Dailies and Weeklies Available in Mathosian Zones
- Dailies can be picked up and completed each day. The day resets at 4am server time. Dailies are mostly for farming notoriety, they can also reward some open world currencies, including Void Stones and Platinum. Some dailies wont be available to pick up until you have completed the story quests in the zone and/or reached a certain character level.
- Weeklies can be picked up each week. The week resets at 4am each Wednesday. Weeklies will often reward NMT level dungeon and/or raid currencies. Weeklies will often require a group to complete.
- This page is for the daily quests available in the Mathosian zones. If you are looking for main/story quests then find them here.
- Many of the Mathosian zones have fishing dailies, where you can turn in fish for notoriety and/or other rewards. You can find locations for all these fishing dailies here.
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Meridian Sanctum Freemarch Silverwood Stonefield Gloamwood Scarlet Gorge Scarwood Reach Moonshade Highlands Runic Athenaeum Droughtlands Iron Pine Peak Shimmersand Stillmoor Ember Isle Crafting Quests
In Meridian you will find quests for level 50 expert and raid rifts, as well as a Chronicle quest, and some weekly raid quests.
— Picked up from Lord Olangden in Epoch Plaza at
/setwaypoint 6132 5150
— Defiant Only.
— Available every week.
Taking the Fight
— Speak with Raj Tahleed — Use the Planar Coalesence that you receive to open an expert tier rift and then close it.
— Picked up from Raj Tahleed in College of Planar Studies at
/setwaypoint 5903 5307
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Planar notorieties.
— Available every day.
— Kill the Rune King in the level 50 Hammerknell Chronicle.
A Soul in Need
— Kill Alsbeth in the level 50 River of Souls Chronicle.
All About Greenscale
— Kill Greenscale in the level 50 Greenscale’s Blight Chronicle.
— Picked up from Sharis Gunseka in College of Planar Studies at
/setwaypoint 5906 5310
— Defiant Only.
— 2 random quests available every week.
— Awards Ascended Reward Cache or Major Ascended Reward Cache. These contain PAXP.
An End to War
— Defeat Warmaster Galenir and 3 Dark Foci. — This is part of the River of Souls, 20 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
Against the Tide
— Defeat Isskal. — This is a boss from the Drowned Halls, 10 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
Guurloth Didn’t Say
— Defeat Guurloth. — This is a boss from the Gilded Prophecy, 10 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
— Picked up from Raj Tahleed in College of Planar Studies at
/setwaypoint 5903 5307
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Planar notorieties.
— 2 random quests available every day.
— All these rifts can be bought from the planar vendors in the same room as the questgiver.
Razing the Youth
— Close the Drakith Hatchery raid rift in Shimmersand.
Origin of Evolution / End of Evolution
— Close the Primal Evolution expert rift in Stillmoor.
Heart of the Tide
— Close the Hunger of the Deep expert rift in Iron Pine Peak.
Storm Powered
— Close the Storm Legion Elite expert rift in Shimmersand or Stillmoor.
Unstitching the Terror
— Close the Terror of Undeath raid rift in Stillmoor.
Kapora the Frostbane
— Close the Revenge of the Icewatch expert rift in Iron Pine Peak.
The Golden King
— Close the The Golden King raid rift in Shimmersand.
In Sanctum you will find quests for level 50 expert and raid rifts, as well as a Chronicle quest, and some weekly raid quests.
— Picked up from Lila Medows in Tavril Plaza at /setwaypoint 7354 3050
— Guardian Only.
— Available every day.
Taking the Fight
— Speak with Abbess Katia — Use the Planar Coalesence that you receive to open an expert tier rift and then close it.
— Picked up from Abbess Katia in the bottom floor of the tower at
/setwaypoint 7471 3005
— Guardian Only.
— Available every day.
— Kill the Rune King in the level 50 Hammerknell Chronicle.
A Soul in Need
— Kill Alsbeth in the level 50 River of Souls.
— Picked up from Shanik Gunseka in the bottom floor of the tower at /setwaypoint 7469 3005
— Guardian Only.
— 2 random quests available every week.
