredricka Rollins in Royal Gardens at /setwaypoint 5250 8833
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 5317 8860

Onslaught: The Academy
— Pick up from Jacksen Tornone in The Academy at /setwaypoint 4985 8034
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 5023 8050

Onslaught: The Armory
— Pick up from Christof Ferriero in The Armory at /setwaypoint 6631 8031
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 6584 8030

Onslaughts in Steppes of Infinity give Necropolis Caretakers notoriety.

Onslaught: Fort Antapo
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Fort Antapo at /setwaypoint 15397 7921
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 15352 7898

Onslaught: Fort Brevo
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in Fort Brevo at /setwaypoint 16053 7935
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 16098 7959

Onslaught: Infinity Gate
— Pick up from Euclid Klara in The Infinity Gate at /setwaypoint 16977 7051
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 16980 7088

Onslaughts in Ashora give The Qaijiri notoriety.

Onslaught: Optheron
— Pick up from Quthani in Optheron at /setwaypoint 3233 8034
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 3213 8060

Onslaught: Karthan Hills
— Pick up from Private Padrotti in Karthan Hills at /setwaypoint 2558 8286
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 2591 8269

Onslaught: Valley of Iron
— Pick up from Thulgan in Valley of Iron at /setwaypoint 2362 7561
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 2387 7588

Onslaught: Arjuros
— Pick up from Qualgan Fazarak in Arjuros at /setwaypoint 2270 6889
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 2321 6913

Onslaught: Enytharis
— Pick up from Tuvat Tazka in Enytharis at /setwaypoint 2345 5947
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 2383 5941

Onslaught: Jurota Lakes
— Pick up from Yarjos Mezrot in Jurota Lakes at /setwaypoint 3902 6757
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 3863 6770

Onslaught: Kelthenas Basin
— Pick up from Thutar Zarakani in Kelthenas Basin at /setwaypoint 4834 6513
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4781 6569

Onslaught: Broken Marsh
— Pick up from Zarvari in Broken Marsh at /setwaypoint 4402 7396
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4333 7412

Onslaught: Vizeya
— Pick up from Garaquai in Vizeya at /setwaypoint 3699 7316
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 3623 7334

The Dendrome

Onslaught: The Place of Dogs
— Pick up from Sir Kirby in Haimad at /setwaypoint 4136 5489
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4203 5459
— Awards Hailol notoriety.

Onslaught: Attacked Achyati
— Pick up from Bara Lankara in Achyati Village at /setwaypoint 4083 4712
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 4006 4644
— Awards The Achyati notoriety.

Onslaught: Kick the Hive
— Pick up from Branquella in Hive Kaaz’Gfuu at /setwaypoint 3490 3910
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 3469 3853
— Awards Hailol notoriety.

Onslaught: Abandoned Advance
— Pick up from Scout Batosi in Temple of the Abandoned at /setwaypoint 2933 4976
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 2980 4960
— Awards Empyreal Alliance notoriety.

Onslaught: Solstice Defense
— Pick up from Captain Virog in Solstice Tower at /setwaypoint 3114 5587
— Onslaught location at /setwaypoint 3105 5678
— Awards Empyreal Alliance notoriety.

Crafting Quests

Storm Legion crafting covers levels 300 to 375 of the crafting skills.
You can find out more on the crafting guide pages.

Crafting Dailies
— When you hit level 301, your daily craft quests will be picked up from Romas Periga, just outside the crafting room in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12775 11665
— Crafting dailies reward crafting currencies, which are used to buy crafting recipes.

Crafting Weeklies
— You will also be able to pick up a weekly quest while your skill level is exactly 375.
— Pick up Weekly Crafting quests from Romas Periga, just outside the crafting room in Tempest Bay /setwaypoint 12775 11665
— The weekly quest will give a CRift lure, which will give materials specific to Storm Legion crafting.