— Awards Ascended Reward Cache or Major Ascended Reward Cache. These contain PAXP.
An End to War
— Defeat Warmaster Galenir and 3 Dark Foci. — This is part of the River of Souls, 20 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
Against the Tide
— Defeat Isskal. — This is a boss from the Drowned Halls, 10 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
Guurloth Didn’t Say
— Defeat Guurloth. — This is a boss from the Gilded Prophecy, 10 man, level 50 raid — Soloable at level 70.
— Picked up from Abbess Katia in the bottom floor of the tower at /setwaypoint 7471 3005
— Guardian Only.
— Available every day.
Razing the Youth
— Close the Drakith Hatchery raid rift in Shimmersand.
Origin of Evolution / End of Evolution
— Close the Primal Evolution expert rift in Stillmoor.
Heart of the Tide
— Close the Hunger of the Deep expert rift in Iron Pine Peak.
Storm Powered
— Close the Storm Legion Elite expert rift in Shimmersand or Stillmoor.
Unstitching the Terror
— Close the Terror of Undeath raid rift in Stillmoor.
Kapora the Frostbane
— Close the Revenge of the Icewatch expert rift in Iron Pine Peak.
The Golden King
— Close the The Golden King raid rift in Shimmersand.
Freemarch has 3 rift creature killing dailies, which you can pick up all at once, as well as the close two rifts daily.
There is also a farming daily in the middle of the zone.
— Picked up from Warden Rin in King’s Retreat at /setwaypoint 6317 4538
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Freemarch Wardens notoriety.
— Available every day.
Unwelcome Guests
— Kill rift creatures in Freemarch x10
— Picked up from Korra Flynn in Defiant’s Approach at /setwaypoint 6241 5244
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Freemarch Wardens notoriety.
— Available every day.
Good Neighbors
— Kill rift creatures in Freemarch x12
— Picked up from Warden Kiernan in Denegar’s Stand at /setwaypoint 7251 5440
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Freemarch Wardens notoriety.
— Available every day.
Hurt Them Back
— Kill rift creatures in Freemarch x16
— Picked up from Morys Leighton in Leighton Farmstead at /setwaypoint 6905 5208
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Freemarch Wardens notoriety.
— Available every day.
A Farming Experience
— Harvest Albidis Plants x5
— Picked up from Nalise Delrodi in Denegar’s Stand at /setwaypoint 7222 5439
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Freemarch Wardens notoriety.
— Available every day.
A Longer View
— Seal rifts in Freemarch x2
Silverwood has 3 planar quest dailies, and a selection of daily quests in Quicksilver College.
— Picked up from Darien Shale in Sanctum Watch at /setwaypoint 7197 3026
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— Available every day.
A Breath from Beyond
— Kill rift creatures in Silverwood x12
— Picked up from Private Elora in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5986 2957
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— Available every day.
A Helping Hand
— Kill rift creatures in Silverwood x16
— Picked up from Captain Sertos in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5983 2956
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— Available every day.
Protecting the People
— Seal rifts in Silverwood x2
— Picked up from Erford Deeprock in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5916 3120
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— 2 available every day.
Practical Application
— Test the Experimental Weakening Wand x8
Ending the Mischief
— Reveal and kill Mischievous Faeries x4
— Picked up from Rillan Greenleaf in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5870 3172
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— 2 available every day.
Raw Materials
— Collect Heartwood Cores x5
Out in the Field
— Protect the Advanced Nature Student x1
— Picked up from Gloria Pamarle in Quicksilver College at /setwaypoint 5885 3102
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quicksilver Scholars notoriety.
— Available every day.
Historical Recovery
— Collect Ancient Tomes x7
The dailies in Stonefield are all found in the central town of Granite Falls. Here you will find 2 planar dailies and 2 quest dailies.
— Picked up from Alia Swann in Granite Falls at
/setwaypoint 4885 4997
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Granite Falls notoriety.
— Available every day.
Scared Riftless
— Kill rift creatures in Stonefield x16
— Picked up from Tahmus Dolbe in Granite Falls at
/setwaypoint 5007 5000
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Granite Falls notoriety.
— Available every day.
Blinded by Science
— Seal rifts in Stonefield x2
— Picked up from Joyce Daley in Granite Falls at
/setwaypoint 4947 4922
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Granite Falls notoriety.
— Available every day.
Extra Strength Relief
— Use the Fluid Injector on Ailing Citizens x5
— Picked up from Jacksen Winsley in Granite Falls at
/setwaypoint 4864 4981
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Granite Falls notoriety.
— Available every day.
Drink Grengrug!
— Fill the Empty Mugs within the time limit x10
In Gloamwood Pines you will find the usual planar dailies.
You will also find quest dailies to grab in Gnarlwood Post, and Tearfall Run.
— Picked up from Captain Rotherdan in Gloamwood Pines at
/setwaypoint 5128 3196
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Gloamwood Waykeepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Volunteer Duty
— Seal rifts in Gloamwood x2
— Picked up from Thalia Cosmin in Gloamwood Pines at
/setwaypoint 5182 3123
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Gloamwood Waykeepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
No Ghost Story
— Kill rift creatures in Gloamwood x16
— Picked up from Waykeeper Ienja in Gnarlwood Post at /setwaypoint 5386 2715
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Gloamwood Waykeepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Goin’ Gobbo Huntin’
— Kill Barkeater Goblins x10, Kill Darkblood Goblins x10, and Kill Nightrock Goblins x10
No Bark, All Bite
— Kill Blackroot Treants x16
— Picked up from Waykeeper Leilandra in Tearfall Run at /setwaypoint 4613 2743
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Gloamwood Waykeepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Making the Dead Stay Dead
— Destroy Fellshade Undead x10, and Destroy Fellshade Cultists x12
Once Bitten, Twice Undead
— Destroy Hagborn Vampires x8, and Destroy Hagborn Thralls x8
Scarlet Gorge
Scarlet Gorge only has planar dailies, picked up in the main town for each faction.
— Picked up from Jared Cliff in Scarwood Lift Base at /setwaypoint 4613 4387
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Quarry Rats notoriety.
— Available every day.
Tear Them a New One
— Seal rifts in Scarlet Gorge x2
— Picked up from Redras Voltan in Scarwood Lift Base at /setwaypoint 4579 4393
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Quarry Rats notoriety.
— Available every day.
Out of this World
— Kill rift creatures in Scarlet Gorge x16
— Picked up from Sergeant Nolist in Stonecrest at /setwaypoint 3843 3133
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quarry Rats notoriety.
— Available every day.
Watching Over the Wash
— Seal rifts in Scarlet Gorge x2
— Picked up from Private Kyeta in Stonecrest at /setwaypoint 3845 3130
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Quarry Rats notoriety.
— Available every day.
Wash Away the Pain
— Kill rift creatures in Scarlet Gorge x16
Scarwood Reach
In Scarwood Reach the two Factions will find their daily quests in the main towns of Perspice, or Kain’s Command. Each faction has planar dailies, a rare killing daily, and a random quest daily.
Both factions can also pick up the daily fighting quest in Lotham’s Strike.
— Picked up from Aliani Hunsar in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3670 4393 (Patrols a bit)
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Red Scar Trackers notoriety.
— Available every day.
The Other Most Dangerous Game
— Kill rift creatures in Scarwood Reach x18
— Picked up from Dehni Elphmen in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3690 4454
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Red Scar Trackers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Wyrd Science
— Seal rifts in Scarwood Reach x2
— Picked up from Nicolai Vanya in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3690 4431
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Red Scar Trackers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Pursuing Prey
— Collect Perspice Hunting Tokens by turning in hunting trophies x5 — Kill 5 rare mobs in Scarwood to loot the trophies.
— Picked up from Nicolai Vanya in Perspice at
/setwaypoint 3690 4431
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Red Scar Trackers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
The Perfect Pelt
— Collect Pristine Drake Pelts x4, and Troll Pelts x4
That’s No Rabbit’s Foot
— Collect Imbued Life Fetishes x8
Waste Not
— Kill Water Elementals x8, and Kill Granitewood Haunt Wildlife x12
Dear Diary: Death Cometh
— Kill Granitewood Crossing Undead x14
— Picked up from Scout Novac in Kain’s Command at
/setwaypoint 3138 3862
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Iron Claw Trappers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Search and Destroy
— Kill rift creatures in Scarwood Reach x18
— Picked up from Sir Martyn Myrsol in Kain’s Command at
/setwaypoint 3143 3874
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Iron Claw Trappers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Fists of Fury
— Seal rifts in Scarwood Reach x2
— Picked up from Vol Spiridon in Kain’s Command at
/setwaypoint 3129 3887
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Iron Claw Trappers notoriety.
— Available every day.
The Hunt Continues
— Collect Kain Hunting Tokens by turning in hunting trophies x5 — Kill 5 rare mobs in Scarwood to loot the trophies.
— Picked up from Vol Spiridon in Kain’s Command at
/setwaypoint 3129 3887
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Iron Claw Trappers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Elven Trinkets
— Collect Direoak Pendants x4, and Fellpine Pendants x4
Their Profane Symbols
— Collect Imbued Death Fetishes x8
On Blighted Wings
— Kill Deathwing Manticores x14
Chronic Cultist Culling
— Kill Shatterbone Cultists x16
No Skin Off My Back
— Collect Pristine Drake Pelts x4, and Collect Pristine Troll Pelts x4
— Picked up from Tank Dooks in Lotham’s Strike at
/setwaypoint 3811 4449
— Both Factions.
— This quest can be completed 3 times every day. It credits the ‘Pit Fighter‘ cheevo.
— Awards a Fighters Purse — Inside there will be random artifacts from the ‘Bare Knuckled: The Return’ set.
Bare Knuckled: The Return
— Defeat the next mystery contender.
Moonshade Highlands
In Moonshade Highlands each faction can pick up a rift creature daily from their own faction town, then head to the central shared quest hub of Reclaimer’s Hold to pick up the rift closing quest, and 6 quest dailies.
— Picked up from Karin Malera in Timberveil at /setwaypoint 5512 2192
— Defiant Only.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— Available every day.
Highlands Incursion
— Kill rift creatures in Moonshade Highlands x18
— Picked up from Ersonin Gray in Three Springs at /setwaypoint 7226 2049
— Guardian Only.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— Available every day.
Highlands Invasion
— Kill rift creatures in Moonshade Highlands x18
— Picked up from Lieutenant Garnn in Reclaimer’s Hold at /setwaypoint 6306 1617
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— Available every day.
Highlands Reclamation
— Seal rifts in Moonshade Highlands x2
— Picked up from Lieutenant Fergon in Reclaimer’s Hold at /setwaypoint 6309 1610
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— 2 quests available every day.
Farthest Fallen
— Kill Corrupted Runeguards x6, and Kill Corrupted Sentries x3
A Gathering Force
— Kill the Demiurge of Water, Fire, Life, Air, and Earth.
— Picked up from Lieutenant Rutger in Reclaimer’s Hold at /setwaypoint 6293 1603
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— 2 quests available every day.
The Wallowing Abyss
— Collect Abyssal Runes x14
The Loci of Moonshade
— Activate the Locus of the Sea, Heart, Land, Sword, and City.
— Picked up from Quartermaster Balint in Reclaimer’s Hold at /setwaypoint 6298 1594
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— 2 quests available every day.
Not So Desolate Husks
— Collect Runemarked Armor Scraps x4
Riven by the Flood
— Collect Runic Energy Capsules x10
Runic Athenaeum
The daily in Runic Athenaeum can be a great boost to your PAXP if you are low level.
— Picked up from Voradrin in Runic Athenaeum at /setwaypoint 7406 1517
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Runeguard notoriety.
— Available every day.
Smoke in the Water
— Rekindle the Drowned Firestone.
Para-elemental Hybrids
— Gather Fatemarked Orchids x10, Gather Stonerot Ore x8, and Collect Kupalkan Roots x8
Encyclopedia Runica
— Collect History of Morana Markings, A Rusalkan Bestiary, Stribog Sisters’ Aerodynamic Studies, The Veles Parallels, and The Kupala Extinction.
Droughtlands has the 2 planar dailies to pick up in Lantern Hook, and a fun race daily on the path to the south.
In the Hunter’s Camp to the east there are a couple of dailies to pick up completing these will earn you the ‘Droughtlands Hunter‘ cheevo.
— Picked up from Captain Deltai in Lantern Hook at
/setwaypoint 7636 6196
— Both Factions.
— Awards Arcane Hand notoriety.
— Available every day.
Tilting the Odds
— Kill rift creatures in Droughtlands x18
— Picked up from Packmaster Jormen in Lantern Hook at
/setwaypoint 7655 6400
— Both Factions.
— Awards Arcane Hand notoriety.
— Available every day.
Quest name
— Seal rifts in Droughtlands x2
— Picked up from Riblog Gonin Spitescar Wash at
/setwaypoint 8123 6571
— Both Factions.
— Awards Arcane Hand notoriety.
— Available every day.
The Full Rundown
— Ring the Challenger’s Brass.
— Picked up from Moose in Hunter’s Camp at
/setwaypoint 8530 6629
— Both Factions.
— Awards Arcane Hand notoriety and a Hunter’s Token.
— Both quests available every day.
Great Hunting Cats
— Collect Heights Cat Pelts x15
Birds of a Feather
— Collect Mangy Feathers x15
Iron Pine Peak
In Iron Pine Peak you can pick up dailies from the three main towns of Chancel of Labors, Whitefall Tavern, and Exile’s Den.
— Picked up from Watcher Beforezod in The Chancel of Labors at
/setwaypoint 4616 1542
— Both Factions.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
Not On Our Watch
— Kill rift creatures in Iron Pine Peak x18
— Picked up from Robern Charrette in The Chancel of Labors at
/setwaypoint 4631 1542
— Both Factions.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
Find Your Own Truth
— Power the Forges to 100%
Root of Life
— Collect Ice Roots x5
Inspirational Bounty
— Collect Raw Tidestones x5
— Picked up from Master-at-Arms Ramos in The Chancel of Labors at
/setwaypoint 4528 1703
— Both Factions.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
Fortify the Defenses
— Place Ballista.
Train the Recruits
— Speak to an Oathbound Trainer.
Hold the Line
— Debrief the Oathbound Scout.
— Picked up from Christa Malice in Illumination Point, Whitefall Tavern at
/setwaypoint 3634 1720
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
— Defeat Supercharged Firebrand Constructs x8
Genuine Firebrand
— Gather Firebrand Power Source x10
Construct Charging Stations
— Collect Discharged Power Core.
— Picked up from Nal’Mora Quinim in Sanctuary, Whitefall Tavern at
/setwaypoint 3716 1925
— Guardian Only.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
A Deeper Planar Source
— Defeat Discharged Sourcestone Spirits in Mage’s Mark x8
Firebrand’s Source
— Gather Firebrand Power Source x10
Concentrated Source
— Collect Discharged Power Source.
— Picked up from Watch-Comander Malik in Exile’s Den at
/setwaypoint 2978 2393
— Both Factions.
— Awards Icewatch notoriety.
— Available every day.
Blood Runs Black
— Use the Vial of Dark Blood to begin the ritual.
Pristine Samples
— Collect Pristine Tidestones x3
In Shimmersand there are a few dailies to pick up in and around Fortune’s Shore, but most of the dailies are found in Wyrmbane Spire.
In Wyrmbane Spire you will find 6 random dailies to pick up, as well as the infinitely repeatable Firebrand quest.
When you have reached Revered Notority with the Dragonslayers you will be able to talk to the Spire Sentry at /setwaypoint 6069 7304 and teleport up to grab 2 more dailies.
There are also dailies to pick up in the northern camp of Gritsquall Haven. These dailies were designed for groups at level 50, so you may find them difficult until you level up more!
— Picked up from Umi Kakra in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6566 7306
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
Turn the Hourglass
— Seal rifts in Shimmersand x2
— Picked up from Tempest Plains in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6886 6940
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
The Swirling Sands
— Kill rift creatures in Shimmersand x20
— Picked up from Jabarik in Fortune’s Shore at /setwaypoint 6602 7018
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
Demolition Impossible
— Collect Extinguished Firebombs x3
Sentries on the Bridge
— Kill Wanton Sentries x8, and Kill Wanton Demolitionists x2
Spies Among Us
— Kill Wanton Spies x6
— Picked up from Farrah Husin in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6119 7284
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— This quest can be repeated many times a day.
Ritual Firebrands
— Colect Ritual Firebrands x50
— Picked up from Haruka Anan in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6100 7302
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— 2 random dailies each day.
Buried Beneath
— Destroy Dragon Roosts x4, and Kill Immature Whelplings x16
Wardens of the Order
— Subdue Warden Aerogar, Avioth, Navin, and Galest.
Fire and Sand
— Extinguish Wanton bone rituals x4, and Kill Wanton Terrors x10
— Picked up from Sameer Zubari in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6117 7296
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— 2 random dailies each day.
Fight Fire With Fire
— Overload the Exhaust Vent and kill the Heart of the Inferno.
Assistance from the Dead
— Kill Wanton Agitators x8
Shattering the Flame
— Kill Sputtering Infernos x18
The Order’s Charge
— Kill Maelforge Emberdrakes near the Flamerod x8
— Picked up from Bahram Feris or Thal Hulifan in Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6128 7301
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— 2 random dailies each day.
Remains of the Past
— Collect Dragonbone Splinters x12
Broodmothers Above
— Kill Maelforge Broodmothers x10
Empowered Whelps
— Kill Maelforge Whelps x6
Emberdrake Assault
— Kill Maelforge Emberdrakes x8
Death to the Wanton
— Kill Firesand Wanton cultists x15
— Picked up from Atifa Noor inside Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6090 7317
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Disrupt and Destroy
— Kill Azose the Malicious, Odeth the Vicious, and Margurd the Obscene.
Ritual Rescue
— Rescue Wanton Sacrifices x6
— Picked up from Talal Almas inside Wyrmbane Spire at /setwaypoint 6071 7323
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
The Cleansing of Firesand
— Obtain the Soul Anchor.
— Picked up from Ganegen Dalub in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5583 6628
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
Clutching at Sand
— Kill Akalan Searchers x18, Enforcers x12, and Dominators x8
— Picked up from Sanari Masu in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5593 6629
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every day.
Abetting the Earthfall
— Kill Akalan Oppressors x12, Depleters x12, Overseers x8, and Ritualists x12
Raid Weekly
— Picked up from Takavu Zinrah in Gritsquall Haven at /setwaypoint 5596 6622
— Both Factions.
— Awards Dragonslayer notoriety.
— Available every week.
The Desert Queen
— Kill Akala
The dailies in Stillmoor are all found in the central town of Zareph’s Return. There are 7 quests to pick up each day; the two planar quests, and 5 quest dailies. There is also a weekly to kill Baron Krevic, this should be easy enough to solo once you are level 60ish.
— Picked up from Casimir Kovitchin Zareph’s Return at
/setwaypoint 1552 2635
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Available every day.
Just Desserts
— Kill rift creatures in Stillmoor x20
— Picked up from Casimir Kovitchin Zareph’s Return at
/setwaypoint 1552 2635
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Available every day.
Still No More
— Seal rifts in Stillmore x2
Raid Weekly
— Picked up from Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1620 2625
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Available every Week.
Herald of Discord
— Kill Baron Krevic.
— Picked up from Dragomir Rakovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1620 2625
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Ready, Aim, Fire
— Use Smoke Targets on Mathosian Commanders’ Squads x3, and Kill Mathosian Commanders x3
The Big Three
— Kill Orlothi the Malignant, Kill Kyaven the Arcane, and Kill Droglos the Vile.
The Dead Ringers
— Kill Sotham the Broken, Kill Gorlush the Untamed, and Kill Kassarin the Spurned.
House of Lords
— Kill Lord Edraam, Lord Khaas, and Lord Adolthos.
— Picked up from Javor Konjovic in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1623 2628
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Random Daily.
No Bones About It
— Kill the Soulless thralls x15
Sanguine Sacrament
— Collect Sanguine Wines x6
Sinking Cinders
— Kill Darkfire Assailants x5, Kill Darkfire Charbringers x4, and Kill Enraged Flames x4
They All Fall Down
— Kill Mathosian Soldiers and Knights x8, and Kill Mathosian undead x8
— Picked up from Radojka Zdrale in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1625 2608
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Random Daily.
The Doctor Is In
— Kill Doctor Vulos Kholum.
Blood Fed
— Kill Darkwood satyrs near the trees x9, and Summon and kill Blood Grove Treants x3
A Fire Inside
— Kill Drugon Khaliknos.
Assault on the Citadel
— Kill Mathosians in the Endless Citadel x15
— Picked up from Valeria Tazin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1602 2613
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Eternal Rest
— Kill Lord Androj Hillsborough.
Balls to the Walls
— Collect Infused Cannonballs x8
Bombs Away
— Disarm Mathosian Mines x5
Culling the Cultists
— Kill cultists in the Endless Citadel x15
— Picked up from Nikola Mirolin in Zareph’s Return at /setwaypoint 1572 2622
— Both Factions.
— Awards Order of Mathos notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Dark Discoveries
— Collect Dangerous Research x10
Cutting the Stitches
— Kill Necromantic War Golems x5
Cooler Heads Prevail
— Use Heaven’s Boon to deouse Magma Pits x6
Going Ballistae
— Sabotage Endless Ballista with Ballista Beaters x4
Ember Isle
Guardians and Defiants can pick up a quest from their 2 main contested hubs, these quests give notoriety towards the specific factions for their race, either Kelari or Farclan.
Guardians and Defiants can both pick up quests from the neutral hub of Ember Watch, here the dailies give ‘The Keepers’ notoriety.
Each Daily quest awards an Ember Isle Reward Bag and notoriety. The bags contain Void Stones, Platinum, or level 50 healing pots.
— Picked up from Sylver Valis in Talos Landing at /setwaypoint 12368 3089
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Kelari Expedition notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Burdens of Friendship
— Shake Urns, make offerings, or dance to draw out Spirits from Urns x4
Stone Blitz
— Plant the Tasty Rock in a Basket to load the Defiant Cannon.
— Picked up from Anthousa Mona in Atia at /setwaypoint 13434 4139
— Defiant Only.
— Awards Kelari Expedition notoriety.
— Random Daily.
— Obtain an Equipment Kit.
— Listen to Shelath.
— Picked up from Borrin Gammult in Fort Zarnost at /setwaypoint 12445 4066
— Guardian Only.
— Awards The Farclan notoriety.
— Random Daily.
The Legacy of Karine
— Reveal and kill the Menacing Spirit, the Mocking Spirit, and the Taunting Spirit.
The Greatest Insult
— Fire Malgam Launchers x4
— Picked up from Solya Karini in Farhall at /setwaypoint 13419 2833
— Guardian Only.
— Awards The Farclan notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Fishing the Farhall Way
— Drink Mush Milk.
Pest Control
— Clear Out Vermin x5
— Picked up from Darius in Ember Watch at
/setwaypoint 13021 3446
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Sourcewells Under Siege
— Collect Sourcewell Energy Caches from Scerrion, Ochrin, Ithkus, Alltha, Tarkaron, and Vornia x4 (Zone Event Bosses).
— Picked up from Miltiadea Charus in Fractured Plain at
/setwaypoint 13455 3111
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Rumbling Thunder
— Follow the Checkpoints to complete the course.
— Picked up from Cilius Enagon in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13037 3451
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Look Again
— Obtain a Shimmering Orb Shard.
Steam Power
— Weaken Steam Elementals near active Suction Devices x3
The Miasmic Tide
— Use the Tidal Focus on Miasmic Conches and kill them x4
Ebb and Flow
— Use the Enthralling Sphere on a weakened Ithkari Wavemage.
Tidal Fury
— Activate the Shrine of Tides.
— Picked up from Jenli Kepora in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13025 3452
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Drakes in the Draft
— Kill a Flame Drake.
Treacherous Transmogrification
— Transmogrify Goblins x5
Target Practice
— Bomb Scheming Pyrkari x1
Find Keeper Phaedrus
— Collect Keeper Phaedrus’s Blaster.
Flame Sucker
— Use the Flame Tick Corpse as a Disguise.
Fighter of Fires
— Collect Bucket of Well Water.
— Picked up from Gregor Turmin in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13026 3441
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Weeding the Wood
— Destroy Choking Vines with the Suppression Bomb x30
Spirit Stampede
— Douse the Stampeding Spirits x4
Raw Recruits
— Defend the Keeper Recruits.
Danger in the Dark
— Speak with a Friendly Spirit.
Heal the Tenders
— Heal the Wounded Greenskeepers x6
Portentous Pods
— Open Stranglepods and Kill the Greenwood Defenders x4
— Picked up from Rorshana Hereni in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13037 3436
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Make Them Fall
— Obtain Gemstone Shards x4
Calling the Gnar
— Kill a Burrowing Gnar.
Rite of Renewal
— Plant the Pillar of Renewal.
Return to Sender
— Collect a Grapeshot Bomb.
Metallurgical Crisis
— Shatter Earthforged Deposits and destroy Slag Brutes x4
— Picked up from Eudona Ghoras in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13046 3440
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Random Daily.
Beneath the Cinders (5 man)
— Kill Wanton Consorts x4, Wanton Flamesires x4, and Wanton Elders x2
The Ancient Core (5 man)
— Kill Magmacore Oni x2, Magmacore Lashers x4, and a Magmacore Tyrant.
Stirring up the Nest (5 man)
— Kill Merfolk Patrollers 3, Sea Wasp Soldiers x3, and Marine Behemoths x3
— Picked up from Nelise Heddan in Ember Watch at /setwaypoint 13050 3435
— Both Factions.
— Awards The Keepers notoriety.
— Available every day.
Feline Intervention
— Knock out Corrupted Wildstalkers and Cleanse Them x5
Sourcewells in Ember Isle
Sourcewells are the original Onslaughts!
Ember Isle has 13 Sourcewell Locations.
Each Sourcewell quest asks you to defend the location from 20 invasions. When you go to the location, grab the quest, then upgrade the Defense Arch and invasions will start attacking. This will be pretty slow going for an OP level 70, so some players like to hop between 2 shards and defend 2 (or more) at once! Upgrading the turrets/lifesprings and/or bringing more players can make the invasions spawn faster.
Each Sourcewell quest awards an Ember Isle Reward Bag and notoriety with The Keepers. They are not really worth farming, but can be a great way to earn the 1000 invasions cheevo.
- Forlorn Fen – /setwaypoint 12867 2671
- Tidewell Inlet – /setwaypoint 13299 2415
- Wellspring Flats – /setwaypoint 12954 3080
- The Stranglewood – /setwaypoint 12415 3553
- Nykantor Ruins – /setwaypoint 12889 3892
- Abundant Wilds – /setwaypoint 12936 4265
- Splintered Shallows – /setwaypoint 13819 2754
- Fractured Plain – /setwaypoint 13430 3205
- Gilded Strand – /setwaypoint 14066 3100
- Fell Fields – /setwaypoint 13291 3785
- Obsidian Shore – /setwaypoint 13851 4044
- Kheramos Village – /setwaypoint 13602 4452
- Temple Of Marakris – /setwaypoint 14176 4277
Crafting Quests
Mathosian crafting covers levels 1 to 300 of the crafting skills.
You can find out more on the crafting guide pages.
Defiants will find a crafting quest giver in Meridian at /setwaypoint 5999 5250
Guardians will find a crafting quest giver in Sanctum at /setwaypoint 7403 2990
Crafting Dailies
— While levelling to 300 you can pick up a daily quest for your craft.
— Crafting dailies reward crafting currencies, which are used to buy crafting recipes.
Crafting Weeklies
— You will also be able to pick up a weekly quest while your skill level is exactly 300.
— The weekly quest will give a CRift lure, which will give materials specific to Mathosian crafting.